31: Structural Chiropractic and Cellular Healing

Transcript of Episode 31: Structural Chiropractic and Cellular Healing

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and special guest Dr. Fred DiDomenico

Dr. Pompa: Hey, welcome! I can tell you guys, as I bring you up to speed—welcome, Dr. Fred. Thank you.

Dr. Fred: Hey brother, how's it going?

Dr. Pompa: Dr. Fred DiDomenico, we are grateful that you made it. I've already had you introduced, and we've already talked about structural correction, chiropractic, why it's different, how it affects the central nervous system. We even talked about some stuff that I'm going to be talking about at your seminar, some really new research. We've probably had one of the craziest shows ever, because we had a pesticide guy. Warren's going to have to go back and watch the show, because it was hysterical.

David: We had dogs. We talked about spiders.

Dr. Pompa: A guy was running around behind David, Warren, spraying pesticides and getting rid of cobwebs. Pretty remarkably funny. Anyways, let's get right to the interview. Thank you for getting on.

Dr. Fred: Sorry I was late, man. We had some technical issues for someone who's not very technically advanced.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, that's me too. It's our generation, Fred. We missed it by one generation, you know?

Dr. Fred: Yeah, I know. Just a little behind the curve, but we're catching up.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for joining us now. We did set the stage. I'm just going to let you add to it a little bit. You are one of the top coaches, if not the top coach, in structural correction type of chiropractic. You train doctors all around the country with this type of correction. I really tried to make a good argument why it's different than regular chiropractic. I'll let you make that argument better. Also, how it can affect chronic pain. How it can affect chronic hormone problems, headaches, and other issues that maybe somebody doesn't realize they have. We have a lot of viewers, I know, that have these problems. My wife is always telling them that, “You need a structural correction type of chiropractor.” Fred, what's the difference? Why is this chiropractic different?

Dr. Fred: That's a long story. To put it in ten words or less, the principle of chiropractic is truth. It's a universal law. Our bodies are life force systems. We're energy in a physical body. I'm sure these listeners understand the principle that the nervous system controls and sends energy to all the organs of the body. We get that. Becoming a chiropractor, I believed in the principle. Traditional chiropractic is great, but the whole bone-on-nerve thing is really only part of the picture. It's curves. Now all the research supports, curves cause stress on the spinal cord. It's not a bone-on-nerve thing. It may have started there 118 years ago, but we should know a little bit more these days. Don't you think?

Dr. Pompa: Yup.

Dr. Fred: It's spinal cord, man, and that's it. I just think that our responsibility as chiropractors is correcting the spine. One thing I love about CBP and Don Harrison was basically, the guy applied math and physics to the spinal model. Everybody in physics and math know that you've got to have a certain degree curve. 30-degree curve radially loads. What's that mean? The force of compression is evenly distributed across the arc. Once a curve gets less than 40 degrees, flat out physical structure collapses. That's just it, man. The problem is, we've got a spinal cord in the middle. If your structure's weak and you cause stress to the spinal cord, you're just going to get sick. I just think if—maybe God knew a little bit about physics and math. A normal spinal structure creates a healthy body, and I just think as chiropractors, that we have a responsibility to help people live to their optimum. Can a person really fulfill their purpose in life, why their spirit came into a physical body, if their body's physically breaking down?

Dr. Pompa: That's right.

Dr. Fred: Go ahead.

Dr. Pompa: When we look at somebody who's healthy, we see this stature. We see this structure that we look at. When we see somebody who's sick, we see the opposite, right? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Meaning that when this starts to happen, we know, looking at the new studies, that that affects the very system of the body that runs and heals the body every day, day in, day out. This will always lead to greater health problems.

Dr. Fred: Yeah, and I think as you look at—we've been in the profession for 118 years, and we see 3.4% of the population. Somewhere, our message to the general public didn't work. Okay, so I get philosophy, man. I started as a philosophy guy. To me, technique was a way to bring the principle alive in people. The reality is the principle is true, so if you have a healthy spinal structure, you're going to be healthy. The principle is truth in a subluxated spine. If you're subluxated, you're going to get sick. The principle exists either way. The question is what's your application. To me, technique was a way to bring the principle alive in people. After 118 years and 3.4% of the population, I don't know, maybe we should do something different. I don't know, what do you think?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. We have a lot of chiropractors watching this show, and we have a lot of just laypeople who have some health issues that look to us for some guidance there. A word like subluxation will resonate with one group and not the other, meaning that you have a bone or bones out of alignment, causing stress into the nerve system. Now that system that is put there to heal the body, now it's not going to do the job that it was able to do if there wasn't interference in that. The subluxation is interference into that system.

Dr. Fred: Yeah, so I didn't realize you had a lot of general public on here. Pardon me for my ignorance. To speak in a common language, there's lots of studies that show an optimal spinal structure, normal curves in your spine, not only people are healthy, but they don't have musculoskeletal problems. The same that people with a distorted spinal structure now, you start losing the curves. Then basically, not only you're at a big biomechanical disadvantage. Those people are going to suffer with chronic pain. In one of the top, well the top, research spinal corrective system, chiropractic biophysics, if you are in the general public or a chiropractor, you can go to IdealSpine.com. They have all kinds of information and research how spinal structure affects organs and overall health. Part of their research shows that people with curves under 30 degrees have pain. Once it gets to 20 degrees, they have chronic pain. What it's saying is the weaker your structure is, the more chronic pain you're going to experience. There are some curves that are associated with a shortened lifespan, where medical research shows—like hyperkyphosis people with hunched backs. They flat out don't live as long. Medical research shows, when your disks start degenerating—in other words, when you have arthritis in your back, you're not going to live as long. The weaker your structure is, the more it degenerates, the more disease and the less probability that you're going to have the same life. Not only quality of life is definitely affected, but literally, the span of your life will be reduced.

Dr. Pompa: Let's give it a look at what this type of chiropractor looks like.

Warren: Do you want an x-ray of a bad neck?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, so Fred, try to explain that a little bit. Bring some light to what we're looking at. Then I want you to describe what this type of chiropractic actually—what an office looks like differently than perhaps what he chiropractic office looks like that some of the people watching this are going to. What is this difference? Explain that x-ray.

Dr. Fred: Yeah, if we look at that, obviously, there's a slight reversal in that neck. The neck should be bent forward, like a backwards C. That one not only is straight, but in the midsection, it's actually reversed.

Dr. Pompa: Warren, can you show —can you draw on there what he's talking about?

Warren: I haven't done that for you in a long time, but I can slap some lines on there. Hold on.

Dr. Fred: Yeah. What you're actually seeing now is when you have that C curve, it's like a backwards C, your spinal cord's very relaxed. The brain sends energy through there like a fire hose, bringing healing energy to all the organs of the body. When you lose that curve, not only structurally does it get weak and collapse, it degenerates at an accelerated rate, but the whole spinal cord is now under tension. There's actually a law, it's called LaPlace's Law. A law means what percentage of the time does this happen? If you see one thing, then a law means you see this result 100% of the time, right? Would you guys agree?

Dr. Pompa: There's a law called LaPlace's and this guy shows that tension —when you take a spinal cord, when you take any wire that conducts energy and you stretch it, it reduces that flow of energy. When you take any fluid-filled vessel and you stretch it, it reduces the flow of the fluid. Now, you have a spinal cord that's carrying energy to the organs. When you have a curve like that, the spinal cord now is being stretched like a rubber band. You definitely have shut down life force into your body. The spinal cord stays alive with blood flow, so you reduce the blood flow to the spinal cord. That's like putting a rubber band around your finger and leaving it there year after year after year. Now what's going to happen is the spinal cords begin to break down? That's really the lifeline to your body. When you see curves like that, not only biomechanically is the structure weak. When it's going the wrong way, that's actually associated with disability, meaning people with that structure have 18 times greater chance of having chronic headaches and back pain, upper back pain, cervical reversal like that. Those people tend to have chronic low back problems, not to mention that the spinal cord's under stress, weakened immune system, weakened metabolism. Really, you're going to continue to get progressively more sick and tired.

Dr. Pompa: Now, let's look at it. Put that up there, Warren, if you could talk to it.

Warren: Yeah, I'm trying to find a good one to print out for us, too.

Dr. Fred: You know, you are supposed to ask before you show my x-rays. I'm just kidding.

Warren: That's not yours.

Dr. Fred: I know, I'm just kidding.

Dr. Pompa: You see the line there. Go ahead, Warren, speak. That's the problem, is Fred can't speak to it.

Warren: Let me pull it back up. I was just trying to print out a normal curve, sorry.

Dr. Pompa: You're going to have to speak to it. Show them the normal curve.

Warren: Again, if there's a chiropractor watching, this is really horrible, this is really horrible marks. Just so you know, I didn't have a protractor and all the things I used to do for Dr. Pompa back in the day. The curve should be, obviously, run like this, right about a 45-degree angle. This should come around really nice. The difference between this line and this line should be—actually, that's pretty bad. I'm really messing this up. Fred's going to kill me, so I'm not even going to go any further on explaining this. This neck should look like this, and what we're seeing here is in the middle of the neck, it actually buckles and reverses. The curve is supposed to be this way. Her curve is going gently back the opposite direction, probably at about 10 to 15 degrees reversing the opposite direction, causing massive stress, tethering—the stretching that Dr. Fred and Dr. Pompa were mentioning. Now even research shows, like they said, your life expectancy has now been decreased by multiple years because of the lost life flow from your brain into your organs. You're dying a slow death, having a neck like this. The research proved that.

Dr. Pompa: If you look at this, that's the normal C curve that is meant to be in that spine. Here's Fred's point. In other words, if we put a rubber band from here to here and I took this curve and I straightened it, what would happen to that rubber band? It would stretch, wouldn't it? That's simple physics. If we put something back here in the posterior, even if it went around here, and we opened this up and straightened it, that rubber band would stretch. What if we went the other way with it? It would stretch even more and pinch. That's what's happening, and that spinal cord brings all that information, life force, down through the spine. Of course, there's disks that sit in the front. When we go forward with it, all of a sudden, they start degenerating very rapidly. It's like driving around with your car wheels out of alignment. It's inevitable; they're going to wear down very quickly, aka, osteoarthritis, wear and tear, aka, pain, chronic pain. Fred, tell us a little about—because most people are going to say, “I go to a chiropractor. He showed me my x-ray and it looked like that.” If they're going to a chiropractor that really fixes that stuff, what does that look like, so they can say, “Oh, okay, that's what I'm getting. This type of treatment.” Explain that.

Dr. Fred: There's a number of exercises, but it's not like going to a gym. There's traction, where you actually have to sit in very specific—traction based on that structure, that's actually going to pull those proper curves in there while the ligaments adapt. The thing is, what most people don't realize is ligaments deform according to your posture and structure. We're in such a reflection distortion oriented society. In other words, everything we do is bent forward, that in 20 minutes in a sustained posture, in a sustained position, your ligaments are adapting. As you're sitting in your car for 20 minutes, and when you're at your desk for 20 minutes, when you're laying in a messed up position on your couch for 20 minutes, your ligaments are adapting to that structure. That's part of what causes curve changes. There's many reasons—trauma and all these things. When you go to an office that actually wants to change, their goal is to change the curves and prove it to you on post x-ray, in other words, take a second x-ray and show those changes, you have to do certain exercises with many repetitions and sit in traction with your spine in a sustained position for 20 minutes, repetitively. Eventually, the ligaments and the curves will adapt. Now every time you put your spine in that position, you're relieving stress on the spinal cord. You're causing healing energy to move in your body again. You're literally healing and getting stronger. One of the things—and just to share, if you have just 30 seconds here, part of the reason that I'm so passionate about it is I was an athlete when I was young. Multiple car accidents. I wanted to be a stuntman. By the time I was in my early 30's, 33 years old, I had a lumbar disc problem. I had sciatic pain down my left leg for 15 years, and here I was a chiropractor. I had a C5 disc problem. Every time I sneezed, my arms burned. I lost 70% strength in my left arm twice. I almost experienced disability. Traditional chiropractic wasn't changing those curves. Although I may have kept my immune system strong and I didn't have allergies and I didn't have those things, my spine was breaking down, because the structure was weak. I really had to—as spinal correction advanced, by the time I was 40, I was able to do the things that they're teaching now. At 33, I'd lost have the disc height in two segments. I had a 55, 60-year-old spine at 33 years old. Now I'm 53. I have full disc height, I have no neurological problems, I have confidence in my body—so 20 years later, I have a stronger, healthier body at 53 than I did at 33. Part of the reason I'm passionate about this is I believe everybody deserves to live a long, healthy, strong life. The worst challenge, as you know, Dan, because you went through some health challenges and came out on the other side, that the worst possible living hell on earth is having a clear mind and a weak and disabled body. You know that's a choice. When you look at corrective chiropractic care and what you're doing with nutrition, you can take just about any body today, with the systems we have today, and literally reverse the aging process of your body.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, there's no doubt. Structural correction chiropractic has come a long way, even from when I was in it, Fred. That's the type of chiropractic work that I did. It changed my world, too. I had a fracture at C5 and just absolutely lost all the curve in my neck. I went through that same corrective process, myself. I always say I never want to tell anyone to do something I haven't done. I've done this, too. It really has come a long way, even from when I've done it. I think that people don't realize that. Chiropractic has come a long way. I believe structural correction is the future. Does everybody need structural correction? No. I think everybody needs chiropractic. Structural correction takes it to the next—and these chiropractors that do structural correction, they do regular chiropractic as well. It is a specialized form that people don't understand. When you're fixing the spine, looking at a pre and post x-ray is very, very important. It really —

Warren: Here you go, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Oh, there you go. There's the one on—well, I'm looking at it, my right. There you go, yeah. It's a reverse curve. Then the other one is more of a normal curve. That is two different spines, there. That's not the same person.

Warren: What you should look like.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly.

Warren: If you go to your chiropractor and he does an x-ray like this and doesn't do structural correction, I would type onto Google, structural correction chiropractic care, wherever, Minnesota, and find somebody, or get on Fred's website and find one of his doctors, because this is stealing your life away. Just think about it, guys. I'm a layman, I don't know. I'm not a chiropractor, but I'm a scientist. When I look at this, God designed this to physics like a bridge to span this ten pound ball and allow this thing to bounce up and down and all that pressure and stress from your head, so it's perfect. It's like a bridge. When you reverse this, look at all the destruction from that heaviness on a daily basis. Your body's responding to that destruction by calcification, arthritis. You can see the disc space is gone, and this opening is your disc space. It's black and white, what structural correction can do for you. If you wait too late, you're losing life, man. You can't live life to the fullest. No way. It's impossible.

Dr. Pompa: Fred, you gave The Ideal Spine as a way that they can do more research. You can re-give that, and then maybe a website they can go to. There's people looking for a chiropractor, and now, perhaps, a structural correction chiropractor. Lead them in the right direction.

Dr. Fred: The most advanced structural corrective system is called chiropractic biophysics, or the acronym, CBP. C, B as in boy, P as in Paul. Their website is IdealSpine.com. They have a patient website and a doctor website, so you can go find a doctor that has at least been to the seminars. You can be certified in this technique, so the people at the top of the list in your area tend to the be certified people. Then everybody else, they may be good doctors, they just may not have received the official certification. I would definitely go to that website. If you do go to—all chiropractic is great. We're not here to say that people that don't do structural correction aren't good, because all chiropractic helps your body heal. If you do have an abnormal curve or your chiropractor does show you that the curves aren't right, and he doesn't lay out a program that's going to correct those curves, then just know, your body is not going to function the same until you do that. I would seek out a structural corrective doctor. Now for those people who doctors are not doing structural correction, there's really easy steps with home care that you can receive predictable structural correction. If you want to know what those easy steps are, just contact me, and I can let you know what first—I help doctors do this all the time, what the first easy steps are to really getting better results with your patients.

Warren: That's awesome.

Dr. Pompa: How do they contact you, Fred?

Dr. Fred: You can go to EliteCoachLLC.com. You can call me personally, at 253-851-8353. You can email me at DrFred1@msn.com. Really, what we want to do is just help more doctors deliver a higher service and deliver better health to more people. One of the reasons that I do what I do is we want to transform the impression of chiropractic in the general public. Really, we're at a time now, just quick ten seconds, where healthcare and the security of healthcare in this country is really very unpredictable. It's really time that the general public takes their health in their own hands, follow what you're doing, Dan, with the nutrition, gets structural corrective chiropractic, and then it doesn't matter what the healthcare system's doing. You don't have to be a prisoner to what someone else can tell you what you can or can't do. Take your own responsibility, be healthy, live a great life, and fulfill your purpose while you're here in this lifetime.

Dr. Pompa: No doubt. Fred, I want you to finish just with an opportunity to talk about the Chicago seminar. We have a lot of chiropractors watching. Tell them a little bit about what's going to happen at that seminar and how they get there.

Dr. Fred: It's going to be a world-class seminar. We have some of the world-class leaders in the profession that are chiropractors and not chiropractors. Elite Coaching really is head and shoulders above in structural correction, but it's not about the technique. It's really about personal empowerment and systems that can help you create the most lifetime patients. Isn't that really our goal, to have a person truly live the spine optimal lifestyle? Dan, you're going to be speaking on nutrition, which I'm fired up about that. Garrett Gunderson is going to speak to you about really how to fulfill your sole purpose financially and how to use money to fulfill that purpose. We have John Davila that's going to go over how to do payment plans and how to set patients up on affordable care that can really help change your life and results. We also have Roberto Monaco, who was a number one salesperson for Tony Robbins for six years, is going to show you how to deliver your message to groups. Then I'm speaking on a few topics. We're going to go over CA training. It's really going to be a world-class seminar. One thing I guarantee and it's not for inspiration, it's for transformation. Inspiration comes and goes. When you receive a transformation, inspiration is the product. Inspiration automatically flows when you get a transformation. Every Elite Coaching experience will create a transformation.

Dr. Pompa: I want to encourage all of my docs that we train to go, for sure. I can't wait for the seminar, myself. It's going to be great. I think every chiropractor should be there. Like you said, it's not about technique, it's about becoming a better practitioner, no doubt about it. The names you mentioned there, I tell you, I'm excited. I think everyone listening should be excited, too. That's in Chicago. What are the dates, and how do they get there?

Dr. Fred: It's October 4th, 5th. It's downtown Chicago. Call my assistant, really, Dana. 253-851-5899. Sorry, 851-5899. You can go to the website, EliteCoachingLLC.com. It's going to be awesome. I'm excited to see you, Dan. We were associated years and years ago and we took our own paths or whatever, but it's great to come back with you again. I'm really fired up. I've heard so many great things about you and what you're doing and the transformations that you're making. I'm excited to be in the audience.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, well I'm excited to be there, Fred. You're a world changer. We're blessed to be there with you from stage and educating more and more chiros and doctors. Thanks for having me, and thanks for being on our show, man. Appreciate you.

Dr. Fred: Sounds great. Appreciate you guys. I'll see you soon, Dan.

Warren: Thanks for holding with us on this. Have a great weekend.

David: Thank you so much.

Dr. Fred: Thanks, David.

Warren: Bye

David: Take care. Bye.