182: Is Your Coffee Toxic?

Transcript of Episode 182: Is Your Coffee Toxic?

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Meredith Dykstra and Jon and Missy Butcher

>> Go Here to get a FREE sample of Purity Coffee to try for yourself: getpuritycoffee.com

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I'm your host, Meredith Dykstra, and this is Episode Number 182. We have our resident cellular healing specialist, Dr. Dan Pompa, on the line, of course. Today we welcome a very special guest, Jon and Missy Butcher.

We have a very fun topic for you guys today. We are going to be digging into the world of coffee. We all love coffee. We drink it a lot, and we've talked about it here on Cellular Healing TV before. We're going to really dig into the ins and outs of coffee and some of the risks of coffee and a lot of the benefits and how to make your healthiest coffee choices possible.

Before we dig into the interview, let me tell you a little bit about the Butchers. Jon Butcher is chairman of the Precious Moments family of companies. Missy Butcher is CEO of Lifebook and president of Purity Coffee. Together they have founded 19 companies organized around causes that matter.

Though their life is centered on their relationship, their four children, and their work, Jon and Missy are passionate about world travel, fine wine, beautiful homes, contemporary art, and capitalism. Their purpose on this planet is to create the highest possible quality of life for themselves and the people they love while helping others around to do the same. Welcome, Jon and Missy, to Cellular Healing TV. We're so excited to have you.

Great to be here, thank you.

Happy to be here.

Dr. Pompa:
Saying that you're a special guest is putting it mildly. You all are friends of Merily and ours. Maybe Merily can pop in. I saw her. I don't know that she was looking quite presentable yet, just kind of naked. Maybe that's even a better show.

In that case, bring her out immediately.

Dr. Pompa:
Look, I just love and adore both of you. Lifebook, we have so much to talk about before we get into the coffee. Lifebook changed Merily and I's life. Lifebook, if you know for those watching and listening, you might want to throw out an extra bonus for Lifebook. It really changed our life.

It's not just about living life randomly. Lifebook is about planning your life. I'll tell you what, one year after I did it, Jon, my life transformed. I look back, Merily and I both, we realized holy cow. Just sitting those attentions in our life and what we accomplished, literally it's not goal setting, folks.

It's much different than that. We're going to have you on for another show on that, by the way. Let's do that. Meredith put that right in your thinking cap.

That's a whole different topic.

Dr. Pompa:
We did a show on wine with Todd White, Dry Farm Wines. I'll tell you what, it was a huge show, hundreds of thousands of viewers. I know more people drink more coffee. There's a lot about coffee that we need to know.

You have been so involved, both of you, in the history of coffee, the health of coffee. Right before the show I thought you said something really important. Right now we are at a pivotal place about coffee. Talk about the history of coffee and why you said that right now we're at a really important place.

Coffee is an absolute health food. I'm convinced of it. Years ago I told you this. I did some videos talking about the benefits of coffee, even caffeine. I took some hits. I don't think today I would take some hits. Talk about the history of coffee and why today you feel we're at a turning point.

It's a super hot subject. Coffee was first discovered in the 1300s in Arabia. How they discovered it; there's these monks running out in Ethiopia just keeping track of their goats. All of a sudden, one day, they saw that their goats were behaving strangely.

They had all kinds of extra energy. They're jumping all over the place and they realized that they'd been eating these coffee beans. That's how coffee first was discovered in Ethiopia. They began to understand these amazing properties.

Dr. Pompa:
I have to stop you right there because I'm literally holding back this hilarious belly laugh. The Pompas discovered coffee because my wife was acting strange. I swear to God, this is a true story. We moved into a new house, and it had one of those -inaudible- machines in the walls. Is that how you say it?


Dr. Pompa:
She decided she was going to make coffee because she was tired. All of a sudden I was like where's Merily? She's outside in the driveway picking up sticks, as she told me. Then she's just chattering.

She was cleaning, cooking that whole night, I swear to God. The goats were acting strangely. I said I've got to try this stuff because I never drank coffee growing up, so goats and Merily.

Over the next couple hundred years, human beings had to really start to position how they felt about coffee. There were some popes that called it the devil's drink and outlawed it. There was actually a time in history where there was a death penalty for drinking it. It was a highly illegal substance. They called it the devil's juice.

It went through a really interesting history all the way up until the 50s. This is where the modern story starts because in the 50s is when they really jacked up coffee's reputation. They did a lot of studies in the 50s that basically linked coffee to hundreds of diseases and disorders, including pancreatic cancer and breast cancer and all kinds of things like that. That's when coffee got it's bad reputation as a vice, as an unhealthy substance.

Here's the thing about those studies, and this is across the board. There's three organizations. The MINDBODY University, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Mayo Clinic took a look at all the data collected in the 60s, and they controlled that data for heavy alcoholism and cigarette smoking. What they found is that those early studies failed to differentiate between heavy coffee use and heavy smoking and heavy alcoholism, which back in the 50s it was 3 martini drinks at lunch and everyone was smoking 2 packs a day, Mad Men, that whole deal.

When The New England Journal of Medicine controlled those original studies, removing data from people who were abusing their bodies in other ways, the findings on coffee literally reversed. All of those original studies have literally been debunked by the greatest scientific institutions in the world. What's happened since the 50s is there have been 19,000 studies conducted on coffee and health. It is the most widely researched food product on earth. It's also the third largest food commodity on earth. We're talking about a massive business here.

These 19,000 studies prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that coffee is in a class by itself when it comes to health and wellness properties, specifically for disease prevention, but in a number of different categories. This is information that consumers don't have. The interesting thing about this is here's the story of how we started Purity Coffee. Our partner, Andrew Salisbury, who's a Lifebook member and one of our dearest friends, his wife was having health issues. They couldn't figure it out.

They felt that it was around adrenal fatigue, but the bottom line is she had no energy. She was drinking a lot of coffee to try to compensate and get energy. The first thing Andrew discovered is with all this coffee she's drinking, is it healthy or unhealthy for her? He started doing a little bit of research, and that's when he discovered these 19,000 studies.
He brought them to me and said, “Jon, I've discovered something that is so profound, that no one seems to know. Even doctors, even chiropractors that we know don't have this information.” He sat down and shared it with me, and I was blown away. You can go to PurityCoffee.com, click on the health benefits of coffee, and read what I'm talking about. It will blow your mind.

Sixty-five percent reduction in Parkinson's, 40% reduction in Alzheimer's, 40% reduction in your chance of getting type II diabetes, any liver disorder, it's nuts. I'm talking about three to five cups of coffee a day versus non coffee drinkers. Eighteen percent longevity increase from coffee drinkers versus non coffee drinkers. It's in a class by itself, but nobody knows this information.

We started down the path of figuring out how to create the world's healthiest coffee, and that's how this whole thing started was because of Andrew's wife's health problems, all these scientific discoveries that we made. Then we started hooking ourselves up with the leading professors, doctors, and coffee scientists in the world. That's when we were really able to dial in this formula. I'm sure I just got way ahead of myself, Dan.

Dr. Pompa:
I do believe you have the healthiest coffee on the planet in how you came about that.

We've tested that coffee now against 78 coffees, 49 brands leading brands representing 80% of the coffee market. Our coffee is the healthiest in the world by a mile with two criteria we're looking at. We have the most of the good stuff, which is the antioxidants, the CGAs, the lipids that are healthy for you, and the least of the bad stuff, which is all the toxins. That's what we've spending the last two years of our lives dialing in. Dan, as you know, you can feel it in your body.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt about it. I looked at those comparisons as well. No doubt, I think in our health niche, as we would call it, there's a very popular coffee that everybody's drinking. No doubt, yours blows it away in every way. Let's just back up one second. I think you also said something else when we were talking before the show that there's never been the health component brought into coffee.

We can look at these studies and realize there's so many amazing benefits, but processing of coffee, we really screwed a good thing up. This sounds the same as so many things. By the way, when you're telling that story, that sounded the same as the fat story with [Allen Keyes] and what he did and how they made fat look really bad. It just never got out of what we thought about fats, and the same with coffee.

Because of this, man looks at faster ways to process things. We end up screwing something really good up. Tell us what's bad in coffee and what put you on the search for the best coffee.

Here's the main issue is that health benefits have never even been on the radar screen for coffee companies ever. They've always been under this mistaken impression that they sell an unhealthy product. The bad press that was given in the 50s, they don't understand the health benefits of what they're selling, so they're not focused on it. Coffee is basically on three purchasing criteria.

Number one is cost. That's what all coffee companies focus on. How can we produce the best coffee we can with the least amount of money? Number two is convenience, where you buy it, how to get it to you quick when you want it hot. Number three is flavor. These are the three criteria that companies use to sell coffee.

What we're trying to do at Purity is adding a fourth criteria that we want customers to focus on, and that's health benefits. Cost is important. You don't need to be buying coffee that's $150 a pound. Flavor is incredibly important, and so is convenience, but we're saying so is health. We're the first coffee company that's going out there and asking consumers don't you think the healthiness of the coffee in your cup would be another reason for you to make that purchasing decision?

At Purity, we make every decision based on health first. Health comes first.

Which is the dramatic difference for Purity Coffee.

Nobody else does that.

Nobody else does that. Other companies are focused on cost, taste, and convenience. We're focused on health, period. Flavor is secondary, but the great thing, as you know, our coffee is one of the best tasting coffees in the world because it's so pure.

Here's what to look out for in coffee. Let me say this. I'm going to take you through our Purity health profile because that really illustrates what to look out for that most companies don't do and what we do at Purity that's different. The first thing that we do, Dan, is we comb the world for the healthiest green beans available, and we test them in three labs. One is at the University of Brazil, one is in Lisbon, Portugal, which is our [croamide] lab, and one right here in Illinois for toxins.

We have five points in our sourcing criteria. Our coffee always has to be organic. That just cut out 97% of coffee in the world. Only 3% is organic. That's what we're starting with.

It's got to be organic, it's got to be completely mold free, which means we have to find companies that don't use the standard processing where mold and microtoxins can come up. It's got to be near zero defects, etc. We've got very stringent sourcing criteria, and we're testing to find the world's healthiest green beans to start with. It could be from Java, it could be from Costa Rica, it could be from Brazil. That will change over the years.

As the new harvests come up, we test the very best companies with the new harvest. That's where we start. Now we've got the healthiest green beans money can buy. Then our true black box, the thing that only we can do that nobody else can do is our roasting protocol. This is run by our lead scientists at the university of Brazil.

She's arguably the world's leading expert on the subject of coffee and antioxidants. She's produced more papers on the subject than anybody else. She's got a laboratory down there that's specifically dedicated to dialing in this roasting protocol. What happens when coffee is roasted? This is fascinating, and most people don't understand this.

When you roast that green bean, hundreds of chemical compounds come up and are created and destroyed in the process. As you roast coffee, the CGAs, the antioxidants, which are the good things — that's what makes coffee so miraculous — start to diminish. The longer you roast it, the more the CGAs diminish.

When you get down to the very dark French roasts, there are almost no antioxidants in that coffee anymore. They've burned them all out. Another thing that happens as you're roasting coffee is a toxin called acrylamide diminishes. Acrylamide is going down, but there's another toxin called PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. What that basically is burnt charcoal. If you burn a steak, it's carcinogenic. You don't ever want to eat burnt charcoal.

Dr. Pompa:
It's very bad.

The PAH starts to come up as CGAs go down and acrylamide goes down. All the way through this dynamic process, there's a sweet spot that you can hit for each harvest that's within seconds of pulling that coffee out of the roaster. What we do is we roast and test and roast and test until we find the absolute sweet spot where the healthy compounds are maximized and the unhealthy toxins are either completely eliminated or minimized. That's why Purity is the healthiest coffee.

Then we pack with nitrogen flushing to ensure that coffee is as fresh the day we roasted it as the day you open the package. That is what makes Purity the healthiest coffee available today. That is an almost impossible production practice for a big established coffee company to integrate into their system. It's very difficult to re-tool. It's a lot easier for a new company like us to design their entire business model around that than it is for an older company to try to integrate those best practices. They're not set up for health.

Half of what we do is testing.

We found that coffee companies don't test for health.

No. Nobody even knows that you should test coffee.

Dr. Pompa:
No, exactly. That was one of the things that I've spoke about -inaudible- they allow in your average American wine. They don't have to be on the label. I would say coffee is the same.

This brings up the whole thing with roasting. What you just described goes far beyond whether it's a dark roast, medium roast, or a light roast. That's kind of what you're talking about. The dark roast, you're getting way too much of those burnt PAHs.

The light roast, you might be getting too much acrylamide.

Dr. Pompa:
That's right. Exactly. That balance is key. I think you would call yours a medium roast, but it goes beyond that.

The other thing, Dan, this is really important what Missy said. This changes from harvest to harvest. Coffee is like grapes. You know the 2000 Bordeaux Vintage is totally different than the 2001. Same grapes, same plants, but completely different attributes of 2000 Vintage to 2001.

Coffee behaves the same way. We can't just say this year we're buying our coffee from -inaudible- facility in Brazil, and we're going to hit the roasting protocol, we're going to dial this coffee in. We can't use that formula next year. First of all, Brazil might not win the contest next year. First, we might be going to Ethiopia or Java. Secondly, that harvest has got to have a roasting protocol developed to maximize —

We need to test it first.

Every year we're doing the same process, and that's what ensures the healthiest coffee in your cup.

Dr. Pompa:
Some health coffee people who are out there testing for molds and things like that, you're going so far beyond that. It is like the best wines. You talk to great wine makers, and they're saying you have to start with a great grape. If you start with a bad grape, I don't care what processes you put in. That absolutely does not matter. If you start with a good grape, you can actually ruin the wine as well. It is that perfect combination that you all are putting together in the coffee.

You can start with beautiful coffee beans and mess it up.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt.

We're making conscious coffee. That's what we're doing.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. When I look at this, when you look at these studies on coffee, you say my gosh. This stuff is not just a health food, it's a super food. I think it goes beyond the antioxidants.

We can talk all about the antioxidants, but there's a lot of other antioxidant super foods out there. There's something else. I know there's the benefits of even the caffeine. Maybe it's all put together. Have you discovered anything else that you would say when coffee is done right, this is another aspect of why we think it adds longevity?

You're 100% right. You can't take a look at these decreases in your chances of getting these major diseases, 65%, 70%, 50%, 40%, and say that's just antioxidants. There's something else going on. You're 100% right about that. We do know there are hundreds and hundreds of healthy compounds in coffee.

We also know that caffeine can be incredibly beneficial in moderation. Dan, it seems like the three areas that we've discovered that coffee has the biggest impact are on mental performance, physical performance, and disease prevention. Those seem to be the three big ones. Clearly when it comes to mental performance, caffeine is a winner. No doubt about that.

You don't want to overdo it. How you know you're overdoing it, simply listen to your body. We all know when we've overdone coffee. We get that little jittery feeling. Everyone knows their threshold. With Purity, your threshold is way beyond that because you don't get those bad side effects.

Those come from mold and toxins.

You get a sustained, healthy lift without any of that. You can push the boundary a little bit more on Purity Coffee. Caffeine clearly contributes to intellectual precision, intellectual performance, quickness of mind. There are certain people that shouldn't do caffeine. Pregnant women should really limit or stay away from caffeine.

A few other categories of people need to watch it, but most people can tolerate caffeine in moderation, and it can be a healthy benefit. That's mental clarity. When it comes to physiological performance, and all these studies are full-on double-blind controlled studies by the greatest institutions in the world that prove coffee can enhance these various things. Physical performance is also a result of caffeine in moderation and some of these other incredible compounds in coffee.

Disease prevention seems to be mostly the healthy compounds, specifically the antioxidants. The numbers are so mindbogglingly staggering that there's got to be something else going on. One of our coffee board members, his name is Dr. Sanjiv Chopra. He's Deepak Chopra's brother. They're awesome because Deepak is an endocrinologist, and Sanjiv is a liver specialist.

These are literally the two areas that coffee has the biggest impact onm type II diabetes and any kind of liver conditions. Sanjiv Chopra has been talking about the health benefits of coffee for longer than any human we can find, over 20 years. He just wrote a book called The Big Five, which we're going to make available to chiropractors. I'd love to share this with your tribe.

I'm making a movie with Sanjiv this year about The Big Five. What it is, he's the ex-dean of Harvard Medical. The guy's a stud, and this is a book on his five highest leverage, easiest moves you can make to improve your health and wellness.

And your longevity.

Number one is drinking more coffee, number two is eating more nuts, number three is exercise, number four is meditation, and number five is vitamin D. Those are the five things. Drinking more coffee is number one. He's done some wonderful work around this subject, and we're so excited to have him on our board.

Dr. Pompa:
I would say sunlight goes even beyond vitamin D. There's so much more about sunlight than vitamin D, but vitamin D is absolutely huge. Meredith, people right now are probably saying how do I get their coffee? Tell them how to get it.

It's so hard to make, that we only have four bags a year. Between me and Dan and Meredith, it's all sold out already.


I hope not. You guys are going to have to ramp up the production. If you're listening, you're watching, you want to try out Purity for yourself, go to GetPurityCoffee.com, and you can grab a bag to try for yourself. It's good stuff.

We had it, Dr. Pompa, at your doctor training event in Atlanta a few months ago. It was a huge hit. We had an amazing coffee bar with the Purity and lots of fun add ons as well to upgrade the experience with good fats and healthy sweeteners. I'm curious if you guys could share your personal coffee regime and how much you drink, what you like to put in it, and what you do.

I'm super simple. I used to have one strong cup of coffee in the morning because that's all I could tolerate. Now I can do three with Purity Coffee because it's so pure. I never, ever get any of that anxious feeling I used to get. It's been such an amazing benefit to my life.

I like my coffee black in the morning. I know a lot of people like to put fat in it and other things, which can really enhance the experience. I'm old fashioned. I like it when I first wake up. I want it to help me with my creative work.

Then I have another cup in the afternoon after my nap. I put cream and sugar in that coffee. Whole cream and raw sugar, unapologetically. I know a lot of people don't do dairy and a lot of people don't do sugar. I personally don't think that it hurts me in those kind of quantities. The happiness factor outweighs that anyway.

That's my deal. I have four cups of coffee a day. All these studies were conducted that proved these disease prevention points around three to five cups of coffee a day. That seems like the average optimal amount, if you can tolerate it. If you can't tolerate it on other coffees, you should try Purity and see if you can tolerate it on Purity.

Dr. Pompa:
I was just going to say that.

Why don't you share your coffee regime?

I'm kind of the same with Jon. I drink three to five cups, but I always put whole milk and sugar in mine. Not a lot, but whole milk and raw sugar. What I asked about this when we first started learning about coffee, we were down on one of the farms in Brazil. The little -inaudible- was making the things.

I was like I really like cream and sugar in mine. Is that not good to do? They said it doesn't matter. You should drink your coffee however you like to drink your coffee.

What matters is the coffee. The ingredients should be raw and pure and organic. It's really however you like your coffee, just drink three to five cups.

Dr. Pompa:
I have to say I like mine with a raw cream, 100% grass-fed. If I can't get that, then I get the grass-fed cream from Whole Foods, the organic 100% grass-fed. I think cream in coffee, there's something very special about that.

Do you sweeten yours, Dan?

Dr. Pompa:
What's that?

Do you sweeten your coffee?

Dr. Pompa:
I will use pure Stevia extract. I use very little. I can drink coffee without anything. I actually like every once in awhile a nice black coffee as well. For me, I like both.

When I taste a black coffee, I taste a lot of the coffee. When I put the real raw cream in it, it brings on a whole other characteristic of it. I love it that way. I'm not the big butter guy, MCT oil, coconut guy. To me, it takes away from the coffee.

I think a little bit of cream does it. I think it enhances certain flavors. I think black, you really taste the coffee. That's the way I like it myself. What about you, Meredith?

Oh, gosh. Well, I kind of rotate. I like coffee but I also do matcha, as well, so I kind of rotate. When I’m doing coffee, sometimes it kind of depends on my mood. I do—I love like a little organic heavy cream. Sometimes I do, though, do MCT oil or coconut oil, sometimes blend in the grass-fed butter, the collagen, Stevia. If I really want to make an entire meal instead of eating any food, you just—you put all of that in and then that’s a lot of calories in there.

Dr. Pompa:
I intermittent fast, so I don’t like too much fat. I find it tends to—I get hungry earlier because at that point, it’s almost mimicking a meal. The little bit of cream that I will put in, I find it doesn't. It does nothing to my glucose levels and I just—I continue intermittent fasting easier. Yeah, that’s the way I like it and I’ll tell you what. Warren and I, we travel. Warren doesn’t go anywhere without bringing the coffee and Purity’s just—we rave about it, man. Listen, in our event, we had—I’m telling you. The coffee, it was huge. We get all of the feedback from our event. We had 300-some doctors at this event and Friday night we had 500 of public, and I’ll tell you the feedback we got from the coffee guys, I mean, fantastic. We’ll never do another gig without you all sponsoring it.

Can I just talk real quick because we’ve done some really, really interesting things for chiropractors. Every company that Missy and I start, one of the first things we ask ourselves is how can we help the chiropractor profession with this? We love you guys. We’ve had 700 chiropractors go through Lifebook. We developed a whole chiropractic system for Purity coffee. Everything we do, we try to support you guys, so—

Dr. Pompa:
That’s true; I’ll vouch for that.

One of the things that we have done is we’ve put together a series of talks and lectures that doctors can give for Coffee with the Doc, or Dinner with the Doc, or Patient Appreciation Day where they can take these amazing health benefits out into their community and educate their people. We’ve got a nice little affiliate program if you want to get involved with that. We’re making a movie with Dr. Sanjiv Chopra that we’re going to be getting out to all of our chiropractors. We’ve got an incredible support program built around this for any chiropractor that’s passionate enough about it to maybe bring it into their office. The first step is to try the coffee, and Meredith, what was that URL?

It is getpuritycoffee.com.

Is there a sample bag?

Get Purity Coffee—and that’s a sample bag you get?

They go there and then they can—I just have note here that that’s where we would refer people to, so I—and I haven’t even checked it out, so I’m not sure. I’ll have to check that out right now, but…

I’m sure our team set that up. Getpuritycoffee.com, you can get your sample bag, and if you love it, take a look at our chiropractic packages because our goal is to turn this message of coffee and health into a new patient play for chiropractors. You may be able to get in front of people you couldn’t otherwise get in front of with these little Coffee with the Doc events, share some incredibly important information with them, give them permission to do what they’re already doing from a health perspective because most people still think it’s a guilty pleasure, and help us push our mission forward while we help you push your mission forward. That’s kind of what we’re trying to do here.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, we have got hundreds and hundreds of chiros and doctors that watch this show, so there’s great advice. I think that we are now offering a free sample bag if we weren’t before, Meredith, so you better make sure that happens.

Right, I will.

Dr. Pompa:
So somehow that just happened and somehow we better make sure that happens; we’re going to get hate mail. I thought I was getting a free bag. So now everyone’s getting a free bag.

We’re giving you guys a free bag.

Dr. Pompa:
You better send me more. It’s hard to keep in stock here at the Pompa house. No, listen, you guys have taken just like everything in your lives—I mean, I have to boast and brag about both of you, that you just take life from here to here in everything that you do. You’re world changers; you are. Matter of fact, you all travel the world; that’s probably how you ended up with some of the greatest coffee connections, I’m thinking. You all have—really you’ve even schooled your kids traveling around the world, which is something that Merily and I just really admire from both of you. Today it’s a world economy, and I tell my kids after you graduate, go, go to Europe and it’s like get out because—

John Butcher:
We hung out with your son, who’s amazing, all over the world. We love that kid.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, exactly. He went to Bali with you all, actually.

John Butcher:
We’re going to see him in San Diego in a couple weeks.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s awesome. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, he moved to San Diego, and he just—he was one of those kids that was like, “Dad, I don’t have anything in common with people going to college. I’m not into partying; I’m not into that.” I said, “Daniel, you can go to college anytime.” There was point where he wanted to go to MIT, and I was reading—it’s called Excellent Sheep and how people were coming out of these schools, these high ranked schools, almost like robots. I read passages to him, I changed his thinking on that, but I said, “Daniel, you can always go to school. Follow your passion now; follow what you got to do.”

John Butcher:
Impressive young man, and I agree with that path. He’s going to be able to find his own thing that way.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah, my daughter Olivia, she’s been in Europe; she’s done abroad. She’s been everywhere over there and just for me, it’s a prerequisite. You got to learn the world economy. Anyways, we’re off of coffee. We can talk about our families and kids, man, we could—Meredith, you got to keep us—

Well, we can tie it in, we can tie it in, so we’ll have a Kids and Coffee, too. Do you guys let your kids drink coffee? How young were they when they started drinking it? What about that?

Okay, want to talk about that?

When our kids drink Purity coffee, so I’m not sure because kids are more sensitive. Dunkin' Donuts and coffee that’s really super low quality, I’m not sure you’d get the same effects. Our kids, we encourage them to drink coffee. You guys, it is in a class by itself when it comes to health and wellness properties. I mean, Sanjiv Chopra refers to it as the life elixir, it’s really—

It’s medicine. It’s plant medicine. It’s here for us to use to heal our bodies. For kids with ADHD, it is proven, there’s been studies done on this, that coffee actually helps them stay focused.

Calm down and focus, yep.

Our youngest has a touch of that and it’s amazing.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, Missy, I just got goosebumps because you just talked about one of my passions. We have all of these kids on psychotropic drugs, Adderall, which is a stimulant that calms them down. When an adult takes it, we get up here; kids like this, it brings them down. Why would you do that when God gave us something like coffee that does the exact same thing, better—

Listen, any parent out there that’s even remotely curious, just try it a little bit. Go get your bag, go get your free bag of Purity coffee, and try it with your kid. Do a little cream and sugar so that they like the taste, and see what happens. It was instant for us. It was like, okay, this is really, really good for our kids.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. Daniel started doing blogging actually, and I have to remind him to do a show on coffee because I encouraged him to drink it and my 17-year-old drinks it. There’s an thing because I don’t remember which child said, “Well, maybe we should because it stunts our growth.” That’s a bunch of crap. That was just a junk study, if you even want to call it that, that started that, right?

By the way, the doctors that were saying that were the same doctors that said smoke Lucky Strikes as opposed to Camels.

So then your birth weight will be down when you’re pregnant. Yeah, that’s a great idea.

Our 13-year-old, we’re starting a little company called Purity FGO. FGO stands for For Gamers Only, and his—because he’s a gamer, and what these—they drink poison. They drink Monster, and they drink Redbull. If you read these ingredients, they read like a frigging—it’s painful.

They're health drinks.

What we’re going to do is create an energy drink, a coffee based energy drink, all-natural, organic coffee, whole sugar—raw sugar, whole milk, and that’s the only ingredients. He’s got a passion to bring this pre-mixed coffee beverage energy drink to his tribe, which is a gamer’s tribe, and try to replace some of that poison that they’re drinking over there. That’s going to be interesting to see.

Dr. Pompa:
Jon, when you said that, you told me about that, what you were doing, I said, “Oh my God, that’s brilliant,” because all the gamers, they do it for performance. They sit in front of an EMF-laden machine. It’s like an—they’re there trying to be the best they can be, trying to keep their focus because they’re—they can’t keep their focus from other reasons, right? The American standard, the American diet, the medications they’re on, whatever else, so what they’re doing is they’re taking these drinks that you mentioned. Those drinks are worse than a drug half the time. You wouldn’t believe the ingredients on it, from colorings to stimulants beyond belief.

I don’t even know, Dan, I literally don’t even know what half that stuff is. I couldn’t even -inaudible-.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s absolute poison. Once again, the Butchers making a difference, man, always making a difference.

Thank you.

Right back at you.

Dr. Pompa:
Meredith always comes up with some great questions. I’ll turn it back to you.

Good stopping point. You guys have covered a lot today. We talked about a lot, a lot of different topics on coffee. It’s an amazing topic. You guys are all so passionate about it and it’s so fun. I know all of you listeners and viewers are going to be really excited to try your sample bag, as well, because I think you’ll love it as much as we do. Just in conclusion, Jon and Missy, we kind of like to tie up the shows with three key points that you’d like to share with our viewers and listeners on coffee, on this topic, why they need to care about it. What are three key points that you’d like to share as we conclude?

-inaudible- three key points, but I’m going to do it quick because we have 4% battery life left.

Dr. Pompa:


Here’s what I would say, you guys: the first thing is the first thing you want to do is you seriously want to understand the true health benefits of coffee. You can go to our website, puritycoffee.com, to the health benefits of coffee extension. You need to know what coffee really can do. It’s miraculous; it’ll blow your mind. If you don’t go to our site, go somewhere else. Find out the true health benefits of coffee.

We’ve gathered a bunch of—a lot of -inaudible-. There’s a lot of information.

It’s easy to see on our site. We’ve laid it out well. That’s the first thing. It’s well worth it for you to understand what this miraculous superfood can do.

The second thing is what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to get consumers to add one more purchasing criteria to their set, which is health. People buy on taste, they buy on convenience, and they buy on price. What we’re saying is it’s also a good idea to consider the health benefits of coffee because not all coffee is created equal. Some of these coffees—look, they’re made in third-world countries. We’ve been to these facilities before. If you went to some of these facilities, you’d never want to drink coffee again. There are real differences between coffee companies. Using health as a criteria to purchase your coffee we feel is a good idea, and that’s what we’re trying to get—to shift that consumer conversation and get consumers to focus on that.

The last thing, you guys, is this: you should be drinking more coffee. Most people should. Pregnant women have to watch it and there are a few other segments, very specific segments of people that need to watch it a little bit, but for the vast majority of people out there, there are major health benefits in consuming three to five cups of coffee a day. Those are our recommendations: understand the health benefits, understand that not all coffee is created equal, and drink more coffee.

Pick up The Big Five.

Yeah, The Big Five by Dr. Sanjiv Chopra lays out this whole thing. It’s been a pleasure spending time with you, Dan. Every time we get a chance to spend time with you is precious to us, so thanks, man.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, likewise. We adore and appreciate you both.


Give Merily a hug for us.

Dr. Pompa:
I will.

Great. Thanks everybody. Thank you Butchers. Thank you, Dr. Pompa. Thanks everybody for tuning in, and getpuritycoffee.com if you want to try your sample bags. Thanks everybody, have a great weekend.