Transcript of Episode 120: Cellular Healing for the Skin with Dr. Ben Johnson
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Meredith Dykstra and Special Guest, Dr. Ben Johnson
Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m your host, Meredith Dykstra, and this is Episode 120. We have some special guests today, quite a few actually. We have Dr. Pompa of course, our resident cellular healing specialist, and his wife Merily who is joining the show today to share about some of these products that we’re going to be talking about. Our very special guest today is Dr. Ben Johnson of Osmosis Skincare. We’re going to be talking a lot about the skin today, which is something we’ve talked about on some past shows, but we’re really going to delve deeply into this subject today and how we can all improve our skin health, which is so connected to a lot of other systems. Before we jump in, I’m going to read a little bit about Dr. Ben. Then, he can share with us about his products and how they connect to our message of cellular health and healing.
Dr. Ben Johnson started his career in 1997 when he opened one of the first Medi-Spa chains with locations all around the US. Dr. Johnson then founded and formulated his first skin care line with a strategy that was unique at the time. Creating medical strength results using all natural and chirally correct ingredients, which you’ll have to explain to us about that Dr. Johnson; what that means. Dr. Johnson has developed Osmosis Skincare with the goal of changing the direction of skincare away from excessive exfoliation and renewing the focus of dermal remodeling. It works on every skin condition on every skin type. His holistic approach to highly effective alternative strategies that treat from the inside out to prevent and reverse aging, contradicts most of the current methods being practiced today, creating excitement in the beauty industry. Welcome Dr. Johnson to Cellular Healing TV. We’re so excited to have you here.
Dr. Johnson:
Thank you Meredith. I’m so happy to be here. Thanks Dr. Pompa and Merily. I’m looking forward to sharing some of my views on this.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you know my question; obviously, you got started putting these skin care places in and around the country, but how did you get involved in skin care and developing product? How did that all come about? Even before that, what was your background?
Dr. Johnson:
I’m Western Medicine trained, MD; by definition, I’m a general practitioner because I started off at the University of – well, I was in residency at the University of Colorado and going into sports medicine. Then, I started to get an interest in lasers. That’s when I started my laser clinics, but what really sort of drew most of my attention was in the formulation area. I saw what was out there. I wasn’t particularly pleased with the direction that the skincare products, the choices I had. I began to formulate my own and that, of course, got me started on a whole path that now clearly appears to be exactly where I’m supposed to be. I really think this industry needs innovation. We’ve been doing pretty much the same thing in skin care for the last three decades and we’re not getting younger. The skin is not getting healthier in the process. I’d love to share some views on that.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt about it. I have to say this on this topic; this will probably be one of our most downloaded shows because anytime we’re talking about the way people look, now we’ve got some people listening. Talking about the skin and the hair ladies, come on. I have people that are so fatigued they can’t even exercise, but yet they’re still emotionally worried about their skin and their hair. I have to say, even the one sitting to my left, especially as she’s – I almost said something bad. We’re not going to go there. As she’s gracefully aged, this has been the focus. I can tell you this woman, she’s had me look into countless products. She’s used countless products. I probably have a box somewhere; they don’t work, they don’t work, they don’t work. Honestly, I take a lot of the products she’ll take and I write more scientific about it. I put it in one area and I watch and I look. Listen, I’m not a big guy from the outside in right? When she started using some of these products I remember when I said, okay I actually do notice a difference.
I didn’t ask.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, she didn’t ask. I said you know what? You’re skin does look different. Then, I started using them myself after my conversation with you because like always, Meredith and Merily will tell you, I have to understand the science. I got on the phone with you for an hour one day right? You started telling me why these products were different. It was after that that I said okay, send them to me. Then, I started to use them; once again, a little more scientific. I started using them on one side in specific places. I have to say, I can tell you, I noticed a difference. That made me keep using it. I’m still using them. Okay, that’s how we got here. I don’t even remember how Merily got introduced.
I was introduced to them from Karen Bettis my esthetician at the spa I go to. I was consistently visiting with her. She was just doing her galvanic and her thing on me and keeping my face clean. She said, I think I have something coming that you are really going to be okay with, on a whole other level. A few months later when it came, I definitely followed her recommendations, used everything she said. Then I got your compliment and at that point —
Dr. Pompa:
That’s not easy to get.
Dr. Johnson:
Dr. Pompa:
Can I flip this for a second? Her compliment? Forget about it. Can I get one of my kids in here? My kids come home.
Anyway, I then asked if he would speak with you just to make sure, because again, I’m after how it looks but I also understand how important standard is.
Dr. Pompa:
I asked you questions about some specific ingredients. I want you to come from the top down as far as why did each product support? What did you do different? I immediately started identifying different ingredients, said okay what the heck is that? The things that I identified actually turned out in our conversation to be some of the magic in the formula. Let me just turn it over to you. Why do they work? What did you do different?
Dr. Johnson:
Yeah, let’s start from a broader perspective, which is as a physician, I came initially to the formulation; and Meredith had brought up chirally correct. I came in first, just from a scientific perspective wanting to get the best ingredients possible. A chirally correct ingredient is essentially one that has the chiral shape. There’s left handed and right handed molecules. Picking a molecule, for example vitamin C is a more potent version when it’s in its left handed form called L-ascorbic acid than the other form, which is D-ascorbic acid. Whereas vitamin E, D-alpha tocopherol is the best form of vitamin E and that’s a right handed form of vitamin E. You can go down the list, there’s probably 20 key ingredients where the left or right hand makes a difference. In the pharmaceutical industry it actually changes the entire spectrum of side effects when they use left vs right hand. There’s certain drugs that were pulled off the market that were almost identical just they were left handed vs. right handed. They were put back on the market safely with the different shapes. That was the beginning of my introduction into really caring about the ingredients that I use in the products.
Where Osmosis stepped past where we are today with most skincare products, is I really came at it from a much more holistic perspective. What I mean by that is, in order to make the skin actually get younger; we do guarantee to our customers that they will see permanent changes in their skin, lasting changes that accumulate month after month, which is something the industry doesn’t try to do. The industry tries to create a plumping effect; essentially a tightening effect from ingredients that stay on the surface. Then, when you stop the products, that plumping effect goes away and throughout the entire process your skin was getting older.
What I realized was the most amazing aspect of the entire skin care industry is our skin; this incredible design, so complex, trillions of operations going on. There’s no way as physicians or chemists, anybody’s going to get that right without just simply one main focus, which is let’s make the skin so healthy, so healthy. Like our 10 year-old where that skin heals wounds faster. It’s well oxygenated. It’s well fed. The immune function of that skin is operating at its highest and best. The cells that make collagen are plentiful. All of those things we used to have, right? I began to look deeply into what are the causes of a lack of these different aspects of skin health? One key component came into that and that was skin nutrition. Skin nutrition; what’s nice about that as a broad category, is that includes oxygen. That includes the amino acids. That includes the growth factors. That includes the antioxidants. All of those pieces come into the skin through your vascular system. All the blood flow on our skin feeds everything that’s happening.
Every year of your adult life, starting roughly at about age 25, you have 1% less circulation happening every year. By the time you’re 50, you have 25% fewer nutrients. That means your immune system works 25% less efficiently. Your fibroblast makes 25% less collagen. You have 25% fewer growth factors. Knowing that, and going into formulation with that basic premise that I need to make the skin just operate the way it was designed to operate; I created a bunch of patents and a bunch of unique approaches to do that. The quick summary of those is number one; I’ve got to get my ingredients into the skin because the deep epidermis, which is that first layer, the dermis; the second layer down, to reach those is almost impossible. The skin is well designed to keep things out, so we use liposomal delivery and other delivery mechanisms for our growth factors, called exosomes.
Certain key ingredients that I use are very small so that they fit into the skin without too much trouble. You start combining that strategy and all of a sudden we’re getting about 600% better penetration. Just for the people that don’t know liposomes; the liposome is sort of a water fat soluble molecule that squeaks through the fat in your skin and dumps these ingredients a few layers down. Then, the skin takes over and moves them where they need to go. That’s again what I’m saying is, the skin is so brilliant. It is so capable. If you put the right ingredients in, it recognizes those ingredients, it puts them to work.
First and foremost we said delivery has got to be the key. The second piece of the story is well, what tools is the skin low on? Not to go into too much detail on that right now; there are some key ingredients that I felt the industry wasn’t using adequately, either in amounts or simply wasn’t using at all that we put into the formulas. Then, a strategy of no harm. That’s really another big part of this is, so often you’ll get products; and they may have three or four great ingredients, but they include in the process harsh approaches to the skin. I don’t believe in daily exfoliation. I don’t believe in acid peels. I don’t believe in some of the really aggressive laser treatments that are out there today because they’re not proven to create sustainable – why would you ever want to harm your skin to get a result?
Dr. Pompa:
It doesn’t make sense.
Dr. Johnson:
Dr. Pompa:
No, that’s great and I have to yield to Merily here because I know that our viewers and listeners, they want to know okay, what products? As a matter of fact, you should really just go get a few products to show them.
Okay and I was also going to say, just because people do want to know, what is the foundation of what to use, right? I think that’s really important because when people come to our website or they watch this show, they’re going to want the essentials. I’ll go grab mine.
Dr. Pompa:
In the meantime, there are these products now and we used them for a while obviously before we started carrying them. Now even my doctors are carrying the products. These are professional line products. You can only get them through a doctor or esthetician. Of course, on our website we carry doctor grade products only, physician grade products. That’s why this product obviously was something we would be willing to carry. Meredith where is that on the website just for people to access? What do they punch in to find the products?
You go to and the products will be there. You can just type in the product name that you’re looking for and they’ll be on
Dr. Pompa:
They’ll probably punch in osmosis, will they have some of the different products?
If you type in osmosis all of the Osmosis products will pop up.
Dr. Pompa:
I can tell you, I used one – Karen, the esthetician that Merily utilized, she put on one, this one called Restore. I had a damaged area and I used this Renew that took a lot of my oxidation areas away, it did. Over this one area hung out and she applied and she gave me some to take with me because I didn’t have that in my little regime that I was using. I’m telling you it worked. It was pretty remarkable. It’s a damaged sun spot. I think when I was sick Dr. Ben, I developed some bad skin stuff. My oxidation obviously affected my internal organs and my outer organ, the skin. That was one of the evidences it was still there. Although these other ones went away; some of them went away dietary changes, some of them went away with this redox molecule Renew, but that one didn’t. It worked, so that was part of my seeing it work.
Dr. Johnson:
Yeah, we actually did a clinical trial with a product. We didn’t do that particular product, but I do recommend that product for – I don’t know if you think it might have been actinic keratosis, if it was a chronic red, flaking spot, or if there’s just a…
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I wouldn’t say it was quite flaking, but it was bright red spot. This one up here was a chronic red, flaking spot that went away after using these products, which was still there, but it did get a lot better even with the Renew.
You could scratch it off and it would come back.
Dr. Pompa:
Exactly. Now, it doesn’t do that anymore. That one also fixed. This is the first one that I put on and Merily can chime in. Hold it up. It’s called StemFactor. Tell us a little bit about the magic here.
Dr. Johnson:
First of all, that is the large size so people shouldn’t expect for it to look like that.
No, I buy everything in bulk.
Dr. Johnson:
Yeah, Merily is a product junkie.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s the bottle.
Dr. Johnson:
Yes, that’s the bottle of the MD line. The magic in StemFactor is that, like everything else in your skin, you’re growth factor population shrinks by about 1% every year. At 50, you have 25% fewer growth factors. I came across the technology from a lab who’s really the leading edge of this industry and this area. We used stem cells from adult donor fat and we used fibroblasts. Those two cells together in combination, create over 300 different growth factors. We’ve documented over 150 of them. We just talk about 150 plus growth factors in it, but where the magic of this one is, that’s different than anyone else is; they perfected a way to further the manufacturing process by these cells so that there is an encasement around it. It’s called and exosome. What that does is that protects the growth factor, allows it to get deeper into the follicle, and activates the wound repair activities that growth factors activate. The reason why I feel very comfortable with growth factors – some people are like well, is that safe for people who’ve had cancer? Is it safe for people that have other diseases? My answer is yes,because of this one reason. Growth factors are too big to go into your dermis. They don’t get into your bloodstream. They follicle and they activate your follicle. With our formula, we are getting deeper into the follicle. We are preserving these growth factors, which are pretty delicate, for longer periods of time. You’re getting a maximum activation. It’s a very gentle product, but it’s key. Especially for people with really thin skin because you keep your growth factors in your fat and your skin. The less fat you have on your face, the fewer growth factors you have. We find those people absolutely need it, but almost everyone almost 30 should have it in their tool shed.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s probably why I noticed a difference. As soon as you started talking, I wanted to apply it, I did. As soon as I hear the science, I get a little bit more excited because I—
It’s going to cost you more.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so the next one, it’s called Catalyst AC-11. This is the one that Merily taught me to put on second. So the Catalyst AC-11 and it comes in different bottles so I don’t want to hold up the bottle.
Dr. Johnson:
One of the things I know you appreciated about us and one of the things that’s important to me as a physician formulator, is to have clinical evidence of efficacy. We did an eight week study on about thirty-five women with this product, only this product twice a day and it had phenomenal results. It showed 110% increase in elasticity, 32% increase in radiance, a 17% improvement in fine lines and wrinkles, a roughly 67% reduction in redness and facial capillaries, which are signs of wound healing. It actually promotes wound healing. It tightened the eye lids by 15% and it improved the appearance of actinic keratosis, which of course is a DNA repair component.
This has DNA repair technology in it. It’s kind of complicated, I’m not sure that the consumer wants to hear all of the details of it. Just understand something called zinc finger technology, which all we’re doing is helping your zinc fingers, which everyone has in their skin right now, accelerate the repair of DNA and wound healing. It is phenomenal. Those clinical trial results I just mentioned, with one product, that’s never been achieved. No one has ever achieved that much tightening and that much elastin being created in order to do that. Of course, we’re telling you this isn’t the temporary stuff. Remember, there’s a lot of clinical trials where someone does something; they measure the surface changes on the skin, but all those changes go away when you stop the product. That is not the case with Catalyst. It continues to work and I think that’s why Merily is pushing it on you. She’s a big fan, I know.
Dr. Pompa:
I’m going to say this and then I’ll let her talk. Those are the two that I use, I use the Catalyst and the StemFactor. Merily goes to you – she’s uses the one out of all the things here folks, so don’t get overwhelmed. Those are the two that I use.
I'm all in, Ben.
Dr. Pompa:
Just you talking about that makes me want to use it right now. You know what I'm saying?
There is one ingredient that my husband had inquired about in that product. It was an emulsifier, right? Was that what it was? You were explaining how it penetrates, and it probably is what you had already said on how it only penetrates so far that it doesn't.
Dr. Johnson:
Oh, the dimethicone. My entire line is extremely natural and designed to not hurt the skin. When you're using the kind of ingredients that are in that formula, they are very sticky. If you research dimethicone, it's definitely not a good idea to use a lot of it, but we use a tiny amount of dimethicone to improve the slip and reduce the stickiness. It's such a large molecule, it never makes it past the surface. It actually never hurts the skin in any way.
The only time dimethicone is a challenge is when people are using some of those store bought brands with an amazing slip or they're using two or three products all with dimethicone, and that'll start to plug up the skin and reduce skin respiration. That is not happening with this product. That was one of the ingredients. In one other product we have a tiny amount of mineral oil simply, again, for performance reasons. Overall you're going to find very few cases where there's an ingredient objection. Again, the philosophy is do not harm the skin.
I just wanted you to address that because one of our doctors had inquired. I alternate. This is my first time using actually Renew. I had finished a bottle of Correct and at Karen's suggestion I went to Renew. Do you want to talk about both of those at the same time and why would we alternate.
Dr. Johnson:
Well, they're the same formula other than the retinaldehyde percentage, which is about double in the Renew. If your skin is tolerating it fine, that's fine. The thing that people need to know, we do have a series of strength of vitamin A serums. Correct is sort of the middle strength and then Renew is the maximum strength. The reason why I did that is because when you ask your skin to make collagen, it's big demand. The skin has to really focus in on that. People who are not quite healthy enough, their skin isn't healthy enough.
Whenever I hear of sensitivities to vitamin A serums, and ours is a little different; for example, our vitamin A is so strong, it's a thousand times stronger than retinol, that I use very small amounts. I get activations as high as retinoic acid without irritating the skin. I don't like retinoic acid. I think it hurts the skin. Research shows it hurts the skin, but this is retinaldehyde. Retinaldehyde is as strong as Retin-A but it doesn't hurt the skin, so you won't be sun sensitized by it.
Not everyone can use Renew because Renew pushes the skin so fast that it challenges people whose immune systems aren't quite there. Sometimes we have people build up to it. Other times we'll send them to Dr. Pompa to improve their health and then watch and see how the Renew actually is better tolerated. You're alternating it now, pushing it. Eventually, yes, ideally you go to that every day.
I use it every day.
Dr. Johnson:
Oh, good. That is another key component called liposomal niacinamide, and that is the thing that dilates your blood vessels gently. That's what feeds your skin so it kind of increases the nutrient level back to those youthful days, and that's a critical part of this. If I say, “Hey, skin. Make collagen,” but I don't have the food supply for the skin to respond to that stimulus, it won't make it. We realized the secret piece of the story, and that is you've got to stimulate the skin while feeding the process, and that's why we're able to get permanent changes in wrinkles.
Yeah, so far so good. I've had, you know —
Dr. Pompa:
I better start this one too now, you know?
Dr. Johnson:
I'm sorry. Yes, you do now.
Dr. Pompa:
I'll start this one now too. You know what? As soon as I crossed over 50, man, this is when I started to concern myself here.
So far, so good. I transitioned seamlessly. I ran out of the Correct, and I had the Renew, and I went right into it.
Dr. Johnson:
This is where the liposomal formula is primarily focused because vitamin A in general gets two percent penetration, so we needed to get the vitamin A down to the dermis. That was a critical part of it, but in general the formula has about eight different collagen stimulators that are all designed to work in synchronicity. None of them irritate the skin. It's a great formula to have. It's really when people say, “What?” If you have wrinkles and that's your main focus, this is the first product you'd want to use because it has the most bang for the buck.
I keep trying to hide this stuff.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I know.
Speaking of wrinkles because clearly that's one of the struggles that some of us have.
Dr. Johnson:
Aging women.
Not everyone. Some women don't, God bless them. It is definitely something I am obviously pursuing a natural way to deal with.
Dr. Pompa:
My wife's had no Botox here. This is no surgery.
Dr. Johnson:
That is rare! The no Botox story. I'm not a fan of Botox.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, but we know. I treat people who it goes systemic and they end up with autoimmune. It can trigger autoimmune, you know, in our house.
I do have a question about that.
Dr. Johnson:
Go ahead.
We did talk about this on our first chat. You told me about the things about Botox that women may not know. You should share a few of those because they actually are counter-reductive to the outcome of what all women want eventually.
Dr. Pompa:
Speak to that.
Dr. Johnson:
Yeah. Again, anything that hurts you to try to get a result is just a bad idea. I find a lot of people, thankfully, they have good intuition. They trust their intuition, but Botox somehow has escaped that. It is a little magical in the sense that when you poison those muscles temporarily, that wrinkle does diminish quite a bit. They get all excited about that, and they lose focus on what their heart was telling them, which was this isn't a great idea.
The key two things to know beyond what Dr. Pompa just said about autoimmune is number one, they just did a study that shows that it goes to the brain stem. There are people getting weird little tremors. Usually you're on Botox over five years, maybe five to ten years, which unfortunately a ton of people are at that level. They start to get little neurologic things. The doctors will tell them, well, that's not Botox. That's something else. That's just dementia or early Alzheimer's or whatever story they're telling them. I'm telling you it is your Botox. That study is the beginning of the expose of why this should be pulled from the market.
The second thing on a cosmetic level. Let's just talk because I know that speaks to a lot of women. Why should I not do this if I see this wrinkle disappear, and here's why. When you paralyze that muscle, you permanently shrink it. Even though some of the neuroreceptors actually rebuild and come back to the surface, they don't all come back. Each time you do it, you are shrinking the muscle. That muscle is often as thick as your entire dermis. It's this huge amount of bulk that your face has from your muscles being there, and when you flatten that muscle time after time, you create a sagging event. Now all of a sudden the whole face comes down.
It was famous a couple years ago, Stevie Nicks, the famous singer, every time she laughed or sneezed, her forehead would collapse a little bit and she'd have to kind of prop it back up. It's a scary thing when you see it. What are people doing? They're not necessarily associating that with Botox. They're associating that with aging. They say, “Oh, I'm just aging,” and they start putting fillers in their face and pushing their face out again when the entire reason it happened was because they collapsed their muscle bed and they collapsed the volume.
If you look at muscle design, as you know, Dr. Pompa, you look at facial muscle design, brilliant design. Amazing how it holds everything up, keeps everything moving fluidly. It's designed to keep it that way, and when you start poisoning that muscle, you really do age yourself literally in the process. Not a good idea. Then you get to the general health effects of it and, again, it's something that I think that needs to be pulled from the market.
Dr. Pompa:
Now, Ben, another five years you're going to hear a lot more because I'm seeing it in these sick people. It just is a matter of time before people wake up. Unfortunately, five maybe ten more years of people getting poisoned by a neurotoxin meant to paralyze nerves to muscles. My gosh, what a horrific idea. You know what? I don't like the way it looks anyway. That's the thing. I see women, I'm like, that looks so horrible. You're meant to have these lines. You take them all away, you lose character. To me, it's phony. I hate it. That's my opinion.
That's good for me.
Dr. Pompa:
Poor Keith Rhodes. He had Botox. You can see that.
-Technical Issues-
Dr. Johnson:
I was gone just for a little while but I agree, the face looks unnatural, especially when they can't smile. It's very unnatural. Go ahead, Merily.
Dr. Pompa:
I upset a lot of people who are out there with all the Botox; so did you. We have upset a lot of people, but it's my show, so we're okay. Go ahead.
Quench and Quench Plus. Talk about the difference.
Dr. Johnson:
Yeah, you know, I'm going to tell you where I also may sound a little crazy from an owner and a manufacturer of skin care products, but my main goal is to try to use the key products to get your skin so healthy that it's naturally moisturizing. Just like your ten year old, we're not throwing moisturizers on them every day because their skin stays moist. Quench and Quench Plus I consider your temporary solution as you build your skin up to a point where you don't need it, but they're great moisturizers.
The real difference between them is Quench Plus has a collagen, it's a fish protein from fish cartilage, basically, that builds up in the epidermis gently. It doesn't cause any harm. It provides a nice plumping effect. That's really the difference between those two. The formulas are also different. Some people prefer Quench over Quench Plus, but like I said, it's a nice finish to the routine. If you want to do some makeup over the top of it or adding sun protection to protect or shade. At the same time, I hope people will spend the bulk of their resources on the products that do the most permanent change.
I can actually see that I really don't need either one of those. I just do because I have it and because—
Dr. Pompa:
You're a junky.
Okay. Then let's freeze that when you talked about sun protection. Obviously you do have a sunscreen. You also have a drinkable sunscreen, and then AC-11, the Catalyst, also has a sun protection factor. Go ahead before I move on, address those.
Dr. Pompa:
Drinkable sunscreen. When I heard that I was like, “Why? What do you mean?”
Dr. Johnson:
I know. It's crazy.
That was before we loved you. That's when we were in the same plane.
Dr. Pompa:
Well, Merily I don't know if this guy's crazy or if he's really brilliant. I haven't figured that out yet with drinkable sunscreen, but go ahead.
Dr. Johnson:
First of all, yeah, you can imagine as a skin care owner, selling a fake drinkable sunscreen is not the best of ideas. We did a clinical trial on it, and we're actually doing a second clinical trial on it starting June 1st, so I'm very excited about what that leads to as far as worldwide recognition. Right now I have to admit most people are like, that's impossible. What are you saying?
The summary of this, I'm going to go back to one thing that people can look up themselves. It was just a couple of years ago that MIT announced that they just imprinted information on the molecules of nitrogen. The whole world stood up and listened. They're talking about how it's going to make computers have super memory and what the potential of this great impact was. No one really stood back for a moment and just really thought about what was just said. They imprinted information on atoms. How did that happen?
I use a different technique, but essentially I'm doing the same thing. The vast majority of the world still says that's impossible. Water can't hold memory. I'm here to tell you we're proving it. We just did an acne clinical trial that proved that this water holds memory. What I did was I figured out, and there are some mathematical calculation special formulas that I used, but I figured out since everything in the world is waves of energy, you know, quantum physics tells us every one of the atoms that make up our cells actually comes from energy waves. It's not solid. We're at our very, very core sub-atomically, that's what we're made of.
If you can imagine, as you might expect, everything that looks different on your body, everything that functions differently is a different wave. It's a different frequency. All we're essentially doing with this harmonized water technology is communicating frequencies to specific components of the body that we've learned through time and practice. There was a gentleman by the name of -inaudible- whose whole career was finding out what frequencies did what. I used some of those frequencies for sure. I've created some of my own.
The drinkable sunscreen, essentially the quick summary of it is I figured out waves because you know you have headphones that cancel noise, I figured out waves that cancel UVA, UVB, infrared, UVC, and then I imprinted them on water like we've been doing for the last eight years. When you drink it, it goes to the water in your dermis. Just like any kind of pulsing wave, it has a distance that it reaches. It literally reaches above your skin for a period of three hours, and it works really well. The only places I tell everyone be cautious is it doesn't work as well in high UV index, so extreme places like Mexico, possibly other areas in South America.
We found it works pretty darn well in Hawaii, so that's not a problem. Also, when people sweat, that is the big one. When I go to Mexico, I'm perspiring very lightly all the time, and I can't use that as my sun protection in those environments. If you're not perspiring, and that is usually in exercise or in really, really hot stagnant situations, than this sun protection works like an SPF 30 if not better.
Our clinical trial was on 24 people in San Diego where we laid them on their back for an hour. Sixteen of those people didn't burn. The eight people who burned generally said to us, we don't lay in the sun. Our skin's not acclimated to the sun. This was just something we wanted to try. It kind of would make sense for the first time getting that much sun, they might burn a little.
Here's how you test it. You put your normal sun protection on your whole body, but let's say leave an arm exposed. Take the oral sun protection. Go out in the sun for an hour. If that arm doesn't burn just like the rest of you doesn't burn, then you know it's going to work for you. If that burns and the rest of you burns, then you're part of that population that has to be really careful in the sun. We definitely find people on medication, sun sensitizing medication like hormones, birth control pills, even antidepressants.
I know, Dr. Pompa, you like to get people off their medication when possible because so many of those things are compromising the immune system. I feel the same way. That's the summary of that drinkable sunscreen. It is phenomenal. It's really all I use when I'm in America, and I encourage people to give it a shot. It's pretty phenomenal.
Dr. Pompa:
We worked a montage for her birthday at Laguna beach and they had it. They had the sunscreen. I'm thinking that someone severely dehydrated, it may not make it to the skin. It may be utilized throughout the body. Maybe that's another factor, severe dehydration.
Dr. Johnson:
It's another reason to do the test first. Don't just go jump out and lay down and go two hours and say, let's just see how it goes. It's been a labor of love because most of my physician friends roll their eyes like, come on. If you don't try it, you know, just —
Dr. Pompa:
What's the name of the product because I haven't used it.
Dr. Johnson:
It's called UV Neutralizer. There's two kinds. There's one that increases a tan. People say, “Well is that damage?” No. If you go in the sun you increase your tanning hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone. I've got a frequency that excites that hormone, so it gives people who never get a base tan, they will see a base tan on that water. Some people who love their alabaster skin, we have a UV, no tan enhancing version.
Dr. Pompa:
I've got to say this because when we first talked, you're one of the only people that I've had a conversation with that knew what MSH, melanocyte-stimulating hormone was. Here's from my perspective. We know that people that get neurotoxic exposures, especially like mold and Lyme disease, their MSH tanks. We know now that MSH acts as one of the protectors.
When we raise MSH these people tend to do better. They become less sensitive. It's going to be very interesting to see if these mold people that are out there, and we have tons of them watching this show, if by drinking this product than if that helps them because it's raising their MSH. Which one is it is that's the one that helps you tan? What was the name of that one?
Dr. Johnson:
It's called UV Neutralizer Tan Enhancing. I will tell you, sun sensitivity is the general category. It's where people that erupt in hives and have trouble going out in the sun, they can't use topical sunscreens because their skin is so sensitive and topical sunscreens are typically those chemicals that actually increase your inflammation. They're tolerating it with this UV Tan Enhancing formula, UV Neutralizer. I do think it will be beneficial. It will be interesting to see if it also improves the overall health is what I think you're suggesting.
Dr. Pompa:
I am.
Dr. Johnson:
I wasn't as familiar with that. It definitely mimics that hormone. I figured out a way to mimic hormones with these frequencies. We're mimicking thyroid hormone. We're mimicking sex hormones, androgens and estrogens.
Wow. Okay, so moving through the regimen, the Refresh PM, the eye cream that I use.
Dr. Johnson:
That's a heavier one that's designed to increase moisture and plumping around the more delicate areas around the eye. It's usually used at night because of the density of it, but it's made of liquid crystals, which is this great intracellular matrix of plants. It has a really vibrant color matrix that comes with it. People really appreciate that product. Again, it's primarily more for eye dehydration and temporary plumping, not so much designed for the permanent changes, but it's definitely a fan favorite.
I don't use it that often because quite honestly I'm sensitive to it. I'll use it and when I seal the deal with the Clear Plus, I will then try to have it diluted perhaps a bit with this. Is there another eye cream that maybe I should try instead of this one?
Dr. Johnson:
We have the Refresh, which is the daily use one. That's for puffiness, dark circles, wrinkles to some degree. Again, I recommend on the eyes, my products go all over the eyes. A lot of people are like, products are too irritating to put on my eyelids. That is not the case. I would put Catalyst on your eyes. I would put Renew on your eyes once you can handle it.
I tried the Refresh.
Dr. Johnson:
The Refresh is great. You brought up Clear Plus. Clear Plus uses this frequency enhanced water strategy. It has a variety of frequencies designed to help with collagen and hydration and really antibacterial, antifungal. The biggest reason you're going to want to have this with your regimen is because once these products are on the surface, you want to drive them in manually to help push the liposome through, to help push the catalyst in. After you apply products, you then spray Clear Plus over the skin and massage it in thoroughly once or twice. The more you massage it in, the more you're going to get out of this skin care routine in general.
Dr. Pompa:
She did tell me, “Use this one,” after I used the two because I'm always using the two products. She said, “Finish with that one at least.” I didn't do that. These other frequencies you have, admittedly I haven't tried some of these hormone frequencies. We have a lot of different thyroid clients. What are some of the products there?
Dr. Johnson:
I will tell you, I've just lately been formulating, and I used to give a little teaser. I've come up with a frequency that appears to disrupt viruses in basically a single dose. People are having massive die off reactions. We're seeing changes in endometriosis. It's a painful process they go through because literally it seems to be killing — I believe endometriosis is a viral-induced condition, of course, related to hormone imbalance.
We are definitely helping menopausal women. We are helping women with fertility issues. People are actually getting off of their thyroid medication while using this hormone product. It has all of the hormones in it. It's for men and women. It has testosterone in it as well. You just have to try it to see.
Dr. Pompa:
What is the name?
Dr. Johnson:
The name is Hormone Health for the female product. We found men prefer the name Vigor for their version, so we have Vigor and Hormone Health. It's basically the same formula. We have some hair challenge frequencies in there as well, so women who are seeing thinning hair, you're going to love that.
Dr. Pompa:
Did you hear that? I know who you are out there that want to have information. Is it the same product? It's that product?
Dr. Johnson:
What ended up happening in the beginning of my formulations, I had twice as many formulas and people were on six or seven bottles, which I didn't think was cost effective for them. I started to put them all together. Just this morning, believe it or not, I calculated out the frequency to block DHT. I'll be adding that to the hair formula in the next month, so that should be shipping out.
I was already blocking excess testosterone, and I had another frequency for hair for women specifically. Women definitely, they're the most impacted by the hair formula. Men, I'm personally working on my own challenges. The DHT formula I think is going to actually put us over the top.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that applies to men. The thyroid hormones are typically why the women really lose their hair through estrogen and cortisone imbalances. The DHT for the men, all in one formula. America, you better make sure we have that one because I'm telling you, we're going to get calls and calls, so you better be ahead of that.
Dr. Johnson:
I am. I put HGH in it as well because I don't believe in HGH injections per se, primarily because it shuts down your natural production. There's not a huge advantage. Once you're on it, you get off of it and I don't know how many people fully recover at the pituitary level.
Dr. Pompa:
Years, if they recover. I mean, honestly.
Dr. Johnson:
Of course, it's so expensive they might in the beginning have all of these high hopes and then they're like, oh, my gosh. I can't afford $1,000 a month anymore. What this frequency does is it does not interfere with natural production. That's what all my hormones do. They simply make the body feel like they have a full balance of the hormones, thyroid included. I'm telling you, tons of weight loss stories, people that think, you know what? My thyroid tested fine but their fine is not everyone else's fine. They got on the thyroid formula. They noticed energy changes. They noticed hair changes. They noticed weight loss changes.
I'm not going to say if you don't have significant thyroid imbalance, you're not going to have significant weight loss as part of that formula. Everything, like I said, from menopause to fertility to a variety of conditions. That's a big hitter for us. We have a formula that replicates GABA that helps with sleep because that's so critical in the health rebuilding process.
Dr. Pompa:
Is that a separate formula? What's the name of it?
Dr. Johnson:
That one's called Relax. We have a formula for acne that treats what I think are the two causes of acne, which is Candida. I'm sure you deal a lot with Candida. Then a formula that deals with estrogen toxins.
Dr. Pompa:
That's our son. That's one that helped our son.
Dr. Johnson:
Oh, good, it did help your son. Good, good. If they wanted to go to our site to check out the face map, when I see acne here, I attribute it to Candida. This is also Candida, and then acne down here I attribute to pesticides that resemble estrogen, chlorine; a lot of swimmers and people exposed to chlorine in Florida and stuff where their water's heavy in chlorine, they're seeing it come out of their skin as acne. This is a new concept. We haven't talked a lot about it, but it's definitely something they'll see a benefit from the skin perfection water, which helps treat acne from the inside out.
The last one I was going to tell you about was the digestive formula. A ton of people struggling with digestion, we give them frequencies that help calm their digestion while you're treating their cellular health. We're working on an energetic approach. The two could work very synergistically together. That formula is called Inner Harmony. We just get great, great feedback.
Dr. Pompa:
Let me tell you something. Just those formulas alone, Merily's writing them down, thank God, because we need to write them down and carry them. You're speaking at my November event to all my doctors. Our doctors need to know about these products because the frequency avenue is really new technology. It's really something that I'm excited to work more with and our doctors.
Of course, he has an exfoliator called Polish, and he has a cleanser called Purify. You have one too.
Dr. Johnson:
We have Cleanse, we have Deep Clean, and we have Purify. Those three cleansers, you find which one suits your skin best. Some are for the more oily acne skin like Deep Clean. Cleanse is the most gentle formula. Purify has some enzymes in it that helps remove some of the dead skin. We're not trying to exfoliate very much.
Polish we'd just really like you to use once or twice a week. It's a fan favorite but, again, it's designed at a percentage of L-lactate acid [48:44] lactate acid, which moisturizes your skin, that won't disrupt the barrier. We're all about keeping the barrier intact and maintain moisture and reduced irritation. A lot of people are using devices that they realize after they keep scrubbing away every day, all of a sudden they're like, oh, my gosh. My skin has become so sensitive. That's because they were tearing down the skin instead of building it up.
I use it very seldom.
Dr. Johnson:
That's excellent. I think I've just lost you for a second. Meredith, did we lose them?
They're frozen.
Dr. Johnson:
Last time they got frozen were you also waiting for them or was I frozen? Was it frozen ten minutes ago for them? They froze on me. Are you guys back?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, we're back.
We lost you guys for about a minute.
Okay, he has made that, obviously, which I love. I use everything. I love your mascara. I love your eye shadows. I use your concealer as a shadow base. I tried your foundation with the pressed powder, even though this is a time of year when I don't really like to use that. Your CC Cream is amazing. I even used it all winter long because it's just enough. Really, I'm just super impressed. I'm a top customer.
Dr. Johnson:
Yeah, you are. I'm going to be honest. Makeup was not my specialty, it's not my specialty. I hired the formulator for two major lines in the country today, one of them called Mineral Fusion. She's just phenomenal. She really built a very simplified line, so you don't have to have a thousand products on your shelf, that is so high performance, and yet natural based with goji berry extract in it. The minerals are very carefully milled.
She really did it right. She taught me a lot about how makeup should be done. That's what we hear from most people that try this product is that it performs better than any product they've had. It's very easy to use. Of course, it's good for the skin. You can actually go to sleep in it at night, although I don't recommend it because I want you to apply a few products first and reapply twice a day. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Merily. Are you frozen right now?
Looks like they're frozen again. Oh, goodness.
Dr. Johnson:
Hopefully I'm not frozen, Meredith, since you can hear me. I'm sure everyone got a chance to hear about it. That's called Osmosis Color. I think those products are available on your website as well, right?
Yeah, we're definitely going to have a selection in by the time this show airs. You guys can check them out on Revelation Health for sure. I know we're coming up on the end of the hour, so I don't know if you have a few more products that you wanted to share with us, maybe some essentials for someone that just wants to generally improve their skin. I know there are so many different categories and conditions, but I don't know if you have a few more stand outs that you wanted to discuss.
Dr. Pompa:
My internet's in and out today because I'm not plugged into my hard line because I wasn't in my office. I apologize for that. I'm sure they got the information. Meredith, I'm going to turn it over to you because it may happen again. He answered one of your questions but you probably have more.
I wanted to say I missed the whole thing about the mineral fusion, but just tell her she's killing it on the nail polish because that's what I use. I do. That's the one I use. I just go grab it and it's like a smorgasbord of colors.
Dr. Johnson:
She doing Osmosis Color now. She's not really sharing in that anymore. Thank you for supporting that cause. I was saying while you guys were frozen was just talking a little bit more about how some of these products are going to be available on the website by the time this airs, which is awesome. She was just saying since we're coming to the end of the hour to do a summary of how I recommend people go forward with Osmosis, what's the best way to get started. Let me just do that.
Each serum has its own specific point of importance. You can pick from the cleansers based on the descriptions of what is best for you. Most people are opting for Cleanse or Purify. Everyone is going to want Clear Plus in their routine. It has its own benefits even if your skin is irritated and you're just spraying that alone on the skin, you will see the effects that it has because of the frequencies that are in it and the other ingredients that are in it.
When it comes to just general strategy, we have a strategy for skin type. If you're rosacea skin, you want to start off with a product called Rescue, which has that ingredient that Dr. Pompa used on his little red spot. It is phenomenal for inflammation. It is phenomenal for age spots. It actually heals the source of age spots. It has a permanent potential, which is way better than a lot of the lightening options you may opt for. It also works on enlarged pores. That's your product for really sensitive skin.
We often include StemFactor in that. They can link from your site to our site, and they can actually look up their skin condition and see the products that are recommended on That may make it easier for them to figure out which products to use. Then if you're just a general aging person, which so many people are, your vitamin A serum Correct or Renew is your first choice along, again, with Clear Plus. You would add other products in as you desire, depending on your budget.
All my products are designed to last several months. It is really designed to be as cost effective as you can be with such high-end technology that we're using. Catalyst AC-11, you heard the clinical trial results. It works in so many different ways. I love it for acne scarring. It's one of the few products in the world that actually accelerates the wound healing in acne scaring even if it's 10 years, 15 years old. I love it for all the other reasons we talked about; elasticity, redness, and broken capillaries on the face. It helps with age spots and wrinkles. It does so much. It's just kind of a good core product to have.
Ideally, I would have them using Rescue, Catalyst, Renew, and StemFactor in some way, shape, or form every day and just stretching out the use of them. Focus in on what you're most concerned with. One part of what I talked about today was the most important, that product you want to use twice a day and every other product maybe once a day. A lot of people want to know what I do. I do Stem Factor once at night. You really don't need it more than once at night unless you're really thin skinned. That goes on first. The routine is I mix one pump of Rescue, one pump of Renew, one pump of Catalyst AC-11 in my hands, massage it into my skin. Take my Clear Plus, massage one more time. I do that twice a day.
I'm telling you, that is the best way to just see rapid age reversal results. Then you'll really appreciate that permanencies happen. When you stop the products, the changes you're seeing will stay. That is something that skin care lines just don't say today.
Dr. Pompa:
That's awesome.
I don't have to layer them. I can actually mix it all together, so that just cut a few minutes out of my —
Dr. Johnson:
There you go.
Dr. Pompa:
That'll be a lot easier right now. I'm happy about that.
Dr. Johnson:
Hey Meredith, make sure Mark has the connection to their website with ours so people can go on there. That's a big deal. They can go to your website and they can't order from there, but that gives them the ability to see more of what they need and then order from Revelation Health.
By the way, he was whispering over her, “Do we have Rescue? Do we have Rescue?”
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, my doctor's watch this and play this show for their customers. If one of our doctor's carries the products, buy it from them. Honor them. Do not buy it from Revelation Health or anywhere else. Honor the doctor that did this video for sure. Why would you not do that? We appreciate that, absolutely.
Dr. Johnson:
That's great. I so appreciate your support and enthusiasm. I know Merily has been such a big fan. We're staging a coup on this country. We're trying to change the way skin care is being done. I so appreciate that you recognize the uniqueness of it. I think it fits perfectly with your amazing system for restoring cellular health.
Dr. Pompa:
That's why we adopted it. When I spoke to you I said, “Gosh, this is cellular healing.” which I said I'm not a fan of until I realized it was going into the inside, which I am a fan of. You've made me a believer, that's for sure. Meredith, I'll turn back to you. Dr. Ben, thank you so much.
Dr. Johnson:
Thank you, Merily and Dr. Pompa. It's been a pleasure.
Thanks, everyone. Thanks, Dr. Ben. This has been so informational. I think these products are amazing as well. I've been using them and really enjoying using them as well. Perhaps we can have you on a future show because I have so many more questions about just the skin, the connection to the gut and our overall health, and how our skin is just so integral to cellular health and overall health and vitality. Maybe we can have you on a future show to kind of share a little bit more and delve into more of the science behind the products and skin health in general.
Dr. Pompa:
That'd be a great idea. She's the one that schedules the show, so she'll get you on again.
Dr. Johnson:
I would love it, guys. Thanks so much.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. Thank you.
Thanks, everyone. Take care. We'll see you next time.