Transcript of Episode 100: Top 10 Episodes
With Dr. Daniel Pompa and Meredith Dykstra.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Cellular Healing TV. This is episode 100. This is a really exciting landmark episode. Made it to 100. I have Dr. Pompa here, and how are you?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I want balloons and lights to flash. I could rock my lights a little bit. Woo-hoo! Remy usually knocks this around. One hundred, who would think? Oh, man. We have gained a really amazing, loyal following through this. Gosh, I guess, Meredith, back in the day – what episode did you start, when Warren and David were like, “We have too many things to do”? Do you remember when you started?
I know it was in the seventies, like 75ish or so. You had been visiting Pittsburgh, and we did that healthy smoothie demo. That was, I think, my first official episode that you and I just did. I believe it was episode, maybe, 34 or 32 when I first started with the company, and working with you guys, and had been experimenting with the ketogenic diet.
Dr. Pompa:
You and Warren had brought me on, and we did that interview. That was really fun. I remember it was so impromptu, as well, and -inaudible-. That was fun.
Dr. Pompa:
I think it was then that Warren was like, “Hey, she was great!” I was like, “Yeah, she was great.” I think then, we knew, “She’s going to evolve into this.” You know, it’s funny because I think you just kind of forced your way in and took ownership, right? You just kind of – you’re amazing. We couldn’t do this show without it, and Meredith, you are the one who books these amazing guests that we have, and keep me on track, and even tell me, “This is the show we need.” I love you for that. Thank you. We have a great show today. Tell them what it is.
Thank you. Yeah – so glad to be here. To celebrate our 100th episode – this was your idea, Dr. Pompa – we have the top 10 most downloaded Cellular Healing TV shows of all time – really awesome. Awesome, awesome topic for you. It’s just going to be a big review of all of the most popular shows that you guys have loved, and watched, and shared with your friends and family. Awesome, awesome topics, just kind of a great overview today of a lot of amazing, amazing topics that have been discussed on the whole history of the show.
Dr. Pompa:
I think it’s great, too, because it’s like we didn’t pick them. They picked them. These are the ones that people loved the most. When you showed me the list, I was thinking, “Gosh, what if there’s one there that I really love and want to talk about, I think is more important?” I looked at this. I’m like, “That’s perfect!” Somehow, you all got it right. If I had to pick 10 in this order, I’m telling you, it would have been probably this 10 in this order. Great stuff. These are 10 really important shows, and, I think, 10 that everybody needs to go back and watch. Even when I watch past shows and things, I go, “Oh, my gosh! That’s great information.” Let’s start it out. Give us a go.
I agree, and definitely, yes, I’m encouraging you guys to go re-watch these episodes. They’re filled with such amazing content. I, as well, gain so much when I re-watch them because there’s just so much packed into each one. All right, guys, so without further ado, the top 10 most downloaded episodes in the history of Cellular Healing TV. At number 10, we have Episode 32, which is “The Ketogenic Diet.“ I believe, actually, this was my episode. I hadn’t really thought about that, but that -inaudible-.
Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible-. That’s funny.
That’s funny. Yep.
Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible- was it? You did do a great job. You made the top 10, Meredith.
Top 10, awesome.
Dr. Pompa:
Let me ask you – you’re always asking me questions. I want to fire back at you. You had said that’s – we did that show, and that’s when you were experimenting and entering into ketosis. Is that correct?
Right. Yeah. That’s when I first started experimenting with it. I hadn’t known about it until I had met you, and started with the company, and working with you guys, and learning this information and the research. As you do, I know, we love those N=1 experiments. We love to experiment on ourselves. Of course, I was reading about it, and I had to try it for myself.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Now, that’s been some long months away now, right? What has it done for you? Have you stayed in ketosis the whole time, or have you done some diet variation, moving in and out of it?
Definitely diet variation. It’s interesting. Honestly, to tell you the truth, when I first started with the ketogenic diet – so that wasn’t this past summer, but the summer prior to that – I got really into it. I think, like a lot of things that I do, if I’m in, I’m in. I got really strict with it, and actually, my body fat dropped really, really low. It was like around – maybe even down to 7% or something. It was really, really low. I actually got too thin.
It was a great experience for me, and I did it for a couple months that summer, also, including a lot of burst training when I was doing it. That also just heightened the intensity of getting to such a low body fat. Then, once you kind of taught me about diet variation and the importance of going in and out of ketosis, then that’s what I have done. I’ve felt so much better going in and out versus staying in ketosis for a long period of time.
I think, as a woman, and maybe just me, personally, I’m more sensitive to it, so I need that variation. I do cyclical ketogenic dieting where I kind of like to do some carb loading at points. In the evenings, I like to have a meal with more carbs in it. I sleep better. I feel better. My hormones are more regulated. Definitely, incorporating the diet variation, for me, has been really important for ketogenic success.
Dr. Pompa:
I know diet variation is one of the top five strategies. I think we’re going to talk a little bit about that. Folks listening, if you don’t know what ketosis is, watch that episode. I think we even have other episodes on ketosis. We even interviewed Dr. Dominic D’Agostino not that many episodes ago, who even brought more value to ketosis. This guy’s training Navy SEALs, and Army Rangers in top performance with very little sleep. They were giving these guys medications to adapt.
Now they’re, with Dominic’s help, putting them into ketosis, and their performance and focus is going through the roof. That’s the amazing thing about ketosis. More and more athletes are realizing that ketosis is actually increasing performance. The old days of the high carbohydrate diets for endurance athletes, they’re going out the window. Ketosis is – Meredith, I think it’s one of the hottest topics right now, don’t you?
It’s going mainstream. People are actually talking about it now, not just in relation to using it to treat epilepsy or brain conditions, but for heightened performance in their overall life and just for better health.
Dr. Pompa:
I think, still in the medical field, if you will, there is ketosis. “Yeah, that’s for seizures, and that’s” – we realize that now – no. This is mainstream. Most cultures that ever, through this history of man, had great health, they were always in times of ketosis. Not, maybe, all the time, but in times of ketosis, by the way, which we call diet variation, moving in and out of ketosis. We’ll talk more about diet variation here down on the list.
Yeah, ketosis is hot. We have used this as a tool for years, just putting people in and out of this state. Really, I love it because it downregulates cellular inflammation. I think D’Agostino – and we interviewed Dr. Seyfried, and we talked about – he wrote the book Cancer as a Metabolic Disease and how he uses states in ketosis for cancer patients and how vital it is.
We know now it’s not just about seizures. That’s what everyone used to think ketosis was about. It’s about what it does for the brain, the cell, downregulates ketones, and fat burn clean, whereas glucose burns with a lot more smoke, which drives more inflammation in an already challenged cell. With not the ability to get rid of that byproduct from glucose metabolism, it makes more inflammation because it can’t get rid of the junk.
I say it’s like burning logs in your fireplace. You need a damper. Ketones and fat burn so clean at the cellular level, it’s like natural gas on your stove. You don’t need a damper. You don’t even see smoke. We’re able to downregulate inflammation of the cell, the brain. It’s such an amazing tool. That’s why it made the top 10. This is a really important subject.
Yep, it is. Episode 32, go check that out. There’s two articles on ketosis, as well, if you want to know more. On, there is a general article on ketosis, and then there’s also a follow-up troubleshooting article, as well. Check those out if you want more information. All right. Next, number nine most downloaded episode is episode number 54, Sleep and Anxiety Issues. A lot of people suffer with sleep and anxiety issues, so not hard to understand why that made the top 10.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I would have guessed it. It’s sleep and anxiety, right? When you have somebody who’s neurotoxic, which is something that we talk so much about and obviously teach doctors around the country about neurotoxic illness and how to utilize true cellular detox. All of these neurotoxic people have sleep and anxiety issues. It’s almost a way to diagnose neurotoxicity, for goodness sakes.
That’s a quick question that I have. If you’re suffering from sleep or anxiety, is it you pretty much definitely have a neurotoxicity issue?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I think the word ‘definitely’ is strong. I think that in most cases, there is some type of neurotoxicity involved. Look, I said this. I had massive sleep and anxiety issues. It seems like one would be the other, both. I would wake up in the middle of the night, panic attacks, massive feeling of dread. I had bizarre anxiety. There’s worry anxiety, and there’s this anxiety that comes out of nowhere.
If you’re someone out there that gets this just kind of random anxiety, that is absolutely neurotoxic driven. Now, there’s also the people who are neurotoxic don’t deal with stress, so that can create anxiety, too. What happens is – with neurotoxicity is you have – typically, the brain is toxic, the pituitary hypothalamus, which controls the thyroid, which controls your adrenal gland. You get this screwed up hormonal thing going on, where you’re producing more cortisol at night when you should be trying to sleep. You should be producing less cortisol.
You get these cortisol rises where you either can’t get to sleep or in the middle of the night, where cortisol will spike up, even adrenalin because your blood glucose drops so low. This is tied into cell energy, where you can’t produce enough energy. Then, boom! Your body’s sending up cortisol and adrenalin just to live and survive. Then therefore, you wake up, and now you wonder why you can’t get back to sleep. Adrenal-related, just cellular energy-related, it can drive up these cortisol and create anxiety and inability to sleep. It’s a hormone problem most often driven by brain toxicity in the hypothalamus pituitary. The pineal gland sits outside the blood/brain barrier, very vulnerable to heavy metals.
I always say that we have to get upstream and detox the cell. We don’t fix the cell or detox the cell, you won’t get well. I always say, more specifically, if you don’t detox and fix the brain, you’re not going to get well. These heavy metals bioaccumulate in the hypothalamus pituitary, which run your endocrine system and the pineal gland, which sits outside the blood/brain barrier, all of which will cause anxiety and sleep problems.
Wow! Wow! Huge, huge topic. We also have an article on that you wrote that really details this information, as well, and a lot of solutions, too. Definitely check that out if you’re interested and kind of want some more information. If you’re hearing those symptoms and it’s resonating with you, definitely check out that article for sure -inaudible-.
Dr. Pompa:
I even gave them some tips on how to use orthostatic blood pressure as a gauge on how to address the adrenals. I made a point, though, in it. I said, “That’s all downstream unless you detox this.” That’s really why you don’t sleep well. That’s really why you have anxiety. Very important. Okay.
R number 1, getting to the source – yes. Awesome. That was, once again, episode 54, “Sleep and Anxiety.” Check out the article. All right. Number eight most downloaded episode was episode number 10, “Autoimmune Conditions.” Now, they are rampant these days. I know so many people who are suffering with autoimmune, don’t even know it’s autoimmune, a lot of their conditions and these symptoms. What’s going on?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. You get a lot of the calls, the people that call into the website, right? How many people you speak to – that you’re speaking to, you know they have an autoimmune condition because they have the bizarre and unexplainable. I think most people have autoimmune, Meredith, especially people that don’t know what’s going on or have something weird happening.
In the medical world, they love to put tags on things. If they can put a tag or name, condition, give a diagnosis, then there is a medication, then, that they can justify giving. So many of these autoimmune conditions, they don’t know, so they end up – some of these people end up on psychotropic drugs, cortisol steroids, who knows, because they just don’t know. They’re really misdiagnosed and mistreated so much because the testing for autoimmune is in the stone ages. I say that in a great article that I wrote and, probably, you edited is “Autoimmune Answer,” that article.
Dr. Pompa:
We talk about -inaudible- solution and cause. How does autoimmune get triggered? Certain genes get turned on. You get the autoimmune disease of your genetic weakness. By the way, again, we don’t have names for a lot of these things. Lupus, rheumatoid, Crohn’s, colitis, these are names that once the symptoms get so bad, we say, “That’s the name.” Really, all autoimmune is the same. It’s your own immune system attacking certain tissues and cells. We name it by what tissues they’re attacking. If it’s attacking collagen, we call it lupus. Attacking the joint collagen, we call it rheumatoid. Again, how many people have bizarre things going on where we just haven’t named it? It’s the same. Certain genes get turned on, and now, your body starts attacking cells, driving its own inflammation.
Here’s the other leg of the stool, though. Certain stressors, physical, chemical, or emotional turn on those genes. Number one, when you look at the cellular healing, the 5Rs, that really is what’s turning off the genes. It’s part of fixing the cell and getting those genes to get turned off as a solution. Then we deal with true cellular detox to really get rid of the stressor, the chemical stressor, that turned them on. There’s one more leg. A lot of the ancient healing strategies we’re going to remind you of today. Fasting, intermittent fasting, ketosis, these things can also be a part of the fixing the gut. The gut and the microbiome there plays into the gene that gets turned on. A leaky gut and a bad microbiome is always part of autoimmune.
That three-legged stool is how it happens. Bad gut, certain toxins turn on certain genes. Think about that. If one of those isn’t there, typically, you don’t end up with autoimmune. Here’s the thing: If one of those isn’t addressed, you don’t have a solution for autoimmune. Read the article. It’s very important.
Yeah. That’s why autoimmune is so challenging, too, because it’s not a simple answer. As you really detail in the article, there’s a lot of different things that you have to do to get results. It’s not just one thing.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. The microbiome, we talk a lot about the gut, and that’s one of the legs of the stool. When there’s certain bacteria missing, you don’t make T Regulatory cells. Those are cells that tell your – literally tell your immune system to back off. Those cells turn on certain genes that tell your immune system everything’s okay. If you don’t have enough of these bacteria, you don’t make enough T Regulatory cells, and you can’t back the immune system off.
Again, that’s complicated. That has to be fixed. That gut has to be fixed. We use a lot of ancient healing strategies to do that. If we don’t remove the toxins at the cellular level, we’re never going to turn off the – we’re not going to ever change that gene expression where the body’s attacking itself. It is. It’s a multi-therapeutic approach of doing all of those things at the same time. I’ll tell you, when you do it, it works. We’ve seen that. The success with autoimmune has just been remarkable.
It is. It’s a complicated problem, but you do have a complicated but and answer that gets results, too. It is exciting. I’ve also seen it with so many of the people that we work with. It’s exciting because a lot of the mainstream medicine doesn’t have a lot of answers to give to autoimmune. It’s a really exciting topic. Definitely check out that episode and the article, as well.
Dr. Pompa:
I want to do a future show on the multi-therapeutic approach that we do with so many conditions. I think, for our viewers and listeners, it’ll really put everything into context for them. We can definitely do that in the future. Okay. All right.
Made the note. All right, great. All right. Next, seventh most downloaded episode is episode number 58. These were the top five anti-aging tips. These are also tips that we’ve incorporated onto the website and kind of broken down into five articles, as well, which kind of have become your top five strategies for really getting to optimal health.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s right.
Yeah. I’m going to break those down. We have some of these other topics within this that we’re going to review a little bit later on in the list. The top five anti-aging strategies are: number one, control your blood sugar. Number two, diet variation. Number three, intermittent fasting. Number four, burst training, and number five, true cellular detox.
We’re going to hit up – true cellular detox and intermittent fasting are coming up a little bit later on on the list. It’d be great to spend a little bit more time on controlling blood sugar, and burst training, and diet variation. Why don’t we start with controlling blood sugar? Why is that so important for anti-aging?
Dr. Pompa:
I think I want to refer them to the episode that we interviewed Dr. Seyfried, Professor Thomas Seyfried. He wrote the book called Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. In the episode, we’re basically saying, “Hey, look. Cells get disrupted and stressed from typically toxic sources that damage where you make energy in the cell, called the mitochondria. Then the cell adapts. Now, it can only use glucose for energy.”
I had the most fascinating conversation with another scientist, not last night, but the night before. We were talking about ketosis, and we were talking it all about. He feels utilizing ketosis is a strategy today that literally really ties into most diseases. I agree. What does ketosis do? It forces the cell to not use glucose, but it forces the cell to use fat. Him and I both agreed that this is – and it’s the same with Dr. Seyfried. He knows Seyfried; he calls him Tom.
He says, “You know, Tom and I, we have these discussions. We realize that most people today have trouble utilizing fat for energy. They’re stuck as glucose partners.” This creates so many problems that it ages you prematurely. Yes, that’s why it made – if you want to age faster than anybody, just keep raising your glucose. In most even healthy people, you go to these conferences – you’ve been there – they’re doing things. They’re eating all these healthy foods, but they’re still spiking their glucose all day. Right. Yes, it ages you – drives cellular inflammation.
According to Seyfried, it also ends up driving cancer and bad cells. If we really look at why people don’t feel well, I believe it’s because their cells are breaking. I’m making it really simple. They’re adapting. They’re utilizing just sugar, and they get used to utilizing sugar and not utilizing fat. Sugar burns dirty; fat burns clean. You see the problem. That drives more inflammation. The cell can’t deal with it anymore. It becomes broken, and then yes, it could lead to cancer. Yes, it can lead to chronic fatigue. Yes, it ages you prematurely. It’s a big topic.
Huge, huge topic, and there is an article on that on your website, as well. Check that out. We talked a little bit about diet variation, but do you want to share a little bit more on that strategy for anti-aging?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Let’s just make it – everybody needs to read the articles that we’ve written on diet variation. I talk about it within many articles, too. First of all, I always say I believe there’s not one diet perfect for everybody. The cellular healing diet is amazing because it gets rid of these number one things that drive inflammation. Oftentimes, we will put people in ketosis for periods of time. Diets can be different for everybody. Some people do better on higher fats; some people do less on high fat.
What we realized – and I discovered this just working with clients all around the world clinically, and training doctors, and getting their feedback – that the magic happens when you switch the diet. It’s like all of a sudden, people go, “Oh, my gosh! I feel so much better.” When people go, “Oh, I’m on a vegan diet. I felt so much better,” but when they stay on a vegan diet, they’ll eventually get sick. Paleo people, they get on a paleo diet, go, “Oh, my gosh! I feel better,” but now, they’re consuming too much protein. That can lead to problems.
We know that when you switch the diet, magic happens. I think Seyfried, in that interview, Professor Seyfried said it best. He said, “You know, that’s what we do for cancer patients. When we cause this shift, the cells have to adapt.” His point was great. Bad cells don’t adapt. They don’t have the ability to say, “Okay, now I’m just going to use fat for energy.” When you put someone from a cellular healing diet, even, and move them into ketosis, where their cells can only use fat, bad cells can’t make the shift. What happens? They die off. It’s called autophagy. The body eats up the bad cells.
It’s these shifts in diet that force our cells to adapt. The bad ones don’t. By the way, folks listening, diet variation could be going – like I go into ketosis in the summer. In the winter, I go into the cellular healing diet. That’s seasonal diet variation. I believe our ancestors were forced to do that, whether that was weather, things didn’t grow at certain times, or jut scarcity. They didn’t have food. We talked about the Hunzu people, the healthiest people on the planet. They were forced to make those changes. Scientists today believe it was the shift that forced them to adapt that actually causes them to live so healthy so long.
We have what you said helped you. You said that, “Hey, I like to have that carb day a week,” where you eat higher carbs one day a week. That’s diet variation. I think females do really well with that, even more so than males. I did a fasting day yesterday. I fasted all day, 24 hours. I ate dinner.
-inaudible- just water.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Right. I just had water. I ate dinner the night before, and then I didn’t eat until last night’s dinner. I do that once a week. That’s diet variation. Like you, I’m not even in ketosis right now. However, one day a week, I eat more. I typically don’t eat breakfast. We’re going to get there. That’s called intermittent fasting. One day a week, I do, and I also take in more healthy carbohydrates. That’s diet variation. You could do it daily. You would do it weekly. You could do it seasonally. Changing your diet, I believe, creats adaptation at the cellular level. The bad cells can’t adapt. The adaptation really works miracles in the body. It really does.
I agree. Yeah. I don’t think it’s an exact science, either. So many people are asking, “Well, what do you do, and how does it work, exactly?” There’s not an exact answer because you have to play around with it and find what works for you. If you understand the over-reaching principles, then you can move forward, and just kind of play around, and see what fits into your life.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. I couldn’t agree more. Yup.
Awesome. All right. Great. Did you want to tough on burst training, too, for anti-aging before we move on?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That was one of the five, right? High intensity training is shown to – especially to living longer. It ages you less. Matter of fact, it helps you age slower, whereas endurance athletes, especially ones that are just pounding the pavement and not recovering, which is very common, it ages you prematurely.
I always say, “Look. There’s a place for endurance training.” I love cycling. I love endurance training. I think I prefer it, and I’m naturally good at it, but I think that for weight loss and for making cells, hormone problems, be more sensitive to hormones, the cells being more sensitive to hormones, I think that high intensity training, aka burst training, is better for those things. I think that endurance training is good for certain things, but for weight loss or hormone issues, high intensity training is better.
Dr. Pompa:
Again, if you don’t know what that is, we’ve written the articles about that. You can read it.
Check out the articles, for sure. Awesome. All right. That’s number seven. All right. Number six, this most downloaded episode was episode number two – going back to your roots – “Heavy Metal Detox Done Right.” Huge, huge topic, and I know, for you, it’s near and dear to your heat. I’m sure for any of our viewers out there, they know all about your story and your challenges with mercury poisoning. We just kind of want to share a little bit about doing it right and why so many people do it wrong.
Dr. Pompa:
Please read the article. This is a pet peeve of mine, as you know, because most people do it incorrectly. There’s more bad information about heavy metal detox than any subject, I’m telling you. Simply put, is that you have the one group out here that’s using the herbals that aren’t true binders, whether it’s Chlorella – and by the way, I have nothing against any of these things. Chlorella’s a great super-food. It’s just not going to get rid of heavy metals in your body.
Cilantro, great, healthy, but it’s not going to get rid of heavy metals in your brain. Matter of fact, arguably, it allows things to cross in and out. It’s not a true binder. The point I make in the article is, “Look. We have to use true binders.” That’s really what works. Of course, we’ve had the introduction of CytoDetox as of lately. That’s a true binder. It holds in a cage and does not let go until it is gone. Even when it’s out of the body, it doesn’t let go. That’s how good that one is.
Dr. Pompa:
There’s DMSA we used. It’s a true binder that we used in the past. The FDA took it, and it’s only script now, but it is a true binder. When used correctly in its half-life – and all of these true binders have to be used correctly, otherwise you can create problems. A lot of people are given DMSA once or twice a day. That’s heresy. That causes redistribution of heavy metals. Yeah, they used a true binder, but then they didn’t use it correctly. Most people are just using binders that aren’t real. They’re not true binders.
Then we have the IV stuff that they put a true binder in all at once. It goes away. All of a sudden, redistribution happens. Yeah, this is a pet peeve of mine. True detox – again, we’re getting there, what true detox is. It’s really important to use true binders. It’s really important to use it right and in a system like true cellular detox.
Yeah. It’s a complicated process, too. That’s why it’s so important to be coached through proper heavy metal detox, as well. A lot of people out there are doing it on their own, but that can really cause a lot of challenges. Things can crop up, and they don’t really understand what’s going on. Having a good coach to coach you through the proper process to really get results is going to be really, really important to do it safely and effectively.
Dr. Pompa:
We’ve trained doctors around the country in this. This is really where I started. This was my roots. I wasn’t – because I was smart and read all this stuff. No. I learned this the hard way. I learned this because I went through it. I dove into this topic for years and years. Having now taught many doctors around the country this process of true cellular detox and how to do heavy metals correctly, we’ve even refined it even more. We have tools now like CytoDetox that I didn’t have even getting my life back. Understanding that there’s a preparatory phase, a body phase, and a brain phase, which is where the magic is, that’s key – and then using true binders.
Another issue I have majorly, people go to their doctor. I would have to pick on alternative doctors at this point. I don’t know how they determine whether they have a heavy metal issue, but they do. Then they give them a detox plan that lasts three months, two months, six months. Then they come back, and they go, “Oh, you’re clear of heavy metals.” It’s absurd. It’s crazy. How? It took 20, 30 years to bioaccumulate there. How are you going to get rid of it in one 10-day cleanse or one month, two months? Even the true cellular detox program that we’re developing, it’s a three-month program. The brain phase has to be repeated for people who have true heavy metal issues several times. It’s kind of maddening.
There’s no quick fix.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, but people buy into it. People buy into it. They go, and go, “Oh, yeah.” I hear it all the time. It’s like, “No, but I already cleared my heavy metals.” “Oh. What did you do?” “I did this herbal cleanse.” “How long did you do it for?” “Oh, I did a long time. I think I did it for two or three months.” It’s like, “Okay.” As soon as I say this – “Let me ask you something. How long have you had silver fillings in?” “Oh, yeah. Right.” “How long have you been vaccinated?” “Okay.” “How long would you say it took those metals to get in your brain?” “Oh, at least 30 years.” “Okay. Does it make sense that you just got it out of there in three months?” “Oh, yeah. That doesn’t make sense at all.”
Yeah. It doesn’t. It’s not a quick fix. I think it’s hard for a lot of people to hear that because when they’re told that it can happen in such a short period of time, that’s exciting, that they can get their life back sooner than later. Unfortunately, it is a process and patience is so important. I know for you, it was many years to really get results.
You reminded me the other day, too, just patience with all the things that we work on, even on our road to health, and even when we’re feeling good. When we want to get to optimal health like I do, there are still things that you have to be patience with, and you have to stay the course. You will eventually get results. There’s an emotional component to it, as well, but patience is so, so key in this process because it didn’t happen overnight, and the results won’t come overnight, either. -inaudible- reminder.
Dr. Pompa:
Meredith, that’s why we train doctors, like I said, around the country in this. We do something very unique, all of us. When we’re working with clients, our goal is to teach them this process. Teach them a prep phase, a body phase, a brain phase. Teach them the process of true cellular detox, how to keep it moving. We coach them for eight, nine months in this; therefore, you can do and continue to do the process. That’s the key, doing this stuff long enough to actually get well. Nobody is going to get rid of chronic disease in a few months. It just doesn’t happen.
Therefore, if you’re going for treatments, to a doctor, it’s not going to work. Chronic disease, you don’t need more treatments. That works great in acute care, but with these chronic conditions, it is about learning. Doctor does mean teacher. You need to be taught – coached through a process so you can continue it. That is the only way I got my life back. That’s the only way that the hundreds and hundreds of clients that I’ve been blessed to work with in bringing them back to health is teaching them.
The body has the ability to heal. I don’t heal. We have to remove the interference, and you need to be taught that process. If you do, you’ll get out. It’s the only way out. I hope people heard that. It’s a very unique method that we’re teaching, is to teach people, but it’s the only thing that actually works.
Yep. Teaching them to fish – yeah. Awesome.
Dr. Pompa:
I love that. Yeah.
Thanks. Awesome. Great. Okay. That was number six. Next, number five, this is the fifth most downloaded, and this is episode number 62. I think this is one of my episodes, as well, “Eating Fat to Lose Fat.” It is a big myth out there, and luckily, I think that the mainstream isn’t getting it – or isn’t believing as much anymore that low-fat is the way to go. A lot of people out there still low-fat. What gives? Why are they still eating low-fat food?
Dr. Pompa:
I just saw Matt Lauer this morning, talking about low-calorie, low-fat meals. It’s still in vogue. I’m telling you, I don’t know that we’ll ever shake it. The myth is fat makes you fat. The truth is fat doesn’t make you fat; it is the body’s inability to burn fat that makes you fat. When you can’t use this for energy, that’s a cellular issue. I always say that the inability to use fat, that is a cellular issue. More specifically, that’s hormone problem, a hormone not getting its message in the cell because the cell’s inflamed. That is the problem.
There’s three reasons why toxins – maybe four – toxins can drive the inability to burn your fat. Toxins in the hypothalamus pituitary that run your thyroid, we need this thyroid and T3 to burn fat. Thyroid plays into it, the inability to lose weight. Your adrenals play into it. This controls both. When you have particularly metals bioaccumulated there, yeah, losing fat becomes a problem.
If you get into a moldy home, yeah, it blunts receptors in the hypothalamus, and now, you can’t even turn your own appetite off. You can’t even burn fat for energy because you can’t hear a hormone called leptin. That’s one way.
Another way is toxins trigger obesity genes. Literally, toxins turn on genes that make us fat. That’s another way. Toxins also mess up the cell energy by damaging the mitochondria. We talked about that. They’d stick to the outer cell membrane, and they keep the hormones that you need to hear to get in the cell from here. Toxins are driving more of this issue. Fat doesn’t make you fat. Arguably, we eat fat. I don’t think I know anyone that eats more fat than you.
I eat a lot of fat. I do, but it works for me. It feels really, really good. When I don’t get enough fat, I don’t feel satisfied. I don’t know. I need it now because I’ve shifted over from being a sugar burner to a fat burner. It’s just such a smooth, clean fuel for my body, and when I have enough, I’m just raring to go. It feels great.
Dr. Pompa:
I think that’s the problem. I think that when people say, “Yeah, I’m eating fat. I’m not doing well.” Maybe their liver and gall bladder are so toxic they’re not breaking the fat down, which there’s a solution to that, true cellular detox being part of it. Taking some enzymes, helping you break the fat down.
Ultimately, I believe we need fat to actually get ourselves used to burning fat. One of the things is we know that when we eat fat, we start utilizing fat more and more. Therefore, when we’re not eating, guess what your body uses for energy when you’re not eating. It’s fat, its own fat store.
-inaudible- burn your own fat for fuel.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. We need fat to fix the cell membrane, which is how it communicates with the hormones. We need fat as a really clean-burning source. Eating fat, I believe, helps you actually burn fat. I believe you need fat to actually be an efficient fat burner for multiple reasons.
Yeah. There’s a quick point I wanted to make, too, that I think maybe not everybody would do as well with it, the amount of fat that I consume, for them. I had got an email the other day. “I have a roommate. I have a friend that doesn’t have a gall bladder.” There are certain circumstances, as well, where you have to modify. You have to find the amount that works for you.
Not everybody can follow a really high-fat diet and have success. There’s always going to be variation in that, just like with anything, like with the diet variation, and the carbohydrate amounts, and cycling with the ketogenic diet. There is going to be some variation, and you have to experiment. As far as the amount of fat goes, it’s not a specific science, either.
Dr. Pompa:
By no means, do not eat low fats. Find that range, but by no means eat low-fat. Every fat’s different. Some people do better with medium chain triglycerides, but let me say this: This is 180 degree solution, which I always say the truth with health always lies 180 degrees opposite of what we hear in the media. Take it the opposite, and somehow, you hit it right every time.
Saturated fat and cholesterol, I know you’ve heard, are the most dangerous fats. If we polled, not our audience, but the average audience, “What are the two most dangerous fats?” “Saturated fat and cholesterol.” It just so happens, they are the most important to fixing that cell membrane and the hormone receptor that lies on the cell membrane. Fat is really important. It doesn’t make you fat.
Amen. There’s an article on this on, and then there’s also a follow-up article, “Eat Fat to Lose Fat” recipes if you want some inspiration for healthy meals that are filled with really good quality fat. Check those out.
All right. Next we have the most downloaded episode number four. This was episode 11, “The Power of Intermittent Fasting.” Wow. Huge topic; we’ve talked about it a lot. Fasting has an incredible, incredible power to heal the cells, to decrease inflammation, to reboot your immune system. Little overview here, why do you love fasting so much, Dr. Pompa?
Dr. Pompa:
I said this, I think, in the article that I wrote about it. In the strategy article, we have the five strategies. Intermittent fasting’s one of them. Diet variation’s another. I wrote in there that this was the most powerful thing that I’ve done for my health since I’ve been well. I got my life back. I went through true cellular detox, proper heavy metal, got the metal out of my brain. I always say I healed over a seven-year period.
After I functioned in good health, intermittent fasting has been the most powerful thing that I’ve noticed. I think at my age, I’m 50, it did get a little harder to be as lean as I was in my twenties. When I started intermittent fasting, my body fat plummeted, and I actually put on and kept more muscle. It was transformational for me, and even my energy levels. Again, intermittent fasting, guys, read the article. There’s daily intermittent fasting, and that’s what I’m referring to right now, where I don’t eat for 18, 20 hours after my dinner. I have a small meal sometime midday around 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon, and then I eat a big dinner.
We see studies, and I’m doing some research right now on why this works and why people feel amazing. I think, especially the older you get, it’s because of what it does to the hormones. I’m reading studies again, a 2,000% increase in growth hormone rises in males; about 1,300% in females.
Then, I’m reading a lot of studies. I grabbed them here. They’re on my desktop – about what it does for testosterone levels and what it does for hormone optimization and sensitivity. It’s remarkable. Look, we know this, too. You know that I’m not a fan of just pushing food away and caloric restriction diets. When you intermittent fast, and your cells become more and more sensitive to hormones, more efficient at burning fat, when I’m not eating during this time, I’m getting rid of bad cells. Inflammation is downregulating. Hormones are going up, the good ones, the testosterone and growth hormone. My body’s healing.
We know, in all studies, people who eat less live longer, but you can’t just push food away and say, “I’m just going to eat less.” No. I eat less now because I’m not hungry. I’m simply not hungry. I fasted, like I said, yesterday, all day. I wasn’t hungry until I smelled food cooking at 6:00 at night. Then it kicked in.
-inaudible- about that.
Dr. Pompa:
Again, I only do that once a week, but the point is though, your body gets so efficient at using its own fat during that time of not eating. It gets rid of all the bad cells. My glucose levels all day, consistent. You’ll live longer. You do. It’s not my opinion. It’s not my opinion. Every culture that has had successful health, they typically don’t eat breakfast. We’re told – another 180 degree concept – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Tell the rest of the world that. They barely eat breakfast. It’s called a continental breakfast if you’ve been to Europe.
The Romans, the Greeks, they didn’t eat breakfast. I believe carrying a fast like that from dinner, is a very powerful thing. Then we have block intermittent fasting, where we periodically do four days of whey water, four days of beef stock, or even just water. That’s called a block intermittent fast. We do those fasts periodically. We all do.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s diet variation, too, by the way, going without food. The Hunzu people, they called it Starvation Spring. They would literally not eat because they just ran out of food, and they didn’t have time to harvest yet. The harvest wasn’t even in yet. They would go with very, very little food. Once again, these people lived long, disease-free. Still do because they change their diet. Very vegetarian diet in the summer; all meat and fat during the winter, and then Starvation Spring. Diet variation, intermittent fasting, all of it’s there.
Yeah. It is amazing. I remember when I first joined the team and started with the company, as well. I wanted to jump in, and I had been a little bit intimidated by fasting, as I think a lot of people are. They hear, “Oh, my gosh. Going without food, what am I going to do?” I did. I jumped in. I started with the four-day Suero Gold probiotic whey water fast. Then I took, on day five, the Core Cellular package, and that was kind of my first intro into cellular healing and rebooting my body. Since then, I’ve done more Suero fasting. I’ve done the beef stock fasting. I do daily intermittent fasting most of the time. It’s made a huge impact on my life.
Actually, one of my resolutions this year is to do a fast every single month for the whole year 2016. It might not be a four-day fast necessarily. It might even just be a two-day fast, but I wanted to get the benefits of a little bit more block fasting every single month this year. That’s something that I’m doing, and it’s – fasting has just been really, really incredible and made a huge impact in my life and on my health.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s fantastic to hear. It is such an amazing thing. We just had one of our doctors on our call on Tuesday. He was on day –
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, thirteen – of all water, folks. He was doing a water fast. We asked him, “How has it been?” He’s like, “Yeah. The first couple days were a little” – he’s like, “Now, it’s not problem. I feel great.” Isn’t that amazing what happens in fasting? Again, I want to encourage people to watch the episode with Professor Seyfried. It’s fasting, ketosis, these diet variations, restriction that they use to beat cancer. Look, it’s not our opinion. This stuff, when you put it with true cellular detox, 5Rs, this works. It’s not gimmick stuff. This really does work.
Yeah. It’s ancient. It’s proven. Yeah, it’s amazing.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s ancient healing. Yep.
Ancient healing – all right. Check that out, and check out the article, as well. All right. Next, number three of the top downloaded episodes is episode number 53, “Regenerating the Cell Membrane.” Kind of an interesting one. I was just surprised that that was number three on the top 10, “Regenerating the Cell Membrane,” but obviously, as you know, and, I think, as Dr. Bruce Lipton has said – and you’ve spoken about him a lot on past shows – that he says, “All life begins on the cellular membrane.” Can you explain that for us, and why the cell membrane is such an important piece of the puzzle to fixing out cells and to getting our health on track?
Dr. Pompa:
I believe you booked Dr. Lipton on a future show.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Amazing. He’s a amazing stem cell biologist. Wrote the book, The Biology of Belief. In that book, he really proved – and now others have, as well – that your thoughts literally – and by the way, I want to do a future show on that. Maybe we can get Dr. Joe Dispenza on. We’re going to have Bruce Lipton on. Your thoughts can actually drive cellular inflammation or the opposite. Positive thoughts can actually heal cellular inflammation. That’s going to be a great show.
The point is this: In his work, also, and in his book, Biology of Belief, he talks about it’s the cell membrane that literally turns off the genes or turns good ones on. It can turn bad ones off or good ones on. His point is if we don’t fix the membrane, then really, we can’t change that DNA. It is. I think it was his work and others, now, that they used to think that the intelligence of the cell was the nucleus. That’s where your DNA is, so that’s where the life is. That’s where the intelligence is.
We know that’s not true now. We can take out the nucleus of the cell, and the cell still lives on. It’s still able to engulf food and run from invaders. The intelligence is not in the nucleus, therefore. Where is it? He proved, and now, others, that it’s in the cell membrane. This is where the intelligence is. Isn’t that cool? That innate intelligence in our body that knows how to fight disease and pull in the perfect nutrients, turn on this gene, turn off that gene, the cell membrane.
R number 2 is you have to regenerate the cell membrane if you’re going to detox the cell. The membrane is what allows the good stuff in, the bad stuff out. The membrane is what turns off the bad genes. R number 2, regenerating cell membrane, it should be one of the most downloaded shows because it’s why you don’t feel well, honestly. It’s why you’re not detoxing. It’s why your bad genes are turned on. Huge topic.
It is huge. I know that you love the Vista 1 and 2 supplements for specifically targeting the cell membrane because they have the perfect ratio of omega-3 to 6 fatty acids to fix it. I just wanted to bring that up, too. If you’re interested in really targeting the cell membrane and getting those good fats in, the Vista 1 and 2 supplements are an amazing product to do that.
Dr. Pompa:
Let me just say this – and I know we have to get to number one. Everyone’s excited for that. I just said I had a really great conversation with a really smart biochemist. We’re going to have him on the show, by the way. He said something. He was talking about how important the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is, and I came out of my seat. I’m like, “I say that all the time.” He’s saying, “Yeah.” He believes that the people are taking too much fish oil. I’m like, “Oh!” I said, “This is exactly right.”
He says, “Yeah, but it’s all about the balance. People are throwing themselves out of balance and how it throws of homeostasis.” I said, “Oh, my gosh.” He was speaking my language. He was talking about the balance in so many things and how important these ratios are. I tell you, it was a great conversation. Yeah. People are taking too many fish oils, dislodging cardiolipin, causing dysfunction, really. Important, that’s why I love the Vista product. It’s balanced. It really is designed to target the cell membrane.
How would you know if you’re omega-3 dominant?
Dr. Pompa:
I think that there’s no way of knowing, excepting like in autistic children. In the beginning, when they take fish oil, there’s always an improvement. I would say that’s because they’re omege-6 dominant. In autistic children, then we start to see an increase in stimming. Because the fish oil helped in the beginning, we don’t realize it. We think it’s something else.
I would say someone takes fish oil in the beginning, and it helps their pain, but all of a sudden, now, their pain’s back. Then they’re starting to create some other new symptoms. Like I said, an autistic child will start stimming more. Maybe you start getting more pain or brain fog. That could be a sign of – even fatigue – of omega-3 dominance. Yeah, it’s a tough one. That’s why I always tell people if you’re going to take fish oil, number one, make sure it’s not rancid because most is. Take a good one. Take it randomly just like you would eat fish. Don’t take it all the time. I think that’s where people get into trouble.
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible- people that eat grass-fed and do all this stuff. They’re the ones that, when they’re taking fish oil, could actually get into trouble faster.
Yeah. Makes sense, makes sense. Like any supplement, you want to be cycling things and incorporating it like you would in a diet. Love that. Great. All right. Getting close to number one, but number two most downloaded episode was episode 26, “Adrenal Fatigue and the Endocrine System.” Huge, huge topic today. A lot of people are suffering with adrenal fatigue. What’s going on?
Dr. Pompa:
Listen, I knew that this would be in there, too, because everybody, when they get challenged – and eventually, they go to their regular doctor. Of course, that goes south. They end up going, “Okay, that didn’t help.” Then they end up at an alternative doctor, and the diagnosis is always, “You have adrenal fatigue.” Of course you do! Every neurotoxic condition, every condition, the adrenals are just whipped down.
I think the mistake is that people think that that’s their problem, that, “It’s just my adrenals. If I can fix my adrenals” – I was one of those people, so I’m talking out of experience. “I have adrenal fatigue. I’ve got to fix my adrenals.” I would realize that when I did that, okay, my energy was better, but now my anxiety and sleep was worse, or this happened, or that. It’s a downstream whipping boy to an upstream, greater problem. Whether it’s chronic stress of any kind, physical, chemical, or emotional, will zap the adrenals.
Yes. Athletes who you’re training to are not recovering. Yeah, you get adrenal exhaustion. Change it. Adapt better. Train less. Do something. Here’s the big one: Most people are chronically, chemically toxic, chemically stressed, which just eventually just crushes the adrenals. By fixing the adrenals, you don’t go upstream and get rid of the toxin. Of course, emotional stress can do it, too. Again, fixing the adrenals doesn’t get rid of the emotional stress. It’s typically the perfect storm that the adrenals are downstream going, “Help!” You can’t get well just by fixing your adrenals. You have to take away the stressors.
Yeah. Yeah. It’s a huge topic, and it’s really common. A lot of people now – it’s such a buzzword, adrenal fatigue, these days. A lot of people, once again, don’t have the answer of getting to the source and are just slapping supplements at it, maybe trying to rest more, but not really getting to the source of the problem to get results and to solve it ultimately.
Dr. Pompa:
I’m not saying you don’t address the adrenals. I think, in the article or in that episode, we give them some natural ways to do that. We talk about that. It really, though, it’s just a crutch while you’re getting upstream. In so many people, I am helping their adrenals. Oftentimes, we use a product called Calm or Seriphos to help rest the adrenal at a certain time of the day. Then we are also using something Ga-Adrenal to give the adrenals some life in the day.
Sodium, sea salt, is magic. Electrolytes are magic for the adrenals, giving them some support. So is methylation, B vitamins. Some simple things like that, we talk about in the episode, but get upstream.
Yeah. Get upstream, awesome. Check out the article, too, on That’s a more recent article on adrenal fatigue, so check that out. All right. Without further ado, drum roll. -inaudible-. Episode number one of the most downloaded episode was no surprise here, episode number 48, “True Cellular Detox.” Now, I know this is the heart of your mission and -inaudible- of what you went through, Dr. Pompa, has brought you to this conclusion, and to this process, and method, and system that you’ve put into place to change so many people’s lives called True Cellular Detox. There’s three components. There’s three phases. There’s an article on it, but what do you want to say about it?
Dr. Pompa:
Thank God it’s number one. Honestly, if it wasn’t, I would have been like, “Have I failed?” The fact that it’s number one, tah-dah! I feel like, Meredith, we’ve done something.
-inaudible-. Yes. Such an educated following. Literally, this is the true, number one episode. We didn’t change it. This is number one. You guys have been out there, listening to the message, and you’re getting it.
Dr. Pompa:
Thank God it’s number once because first of all, it leads to a lot of other good articles. It should be number one because this is why you still don’t feel well, folks. This is why you’re eating the perfect diet and taking all these good things, and you still don’t have the energy, or you still have brain fog, or you’re not sleeping enough. It’s detox. True cellular detox, it handles all the pet peeves. You said it. It’s three components. It’s three phases. That’s what real detox is, but it goes up to the cell.
In the article, in the episode, we talked about – we love coffee enemas. We love far infrared saunas. We love a lot of things, but they’re downstream to what real detox is, and that has to get to the cell. If you want to get well, you have to fix the cell. More specifically, if you want to get well, you have to detox the cell. You start here. Yes, we want to keep these downstream detox pathways open. Far infrared saunas can open up the skin. There’s no doubt. Coffee enemas can push stuff out of the liver and catch it in the gut so the liver’s not stopping up. No doubt, there’s great stuff out there, but again, downstream for where real detox has to be.
If we can’t get that cell detoxing naturally, then what good is a colon cleanse? What good is a coffee enema? The cell’s not doing what it should be doing. Again, that’s where the 5Rs come in as the first component. Fix the cell. Get the cell doing what it should be doing. The second component is really getting these downstream detox pathways protected and working. Keep those open. The third one is using true binders, and we talked a little bit about that. Read the article. We have trained great doctors around the country, practitioners around the country about true cellular detox. This is why we are seeing results that other people aren’t.
You get upstream, you get to why people don’t feel well. It has to go to the cell. This is the passion. Most of you watching this that have more severe health challenges, you need a coach to teach you this process. There’s a lot of nuances in it. There’s a lot of things, the dosing, but the process itself, that’s such a simple concept that works. It’s the real deal. Again, I think that most people watching would go hire a golf coach, but you’re struggling. You need a coach. I always say, “Meredith, if I got sick again, myself, I might hire you. I might hire one of the doctors.” You can’t think through your own stuff.
No. -inaudible- sick, and you’re not well, your brain isn’t functioning properly. You need someone with that expertise to really zero in on what’s really causing the problem.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. You’re thinking, making emotional decisions, and it just doesn’t work. I always say if people can really learn this process, it’s the way out. It really is.
It is. It’s such a powerful message. Kudos to you guys for ranking that as number one because it really is. It’s -inaudible- message, and it all boils down to that. If you don’t fix the cell, you won’t get well. What an awesome list. By popular demand, you guys created this list. Thank you for watching, for spreading this message to your friends, and liking it on Facebook, and sharing this on YouTube, and subscribing. We wouldn’t be here without you. We are so, so grateful. We have such an incredible army out there, people that are supporting this mission, and this philosophy, and so, so grateful for you. Thank you so much for watching.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. Thank you so much. Spread the word because you know, Meredith, what we teach, it’s truth. It’s not necessarily always easy. We don’t say, “Hey, take this one pill. This is the miracle pill.” Our message stands 180 degrees of most of what’s in the alternative world of health, let alone what’s in the other allopathic world, if you will. We will always stand for the truth. We’re always going to continue to try to bring you all the truth. If we feel there’s an expert in an area that you need to hear from, we’re going to bring it. Look, you put true cellular detox with these ancient strategies that we talked about together, changes lives. Keep bringing it. Keep sharing it. Thanks, Meredith.
Yep. Thank you, Dr. Pompa. Thank you for watching, and we love your feedback, so write in. Send us emails. Write on Facebook. Share your feedback with us about who you want us to bring on the show, what questions or topics you’d like to have addressed. We’d love to hear from you guys. Thank you so much for watching. Next week, episode 101, we have on detoxing your life, so the top five toxins under your roof and under your nose that are impacting your health.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s a big one! That’s a big, big show. You all better tune in and tell your friends to. That’s a huge show. It really is. All right. Thanks, Meredith.
We just had an article released on that, as well, so check out the article, and tune in next week. Thanks for everything. We love you guys, and we’ll see you next time.