Transcript of Episode 38: Intermittent Fasting, Growth Hormone, and Anti-Aging
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.
Warren: All right, we are live everybody. Sorry about the little, technical delay there. I am actually at Dr. Pompa's house. We are working on some exciting new things, a new product, really, really neat stuff. Welcome to, sorry I'm a little fuzzy here. I have David Asarnow. I didn't say, Dr. David today, but Cellular Healing TV episode—
David: I'm not really, I just play one on Cellular Healing TV.
Warren: That's true, and Dr. Pompa are you there? I thought I heard you there.
David: He's not live. He's not on the Hangout yet.
Warren: Oh, okay, well, he'll be here in a minute. We'll just start a little bit without him. If he has any technical difficulties, I can quickly run out there and help him, which is one of my strong suits is technology. David, the topic for today, Dr. Pompa and I were discussing it over coffee this morning. We have a lot of requests for the how-to's of intermittent fasting. We've released new articles on ketosis. We've be going down that way. The how-to's of ketosis, been hitting that hard. From our viewers, they've been wanting some of the more of the how-to's of the intermittent fasting, and that's what we're going to talk about today. It's something that I get to do every day. I can just explain my story and how I intermittent fast on a daily basis. I just went to a program called Life Book, and even in my health—which is a—essentially a personal development course. One of the things in my health section, my health and wellness section of my life, one of the things I put in there is to do more intermittent fasting. Actually, it's an added day of a complete fast once a week, and to be more consistent with it. That's part of my health and wellness, and what does it do, and why do I do it? It makes me feel great, it gives me brain clarity. If I do it consistently enough, and doing it correctly, eating some of the fats, I do go into a strong state of ketosis. Ah, wrong link. Dr. Pompa's actually going to join me here. This will actually work out really good. I'm just explaining my how-to with ketosis.
David: Here's the interesting thing since we're talking about this topic. A lot of people who are just joining us for the first time may say, “Well, why intermittent fast?”
Warren: Come here, Dr. Pompa, snuggle in.
David: Hey, Dr. Pompa.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, we had a technical difficulty as usual.
David: It's technology, but at least we're here, right? We're talking a little bit about intermittent fasting. Obviously Warren kicked off today talk—saying we're going to talk about anti-aging. One of the things that we notice specifically when new practitioners come into our program and they start adopting—
-Technical Difficulties- David: Let's just role with it. One of the things that a lot of our practitioners notice is from the first time we see them, till when we see them again, everyone's like, “Oh my gosh, you look younger.” One of the things that they all start doing right away is intermittent fasting. One of the things that Dr. Pompa, you talk about, is down regulating cellular inflammation. Why don't you connect the dots in why intermittent fasting first and foremost helps them down regulate cellular inflammation, and then we'll give them some steps of things that they can do.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly, I definitely want to make it how-to because that was some of the requests that came through. There's different types of intermittent fasting, and we'll discuss that. One of the major things is is that—one of the major things is that fact that it raises growth hormones so dramatically. In men, it's about 2000% increase, and women, 1300% increase. That's a massive difference. Growth hormone, of course, is how you regenerate, how your skin regenerates, how your bone, muscles, joints regenerate, feel good. That's why people today, a lot of the movie stars, they take—for about $1,500 to $2,000 a month they inject growth hormone. They look better, they do. They look younger, they feel better. However, just like any hormone, there's always a consequence to taking a hormone because then your body slows down its own production. Then it creates other problems. We know now that long-term growth hormone use can actually create insulin resistance and other things. Always a consequence, but when we do things naturally to keep our growth hormone maximized, we do in fact get those benefits without the consequences. I said this to somebody recently, I said, “I think that in the last,” you all know I practice what I preach. I eat the way I eat, I do a lot of things. Of course, you read about certain things. I'm never afraid to try certain things. Intermittent fasting, I'd have to say, is the most powerful thing that I have done in years, maybe five years or more, as far as natural health goes, that I noticed such a massive difference in so many areas of my health, even my physical activity. I'm a strong believer in it. Again, I jokingly say, maybe it's just because of my age that I notice such a dramatic difference. That doesn't mean that younger people wouldn't notice a difference too. I'm able to stay much leaner, and I am absolutely changed as far as how my skin looks and how I age. I notice a lot of different things.
Warren: I opened this up with me looking at the area of health and fitness in my life, health and fitness actually through a personal development course. One of the things because of that, Dr. Pompa, because one of my goals is to see my grandchildren's children, so my great grandchildren, and be part of their life, I want to be extremely healthy and fit. One of the things that I added to achieve that goal, knowing everything that we have done—I mean, all the places that we've traveled, all the doctors that we've worked with along the way, all the books that he's interpreted for me and told me the truth about, that's a joke. I don't have to read everything, he reads it. Send that to Dr. Pompa, it really does the same thing. We rely on each other's strengths, right? One of the things I'm going to integrate, after all that great knowledge, all of Dr. Pompa's interpretation for me, is integrating more intermittent fasting.
Dr. Pompa: I can solve this problem.
Warren: He can solve this problem. Out of all those different strategies and solutions, I need to integrate more intermittent fasting into my program. One of the things I wanted to add, Dr. Pompa, and this is a great question for you. This is just what laid on my heart, again, I'm not an expert in this. I want to do a full day of no eating, and then integrate possibly a carb day like you do with ketosis. Intermittent fast every day the way I'm doing it with MCT oil, and butter, and heavy cream in my coffee.
David: All right here in my coffee.
Warren: There you go, well you've always been a strong proponent of that. You use the same coffee we do, that you can get a free bag through Camano Island, you can grab that right off the website, a free pound. We do that every day, and I wanted to integrate that. What do you think about that, putting a full fast day and a carb day in there?
Dr. Pompa: I just did it last week. You can go—and we'll show that in the how-to. Yeah, one day a week I don't eat for 24 hours, sometimes more. Sometimes I'll go the whole day, and then I won't eat until the following day around one or two o'clock. Some days I'll eat dinner, and then I don't eat until dinner the next night. Actually, I just did that yesterday. I went a 24-hour loop without eating. Then, we do a carb-load day where we actually do the opposite.
Warren: Healthy carbs.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, healthy carbs, we're not throwing pizzas down our throat, but where we remind our body that it's not in fact starving. We'll get into that. It also reminds your body it's not starving. It's a way to tap into fat at a much deeper level. I have to point you in a couple of directions. Number one, I've written a couple articles about intermittent fasting. Most of you have probably read them and just said, “Hey, I want more information on that.” The last article I did on ketosis, it was answering questions about ketosis. I talked about how intermittent fasting really plays into ketosis. You get the most bang for your buck in ketosis when you intermittent fast daily. Read that article because I gave a little brief how-to on a daily intermittent fast. With that said, there's some resources for you on the website under articles. Let's talk about it because there's block intermittent fasting where we intermittent fast people for at least four days. You can do three days, but I think you'd get more of a benefit from four days because that's when a lot of the hormonal stuff starts to happen, to even longer—in some people even a few weeks. The point is, let's talk just this four-day block of intermittent fasting. You've heard us talking about whey water fasting. Why whey water? It's called healing water. It has such a profound effect on the cell and your downstream detox pathways. It's loaded with electrolytes which makes fasting easier for sick people. Also, beef stock fasting, or stock fasting. Why that, because it starves down all bacteria, and then we reinoculate afterwards, so we reset our microbiome, which you've heard us talk a lot about. Load it with type two Collagen, very healing for the gut, the skin, the joints, and it down regulates inflammation. All these intermittent fasts do. Many of the people that we help, we do these types of block intermittent fasting periodically. We don't just do one, we sometimes do one every month, sometimes two a month. Each time they do it they get a different level of healing. Remember, these fasts make you more hormone sensitive. One of the big epidemics is that people are hormone resistant. We're not talking Type II Diabetes here, although we could be. We're talking about thyroid problems, the inability to lose weight, testosterone, estrogen, all of these hormones. The cell cannot hear today, and everybody's taking more hormones instead of getting the cell to hear the hormones. That's called hormone sensitivity. We want to be very hormone sensitive. Very lean people that are very healthy and age slow, they're very hormone sensitive. Intermittent fasting, whether it's in this block style, which most challenged people need to do. I trained our doctors on—I have six different intermittent block fasts that we utilize. Now, let's shift gears. I think a lot of those types of fasts, most people that have challenges, supervision probably is best. Daily intermittent fasting, this is what we just spoke about, where we're doing this every day. What I mean by that is we're carrying our fast on through the night because that's a fasting state. Then, we're not eating breakfast, and then we're not typically eating until one or two o'clock. We're literally going 16 to 18 hours or more without food. That's not going to work for everybody, and I talk about that in the ketosis article. The reason why is because some people are just so resistant to fat burning because they're resistant to hormones, that in that fasting state they're burning muscle through the night, they're dumping glycogen at—during those times, extremely elevated glucose in the morning. They're really just burning sugar. They're never really tapping into their fat stores. One suggestion I have to really get the benefits of daily intermittent fasting is to get into the fat burning zone first, whether it's being on the cellular healing diet, or the advanced cellular healing diet where you're in ketosis, and then take advantage of daily, intermittent fasting. Now, I've had people that do intermittent fasting daily, like we're talking about, going that 14, 16 hours without food, and it makes them more hormone sensitive, and then they become fat burners. Could you do it to become a fat burner, yes. Will it work for everybody? Maybe not. I just want to put that caution out there. Let's now fast-forward. Let's say it is working for you, and this is where the magic comes. You're burning fat through the night, just like really good fat burners do, and then you're continuing that all the way through. You're doing that every day. Literally, you're fasting every day. You're getting growth hormone spikes every day. You're getting the benefits of not eating, resting yourself, every day. Listen, every study on anti-aging shows that people who eat less age much slower. There's more research on that than anything. As a matter of fact, eventually a gene turns on called the Cert 1 gene. The Cert 1 gene is called the longevity gene. Once that gets triggered, you extend your life dramatically. Caloric restriction triggers the gene. Here's the problem, caloric restriction doesn't work, meaning your body eventually thinks its starving and everything works against you. You look at these countries that eat less and live longer, how are they doing it? First of all, they're not hungry. They're eating less because they're following their innate intelligence when saying no, they're just not simply hungry. They don't eat—often, most of them don't eat in the morning, continue that fast. The key to eating less is making yourself very hormone sensitive. If you just try to eat less, your body will eventually think it's starving. They key is—
Warren: It's counterintuitive.
Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, the key is becoming a very efficient fat burner, it normalizes your insulin glucose, raises your growth hormone, you become very hormone sensitive, and therefore you just are not hungry as much, and your body never thinks it's starving, key to intermittent fasting right here. If you do not eat a big meal at the end of your day, your body will eventually think it's starving and it will—everything will backfire on you. All of a sudden, you're going to be putting belly fat on again. All of a sudden your body's going to want to store it. It doesn’t matter what you eat. You can eat salad, you can eat chicken salad, whatever you think is the perfect meal, meat and vegetables, and you will gain weight. Your body wants to store everything it can when it thinks it's starving. The key to intermittent fasting daily is not eating for this period of time, whether it's 16, 18 hours, and then I eat a higher fat meal around one or two o'clock, and I eat a little bit of protein with that meal, and then I eat a big meal at dinner. If it's not big enough, your body will think it's starving. Eat like the Romans, eat like the Greeks, engorge at night, fast through the day.
David: Let me ask you a question. Sometimes I don't even eat during the day. I'll have whey water, I'll do chia seeds with whey water, or chia seeds in water, take a spoon of coconut oil and just eat it. Would that suffice, or do I need more.
Dr. Pompa: No, through the day, that's perfect. That's very similar to what I do. I'll have some coconut oil, maybe some X-Factor butter oil, both of the products that I use we sell on our website. Then, maybe a little scoop of whey protein, just a small amount of protein to go with that fatty meal. Then, I don't eat again until whenever, six to eight o'clock I start eating. If I worked out that day, maybe I start eating something at five o'clock. That's where I eat a lot. That's the gorge phase I call it. We don't ever want the body to thinks it's fasting, so that big meal at the end of the day is key. Now, listen, you can't just eat a bunch of carbohydrates at the end of the day. That's just not going to work because you're going to get a glucose rise, an insulin rise, and then your body wants to store it. You can't do that. You have to keep those carbs lower and really stick to the meat and vegetables. Listen, this is what Warren said in the beginning, after a while, what we notice that people—the body becomes very efficient at burning fat, so efficient that it wants to hold onto fat. Listen, the body's instinct is always to survive. No matter what, at all costs, it will survive. It's always thinking that maybe starvation's coming, maybe a bad winter and we're not going to have enough food. I mean this is what the body thinks. It always wants to prepare for the downtime. Therefore, it wants to store fat. Once it starts getting to a certain leanness, then what the body does is it starts to become even more efficient at utilizing fat. It starts to plug fat cells with water. It slows down fat burning. That's why it pushes water into the fat cell. That's not good. The second strategy is it starts to become more insulin resistant. Not like a diabetic where it's from inflammation, but the DNA in the cell shuts down some of the receptors to insulin, and now you start to store fat easier. That was what you said, taking one fasting day a week, and just not eating until dinner or even the next morning, or lunch, etc., and then taking another day. I like to separate them, so maybe you did that on Wednesday. Then on Saturday you eat like there's no tomorrow. Eat breakfast, eat lunch, still healthy, still in the cellular healing, and purposely get healthier carbs. Maybe that day, David you drink more Amasai, 00:18:51 you drink more of the SueroGold, you drink other healthier carbs. If you're someone who's okay with a certain amount of grains in your diet, that would be the day. If you're somebody—other healthy things. Maybe that's the day you eat a little bit of sweet potato. If you're okay with oatmeal, maybe that's the day you eat a little bowl of oatmeal. The point is is that this is—we want to get our carbohydrates up. How much? I'm always asked that question. Everyone's going to be a little different, but I would say between 50 and 200, it will fill your tank so to speak. You can even do high protein days every once in a while to mix it up. Again, somewhere in the range again, depending on your size and how much exercise you do, between 100 and 200 grams of protein that day. This one day a week where we gorge so to speak, we fill our body up with all this extra. It's just reminding our body that it's not starving. There's plenty. It works, I mean it really does. Bodybuilders have known it for years that these carb-load days. They did it before their competition.
Warren: They don't do calorie restriction, they do hormone manipulation. It's really different. It is a science. That's what people unfortunately have been told is that calorie restriction—they lose a few pounds, that's not what we're saying. That's a really tough concept to get, Dr. Pompa. I don't even know a better way to explain it.
Dr. Pompa: I think the only thing I can say is if you're just restricting calories day in and day out, number one, you're pushing food away. You can't do that. You have to—honestly, when you get hormonally sensitive, you don't have to push food away, you're simply not hungry. That's one of the big distinctions. Number two, if you're just restricting calories all the time, eventually your body thinks it doesn't have enough and it holds onto everything via storing fat. You have to do these times a day where you just eat. It has to be healthy, low-carb things because carbohydrates in any form are going to be stored, it's extra energy. That's the key. People, we were just in a seminar and the guy said, “It's simple, it's math, it's simple math where you burn more calories than you take in.” It's not so simple. We have people that are down to 500 calories a day, 600 calories a day, believe me, I hear these people. They can't lose. Not only can they not lose weight, they're gaining weight because everything they put in their mouth their body is taking and storing as fat. It's in survival mode. It's not just about reducing calories.
Warren: They have massive low energy, and they're sick.
Dr. Pompa: Your body doesn't want to use its energy. It's trying to put you to bed. Think about this, what your body does in a time of starvation, it takes all of your energy away so you don't have energy to do anything. It wants to survive. The last thing it's going to do is give you energy. It will kill you. It takes your energy away, so you have no energy and you just store fat. This is the populous of America here, low energy and storing fat even if they eat salad. That's a hormone problem, that's a cellular problem. Intermittent fasting is just one strategy to realize—to really become more hormone sensitive to fix the cell ultimately to get well. This is the key, and again, knowing when to use the strategy is key, knowing how to use the strategy is key. We've written a lot of articles about it, we do shows like this to answer questions. Maybe you're thinking of some other questions because that was a good one. I think people are confused about that.
David: I think that one thing right now, I'd like you to be able to point people if they want to get some of these products you're talking about, the probiotic whey water, etc., where can they go, where can they get this?
Warren: Beyond Organic Milk, right?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah,, they can get the Amasai that we drink, that you drink, David, the SueroGold, and that's been a strategy of using—the SueroGold is the whey water that we spoke about where we do block fasting with. It's called SueroGold, That's the one, David, you said you put chia seeds in and drink it. That's really—it's amazing, right? Again, there's some carbs in that.
Warren: How many of those a day, if you were intermittent fasting would you—just the one in mid-afternoon?
David: I usually would do it—excuse me, that's my lunch. Probably about one, two o'clock when I remember that oh, it's one, two o'clock, I haven't thought about food all morning. I'll run upstairs, make it, shake it up, put some Stevia in there. Then, I'll go work out at 5:30, and eat dinner at 6:30 with the family.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, and to answer Warren's question I think it's just—the max would be one a day. On a carb-load day—
Warren: Unless you're doing the block fast with it, five a day—
Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, yeah.
Warren: That's one of your articles on the internet on fasting.
Dr. Pompa: You're not eating anything else on a block. You're just taking four to six of those SueroGold a day.
Warren: For four days.
Dr. Pompa: Right, it's for four days. That's a different concept obviously. Daily, I would say a half to one a day is maximum. The other point I wanted to make, and we discussed this a little bit in a past show, is—oh gosh, my dog just knocked at the door and I lost my train of thought. Oh, I know. Ah, I just lost it again. Let me let him in or he'll keep interrupting me.
Warren: The puppies are in rare form today. It's fun. I'm sitting next to Dr. Pompa in his house, so intermittent can—and teaching, and training can happen anywhere, with all kinds of animals around you, too.
David: You were talking about—in a past show we talked about something.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly, it was a past show. We had Faith on. I'll think of it in a minute. It's a good point to make, and—it'll come to me.
David: If anything, this shows that these shows that we do are raw, are real, and we know the topics that we're going to talk about. We just talk about them. It's not like we have Teleprompters in front of us, or any scripts, or anything like that.
Warren: This is how we live on a daily basis. This is our life, this is our life mission. We're just sharing the science and the research that we utilize through hundreds of doctors across the nation. We get a lot of feedback. Dr. Pompa works with very, very challenged patients and clients. He coaches them on how to do what we do. Really, on a daily basis, to get their lives back because the body—if you remove the interference, if you remove the cause, it will heal itself. It works every time. God didn't screw up. Just like what we're sharing today guys, think about it. The world's telling you one way, calorie restriction, yet it's 180° opposite. It's about hormone manipulation, regulation, that's innate in your body to curb your hunger, to do what it's supposed to do. It's designed in a certain way, and the outside world, which is marketing, which is 180° opposite of how we live our lives is telling you something completely different and ultimately leads to unhealthiness, low energy, to starvation mode, to getting sick. You've got to do a 100° opposite, Dr. Pompa, to live that life. That's our mission.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely no doubt. Here's 180° opposite and this is what I wanted to talk about. We talked about people who eat, it's in vogue right now, eat five or six meals a day. That's what you do. We hear that, and I think it's very popular because it does work for people who are not efficient fat burners. Listen, here's the point, eating five or six meals a day will keep your body from eating its muscle. Therefore, it will keep your metabolism up a little bit. Therefore, it does, it works. You say, “Oh, okay I've lost a little bit more weight.” Think about this, what it's doing is it's really keeping your body from burning its fat stores. You're eating every five to six hours. What it’s doing is it's burning what you're eating, five or six small meals. It's burning that, and it's never burning your fat. Yeah, it works in a sense that okay, great, it will burn those little small meals, and therefore it won't store as much fat, it won't eat your muscle, but the problem is that you're not utilizing what's around your waste, your visceral fat, the fat that's even around your organs, that holds a lot of toxins, you've got to burn that stuff out. You're really stopping your body from utilizing fat. It's really—it's a manipulation tactic that really works in the short term, but long term I believe it causes health problems. Obviously it leads to belly fat and other areas of fat that you don't like. It's not a solution. Could it be a temporary solution while you're making changes? Yeah, maybe, but I like other things to do, other things. That's been around for a long time. Eat five, six small meals. I mean, you still hear it, right? Again, it just goes against human nature. It goes against our innate intelligence that our bodies are really set up to when we're not eating to burn fat. Now, people you're heard me say this. Our cells can only use two things for energy, right? You can only use fat or sugar. Healthy people have the ability to go back and forth. Sugar, burn fat, burn sugar, burn fat—most Americans are stuck as sugar burners only at the cellular level with the hormonal inability to utilize your fat for energy. Therefore, when you're going long periods without food, your body gives you a craving you can't resist. Bad idea, you end up breaking the diet, or it breaks your muscle down and your metabolism. That's why people eat more meals to try to counteract that. Ultimately, you want to be hormone sensitive. You want to be an efficient fat burner at the cellular level, that's a hormone issue. Then, when you're not eating, you're burning fat. That's why intermittent fasting daily works so well once you cross over into a cellular efficient fat burner. Then, when you're not eating, you're burning fat for energy. Your blood glucose levels and insulin levels are like this. You've heard me say this—you want to age slower than anybody, control your glucose and insulin. Most people are insulin spike, insulin spike, I'm not talking diabetics here. They go glucose and insulin spike, glucose and insulin spike. You're aging, you're causing something called glycation. When you go to your doctor, your blood glucose levels are normal, but all through the day it's glucose spike, glucose spike. That's who you age prematurely. You see those spots that start getting on your skin, that's called glycation. That means that the glucose spikes are basically causing an inflammation, an attack on the protein. Glycation, it's like burning toast. That's what ages you. That happens on your skin, it also happens in your inner organs. That is the key to aging. You control glucose and insulin, you become hormone sensitive, you're going to age slower than anybody that you know.
Warren: One other thing I wanted to bring up is how do you get into that fat burning zone? I know in the past we just gave them Cellular Healing Diet, just do the Cellular Healing Diet for a month. However, what we found now is during that block fasting, before you jump into the Cellular Healing Diet, can make you more hormone sensitive, so the four days of just whey water can make you more hormone sensitive as to when you can quickly even—it used to be 21 days about I guess before your body would get into fat burning from just doing the Cellular Healing Diet. We've sold hundreds of thousands of copies of that book at this point. Then, in the past we did that. It took people 21 days. With intermittent fasting, some people are getting there in two weeks. They're starting to become efficient fat burners. Here's the question, and this is what I don't know. How do you know when you're ready to start jumping into intermittent fasting? You did a block fast, you did the Cellular Healing Diet. Now, okay guys, I want to look younger, not like we do today because my face is all squished up and my eyes are all looking weird because I'm sitting high. We don't look young today, but just say that I did. How do we look young like you guys? I am 40 years old in December, and most people say I look 28. Dan's—you're 50, aren't you?
Dr. Pompa: No, not yet. Next year I will be 50.
David: I'm 85. I just—
Warren: David actually looks good. Actually, you did anti-age significantly on your journey.
David: I'm 46.
Warren: You look great as well. There is—it's on purpose. It's not on accident that we look younger. It's the growth hormone, it's eating right. It's all those things. Dr. Pompa, they want to do that, so how can they get to that place where they're ready?
Dr. Pompa: To answer that question is that when you start losing your hunger. Here's a better one, and you don't have cravings, and you start burning fat. There's people that are really cellular broken who say, “I'm not hungry.” They're not because they're eating their muscles. Their body dumps glycogen, and yet they're still putting fat on. When you're losing fat, I mean your body's burning fat, you're in that fat loss stage. You're not hungry, you don't have cravings, absolutely, you're a fat burner.
David: Woohoo!
Dr. Pompa: Exactly, then you can absolute get the most out of daily intermittent fasting. Warren brought up a great point of clarification. We start with these block fasts. That helps you lose the cravings. That helps you become more hormone sensitive faster. That helps heal the gut, by the way, which is a lot of reason why people have problems, you can't lose weight, etc. There's a lot of things that get achieved. It even helps fix what we call the microbiome, which we know now, people who can't lose weight, have a certain bacteria fingerprint if you would, in their gut. People who are very lean have a certain fingerprint. We know that if we put two mice groups together, fat mice and skinny mice in the same cage. The fat mice, they eat each other's poo. The fat mice end up becoming skinny just because their bacteria in their gut becomes like the skinny person's bacteria—or person, mouses. What happens is is that that plays a role. When we block intermittent fast, we effect our microbiome, we become skinny mice, which is going to help our hormones. We get ourselves hormone sensitive. We're controlling cravings there. Then we go into the Cellular Healing Diet for a period of time. Then, that may be enough for many of you to start daily intermittent fasting at that point. Many of you might have to do several block fasts before you can daily intermittent fast. Some of you may have to do the advanced Cellular Healing Diet where you drop your carbohydrates below 50, and get into keto-adaptation. Read those articles, there's two of them. That's another strategy to become a fat burner. Sometimes we force the cell only to use fat for energy. There's the program, block intermittent fast, move into the Cellular Healing Diet, some of your might have to do the Advanced Cellular Healing Diet, and then eventually get to intermittent fasting daily. That is the strategy, it works.
Warren: It's 180° opposite of what you're being told.
Dr. Pompa: Absolutely.
Warren: The nice thing is, guys, and we have to wrap up, David has to go, is that most of what you're hearing in this world—well, let me put it this way. There is a movement now. There is a 180° Solution™ movement that's happening in our world. They're coming on harder with the opposite marketing. You need to share this, you need to tell your friends even what you learned today. Just start speaking these things, intermittent fasting, raising your growth hormone. Just start sharing it with your friends. I want to hear about it in coffee shops. Send people to Cellular Healing TV. Other great health and wellness experts out there that are speaking the same truth. They're coming out of the woodwork. We're so happy to be a part of it, and we're so glad that other people are speaking the same language we've been speaking for years, since I don't even know, since 2000. Thanks so much for joining us. Share this message with your friends. Get out there. This is truth, guys. It's 180° opposite. Your friends are sick. They're on their treadmills. They think they're doing it right, and it's 90% of them. I live in a city that believes it. The difference is I come to this city, they're more health and fitness aware. They know more about intermittent fasting. I come to Park City, and I go into a gym, and I'm like, “Oh my gosh, I want to go to the next level. These people are fit.” They're doing these strategies. In Pittsburgh, they're not. They're working out five days a week, and running their treadmill, “I've got to get my cardio in so I can burn fat.” It's a lie, and it's wrong, and it's wasting their time. More importantly, I believe, Dr. Pompa, a lot of wasted energy that people could be using to serve the world is being wasted on a treadmill. I really am passionate about it because we could do a lot for the world. We would live in a lot less—in a better place. We'd have more time for our families. See, this is how you know that your health and fitness can actually effect other areas of your life, and ultimately affect the world when truth is being spoken.
Dr. Pompa: Next week, I want to continue the discussion on anti-aging because some of the questions that people asked in email are what we take. What supplements can I take to age slower? My brain, my body, my skin, I'm going to talk about that next week. We're going to talk a little bit about fitness, about exercise, and how certain things can actually age you slower, and how certain things can actually speed up the aging process. We're going to talk about all that next week.
Warren: All right, welcome, take care guys.
David: See you next week.
Warren: Have a great week. Cellular Healing TV's signing off, bye-bye.