260: A 3,000 Year-Old Secret to Restful Sleep
with Michael Tyrrell
Learn How Thousands Are Getting to Sleep Again Without Supplements or Drugs
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today, we welcome back award-winning author, musician, composer, and producer, Michael Tyrrell. Most importantly, he’s the creator of the Wholetones Healing Frequency Music Project. Michael is back today to introduce the newest member of his Wholetones family, the Wholetones2Sleep sleep device. He’ll tell us the story of how Wholetones came to be, and he’ll discuss the benefits of specific frequencies, and how they can impact sleep in a positive way. Music impacts our mood, body, and health in ways we never thought possible. We can’t wait to share this new sleep solution with you.
Before we get started, I’d like to share a bit more about Michael Tyrrell. Michael began developing Wholetones after a visit to Israel yielded an unexpected but divine event which led him to discover seven hidden musical frequencies that have the power to heal the mind, body, and spirit. Stay tuned to hear the whole story and discover the secret to wellness through music. If you would like to read more about Michael’s story, learn more about his Wholetones2Sleep device, or if you’d like to hear more about his Healing Frequency Music Project, please check out our links in our show notes
Practitioners, please be sure to check out HCF’s Live It to Lead It seminar in Nashville where we’ll have a lineup of top health experts who will explore the latest research and most effective strategies in the field of cellular healing. Please go to hcfevents.com for more information. Practitioners, you can take $150 off with the code CHTV when you purchase the four-day pass.
To the rest of our CHTV audience, we have some exciting news. We have opened up one day of this conference to the public. Please go to events.drpompa.com if you’d like to attend and hear the amazing speakers who will leave you feeling inspired and ready to take action. We hope to see you there. Alright, so let’s get started and welcome Dr. Pompa and Michael Tyrrell to the show. This is Cellular Healing TV.
Dr. Pompa:
Michael, welcome back to Cellular Healing TV.
Michael Tyrrell:
Yes, it’s an honor to be back with you, Dr. Pompa. It’s nice to see that you’re in a room without any leaky water.
Dr. Pompa:
Before the show, you reminded me of that. I was like, oh yeah. Yeah, that’s who I did the show with; it was you who I had that problem with my house.
Michael Tyrrell:
It wasn’t my fault, I swear.
Dr. Pompa:
I’ve had it all happen to me. Yeah, these things happen especially the things that I fear the most: mold. How about that. No, listen, I love this topic. We had an amazing interview.
Michael Tyrrell:
We did.
Dr. Pompa:
It was a great one. We’ll make sure we put what episode that was so people that love this show can go back and listen. Yeah, we went deep into your story then because I was super fascinated about—and I want you to still review it, just how you came to this. The story for me being a Christian, a believer, and how you were in Israel, you just got to repeat that a little bit.
You discovered these tones that to me are biblical tones that affect our healing. In the last episode, we discussed how these tones affect different health aspects, but we didn’t cover the one we’re going to talk about today. That’s sleep. You have something new that takes it to the next level. Stay tuned, folks, because you’re going to get to experience what I got to experience. Tell the story a little bit, Michael, just to remind our viewers.
Michael Tyrrell:
Absolutely; well, I did a lot of things with my pastor, Don Finto. I was on staff with him and proofread his book: Your People Shall Be My People. He wanted to go to Israel to do some ministry over there. I had the opportunity to proofread a book and go to Israel. I never told anyone this story and I feel like I’m supposed to.
When we embarked on the trip, when we got to New York, we flew EL Al. They have amazing security, really top security. When we got there, they separated the two of us, the security agents. One was a guy; one was a girl. They started asking me all these questions, trick questions.
Finally, I said, “Look, I’m going to tell you why I’m going to your country. Then you can decide whether you want me to go or not. I’m going to go to your country to tell people who Yeshua is. I’m going to expose the Messiah of Jesus in Israel. I’m going to leave money and guitars. We’re going to play worship music in the streets of Israel in your country. That’s why I’m going.”
He looked at me for a minute. He looked at the girl and motioned her to come over. They talked for a second and had Don, my pastor, come over. He said, “Can we do something for the two of you?” I said, “Yeah, sure.” They bent down and they put their hands on our feet. They prayed over us and thanked God for sending us to their country. I’m just sitting here going, Orthodox Jews are laying their hands on our feet asking God to bless our feet as we travel through the country sharing the truth about Jesus.
Dr. Pompa:
That was a blessing and [00:05:19] really. It led the way to what was—the blessing that was coming, right?
Michael Tyrrell:
Oh, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Tell that. That was impressive right there showing that God, man, was on where He was sending you and what He wanted you to discover.
Michael Tyrrell:
Sure, so when we got in the car up in Gurion, we started heading for Jerusalem. Don, my pastor, just said, “I just feel like we’re supposed to go to this coffee house Ben Yahuda Street. I feel like a friend of mine that lives in Tel Aviv was going to meet us there.” I said, “You keep saying you feel. Did you call him? Does he know we’re coming?” He goes, “Oh no; he doesn’t have any idea we’re here.”
I said, “Tel Aviv is two and a half hours away.” He goes, “I have a feeling.” I thought, I want to live like this guy. That’s absolute faith. What was more faith was letting me drive in a country I’ve never been to; I have horrible direction. That took more faith.
We’re driving into Jerusalem. I’m driving down Ben Yehuda Street and here’s this beautiful coffee house. He goes, “That’s the place.” We pulled around back, went in the side.
As soon as I walked into the coffee house, the very first thing I heard was beautiful piano music playing. I looked to my left and there’s a guy up on a little riser playing piano. As soon as I walked in, he just like [non-verbal] just staring. He’s staring a hole through my head. Then he started smiling. I was like what’s going on. I knew he knew something. It’s like when somebody’s telling a joke, but you don’t know the punchline, and something’s coming.
Finally, I just had to close my eyes. I listened to the music. I thought, man, these are like famous worship songs that we hear in church in American. This guy’s playing an instrumental version in a Hasidic coffee house. I’m thinking, how does this work.
Finally, he made a beeline to our table and introduced himself as David. I was like, yeah. He said, “Excuse me for staring.” He said, “I know it was probably a little bit awkward,” but he said, “I think you’re a believer.” I said, “I absolutely am.” I said, “Obviously, you are, too.”
He said, “I had a really strange thing happen this morning when I woke up.” He said, “Yeshua told me that I would talk all my life’s work and hand it to somebody else.” He said, “I think you might be the person that I’m supposed to give my life’s work to.” My question was, “What was your life’s work?” He said, “Decoding the songs of King David. Different kind of music. Heals the sick.”
I’m just going [non-verbal]. I said, “What do you want me to do?” He said, “Just wait for my next set. I’m going to go out to my car. It’s in a backpack. I’m going to give you everything.”
That’s exactly what happened. I’m thinking about Don’s friend that he said was going to magically appear who lives two and a half hours away. Also, I wonder what this music is. That’s what’s going through my head.
He plays some more music. About two songs in, I see Don turn around in his chair, stand up, face is glowing, runs to the door. There’s his friend from Tel Aviv just like he said, Ruben Duran. They’re hugging each other.
Ruben came back, and I said, “How did you know we were here?” He said, “I woke up this morning and God told me to come to this coffee house. He said my friend was here, but He didn’t tell me who.” I’m just going, I want to live like this all of the time; all the time. I don’t want to even—
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I’ve had these things. I tell stories in my life and I say the same thing. It’s like this happens in these little things where God wants to show you something. He has something. Then we couldn’t handle it if it happened all the time; let’s face it.
Michael Tyrrell:
He just wants us to trust him. It’s been a long journey. After Don embraces this guy, David comes back with his backpack and hands me two sets of music. One was what we would call tablature form music that we all are familiar with that are musically inclined. Then the other one was a complete—to the layperson chicken scratching. All I can call it is avant-garde notation. Obviously, you would have to know the code in order to be able to deceiver what the heck the lines were for.
I saw it. I hugged the guy, kissed him on the cheek, thanked him. He said, “Yeshua will tell you what to do with it.” We left. I went home.
I played the tablature back in American when I got home. I didn’t feel anything. It was like that’s just more music. That wasn’t exciting. Then I didn’t know what to do with the others, the avant-garde notation because there wasn’t a key signature or any polyphonic chordal stamp anywhere where I could—I put everything in a manila envelope and shoved it into my drawer in office and went back with—I was on staff at a church. Went back to ministry for two years. I didn’t see that paper for two years.
One day, I came home from church about 6 o’clock and I remembered it. It was like, I need to look at that music again. It was amazing. I pulled the music out. I still didn’t really have anything, but I noticed my Bible right by my computer. I thought, 222, that number. I wonder what’s on Page 222 in the Bible? Then my thought was, not thinking out loud, I said, if there’s anything about David on that page, I’m going to come out of my skin right now.
It was an NIV Thinline. For your listeners, obviously depending on what version that you get, it’s going to be a different page. My Bible, Page 222 is a genealogy edited within David, the son of Jesse, was the last word of the page. I went ahh. Then it was like oh, then it was like aw, and then it was like OMGG, oh my God, God, I’ve got it.
What happened was I suddenly realized 222 if I doubled it was 444, 444 hertz. Which again, to the layperson might not mean much, but our music is 440 hertz. Most of the music that’s used in America and other parts of the country, Canada as well is 440 hertz. Meaning, the note A equals 440 vibrations per second. That’s the stamp.
All of a sudden, I’m trying to answer all these questions in my head, Dr. Pompa, like I wonder how David tuned kinnor. I know it wasn’t for chords. Then all of a sudden, it was like this giant rubrics cube moment like everything lines up. I went 444 hertz is still an A, but it’s 4 cents higher.
I retuned my guitar. Then I played the music. I was like, my hair stood up. I went, I think I got it. I started working with all the frequencies that are using A as your tonal center. That’s how I began to discover the seven healing frequencies out of that.
Dr. Pompa:
Just to remind people, David went in and played for Sol. Sol was going out of his mind, but every time David played, he would—that was the only time he felt normal and calm. Obviously, everyone always wondered what was so special about what he was playing, or how he was playing, or in your case, the frequency he was playing. That’s what you discovered there.
Michael Tyrrell:
Yeah, and the powerful part of that is that David created his own instruments. The Bible is very clear about that. There was a lot of guys that played a kinnor. Just for history’s sake, it wasn’t a harp; it’s a kinnor. A kinnor is a jubilee wire style with 10 strings but no chords. The 10 strings, each one of those was a specific melodic note. They played melody; they didn’t play polyphonic music for thousands of years later.
What’s really awesome about this is he built his own harp. He built a harp that could withstand a higher tensile strength. Which means if you’re tuning a little bit higher, you have to use a wood that’s a little bit more resilient. He did. He also created his kinnor out of wood that was impervious to bugs and weather.
Long story short, this guy—there’s lots of kinnor players. Sol would have had quite a few to choose from, but obviously, he did before and nothing happened when they played. When David would play, the spirit that vexed him and caused him great despair, depression, despondency, suddenly within moments was gone. When I started working with 444, which I call the key of David, when I started working, Dr. Pompa, with this frequency as my tonal center, I realized really quick that when I started playing, that everything around me, the atmosphere changed very quickly. Not me feeling it, but people walking into that space or coming to hear worship would go, I could just go to sleep right here.
Everything, all the blood, just I’m so—I thought, wow, this is where this came from. This is probably—well, we know is the same tuning that Jesus listened to because of the music of the time of course. We know that it was part of what was supposed to be a never-ending litany of pure worship that was Davidic worship, and then, of course, his son Salmon carried on. It was carried on by priesthoods for centuries.
What we don’t really understand which I think your listeners would find fascinating is in 313, there was a rite that was put into law called the Edict of Milan. Emperor Constantine, it was sweet and sour because what he did was he decreed that anyone could worship whatever they want. Before that, Christians were being killed because they were a sect. They were subversives in the mind of the Romans. They tried to wipe them off the face of the Earth as we know.
When the Edict of Milan was signed by Emperor Constantine, it basically said, you all can worship whatever you want to now. The Christians came out of their clandestine hiding places. No one could use the sight in the sand of the aqueous. They could meet openly.
When they started meeting openly, things started to happen. Spontaneous healing started to happen. They were still using the same music that had been used since David’s day. That was their music. Romans didn’t have their own music at this point. It’s interesting. Eventually, there was a tetrarchy of what we would call Christian communities that were vibrant.
Then the Romans said, hey, why are we doing something different? Why don’t we assimilate these guys? They did. When they did, the formed a Roman state church which was an amalgamation of Roman citizens and all of the Hebrews that were already—that some of them—most of them where from families that had been in the upper room during Pentecost in their bloodline.
You’ve got this unbelievably anointed music; then you have an unbelievably rich group of people, so they came together. At the beginning of the Roman state church, which is not the Catholic church yet or the Roman Catholic church yet, it’s just before. There’s some great literature that talks about spontaneous healings. That part of the big drawing card back then was people would walk into this music when they were playing in these frequencies. People would just be spontaneously healed in the service.
That ended about 542 when a guy named Pope Gregory the Great who’s the one that tried to single-handedly wipe out all of the music that contained this tuning in these frequencies. Once he did that, all of the pomp and circumstance returned to worship which is not what God asked for. He asked for intimacy. When Pope Gregory the Great did that, he was an heir of secret relics and art. He would bring in all of his stuff and that would be the center point of the service was about, hey, I got the eyetooth of John the Baptist. I’ve got all this stuff. Before, it was just the worship.
Dr. Pompa:
With that said, at that time, did the frequencies change, and therefore, we saw—we stopped seeing the same outcomes?
Michael Tyrrell:
A couple of things happened. In that timeframe, what Pope Gregory the Great did was take away two. When I explain this, it’s really going to excite you. The two he took away was one called in the Greek, MI-ra gestorum, which means the miracle frequency 528 hertz which scientists have proven have a direct relationship to the human DNA, the human genome. That it actually has the ability to restore broken DNA, mindboggling. They called it the miracle frequency 528. There’s people that call it the love frequency. I call it transformation because it has the ability to actually transform the most vital information in our body which our DNA.
The other one that was removed was 741 hertz which I call the great awakening believe it or not. It’s a frequency that on one side has been proven to have an interaction with viral, fungal, and bacterial infection. On the spiritual side, there is this unbelievably—when people listen to it, they’re brought to tears. They immediately see the difference or a chasm if they’re not already in the family, a chasm between them in God. They see the greatness of God and they see the horrific nature of their sin. There’s an awakening that comes when—and he removed those two from the seven.
What was really interesting is that he retained the other ones, but he would domesticate the music. He was not a musician even though was called the patron saint or the pope—the musical pope. You’d have to play the radio. He had no ability to play music. What he did was, he had to play “Ave Maria” for the whole worship part which was, of course, truncated because to him the most important thing was his religious icons. He didn’t fully destroy it, but what we know now, Dr. Pompa, is that there’s two schools of thought: either A) over 300 hymns were either burned or are still in the Vatican archive, but nobody has the access to know if they’re still around.
Dr. Pompa:
Interesting; if there’s these frequencies that make a positive impact on our health in our mind, are there frequencies then that can make a negative impact that are influencing music even today?
Michael Tyrrell:
Yes, to the 10th factor. When we read in the Bible, one line it says that we possess the power of life and death and it’s in our tone, the vibratory member that is what decrees what our heart is wanting to say. There’s a couple of things. Maybe on another show because I’d like to go into it. I’d like to talk about Schumann resonance at some point. I’d like to talk to you about what’s happened at heart, and also, about what’s happened with a certain collider, and why things are as crazy as they are right now because they’re all frequency interacted.
To answer your question as simply as possible: absolutely there’s nefarious use. You can either speak life or death. You can either create with frequency, frequencies that bring people to a higher consciousness, help their body which was perfectly designed by God spontaneously heal, or I can destroy things with it. I can blow molecules apart. I can blow a wall with it.
Dr. Pompa:
True; yeah, no, absolutely. We know how important frequency is. We understand more about what’s happening at the cellular level with frequency, how DNA is disrupted with frequency, etc. Scientifically, it’s solid.
You listen to music—people have talked about plants growing better with certain music. It’s dying with certain horrific music that we heal. I don’t know the labels of some of this music, but I know that we all—we can hear it and just know there’s something not right. There’s certain frequency and commonalities in some of those musics?
Michael Tyrrell:
There are. One way to easily explain it is when you talk about musical harmonics. There’s two forms of harmonics: odd or even. Odd is exactly what you would think it would be. It would not be balanced.
All the frequencies that give life are balanced frequencies. All of them are interrelated by mathematics or the scan of Pythagoras. You can calculate frequencies that are positive for the human body, positive for the environment in the same way you can pretty much calculate frequencies that are nefarious and negative have a different type of spin that instead of building, they begin to cause degradation.
Yeah, one thing that I’ve seen, and you mentioned plants which is awesome because—it’s really funny; they’ve always tried to prove that talking to plants cause plants to grow and it’s true. What they’ve never known is it the frequency of the voice that’s speaking to the plant, or is it the carbon dioxide that they’re admitting, or is it both? I can tell you that Jordan Rubin and several people have been using successfully my Chroma project to grow plants that are—there’s exponential difference in the yield and the efficacy of the amount of—for example, he’s [00:23:02] being mushroomed or some of the other mushrooms that Jordan’s growing—
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, I’ve—when Jordan started that project some years ago, I was in the room. That was the first time I heard your music.
Michael Tyrrell:
I had no idea.
Dr. Pompa:
Jordan’s been a friend of mine for years. I walked in, and I was like, “What’s play? What is that?” He explained it all to me. That was you. I found out later that was these frequencies.
By the way, just so people watching, I have all these; I have the seven frequencies. There’s seven by the way that you discovered. They’re on my phone. When I’m lying in my far infrared sauna, I always play them. I always fall asleep by the way. We’re going to get to the sleep thing in a minute. Okay, finish the story there. Jordan plays all the plants. Yeah, right, he said that there was a difference.
Michael Tyrrell:
He had told me before what he had was a cassette or he had bumped it up to obviously a better form of music. I think it was a CD he would play, a recording of a Rabbi reading the songs before. He said there was some change. He said there’s something about the photon activity with the music that you’ve created that I think if I put these big screens up in my indoor growing, I think something’s going to happen.
Then it wasn’t two weeks later—Jordan is one of my favorite people, but he’s not overtly excited. He’s more flatlined and he’s very balanced. He called me up and he goes, “I’m sending you some pictures right now. I said, “Okay, what?” He goes, “Mushrooms; you’ve got to see it.” He was really excited.
I started getting these pictures of these mushrooms and stuff. I was like, “What’s the difference?” He goes, “This is how small it should be. These are the ones that are growing from your music and your light. I was like, oh my gosh.
Dr. Pompa:
You know what’s cool about it is it removes the placebo effect when you’re dealing with plants.
Michael Tyrrell:
Yeah, pets and plants. See, you’re the first guy that’s said that. That’s why I love working with animals because they sniff it: they like it, they don’t like it. They sniff it: yeah, that’s good. They think, I’ll lick it, or they just walk away. It’s one or the other.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, what about in humans? This has been there—this has been going enough now that we have some testimonies. Tell some stories that—how these frequencies have impacted people’s lives?
Michael Tyrrell:
I actually pulled some for you from some of the sleep stuff too which has just been—because we’re going to get into that, but oh my gosh, that stuff has been mindboggling. Usually, I’m really in tune with the people that—I call them Wholetoneians; I don’t even call them customers. I field as many calls, I call them at home, I take a lot of surveys. The number one thing—well, the number one thing that was good was that all of them reported almost 100% doctor said, when I play this music, no matter how stressed out I am, I immediately feel myself pieced out.
The one thing I wasn’t—when I got this, [00:25:59] told me—I’m sorry; I’m trying not to be emotional. After all the years of 30 plus years of ministry and being a pastor, an associate pastor, worship leader, the Lord told me, what I’ve given you is going to eclipse in a year everything that you’ve done in your whole life. It’s going to be the most powerful evangelical tool that I have. I’m thinking, how? My first thing is, how’s that going to happen?
It’s like when He told Abraham that his sons are going to be greater the number than the stars in the universe. He’s like, I can’t even have a kid. I’m thinking the same way. I was like, how’s this going to work out? Then next thing you know, 92% of the people that responded to Survey Monkey said, when I put this music on, I was backslide. When I put this music on, I felt far away from the war. I put this music on, I didn’t even know anything about spiritual life. This brought me to God. This brought me to Jesus. That’s what knocked me flat was I didn’t see that coming.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s amazing. Yeah, and like you said, the physical, I’ve read some. I don’t know if it was some pieces you put out or some of the testimonies. Pain, headaches—
Michael Tyrrell:
Yeah, mindboggling.
Dr. Pompa:
—digestive issues, sleep. Obviously, we’re going to—
Michael Tyrrell:
We’ve even broke it down now, Doc. On all the landing pages where the testimonials are, there’s hundreds of them. You can go even now by what it is. You can look under the malady or what you’re feeling.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. If people doubt it, just go read. Go read for yourself; these are live stories. Frequencies matter. There is no doubt something to this; absolutely no doubt. It’s amazing; for years, they’ve talked about certain musics and how it—people link it to different things and how—for the negative. It’s like even now we have all this science coming out how it can be linked—music can be linked for the positive. Here you go.
Sleep is a big passion of mine because neurotoxic people, many people who have different illnesses, sleep is the hardest thing to figure out. Until we get their brain detoxed to a certain point, they don’t ever sleep. Yeah, melatonin works for a little bit; this works, but then it doesn’t; this works, then it doesn’t; and then now, nothings working. Tell us how this works for sleep, why it works for sleep, and give us some stories.
Michael Tyrrell:
Yeah, well, the first thing was I didn’t really think about any of that. Honestly, when the Lord changed everything, and I’ve actually learned after 52 years to get out of his way, things became remarkably smooth, and silent, and peaceful, and there was no striving. I changed the way I did everything. One of the things is I used to just go through life going, I think I want to do this project; Lord, bless it. Instead of saying, what do you want to do? What do you feel like doing? I’ll do whatever you want to do. When I did that and could rest in that, that’s how all of this wonderful stuff happened.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, I can so relate to that. I’m the person who constantly has to be doing things. What’s the next thing? At least in my growing wisdom, I’ve learned not to do that. I have to wait. Waiting is the hardest thing until He says, do this, or this is what’s next. In the waiting is where I’m in most my dangerous place because I’m creating things that He didn’t want.
Michael Tyrrell:
Yeah, and you’re smart so you’ll think of something.
Dr. Pompa:
Exactly; and they’re all disasters.
Michael Tyrrell:
Yeah, they are.
Dr. Pompa:
My time, so I get it; go ahead.
Michael Tyrrell:
The one thing that—to mention something in that is that I just learned that creativity is a river. I wait for it to come to me. It has its own current. I used to go and manufacture stuff. Yeah, that’ me. It’s like I can’t just sit here and be smiling. I’ve got to build something. Then when I finally got to that place, God dumped Wholetones on my head. I wasn’t even looking for it.
Yeah, we were talking about the whole sleep thing. I really got to say that I didn’t initially start out to make a sleep project, but to be honest with you, so many people fell asleep listening to the first one. Me, too. Then there was people who’d say, I can’t sleep to this because it has drums. It’s like I didn’t create it for sleep, but it will relax you.
I thought one day, man, I was an insomniac for years as a musician and stuff. I bet a lot of people are struggling. I Googled it of course: 70 million people are suffering. In 2019, 70 million people in our country alone are struggling from some type of sleeping disorder. When I read that statistic, Doc, I just went, this should be like number one.
I’m thinking this, and then as fate would have it, I go to New York. I ended up spending the day with Dr. Oz. We’re talking about everything. He goes, what’s on your—what sounds good for right now? I said, sleep, man. He just looks at me and goes, are you kidding? I’m like, no.
He goes, sleep, that’s what you’re going to focus on? He goes, that’s what I’m going to focus on. I thought, wow. Then he said this; he said, “Michael, it doesn’t matter why type of allopathic drugs you’re taking, or what kind of natural substances or supplements you’re taking, if you’re not sleeping a minimum of six to eight hours a day, your body can’t heal itself.” I went, lightning, thunder; it’s like okay. That’s it.
What happened, Doc, is I went into the studio. I thought, what do I remember growing up? I remember my mom holding me and singing lullabies. I remember I would vibrate as a baby on her chest when she would sing. I’m thinking, take the drums out, don’t use drums. You don’t need any of this stuff. Just find the elemental instruments and keep everything without dynamics. You want to lull someone to sleep, which is what lullaby is, bye and be lulled until I see you in the morning. I had to find this river, this water sound of just fluid stuff without any peaks and valleys.
I went in and recorded it. I couldn’t believe it. I’ll tell you; I don’t know if I’ve shared this live either, but this is how I knew it worked in the funniest way. When it just shows you that personally speaking, I’m not so smart. Everybody thinks I am, but I still do some of the dumbest things.
All the recording’s done. This magnificent music, we’re mixing it. We’ve got the soundboard. We’re mixing everything. The musicians went home. I started at 10; by 11:30, I’m like [non-verbal]. I’m looking over at the engineer and same things happening with him, but we’re not smart enough to figure it out.
We drink more coffee. About an hour later, we’re both starting to do the head cracker, I’m tired, dude; more coffee. I had about four cups of coffee in me. Then we started going for the iced coffee. I’ve got four cups of coffee and an iced coffee and I can’t keep my lids open.
All of a sudden, I looked over at him and said, “We are such morons.” I said, “We’re mixing lullabies. This stuff, this works.” The guy that was coming to listen to the music was sitting on the couch behind us. I look over, he’s like this: out cold.
Then you would say, Tyrrell, you might not be the sharpest tool, but you got it then, right? Oh, no. Then I thought when I got it all done, let’s have a listening party. We invite all our friends over. We’ve got food and everything.
I put the music on. Everybody is like, I can’t wait to hear the new music, so put the new music on. Five minutes into it, Doc, everyone in the room, same time; everybody’s catching flies. Most boring party you could ever have. That was the end of it. Everybody just sleep for an hour and then they all went home.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s great. Hey, that was it. Actually, they’re actually probably going, hey, when’s the next one of those because I slept great.
Michael Tyrrell:
How about tomorrow night.
Dr. Pompa:
You came out with this really cool device because you don’t want your phone. You don’t your phone; it sits there and plays it through the night for you.
Michael Tyrrell:
Mm-hmm; and there’s some really cool things about the device, too. First of all, hopefully, your listeners like me because I voiced all of this. When they turn it on, that’s going to be me saying, “Power on.” I’m going to be talking them through how to use it.
Dr. Pompa:
I didn’t even notice that actually. That’s funny.
Michael Tyrrell:
Then the other thing is that people are really quirky when they sleep. The first device that I made had a light on the bottom. More people complained about there’s a light! I said, well, cover it with electrical tape. I can’t stand the light.
I thought, okay, when we do the Generation Two play, we’re going to make it indestructible. We’re going to put soft touch buttons that stay light for 12 seconds and then go right out. It’s on the bottom. I don’t know how many people go to a hotel and they’ve got one of those clock radios there with the brightest in the world. I just put something over it: socks, anything.
The takeaway from this is you can take it—we just got back from Antigua my wife and I. The first thing that goes in the suitcase is this little gem. Then anywhere you want to go, if you have somebody that’s—you have a friend that’s an insomniac or something, and they want to try it, but they don’t want to buy it, then lend them your Wholetones2Sleep. It’s all in one device.
Again, I’m like you; I’m not a big fan of EMF. I try to create everything with as low of EMF. This has virtually no EMF until you use the Bluetooth option on the bottom. There’s a switch that says, M, which means mode. There’s two modes: music play mode and then of course Bluetooth.
Now, Bluetooth connectivity you have to put it on devices or people won’t purchase it. For example, if you’re like me, if you listen to your phone and just listen to music without good headphones, it sounds awful. If you send your iTunes list to this device, it sounds heavenly because this makes your phone sound great because it bypasses those cheesy little holes in the bottom of your phone and pumps it through a decent speaker. That’s why I added Blu-ray, but I like the listeners to know that you’re not stuck with that being on all the time, so you’re not going to have EMFs running all the time.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, that’s perfect. I would have requested that as well. Yeah, and this thing’s so durable, the NHL, the hockey league has a puck. They say it makes them play better; I don’t know.
Michael Tyrrell:
It’s the power puck, man. Oh, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Power puck, it would be a little heavy though. No, it’s created well. For me, it’s made it more convenient. I also like being able to utilize my phone in those odd situations like an emergency.
Let’s talk about that. Where can they get—and I think we have a link here. We’re doing something because you always give us something for our viewers and listeners. We’ll put that here in the show notes. How can they get this, and what does that cost, and what if they just want to download different frequencies?
Michael Tyrrell:
Yep, they can do all of the above. Again, we usually do run a special. I wasn’t queued in to find out what we’re doing for your listeners, but I can guarantee it’s better than what I can do off the website. Yeah, the way we usually do it, this unit standing by itself is $129. The one thing that I wanted to say to your listeners is a lot of people don’t realize this, Dr. Pompa, you probably do already, but we’re a year to two years away from everything except devices, apps, and streaming music, everything is going away.
It’s terrible that it is because what the industry has switched to and I’m not a fan of this at all in my music industry is the fact that they don’t want people to own their own music anymore. By subscribing to streaming audio, you never own any music. As long as you pay them every month, every quarter, every year, then you get to rent your music. You can create all your playlists, everything, but the moment you don’t pay your subscription fees, guess what? Just like the radio stations that are out there that you have to pay for, it’s gone. The day that I don’t pay for whatever, that Sirius Radio, SiriusXM—
Dr. Pompa:
Spotify, whatever it is.
Michael Tyrrell:
That’s the end of that. One other thing I’m continuously doing is giving somebody value and something that is theirs forever. It would be hard to break this. I don’t suggest you have to buy another one. When you get this one, I really don’t foresee a problem. If you have a problem with it and you have warranty period, we just send you out another one anyways.
Hard copy music, a lot of the demographics that I work with, especially some of our female Wholetoneians, they don’t want to buy air; they want something for their money. I don’t blame them. They want either like you said a digital download. We have digital download cards. They can get everything they want instantly downloaded. Then they can keep it in their own playlist and it’s their MP3 music. Nobody’s going to be able to take that away.
You can have hard copy CDs of course. Which I really love how this turned out, the Wholetones2Sleep CDs are absolutely brilliant. It’s over three hours of music. Then, of course, you have devices. Now, an app; we even have a sleep app now. They can go to the App Store and get a sleep app which I believe is $49.95 as well. Yeah, that’s the four ways of doing it. I’m going to try my best to defy the industry as long as possible and hopefully never have to get into that subscription thing. I just don’t—
Dr. Pompa:
It’s funny; I just recently bought a record player, the vinyl.
Michael Tyrrell:
Dr. Pompa:
I never knew this, but I didn’t know that analog which is a vinyl record is better than digital. All the experts are like, oh no, vinyl’s the best. I’m like, really? I said, “Haven’t we advanced beyond?” No, no; it’s still the best. I’m actually am buying albums again for goodness sake.
Michael Tyrrell:
You’re smart. I watch everything. I’ve got my finger on the pulse of the industry. I predicted 10 years ago the return of vinyl. The reason there hasn’t been any vinyl, first of all, it’s because they’re—people really don’t want people to own media anymore because they don’t want to manufacture it and they want to be able to—hey, what’ s the best thing I could do to make money? Sell you air, bro. I could just sell you this streaming audio. Now, think about what we’ve said. Streaming audio is so truncated. It’s the complete diametric opposite of a 12-inch vinyl CD.
What happened was America when they decided not to support records anymore, sold all of that equipment, all those record pressing plants, and all of that manufacturing equipment to Deutsche Grammophon in Germany. All these years when this started coming back, all those records that we were buying, the vinyl was coming from Germany. It was at a premium price. Two years ago, the first three major manufacturing companies bought back a bunch of that equipment from Germany. Now, we are manufacturing vinyl in the United States. Vinyl is starting to take off. I will probably put out a Wholetones vinyl project. You can’t see it, but in my room, I’ve got a record player right behind you.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I was going to ask that. I was going to ask you to put it in vinyl, so we can get the analog.
Michael Tyrrell:
Yeah, the good thing is that what we’re talking about compared to what—Quincy Jones says we’ve finally reached the apex where an entire generation has never really heard sonically what music can do. For example, their best sound they’ve ever heard is two really cheesy head—earphones plugged into what? A phone which generates what? MP3s. That’s the best.
We grew up with records. I can put a record on a really good sound system in my house, and bring a young Millennial into my house, and sit them down, and turn it on, and watch the spigots come on. Watch them cry because they’ve never felt the music; they’ve only heard the music. That’s the difference.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s funny; not to get too off track; this is what I do with you. Just last night, I couldn’t find a VHS recorder because I had this old Frank Sinatra, Portrait of an Album. It’s that one he created, LA is My Lady. The reason it’s significant is they did something even in the 80s that is not being done. They brought all the best musicians in one room.
They have Lionel Hampton, The Breaker Brothers, you name it, George Foster, they brought them all. Frank Sinatra, the singer, all in one room. They recorded LA is My Lady. It was the best of the best recorded in one room. It was like nothing other. That’s a lost art. I don’t know if it’s been done ever since. Anyways, I just watched that last night. I have the LA is My Lady vinyl. I’ll tell you; you listen to that album, man.
Michael Tyrrell:
It’s too much.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s just too much.
Michael Tyrrell:
You think about this; those guys didn’t have the ability to have virtual tracking. We have endless tracking; everything’s in digital domain. Back then, you had to play it right or do it over again.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s right. By the way, I think why it went—that’s why they don’t do it that way, right?
Michael Tyrrell:
Dr. Pompa:
What singer can stay in the pocket like he did?
Michael Tyrrell:
Yep, exactly.
Dr. Pompa:
What he did is he brought an energy to the musicians playing. Their hair would go up.
Michael Tyrrell:
Yeah, it was unbelievable.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, there he is, man. He’s the master himself with the greatest musicians in the world. My gosh, I’m ready to tell people when they can buy LA is My Lady. You should get it, but you have to get a phonograph to that.
Michael Tyrrell:
You should become an affiliate for Frank.
Dr. Pompa:
I grew up with Frank, man; the Italian heritage.
Michael Tyrrell:
No kidding. That’s awesome. I love all of that. We could talk about crooners forever because that’s—
Dr. Pompa:
That’s awesome. Do you have anything else you want to share with my viewers and listeners about what you’re doing, where you’re going with it, and how it can affect their life, whatever?
Michael Tyrrell:
Sure, yep. I want to read a couple of our friends that wrote in about sleep because that’s important. I want them to hear this. For example, “I just got Wholetones2Sleep. I love it. Three nights and I’m sleeping so much better and longer.” That was Nancy.
Here’s another lady. “Amazing for my grandchildren. I’ve always wanted this for myself. I believe in getting a good night sleep, so I’ve been checking this product out. It helped me, but I took it to my grandkids and those kids really took to it. My eldest grandchild went back and forth for the songs, but by a couple of days, went straight to the songs she liked, and fell asleep. My grandson took to it like a duck on water. Now, I know what I need to get them to sleep when I want them to lay down.”
We just got a bunch of these. Insomniacs, we have a whole page of people that were addicted to using Ambien which is a bummer. Any type of sleeping thing like that because it’s a psychotic drug, so you can become a psycho using it. People do things; they don’t remember doing it in the morning. They get the munchies and start eating in the middle of the night. There’s a trial of corn chips going back to their bed. It’s just crazy stuff.
Finding something as, at least in our understanding, as benign as music, Doctor, that can have—that can move so many markers with so many people. You mentioned dogs for having outrageous—in fact, that’s going to be one of the next QVC things I do this year is just dogs. We have a lot of hurricanes in Florida as you know. My dog was extremely sensitive to that kind of stuff like separation anxiety, loud noises, 4th of July fireworks, and especially hurricanes.
When I found out that this worked for dogs and I put mine on, my dog slept through the whole Category Three outside. You can see our palm trees like this, the dog’s out cold. A local place, Jake’s, down here that’s a pet supply found out that I made music for dogs. They bought everything I had here and they sold out of them. Every one of the people came back and said, during that hurricane, my dog slept in his bed the whole time.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I haven’t begun to tap the applications. I would say that every living thing can benefit from proper—the good news is that your listeners would want to know is that after listening to this, it’s like a recalibrating experience. I hear the tones very well without ever even turning them on anymore because I’m used to hearing them so much, they become part of me. Like I’ve told you before when we’ve talked, one of my biggest advocates was a girl who was born deaf: Stephanie Rude in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She’s a huge advocate for the deaf community because she said this is the first time I ever knew why people love music because I felt it in my body when you played.
Dr. Pompa:
Your cells hear frequency. We can hear it with our ears, but our cells still perceive and can—I guess perceive is a better word, the frequency. You get the cellular change regardless whether your ear is picking it up. Matter of fact, I think you taught me that the first time. You know Dr. Pompa, you don’t even have to hear it.
Michael Tyrrell:
The hearing is irrelevant.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, if the frequency is going, meaning it’s putting out the frequency, whether you hear it or not doesn’t matter. Your cells will still vibrate. Your receptors to it will still vibrate, so you’ll still get a cellular response so to speak. Likewise, with this, I asked you that question right off the bat: can you change the volume? You can; you can change the volume down to a point where you can barely hear it or—but it’s still going to affect you.
Michael Tyrrell:
Yep, well, here’s the thing; it’s like we don’t think that—what you just said was epic because people don’t think like that. It’s like, okay, alright, let’s go outside on a sunny day where you live, okay. Close your eyes. Is that going to keep you from getting sunburned? No, it’s not. Whether you can see it is irrelevant. The sun is amplifying a certain type of frequency. It’s outside the realm of sound. It will burn your skin whether you see it or not. This will affect your body whether you hear it or not as long as you’re in proximity.
Dr. Pompa:
I think at a cellular level, the example is you produce vitamin D whether you see the sun or not if you’re getting sun. If we put a full black thing on, your skin’s still affecting it.
Michael Tyrrell:
It’s still making it.
Dr. Pompa:
You’re getting a cellular effect, that’s the point, yeah.
Michael Tyrrell:
It’s so exciting. One of these days, we need to get together for real.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no kidding. I would love that myself.
Michael Tyrrell:
Me, too.
Dr. Pompa:
I went in Florida—I used to do a seminar every year in Florida. You should think about, and you can talk to Ashley about this, but my next seminar’s in Nashville because we’ve got to mix it up on the east coast. Nashville, where Jordan is, that’s my March seminar.
Michael Tyrrell:
Dr. Pompa:
Honestly, you should have a booth at my seminar because the doctors need to be educated more about your product, truthfully.
Michael Tyrrell:
I’m in Nashville a lot. I was just with Ty and Charlene Bollinger. I actually got a lifetime achievement award in Nashville a few weeks ago at Opryland.
Dr. Pompa:
Well deserved. This seminar has a focus on cancer, so we have the top in the world there. By the way, this is the first seminar we have a whole day for the public.
Michael Tyrrell:
Oh, wow.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s March something. Oh gosh, I can’t remember the exact date, March 24th.
Michael Tyrrell:
Just email me.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, get some info, but you should be at our seminar. Anyways, we can hook up there. I used to spend more time in Florida because we always did seminars there, but I’m not in Florida as much.
Michael Tyrrell:
Wow; well, we’ve got to help these poor people out there my friend that need to get sleep. I said something the other day and it made me giggle. I said, “When you stop counting sheep, you can start counting your blessing.” Because when you don’t sleep, man, you feel awful. Your body isn’t going to heal. I depend on sleep so much because like you, I always have to talk with people. I at least have to act somewhat eloquent and at least look like I’m not a complete moron. If I don’t sleep, I’m just—I’m so out of it when I don’t sleep.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you know what; I’ve done a few shows now on sleep just recently. Sleep’s a big deal. It really is. It’s so undervalued. Sleep’s one of those things, here’s the problem; people go, oh, I do fine with five hours of sleep. They don’t realize that their body adapts. It will adapt with adrenaline through the day or they’re adapting with coffee forcing the adrenaline. Either way, the body will adapt.
That doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Meaning that it will drive you, drive you, drive you. Then eventually though, you’re aging prematurely. You’re driving a low-grade inflammation which we know causes inflammatory disease, etc. It’s like you’re not winning just because you think you’re getting away without sleep, but we do.
We need anywhere between seven and nine hours of sleep. Obviously, some people more. Days I work out very hard, I need more. Some days, seven hours is just fine. You have to get the sleep. Then, yeah, some people sleep, but their deep sleep or their REM sleep that you need for your brain and your recovery is not happening. Again, you may think I’m getting sleep, but are you getting deep sleep?
That’s why I use my Oura Ring right here, charging it. Yeah, the Oura Ring, it’s just a simple ring that you put on and it basically monitors your—I’ll keep it on now. It gets done charging. It monitors my deep sleep versus—right here, I’ve got your Wholetones app. Then I’ve got my Oura; it’s O-U-R-A. Many of my viewers and listeners have it. With this, it’s the most accurate way to assess. Here’s my sleep last night.
Michael Tyrrell:
Then it gives you a score?
Dr. Pompa:
It does. My sleep score last night was 88. I’ll tell you; that was pretty good considering I went to bed late because I was traveling. I got back, so I didn’t get to bed until late. However, I still got a decent score because I had an hour and one minute of deep sleep, so I had 15%. REM sleep was two hours and 48 minutes. That means my brain because it was lecturing and stuff, my brain needed a lot more recovery than my body. My efficiency was 95%. I slept seven hours and 30 minutes.
Michael Tyrrell:
Dr. Pompa:
Then it gives me a readiness score. Look at that, my readiness is 67. That means I [00:53:20] and I didn’t. Why? Because my heart rate was a little high because of the traveling. The traveling put a stressor on me, so I knew okay, I need a day of rest without workout. It’s a pretty cool ring.
Michael Tyrrell:
That’s brilliant.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. It will be interesting testing certain things certain things with and without the frequency which actually, I just thought of for the first time. I need to do so much with it.
Michael Tyrrell:
We’ve got to talk about this or send me the link to that. I’m captivated. I haven’t seen it.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s a great thing. Anyways, Michael, you and I could talk forever. That’s why we need to get together in person. Thanks for being on the show again. I hope everyone gets this. I think it’s brilliant.
Michael Tyrrell:
I do, too.
Dr. Pompa:
Everybody should have it. Thank you for the discount for our viewers and listeners. You’re good to us. Get it right here on the page. Thank you, Michael.
Michael Tyrrell:
Man, thanks for everything.
That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Practitioners, don’t forget to check out our HCF seminar in Nashville where we’ll have a lineup of top health experts who will explore the latest research and most effective strategies in the field of cellular healing. Please go to hcfevents.com for more information. Practitioners, you can take $150 off with the code CHTV when you purchase the four-day pass.
To the rest of our CHTV audience, please check out events.drpompa.com if you’d like to buy a one-day ticket for our special day of public attendance. We hope to see you there. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 AM Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv.