Episode 293: Body Electric with Dr. Christine Schaffner
with Dr. Christine Schaffner
Additional Information:
Body Electric Summit – sign up now for free! Oct. 7-13th.
NanoVi: Cellular water for your home or office – Inquire here!
Joovv Red Light Therapy
CytoDetox: total detoxification support where it matters most – at the cellular level.
HCF's Live it to Lead it event – Newport Beach – November 14-17, 2019
Pre-order Dr. Pompa's Beyond Fasting book!
What if your body was more than a set of biochemical interactions? This is not as “woo-woo” as it sounds! This is based in actual science, and it's time to learn how to access your body's bio-field as part of your health journey. My guest today is Dr. Christine Schaffner, who is here to discuss how chronic illness is often the result of imbalances in how our cells communicate. Cells that are overwhelmed by toxins, EMFs, poor nutrition, GMOs, and poor lifestyle changes are ultimately leading us to a compromised immune system. Learning the energetic ways your body and cells communicate is powerful and with the guidance of Dr. Christine, you will learn how to crack your body's energetic code. I can't wait for you to hear this episode.
More about Dr. Christine Schaffner:
Dr. Christine Schaffner is a board certified Naturopathic physician who graduated from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. Prior to Bastyr, she completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Dr. Schaffner is passionate about practicing medicine and creating healing spaces. She is the Clinic Director of Sophia Health Institute; the clinic she co-created with her mentor Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt in Woodinville, Washington. She actively sees patients at Sophia Health Institute and through her practices Marin Naturopathic Medicine in California, as well as Bella Fiore Organic Med Spa & Klinik in Seattle, Washington.
Along with practicing medicine in clinics she has co-created or owns, Dr. Schaffner has built partnerships and working relationships with practitioners who are committed to treating persistent Lyme disease all over the world. Through these connections she has established a unique set of skills and knowledge to serve her patients.
With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic illness wherever they may be.
Dr. Pompa:
Body electric, what is it? Wait until you hear this summit. Okay, this doctor worked directly with the mad scientist himself, Dr. Klinghardt. I was interviewed for her summit on Body Electric. I was so fascinated.
This has been one of my fascinations this year, this thing about energy in the body. I know, woo-woo, okay. I thought so, too. I’ve changed my thinking just by hearing story after story about how people’s lives change based on this science that you’re going to hear on this show.
During the summit, she interviews the best in the world. During this interview, she talks about what she learned and all the things. This is stuff you can start right now. It’s going to be awesome for you to hear this. This is something you need to incorporate in your life. This science may not have been so important 20 years ago, 50 years ago, but man is this information lifechanging now. Stay tuned.
Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today, we welcome Dr. Christine Schaffner, who is a board-certified naturopathic physician who—Christine is here today to discuss the biofield and how our bodies communicate with energy and frequency, what tools and therapeutics can be implemented including grounding, one of my favorites.
She’ll also talk a bit about the amazing summit she put together called Body Electric, which Dr. Pompa, you are a speaker on. I cannot wait to watch that. I will link everything in our show notes. Let’s get started and welcome Dr. Christine Schaffner and Dr. Pompa to the show; welcome.
Dr. Schaffner:
Thank you, Ashley. I’m really excited to be here.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I’m excited. Yeah, I was on the summit of Body Electric. I was very excited to introduce you to our viewers and listeners. This topic, I have to start here. It’s so woo-woo when we talk about energy and body electric that I oftentimes get the response back from people or the feeling that it’s okay, yeah, that’s important, but that they really don’t believe how important because it’s just woo-woo, or they just throw it out, or even if they do believe it, they don’t really believe how important it is.
I’m going to say the last year I’ve really dug deeper in the science around this topic. I’ve come out a greater, a stronger believer that especially today this is a gamechanger in people’s health. Obviously, EMF, these energy exposures, dirty electricity, I’ve done a lot of things on Facebook about it. It takes this with me, Christine; it takes me getting very sick people, which I help. I coach very sick and challenged people. It takes stories like we got rid of the Wi-Fi or the smart meter, and this and that, and now I’m sleeping through the night. Then that makes me dig deeper. It’s also makes me a believer, so I’m a believer.
I hope that you can bring the science here. I could talk about everything, all the discoveries that I’ve learned here, but you’re going to make it simple; I know you are. I’m excited for this summit because you’ve interviewed, and you can talk about some of them, the experts in the world around this topic. I can tell you this is not woo-woo; this is real science. First of all, body electric, what is that? How does this make us sick? How can it make us well?
Dr. Schaffner:
Thank you so much for being part of the summit. I think it’s just the time is right to bring this information. As we mention, there’s so much information now and awareness around Wi-F, and 5G, and cellphones. I think we need to bring us back to the conceptual framework of how our bodies communicate with energy, frequency, and vibration to really understand how these tools and technologies impact our health and our wellbeing. The body electric, I had—it’s funny; I came up with this idea for the summit in a yoga class. I do yoga regularly to try to clear my mind and connect. That came to me.
Really, the word that came to me was around biophysics. I work with Dr. Klinghardt at Sophia Health Institute in Seattle. He’s taught me a ton about biochemistry, of course. I think we’re really great at biochemistry. I know that you do a lot of great work with detoxification and we’re looking about all the biochemical things that need to happen or get blocked when people are sick.
One of his reflections was when people really recover from a chronic illness is that we integrate not only biochemical tools but also tools that really heal the body using biophysics. We interact with a lot of those technologies and tools at Sophia a lot. I have a trust in them and a belief in them. Patients have taught me that these are really important. Like you, you go through these phases when you’re practicing medicine, and there was just a strong desire from my brain and my mind to learn more as I’m sharing this information to our audiences and our community.
One of the things I always like to say, Dr. Pompa, when people are starting to, okay, what do we mean by body electric, is that we know that our heart has a strong electromagnetic field. That is measurable in conventional medicine. We know EKG measures that all the time. There is a language for that. We also know that we have brain waves. That can be measured with EEGs we have in conventional medicine that’s not blue at all. We have tools and technologies that are picking up this electromagnetic nature of our bodies.
I want to take this a step deeper with our discussions around concepts of what we call the biofield. I think the biofield is a wonderful term. Dr. Rubik, who’s on the Summit, she’s one of these frontier scientists. She studied biophysics in Berkley. She brought the term biofield into PubMed in the 1990s, this whole language for [00:06:13] to study biofield sciences, so this whole idea that we have this electromagnetic energy that’s admitted from the body and it’s a language to also maybe conceptualize ancient traditions, discussions around chi, and Karuna, and meridians and all of that.
The one concept that I know that we’re going to get into is changes—there was a theme with a lot of the speakers in that it’s not just this afterthought or this random feel that’s generated from our physical organs, but that field of information actually is intelligent, and organizes, and instructs, and regulates our physical bodies. Really, when we’re recovering our health, this has to be part of the conversation. I think we’re doing that in the alternative medicine probably world more than we realize with the tools and therapies that we’re drawn to. When you see the patients we go so, we want them not to just feel better, but really recover on a deep, profound level so they get their life back. They don’t have to just be in constant fear about their health declining again.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s awesome. I can’t wait for it because like I said, this has been a focus of mine for the last year. Again, just hearing from people, okay, they get rid of this in their life and they get better. I’ve taken that step to, hey, add this to your life. I think the first introduction I had to near-infrared, this was years ago, but it was one of my autoimmune clients that had severe psoriasis. Started doing some near light with Joovv and it transformed her and her cellular energy.
Then pulsed electromagnetic fields, I’m going to be doing an interview with Pulse. I have a unit. I use it every day just because I—it just puts me in this parasympathetic zone where I just fall asleep. I feel amazing.
I test everything. My heart rate variability changed and my wife’s dramatically by using this. It’s pulsed electromagnetic fields. These fields can affect us for crushing our health, our immune system. We can use these energies to help us.
Okay, you’ve interviewed most of the experts. Give us some takeaways. Give us some takeaways on both sides like some things that these energies that we need to get rid of, and the things that you have found, and these experts have found that are the gamechangers.
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, I was so blessed to have talked to so many wonderful experts. There’s definitely the common theme how I shared that in order to create health and to get rid of disease, we have to create more of what we call coherence in the biofield. What that can mean just for a very simplistic and not getting into physics, just how do we create the—how do we remove blockages and create more flow in our energy field. There’s lots of tools that we can talk about. That’s a theme that I want you to think about when you’re thinking about these concepts and the things and the stressors that we need to get away from.
I do have a number of experts who talk EMF with the upcoming 5G implementation and how that’s going to affect our bodies. How can we really create a self—or a safe rather—sleeping location. I think that’s one of the most important things to reduce our EMF exposure because we know it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better. How can we feel empowered?
Start with your sleeping location. Measure it, know what you’re up against, turn off your Wi-Fi, even turning off electricity; we have people do that at night. If you need to take it a step further, you can measure the dirty electricity. You can get filters in your bedroom. You can do different shielding techniques from graphite paint, window films, to even what’s called a sleep sanctuary to help mitigate the EMF.
I caution you to always work with an expert because some of these technologies need to be grounded. You just don’t want to do this willy-nilly; you want to know what you’re dealing with. You want to measure before and after, so you know that what you’re doing is working.
Beverly made a point going back to Dr. Rubik, one of the things that you can do even if you can’t spend all that money on all that mitigation, most of us have a smartphone. Just start using your smartphone in a very safe and mindful way. Don’t put it on your body. Don’t put it near your head. Distance is your friend with these technologies. Keeping them away from your body is something that you can do today. That’s something that people are talking about.
Then when we think about other energies, so we have EMF, and then there’s a lot of conversations around trauma and how trauma, past traumas, we also talk about those ancestral trauma or generational trauma if you want to bring it in that way, but how trauma can actually affect our biofield and can affect our physical body. Eileen McKusick, she has a system called Biofield Tuning. She uses tuning forks. She’s mapped out the biofield and finds that there’s certain patterns where people have different traumas or different stored emotions. She actually uses sound and vibration to create more coherence where trauma might have affected the biofield.
Of course, talk therapy can be helpful. I don’t dissuade people from doing that on some level, but if you’re feeling stuck and you know that you have—maybe you have a history that you haven’t really acknowledged. Traumas in the work that we do at Sophia, we’ve acknowledged that can create a susceptibility to chronic illness. There’s lots of modalities from tuning forks to something called EFT. I have a couple practitioners who do tapping. Tapping can help create more—
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, we’ve done some interviews with that, yeah.
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, so those are important to think about. Then just bridging the gap and starting to think of the things that we can do. We have a conversation about water. We all have to drink water every day. Dr. Klinghardt interviewed Dr. Pollack, Gerry Pollack who [00:12:30].
Dr. Pompa:
Oh yeah, can’t wait to watch that.
Dr. Schaffner:
Then we also talk to Dr. Boros, who talks about the deuterium levels in waters.
Dr. Pompa:
We just did an interview on deuterium, fascinating. We just did a thing with the NanoVi which—
Dr. Schaffner:
Oh yeah, we have that at Sophia.
Dr. Pompa:
I use it every day. When I lay out my pulse, I’m doing the fourth phase of water. Yeah, these are huge things. See, this all came out of my research this last year in realizing how important these things are. I’ll let you go on, but to your point about sometimes we turn off our Wi-Fi and we’re doing all these great things in the home, two cases that popped into my mind.
My friend Ben Greenfield, he did de-EMFed his whole existence. Only finds out when the guy comes out, a professional he hires to come out and measure, he’s getting this EMF exposure on the one side of his house. It’s because there was an electrical thing that was creating it where they’re making electricity. It was too close to his house. I don’t remember how far, maybe within five miles; didn’t know it. He had to paint the whole side, and put up shielding, windows and all to stop that from coming in and affecting him and his family.
I had one of my clients, same thing. We couldn’t figure out what was going on. She was like every time she’d be in her house anxious. She had all the Wi-Fi turned off. As it turned out, her neighborhood had these little Wi-Fi things. Anyways, it was hitting her house. They had to move.
The point is to your point, you have to educate yourself about these things. Your summit’s going to do that obviously. Go ahead, okay. Some great shares already.
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, and the water conversation, we talk about exclusions on water, fourth phase of water. We talk about Deuterium depletion. We also have Dr. Cowan talking about structured water. He’s taking Dr. Pollack’s concept talking about how the water inside our cells are actually exclusions on water. It’s actually this gel-like cytoplasm that actually affects our cell voltage and our charge.
He goes down the rabbit hole but does a really great job of doing that. Also, talks about structured water and how that helps our cell communication. Then Kelly Halderman talks about hydrogen water. I was like no one knows what to do about water, but I maybe made it too complicated that we have to get, of course, the fluoride, and the metals out, the deuterium out, maybe add some hydrogen and structure the water. Maybe then we have it figured out, but it’s a work in progress.
All of the water experts have a lot to offer to the conversation. I think this is one of those foundational pieces. Hydration, cell voltage, cell communication depends on proper hydration, and electrolyte balance, and exclusions on water in our cells. That was a really fun rabbit hole that it sounds like you’ve gone down as well.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, when you start going into this, you realize, wow, there is so much here. The energy in water, good or bad, that’s the key to hydration that our cells have this exclusion zone water, easy water as we reference it. Yeah, then I went, okay, what can I do about this? How do I up this? Because like you said, we’re going to more and more EMFs, bad electromagnetic frequencies we’re being bombarded with. How do I detox from it? That’s the discoveries here that you’re going to be sharing in the summit obviously. I discovered a lot of them, too.
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, and we think EMF as has this multifactorial effect on our body. Dr. Paul is doing great research in talking about the voltage-gated calcium channels and how that’s affected. We know that can affect everything from melatonin depletion to—which is affecting cellular communication and DNA transcription. We know that, but then it’s like, how do we continue to combat that stressor, also make our bodies less of an antenna for that stress? One of the things that probably every speaker talked about also is the impact of grounding and how connecting bare feet with the earth and getting those electrons from the earth to help to—
Dr. Pompa:
Alright, let’s focus on that a little bit because, again, this is a subject that everyone can do right now. Right now, I’m experimenting with sleeping with and without grounding. When my son broke his back, we were grounding his areas of injury as advised by somebody. Talk about grounding. What does it even mean? Why does it matter? Why are we not grounded today?
Dr. Schaffner:
Grounding is something everyone can do. The cheapest way to do that is take your shoes off and connect with the earth. What we’re getting from the earth when we make contact with the earth is that we’re getting actually absorbing electrons from the earth. We’re absorbing those through our feet. Then our body actually is able to have this electron reserve repleted because modern-day stress depletes our electron reserves. That can create more free radical stress and inflammation in our body. It’s a way to continually combat the chronic stress that modern life impacts us with.
Grounding you can do with the earth. There are technologies to help support you. Nowadays, there are grounding pads. You can sleep on them. That can help you to also replete and restore at night.
My caution with that is when you use a grounding pad, just make sure it’s grounded. This has happened where people plug them in and their electrical outlet isn’t actually grounded with the earth. You can actually I think measure that. At Home Depot, there’s a tool that you can just plug into your plug and make sure that it has a ground. Dr. Klinghardt would take it a step further and say, only use a grounding pad if you can actually ground it in the earth out the window. You should feel better from that. If you’re feeling jittery or not well with the grounding pad, it’s either not grounded, or it’s too stimulating, or too much at that time.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I know. Sleeping, are you grounded? You could talk about that because what’s your bed made of? What’s your house? There’s a lot of factors here. People I think need to understand can they can be grounded in their house. What about sleep, which is where probably it’s the most important to be grounded? What can they do?
One thing, we have a little grounding wire that you can either put in the ground—you know how you have three little plugs, the bottom little round one is the ground. Simple device as you pointed out. Make sure it is in fact grounded. Then you can plug it into that or you can run a longer wire and literally put a metal rod in the ground outside and run it to your bedroom.
I’m experimenting with putting these little grounding effects on me. Anyways, talk about that. When are you grounded? Are you grounded in your house? Are you not? What about sleep?
Dr. Schaffner:
Sleep, to your point, just touching on sleep, we’re always talking about sleep because of how our lymphatic system, our brains detoxify at bedtime. Our brains actually shrink 60% of size to make room for the flow of lymph through the brain. That’s a big way that we get toxicity out of our brain. When we’re thinking about brain health and neurological disease, sleep is critical.
When we think about sleep, it’s an EMF protected environment. Some people sleep inclined. I don’t know if you do that yet, Dr. Pompa, but the—actually at a five-degree incline at night. That can help with lymph drainage out of your brain and can be supportive in that way.
Then you can take it up a notch. Your mattress materials obviously are going to be important. Not to divert us, but I know some patients, mattresses can get moldy over the years. That can be if you’re having bad sleep and you’re doing everything just your mattress could be affecting you. You talk about metal springs versus wood box springs or no box spring. The metal springs can disrupt our sleep and can affect our body’s ability to ground and detox at bedtime. Then other things around—
Dr. Pompa:
Can we offset that real fast? I’m sorry; can we offset that by you sleeping on a grounding mat or these things I have that you just put on yourself and ground to the ground? Can we offset the metal bed or the metal springs? Because people are going, okay, hold on, wait. I’m not going out right now and buying a new bed. It might be something—
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, absolutely, I think that we can. I think it’s an individual—I don’t know about the grounding pads yet, so I’m excited to learn about those from you. Absolutely, I know both of our jobs is to educate people. We overwhelm people very easily I’m sure. When I see a new patient, I’m like, I’m going to really overwhelm you. This is a new language. How can we create small changes over time?
The goal is how do we decrease these cumulative stressors? Cumulative means that it’s not going to one night just break you, but it’s this constant daily stress. How can we reduce that impact in our health and in our lives? That’s where we see change happen. To your point, I think that there are little things that we can do over time.
I don’t personally sleep with a grounding pad, but I do have some patients who really enjoy that. I’m not promoting a brand, but Samina is somebody who we work closely with. They have actually a grounding pad I think from Austria that a lot of my patients consistently say that their sleep is more restorative. Some of my patients don’t sleep on grounding pads, but they actually sleep on bio-mats or those infrared or amethyst mats. What these different tools or technologies are doing are not only grounding the body but also improving circulation, blood flow, and just allowing the body to get into parasympathetic so you can have really restorative sleep. That’s where—
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and I love measuring everything. I have devices to do that. Ashley, she’s listening, but I’m going to—I don’t even know the name of it. I’m experimenting with a very inexpensive way to ground and just put these on your body at night. You don’t even have to buy a grounding pad. Yeah, anyway, I’ll add the link.
Like you, I’m not even promoting it because I’m still partway through my experiment. They’ve experimented with it and have before and after studies on REM sleep, deep sleep. To your point, I love what you just taught me, the 5% little head raise because I could actually do that with the bed I have. The lymphatic, we just learned recently, science, that the brain even has lymph channels.
Dr. Schaffner:
I know. In 2015 I think that we discovered that.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, in 2015, that’s just learned.
Dr. Schaffner:
Dr. Pompa:
Anyways, but yeah, the amount of REM sleep, I think that’s when most of that happens. I look at the amount of REM versus—because that’s what I’m looking at here with some of this grounding. Anyways, there’s some great tips folks: maybe raise yourself up, help that lymphatic drainage. Try some type of grounding. I’ll put the link of what—I’m not promoting it because I’m actually studying it now, but Google grounding pads.
Talk about your home. When we’re walking around our home, what about with shoes, without, and in our home without shoes? When are we grounded, when aren’t we? We talked about the bed, so what about just every day?
Dr. Schaffner:
That didn’t really come up in conversation as much. What I would think about with grounding in your home, of course, the materials that are in your home, what kind of flooring do you have? Dr. Klinghardt has studied a lot with building biology and how we set up Sophia. We have a lot of cork flooring, which is going to be a little bit more supportive for people. We actually have people take off their shoes when they come into Sophia. We—
Dr. Pompa:
Again, a rubber bottomed sole is not grounding you. I’m just trying to be clear on why you have people take their shoes off.
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, absolutely. To that point too when you’re thinking about your home, when I think about grounding, I also think about, and you mentioned this also, dirty electricity. I think that gets overlooked often in a conversation. That has to do with the wiring of your home. That can create these disharmonic fields that come out of the wall and the wiring. You can measure that. You can put filters in your room to offset that.
Dr. Pompa:
I have them.
Dr. Schaffner:
I know we have them here. I don’t know if you can see one in the shot, but yeah, we use them here as well. There’s so much that you can do.
The long and the short of it with our home environments, I think that for whatever reason in our country, there’s a lot of building materials that are not the healthiest for our bodies. I think that we have a long way to go to create healthier homes, healthier environments where not only we have the electromagnetic fields and the ability to ground in our home, but also healthy materials that are not full of VOCs, or ones that are prone to growing mold, or so forth. I’d like to see that direction as we think about how do we really create healthy buildings and healthy homes.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, most homes, if you take your shoes off, you’d be grounded: wood floors. There’s some things that probably do it more. An example outside, regular cement I’ve heard, you tell me if I’m wrong, is it will—you’ll ground through it, but asphalt you don’t. I guess one is synthetic; that’s why. One is made from sand and natural things.
I guess as a general thing, if it’s manmade, it’s probably not very good at grounding, if at all. If it’s natural, it’s grounding. Then steel would be an example that, well, it’s manmade, but yet it’s natural components, but yet it’s not grounding. Is there any other help that we can give our viewers?
Dr. Schaffner:
Not off the top of my head, but I feel like just also in nature. Not only are we thinking about the sand and the grass, but definitely different types of rock and stone. Some people have that type of flooring in their home that could be more helpful, but not that I know of other than that.
Dr. Pompa:
Alright, well, let’s move away from grounding. What are some of the other gems that you learned that people can do right now to help their body electric?
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, we talked about a lot of different also modalities. If you’re struggling with a chronic illness and you feel like you’re maybe not seeing results, if you’re just taking supplements all day, and really feeling like you need more support, we talked about something called frequency specific microcurrent. Dr. Carolyn McMakin, she uses frequency specific microcurrent. That’s adding healthy resident frequencies to the body to restore communication. We use that at Sophia and we’ve seen some wonderful things with that.
Other tools and technologies: color. Everyone can get in touch with color. Different colors are different wavelengths of light. Dr. Deanna Minich talks about even incorporating different colored foods and how that can affect our physical body and our energetic body.
We use also something called photodynamic therapy at Sophia. We’re using something called the Weber Medical Laser. We can use laser or different colors of light to affect different biological systems. We use intravenous light. Yeah, and this can also be used in acupuncture meridians as well. There’s red light, blue light, yellow light. There’s UV light, infrared light, green light. Each light has a different—
Dr. Pompa:
I’ve used that device at Hope for Cancer. I know exactly what you’re talking about. It works amazing. Obviously, they’re using it for cancer; it’s at Hope for Cancer, but for Lyme disease, etc.
Folks, understand what she’s saying. We get the benefit of different lights. I use my red-light therapy, but this is actually going IV with a laser. It’s a light. It goes through maybe 20 minutes each: green, then yellow, then blue. Anyways, and it’s transformative for people. It’s basically affecting the mitochondria, the cells directly.
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, each light has different properties but were affecting absolutely the mitochondria. Everything from that to actually helping to allow our red blood cells to carry more oxygen. We’re also having anti-infective or antipathogen effects. Things like blue light can be antibacterial. Yellow light is wonderful. It’s an antiviral. It also can increase serotonin production in the body and vitamin D production in the body.
We just got our Weber beginning of the year and we’ve just seen some wonderful things. People feel really good from it. If you don’t have access to that device, they actually have a home unit. I don’t know if you’ve experimented with this. It’s the Laser Watch, The Weber Medical Laser Watch. I have one myself and I try to wear it 30 minutes a day. It has all the different colors that the light goes on the wrist. There’s acupuncture meridians on the wrist, but it’s also an area of high blood flow.
Dr. Pompa:
Someone told me about the watch. Have you noticed good results? How much are they?
Dr. Schaffner:
I feel good. There’s two versions. There’s one spectra which has all of the lights and then there’s one that’s less expensive that’s just red or green. I think the spectra was about $1,500 and then red and green alone I think it’s around $600. Don’t quote me, but that kind of price difference. The cool thing with the spectra too, it has a pad, it has a nasal so you can do intranasal light therapy; it has earbuds too so you can get light in different areas.
Dr. Weber is quite brilliant. I’m still really learning a lot about photodynamic therapy, but it’s all about not only the wavelength of light but the depth of penetration and where the light can access in the body. It’s great. I’m really enjoying mine. I feel really good on a regular basis, but I feel like it just—I use it at night before I go to bed. I feel—
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and it’s a way to increase deep sleep. Again, it’s actually testable. Let me ask you a question; why do you think that these light therapies are having such a big impact on people today because they do? When people have red light therapy or different therapies, it really does make a difference. Why do you think that is?
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, I think a part of the conversation we’re having in the Body Electric, and what Dr. Klinghardt really taught me, and what he talks about at the Body Electric Summit is about the biophoton theory and how we all—Dr. Popp, he’s a German researcher. He came up with this biophoton theory and this understanding that all living orgasms and us being one of them that we admit these low emissions of light. He was able to look at people who had cancer and how their light was very low in their body. Then people who had MS had too much light.
We’re supposed to have this coherent light that is admitted from our cells. This is also a huge way that our body communicates. This is the conversation that we’re trying to really peak everyone’s curiosity is that we’re not just these organisms with just these chemicals signaling that happens all day long, but we also, our bodies communicate with light.
Lynne McTaggart is actually on the summit. She has a book called, The Power of Eight, which is all about intention, and basically prayer, and seeing people—profound healing with that. She wrote a book before that called The Field. I’m re-reading it right now. She goes into the science about this, not only the field of energy while interconnected, but she talks a lot about the research that I wish was more present and more commonly discussed about how the human body really communicates with light. Each of these colors and each—and with the intravenous laser, they’re talking to different—the lights are actually turning on different enzymes and different biochemical processes in the body.
I also think about it, we already had this talk here, I think it increases our exclusions on water. That helps. I think health is a relationship to how much exclusions on water we have in our bodies. It’s helping us to maintain cell voltage and cell charge. Then also exclusions of water is exclusion. Where exclusions on water is, we can’t have as many environmental toxins in that area. It excludes those and moves those out of the body. I’m still learning and I have a lot to learn.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, me, too.
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, I feel like I’ve only been practicing medicine for nine years. I hope to do so for a long time. The summit really peaked my curiosity with a lot of tools and therapies; this being one of the primary ones to explore more with my patients.
Dr. Pompa:
Have you used the NanoVi? I did a show on it here. Do you use it in your clinic there?
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, we do. We often pair that with IV therapy if people are hanging out in the IV room.
Dr. Pompa:
I pair it with different things as well. I can’t say I use it every day, but almost.
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, no, that’s a great tool. Yeah, another tool that’s you’re not taking a pill, but it’s supporting your body and decreasing free radical stress and also improving the exclusions on water in the cells.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and the exclusion one is on water, folks. If you haven’t watched that episode—Ashley, put that in here because people will be like, what are they talking about? Go back and watch it. It’s specifically about that.
This is where we fold proteins. This is the water and the cells that—proteins is who you are. It’s life. It’s how you make hormones, how you make every tissue, cell in the body. If you’re lacking this, then it’s going to affect every aspect of your cellular health and function in your body.
Pollack, I really should interview him about it, but I’m learning more about it as well. To your point, I think that being around all of the false lights that we’re around today—everything is going LED. The old incandescent lighting which was the closest to regular full spectrum that we could get, can you even buy those? You can in Home Depot.
Dr. Schaffner:
It’s harder.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s harder and they’re more expensive. Anyways, it’s just crazy. We’re surrounded by these lights that are very limited on their spectrum. I think that’s one of the big reasons why this light therapy has really become a gamechanger for people; I really do.
Dr. Schaffner:
No, I agree. Dave Asprey is on the summit. He talks a lot about junk lighting and how you can use different glasses to affect the eyes so the eyes are getting the right signal of light at the right time of day and everything. It can really affect not only all of this—junk lighting can affect not only our electromagnetic field but also our circadian rhythm. That’s a huge part of our health. When we get ill, that gets often dysregulated. I think the light has a lot to do with that of course as well.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, Dave talks a lot about obviously that. You see him with his blue blocker glasses on.
Dr. Schaffner:
I think he had them on in the interview, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and it’s funny because I’m still in that trying phase. I screwed up my own experiment because I was wearing the glasses and looking at my deep sleep, which they say it absolutely affects. I want to know how much. Is it a big deal; is it a little deal?
Then I started doing PMF. I started doing all these things. It’s like, okay, my deep sleep is about on average two hours a night, which for someone 54, my age, seems like it’s pretty darn good because I ask around. I ask a lot of questions. Anyways, the point is, now I have to go back and say, okay, now let me do it without the glasses because I got my deep sleep up because I was doing so many things. Anyways, fun things I do to experiment with this stuff.
To your point though, I’m learning, too. I want to know—I know the light stuff like I said even before bed, it is real, but to what degree? I want to know. I want to know how much grounding while I’m sleeping is affecting me? Stay tuned. Okay, some other ones, maybe some other interviews that really just stuck out in your mind with the summit?
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, I had a lot of fun also interviewing Dr. Garcia. He teaches biomagnetism. He uses paired magnets on the body to help affect—he talks about cellular communication and affect TH levels. It’s just this whole other way to affect the physical body with magnets. He sees a very similar patient population that we both do. I had a lot of fun talking to him.
We also had Donna Eden, who she’s one of the—she has one of the first books that I can recall on energy medicine. She’s just full of a lot of love and light and chi, gives people a lot of home tools and exercises to work with these energy systems in the body. She actually had MS when she was in her 20s. I think she’s in her 70s now. You should see her and her partner in the interview. They both look very vibrant and healthy. That was also a lot of fun.
Dr. Klinghardt actually, he talks about his autonomic response testing the form of applied kinesiology or muscle testing that we do in the office. He goes into that a little bit more. He doesn’t really talk about that on a lot of interviews. That was really fun for him to break that down and just bring that to life for people who are wondering how and why that works. I really enjoyed that talk as well.
Dr. Mercola you know from the seminar. Yeah, he’s a lot of fun. He’s similar to you, always trying to experiment on himself and figuring out what’s going on. He has a lot to offer about what he’s excited about right now. I’m sure I could continue to pick my brain.
It was just one of those—oh, one other person to mention. James Oschman who has the Energy Medicine textbook. Just circling back and bringing this into this really rooted, grounded field is that he has this beautiful Energy Medicine book. If you want to get a refresher on physics, he talks about how these things work, and why they work, and then applies them to human biology. I love his concept and his ideas around the living matrix. This is this idea that the intracellular environment is completely interconnected to that extracellular environment, and to our fascia, and our lymphatic system, and how our body—
Dr. Pompa:
What’s the name of the book? What’s the name of it?
Dr. Schaffner:
It’s called Energy Medicine by Jim or James Oschman. He termed the coin living matrix. He talks about this is the area where energy medicine actually works and that the living matrix are this interconnection of our whole connective tissue to our intracellular environment. That it not only communicates with biochemistry and hormones and all of these things, but it also communicates with light, and vibration, and sound. That’s where energy medicine is working. He has some really beautiful ideas.
Dr. Pompa:
I remember that was one of my questions is give us a book for our listeners and viewers because this is so new to all of us. I guess you just did that in Energy Medicine by James Oschman. Can the average person read or understand it?
Dr. Schaffner:
Absolutely, everyone can read it. Maybe not everyone will be as drawn to it because it is—it’s a little bit more science induced.
Dr. Pompa:
Even if there’s struggling parts, it’s still—read over the science part.
Dr. Schaffner:
It’s a menu that you can—if you also want to read more of the science, I would encourage you to read Lynne McTaggart’s book, The Field. I think that’s a really excellent book.
Dr. Pompa:
The Field, okay.
Dr. Schaffner:
Donna Eden, she has her book, Energy Medicine as well. She talks about if you want just that conceptual book of all the energy systems in the body. Ari Whitten is on the summit. He talks a lot about red and infrared light and goes down deep into the science of why red and infrared light work.
A lot of the speakers actually have books. Gerry, of course, has The Fourth Phase of Water book. Dr. Cowan has a number of books. He’s just coming out with a book, Cancer and The New Biology of Water. He’s talking about water and his ideas there. Yeah, there’s a lot of—my goal and my desire was just to give you a broad overview of a lot of different topics and see what resonates with you.
Dr. Pompa:
Can they order the summit now because I know everyone watching this is going to want to order the summit? Can they do it right now?
Dr. Schaffner:
Yeah, you should have a link. They can go there, but it’s the Body Electric Summit. Yeah, it was just a ton of fun.
Dr. Pompa:
We’ll put a link in, folks. We’ll add a link; Ashley will do that. You just click on it and you’ll be able to order. Okay, last question for you. Klinghardt, he’s a mad scientist; maybe I am, too. What’s it like working with Klinghardt? I have to ask.
Dr. Schaffner:
It’s a loaded question; no. It’s, of course, normal to me, but I—no, he’s brilliant. He’s a brilliant mind. He’s a thought leader. He was really talking about EMF in the early 2000s; he was ahead of the curve. It’s interesting to see his ideas. He has really pioneering ideas.
Then over time, we learn to understand and explain them more and more with okay, how does this work? The research is showing this. Yeah, I like to see—when I see his mind working, I know that he’s opened up to this whole other ability to receive information. The thing that I really respect about him is he’s going to be 69. He’s seeing patients right now in the other room.
He works; from the moment he gets up, he goes out on conference. He works all day. He’ll stay and see patients until 7:00 or 8:00 at night. He’s teaching seminars. He’s in his passion. I really admire that. I try to emulate that in just educating myself, educating our community, and really trying to figure out how we can make our protocols more and more effective for people.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s awesome. We appreciate all that you do. You’re our connection there with Klinghardt, the mad scientist that he is. We appreciate him though.
Thank you for all that you brought today. I know so many people watching this are going to jump on that summit; that’s for sure. I sure am. I can’t wait for—I jotted down a matter of fact so many names. I got watch that one. Just now, that’s what I was doing.
This is a new world we’re living in. Maybe this wouldn’t have been as important 50, 100 years ago, maybe not even 20 years ago, but oh my gosh is it important now. I’m really excited. Thank you for bringing the message here and with the summit, Dr. Christine. Appreciate you.
Dr. Schaffner:
Oh, well, thank you so much for having me and your participation. I’m really excited to get this information out there, so thank you.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, right, thank you.
That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. This episode was brought to you buy CytoDetox. Please check it out at buycytonow.com.
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