Episode 299: How to Protect Yourself From 5G and EMFs
with Brian Hoyer
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In today's world, I know this concerning issue affects all of us. EMFs sabotage our health and healing everyday, and many of us are unaware of just how much. We live in a technological world, so what can we do to protect ourselves? Brian Hoyer is my guest today, and he is an EMF shielding expert who creates healing environments in your homes. We will be covering this common problem, and Brian will offer practical solutions to protect you and your family from the invisible 5G and EMFs that are overwhelming our homes, offices, and neighborhoods.
More about Brian Hoyer:
Brian’s dive into health started when he became a father wanting to provide the most optimal growing environment for his family. His desire for them to thrive and devotion to discover the truth drove him to find the most insightful and effective cutting-edge methods for addressing what’s really going on in our bodies and environments.
This led Brian to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, train with The Klinghardt Academy, and become a certified Geobiologist trained by a pioneering naturopathic and environmental medicine clinic in Austria that’s been addressing EMF and geopathic stress since 1983.
Brian and his wife, Lindsey, built an EMF shielded tiny house in the summer of 2017. Brian travels all over the country doing EMF assessments, speaking at conferences and on podcasts, and helping families install shielding solutions.
Dr. Pompa:
How many shows have I done on EMFs and the dangers of EMFs? This episode is not really about that, although we review the dangers of light and EMF. This was about solutions that I never heard of, even testing, how we test ourselves and the effects of electromagnetic frequencies on our bodies. This gentleman is—he has a solution like no other. Wait until you hear this episode.
As a matter of fact, he is going around the country. As a team, they will come into your home, test it, test you, and also bring solutions to the problem. Let me tell you something. I have to say this as a motivating factor. You want to change your life, and your world, and your health, and your healing. You de-EMF your bedroom. It’s trickier than you think.
On this episode, you're going to hear how to do that. You're going to hear some things that even though I'm here, I've learned on this episode myself. This is a great one. No doubt, this is an episode that you're going to want to take a lot of notes because this is a life changer. I'll see on the episode.
Ashley Smith:
Hello everyone, welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I'm Ashley Smith. Today we welcome Brian Hoyer, who is a nutritional therapy practitioner, geobiologist, and EMF shielding expert. He founded Shielded Healing with the goal of helping modern humanity recreate electromagnetic environments that more closely mimic the historic human habitats of our ancestors.
He now has a trained team of professionals that tour all over the country helping people build customized protocols to create these healing spaces in their homes. He is offering it to our Cell TV audience as well. Please check out the show notes and find out more information about that. This is an exciting episode, so let's get started. Welcome Brian Hoyer and Dr. Pompa to the show. This is Cellular Healing TV.
Dr. Pompa:
I'm here with Brian Hoyer. Gosh, Brian, this is a topic that, I'll tell you, this is overdue. It's not your fault, maybe it's ours. Where have you been? Honestly, this EMF thing is big deal. It's becoming a bigger deal. As people's buckets are filling up with stressors today, neurotoxic, and emotional, and all kinds of things, EMF is this new thing that's overflowing people's buckets.
People are realizing it's what's making them sick, keeping them from sleeping, feeling well, losing weight. I can go down a list of symptoms. I think what makes you so unique is what's been missing, and that's why I'm saying where have you been is because I’ve interviewed a lot of people on this topic. Everyone really comes down to, “I just need someone to come in and fix my home and figure my situation out.” That's what you do, which we're going to talk about. Welcome to Cell TV.
Brian Hoyer:
Oh, great to be here.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, this is a great topic. We get so many people who are listening or viewing for the first time, so look let's um let's jump right into it as far as giving them a review on what this EMF problem? Why all of a sudden is this an issue? Then we'll talk about where some of these huge exposures are that are really making people sick.
Brian Hoyer:
I think when you get into the health world, you really start to understand that a lot of our illnesses are modern illnesses, things that we've only had, really chronically, the last 100 years, maybe a little over 100 years. It's exponentially increased in the last 50 or so years in the same line that modern medicine has taken off. You’ve got big pharma and this whole different paradigm that's in contrast to a more natural, holistic perspective.
It's no different with these electromagnetic frequencies. From an ancestral perspective, we haven't had these type of exposures. Before 150 years ago there was nothing. Our ancestors, their bodies and our bodies are essentially the same. They were not exposed to any of this pulsating electricity that Nikola Tesla invented. That's what we have now in all of our homes is this alternating current. They call it AC pulsating electricity. Our body doesn't know what to do with these pulsations, but it does react to them.
You just think about with just general electricity that's surrounding us all day long, while we're in our homes, all night long, while we're in our beds. That's pulsating at 60 times per second, 120 pulsations back and forth per second. That's contracting our muscles. That's making it so we can't get true rest. It's causing calcium to flood into the cells. It's causing all of these metabolic and physiological responses that our body is perceiving as a stress response.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, Martin Paul talks about the calcium influx. Before, he was talking about EMF as a causative factor. I know Martin's work. He talked about how chemical sensitivity, sensitivities in general, are driven by this calcium influx. I think some of his later work was showing that EMFs drive this problem. It's creating a lot of these sensitivities that we're seeing in people.
Where are some of the big exposures coming from in the house? You have a different perspective on this because you're actually going into these homes, measuring this stuff with some of the highest tech stuff to measure. I have my device. I find it, but where do you find it?
Brian Hoyer:
What I found is actually in—has been a little bit different. I'm a nutritional therapy practitioner. I started off in this as a practitioner and wanting to help my own clients get better. I was approaching it more from health of the human body rather than just measuring things from a more electrical engineer standpoint, which is what a lot of the people in this profession—they're more come from the electrical side of it, but I'm coming from the health side of it and wanting to see results with things like leaky gut. Is your digestion getting better? How's your sleep? All those questions like how is your general zest for life, and how do you feel every day?
What I'm looking at is—I was trying to find different ways that—most of the people out there out there measuring the air. I wanted to measure the impact on the body. Every single type of EMF that we have, I've found a way that we can actually measure the body for wireless frequencies, for dirty electricity, for electric fields. That's something that they've always been measuring the body with a body voltage meter.
Just to give an example here, I'm in my shielded house. We have the whole house shielded here, so I don't have very much radio frequencies. There still is a little bit. When I measure that with this antenna, you can hear—when I touch this, you can hear [07:38]. Now, I don't have my window shielded over here. This is measuring the body as an antenna. It's kind of creepy. It doesn't sound very nice.
We basically take all this equipment and we're measuring, okay, what's coming in from outside the home. It's usually cell phone towers, radio towers, television towers, all these pulsating wireless signals. Then also what's in the home? We find there's six different stressors that we're testing for. There's wireless frequencies that are coming from all the towers, plus the wireless devices in the house. Then there's the electricity that's in the walls. Most of us have unshielded Romex that's in the wall. That's all the wiring. That's actually emanating from the wall and coming on to your body in a measurable way.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, is that what you were measuring there? Explain that a little bit more. I want you to continue your thought there, but I want to go back. I didn't fully understand what that meant.
Brian Hoyer:
When you measure the body as an antenna, you just think about like when you were younger, and they had the actual television stations with the little bunny ears. It was all staticky. You have like your little brother get up and—
Dr. Pompa:
Who would hold them, yeah.
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah you hold on to the antenna, you say, “Okay, now—
Dr. Pompa:
We’d wrap them in aluminum foil, even, and make them longer, and bigger, and then hold them.
Brian Hoyer:
Exactly, yeah, so you picture that and that's—the reason that the reception gets better is because your body is a little bit conductive. All those frequencies are—you're able to increase the surface area of the antenna. What we've done with these meters is we've made it so that you can increase the surface area of the antenna. You're getting a true reading of what the body is being exposed to from all different angles.
Dr. Pompa:
Let's say if you were in the average home, what would it have given you? Is there a reading on there, or is it just the noise, or—
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, some of them some meters we have it's the noise. Others, there's an actual reading that comes out like this one. I can put it right up to the—there's an actual reading that comes out. We want to see it around 30 or less. This is in my shielded house, so it's pretty low. We're also getting that sound that’s coming off of it.
Dr. Pompa:
You're measuring the body. You're getting the home, the sleep space, whatever it is, down below 30, or somewhere around that number. Then that's a safe place, correct?
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, and obviously the lower the better. Sometimes in places where it's extremely high, in the inner city, and some of these high-rise condos that we've tested in New York, or LA, or wherever.
Dr. Pompa:
What do people measure in those places?
Brian Hoyer:
Oh man, sometimes it's maxed out the meter. It's gone over 10,000.
Dr. Pompa:
Are they sleeping? Do they have normal health? Can you have normal health at that level?
Brian Hoyer:
I think what happens—there's a lot of people that can't sleep. Some people have various symptoms: night sweats, ringing in the ears, just general restlessness. For a lot of people, it's the same as any stressor. The body goes into this high cortisol mode. You have this numbing down of a lot of the symptoms that that some other people might normally be like, “Oh my gosh, I can't sleep in this area. It's way too stressful. There's something going on here that's stressing my body out.”
Dr. Pompa:
I give an analogy of your bucket, your stress bucket. Once it gets super full, a little bit of EMF, you could have someone at 70 or 80 or 100 and they're spilling over because they just can't take that. If someone doesn't have as many other exposures throughout their life, and bioaccumulate those exposures in their stress bucket, they can handle more. Not that it’s good for them because eventually it can throw them over the edge there. Can you purchase one of those? Can we buy one of those units?
Brian Hoyer:
These two units that I have are—this one's $3,000. It's from Austria. Then this one is actually more affordable. It's around $500. It comes from Germany. There's only one website that sells it called prigin [12:04 ph]. He has a really hard time transferring money and working out—he's a very small business. I've had even a hard time getting them myself for my team. Those are those are the wireless measurements for the body that I think is very important to measure it that way rather than just measuring the air.
You think about a meter that's just measuring the air. It's just that little antenna which has maybe a thousand times less surface area than your body. You don't really get a true picture of what's going on. My goal is to get people down to what I consider to be a more ancestral environment so they're free of that stress. We can rule that out as a factor in what's preventing them from getting healthy.
Dr. Pompa:
Here's a question because there's a theory that Klinghardt and maybe some others have said. People with high heavy metals, even metal in their body, so to speak, are they more conductive? You're able to actually measure it now. Do you find that you could have Joe right next to you be higher than you because he's more conductive for multiple reasons, whether it's high heavy metals or just metal in his body?
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, we have measured a few people that have been measuring higher even though they're a smaller person, which is really interesting. Usually it's the larger the person, the bigger antenna they are, and also the more hydrated you are because you are measuring the skin. There's been a few people where we've tested and they said that they know they're high in metals, various types of metals, and they have been higher.
These things do vary from one location to the next, so it's really hard to factor in all those variables. You have to stay in the exact same position and that sort of thing. It would be kind of hard to test that. In theory, anything that's more conductive, if you have more conductive tissues, it's going to actually penetrate deeper into the body and not just be on the surface area. It's going to actually get into the tissue more easily.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, when I do a measurement here they say over 0.5 starts at cellular damage, DNA damage. Again, ultimately it's how much of that are you conducting, which matters more. Go back. Let’s talk about—you enter into someone's home. Walk us through what that looks like. You end up leaving there with a prescription. Here's what you need to do to get your levels to where your life will change. Talk about that.
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, so we're measuring six different types of EMF. There's never one solution that fixes all of your EMF problems. It's all based on real physics. There's ways to block wireless frequencies that are different from how you block electric fields that's also different from how you block or take care of magnetic fields or dirty electricity. I'm just listing all these things. Then there's also geopathic stress that's a type of radiation that comes up from the earth. The last thing that we measure for is artificial light. We have flickering light that we measure with a flicker meter, and then we're also looking at the spectrum of light in the house and seeing if it compares to what's outside.
Dr. Pompa:
That's a big deal too. I was going to ask you about that actually. I keep all my lights off in here, but I also have it just incandescent lighting in my house. There's some there way up high. I don't even turn those on. We use lamps with incandescent bulbs.
Brian Hoyer:
What we found is that even incandescent bulbs, especially if they're a lower wattage, they are still flickering quite a bit. We found that a combination of higher wattage incandescent bulbs, and some special LEDs that have a more full spectrum that have this driver in them where that where it doesn't flicker, that works really well.
Dr. Pompa:
Do you have those brands? What are some of those brands? Can we buy them? Do you have to buy them online?
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, I'm actually getting ready to come out with a little book that has a review of all the different brands that we're recommending now. We'll have that available in probably a couple weeks. It takes a long time. I have a few of the good bulbs, what I consider to be good bulbs, and I plugged them into this fixture over here in my kitchen. I wired that, and I still am trying to figure out why when I plug the bulbs into there, that fixture, after about five minutes they start to flicker with my meter.
You can't see it. You can't see the flicker. This meter picks up. It's very sensitive. I can show you a little bit here how this works. This is from an incandescent bulb. This is that LED. Here’s an incandescent bulb. LEDs are typically worse than incandescent. These are special types of LEDs.
Dr. Pompa:
I was just going to say that. I thought LED were worse. It's a special kind of LED. Did you did you buy them online? What's the name of the company?
Brian Hoyer:
The one company for these lights is called Waveform Flicker Free. Then there's another one that has orange and red that we recommend for nighttime that are Sunlite S-U-N-L-I-T-E. They have to be the non-dimmable kind. Those are those are the main ones that we're recommending right now. I've got a few more that are in the wings that I'm in the final stages of testing. You have to test it for—
Dr. Pompa:
What was the name of the nighttime one, the orange and red one?
Brian Hoyer:
Sunlite, and they have to be non-dimmable. That would be like the orange and the red colored ones.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly, that makes sense, which would be good for your bedroom to people that are listening to their point. Maybe we lost some people in the fact that why would my lights flickering, and if I can't see them, why is that a problem? Explain why that that's a problem.
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, well, there there's this old functional test that a lot of doctors used to use for called the pupillary response test. What you do is you take a little flashlight, and you take it around the person's head, and then you point it right in their eye. You look at their pupil. If their pupil is pulsating, then you know that that person is an adrenal stress. Why is that pulsating happening when they have this this light in their eye? It's because their eye is constantly trying to adjust. It can't do it. It doesn't have the resiliency, the robustness to be able to hold that constriction to make it so the light’s not as blatant into the into the eye.
What's happening with all of these—I have this theory that I think that the reason that a lot of people do have that happening, and a big stressor on our adrenals, is that we’re around this flickering light all the time, especially people that are in offices. Your brain cannot perceive the flickering, but your eye is constantly trying to adjust to it all day long. Never before in the history of mankind have we ever had flickering light besides when we're in a stress response. The only time, ancestrally, you'd have a flickering light is if you're running through a jungle from a predator and there's sunlight going through the leaves.
Then you have a little bit of flickering going back and forth from the sunlight. Other than that, the sun is direct current. It's constantly beaming down on you. There is no flicker to the sun whatsoever. It's an incandescent light source that's based on heat. Fire doesn't have any flickering like we have with this modulated flickering that we have with the 60 Hertz. The reason that it's flickering is because it's running on that 60 Hertz electricity. It's turning off and on 60 times per second.
That's the reason that incandescent bulbs are typically better is because that filament heats up and it doesn't cool down fast enough to turn completely off. There's a little bit of a glow and not as much of a flicker. Then if we can run things off of batteries or these special LED lights, that technology makes it so there's no flicker. All the gaps are filled with a constant current constant voltage.
Dr. Pompa:
Then there's an issue with not being full spectrum, as well, with a lot of the new lights, halogens, LEDs. Incandescents are more full spectrum.
Brian Hoyer:
That's right. That's exactly right. That's the other thing that we're looking at. That's why we found a combination of the incandescent bulbs with some of these constant current LEDs is the best combination for human health in people's homes. We've been using a lot of the sauna space bulbs. We’ll recommend those in rooms. They have this photon light, this little portable 250-watt light.
They use it for near-infrared therapy and photobiomodulation. You put that in a room that has a bunch of LEDs, and it typically drowns out a lot of the flicker from all the LEDs or fluorescent bulbs that you have. Then it also provides a lot of the missing frequencies that you normally don't have in those [21:42] bulbs.
Dr. Pompa:
I have that light. They're about 300 bucks. You can buy one of those bulbs, and they're super bright. The bulbs I'm sure you can buy cheaper. I have the whole thing.
Brian Hoyer:
They've got these new bulbs that are about twice as bright as any that you can get at the stores now, the Thermalite bulbs. They have more radiance, more therapy—therapeutic benefits as well. I use those with my kids, especially in the wintertime before they go to bed, to shine it on the back of their neck and their head to get the circulation flowing for the glymphatic system at night. Your brain can detox better, and it helps to relax them, and that sort of thing.
Lighting is a huge issue. We're getting to the point where we have really good recommendations for that. The rest of the stuff, the rest of the types of EMF, are things like the electricity in the walls. If we just focus on the bedroom with most of the rest of the stressors that we find, then we find that people actually recover better. They're able to tolerate more of the EMF stress that we're exposed to during the daytime.
Dr. Pompa:
You come in you evaluate the light. You evaluate all of the EMF sources, obviously, the walls, their Wi-Fi. That's an issue. Fortunately, my Wi-Fi is low here, but we turn it off every night. I'm plugged in here. These are just simple adjustments. You have other big things that you do, too, as part of your solution. A lot of people's exposures, as you said, are coming from outside in. You have this shielding on windows and different paints. Talk about that. We've really never heard about those types of solutions before.
Brian Hoyer:
What I do is—when I first started out, I was working for this other company from Austria. They had this paint that they claimed was the best. What it is it's a shielding paint. It blocks the—you’re creating a Faraday Cage in your bedroom, essentially. What that does is it blocks out most of the wireless frequencies from outside. Then it's also grounded. The grounding of this conductive paint also blocks the electric fields. It traps them in the wall so they can't come in and come onto your body while you're sleeping. The paint's really a two-for-one, arguably, three-for-one issue because you're also blocking the—when you block electricity you're also blocking the dirty electricity that's in the walls as well.
Dr. Pompa:
Right, so paint your bedroom. Do they have normal colors?
Brian Hoyer:
It's all black, just like your background there. Then you can paint over it. You can make the room look—
Dr. Pompa:
You can use regular paint.
Brian Hoyer:
This house, right behind me here, my kitchen’s back here. This has all been painted. I painted the ceiling, the walls. Sometimes we'll even paint the floors, or we have this fleece that we can put down as underlayment underneath flooring. The goal is to just get down to where, okay, before electricity, what would our readings have been? That's our goal.
Dr. Pompa:
After you painted that whole room, were you able to measurably see the difference?
Brian Hoyer:
Oh, yeah, it's incredible the huge difference that you see. Then you also need stuff over the windows. I don't have anything over this window over here, yet, but I've got the curtain rod in the closet over there. We're getting ready to do that. There's the paint for the walls. There's special curtains with this special type of shielding fabric that's got silver infused with cotton. We'll put that over the windows. That blocks it from coming out. There's some people who don't want to paint. We provide our fabric for them to make an actual canopy over their bed. Then that canopy can be grounded as well, so you can still block the electricity from coming in. Then you're also blocking all the wireless from around.
Dr. Pompa:
I don't know if it's a cheaper solution. How much is the paint? Is it double regular paint?
Brian Hoyer:
The paint I first started out with was around $700 for 1.3 gallons. Now it's down to about $300 for the same amount. You can get your bedroom, a typical 12 by 12 foot by 8-foot-tall ceiling bedroom, you can get that shielded for about $600 to $800 plus the plus the fabric for the windows, or doors, or whatever you have.
Dr. Pompa:
Put a Faraday Cage—basically, net your bed so to speak. I'm sure you can make it look fancy for the ladies listening. How much is that?
Brian Hoyer:
The fabric we sell is about a $133 per yard. Then it comes in an eight-foot two wide roll. It's actually a pretty wide roll, almost all the way to the ceiling, then you sell it by the yard like that. For a typical queen bed, you need about 13 yards; king, you need about fourteen.
Dr. Pompa:
That's awesome. Then you come in, you measure all these things because not everyone needs these things. It's better to start with an evaluation. Then you just may figure out what somebody needs. Now, what are you charged to come in? You have five people that you go around the nation, and you're going to provide your service, we’ll add the link here. Just give us an idea of what something like that would run.
Brian Hoyer:
We have a base price, and then we charge per bedroom. When we do the bedrooms, we are really focusing in on that and building a custom protocol for the bedroom. It takes a long time to evaluate each bedroom in a house. The base price is around $1,000 for a house that includes two bedrooms. Studio, we go down a hundred dollars less than. The typical house is up to 2,500 square feet, $1000, then you add $100 per bedroom beyond that. Then we also have had to add $100 per extra thousand square feet. I've done a few really large houses that I was only charging bedrooms for, and it took me like six hours to go through this 5,000 square foot house. I was like, maybe I should start charging for extra square footage too.
Dr. Pompa:
I have to say, though, that's pretty—I think that's really reasonable. You’re obviously flying in, and doing this, and spending time in the home. I know what these things take. For me, I think it's well worth it because this is a knowledge that's taken you years to acquire. The average person's not going to be able to do that. Ultimately, what are you paying for? You're paying for your health, and to protect you and your family. You're getting your health back. I can tell you that it's very difficult to get people's health back when they have this massive EMF source as part of the hidden problem. It’s a big issue.
Brian Hoyer:
I've had people who the night after they've shielded their room and put in the solutions that we recommend—one woman just a few weeks ago, she was a colleague of mine. She couldn't sleep the first few nights. “The first two nights,” she said, “I just couldn't sleep. Then I started to think about some of my symptoms. They were all hyperthyroid symptoms.” She was like, “Why is this going on? I have hypothyroidism, and now I have hyperthyroidism. What the heck is going on? Then she thinks about it. “Well, I'm still on my thyroid glandular.” She cut that out, and everything went down to normal. She got the best sleep of her life.
Within one night, her body was already like, “Okay, I don't need this thyroid medication anymore. I don't need to be ramping up my metabolism to deal with these stressors anymore. The stressors are gone, and we can actually fix these issues.” It's just this innate intelligence of the body. It's when you shield a room. You're awakening all these dormant healing responses in the body.
It's allowing the person's body to do what it's meant to do at night, which is heal, and detox, and drain all the different organs through the lymphatic system. It's incredible what happens. That's the ideal healing time is at night when we're sleeping. We work so hard putting things into our body to help us during the day, but really at night is when all the repair is happening.
Dr. Pompa:
If you just get your bedroom right, my gosh, your life will change. Between the light and the electromagnetic fields, my gosh, really, it's unbelievable the amount of stress that we're under. Then you add that someone has silver fillings in their mouth, infections in their jaw, maybe a mold situation. Forget it. Then they're just taking a bunch of medications and supplements trying to chase it. Impossible, unless you get to the cause. That's my message, always.
Brian Hoyer:
When I first started doing this, it was one of those things where I—I took some continuing education with Dr. Klinghardt. He was the guy that really inspired me to get into this field. Now I'm actually working with him and his patients to do it right. There's a lot of people out there that do these types of assessments, but their recommendations aren't from a health perspective or a health practitioner perspective. It's not treating it like, okay, let's rule out all of these, so we can move on to the next step, the next level of healing for you.
That's what we do automatically with people. We're not just trying to get rid of the ringing in the ears or get you off your thyroid medication. It's about actually seeing those steps of progress in the in the person's health. We always follow up with people. We do a free retest after the solutions are in place when we're back in the area. We want to make sure that everything's working the way that should, so you can see the results.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s awesome. That's great, and that speaks for itself. This is a big question, here. I know I'm interested in it, and probably so many people watching. The 5G, what is it? When are we going to be affected by it? How do we mitigate it? It's interesting because a lot of people, when we talk about 5G, they’re mainly talking about the millimeter waves that are the new spectrum of frequencies, the higher frequencies, 30 gigahertz and above that are beaming. The beams are closer together. The frequencies are a lot closer together. It really resonates more on a cellular level.
My feeling on the whole 5G issue is that we already had a horrible situation with 4G, and 3G, and all the frequencies that we were exposed to then. Those frequencies were all the way up to 24 gigahertz. We're upping it by about six more gigahertz, plus there's other frequencies that are on the horizon that are even higher. I'd like to help people to back away from that, and say it's not necessarily about the frequency, it's about the amount of exposure.
With 5G it's not the higher frequencies that are concerning me as much as the saturation in the lower frequencies. 5G is going to continue to deploy more 4G antennas and a little bit higher frequency like 3.5 gigahertz, 5, 6 gigahertz. Those are the things that are going to be going on every block in the city, and on your posts in your neighborhood. Those are going to be blasting a lot closer to your house. Luckily, we have the technology to block those frequencies.
The millimeter wave frequencies we actually—I've tested all of our shielding products up to that in a lab up to 40 gigahertz. They actually do really well against those frequencies. I bought a 5G meter last year, and took it on a couple tours with me, and measured in Los Angeles in Austin, Texas. It was really hard to find anything. There was hardly any of the millimeter wave frequencies. There was a lot more 4G antennas, a lot more of the saturation in the things that we can readily detect right now.
Dr. Pompa:
They've launched the satellites for this 5G, but they send a signal down. It's these local antennas that they're putting up everywhere that will conduct that, correct?
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, that's what delivers it into your house. The reason they're using the lower frequencies is because they penetrate easier into the house than the higher frequency millimeter waves. That's why they have to have them up in the sky where there's not as many obstructions. They're going to use them in stadiums, and downtown areas, and places where they can actually send drones with the millimeter waves blasting to people on those. Even your walls have a huge effect on attenuating those millimeter waves. The stuff that we're already exposed to, and that we're going to be more saturated with 5G, the low 6 gigahertz, that is going to still be able to penetrate through walls unless you’ve shielded them.
Dr. Pompa:
What you’re saying is they take the higher frequency, and then they target an antenna, convert it to a lower frequency that penetrates your house better. Is that the case?
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, that's essentially what's happening. That's what they did with 4G too. They did that with the 23 gigahertz tower to tower transmissions pointed like a laser beam at each other. Then from there the information travels through like 900 to 1900 megahertz, which is what your phone operates at.
Dr. Pompa:
Basically, like you said, because of 5G we're going to have more of the lower frequency than we're already exposed to. We’re just going to have more of it.
Brian Hoyer:
More of it, and then companies like T-Mobile has an even lower frequency, 600 megahertz, which travels even further. A lot of your listeners might have heard the T-Mobile commercial. They're like, “Oh yeah, it's on the 600 megahertz. We’re all the way the middle of nowhere and we still have a signal. A lot of the rural areas are actually going to be getting more impacted by 5G as well because of networks like T-Mobile that are sending 600 megahertz, which travels a lot further than our current networks do.
It's a mixed bag of things that are going on. It's not just one frequency that's the bad thing. It's that we really just have to—I'm at the point now where I've traveled all around the country, done 500 assessments in two years. I've seen things transitioning from 4G to 5G. 4G is bad. 5G is just making everything more saturated. I haven't tested one house that doesn't need shielding.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, of course. We all need it, I know. I tested a pair of LAMBS underwear, where you can actually wear clothing. I tested it just with the technology I had. It was about 50% protection. It didn't shield it all out. Fifty percent, that's a lot, right, even if my testing is accurate.
Brian Hoyer:
Any amount of reduction that you can get in any type of the EMF is worth it in my opinion.
Dr. Pompa:
We need to make more clothes. The lines that are coming out with, hey, we have EMF. Listen, we would have never thought that we would see GMO-free on things 10 years ago. Who knows? Maybe your average clothing line will have your frequency protectors.
Brian Hoyer:
It could be. I've actually just come on the bandwagon with the shielded clothing now. For a while, it seemed to me that it was acting as an antenna on to the body and making you more conductive. I ordered some for myself, and I've been testing it for a few weeks now. I feel like, you know what, the conductance of the body is really only so much that when I measure my body as an antenna it really is only measuring this part of my body. If I took the [38:32] covered with the shield, then it makes sense that that's going to be a lot lower reading on your body. It's not going into your organs and things like that too.
Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, yeah, that's the point. When I fly now, I put on my LAMBS underwear to protect the boys. They’re very sensitive. I'm telling you, you're offering a great service. I think most people watching this, they need your service. Everybody, arguably, needs your service. I don't know where you live, but I live in probably a better place than most. When you're in Utah, I want you out here, man. I want you to measure my home.
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, I definitely will. One of the things that anybody can do right away—we haven't talked about the daytime strategies which is something that that I like to talk about a little bit. With your normal habits and usage of your phone, and your Wi-Fi router, and those sorts of things, but then also the electricity in your home, there's this phenomena called dirty electricity that gets thrown around a lot.
Essentially what it is is thousands of these higher frequency wireless transmissions that are riding on the electrical lines of your house. That can be caused by solar panels, fluorescent bulbs. I have this little flashlight charger that we found on an assessment. Just plugging that into the wall produces as much dirty electricity as a whole solar panel system.
Dr. Pompa:
My TVs produce a lot. The outlets that I've tested in my house just go crazy near the TVs.
Brian Hoyer:
We have this whole house filtration system that we recommend called the Superpower Perfect Box. That's installed right at the breaker panel. It filters out the dirty electricity coming into the house. It'll reduce your dirty electricity by anywhere from 50% to all the way. It depends on the situation.
Dr. Pompa:
Do you sell those, Brian?
Brian Hoyer:
Yeah, we have them on the website.
Dr. Pompa:
How much are they?
Brian Hoyer:
Those are about $1,500 retail. Then whenever we do an assessment for somebody we give a 10% discount on all of the products that we recommend.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s awesome. That's something people can do right away, to your point. That's a big deal. I put these green waves in, but it's a pain. They're all over the house. I’ve already spent $300 on them, more.
Brian Hoyer:
Some people need as many as 20 or 40 or more of those little plugin filters. This box, since it's installed at the breaker panel, it's filtering everything before it gets to the other circuits in your house. With the plugins, it's dirty all the way to the plug. Then you filter it, and then it then it helps in spot areas. This is filtering everything right at the box. Then wherever you have dirty electricity in the house, we recommend to do the plugins in those areas and everything.
Dr. Pompa:
That's great. That's a great tip. Any other tips that you'll give our viewers that they should do right away?
Brian Hoyer:
With the cell phone, never keep that thing on your body.
Dr. Pompa:
I never do.
Brian Hoyer:
One thing that's really good is to put the cellular data off. That makes it so your apps aren't constantly updating all the time and pinging the tower. A lot of people will still want to be able to receive text messages and phone calls. You can still do that if your cellular data is off, but it's not going to ping the tower near as much. The number one thing is keep that thing on airplane mode unless you absolutely need to use it, or you need to be available.
Airplane mode’s better than any shielded pouch or anything that you can get. Any protection type of thing that you can put on your phone, whatever, just turn that thing on airplane mode as much as possible. Then, when you're turning it off from airplane mode, set it down first, and then press it, and then step back.
Dr. Pompa:
It reaches, yeah.
Brian Hoyer:
It'll ping really strong when you first turn it back on from airplane mode. A lot of people don't realize that. They just turned it on airplane mode, and then they have it right at their face, and they're going like crazy. I always set mind down and then—and I know this because I'm measuring these things all the time. Set your phone down. Turn it off airplane mode. Walk away. Wait for all the dinging, and all the updates to happen, all your text messages and everything, and then go and check everything.
Dr. Pompa:
Wow, great advice, what a great show, Brian. We're going to put your link down here below. I know you offered something for our viewers. That's great and really appreciate that. I think you're going to have many people take advantage of it. They're crazy if they don't. That's awesome what a service, Brian. I tell you what. This was a brilliant business. When you have something that people need—something that people want is great, but when you have something that people absolutely need, and it affects their health, and solves a problem, man, that's amazing, so good for you.
Brian Hoyer:
I really want to help people to actually have these solutions so that they don't have to freaking worry about it all the time. So many people stress out about EMF issues that the stress is almost worse than the EMF itself in many cases. If you can just fix this problem in your bedroom, in your whole house. Make your house a sanctuary, especially your bedroom, then you have eight hours of healing therapy that you have every single night. You don't have to even think about it. You just put your children in the bedroom. They're good. They have that healing therapy every single night, same thing for yourself.
Dr. Pompa:
It's huge, just the cellular you know stress that it's putting on us. Like you said, at night, that's when you drain your detox. I talk a lot about detox on this show. Your lymphatics drain at night, and they drain your brain. With that stress, it doesn't, so huge, big thing here. Thank you, Brian, for your brilliance and knowledge. Thank you for your service, no doubt. Hopefully, you're going to get a lot of calls, so appreciate it.
Brian Hoyer:
Cool, thank you for having me on.
Dr. Pompa: