Trouble fasting, or detoxing or unexplained symptoms? Could it be lymph? what you can do right now at home, from dry brushing to devices you can use.
Today I'm devoting this show to our lymphatic system, which is such an important piece of our health. My guest expert today is Kelly Kennedy – who is a queen of the lymphatic system, focusing on helping her clients relax, heal faster, and open their hearts to true wellness. And she’s here to share her knowledge with all of you!
More about Kelly Kennedy:
Kelly Kennedy is a biological investigator and medical intuitive, whose studies began more traditionally as a pre-med student at Cornell University, where she received a degree in Biology.
Her father passed away from Hodgkin’s disease when she was just 20. That same year, a car accident left her in chronic pain, emotionally drained, and her life in a state of upheaval.
After 3 years of succumbing to the contemporary allopathic paradigm without results, Kelly finally sought a different approach – that of BioRegulatory medicine – which relieved her pain permanently. Kelly knew she had found the answers she was seeking; she began working with Ian Kennedy and a skilled, passionate practitioner was born.
Today Kelly is the Executive Director of The True Wellness Center in Pennsylvania and serves on the Board of Advisors of the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute. Kelly focus’ on the lymphatics and the regulatory capacities of the body to allow healing to occur. Her journey has lead her to KNOW that physical medicine/work is only a piece of the puzzle and that opening the heart and working on the energy bodies is equally, if not more important to get into alignment to allow for true wellness.
In a world facing health challenges of epidemic proportions, Kelly will not rest until “bioregulatory” becomes a household word.
- Visit Kelly's site here and use the code __ for ___ off.
- Cytodetox: Total detoxification support where it matters most – at the cellular level.
- Beyond Fasting by Dr. Pompa – Now released!
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Dr. Pompa:
All right, maybe you’re someone having trouble detoxing or fasting, or you just have unexplainable symptoms. Could it be lymph? You better watch this show because, Kelly Kennedy, gosh, one of my favorite people, she’s a wealth of knowledge in this area of lymph. Look, in this episode, we give you what you can do right now at home. I mean, these things—and she talks about the right order. Lymph brushing, well, most people do it wrong, and they do it out of order from lymph pumping—oh, you’ll have to watch the show. Then we even get into these devices that caused me to sleep around her office, doesn’t sound very righteous, but you’re going to have to watch the show to know what I mean by that. Check it out.
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith, and today we are devoting this show to our lymphatic system, which is such an important piece of our health. Our expert today is Kelly Kennedy, who is the queen of the lymphatic system focusing on helping her clients relax, heal faster, and open their hearts to true wellness, and she’s here to share her knowledge with all of us. Let’s get started and welcome Kelly Kennedy and, of course, Dr. Pompa to the show. Welcome, both of you.
Thank you so much for having me. I don’t want to over speak on Dr. Pompa, so thank you so much Ashley and Dr. Pompa for having me. I’ve very honored to be here.
Dr. Pompa:
She’s more than the queen of lymph. She is the queen of other things too. Trust me on this, and you’ll see that during the show.
Thank you, Dr. Pompa.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, Kelly, you are the wealth of knowledge on lymph, really. I mean, you taught it at one of my seminars and my doctors absolutely loved the information. I hate to back all the way up into the most basic thing, but we have a lot of practitioners and doctors who watch the show and a lot of just lay folks. What the heck is lymph, and what does it do? Let’s start there.
Okay, so thank you. That’s a great question, of course, never a dull question from Dr. Pompa. We have lymph fluid in our body. We have three times as much lymph fluid as we do blood. It’s important when we do our cellular detox that those toxins come out and flow out of the body, and that’s done through the lymphatic system. We have a network throughout our whole body from our head, which they’re called glia lymphs, literally down to our toes where there’s chains or vessels of lymph, like our artery and vein system, and then nodes, which are a little bit bigger areas, like the organs, if you will, where that is the—the lymph nodes are really the place in the body where the immune system identifies what the pathogens, the toxins are. Then based upon that will then produce the proper white blood cell, which is our fighter cells, to go after it.
The lymph is super important because then it dumps into our cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system cleans that and changes that blood, obviously, and then it dumps it through the liver, the kidneys, the blood if you’re still in the bleeding stage, and breath and urine. We sweat it out. We pee it out. We poop it out, and we breathe it out, basically. If you’re still bleeding, then you bleed it out, but the lymphatic system doesn’t have its own pumping system. That becomes the issue.
Most people, as you know, Dr. Pompa, unfortunately don’t know about the lymph system, whether they’ve been to medical school or even massage therapists, which are supposed to be the ones that know about the lymph. They get about 4 pages of lymph, and yet, 27 pages on the cardiovascular, the endocrine system. The lymph, unless somebody’s had cancer, they might not even know that word the lymph. Yet, everybody right now is talking about immune, immune system. How do I boost my immune system? For giggles the other day, I typed into Google, Wikipedia, how do you boost your immune system? Are you ready, Dr. Pompa?
Dr. Pompa:
Can’t wait.
Exercise, drink water.
Dr. Pompa:
Lymph, lymph.
Sleep well, eat your vegetables.
Dr. Pompa:
All of those affect the lymph.
Which are good but that is a very limited list of how you could boost your immune system, a very limited understanding.
Dr. Pompa:
Right, and when people hear that too, it’s like, okay, I’m exercising sometimes. I eat good. I’m sleeping. It’s like, okay, give me something that I can actually change. By the way, though, funny thing is is all of those things actually affect the lymph.
That’s right. That’s right.
Dr. Pompa:
If I was sitting—I always think, if I’m sitting there watching this, it’s like, well, how do I know I have a lymph problem, number one? It doesn’t have a pump system. We know God doesn’t make mistakes. Why do so many people have lymph challenges? Start with the first question.
Oh, I know.
Dr. Pompa:
How do I know the lymph could be why I don’t feel well?
Primarily, I don’t sleep well. I don’t poop well. I don’t sweat appropriately enough. I have skin rashes. I have headaches. I have fatigue. I have a general malaise, digestive issues. Is that the majority of the clients that we talk to and our doctors talk to right there?
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. Now, what about, okay, your medical doctor would—finally, when he sees bumps on your neck perhaps or under your arms would go, oh, that’s a lymph problem. Number one, what would he do about it, and number two, when you actually have that, what does that mean? Now that it’s expressing itself like that, is that a big problem?
Fantastic question. I’ve never been asked that question. Thank you for that. First of all, the swollen lymph in your tonsils, in your axillary, in your armpits, yes, medical doctors will palpate that and go, oh, you got to do something for your lymph. What they’re typically going to do is take out your tonsils, and the tonsils are the gatekeeper to the lympathics. Our brain dumps toxins every single night, and the tonsils decide what comes out.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, I have to interrupt you because you taught me this. You said think of your head is the top of an hourglass. Not just your neck but the tonsils as the skinny part of an hourglass and then the rest of your body, meaning that this doesn’t get down here without that. By the way, we know now that at night to have proper deep and REM sleep the lymphatic system has to drain the head, and the brain now we know has a lymphatic system. This is all in the last ten years of research that we just learned this. Okay, so I had to give them that analogy because I thought that was impactful for me.
I appreciate that. Yeah, I look at the body as a very specific hourglass. The top is the head. The neck is the aperture in the middle, and the bottom is the rest of the body. This hourglass doesn’t get flipped. The hourglass always stays like this, and your food goes in, your water. All your stuff goes in the head, and everything comes out the bottom, right? You poop, pee, and sweat. Poop, pee, and sweat out the bottom. If that doesn’t work, you can’t expect anything to come out of the head because everything goes in that direction.
If the head wants to drain, which is what we want to do, we want to get the brain detoxified every night. If brain doesn’t detoxify, it can’t tell the rest of the organs to do its job. It’s like the master chief, right? If the brain isn’t detoxified, well, the brain wants to dump, but the tonsils don’t work or aren’t there. Then nothing’s going to drain, but before that, you got make sure all the peeing, pooping, and sweating works. You got to make sure all this drains out. Then this works. Then this will drain, and that’s the hourglass. It’s your wellness. The other things that clog the lymph, that make the lymph thick—because lymphedema is a condition that’s diagnosable by a medical doctor. It doesn’t mean that you have to wait for a lymphedema to say I have lymph stagnancy.
I wore this specific outfit today for the CellTV because I wanted to show people what a pit looks like versus a puff. There are pits, and there are puffs. Regardless of your size, regardless of your—how well you exercise, you can end up with a pit. We have a little story about a pit too, actually. I just forgot about it ‘til just now. The armpits, you want to have—I have a lot of really thin people, but I ask them to open their arm. Their armpit goes convex instead of concave, which is lymph stagnancy.
Dr. Pompa:
Puffy pits, bad sign that you have lymph.
Puffy pits. Lymph is very superficial. It’s just below your skin. You can start to feel little beads under your skin and in your groin area specifically that feel like sesame seeds. That is lymph stagnancy. Often times, people are like, well, I rebound, and I dry brush. Please dry brush by the way that I teach, by the one that we posted.
Dr. Pompa:
We’re going to talk about that, though.
Okay, good.
Dr. Pompa:
I want you to tell them the right way because people do it in the wrong order.
They really do. The lymphatics are sedentary if we’re sedentary. They don’t move unless we move. I know you’re really good at encouraging people to go outside more, to breathe fresh air, to move that body, which absolutely helps their lymph. However, if there’s heavy metals, if there’s retroviruses and bacteria and other microbes living in that lymph fluid, it’s not fluid anymore. It becomes thick. Instead of water, it’s gelatinous, so it doesn’t flow. It’s like a dam that gets plugged up. You got to get the plug out. When you get the plug out, then your rebounding, your dry brushing, your walking, your yoga, your upside down will help.
Often times, for the clients that you see and a lot of your practitioners see, they’ve been in chronic illness for a long time. They don’t poop well. They don’t sleep well. Their lymph isn’t working well, so they’ve got to do some manual pumping, which I’m happy to offer everybody. That’s free. We teach people how to do that now. It used to be we only taught practitioners, but during COVID, we’re like it is a national—international crisis. We got to get this information out there, so we offer that for free now on our website where people can learn how to do the manual and pumping that we used to teach practitioners to be able to get people to do their lymph. We’ll make that available to your base.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, we’ll offer that. Ashley will put that in the show notes, for sure, so people can do that.
It’s simple.
Dr. Pompa:
I want my viewers to understand that they can do these things, I mean, that they can do these things and open up their detox pathways.
They could do it on their children.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s awesome.
They could do it on their children. I have a 7-year-old. He’s not vaccinated. When he would go to school, he would often—back in the day when he went to school in a brick and mortar school, he’d come home, and often times, he’d have little lymph nodes that were a little swollen. That’s a good sign. That’s his immune system working on all the crap that all the other kids had in. As a lymph therapist, I didn’t really want him to have large lymph nodes. I knew his body was working. It didn’t have enough, so I’d manually pump his lymph.
Now I’m using the Flow Cream from Dr. Klinghardt and from Sophia Institute because that helps tremendously with the manual pump. It gets that flow moving in the lymphatics and often digestive issues too. You can manually pump the lymph. Here, I’ll stand up for a second so I show everybody that. You can manually pump the cisterna, which is an area in your abdomen. Between your bellybutton and your sternum, about halfway, there’s this little area, and you just pump it a little bit and your inguinal. Sorry, I don’t mean to be off camera, your inguinals right in here so that everything flows.
Dr. Pompa:
You wore those pants on purpose, by the way.
I did. I wore my flowy pants so that people could understand that that’s how the body should move. It’s not hard pumping. I don’t want people to go in and push. This isn’t muscle work we’re doing. This is gentle, just pumping of the lymph, so the lymph starts to flow.
Dr. Pompa:
How long do we have to—I’m on that spot. I’m just pumping gently. How long do we have to do that for?
Five to ten pumps per spot.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, that’s it.
That’s it.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, okay, but now, hold on a second. You’re in new spots. Is there an order to the spots? Let’s talk about that.
Yes, so these are the most important spots. These are your termini. These are your endpoints. It’s right above your clavicles, your collarbones, and you just gently pump in a circular towards your back position. I don’t life my fingers necessarily. I’m just pumping and flowing it. Once that’s opened, the way I look at it is we have tollbooths in Philadelphia. We have tollbooths, and then we have exits. These are the tollbooths, and if you don’t open the tollbooths, none of the traffic is going to go through.
Dr. Pompa:
[00:13:31] spot, you’re saying.
If you do no other spot on your body, this is the spot you do. This is the most important lymph area outside your tonsils. Your tonsils drain into here, so you got to open this first. When people traditionally taught dry brushing, they taught it from the concept that if this is my tollbooth and I have stagnant lymph that means my tollbooth is closed. What does that mean? I have traffic backing up. Let’s say I have 50 cars behind on the tollbooth.
What they taught traditionally was to move the 50th car to get it to go through the tollbooth, but that leads to a backup and a pileup. What we do in our training is we go open up the tollbooth. Then move the car that’s closest to the tollbooth and get that one to go through, which is your tonsils, which are the gatekeepers to lymph, which help drain the brain, so they’re also the most important car after I get that tollbooth open. Then I’m going to work this area in my chest. My apical node it’s called. I’m going to work this, and we teach you how to do this on that worksheet. You just pump gently with your other hand, and now that drains into here. Now this car is empty and this car is empty. Now I have room around my tollbooth. Are you with me?
Dr. Pompa:
Now I can start to pump that axillary, my armpit, and I can just go under my armpit, put a couple fingers in, and I just gently—again, it’s not pulling. It’s pumping. I just pump that lymph node a couple times, and I get it to drain in here. Then I drain my inner elbow, which relates to my autonomic nervous system, my sympathetic and my parasympathetic, deeply important. You find as you do this you start to relax. It helps people go to sleep. Then that drains into this. Then I’ll do my other side.
Dr. Pompa:
Speaking of sleeping, remember when Merilee and I came to your clinic? She worked our lymph on these different things, and by the way, she has every cool apparatus and all lymph related. It was so fun, but I slept. I wasn’t even tired. I had come in all—and then, before I know it, I was asleep again.
Ten o’clock in the morning. That’s it, out.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s all parasympathetic stimulating, right? I kept falling asleep. Like I said, I slept around your office, and I assure you, I didn’t touch any female in that office. I promise you. My wife was with me.
I assure you, I use that joke all the time because it’s one of the funniest jokes I’d heard in a long time. I tell everybody. It’s my claim to fame. Dr. Pompa slept around my office.
Dr. Pompa:
I did. I really did.
Merilee was here, so it was all platonic.
Dr. Pompa:
We’re going to get to those really amazing devices that you’ve taught my doctors to bring in their office. People will have an opportunity. They can come see you. You have an office in Philly, and you have one in South Carolina. Anyways, we’ll make sure that they have access to you. If you want to go sleep around her office like I did, it’s—I have sent many of my clients to you as well that have major lymph stagnation. Hey, there’s Merilee to say hi.
Hi, Mer!
I owe you a phone call, a Voxer.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah, she sent all the Voxers to Daniel’s Voxer, so you should be getting them some day.
Oh, how are you?
Good. Good to see you.
Good to see you.
Dr. Pompa:
I got to cut this off. We got to get to the information.
We’ll catch up. Bye.
Okay, we’ll catch up.
Dr. Pompa:
All right, yeah, see, this is about them, not you two. I had to cut that off. Otherwise, it could’ve went south really fast. Anyways, so the bottom line was—is that, literally, these devices just—I’m telling you, they open you up. It does, in fact, put you to sleep. Okay, so let’s back up. That’s the end of, okay, people that have severe issues. They can go to your office or an office that was trained by you. Okay, so I’m assuming that lymph brushing is following a same sequence. How does this differ from lymph brushing, lymph pumping is?
Lymph pumping is going in to unclog that dam that’s got a little plug in it. It’s going to take the plug out, and then the brushing will actually be effective. I had clients for years using rebounders and dry brushing and it didn’t make any noticeable difference in their clinical experience, nor in any of the regulatory testing that we were doing. When I started to employ, this manually pumping was the first thing I started to do, and I’m like, whoa, that’s making changes. Then, based upon that training, I went, well, then—I appreciate you calling me the lymph queen. I appreciate that, but we both know that I have a lymph goddess out in New Zealand, Desiree De Spong, who taught me everything I know about lymph and continues to teach me. I continue to read, of course, but she is the lymph goddess.
The lymph is really something that not a lot of people are really looking at, which is such a shame. When you employ this, especially when you’re doing detox, especially when you’re doing cell detox, or you’re doing intermittent fasting or any fasting of which you’re such an extreme expert on, that is all dumping into the lymphatics, and it’ll only make you go through the process so much faster. A lot of our clients or practitioners, they go, oh, I don’t want to get a Herxheimer reaction. Then move your lymph. I don’t deal with Herxheimer. I don’t like Herxheimer reaction. I’m adamantly opposed to them, and if you move the lymph, the system doesn’t get overwhelmed.
You and I both come from the same philosophy. The whole job of our body as a human being is to get the toxins out faster than they’re coming in, lifestyle changes, getting the body to work for us with autophagy and with lymphatic movements and so forth. If we can get everything to drain out faster than we’re putting it in, then we win. Then we’re not worried about viruses coming to attack us because we’re standing strong knowing that we’ve enhanced our ability and optimized our immune system so that whatever it comes across it’s going to come in like water off a duck’s back and just fly through. My immune system is enhanced—your immune system is enhanced to do this job. I firmly believe that the entire body is the immune system. Its job is to survive. There is no separating out a system.
The whole working unit is an immune system to survive. If it’s up against the glyphosates and the processed foods and the stress, which you and I both know is the bigger problem now than the virus is the stress, the emotional issues that this whole thing has caused of putting people in this—I’m in fight-flight mode constantly. I’ve got to constantly wear my mask, and that person coughed, and they sneezed. Everybody is just so stressed, and that is doing the opposite of boosting our immune system, and that stress thickens the lymph.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, in a perfect world, the lymph takes care of itself, our daily movements, etc., etc., but we’re overcome with physical, chemical, emotional stress. Then we’re stagnant all day. I mean, all of it—then we’re in a sympathetic mode. Parasympathetic mode is what we need to be more of, so it’s not working. Therefore, then it backs up the whole train, if you will. I want my viewers to really get a grasp of this. You said start here.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Pompa:
Like you said, maybe five to ten pumps.
Five to ten circles, little circles. We’ve already pumped our lymph so much just talking to them. It’s crazy.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, there. Then you said go…
Outside the tonsil area.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, up here. This is the second area, okay, and then the third area.
Apical node.
Dr. Pompa:
Right here on each side, of course.
This is going to be on the worksheet with pictures, just so you know.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, and can you do them both at the same time?
I would do one, then the other.
Dr. Pompa:
All right, then the armpits. Now, when do you do this one?
After the armpits, inner elbow, then it’s cisterna.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, oh, armpits, inner elbow, cisterna, got it.
Cisterna. Oh, we didn’t go over this. My right side, my right hand, my right on top of my clavicle drains the right side of my head, my right arm, and my right thorax. That’s it. That all drains here. My left side drains my left arm, my left side of my brain, my left thorax, and the entire rest of my body drains here. It all fed from the cisterna. All the lower body feeds up to the cisterna, and then it goes up to the thoracic duct that runs here right above my left clavicle. This is to me first, second, third of importance.
Dr. Pompa:
Got it.
Sorry, got a little excited there with my movements.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I was getting a little excited there. Go ahead. What were you going to say?
Then we do the inguinals. These are not the best pants to show you inguinals but that area where you bend. Wherever we bend is where we have the highest concentration of lymph nodes.
Dr. Pompa:
I was just going to say that, yep.
You pump in the inguinals, and then you can pump behind the knees. For a lot of people that have lower lymph edema—or even just swelling, some people just have swelling when they go on planes, or they don’t walk, or they sit at their desk too much or whatever. Just pump the back of your knees just gently. In body work area, this is called the danger zone. The reason it’s the danger zone is solely because it’s a very tender area for your lymph and then the area around your ankle. That’s it. I always end back here.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, and end back there, good.
Just to make sure that the tollbooth stays open.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s the lymph pumping, now the lymph brushing. You said it would be better to do it next, so take us through the proper lymph brushing.
It’s basically the same movements. You can either use a brush. If you don’t have a brush, you can even use a rough washcloth that has got a rough surface to it, and you’re just going to start here and brush it.
Dr. Pompa:
[00:24:32] down a little. We’re getting a little bit of blowy feedback. There you go.
Sorry. If you can’t use an actual brush, you can just go ahead and use a really rough washcloth, and that’ll be a little abrasive. You don’t want to put—you don’t want your skin to be red. I find most people push too hard for the lymphatics.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah, well, first time I learned about brushing, first of all, I was sick at that time, and I literally took the first layer of skin off. I overdo everything, only to learn later it’s like that made it worse, not better, so anyway.
Yeah, less is more with the lymph. Your skin should get a little pink but not red. You’re just brushing the lymph, and you’re always brushing in the direction of the heart.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, so you start here again, right?
Start here, so I’m brushing towards the heart.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, that’s right. You brush in that direction toward the heart.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, okay, that’s toward the heart. It’s draining this way toward the heart.
Yeah, you’re just going in that direction.
Dr. Pompa:
Then go up here. Then hit those, right?
Dr. Pompa:
This, this, and then come back down here again.
Then do this with the brush.
Dr. Pompa:
Towards the heart so towards center, right?
Towards center, yes, towards midline.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, okay, then through here, then from here. Okay, now, what about down here? Then we’re going toward up again.
Now you’re going up and here, always toward the center.
Dr. Pompa:
Always towards the center, always toward the center.
Think about, if this is the hole that I got to fill and it’s water, what’s the easiest way for it to get in there?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s easy. That’s good and then inguinals but towards the—okay, so how long should that take?
Ten minutes total to do pumping and dry brushing.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, see, that’s really—that’s easy. People can do that, right?
That’s so easy. We do say dry brushing. This isn’t do this in the shower because you need the little bit of tension on your skin to create this. I do recommend that they do it in their bathtub or shower because it does shed a lot of skin cells and exfoliates you. You look down, and that can be a little gross at times. You want to do in the shower so you can rinse it all away.
Dr. Pompa:
Good, good idea. Where can they get a dry—I know you said the washcloth. That’s a great idea if you don’t have it, but maybe someone wants a brush.
We do sell them on our website on Honestly, I hate to say it, but Bed Bath & Beyond, you can go get a simple brush. They’re not that big of a deal.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, perfect.
If you look at our website, I mean, you shouldn’t be spending more than 10 to 12 bucks on a brush. It’s not meant to be a huge piece of equipment. It’s just the concept of a brush. I should have one here, sorry, the brush with the nubs on the other side. That’s what you’re looking for. You can either use the brush or the nubs.
Dr. Pompa:
All right, yeah, good, perfect. This is home care. Of course, we have supplements. I could put some of those in the show notes too. I want this to be about stuff we don’t talk a lot about. What else does someone—now, you mentioned [trampolining]. People are going to ask about that. Now, I think I heard you say don’t do that until you do this.
What I have found in all honesty, Dr. Pompa, is that, when people don’t do this first, they don’t feel an effect from doing the other. You and I both know nobody’s going to do anything until they feel it long term. I want to make sure that people stay with this, so don’t bother to do the rebounding, the dry brushing until you do the manual pumping. You got to unplug it. Then, once you unplug it, things will flow. If I just try to flow, it’s still plugged. It’s not going to get through it.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, like you said, I mean, doing this while you’re on some supplements. I like changing and rotating supplements, so I’ll have Ashley put some of those in the show notes that we’ve used, that Kelly and I have used for years. Then add it to this process. Okay, now let’s go beyond. Let’s go to the person who’s really having issues, lymphatic majorly blocked. These are the ones that I would recommend contact you. These are the ones that I’d recommend, and I’ve sent them, right?
Yeah, absolutely.
Dr. Pompa:
Where I go, okay, this person’s really bad. I’m worried about getting a cavitation done because their lymph’s blocked. Okay, so let’s talk about some of the devices that they can use that you’ve helped my doctors put in their offices. Matter of fact, doctors watching, we’ll put the links for some of these. If you don’t have them in your practice, you might want to get them, so talk about some of these really cool things that we’ve used.
We use the vibration platform, which I know you recommend, and the double RRT. I mean, it’s RRT, but you need two of them, not one, to really move the lymph and the fascia. Then we use FLOWpresso, which was designed by my friend in New Zealand, which is a suit that wraps you up, wraps up your legs, your feet, your abdomen, your arms.
Dr. Pompa:
Explain one at a time. Start with whichever one you want.
The vibration platform, there’s different kinds. Is there one specific you recommend, Dr. Pompa?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, I mean, you have one. I mean, the Lifetime is one that a lot of our doctors use as well.
It’s Soloflex. Soloflex is the one that we use. It’s a specific vibration that’s going to move your lymph. We said earlier that the lymph doesn’t have its own pumping system. What the vibration does is it creates a little movement for your lymphatics. In all honesty, you can also just cause a little goosebumps, or we know that the muscle’s called arrector pili, which is a much better and cooler name, but by creating goosebumps alone, that’ll start to move your lymph. If you don’t know what else to do, use those.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, we used to use the vibrating machines for postural correction. When people would get itchy—this thing makes me itch. I said your lymph’s blocked. It was a sign that the lymph is blocked.
When you do inversion and you itch, that’s a sign that your lymph is blocked so vibration, just getting your body to vibrate so whether that’s rebounding, a vibration platform, or even sometimes I have people sit on an exercise ball and just do this. Just bounce. Just get your body to move a little bit. That’s vibration. The RRT, which is Rapid Release Technology which I know that you are very versed in as well, I have two of those, and I use those all over the body to stimulate and open the fascia and to stimulate the lymph. We didn’t talk about fascia.
Dr. Pompa:
We’re going to get to fascia, yeah, exactly. That’ll be our next topic after we get through these devices.
The lymphatics for the RRT, I use that on the whole body, down the Bladder meridian to open up the neck and just get the movement again going. I don’t use that with every client because not every client can tolerate that level of vibration. For the ones that have been working with us for a while, I find if I do that for five or ten minutes or one of my staff does before they go on to one of the other outfits they get just that much more of a benefit. Then they can push out their care. As much as we love to see clients, clients don’t love to see us at our office that often. They like to space out to their appointments. I only like to space out appointments because they’re getting better. I’m fine with it as long as they’re getting better. I find that this tends to—once somebody’s at a certain level, it tends to push them where their other treatment is now about one and a half times as effective by just doing the RRT first because it really loosens the fascia and the lymphatics.
Dr. Pompa:
Then the laser is Lymphstar. You can talk about that.
Then Lymphstar is two globes. They’re basically lightbulbs that sit in certain areas. There’s three noble gasses in these globes, and they create a vibrational acoustic sound massage. It’s been theorized that the cells in all of the universe is just—it’s a vibration, right? It’s all just sound. Really, the cells respond to light and sounds, and so when you have this vibrational sound and it’s also admitting light, the lymph responds. We often just blast those areas, those same node areas we talked about for really, really stuck people.
You sent us a client that had had a cavitational surgery. That was the pit story I was thinking about. She was a young woman, like 18 or something. She may have even been younger than that. Her first cavitational surgery wasn’t 100% successful. She had to go back to it, and she had all this puffy, puffy, puffy, puffy. We came in. We did lymph. I think it was two days before she went and had her cavitational surgery. She had the cavitational surgery and, literally, the next day had pits, like pits.
Dr. Pompa:
Just like that.
She was thrilled because she could now wear T-shirts. As a young girl, she had never been able to wear sleeveless shirts, and that was embarrassing. Now she can wear sleeveless shirts because she has pits.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s awesome. I remember.
That was only the beginning. I postulate that part of the reason her cavitational surgery wasn’t as massively successful as it could’ve been was because her lymph was so stagnant. While it got out of here, it didn’t go anywhere, so it just re-infected. It needed to move out, and now that it moves out, I know she’s doing very, very well now.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, she had some serious stagnant lymph, I mean, no doubt. Yeah, she’s doing better.
Right, yeah, good.
Dr. Pompa:
This will make you laugh a little bit. Cory Carter, if you’re out there watching, I give you credit for showing me the Lymphstar first and explaining to me how amazing lymph is. No, he’s a great trainer. He is. I did want to give him credit. I remember when we did a Facebook Live. He was like I showed you that first. I was like he did. He did. He really did help me.
I got him to sleep around, Cory. That’s the difference. I got him to sleep around. No, I’m kidding. The thing is you were focused on other things at the time, right? You were going through your own journey, and now you’re at a point where you can help others with this level. Cory was a huge piece of that, and we thank him so much for his access.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, I know. He’s a great teacher, great guy. Okay, the presso, talk about that. People that came to my seminar that used it, it was like—again, I fall asleep when I go in it, major parasympathetic stimulator. It works really different from the lymph. Explain what it is.
FLOWpresso uses the concept of deep compression to relax the sympathetic nervous system, number one. It’s a suit that was originally—Desiree really biohacked, if you will, with some engineers some other equipment that was on the market that was…
Dr. Pompa:
Desiree was the lymph goddess that she referred to in another part of the world, literally, that created this.
She created it because we were frustrated with the fact that, while the Lymphstar was awesome and it helped the lymph, it doesn’t do much for the fascia, and it doesn’t do much to put somebody in a parasympathetic mode. What we know is, if somebody’s in a parasympathetic mode, their lymph moves. What’s interesting for me is, with the COVID, we’ve had so many people that want body therapy, but they’re scared to go do it. They’re scared to let somebody touch them. FLOWpresso’s timing, it was only launched in February of this year. I mean, we had a prototype for the year before, but the launch was in February, and COVID hits in March.
Dr. Pompa:
I know.
Now we’re open with people going I want to get body work. I’m like come in. You can be in a room by yourself. You can stay clothed. You can feel like your whole body’s massaged from your feet, your legs, your abdomen, and your arms. What it does is it compresses like a hug and then releases, hug, release, hug release in a nice sequence from your feet to your legs, to your abdomen, to your arms and all over again.
There’s also infrared in the suit, which the infrared is helping your mitochondria. It’s helping you detoxify. It’s also helping soften the tissue for the fascia to allow the fascia to move more, which allows the lymph to move more. Then there’s pulse electromagnetic field technology that’s employed at a specific point to help release the emotions. We use a few other things in the center to cover their eyes, put some affirmations over their ears. You’re laying there for 40 minutes. You need a little bit of entertainment to get you out of your brain, get you out of that sympathetic, and you can use sounds. You can use different things, but we often use affirmations because people need more self-love we find.
What this does is most people—by the second or third round, I’m like no, no. Let’ me know if that compression’s okay. It shouldn’t feel like a squeeze. It should feel like hug. They’re already starting to fall asleep. I’m like stay with me. You’re going to have 40 minutes of this, and we’re 4 minutes in. Stay with me to make sure your compressions are right. That’s the biggest challenge is to keep somebody awake on this, which is beautiful.
Dr. Pompa:
I was out the first time, right? I think I even fell—in my own seminar, this is when it was first…
You did.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, I’m all revved up. I still fell asleep. I went on. Oh, I have an hour beak. I went on it. It was like I still fell asleep. It’s remarkable. Practitioner’s watching, you can—we’ll put a link if you want one of these. It’s just now being offered in the United States. Like you said, I mean, this is brand new.
There’s only about 20 in the—in Canada and the United States right now, and it’s amazing opportunity for all of us to help our clients, give them a condition in which they find themselves in comfort. They don’t have to have another practitioner in the room, and honestly, from a practitioner standpoint, once you understand the philosophy and the paradigm of FLOW, fascia, lymph, overall wellness, my technique, it’s very simple to administer. It doesn’t take a lot of complex understanding. I mean, if you’re in this world, you understand what happens when people drain out their toxic loads. Anything can happen, right? You want to make sure that you’re versed in that, but we’re here to help you and support you. We want everybody’s dams to be open and let the water flow out, let the lymph flow out. FLOWpresso has been hands down, in all honesty, the most beneficial piece of equipment we’ve brought on to the practice because it does the thing of putting people into the parasympathetic mode. It allows them to relax.
Through COVID, that’s how the South Carolina thing happened. We wanted to open up a space down here. We have a dental friend, a dentist friend that’s down here, and his clients were so stressed. They were cracking teeth, I mean, over and—that was his first three weeks of COVID. He did nothing but work on cracked teeth because of people’s stress. I said we got to get FLOWpresso down there and start to relax these people. That’s not a good—you can’t heal if you’re in that state.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s a great device. Yeah, my doctors watching will be happy they can actually get them now. Before it was just the—what do you call it?
The prototype.
Dr. Pompa:
Prototype, now they can actually…
The prototype but now the launch is out there. We have marketing now. We have FLOW Show, which airs every Wednesday night on 8:30 East Coast time, 7:30, figure the rest out, 7:30 Mountain Time. Myself and another colleague are doing a ten minute show every week on how you can work your lymph at home to teach people about lymph. The Flow Show, you like that name, Dr. Pompa
Dr. Pompa:
I like that. I love that, yeah. All right, so you mentioned—I mean, you said fascia, lymph, and, okay, general wellness. We didn’t talk about fascia, and that’s one of the things that that device actually—yes, it hits the lymph, but the fascia it also affects, which what I’ve learned from you is that’s a big deal. Look, for years, I’ve known the benefits of lymph and opening it up and all the techniques, but I never really heard about the fascia connection until you. Explain it.
We all have a skin, right? Under that skin is another layer that looks translucently and…
Dr. Pompa:
Turkey, turkey example.
Yeah, turkey, well, I’ve been yelled at about the turkey example by all the vegans in the world.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, no, come on. First of all, God bless the vegans here, but we have mostly meat eaters here. It doesn’t matter.
Oh, right, I forgot where I was.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s a great example. Turkeys have skin.
Yeah, so when you lift up the turkey and make your turkey and you throw all the butter and the oil and the fat in that to get all the good nutrients out of it, when you lift that up and you’ve got that cellophane kind of stuff, that’s your fascia. That fascia is throughout your whole body around every organ, around every joint, and that fascia is the skin under our skin. That fascia is really its own nervous system, and it’s complex in its communications. I firmly believe this is where a lot of the emotional traumas are held as well. If you overuse a joint or you’re not in alignment, if your spine is in alignment, you can twist your fascia. There are so many things that can screw up your fascia, sitting long term, whatever.
Then think of it like pantyhose now. If your fascia is your pantyhose and you overuse them, they shrink. What happens when your pantyhose shrink, ladies? They’re hard to put on. They get runs in them. It’s not good, and now the information can’t flow. We want to get the pantyhose to be the right size. When the pantyhose are the right size, then all the fluid inside it can flow. If not, then it’s going to get caught up. It’s going to have detour problems. Scars will influence your fascia.
Scars are an impediment to healing, and so if you have a scar—I have a 12 inch scar on my head. That’s how I got involved in fascia. I was in a car accident. I have 12 inch scar.
Dr. Pompa:
If you hear her story—oh, my gosh, we don’t have time for her story, but her story’s amazing.
Thank you. It’s not as amazing as Daniel Jr.’s however because he raced me through the end game and got there in 12 weeks what took me 20 years so good job. He got to biohack with all your information. It took me a long time to learn what Daniel knew already. The fascia gets screwed up because of different aspects of physical life, and then the lymph inside it gets clogged. The fascia and the lymph work together to get this flow to happen.
I think, honestly, we haven’t begun to understand the fascia, to be honest with you. I’m barely scratching the surface of what the fascia is really about, and there’s a great little YouTube—Fuzz Speech it’s called. It’s the really geeky Gil. His name’s Gil, and he’s a forensic scientist. He uses a cadaver to show people what the fascia’s about. It’s a wonderful explanation of it called the Fuzz Speech.
Every night when we go to bed our fascia gets tight again, and we got to open the fascia up. That’s why it’s good to move. I mean, every morning we got—dogs, what’s the first thing? You have your beautiful Goldendoodles over there that we know Merilee loves and loves and loves. Where are the Goldendoodles? Right there, right? What’s the first thing they do every morning? They stretch.
Dr. Pompa:
They do, yeah.
Why don’t we? When I do and I’m sure you do too, I crack and pop every single time because it’s my fascia opening. Now my fascia’s open. Now my lymph can move. The more that I can flow out my toxins—again, I hate to be a broken record but the healthier I’m going to be. Now, lifestyle, definitely, I don’t want to put more toxins in and just work on getting them out faster. I want to clean up my lifestyle. I want to make sure that what I’m putting in is good because I’ve educated myself. Through CellTV, through True Cellular Detox, through Revelation Health, I’ve been able to educate myself about how to not feed the beast. I’m not going to feed it, but I’m also going to get it out.
I work very little at being healthy, to be honest with you. I mean, I do a FLOWpresso at least once a week. Mostly because like any good addict I make sure that I stay true to my addiction. I love FLOWpresso because it keeps me calmer. Merilee and I are very similar energies, you all, very similar energies. Those of you who’ve met Merilee and I, it’s not—it’s difficult to get a word in edgewise when Merilee and I are in the car, actually.
Dr. Pompa:
I actually like it. I don’t have to say anything. I can just sit and listen until you all turn around and go, no, do you have anything to say about this? I have a few things.
My energy can’t be here all the time because I’m not recovering, and being in the parasympathetic mode really helps me recover. That’s what FLOWpresso is about. The side effect, honestly, is the lymphatic flow. The reality is it puts you in a deep state of relaxation.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it sure does.
It allows the lymph to flow. There’s two settings, two programs within that, one that works more of restoration and one that works recovery. The recovery one is a compress and hold throughout the whole body and then one big release, which is really more working with that fascia. For athletes or your star pupil, fasters that really want to optimize their bodies and they’re pushing hard, this is a great way to recover a lot. Really, that’s what we looked at with you and Mer. When you guys had come to the center, it was honestly just weeks after Daniel had jumped, and your stress level was 130%. When you guys got there, you were able to just finally relax.
Dr. Pompa:
Honestly, that’s why I slept around, I mean, honestly. It was just like—I swear, that weekend may have saved me from other issues. That was one of the most stressful times of our life, obviously, almost losing our son, and if people don’t know that story, my son literally went off a 60 foot cliff and hit rock after dropping 50 feet. He should’ve been dead, but he’s not. Thank God. He’s not even paralyzed.
He’s thriving. He’s thriving. If you don’t know his story, you need to know his story. He needs to write books about his story. He needs to be on television about his story. His story is incredible, and I don’t think we paid enough attention to it, honestly. It was not even last July or August.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, it’s been about a year, and it’s hardly talked about. That kid is a miracle.
Dr. Pompa:
You know why? It was so trauma that it was like—you’re right. It’s like we almost don’t want to go back there right now. It’s like you get freed from something, and you don’t. You’re right. It needs to be—I’m going to get him to write the book. I haven’t even interviewed him, specifically him. Merilee, myself, and him—Ashley, put the link in here. We did an interview together.
Yeah, you did that one Cellular TV. That was awesome.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I’ll put the link in there. People are like I don’t know the story. That’s the story. I need to actually one-on-one with Daniel because I want just to hear his mindset through it.
Yeah, it’s been enough time now. The point is the body has the ability to heal. Everything he was doing from the TRT, which also helps with the lymphatic flow—there’s more than just we have. Listen, I love FLOWpresso, but I also know and so does Desiree we’re in the age of technology. We’re just taking ancient wisdom and combining it with technology to get the amazing results that we get. Right now, FLOWpresso is the top of the charts. It’s the cutting-edge technology. Five years from now, that might not be true.
We’re not attached to the equipment. We’re attached to the concept of what the lymph is, and right now, this is the best thing out there. It’s less than $10,000 for anybody to purchase it, so it’s affordable. The return on investment in a center is incredible. We’re giving a discount during coronavirus because people need this.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, the link that you have, she’s giving us a greater discount. We have a lot of practitioners who are going to want it for their office.
You have to put the code in of POMPA. You have to put the code of POMPA in to get that discount. This is now the time not only as practitioners to be able to help those clients but for the clients to get the care without the fear.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. Okay, by the way, when I was at the office too, I had a—I had a physical fascia…
Dr. Pompa:
…release technique that your person did.
That you tried to steal.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, matter of fact, I should really come get that this weekend. It was just so amazing. She was amazing. Anyways, it was different than a massage therapy. The goal is to release the fascia, which affects the lymph.
We work fascia and lymph together, and I don’t know anybody else that’s doing that. There’s only 60 trained fascia specialists in the United States, 60, plus 1. I’ve created my own technique called FLOW, and we’re starting to train. We’re putting the curriculum together, Desiree and I, to train people with us. When you work the fascia, lymph, and the muscle—because it’s one unit. It’s just like separating out mind and body. Good luck!
Everybody says, oh, I went to my medical doctor. He’s just a physical doctor. Yeah, you think he’s not working in your emotional body? You’re crazy. You can’t separate it. He might not be intentional about it or she, but that doctor that’s putting that injection in your arm to give you the flu shot was also working on your emotional body. It just maybe wasn’t intentional. We need to be more intentional and more conscious so that we have more responsibility for what this body does and doesn’t do.
You’re an amazing pioneer, Dr. Pompa. I almost called you Dan. Dr. Pompa, truly, you’re an incredible pioneer to teach people how to take responsibility for their own health. Take responsibility for their own lives through their health, through their nutrition, through what’s on the end of their fork, or maybe they’re eating too much. It’s okay to fast, and it’s okay to water fast, and it’s okay to dry fast. I’m into all of it now. It’s okay to do all that.
My husband and I, we each lost about ten pounds during the coronavirus because we were fasting more. I finally took the time to employ what you had taught us. I had done intermittent fasting a little bit, but I’d never done real fasting. It was amazing, and we both felt better. We were brighter, clearer minded. That’s the point. The body has the power to heal. We just need to assist it.
Dr. Pompa:
When you and I came together, it was like this perfect harmony. When you’re fasting, how much—all these physical things, you can’t put this in a bottle. These are things you all can do right now, and so many of my viewers are fasters. Add this. That’s why we have Kelly on here. Again, lymph products, that’s one thing, but you can’t duplicate what we’re talking about, right? I mean, you can’t put this stuff in a bottle. You have to do all of it, and that’s why I [00:52:39].
So many of your clients know Tommy, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, Tommy [Maho], yeah, I interviewed him here.
Yeah, I saw that. Tommy was a perfect example. His fascia was tight from that accident from when he was 6 years old. We start working his fascia. Now, he was able to get an occipital release. He was able to get all of these other therapies. His lymph started to move. His pain in his pelvis area started to calm down as he moved his lymph. While he was detoxing, it wasn’t shifting some of the tissue because the lymph wasn’t moving.
Once we shift the tissue, the toxins come out. He continues to get better. I haven’t seen Tommy now in months because of the COVID, but he’s continuing I know with you and myself and doing work. He’s continuing to get better because his body’s doing the job, and he now knows how to move his lymph.
Dr. Pompa:
All right, and this is the last point, you brought up the stress effect on the lymphatic system. You even said with fascia that a lot of the traumas are trapped in the fascia, right? One of the most amazing things that I experienced at your office was this system using your own heart, literally, your own heart rhythm as far as releasing stored emotions and trapped emotions. I’ll tell you, I never—I don’t think there’s a device out there that can even do this. I mean, there’s a lot of other therapies. There’s tapping, and I believe in all of it. This is the only device that—you have to explain it because it’s unbelievable.
Thank you. I’m very honored. I mean FLOWpresso and this are—I feel are my gifts to the world that I have worked for 20 years in this industry to find these two things that I know this is my—yours is to get them to cell detox. Mine is to calm down and open their hearts. Sound of Soul is what Dr. Pompa is referring to, and it’s a technology that was created by Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen in Austria who worked directly with Masaru Emoto, the water crystal guy. What Rasmus got frustrated with is not everybody—he didn’t find it was duplicable to talk to water and make it look beautiful crystals under the specific conditions.
He found if he played their heart rate frequencies and Dan—Dr. Pompa, and I really agree about this, then everybody is beautiful in their hearts because everybody made beautiful water crystals. When their heart rate frequency was played to water, everybody made beautiful water crystals. It doesn’t matter if they’re a mean, nasty person or a nice person. At our hearts, we’re all good. Inside of us is where the healing occurs, where our God part is.
When our heart rate variability is converted into light and music, that frequency of our heart rate is converted into frequency of light and music. Then that music might turn into harp, or it might turn into piccolo, or water waves, or bird sounds, but that frequency is resonate with us because it harmonizes with us. When we harmonize, again, you go into that deep parasympathetic state. Another place Dr. Pompa slept around. They go into that deep parasympathetic state, and it allows the body to heal.
What’s beautiful about this equipment is that you sit there for an hour, and maybe you have five, seven sessions. We see which ones are giving us the best heart rate variability readings and the best parasympathetics and the most heart opening based upon the most variability. Then we make an audio clip, and we send it to you. You can listen to it all the time until you no longer get a visceral reaction from that. That means because you’re vibrating at a higher level. Now it’s maybe once every two to three months you go back in and get another one.
What’s beautiful about this is—my mother just turned 80 last weekend. God bless her. She takes no medication. She doesn’t listen to much of what I say. She’s got a mouth full of amalgams. That’s for another story, but God bless her. What she does have is faith. She taught me faith. I put her on the Sound of Soul, and I was blown away at how strong her heart was because I know she’s got disease in here, I mean, mouthful of amalgams since she was 9 years old, crazy as a lunatic. I hope she never watches this. I love my mother, but not a rational woman.
Dr. Pompa:
If we got the mercury out of brain, she wouldn’t be but another story.
Dude, she tried to vote by putting—and she sealed the envelope. She had to open the envelope up. She put it in the microwave and it lit on fire, hand to God, pure comedy. Love her. She’s got faith. I put her on the Sound of Soul. Her heart’s open. Her parasympathetics are up. I looked at her, and I was like she’s going to live to be 120, just like the Bible says we’re going to be. I know she is because she has an open heart.
It was beautiful to listen to it, and it was also a challenge for me. My mother and I are like oil and water, and it was hard for me to harmonize with her. Once I got on that, we’ve had a better relationship in the last two weeks than we’ve had in 46 years.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s incredible. I want to bring the science to it a little bit.
Yeah, sorry.
Dr. Pompa:
No, that set the stage.
I tell stories.
Dr. Pompa:
Stories is actually what make people really understand the value of this, right? The body frequency, I’ve been studying frequency and understanding its impact on health, cells. The science is all around it. It makes so much sense to me because the body will literally create the frequencies it needs to heal. Often times, the interference and the stressors are so much. The heart rhythm is a frequency.
That’s right.
Dr. Pompa:
Capturing the very innate intelligence own frequency and then giving it back to the body as a treatment. I just think it’s just the most amazing thing.
I agree.
Dr. Pompa:
It makes so much scientific sense to me that, yes, of course. I have to tell you this story. The first time Merilee used it, we’re sitting there, and you’re explaining it to her.
Oh, you’re going to tell that part?
Dr. Pompa:
It starts. She goes, “Okay.” Now, your heart, you hear your heart, right? She’s like, “Yeah. Yeah.” The music with it, all of a sudden, she just starts crying. I’m like, “What? Do you have something in your eye?” She’s crying. I’m like, “What’s wrong?” She’s like, “I don’t know.” I’m like, “What do you mean you don’t know?”
Her and I are having this conversation, and Kelly goes, “Oh, no! I didn’t tell you that. That many people cry the first time they get on it.” It’s an emotional release. That to me was it. I was sold. I know my wife. My wife don’t cry, okay? She just doesn’t cry.
She’s a very heart-centered person.
Dr. Pompa:
She is.
She’s full of love. She gives, gives, gives, and she’s constantly trying to help others.
Dr. Pompa:
For me, I mean, the first time I met Merilee was—it was quite the conversation. She had no idea she was preaching to me, but she was. She was speaking directly to my heart, and I was so happy to be able to give this back to her. I wanted her to feel that, that regardless of everything else—she’s gorgeous on the outside. We know that but, on the inside, to see that inner beauty. She’s had some challenges in her life and her family and so forth, and this was a way for me to help let her see how amazing she is. We know, in all honesty, Dr. Pompa gets a lot—the lime light, right? He’s on the front stage often times, but many of you don’t know how hard she works in the back scenes to make so much of this happen. Dr. Pompa and I wouldn’t know each other if it wasn’t for Merilee I think in a lot of ways.
Dr. Pompa:
I wouldn’t know anyone, actually. She keeps me connected to the world.
What’s great about that is, when she harmonizes with her—which is what happened that day. We put that sound out there and she went I feel harmony, and she cried.
Dr. Pompa:
Resonate frequency.
God bless her. She lives in a house with 17 men and 1 woman once in a while. Her daughter’s around once in a while. No wonder she’s been traveling so…
Dr. Pompa:
She’s counting fish and dogs. Yeah, she’s right. Yeah, there’s a lot.
There’s a lot of men in Merilee’s life.
Dr. Pompa:
What you described though is that resonate frequency, right?
Dr. Pompa:
When frequencies match, boom, the power goes up, and that’s exactly what she experienced in that moment. It was just powerful stuff. Point is is that, look, I mean, we know. Everyone watching this knows. Trapped emotions, traumas, they cause disease just like a toxin, and this device can be transforming. Do we have a code for this for the people watching?
POMPA, they’ll do the POMPA code as well.
Dr. Pompa:
I mean, do we have a link for…
Sound of Soul?
Dr. Pompa:
Sound of Soul, yeah.
Yeah, and it’s on the NotMeds website, which is the new website I created over the coronavirus. NotMeds stands for naturally oriented therapists, medically enlightened doctors and specialists, which Dr. Pompa will be a guest on our podcast soon, which it doesn’t launch until the 11th of July, which is after this I’m sure. The NotMeds is a way to access FLOWpresso, Sound of Soul, and the FLOW Technology, the technique. It separates it out from the clinic.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, we have a lot of practitioners that watch it. I’m a believer in the technology, massively. It just resonates to me, whereas so much—there’s so much woo-woo in so many emotional things. I say that without even being critical. I say that with—for me, I have to grab onto the science of things still.
So did I.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s doesn’t discredit it. I’d be clear, but the science around this makes so much sense to me.
One of the things we’ve talked about is that I meditated. I tried yoga. I tried all that, and I couldn’t walk through the door that everybody was waiting for me to walk through and be like, oh, now I’m enlightened. How do I get there and dah, dah, dah, dah? The first time I did Sound of Soul, I felt it in my heart, like the sacred heart. I literally felt the sacred heart of my heart. I held my heart when I did it. I was full on crying.
Now, I was with the creator, Rasmus, when he did it on me. I changed that day. I was never the same. I’m very intelligent. There’s no doubt about it. Dr. Pompa, you’re very intelligent.
I love to think, and I love to have what I call brain sex. That’s one of the things I love about Dr. Pompa. We have a lot of brain sex. We talk about a lot science. My heart, I start coming from heart, and everything changed. I could still employ this, but I was coming from here. I knew exactly where to go, where to be. Now, my innate intelligence, my God part was leading me, and that changed it for me.
I think what he’s created with Sound of Soul is here to heal the world. It’s in 26 countries. They’re using it in Italy during—in the labor and delivery center to help women fall—they fall asleep and wake them up to tell them it’s time to push because now they’re ten centimeters dilated. It’s working as though it’s an—not an anesthetic but when they put you under. I can’t think of the word, anesthesia. It’s working like an anesthesia. They did a heart stent at that same hospital in Italy while doing no anesthesia but Sound of Soul. Not that we want to really talk about China right now, but China, in the hospitals there, they use acupuncture to put people under, not anesthesia. What if you could use Sound of Soul, no drugs, nothing to do for your liver to flush out? Wow! Wouldn’t that be different?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, huge.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, imagine.
Not to mention that every heartbeat in our body is completely unique to any heartbeat before and after it. That is amazing!
Dr. Pompa:
Isn’t that? Isn’t that amazing?
That’s amazing!
Dr. Pompa:
You think the innate intelligence doesn’t know? I mean, that’s how it sends frequency out through the body. Oh, it’s good.
It’s responding to all of life. The whole system is based upon the Fibonacci series. They can watch Rasmus speak. If you ever want to interview him, I could get you an interview with Rasmus.
Dr. Pompa:
I would love that. I would love that. Ashley, you heard that, yes.
I’ll make that happen for you. I feel so stupid when I’m in a room with Rasmus. I feel so dumb. When you watch this hour and a half, which is available on BRMI which you’re an advisor on that board, on Bioregulatory Medicine Institute online, which is a resource, a nonprofit, noncommercial website that’s just purely here to educate you and give you empirical-based evidence—mostly from not this country, in Europe and so forth about all these technologies that Dr. Pompa talks about, that I talk about. All the techniques we talk about, it’s all empirical-based evidence. It’s all there.
If you go there, you can watch the events from 2018 when Rasmus was speaking, and you can watch the entire hour and half that he spoke. It’s more math and science than you could possibly put in a book. It’s crazy what he explained. I went up to him afterward. Everybody was scrambling to talk to the instructor, and I waited my turn. We got all done, and I said, “I just have one question. How old are you?” He looked at me like I had four heads. I was like, “I just want to know how old you are. Most of my mentors, no offense, are in their 70s, and I have a lot to learn from you. I need a few decades I think to get there.”
He’s my age. He’s 46. He’s got a lot to teach us, and I’m really looking forward to you being able interview him and take his message out to the world.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I spoke to him one time, and I wish I had more time. Yeah, we’d love to interview him here. We’ll make sure we put up Kelly’s information, how to contact her at her clinic. We’ll make sure of that, but you can give—even just give it verbally here so people can contact.
Yeah, so the website is That’ll take you to our Philadelphia area and our South Carolina near the Hilton Head area clinics. Then is also where my podcast is going to be launched, as well as where a lot of our YouTube channel is, as well as the information on FLOWpresso and Sound of Soul.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s great, wow, great information, Kel. Gosh, I just love hanging out with you. You see that. We just geeked out there with the whole heart thing.
I know, and I’m sorry I looked a little distracted. In all honesty, I’m 20 minutes late for an appointment. I just told them that I got to go. I’d be late for them because this is important. What you’re doing for us, I really appreciate everything you do at CellTV, and I promote you and your book and get people to fast. You’ve just enhanced my life in many ways when I met you just a year ago.
Dr. Pompa:
Likewise, I slept around your office. I promise I won’t do it again.
I hope you come back soon and sleep around.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I would love to.
South Carolina instead of Florida this time. Come to South Carolina instead of Florida.
Dr. Pompa:
You’re right, actually. I might absolutely take you up on that. Appreciate you, Kel. Thanks for all the information.
Thank you so much, Dr. Pompa.
Dr. Pompa:
Changing lives every day. Appreciate you.
Talk to you soon.
That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. This episode was brought to you by CytoDetox. Please check it out at We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at, and please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, and sharing the show with anyone you think may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening.