What is fatigue? Well, adrenal fatigue is probably one of the most common symptoms that I see and treat, however it is also probably one of the most mistreated. This is because most doctors look at the adrenal fatigue as the condition when really it is just a symptom of something else. In my own case, I knew for years that my adrenals were not normal. You lack energy, you don’t adapt to stress very well, and it can lead to insomnia and constant tiredness; these are all adrenal symptoms. We need to understand that the adrenal glands are part of a larger system, and the adrenal glands only play one part in that picture. Typically the patients that I treat are neurotoxic patients, and this whole system is malfunctioning. To get the patient well, you have to treat the whole symptom and get to the true cause, which most often will be toxicity. Supplementation can sometimes help, but it will never be the final answer.
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