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I have known Dr. Pompa for 5 years. Prior to coming to Dr. Pompa my asthma was controlled by daily inhalers and at least 2-3 periodic high doses (60mg) of Prednisone throughout the year. Visits to Dr. Pompa along with the healing diet have improved my overall health dramatically. I have learned how to take control of my family's health naturally. We do not use ANY antibiotics or over the counter meds or pain relievers. My children only need a “doctor” for sports and school physicals. PRAISE GOD for this and for HIS healthy living principals and for Dr. Pompa for carrying this message to the world. — Rita L. Asthma is another condition caused by inflammation and allergies. So many patients come in on medications that only reduce the symptoms of this condition. Asthma is a state of inflammation, but we must ask ourselves what is CAUSING the inflammation. We are seeing more and more cases of asthma in children today. We know the etiology of this condition – cells are overly inflamed and oxidatively stressed. Toxicity plays the number one role – science shows us this. Yes, there are going to have to be dietary changes, but there are specific things in your diet that are up-regulating this inflammation and making your asthma worse. It could even be foods that you are eating every day that are considered to be “healthy.” In some third world countries, where health care is virtually nonexistent, there is no asthma epidemic, because the people in those countries do not do the things that cause asthma. The body can heal itself if we remove the cause, which is toxicity. You have to do the right testing to show toxic causes and other inflammatory causes.

For more information on Asthma, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Pompa, contact our office today at: (800) 833-2941.