Mercury poisoning is something that really hits home with me, as you should know if you’ve read my story. My debilitating illness of bizarre symptoms, including chronic fatigue, anxiety, sleeps disorders, and others, put me in about 180,000 of debt and ruined my life. It all started after I got a couple of amalgam fillings removed, and the chronic fatigue followed shortly after. Unfortunately it took me about three years to figure out that it was mercury poisoning. Amalgam silver fillings are the number one adult source of mercury poisoning today. In the 1980s, the number one cause was contact lenses and contact lens solution, which went right from the eyes into the brain. Mercury poisoning is brain poisoning, and while most people talk about mercury poisoning coming from the mercury in the body, the problem is what’s imbedded in the brain. I looked at something called “Mad Hatter’s disease,” and when I read the symptoms, I realized that they all applied to me. I went to the best toxicologist in Pittsburgh, and he agreed that it was probably mercury poisoning, but my blood work came back negative. I later learned that he had not done the correct test, but a test to show acute mercury poisoning. What I had was chronic mercury poisoning, which is very difficult to detect. When I did the correct test, I was able to learn that I did have chronic mercury poisoning. Most practitioners today treat this incorrectly. What you should not do is immediately run out and have your silver fillings removed – we have a protocol for making sure this is done safely and effectively, not only from your mouth, but from your brain tissue.
For more information on mercury poisoning, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Pompa, contact our office today at: (800) 833-2941.
Mercury Poisoning
Mercury poisoning is something that really hits home with me, as you should know if you’ve read my story. My debilitating illness of bizarre symptoms, including chronic fatigue, anxiety, sleeps disorders, and others, put me in about 180,000 of debt and ruined my life. It all started after I got a couple of amalgam fillings removed, and the chronic fatigue followed shortly after. Unfortunately it took me about three years to figure out that it was mercury poisoning. Amalgam silver fillings are the number one adult source of mercury poisoning today. In the 1980s, the number one cause was contact lenses and contact lens solution, which went right from the eyes into the brain. Mercury poisoning is brain poisoning, and while most people talk about mercury poisoning coming from the mercury in the body, the problem is what’s imbedded in the brain. I looked at something called “Mad Hatter’s disease,” and when I read the symptoms, I realized that they all applied to me. I went to the best toxicologist in Pittsburgh, and he agreed that it was probably mercury poisoning, but my blood work came back negative. I later learned that he had not done the correct test, but a test to show acute mercury poisoning. What I had was chronic mercury poisoning, which is very difficult to detect. When I did the correct test, I was able to learn that I did have chronic mercury poisoning. Most practitioners today treat this incorrectly. What you should not do is immediately run out and have your silver fillings removed – we have a protocol for making sure this is done safely and effectively, not only from your mouth, but from your brain tissue.
For more information on mercury poisoning, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Pompa, contact our office today at: (800) 833-2941.