Migraine headaches and headaches in general are a symptom that most people will get at one point in their lives. They’re also the most covered up. Ask yourself this: if your oil light comes on in your car, would you ever just cut that wire, or cover up the light? No – it’s there as a warning sign to tell you that something is wrong with your engine.
So why do we treat our cars better than our bodies? When you take medication after medication, you’re just covering up that warning sign – your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong. Sometimes it can be misalignment in the upper spine, sometimes it can be toxins having an effect on hormones. I always say that if you’re not getting to the true cause, you’re not getting true healthcare.
There is a cause for every migraine and every headache. There is a time and a place to cover up a symptom and to take painkillers, but eventually you must get to the cause. The number one cause I see for headaches is hormone dysregulation. Poor diet is another major cause of headaches – I recommend my cellular healing diet for those cases. There are other causes, like mercury poisoning and mold illness, that you can find out more about on this website.
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