In the past, there has been a common theme in the discussion of what health disasters might be inherited from our familial gene pool. The thought process goes something like this: my mom had cancer, and so will I; my whole family has thyroid challenges, and so will I; I come from a family of diabetics, and that will ultimately be my fate—what a bleak outlook.
Thankfully, much research has come to the forefront to disprove these theories, including the science of epigenetics. Your genetics are NOT set in stone. If your mom has diabetes, that may not be your ultimate diagnosis later in life.
We can now free ourselves from the dread that permeates generations who worry about heart disease, diabetes, thyroid challenges, cancer, and weight loss resistance and link these challenges to lousy family genetics. Now we can celebrate a newfound understanding that it is mostly our environment and our mindset that determines our future, NOT our genes.
The Science of Epigenetics
In recent times, many studies1 are proving this new premise. And the evolving science of epigenetics (the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression) reveals facts about our gene pool that have never before been discussed. These studies are now handing us the responsibility to care for our bodies and emotions, so unhealthy family genes do not get expressed.
For example, the Human Genome Project started in 1988 to map out genes to lead to some breakthrough studies in healing many incurable illnesses. But what they found was surprising. Not only did we find that human beings possess fewer genes than previously documented, the very genes we thought we knew so much about operated quite differently.
How Environment Affects Our Gene Pool
In 1988, John Cairns, a British Molecular Biologist, proved that our environment in which we live and to which we are exposed has everything to do with how our genes express2.
In an article written by Konstatin Eriksen entitled “The Science of Epigenetics: How Our Minds Can Reprogram our Genes”3 in Wake-Up World, he writes the following about Carins amazing discoveries:
“…Cairns took bacteria whose genes did not allow them to produce lactase, the enzyme needed to digest milk sugar, and placed them in petri dishes where the only food present was lactase. Much to his astonishment, all of the petri dishes had been colonized by the bacteria within a few days, and they were eating lactose. The bacterial DNA had changed in response to its environment.
This experiment has been replicated many times, and they have not found a better explanation than this obvious fact – that even primitive organisms can evolve consciously.
So, information flows in both directions, from DNA to proteins and from proteins to DNA, contradicting the ‘central dogma.’ Genes can be activated and de-activated by signals from the environment. The consciousness of the cell is inside the cell’s membrane. Every cell in our bodies has a type of consciousness. Genes change their expression depending on what is happening outside our cells and even outside our bodies…”
Same Genes, Different Outcome
Let’s elaborate. All humans share about 99% of the same DNA. We all have the same genes, and that is why we don’t look like rabbits. But since that is so, why do some people get sick and others do not?
The epigenome (a multitude of chemical compounds that tell the genes what to do) can be thought of as the body's software, and the genes act as the hard drive from our parents. We inherit a certain set of genes, and some get turned on or expressed, and some do not.
Gene expression is determined by many factors: our environment or habitat, which may either be healthy or polluted, our lifestyle (junk food, organic food, tons of sugar, healthy fats, to name a few), and our habits (too much alcohol, staying up too late, getting enough sleep and creating a peaceful environment).
Twin Mice Study
A study at Duke University4 took 2 sets of identical twin mice. Researchers separated mice into 2 groups and gave them the same diet and exercise routine; but, one thing was different. One set of identical twin mice were exposed to a carcinogenic chemical called BPA, found abundantly in our environment (often in plastic bottles and personal care products).
What was the result? In the mice exposed to BPA, it turned ON a gene called the agouti gene. The agouti gene predisposes one to obesity, thyroid, and cardiovascular disease. The exposed mice became obese, their fur turned an unhealthy color of yellow, and they produced offspring that were obese from birth.
The study's positive outcome was they were able to turn off the agouti gene with the addition of certain nutrients that turned on their capabilities of methylation. When this occurred, even though the mice were still exposed to BPA, the next generation of mice did not inherit the turned on agouti gene.
How Methylation Can Protect Gene Expression
We must increase our methylation capabilities to help protect our cells from a polluted environment. Methylation is the process by which the body turns stress hormones on and off. If you have methyl group depletion, the body will have more toxins and inflammation to turn on bad genes.
In a previous article, I wrote about methylation, saying this: “…a researcher and doctor named Dr. Alan Vinitsky theorized that due to the importance of methylation…and its multiple functions, there must be a prioritization of the valuable methyl groups (used) in many life-sustaining functions. There is a hierarchy of importance…and survival is always at the top… if methyl groups are lacking, your body will use them first to adapt to stress…and if there are a lack of methyl groups, (other) needs are not met, and new problems arise such as DNA damage (cancer) or gene’s susceptibility to (turn on bad genes)…”
MoRS: My First Choice to Increase Methylation
The product I often use to increase methylation is called MoRS by Systemic Formulas. In the same article discussing methylation, I wrote, “The methylation cycle is very complex, with many rate-limiting factors that can cause depletion. MoRS is the only product I know of currently that addresses all of them. Using certain active forms of methyl donors utilized in the cell without being converted to another form, such as 5 methyltetrahydrofolates, is important because many people genetically do not have enzymes to make the conversion (known as the MTHFR genetic SNP) and are predisposed to methyl depletion. These individuals are more prone to toxic build-up, and need to take the correct product with the active forms of the B vitamins such as MoRS…”
MoRS is an important product to increase methylation I use for my clients. We can only protect ourselves so much from our environment. And when we are inadvertently exposed to daily chemical stressors or silver amalgam fillings in our mouth (heavy metals damage methylation capabilities), we can take MoRS as an insurance policy. Our cells count on methylation for proper function, and we want to do everything possible to keep them healthy and thriving.
Brilliant biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of “Biology of Belief,” discusses how day-to-day thoughts and attitudes can change gene expression. In an article based on my interview with Dr. Lipton, I wrote, “…(Dr. Lipton concludes that) our bad thoughts have the ability to create inflammation and our good thoughts can reduce inflammation. In fact, our brain is the chemist: it creates the chemistry of our blood. When we are in love, we release oxytocin and dopamine (“feel good” neurotransmitters) that create a feeling of immense well-being and stability.
Conversely, when we have angry, worried thoughts that create fear and anger, those stress chemicals cause inflammation. It shuts down the growth of cells; in other words, fear and anger kill cells! Cells only see the picture you have in your mind; they don’t have the ability to see the real world.
So the chemistry of the blood changes with the pictures in mind. As it views this picture, the brain creates certain neurochemicals consistent with the picture, thus turning it into biology.
(When) the mind misinterprets the world, our cells don’t know it is not true, and fear shuts down all cellular protection. And in this state of fear and anger, when we have an infection, our cells can’t protect themselves, and stress shuts down our immune system to conserve energy. Every day, as we bath ourselves in stress, it systematically shuts down our protective forces…”
The stunning conclusion is that negative belief systems, self-talk, unconscious limiting beliefs, and low esteem can turn into bad genes. I suggest reading Dr. Lipton’s “Biology of Belief” and following his suggestions on turning around unhealthy thought patterns.
Turning Bad Genes Off is the Key
The study of epigenetics is exciting and motivating. Unfortunately, the conventional world is not fully embracing this science (yet anyway). Many docs still believe you get cancer because your parents had cancer. But now we know that few diseases are purely genetic, meaning a complete chromosome error. I am talking about thyroid disease, diabetes, weight loss resistance, etc., is that we can look to the science of epigenetics for answers. The discussion we need to have is how to turn these bad genes off.
We live in an instant gratification society, and most patients want instant results. But we have to remember that it took generations and one’s own lifetime to turn bad genes on, and it will take time and commitment to get them turned off. It’s easy to blame our parent's and grandparent’s genes, but it most probably was their lifestyle, diet, environment, and thoughts that created an unfavorable gene pool.
Another well-known study followed 2 identical twin females. One got cancer, and the other did not. Again, they were able to trace it back to huge variances in their lifestyle and environment. We have to keep in mind that we need to change our environments and remain as toxin and stress-free as possible.
Burst Training: Turn on Fat Burning
The TIME article, “How Exercise Can Change your DNA,”5 explained that certain types of high-intensity exercise would affect enhancer genes (genes involving carbohydrate metabolism). This has to do with how muscles use energy to burn fat. So, with high-intensity exercise, we can turn on genes that make us efficient fat burners, turn up our metabolism and make better use of insulin—another reason why exercise positively affects diabetes.
In the research study referred to in the article, it is so difficult to study exercise because so many variables affect our genes. How do we know which exercise is affecting the genes? In the study, participants exercised only one way; on a bike using either the right or the left leg, they were able to isolate what genes were turned on.
If we want to lose weight, high-intensity exercise (or burst training) can turn the genes that make us better fat burners and help us utilize insulin more effectively.
Watch my video on burst training and get your heart rate up to 80% maximum. When you do burst training, exercise hard for at least 30 seconds to 2 minutes, then take 1-2 minutes to recover and repeat that cycle at least 3-4 times. I suggest bursting 2-4 times per week, always allowing adequate recovery time.
Is Your Toxic Bucket Full?
Obviously, it is pretty impossible to live in a chemical-free, stress-free environment. But again, MoRS helps to turn on methyl groups that determine how we adapt to stress, activate positive stress responses, and increase methylation. If we are properly methylated, we can normally respond to stress and adapt. Disease boils down to the ability or inability to adapt to stress: when we don’t adapt, we turn on bad genes.
What about your toxic bucket? We all have different sized “toxic buckets,” meaning that we have different abilities to tolerate stress and handle toxic exposure, much of which is determined by our methylation capabilities.
If you picture a bucket with stressors inside, they either accumulate or get cleared away. But chemical stressors tend to bio-accumulate in this bucket, and with any extra stress or toxic exposure, the bucket overflows. We need to empty our toxic buckets that can turn off our bad DNA. PompaCore Cellular Detox™ will help to empty chemical stressors from the bucket.
Why PompaCore Cellular Detox™ is a Must
One thing is definite: we must detoxify our cells. I am not talking about a colon cleanse or a liver cleanse, although there is nothing wrong with doing those cleanses. I am referring to is a process called PompaCore Cellular Detox™.
Please read my article about the 5R’s of PompaCore Cellular Detox and Healing™. R2 is Regenerating the Cellular Membrane. We now know that it is the cell membrane that turns genes on and off. In fact, it is the cell membrane that holds the intelligence.
The cell membrane looks at your environment, determining whether it is good or bad, and then changes the way genes are expressed. On the outside of each cell, attached to the cell membrane, are different hormone receptors. If they sense toxins, this registers, and it changes the nucleus of the cell, thus affecting the genome.
Fix the Cell to Get Well
My 5R’s of PompaCore Cellular Detox and Healing™ are a roadmap for fixing cellular dysfunction. We have many different support products to change each part of the cell called core cellular products. And if you read these articles (R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5) explaining my 5R’s, you can understand how to fix your genome.
I recently implemented a very comprehensive 3-month program to detoxify cells called the PompaCore Cellular Detox™ program. It not only provides 3 months of the best nutritional and herbal support possible, but it educates you through a series of articles and videos that are unparalleled. It is well worth your investigation.
You can change your gene expression, but you have to change your environment, clean out your toxic bucket and empty your stressors. Only then will you start to adapt better to any stress (physical, chemical, or emotional). Eventually, you can start to control your DNA. High-intensity exercise, a healthy diet, and taking cellular support products will help you reach this goal over time. If you do, in a year from now, your gene expression could be quite different.
- CHTV Episode 45: Epigenetics and Your Genome
- Diabetes: The Unspoken Solution
- Could Your Thyroid Be Why You Are Not Feeling Well?
- Cancer as a Metabolic Disease – An Interview with Dr. Thomas Seyfried
- CHTV Episode 88: Weight Loss Resistance
- Dr. Pompa's Top 10 Toxic Foods
- Healing Foods: Dr. Pompa's Top 10 List
- Eat Fat to Lose Fat
- Dr. Pompa's Top Sleep and Anxiety Strategies
- PompaCore Cellular Detox™ – A Top 5 Strategy to Create Your Best Health Ever
- When Detox is Dangerous: Cellular and Heavy Metal Detox Done Right
- CHTV Episode 113: The Biology of Belief with Dr. Bruce Lipton
- The Biology of Belief: An Interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton
- The Ketogenic Diet: An Answer for More than Weight Loss Resistance
- Burst Training – A Top 5 Strategy to Create Your Best Health Ever
- Burst Training
- Back to the Basics: The 5R's of PompaCore Cellular Detox and Healing
- The 5R's of True Cellular Detox and Healing: R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5
- PompaCore Cellular Detox™ Program
- Cellular Healing Diet: 1-Week Menu Plan
- Weinhold, Bob. “Epigenetics: The Science of Change.” Environmental Health Perspectives. March 11, 2006.
- Cairns, John, Julies Overbaugh, and Stephan Miller. “The origin of mutants.” September 8, 1988.
- Eriksen, Konstantin. “The Science Of Epigenetics – How Our Minds Can Reprogram Our Genes.” Wake Up World. March 26, 2012.
- Dolinoy, Dana C. “The agouti mouse model: an epigenetic biosensor for nutritional and environmental alterations on the fetal epigenome.” Nutrition reviews. August 6, 2008.
- Park, Alice. “How Exercise Can Change Your DNA |” Time. March 7, 2012.