05: Cellular Weight Loss

Transcript of Episode 05: Cellular Weight Loss and High Intensity Weight Loss Myths

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and special guest Faith Hill.

Warren: I guess it just started right now. Again, technology problems today, but welcome to CellularHealing.tv. My name's Warren Philips, and we're going to be joined by Dr. Dan Pompa, David Asarnow, and Faith Hill this morning, on Friday. Make sure, again, always to invite your friends to CellularHealing.tv, not dot-com, dot-tv. For those of you who don't know that there's new domain names that have been released just this week. There's dot-guru, dot-photography. Some new domain names that are out there instead of dot-coms. We have dot-tv, CellularHealing.tv. Invite your friends. Send them to this amazing information that we're going to share. We are on the cutting edge of the next answer in health care. It's coming down to the cell. Heal the cell, get well. While I'm waiting for everyone to come on with us, David's here, Faith is joining us. Google has made some changes to their Hangout on Air so hopefully you're watching us live. What I'm going to do right now, just to make myself feel better, is go into our 22 social page and make sure that we're broadcasting live. I believe that we are, but I'm going to go and check it, just really quick. Yes we are. That's awesome. We're broadcasting live from – let me get back to the Google+ page. We're broadcasting live from Tampa with Dr. Pompa. We're broadcasting live from Tampa. It's a little more beautiful when you see it not through your camera, but we're here in Tampa at the Grand Hyatt in Tampa. Dr. Pompa's showing us, too. The great news is we're here training doctors on some of the same things that we train you. We have a group of physicians around the country. The numbers are growing. We have a waiting list, actually, to join this training. The core of our protocols, and the core of what we believe, is that if you heal the cell, you get well. If you get to the cause, your body can reverse almost anything. God didn't make a mistake. You're not lacking medications in your body to promote healing. You have an antagonist that is causing your disease our dysfunction. Our job as physicians can only be this, if you're a physician, is to remove the interference so the body can do the healing. Dr. Dan Pompa, we're going live back with our topic of last week, which is cellular weight loss. This is one of your favorite topics, cellular healing, cellular detox, cellular weight loss. You want to ramp it up this morning. We have a great team here. Our whole team is here. Our corporate team, David Asarnow, Faith Hill, Dr. Dan Pompa, and myself, we're here in Tampa, wanting to change the world. Dr. Pompa, how can we change the world with cellular weight loss today?

Dr. Pompa: Cellular weight loss, really, we should say even cellular weight loss resistance, really, is the epidemic of why people can't lose weight. We never really thought we would ever be teaching anybody about weight loss. Really, it evolved into that because of what's happening at the cell. Hormone problems, it's a problem at the cell, not a problem needing more hormones necessarily. We ended up backing into this weight loss resistance thing because this is why people can't lose weight. It's not the lack of exercise, it's not the too many calorie problem that most people think weight loss is. Really, it is a hormone problem. Therefore, people consume too much. Therefore, people can't be fat burners and burn fat. It is a hormone problem. It's a cellular problem, more specifically, because the receptors to the hormones are on the cell. We got into that conversation last week. One of the things that I spoke last week that it's probably worth revisiting, because I got so many emails about it, is I talked about one of the myths, and we were going over the myths, about weight loss, one which was eating more often. I made the comment that it works, right? For some people, by eating five meals a day, even six meals a day, it works. It works only because most people have the inability, hormonally, to be a fat burner. Therefore, they'll end up burning muscle. If you're eating more often, you spare the muscle, and therefore, spare your metabolism. However, that's not the way humans were meant to be. Humans should be able to, hormonally, to go longer gaps without food. Guess what your body utilizes for energy when you do? It utilizes its fat store. If you're eating all the time, every two hours, your body never really has a chance, does it, to burn its fat. You may spare your metabolism in certain ways, but ultimately, you're working against the innate intelligence, really, the way the body was designed to do. Back in the primitive days – or not even the primitive days. You go back even in Biblical times and realize that food was just not eaten all the time. Men were working out in the fields, women were doing their thing, and we just didn't have access to the amount of food that we have today. It's always in our refrigerator. People had to go longer stretches without food. Of course, we are meant, as humans, to store energy as fat, and therefore, utilize it when we don't have food. That's really the big problem, is most people aren't tapping in, so to speak, to their fat stores. Therefore, you're just relying on the next glucose meal. You're relying on the next carbohydrate meal, with the inability to burn fat. We have people who eat less carbohydrates, because humans really aren't supposed to be eating the amount of grains and sugars and glucose rising sweets that we eat. Low carb diets are really pop fad I would say. Most people still don't lost weight on them, or may lose a little bit of weight. It's because they still have no hormonal ability to tap into their fat stores. To go full circle on this subject, those people are better off, probably, eating more often. The problem is, is they really haven't solved the problem, have they? They're not going to lose the weight that they really want. They're still going to have that 10, 20 pounds around the waist or things or hips what is not making them happy. It's because they haven't solved the problem, they just did a crutch in the system. It's really not the way it's supposed to be. That's one of the myths. Warren, I know there's so many others we want to talk about, but I wanted to revisit that, just because we had so many questions about it.

Warren: Believe it or not, I just got Faith on live. She was having trouble. She walked in, because she's the next room. We got her live, we see her beautiful face up there. Faith Hill. Funny story. Before I go there, we're going to go with the weight loss myths of exercise, because we did a workout this morning. We're taking a doctors through a workout this morning, and I want to go into the weight loss/exercise myth. I know we've touched on it, but I'm going to get a little more detail on that. Funny story, though. Faith Hill has the name Faith Hill. You would think that Faith Hill could be Faith Hill. She's not Faith Hill, although I think she's more talented than Faith Hill. The real Faith Hill is a great businesswoman and world changer and leader. So is our Faith Hill. I'd put her up against her any day of the week.

Dr. Pompa: I'm smiling because I know the story that's coming.

Warren: Yeah. The funny part is, we just are who we are on these calls. If you bring laughter and entertainment into serious topics that people suffer with emotionally, like weight loss, and weight loss resistance, guys, you'll remember it more because of funny stories like this. We get into the elevator last night, and I don't – fragrances so I'm a little nervous. There's three women walking into an elevator and everyone's piling in. I'm like uh-oh, I don't want perfume, because that bothers me. I go in, and I follow Faith and Dan and David – actually, it was Renee, into the elevator. They walk in, and it was Cameron Diaz, was in the elevator. We're like, “Oh.” Dr. Pompa says, “You look just like Cameron Diaz. Has anyone ever told you that?” I actually believed him, because I'm looking at him like, “It's a look-alike.” It's someone who, from Florida, looks like Cameron Diaz. The whole time, I didn't say a word. Meanwhile, they're having conversations with her, and Faith comes up, “I'm Faith Hill. I get that all the time too,” because, Faith Hill, Faith Hill. I'm still in my own little world, looking at her. I'm like, I wonder, if it's really Cameron Diaz. She should dress a certain way. I'm looking up and down, and then I'm seeing her personality. She acts just like Cameron Diaz. At the end, said she wasn't Cameron Diaz.

Dr. Pompa: Her laugh was so infectious. I had her laughing until Faith Hill starts talking about —

Faith: Oh, you are so full of it. Totally not even how it happened, first of all. Second of all, Dr. Pompa says, “You look like – ” and I'm like, “Because it is her.” She just laughed. She was great. She basically said, “It happens.” She was super gracious. I did totally do the whole, “My name's Faith Hill, so – ” My point was I'm a disappointment when I walk in, because they're expecting Faith Hill to walk in, and then I show up. That was the point. Apparently, these guys graciously let me know that I did not make that point at all.

Dr. Pompa: No, I wanted to look at you and be like, “So, yeah, so what's the point?”

Faith: What's the point?

Dr. Pompa: Then Faith realized she was like, “Not sure if I'm making that point,” so then she starts talking about kickboxing.

Faith: Oh, my God.

Dr. Pompa: “It's because of you that I'm a kickboxer!” She laughed.

Faith: She was like, “Get me off of this elevator now.”

Warren: That being said, that leads us back into exercise, because Cameron Diaz is very fit. She does kickbox, which is a form of high intensity type training. Dr. Pompa, there is this huge weight loss myth out there, and I think we have something different. Probably 90% of the world is exercising incorrectly, even with the onset of things like, what's the big fad, CrossFit, right now, which can actually be damaging. I want you to go into those topics. The weight loss myths, and this extreme, intense exercise, and how that can be detrimental as well. I think there's two huge myths. The new myth is if you exercise at high intensity a lot, that you're going to get more ripped and lean. That's one myth. The other myth is, if I run on a treadmill and do those sorts of things, calorie counting, and how that's a myth. Those are two things I want to attack this morning, especially that CrossFit one as well, because that's something that I believe isn't for everyone.

Dr. Pompa: Faith can chime in, as a woman, on the subject. I think that's where a lot of the abuse happens, where women are just absolutely, “I'm going to exercise my fat away.” I think that's the big, broad myth that's out there, is that you can exercise your fat away. Let's back up even farther. Our government and government bodies have really made it a point to say that the reason why we have obesity in children is because they're not exercising enough. Look, we all exercise. Every one of us here are big proponents of exercise. By no means are we against it. However, it is a myth, no doubt, that you have to exercise to be thin, lean.

Faith: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Does exercise have a lot of benefits? I like to call it the cherry on the top, as far as weight loss goes. David is behind the camera now, flexing his new, fantastic physique, and I can assure you it's not from exercise. David changed his diet, didn't you, David?

David: I did.

Dr. Pompa: Yes. Did you exercise right away?

David: No, but I am now.

Dr. Pompa: He is now, for health reasons, not for, necessarily, weight loss. Here's the thing, we talk about a right exercise that you can do for weight loss. I'm a cyclist – at least I was, at one point, I don't put myself in that category anymore. I love endurance type of exercise, but if you're interesting in weight loss, high intensity exercise is absolutely – and it's not, we don't have to really get into it, Warren, because I think you're right, most people know it now. Getting on a treadmill for an hour is really working against you. By this time, you're typically burning muscle. It drives your hormones – well, at least your hormones involved in weight loss, in the wrong direction. However, high intensity exercise drives hormones like growth hormone and testosterone in the right direction. You really burn fat for a few days. Again, this is the cherry on the top. You don't need this. If your hormones are correct at the cellular level, you don't need to exercise for weight loss. However, there are a lot of other benefits. Warren, you brought up – I think, because of that research, now it's like, “Okay, the higher intensity the better.” Where it's leading to is more and more injuries. What it's leading to is over-training. Someone who's very highly trained, they can actually do this greater, higher intensity, and it actually can even work positively for them. That's not most of the people who are watching these TV shows. Faith, you want to chime in on this subject?

Faith: I do, because I did CrossFit for a while. The purpose of it is high intensity, right? You can go in, and your workout can be anywhere for 3 minutes for the day up to 45 minutes, which is rare, right, for a 45 minute workout there. They do a lot of Olympic-style lifting. That's anywhere from somebody with my stature, I'm 5 foot 2, and these big, huge weights. It really does set you up, if you're not highly trained – you just made a really great point of Olympic athletes, but these are free weights. It's not like machine weights, and form is a big deal. A lot of injuries. It is the biggest thing for chiropractic right now, is people coming from CrossFit, because a lot of injuries are happening. They're doing a lot of snap-and-cleans and things like that. You don't have any training for that. It really is a setup for injury but it also gets in your head that you need to go every day. You're doing this high intensity every single day and you're lifting these weights, so you're body's fatigued anyway, and then you're supposed to throw hundreds of pounds, with a free bar, over your head. It's very, very, in my opinion, not safe. Some boxes have great coaches that can really hold your hand a little bit more so, but you can't guarantee that. This movement is amazing for some people, it really has been, but if you don't have the proper training, it really has damaged a lot of people. My husband, actually, got very injured by doing this as well. It can be really dangerous.

Dr. Pompa: One of the problems is that people, when they start that higher intensity workout, it works. Higher intensity, you can lose five, ten extra pounds. However, there's always going to be, and this is a growing number of people in the United States that do it, they lose that ten pounds, five pounds, and some people, very little at all, and then they stop losing weight. Really, it is a hormone problem. Higher intensity forces your hormones in the right direction, but it's still limited on what's happening at the cells. What happens, Faith, is what you said. Then they start doing it ever day. They're remembering, “Hey, I started this, I lost weight.”

Faith: Right.

Dr. Pompa: There is a caloric equation here. You're burning calories, but we all know now, but when you do that high intensity – Warren, how much more do we eat on days that we exercise, right?

Warren: A ton more.

Dr. Pompa: I eat the difference in calories away, trust me. That's normal. When you exercise in high intensity, you're going to be more hungry. You offset the caloric thing more. Let's say you force yourself not to eat more. You'll drop your calories, you'll lose a little bit of weight. Now you start digging into your muscle, your metabolism starts to – caloric restriction never works long term. It always works for that initial weight, and then it just stops, slows down, because it's still a cellular problem. It's still a hormone problem. Then people start working out every day to try to emulate that first result, right? They do more and more and more and more and more, and it's a constant, shrinking amount of weight you're losing. Now you're over-training. Now you're not recovering. People aren't paying attention to their diets and the amount of antioxidants and things needed to recover, and then they end up with injuries. I really always ends bad. It starts off really good, but it always ends bad.

Faith: Yeah. I'll tell you, the family atmosphere that CrossFit breeds is because you just did this grueling workout together. There is this bonding effect that really does happen. I will tell you, in my experience, for about a year, being a part of it, I saw a lot of weight loss resistance. These people were busting their butts. Just unbelievable workouts, and the weight was not budging. I think it proves the point, you can look at the CrossFit athletes, but you have to understand that that's less than 1% of each box that's coming out for these competitions. That is not the norm for all this CrossFit boxes around the country. It's really not. The particular box that I was in, there was maybe one person there that was really, really fit that was going all the time. That's a problem. That's a problem. People aren't looking around going, “Why aren't the results here?” That's really interesting to me.

Warren: There's a lot of folks watching this that are CrossFit, and they're saying, “That's what I believe. We're not going to change your mind, but this is the truth.” If you go talk to someone who really understand physiology, they're going to say, “Look, if you want to do CrossFit, you need to train like an athlete to get there. That's an athletic, and doing it's like training for a marathon.” It's not for the normal folk. There's a lot of functional movement, there's flexibility, there's building your tendon strength up. It's a crazy thing. I go to a personal trainer, and he sees all the injuries. He's like, “If you can't do these certain movements yet, if you don't have the form or the flexibility to do these things, going to a high intensity CrossFit environment, you're not ready for it, is going to hurt you, It's not good for you. It's going to work you against it. Even he knows, for weight loss, again, the magic bullet in the room is inflammation, obviously – and toxicity. Let's go back, Dr. Pompa. Okay, so CrossFit's not the answer. Calorie counting, burning your calories, saying, “I'm going to eat a hamburger, then run around this hotel 20 times, and then it offset those calories,” both of those things are major myths. What can we do, say, in this hotel room, right now – the type of exercise that's actually going to be that cherry on top, that's going to help us accelerate our weight loss a little bit and optimize our hormones at the cellular level, which is cellular weight loss?

Dr. Pompa: The studies show it doesn't need much. The average person can just do three or four sets of a high intensity for thirty seconds to a minute, minute and a half, with basically two, three minutes at rest in between, until you get your breath back. We have videos on our website, walking people through. We've already gotten half a million hits, just because it's so simple. It takes 10 to 12 minutes, 3 times a day. For the average person, that's all you need. A day, right; 10 to 12 minutes a day, 3 times a week. I believe if you add resistive training to that, you even get a different higher intensity workout. That maintains your muscle, which is going to maintain your metabolism. Resistive training, what we call burst training, doing high-intensity, thirty seconds to a minute and a half, with a rest in between, three or four times – studies show you can get the maximum benefit from that, as far as weight loss goes. I get the question all the time, “Can I do more? Can I do six sets? Eight sets?” Yeah, you can, but again, you have to be careful, and know who you are. The better shape you're in, obviously, the more you can get away with. You're going to hit your highest, basically, return for your money, so to speak, with those first three or four sets. Most people, they complain they don't have enough time to exercise, continue with the program. Less is best, because chances are, you will continue with it. Again, the better shape you're in, the more you can do and get away with it. Most Americans aren't healthy enough to do more and recover. That's the point we're making, right? They're just simply not healthy enough to recover, and then they end up over-training, exhausting their adrenals and their hormonal system, and now you're working against yourself, wasting money. Wasting, really —

Faith: Sometimes.

Warren: Wasting their time, and they lead to injury.

Warren: That's an important point. I know that when I first had my health challenge, and it was a major one – if you go back, my story's out there. I think it's on the Mercury Amalgam Illness series that we did, everyone said to me, “Hey, Warren, you just need to work out more. You're not feeling well, you're not sleeping. You just need to work out.” It's stress, and workout, they were saying, will reduce your stress. I couldn't work out. I tried. It took me years before I could work out, my body could adapt to that stress. Here's the crazy thing. They're saying work out for stress. Dr. Pompa, is that true?

Dr. Pompa: Look, when you work out, you definitely help your stress level, until you start over train. Then when you start over train, now you're doing the opposite. You're adding stress to your body you can't adapt to. Remember, working out is a stress, isn't it. When we adapt to success, we become stronger. When you don't adapt to a stress, a physical stress of working out, you become what? Weaker. There's a fine line. If your adrenals are already exhausted, your thyroid's struggling, you're hormonally struggling, because your cell that connects with the hormones is inflamed, well guess what? Now you're not going to adapt as well, and you could actually easily work against yourself. People who have some challenges, more is not better. Less is actually much better.

Warren: I wanted to bring that point up, because a lot of people that are being – they feel bad about themselves. “I work out and I feel worse. What's wrong with me? ” Everyone says, “I can't lose weight, and I work out and I feel worse,” and they just keep pushing themselves and pushing themselves. What we're here to say, because of what Dr. Science, Dr. Pompa, has shared with us, is just stop. If it's making you sick and more fatigued, and you don't feel energized, and you don't feel better afterwards, just stop. Stop the madness. Do the diet. Do the cellular. Optimize your hormones.

Dr. Pompa: I couldn't work out for four or five years. Warren, you couldn't either, right? When I would work out, I would be more fatigued, and I would sleep worse that night. That was a great sign of not adapting to one more stress, and therefore, getting weaker. I'm always asked the question, with any of the people that we are helping, coaching through health issues, the first question, “Is should I continue to work out?” My next question is, “How do you feel after and the next day?” Actually, I don't know. I'm tired. Stop. Cut it in half. Start from there. Keep backing up until you feel better, not worse.

Faith: I think that's a really great point. I think it is about are you recovering, and are you able to recover. I think, though, for some folks that may not be as chronically sick as what you guys both discovered in your illnesses, I think for a lot of the population, or for a majority of the population, they're not getting the right nutrients to even sustain a good workout. It really starts with the cellular healing diet. If you're not getting good nutrients, how in the world is your body ever going to be able to sustain you pushing it that hard. Then when you go to repair mode, what are you putting in there? If you're putting toxic meat, or toxic preservatives, or toxins in your foods back in your body, how much more so is that going to tax your body? I think it really does continue to come back to diet, which is, it's almost so simple. We almost over-complicate it and forget it when we're trying to help people troubleshoot, because we're often going, “Maybe there's something else.” No, what if it really is, they're constantly putting that same toxin in their body. They're making their protein shakes with milk, loaded with hormones that are affecting their hormones. It really does go back to the purity of the products that they're putting in their body. Folks that are just really having that hard time either recovering or sustaining their workouts, I think you're totally dead on. The first place they need to look at is, what are they putting in their body?

Dr. Pompa: Let's talk a little bit about that, because we've talked a lot, but I don't know that we've told them what to do there. I started the opening of the show just talking about, “Look, low carbohydrate meals are in vogue right now.” That's good, because no matter what, Americans are eating too many carbohydrates, in the form of grains, which – by the way, when people think of carbohydrates, they think of the candy bar, the sugar, the dessert, but really, the biggest culprit, and really the one that's driving inflammation the most, is grains. As a matter of fact, Warren, write it down. Everyone write it down. I want to do a whole show on grains next week. What's going on with GMO, genetically modified grains, is criminal. What's going on with grains since the 60's and 70's is criminal, and that's really the big thing. One, I would say, of three big things that's really driving the weight loss resistance. It's the grains. We'll talk about gluten free next week. We'll talk about some of the myths. On the airplane – I wish I had my bag here. I would show you an article, but I'll show it next week. In Scientific American, they said basically, in this article, that they're finding out that gluten – surprise, surprise – is not the only protein that's bad for you, oxy protein in grains.

Faith: How long have you been saying that, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa: What's that?

Faith: I said, how long have you been saying that? How long?

Dr. Pompa: Forever, right? They're finding out there's all these other proteins. Some of the culprits that just run, sometimes, with gluten, without gluten, other grains. Where did it all come from? It all come from hybridizing grains. Now what we're doing with GMOs, we're creating Frankengrains. Really, the first thing you need to do, the cellular healing diet focuses on taking all grains out, until we get you healthy, until we down regulate inflammation. Why all grains? Because there's more than just gluten, folks. There's so many of these denatured proteins in all grains. We talk all grains away until we down regulate inflammation. Look, the number one things, and what we all do, is we control glucose and insulin. You want to keep it simple, you want to age slower, you want to feel better, you want to down regulate inflammation? Control your glucose and insulin. You know how many health fanatics I see just eat fruit and their glucose goes right up? Or eating two pieces of whole grain bread in the morning, which sends your glucose up, is equivalent to drinking a 12 ounce Pepsi? Grains are super sugars. We are a grain nation. Meat and vegetables. Not just meat. We'll talk a little bit about this next week. Grass-fed meat. Why? Because we're feeding cows grain. Most of it is genetically modified. Most of the modified is sprayed with an herbicide called glyphosate and it's going right into our bodies, triggering genes, causing massive health problems. We know this is happening. This is a massive epidemic. It needs to be really exposed. All these people that think their healthy eating their whole grains are still raising glucose, aging prematurely, causing more cellular inflammation, more weight loss resistance. The bowl of oatmeal in the morning may not be as healthy as you think, because it raises up your glucose the same as a 12 ounce Pepsi. It's all about controlling glucose. That controls inflammation in the cell. That allows your hormone receptors on your cell to take care of the hormones. We do far too much grain in our diet. We're raising up our glucose. We're causing inflammation. We can get into the discussion of, “Okay, great. Once we get healthy, can you have some grain in your diet?” The answer's yes, but your genetics will determine what level you can get away with. Again, when I say grains now, I'm not talking about these genetically modified grains. I'm not talking about hybridized grains. We're talking about more ancient type of grains, quinoa being one them, amaranth, millet. Go down a list. It's in the Cellular Healing Diet Book, “The Better Grains.” The point is, is you start adding them back in, but I'm telling you, your genetics will determine how much you can get away with before your glucose goes up too much, or insulin, and now you start getting fatter on your waist again, feeling more fatigued. Faith, I know you have a lot to say about that topic because you –

Faith: I do.

Warren: You'll have to wait until next week, guys. We're running out of time.

Faith: Okay, okay. We'll do it next week for sure.

Dr. Pompa: We'll give her the final word.

Faith: The final word is this. If you are hearing that, and you're hearing fear, fear, fear. Oh my gosh, no grains, that's a really good sign that you might have an addiction going on, which most people in this country do. Just like any addiction, you need balance in your life, and you need to be able to face that with reality, because that could be the very thing that's keeping you from breaking through to the health goals that you have for your entire life. This is not just about you being fit for the bathing suit. This is about you being a true, well-being, to be able to live a fulfilled life, full of vitality and relationship.

Warren: That's awesome, Faith. I'm going to give the final tip, because people are saying, “What do do you eat post-workout?” We're going to start next week. Again, invite your friends to CellularHealing.tv, not .com, but CellularHealing.tv. This is a live TV show, broadcasted across not just the United States, but this is being broadcast live globally. Anywhere in the world, someone who has a computer can go to CellularHealing.tv and watch this. It's amazing. Our website, of course, is DrPompa.com. We have articles underneath there, if you go to the resources, article archive, or even to our “articles ” button at the top of the browser, you'll see articles, and you'll also see resources in article archive. You can watch some of these topics on weight loss resistance, on intermittent fasting for weight loss. A lot of these things, we need you to have information. We'll share it here. We want to get you activated and tempted, if you will, to go and just if. We offer real answers and solutions. I know it's hard, because you're being broadcasted through newspaper and TV, constantly, people wanting, literally, your pocketbooks, your dollars, spent on big corporations. We believe your dollars need to be spent on things that make a difference in this world. One of those companies is Beyond Organic, who, you vote with your dollars. After my workout today, I wasn't feeling well. I'm fighting off a cold. Every post workout, what I do, is I drink what's called SueroGold with whey water in it. Dr. Pompa, explain, as we end this call, we're done after you say this, is why is it good for me to do SueroGold with whey, and how does that help my muscle and body recover, as a post-workout drink. I know that's one of the topics that people want to know about.

Dr. Pompa: Bodybuilders, for years, say, “Hey, we have a 30 minute window after you work out, get that protein in the cell.” Whey water actually has a really unique – and by the way, one of the things that bodybuilders always did, if you look at all their proteins, at GNC, they're loaded with sugar. It's because they know that sugar actually delivers, into the cell, the protein. They put all this sugar in there to bring the amino acids in. It's honestly a trick that's been used for a long time, but there's issues with that, obviously. There's so much sugar in them that you can't get it all in, and then you start storing it in the fat. Anyways, that product, whey water, actually has a sugar in it called galactose. Galactose actually goes into the cell very fast, and it pulls in the amino acids with it. It really becomes the perfect post-workout drink. Not to mention, the electrolyte balance in whey water, the potassium/sodium ratio, is exactly what matches the cell. That has a lot to do with your potassium/sodium pump, how you move things in and out of the cell. Again, a delivery system for the amino acids that you need to heal the cell, to repair after workout, and not over train. We talked a lot about that, so we'll leave on that note.

Warren: Awesome, guys. Thanks so much for joining us. Join us next week. Share it with your friends. We appreciate you sharing this time with us today. Take care, God bless.

Faith: Thanks for having me, guys.

Dr. Pompa: Thanks, Warren.

Warren: Thanks, David.