Transcript of Episode 06: GMO's Grains, Gluten and Your Immune System
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.
Warren: Hi! Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Welcome to Cellular Healing TV where you get real answers to your health challenges. The great news about today, not only is it Valentine’s Day and we’re spreading love to our families and those that we love; I woke up this morning and had a present from my wife and my little two-and-a-half year old daughter. It was just such a blessing. It brought tears to my eyes having such a wonderful life and family. A lot of times that’s hindered by health challenges. That’s what we’re here to do. People’s lives are being stolen from financial challenges. They’re being stolen from spiritual challenges. They’re definitely being ruined – marriages, life, and that expression of love – through health challenges. If you’re stressed out, and you’re on Cortisol and you have adrenal fatigue, you just don’t love and treat people the way that they deserve. It’s Cellular Healing TV who wants to give you real answers to those problems so that you can go out and make a difference and do what you’re called to do. Cellular Healing TV is all about that. What’s great today, if you have a health challenge and have a question that you want answered, today the topic is about gluten and grains. Dr. Pompa's still trying to get on. For whatever reason, every time we try to do this, it takes a little time for him to get the email invite. We’re going to keep working on it. If not, I’m just going to stick myself on my mic and have him answer some of the questions and help lead this call. If you’re on Cellular Healing TV right now, you’re watching this live at, there’s a green button if you scroll down. I believe it says, get answers to questions or whatever that is. What that’s going to do – I can’t see it right now – but it'll have that green button “Get Questions Answered.” Click that and it’ll take you to a page. On that page you’ll have a little form that you can fill out. I will get emails from you about what your questions are. If we don’t get to them on the call, we’ll get to them afterwards, but we’re going to pick out some really good questions and try to move the questions around grains, gluten-free, things with the topic of the show today. We’re still waiting on Dan. This is a huge topic, gluten-free and grains. I’m, by no means, the expert Dr. Pompa is on this topic, but what I know and what we've discussed in the past while we’re waiting for him is that gluten-free is sometimes – in my opinion, if we’re going to get raw and real like I want to do here – gluten-free, the reason it’s so popular and accepted is because the big four that are out there, like Quaker, Nabisco, and these large companies that really vie for your dollar or fight for your dollar, have bought a lot of organic, gluten-free small businesses that have started along the way and had some success. They essentially sold out not with thinking everyone has the best intention that they were going to take it and have the integrity that they do when they started these small businesses and built this client base. They took it and obviously just turned it into billion dollars’ worth of money industry, and they’re not speaking the truth. Gluten-free doesn't mean healthy. They load gluten-free products up with things like tapioca sugar, corn starch, things that are gluten-free but necessarily are not healthy for you, even containing GMOs, which is another something we want to get into today. David, do you want to add to this?
David: Yeah, one of the things that’s a common misnomer that if they go and they eat gluten-free that it’s healthy. One of the things that I've learned from you guys is it’s still the grains that turn right into sugar in our bodies. Could you talk a little bit more about that?
Warren: Yeah, grains – another nasty thing about grains – we’re moving from gluten-free into grains. Grains, they contain a sugar called amylose, which raises inflammation in your body. Chemically, if you’d measure it in a blood work, it’s called PLA2, for physicians watching today. Grains from that alone, not the gluten side, but from raising amylose and having – containing a certain sugar that raises an inflammatory marker in your body, and remember what Dr. Pompa says. One of his key things is reducing inflammation, one of the R's, reducing subcellular inflammation on the cell membrane. You have to reduce inflammation. If you want to heal the cell – this is Cellular Healing TV – so that you can get well, you have to do everything you can do to decrease inflammation. When you decrease inflammation, your body’s able to rest and heal. Inflammation, just to explain what that is, when you get a cold and you feel all those aches and pains, you get a stiff neck and headache, that’s inflammation. That’s good inflammation, but that’s because your immune system is out there firing, raising inflammatory markers in your body trying to kill off the bad guys. That’s a natural inflammation that happens during a cold. It still kills the virus, and your immune system is doing what it’s supposed to do. Your body’s doing what it’s meant to do and in that process, you kill off the bad guys. Dan calls it friendly fire. Your immune system has little warriors going around in your body killing the bad guys but in that, you take some hits in your body and your cells kind of inflame. That’s inflammation. Your body does that naturally. If you sprain your knee or turn an ankle, your body inflames for a reason. That’s inflammation. What these grains do, they cause low-grade inflammation at the cell continuously. In that process, we discussed last week when Dr. Pompa drew the cell – I can draw it for us now, too, with a non-toxic marker if I can find one. I’ll show it to you.
David: One thing you may want to do, by the way, Warren, while you’re doing that, is there’s an app called UberConference that Dr. Pompa may be able to log in via telephone for our conference.
Warren: Okay. How do I get him that?
David: It’s on the left side. It says U, UberConference. You just want to download and activate that app. It'll give him a number that he can call in. If not, we just may want to put him on speakerphone right now and let him talk people through some of this, and then we can draw it out and you can show it.
Warren: Awesome. Yeah, I think that’s a great idea. Should I do the UberConference real quick?
David: Let’s put him on speakerphone for right now. Are you still on with him?
Warren: No. I took him off and he’s waiting. I have him for conference loaded, and I can give him the number right now. We can go that way. I’m going to give him the pin number. I love technology. What I love about it is that if you don’t give up, you always win. Isn't that the story of life? When things happen, we can slow down and not want to get this information out there but no matter what happens, if technology fails, you persevere and you turn it to good. Lives are going to be changed on this call today, whether it’s via this live cast or on the recording. I’m going to send this in to Dan right now. David, talk about your experience. When I first met you, you weren't losing weight the way that you wanted. I looked you in the eye and said, “You’re still eating grains, aren't you?” You didn't realize the importance of not eating grains. You thought you were eating the healthy diet. That’s kind of the confusion. I was asking you questions. “Are you still eating rice?” You were. You were a little chunky monkey still, inflamed. I’m not wanting to rip on you, but you weren't getting the results that you wanted. We asked a few questions, and we found out some things. You really didn't know. You wanted to do the right thing. Talk about that while I text Dr. Pompa.
David: It’s interesting. You could see it in my face; it was the puffy little cheeks. One of the things that we talk a lot about is weight loss resistance or people have – you go and you work out and despite diet and exercise, you’re not able to drop the pounds. I’m in my mid 40's right now. I don’t feel like it. I actually feel better than I did in my 20's, believe it or not. One of the things that I was noticing is as I got in my late 30's and 40's, I could work out all the time and yet nothing was dropping off. I thought that I was eating well. In fact, before I met you guys, I went vegetarian for a year. Do you remember that conversation?
Warren: I do.
David: I’m vegetarian, I’m not eating meat, and yet I can’t drop anything. I even pretty much went gluten-free, or at least I thought it was gluten-free. All of a sudden, nothing changed. I’d still have the puffiness in my cheeks. By the way, that’s when someone knows if I've gained ten pounds. It pretty much shows up in my face. You have that one video that you put out that you've got that nice full-face photo of me where I don’t look like Dave. I don’t look like who I am today.
Warren: There’s just so many people that do that, David. They just want to be who they originally were. It actually transforms your identity. You start identifying yourself as that full-faced person. Sometimes what happens psychologically is that when you find your face again, people will be like, “What happened? Are you sick?” Those things need to be talked about on this show, because man, you need to look the way God created you to look. No matter where you’re at, that’s who He’s created you to be. Whether you have a full face right now or not, or if it gets skinny or not, that’s who God’s created you to be. We're going to do our best. We have a responsibility to do our best and seek out truth and gain wisdom and apply the knowledge, but if either you're losing weight and getting skinnier and falling back into your natural self, if that's that, or if you have a fuller face, that's how you are and that's who God's created you to be. I don't want to just kind of take a step back and make fun of you but at the same time, maybe you had another challenge hormonally that could –
David: Well, there's a lot of different things that play in here and as I discovered, things that you didn't even talk about and weren't the questions. I was getting headaches. I was fatigued in the afternoon later in the day. At the end of the day I was drained, I didn't have anything left in the gas tank. I had a lot of stresses that were going on outside that played into everything, so there's a couple of different components in here that we – and I know this is a grain talk – so one is, you know what? I did start eating meat, and it was clean meat. That was a conversation that we had, and I learned about what kind of amino acids were in the meats. I said, “Well, my body wasn't processing them.” One of the things Dr. Pompa talked about is when you start the cellular healing, your gene expression will actually change, and your body got used to not having meat so it wasn't able to process it. Eventually you'll be able to again. The problem for me, and I'll just say it out here, is I'd eat meat, and it would go right through me. I didn't like the feeling that I had. What I learned is finally – you know what it was? It was at your house. I was eating chicken, and the first thing I went back on was chicken and organic free-range chicken. Yet, I still for over a year and a half wasn't willing to try meat because I didn't like that feeling of it going right through me. When we went up to Rochester with the family once, you're like, “Well, I wish you'd drive through Pittsburgh. It'd be great to see you.” We rerouted our trip. We came through Pittsburgh, and you guys had us over to your house. By the way, Maddy and Josh are still asking me for that recipe that Rebecca had made for that beet salad, just letting you know. They actually just – literally Maddy was asking about that the other day, and Josh goes, “Yeah, can you ask Warren to get that recipe?”
Warren: The nice thing is what we'll do on this show without confirmation is Cellular Healing TV will do – I have mobile cameras where we can go live in the kitchen.
David: I love that.
Warren: Those are some of the things to look forward to , but just rewinding a little bit. David you thought you were, you know, eating gluten free. You thought, “Wow, I heard stories that if I go gluten free I'll lose weight,” but yet another disappointment.
David: I didn't realize I was eating rice everything. Everyday I was eating rice this and rice that, and I thought I was doing my body good. Anyway, I'll finish the story. I went to your house, and you had short ribs if I recall. Oh my gosh now I love short ribs. What happened is I found out that, “Wow I can eat this,” and I didn't have a bad reaction. Through going through the cellular healing process my body has changed what it's able to eat and process, and I look better. I feel better. I have energy like crazy. Some people that I know they'll have their lunch and then they'll have their afternoon lull. Because of changing the diet and changing how – and by the way you do a lot of intermittent fasting.
Warren: That's something you were doing. You had low-grade autoimmune going on. I forget you were diagnosed with that.
David: I was when I was younger, yeah. That was 20 years ago.
Warren: Gluten is a low-grade autoimmune. It's an autoimmune condition. Your body reacts. Your immune system – I'm going to have Dr. Pompa on speaker now, and he's going to explain this further. Hopefully we can hear him, I bet we can. When you eat gluten, that crosses your gut, right Dr. Pompa? It causes your immune system, just like when you have the flu, to attack something but you can't fix it because the good guys in your body, your immune system, your white blood cells or whatever it is, Dr. Pompa, starts attacking, attacking, attacking. It doesn't go away, it continues to attack, and so it's – stopping, and that creates that low-grade autoimmune. That's why your gut was bad. That's why you didn't have any enzymes. You didn't have the gut flora and bacteria to digest meat, so your body reacted to it and just blew it out. When you got healthier and your gut began to heal by doing the SueroGold fasting, using train omega, doing some other strategies you were doing, green juicing, getting the fermented foods. You begin to heal your gut, and then your body is able to utilize the meat again, and it didn't react to it. Dr. Pompa, do you want to add to that?
Dr. Pompa: I don't know how well you can hear me here. I apologize. We're trying something different with my internet here in the mountains.
Warren: We can hear you.
Dr. Pompa: Remember the term, like it's stolen. I don't know if you discussed that or not.
Warren: No, I did not.
Dr. Pompa: Autoimmune and actually most diseases, I describe it as a 3-legged stool, really the cause and the solution. One leg of the stool is the gene to turn on and once those genes turn on you start dispensing things you necessarily don't like, symptoms, food intolerances, sensitivities, your autoimmune. Whatever is. So part of the solution has to be to turn off the gene. The second leg of the stool is the stressors, the upstream of chemical toxins, the upstream of chemical stressors, functional stressors that turn on the genes. It's generally a perfect storm. Usually two or three stressors come together and then they cause the genes to be turned one. Most doctors fail to go upstream far enough to remove the stressors, and that's a real pet peeve of mine because even alternative doctors pay no attention to really what's happening upstream. Kind of like the Wizard of Oz, what's really behind the curtain is what matters. Then the third leg is the gut. More specifically, the certain bacteria that are missing in the gut could be missing from childhood. Could be missing in a person with a C-section and never got the mom's bacteria that we need for life or because you took antibiotics as a child or later in life. It can destroy these bacteria that we need to actually control our immune systems. Everyone listening has watched the yogurt commercials that 70% to 80% of our immune system is in our gut as if the yogurt is going to make a difference. They're point is still quoting the literature of how important these bacteria are to our immune system, right? When certain bacteria are missing you can't make cells called T-regulatory cells. These cells job is to tell your immune system that it's okay. The little allergen that just blew into your nose, your immune system comes up, looks at it and T-regulatory cells say everything's fine. The foods with the gluten rushes up and tells everything it's fine. When you're missing this bacteria you're not making enough of these T-regulatory cells. Therefore, you're immune system is constantly in overdrive. Therefore, now you inflaming your own cells. Your body's immune system is causing chronic inflammation. Your gut becomes more inflamed. Now more foods are leaking across undigested proteins. Your body is making more antibodies, more attacks. Until we get rid of these allergens and things that are very complicated proteins like these glutens that man has created – one of the things I wanted to discuss – then we can back down the immune system slightly. However, you can do all the food avoidance you want, gluten avoidance, but the point if you don't address that three-legged stool you're never going to ultimately fix the problems. That's what people are doing today. They're not addressing the three-legged stool. They're not changing gene expression. They're not going upstream and dealing with the stressors that cause the whole thing, and they're not putting unique bacteria back in the gut. By the way, most of the bacteria I've been referring to you can't get in a pill or a powder. It's not like you can run to your local health food store and get on probiotic . It's not that simple. I mean, we talked a little bit about grains last week. I think that this needs to be talked more about. Right now, there's the gluten phase or what would you call it we're on the gluten –
Warren: Rage. We call it the big, food industry way to monetize by promoting gluten free because it's sexy and in vogue.
Dr. Pompa: Absolutely. Is David on the call?
Warren: He sure is, yeah.
Dr. Pompa: David, I have a question for you. As more of a lay person, right? What is your opinion about gluten? Why do you think all of a sudden it's a problem. What's your feeling about that?
David: I’ll say it as a layperson before I actually met you because I’m a little bit more educated now. However, what I thought was that, well – all I knew about gluten was, well, gluten is the breads and – I knew that if I ate bread, I got indigestion. So I knew that I had some kind of intolerance or something that was odd with it. So I said, well, then I can eat everything with rice. I can eat gluten-free. As long as it’s gluten-free it would be healthy for me, and I blew up. That’s when you met me. So I used to think that as long as it was gluten-free it was healthier, and I think that that’s what most people think. That if I eat gluten-free, it’s healthier for me.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, so that’s misconception number one is that just – you got to eat gluten-free. It’s healthier. Well, look, there’s some people who are out there really do react to gluten, but I think what’s happening is the majority of the population is gravitated to the gluten-free. Just like natural, right? We find out later that the word natural, well, what does that really mean, right? It means absolutely nothing. I mean, there could be major problems and major chemicals in a product and still be 100% natural. So it means nothing. Well, gluten really has become that problem too because in these gluten-free products, we have things like potato starch. We have things like corn starchitives, and tapioca flours, and different things that actually drive up glucose levels more than sugar. As a matter of fact, they are super, super sugars, so they literally – so most of these gluten-free products are actually really bad for you. Okay, so that doesn’t mean – it’s probably if you’re super gluten intolerant, right, a celiac person or even something that we call non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Eating the gluten would be worse. However, these people, you can’t eat these products that are loaded with, really, sugar or drive up glucose and expect to not have other consequences. So yes, eating gluten-free is a positive thing for many people. But ultimately, they’re gravitating to worse foods often times. The other thing is where did it all start? People listening, have you asked that question? I mean, why now, right? I mean, when we were kids, we could eat gluten. We didn’t have problem with gluten, right? I ate bread so why now? Well, there’s a few problems. In the 60's and 70's, we hybridized grain, mostly in the 70's, right, so that was after at least I was growing up, and we changed the grain. It took some years to get these changed grains into the food supplies. So really, it probably didn’t even hit until the 90's, even the 2000's, to where most of the grain we’re consuming, especially wheat and some others, they have been hybridized. They've been changed. Why? Well, a brilliant guy named Norman Borlaug tried to feed more of the population, and he changed the grain to be more environmentally strong or environmentally – well, put it this way. The wheat that he created, dwarf wheat, could take drought better. It could take wind better. It’s easier to harvest, all these positives as far as feeding more people. The negative was is he created a gluten, many gluten strains that our body doesn’t recognize, very foreign protein.
Warren: Let me just tell you from a farmer’s perspective what that meant, and why that was so well accepted. I mean, I've done a lot of work out West as you know, Dan. I’m not going to go down and talk about mining, but I did go to a lot of small towns, and farmer’s unions, and didn't – doing heavy – doing oil cleanups essentially, diesel fuel spills. When I talked to the farmers, again, they have to pray for rain. That was big for their crops. If a big windstorm would come around, it would destroy all their crops, and literally because they’re tied to the government to make a certain amount, to hit a certain pay level and paycheck, they were always looking for the best wheat, talking about the wheat that’s drought resistant. I remember them talking. I didn't know anything about GMO or genetically modified organisms – anything back then. I didn’t know about any of this, but it’s a science. Then the grain guy would come and say, “Hey, I have this new wheat. Will you test it? It will work great.” And somewhere like eastern Montana where it is really dry and it’s shorter, and they have these bigger bountiful crops, and everybody was happy, and at the farmer’s union they were cracking beers because they’re having a good year. So from their perspective, because government subsidies are tied to the amount of wheat they use – and a lot of it, honestly, goes bad. They can’t even use it all. We ship it over to other countries for free sometimes. But we have a huge bounty of it and some of it stays in the grain silo and goes bad. But anyway, long story short, this guy was brilliant. He did something great that he thought was transforming the world, and I've heard you say that.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, grain really took on a different look. So it’s the grain of today that’s the problem. If you go to Europe, a lot of places – people that have severe gluten allergies go there, and they get exposed to wheat and other things, and they’re wondering why they can eat the pasta? Well, most of it over there, I can speak at least Italy, it’s made of an Einkorn wheat. It’s an ancient wheat that hasn't been altered. It has not been hybridized.
Warren: Is that amber wheat, Dr. Pompa? Is it called amber?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, amber as well. Einkorn and amber, those are the two that really are the ancient grains that all these hybrids have really come from. However, remember the hybrids have this gluten. So that’s what’s happened. I mean, that’s what’s happened with gluten, but keep one thing in mind, too. When they hybridized, not only did they create gluten but they created higher levels of Amylopectin-A, which is a super amylose, which is a super sugar that really raises up glucose more than table sugar. That’s why, again, Bill Davis made it popular to say, “Hey, two pieces of whole grain toast, or that bagel you’re eating in the morning, or that bowl of oatmeal.”
Warren: That whole grain bagel.
Dr. Pompa: It raises glucose – yeah, that whole grain bagel, right. It raises glucose as much or more than a 12 ounce soda. So again, the key is controlling glucose. We said it last week. You have to control glucose. You have to control insulin. If you want to age prematurely, go ahead and raise up those things, glucose and insulin, and you will age prematurely. You will develop disease, inflammation, etc.
Warren: I was going to say. We have a pretty educated audience, Dr. Pompa, but people watching this on YouTube, I just want to say that you said that eating a whole grain bagel or whole grain toast is bad for me? I mean, some people are going to be watching this and asking that question. Did you just say that?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I did. As a matter of fact, I said it for multiple reasons because that whole grain, number one, it’s probably hybridized grain which is now a super sugar, and also, proteins your body doesn't recognize to drive inflammation. Look. When we tell people to take sugar away, they always feel better. When we tell people to take all grains out of their diet, magic happens. They say, “Oh, my gosh. The grains take my pain away more so than taking sugar out of my diet.” Absolutely, oh, and by the way, it’s far more addictive. These super sugars, these hybridized grains, actually are far more addictive. It acts like opiates in the brain. It really creates the addiction more so than any sugar. So these things are addictive. They’re opiates. They affect the way you feel. They affect the way you think, and they absolutely make you fat, more so than sugar. So I hope I got the message across. Let me say this. Let’s back up. I mean, the American diet is massively loaded with grain. Look what our government’s promoting. They’re promoting a diet that – the thing that they’re saying you should eat the most of is whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Warren: There’s a reason for that.
Dr. Pompa: Well, that diet right there is going to fail because Americans take in 50% to 60% of their calories from grain. Well, is that acceptable? I mean, let’s hypothetically say we had all good grains. Is that acceptable? The answer is no. I mean, grains have been only in the food chain for about 500 generations. You have to understand. And there’s been little to no genetic change as far as our adaptation goes. As a matter of fact, we know this that when we look at celiac, the countries that have been exposed to grain the longest have the least amount of celiac. Countries that have spent the least of time in their generations being exposed to grain have the most celiac. So we know that adaptation occurs that we can start to have more of a change, but it takes a long time. So grain is not something that was really – it should’ve been a mainstay in the diet, and can we adapt? Yes. But hybridized grains? Oh man. It’s going to take hundreds of hundreds of thousands of more years before we would adapt. So in the meantime, we get more and more sick. But the problem is this. As soon as we start adapting to some of these hybridized grains or grains period, because we eat way too many of them – and by the way, I want to say this. When we start seeing grain consumption, even healthy grain, go above 20% of the caloric intake in humans, we start to see the presence of obesity and disease. When we see it go above 50%, now we see major inflammation. That’s where we are in the United States. So let’s talk about how we’re eating too many grains period. The big issue is we’re eating hybridized grains, and now perhaps it’s ready to launch into the next topic. Which is what? GMO, right?
David: Can I –
Dr. Pompa: So what happened in the 1990's, this started –
Warren: David has a question. Hold on Dan.
David: Yeah. I have question. It’s kind of interesting that you’re bringing this up because the common misnomer – I mean, I was at the gym, and I heard the trainer was telling people, “Make sure you go get your good carbs tonight. Go make a good bowl of pasta. Make sure you have your whole grains.” And I’m sitting and I actually said, “No. Don’t do it.” I actually did, and they looked at me, and I said – then I had a whole conversation, and I actually put him to your website. I said, “I appreciate you wanting to educate people. However, a lot of the things that you've learned and a lot things that I've learned are what’s causing the people to be here on this weight loss challenge that they've entered.
Dr. Pompa: David you bring up a good point because I was – I had a similar experience last week. I was in the gym, and I was – unlike you, David and Warren, you all just speak right up, which was a good fix. I usually just lay in the background, and just go, “Oh my god,” and don’t say anything. But this trainer was talking to the person she was training and basically saying the same thing – “You need more whole grains in your diet. Da, da, da.” I mean, that’s the mindset that most trainers that are still coming from and low-fat, by the way, and low-calories. I heard all of those things in one conversation. I was uncomfortable in my own skin. I was battling being a Warren, in this case a Dave or a Merily, my wife, and going up and – I didn't do it. But I failed, David. You can do it so articulate, and do a great job. I would've came at it with a little too much emotion.
David: All I’m doing is pointing them to go to your website, so it makes it really easy.
Dr. Pompa: Well, anyways. Now we have a new problem don’t we? We have the introduction of genetically modified grains. And by the way, this is perhaps one of the greatest threats on humankind. It really is a massive problem. So this is – or how does it differ. Let’s start there. Hybridization, we’re taking things, and we’re x-rays, using gamma rays, different things, to change the DNA that’s there. Then, therefore, create a different species and altered species. Getting them to change to be stronger, better, whatever we want to do. But with GMO, we’re taking one gene, a specific gene, that’s a plan to do something different, right, or in placing it into the plant. Let me give an example. What we did with BT-Corn, which is probably 90% of the corn that we ingest, our family diet, definitely all the animals. So we’re getting exposed to it through the – if you eat grain fed animals, which you shouldn't. Most of it’s GMO comes from BT-Corn. Well, what they did was they took a gene that really makes the plant be more pesticide and drought resistance, different things like that. So therefore, they put this gene in there so they could actually use more glyphosate, which is, ironically, Monsanto, the company that is leading the GMO movement, creates and they make glyphosate, which is the pesticide that they spray on. Well, if we could just get these plants to resist this nasty chemical, we could then kill more weeds, kill more bugs, or whatever we have to do, and use more pesticides, use more herbicides. In the case of glyphosate, it’s herbicide. So what we did is genetically alter the plant. Well, what this plant does to become more pest resistant is it produces now, because this gene was put in there, it produces its own pesticide. A chemical that makes it more resistant to insects, and also, it can, in fact, tolerate even more of this glyphosate. Well, the problem is that a study in cellular research in 2012, Volume 22, showed that these proteins, this DNA from this micro RNA that they put into the plant, we’re finding it in our gut bacteria. So what does that mean? That our gut bacteria is now taking on the characteristic of that gene, and it’s producing its own chemicals. So literally, we are becoming pesticide factories. So we know that these micro RNA are getting into our DNA and affecting our genes, changing gene expression. I mean, that’s the thing. We’re changing our DNA because of GMO. That’s just one problem with GMO.
Warren: This is not a conspiracy theory guys. This isn't some black underground health show where they might drag up some stuff to create controversy and –
David: By the way, this stuff’s banned in Europe. Let’s just put that out there.
Warren: Yeah. I mean, this is the real deal guys. This is really what’s happening and this is the truth. Dr. Pompa speaks truth. He’s doing the research. That’s what Cellular Healing TV is all about – giving you real truth, real results, so that you can make a difference, and spread the word, and spread the message. That’s why you need to share this on Facebook because these things are not being heard. Dr. Pompa spends – that’s what he does full-time is sit down with people that are sick and getting them well. Helping them heal so that they get well. He researches day in, day out. That’s his calling. And man, we are loaded for bear when it comes to these topics. We usually do it one on one. Now we’re going to broadcast it through the world through Cellular Healing TV. A little show like this can make a massive difference. As soon as we hit that thousand viewers, we’re going to make a difference. Again, if you want to ask questions for the next show, I have one for this show, click the “Ask Questions” green button down below if you’re watching this on Cellular Healing TV live right now. Dr. Pompa, let’s wrap up the show and maybe figure out what’s on your heart to deliver next week if God’s placed it there.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, it’s like we could go so much deeper into this topic and grains and –
Warren: Yeah. We could.
Dr. Pompa: We really could. There’s so much more here even about GMO and just what’s happening there. It’s causing infertility. It’s causing tumors, and really, the increase now in glycoside. The very chemical that they said if you buy our gene, or our seeds, and use our product, GMO – I apologize for my throat. That we’re going to use less pesticide. Well, the exact opposite is happening. We’re using so much more glyphosate. In countries like Argentina, we’re seeing massive amounts of tumors and cancers. If you go online and you look at these rats, they have mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage. GMO in tumors, if you just put that in, you’ll see pictures of these rats. And you know what Monsanto’s defense was? Well, the rats that they used, these rats develop tumors more easily. Well, in the study they actually used the rats that were used in 90% to 95% of all studies. They did that for the very reason of criticism, and yes, that’s what they’re saying, that these rats just form tumors. Well, look. We’re seeing the same thing in human population now. So you’re saying to yourself, “Well, all these people, Dr. Pompa, are eating GMO. Why aren’t we seeing more of this?” Well, look. It’s time. It’s time. In rats, we see a different lifespan. Rats only live for a few years. Scientists estimate that it’s going to take around 12 years of this type of exposure in humans to start to seeing what we’re seeing in rats and compare when we compare lifespans. So it’s coming folks. It’s scary. It’s coming and most countries, as David pointed out, are banning this stuff.
Warren: Burning fields.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Except here in the United States, Montana has a greater foothold, and we’re just not seeing it, and there’s a battle. The labeling, if all we did is just say label it, this product contains GMO, people would start waking up, right, and go, “No. Well, why are they saying that?” But, of course, Montana has fought it well and products don’t have to be labeled GMO. Five hundred percent organic, it’s still safe. That’s one way to assure that you’re not getting exposed from GMO.
Warren: So organic products, by law, still cannot be GMO, that’s what you’re saying.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. But a product could say organic and then it has only one organic ingredient, and then it has GMO and other ingredients in it. So I think the word 100% organic has to be there. Of course, even it’s just one product and one ingredient says organic, then you’re okay, but if there’s multiple ingredients and it doesn’t say 100% organic, then you’d just be, absolutely, keep being exposed. So if it has –
David: You’re falling into the natural track then.
Dr. Pompa: I mean, now even certain strands of rice. I mean, it’s – obviously, it could be GMO. As a matter of fact, most likely it is. If you have a processed food, there's a 90% chance you’re getting a GMO product in it.
Warren: Right. Well, one good thing. We do have some resources out there on our website,, We can learn more on this topic. We can move in, Dr. Pompa, next week and do a Frank and Dean Show. Just really focus on that if that’s on your heart. I think that’d be really great. And then also, the diet that you’ve created, The Cellular Healing Diet – go figure. Cellular Healing TV, but, you can also – you have a bunch of recipes, and the basics, and the advanced Cellular Healing Diet, which the advanced is – which is called the Cellular Healing Diet, is grain-free. So it’s a diet program if you want to decrease inflammation in your body. If you want to do something that really works and really makes a difference. It’s the magic bullet in your room. It is your diet. If you cannot regulate glucose, and PLA2, and inflammation, you can’t heal the cell. You can’t well. You’re raising glucose. Dr. Pompa said on the last two shows, when you’re raising glucose and insulin, you’re causing inflammation. When you ingest PLA2, you’re driving up inflammation. Man, if you’re eating GMO grains, who knows the damage you’re doing at the cell membrane. You definitely are altering your genetics, and your gut bacteria, and so many other things. Guys, we need to make a difference. We need to heal the cell and get well. Dr. Pompa, any final comments?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I have one comment. I’m going to leave it with Dr. Arden Andersen, who’s one of the most respected in every scientific community and man on the planet. He said if GMO – this is his quote. “If GMOs are not removed from our food, the numbers of dead adults and children would be a greater percentage than the Black Plague in Europe in 1348.”
David: Oof. Warren: Wow.
Dr. Pompa: That’s his feeling. So this is a big topic. Other countries besides the United States are banning it, except here in the United States. So we better wake up.
Warren: Okay. And we do have one live question. I wanted to ask it, and we’ll finish it off with this. “They say I cannot get grass fed beef in my area. Is it better not to eat meat at all, or is there any other alternative? What do you do if you can’t access grass fed meat?”
Dr. Pompa: Again, I wouldn’t eat it. I would eat the – I would get some – it’s easy to get eggs that are cage free. You can pretty much get those anywhere.
David: But you can buy meat online.
Warren: There is a source of grass fed beef that’s international, and it drop ships to your door, and that company is Beyond Organic, and we have a website where you can access that. It’s Beyond Organic Milk. They have A2 beta-casein. Also, dairy that we consume in our families and children consume. David, that’s the SueroGold that we were talking about, so you can access those resources too if you’re watching this and need that answer, (UPDATE: Now a part of Youngevity). You can order grass fed – it’s actually green fed because a lot of – you can label things grass fed viewers, and they can still finish it 25%, 30% grain, and still label it grass fed. So this stuff is 100% grass fed and grass finished. Guys, that’s your tip. Also, get rid of the whole grains. Let’s make a difference. Let’s do the real things that create real results. That’s the only way we can heal the cell and get well. Cellular Healing TV, share it with your friends. Take care. Thanks, David. Thanks, Dr. Pompa, for doing whatever it takes to get on these calls and share the truth.
Dr. Pompa: Alright, see ya, folks.