134: How To Safely Remove Amalgam Fillings

Transcript of Episode 134: How To Safely Remove Amalgam Fillings

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Meredith Dykstra and Special Guest, Dr. Derek Grieco

I’m your host, Meredith Dykstra, and as you can see, Cellular Healing TV is being recorded not at our usual spot. We’ve got, Dr. Pompa, our resident. He’s a cellular healing specialist out in Park City, Utah. But I have joined our resident biological dentist, Dr. Derek Grieco, here in his Murrysville office, and that’s where we’re going to be filming from today. And Dr. Grieco is joining the show today to talk all about safe dentistry. So we’re really excited about his topic. Before we jump in, let me tell you a little bit about Dr. Grieco.

So Dr. Derek Grieco has been in practice since 1993. He’s a ’92 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine. Upon graduation, he was very blessed to do a year residency program at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and he entered an existing private practice in Murrysville, Pennsylvania of which he has been fortunate enough to serve the community for the past 21 years. He specialized in general dentistry for many years, but in the last decade and a half, he’s been moving in a more holistic direction. Dr. Grieco believes that good health begins in the mouth, and treating illness begins with an assessment of the mouth. To that end, Dr. Grieco has spent countless hours studying and learning to turn the practice into a more biological holistic direction.

In the late 90s, a good friend who was a chiropractor encouraged Dr. Grieco to begin investigating biological dentistry and safe mercury removal. He turned to the IAOMT and Dr. Hal Huggins Alliance. Since that time, biological dentistry has become Dr. Grieco’s life passion. He has received extensive training by Dr. Huggins and Dr. Blanche Grube in the Huggins/Grube safe mercury removal protocol and related modalities. Dr. Grieco has a real passion for his patient’s health and well-being and loves to assist each in achieving their wellness goals through biological dentistry. He’s a member of the IAM—or IABDM and IAOMT in the Huggins Alliance. He’s a member of the Weston Price Foundation and The Academy of General Dentistry. He’s a member of the D.O.C.S For Sleep Dentistry.

Several months a—several days a month Dr. Grieco travels from his Pittsburgh office to the Centers for Healing East Coast Clinic of Blanche Grube in Scranton, Pennsylvania to perform dental revisions in that office and married for 20 years, 4 kids, very into health and fitness, and a community member. I mean, you’ve got so much, Dr. Derek. Such a well-rounded man and we’re just so blessed to have you on Cellular Healing TV. I know you and Dr. Pompa have quite a history.

Dr. Grieco:
Oh, we do have. I’m blessed.

Dr. Pompa:
I made the bio. I was the friend that told him to investigate it.

Dr. Grieco:
That’s right. That’s where it all started, unfortunately.

Dr. Pompa:
It is. It’s funny. Derek and—him and I will refer to each other—there’s Derek, and I’m—you probably call me Danny because that’s what everyone that’s from my older friends call me. But it’s funny because it really did start back then. And normally, I’m asking people so how did you get into this? Well, I know how he got into this. Because it really—it started with me getting sick. And I’ll let Derek add to it, but it took me several years to figure out what was going wrong. And it was after two fillings were removed, and Dr. Grieco, Derek, put in a gold filling. And I still had about six amalgams in my mouth.

And it was really after that, at the encouragement of an endocrinologist that said, “Man, I think you have mercury poisoning.” I was like, “Oh, yeah. I thought so too.” And I ended up doing another test, not a blood test, and finding out I did have high mercury. And my question to him was, “Where do you think I got it?” And he said, “Did you have any dental work done around the time?” And Derek, I remember. I said, “Gosh, I had this gold put in.” And I do remember feeling really bad after that, but I thought it was the anesthetic, if you remember correctly.

Dr. Grieco:
That’s right.

Dr. Pompa:
And I never really associated, even though it was really soon after that. It had been days, literally, that I didn’t start feeling well, but it just kept complicating and complicating to anxiety, digestive issues, allergic to the planet, insomnia. You name it. But that’s where it started, and it wasn’t—I remember the day I took a handful of things to Derek. Because I love him, man. I know he didn’t do it on purpose. Derek and I have known each other since elementary school, right? I mean, am I right on?

Dr. Grieco:
Right. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
And Derek was a super guy. I mean, everybody loved Derek, I mean, super athlete, super guy, amazing student. I’m going to embarrass him if I keep going. But I took him this stuff, and I was like, “Hey, man, you got to read this.” You know? It’s like this is what’s happened to me, and I told him my story. And of course, he was very polite, and he was like, “Oh, wow. Oh, okay. I’ll check it out.”

But it wasn’t until—I don’t know how long after that. It was a year or two. I don’t know when it was. But Derek called me, and said, “I want to take you and Merily to dinner.” And great, you know? And he called me and said—he apologized. He said, “I just didn’t know, but I started looking into that, and reading the stuff you gave me and going beyond that.” And he’s like, “I’m going to change my whole practice. I’m going to change what I do,” and he did.

So I could get tears in my eyes even thinking of that because he did. And he took us to dinner and apologized, and not that you had to apologize. You didn’t. It wasn’t like that. You were doing what dentists did, and you were doing exactly what the—your ADA told you. And I’m sure your stance was thinking it was safe, but you found out. I don’t recall what stimulated that, Derek. You could tell that part of the story. What made you all of a sudden say, okay, you know what; I’m going to look into this now?

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. I was—well, initially when—thank you, Dan, for saying that. I mean, you loved me enough, and I tell this story all the time that you loved me enough to come back. And I get tears about it too because of thinking that I was helping my patients all these years, and now it’s harming them. And what happened with you was tragic, and fortunately, through God and education and some practitioners that came into your pathway to help you, in turn you loved me enough to say, hey, you need to look into this.

Well, that—what happened to me was it was probably when I went to my first meeting in Florida after you had given me the information. I was paralyzed for a year. I didn’t want to touch anybody. Because I knew a little bit, but I didn’t know enough. So I had to spend another year learning and just transforming my practice, which is still happening today too, but I had to come in contact with the Huggins Institute. Dr. Hal Huggins, he’s passed on since then, but he is the father of biologic dentistry in this country.

Dr. Pompa:
Yes, he was. Yeah.

Dr. Grieco:
And his partner, Dr.—his right-hand person, Dr. Blanche Grube, who I am eternally indebted for for what she’s did for me, and how she trained me hands on in the protocol and being able to go to her practice the last couple of years, which I’m not doing so much anymore. But in the last few years, I’m just totally blessed in gratitude to her for what she did for me. And that’s sort of how I started getting involved in being more comfortable in pursuing the biologic approach to dentistry.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. And because you’re there—and thank you, Meredith, for going there. Because I really want today to be about how you do a safe removal. Just because a doctor is in the IAOMT or some—maybe another organization that does safe dentistry or sometimes called biological dentistry, that doesn’t mean that they’re doing it. This has happened to me as I had clients, and I said, “Oh, go here.” And then they told me what they did, and I’m going, oh, my gosh. So I really want this show to be about that. That’s why you’re there. But I think, for some of our viewers and listeners, it’s worth talking a little bit about the pitfalls, the untruth, if you will, or the truth about amalgam fillings, root canals, cavitations. Just spend a little time on each of these.

I had interviewed Dr. Gerry Curatola. He’s the dentist for Dr. Oz, and he’s been on his show. And on that show, he pointed out that amalgam fillings are in fact dangerous and mercury in them, etc., and that was a gutsy move because, obviously, a lot of criticism. But in that interview with him, I had said 75% of all disease starts in the mouth, and he said it’s more like 85%. So when we look at why, I mean, there’s many, many reasons why, but it does. So many conditions, so many people that are still sick have had amalgams. And I say had because they’ll say, “Well, I got them out 20 years ago, but I’m still sick.”

Please, listen right now. That mercury is turned to inorganic mercury. Vaporized from those fillings, turned inorganic mercury, and is locked in the brain. And often times what we find is a year later, after the fillings are out, all these different new symptoms start. Because the body goes through of letting go of certain things. It immobilizes the detox –inaudible- already shut down at the cellular level and downstream, and the symptoms start. So even you had them out, this conversation is very relevant for you because detox needs to occur correctly. That’s why my passion, Derek, has come out of this. You know that. I mean, so thank you. I should be thanking you.

Matter of fact, I guess I owe you a dinner. Because I would never be doing what I do today, changing and saving lives, educating people on this topic, if I didn’t get sick, right? I mean, honestly, I was already on my way to dealing with things. Just getting it out just sped that up. I’m sure.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
But so warning number one is just because you had them out, you have to start detox. I like to start at least a week after they come out. And warning number two is don’t just get these things taken out of your head. There is a preparatory phase that I’ve trained doctors in, and by the way, don’t just do any detox either. That’s what I’m doing. I’m training doctors on this process because most people do this wrong. This has been something I’ve been passionate about for years because I had to learn all these things the hard way.

But okay, so with that said, Derek, amalgam filling, I mean, we get it, but a lot of our viewers don’t. I mean, talk a little bit about the dangers of amalgam and what you learned.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. Well, thanks. And like Danny said, Dr. Pompa said, the preparatory phase is huge. So there’s a lot of true cellular detox doctors out there. Not to plug your guys, but your men and women that you’ve trained, they really have to plug in with somebody like that. Because my part of it is very small. The prep phase, the removal phase, you find a good dentist that can do it within the correct protocol and then the detox chelation phase after, being the body and the brain cleansing, is so important.

But anyway, finding a dentist, you can call the IAOMT and the IABDM and the Mercury Free Dentists, and you can find them all over the country. There’s some awesome dentists out there. When you come into the office, you just want to ask them for some certain things. How they were trained. How they would treat—how do they take out a mercury silver filling? What’s the correct way to do it?

Dr. Pompa:
Well, and I think that they’ll get that when we go through the process. Going through it, I think they’ll see that these are the major things, right? I mean, so but just talk a little bit about, okay, you thought at one point that amalgam filling was safe because your ADA taught you that. Now, I don’t want to get you in trouble with your Board here. So I know that there’s—you’re not recommending anybody take out amalgam fillings right now. But let’s talk about what amalgam filling is and what you learned.

Dr. Grieco:
Right. I’m sorry, Dan. I missed—I totally went the opposite direction with that. When you looked at a mercury filling, it’s made of silver, copper, tin, and mercury. So the major ingredient, over 50% is mercury. So when you look at that—and they—that’s why they call them silver fillings. Well, I have silver fillings. Well, if they called them mercury fillings, I don’t know how many people would be willing to put that in their mouth.


Dr. Grieco:
I really don’t know that. I don’t want that in my mouth. Being what we’re learning about mercury today, even in the environment. If you spill it, I mean, you’ll have the hazmat crew and the EPA after you.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
When I was in dental school, matter of fact, in the chemistry building, they closed down a whole block at the University of Pittsburgh because there was a mercury spill.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
And so we’re putting that in people’s mouths. Well, it off-gases. You can even go on the IAOMT website, and it shows you under an infrared spectrometric—an infrared camera where they have an extracted tooth, and they rub it, and you can see the off-gassing of the mercury vapor. Like you said before, that mercury vapor gets changed into inorganic mercury, and it goes into the brain and the nervous system. The hypothalamus and the pituitaries affect our thyroid and our adrenals, and you wonder why people are having trouble.

Dr. Pompa:
And by the way, Derek, that’s what threw me for a loop for a long time. Because I knew my adrenals were trash. I just couldn’t adapt to stress. I mean not even loud noises. It was too stressful. I couldn’t even go to movies. I couldn’t watch football games. I remember—back there in Pittsburgh, I remember watching a Steeler game. We had some friends over. I couldn’t handle the excitement.

I can’t even call it stress. Because I’m not like this diehard Steeler fan where it was like if they lost I was devastated. But I just couldn’t handle the excitement of the game. I literally had to walk away. I was embarrassed. I just made stuff up and moved aside. Loud noises, movies, I couldn’t do any of it. My adrenals were shot, and my thyroid was gone. I mean, my hair was thinning. I mean, all these crazy things were happening with my body temperature, and that was what tipped off the endocrinologist to say you have mercury poisoning.

But I would address my adrenals. I would address my thyroid. Just like so many people do. I would take all these things. I mean, some things would get better, but ultimately, I was worse. I mean, it would—if I would address my adrenals, my energy might be better, but I would have massive insomnia and more anxiety. It was crazy. This up and down game I was trying to figure out.

But you know, Derek, you said it. Studies show and you’ve read the same studies I have that that stuff bioaccumulates in the center of the brain, your pituitary hypothalamus that controls your thyroid and your adrenals. So I mean, it’s a—this is what people don’t get. It’s not my opinion. It’s not yours. When we look at all the bans on this stuff, countries banning this except right here in the United States, I mean, this is when we should become fearful.

So, Derek, just to point this out—because I say it but I think it matters more from you. When that stuff comes into your office—not that it comes into your office anymore, but it comes in a little jar that has a skull and crossbones on it. Keep out of the hands of children.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
And it’s handled as hazardous waste before it goes in your mouth. Am I right so far?

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
Now they have it packaged even—they have it packaged in a little plastic capsule. So you don’t actually—the big jar it comes in, you remove it from the jar, and it’s in these little plastic capsules. So there’s not a skull and crossbones on that. It’s made to look, oh, this is just a regular filling material. So for example, when you say that—in California, they actually handout little certificates to patients that they shouldn’t be using them on pregnant women and children.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
But it’s already being done in California, but it’s okay to put it in on everybody else.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. And before it goes in your mouth, it’s called hazardous waste.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
It’s graded as hazardous waste according to OSHA and the EPA. The moment it goes into your mouth it’s downgraded. It’s considered safe.

Dr. Grieco:
Right. Right.

Dr. Pompa:
With very little, maybe some precaution. The moment it comes out of your mouth, that you extract that, now that extracted material, when it hits the dental plate, you have to—that’s considered hazardous waste again, and you have to handle it as such. Am I right?

Dr. Grieco:
Exactly. We have a special canister that we collect it in. It’s an amalgam separator from our—mercury separator from our suction unit. We have to canister that up, and it’s marked in a red bag biohazardous waste, and we have a company come and pick it up.


Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, well, exactly. So I mean, my comment to that is, I mean, don’t insult my intelligence. Before it goes into my mouth it’s called hazardous waste. The moment it goes in it’s called safe, and the moment it comes out it’s hazardous waste again. Arguably, because your mouth is acid, it’s more dangerous when it’s in your mouth.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. And here’s the other thing. When we were in dental school—and I am very appreciative of my dental school education at the University of Pittsburgh. And we were taught that, once it’s mixed together with the silver, copper, tin and that mercury is amalgamated together and we pound it into a tooth, it’s inert. It doesn’t react. And that’s what the ADA guideline, that’s what they told us.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
And it was since then changed their stance on that a bit because of what’s been happening recently in various organizations that have been pushing back and showing their side of the research so but interesting.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. So I mean, I think that’s what we all need to say, and look, this stuff is poisonous in your head. However, make sure. Make sure that you learn the things we’re going to talk about today. Real fast, before we get into that, let’s just touch on root canals and cavitations. These are two other dangers that lurk in the mouth that cause unexplainable symptoms, diseases, etc. So talk a little bit about those two things.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. Good question. The issue with root canals and cavitations is more from a biotoxin standpoint.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
And if you looked at a tooth, now you—a lot of times I’ll draw a picture of a tooth, and I’ll show them the inside of a tooth. Show a patient the inside of a tooth. Your tooth has over three miles of little canals inside of it with the main nerve trunk, so the—think of a river. It would be the main nerve trunk in the tooth, the main nerve, the blood vessel and the nerve in the tooth. And them little streams that are coming into that tooth, that would be the little canals inside your tooth. There’s over three miles of that.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
Well, it’s in every tooth. So we have some awesome endodontists, people that are doing unbelievable root canals with ozone and lasers. And the problem is, once that’s cleansed, the bacteria recolonate in those little tubules. There’s no way to clean that tooth out completely 100% and have it stay patent and cleansed forever.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
Those bacteria give off toxins just like we do. When we eat food, we give off—we urinate and poop, and the bacteria do the same thing. That affects your immune system. It puts a taxation on your immune system.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I mean, arguably, those biotoxins, those anaerobic bacteria that are in there, they are more toxic than even mercury. I mean, they really are. There’s many who feel it is. I can tell you this from my experience is that I got mine out, and it—there was no pain. There was no signs of it being a bad infected root canal. However, when I got it out, things changed. It did.

My gut, I would say in particular, it was a big deal for my gut. It seemed like I could start eating more foods without reacting. So obviously, there was biotoxins affecting my microbiome somehow, someway, but it had an impact on me. And it could’ve—some of it could’ve been galvanism. I mean, there was some metals in there that were reacting to still the fillings that were in as well. But it really had an impact on me.

And I can tell you this. Many of my clients and doctor’s clients, their life changes when these hidden infections are taken out. And I had a woman. She had massive headaches. I mean, I’m telling you, like debilitating headaches every day. And she got some of these root canals and cavitations, which you’ll speak to in a second, out.  And I mean, all the pills she did and all the things she did right. It was the only thing that made a massive difference where she wasn’t getting them every day.

I’m talking immediately. I mean, where it was like the intensity went down. Then it was not getting them every day. I mean, just from the removal. And of course, then we started the detox, and things rapidly changed from that. But that’s the power of that. Now I know Warren was just in your office last week, right, last week, and you were checking him for a cavitation.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
Because, again, some of his things, I said, Warren, it could be a hidden infection. You need to get checked for cavitation. If you’ve had wisdom teeth or teeth removed, something could be left behind called a cavitation. Speak to that.

Dr. Grieco:
So there’s two issues with that. Just like you, when you had your root canal taken out, number one, it helped you because it removed the biotoxin that was affecting your microbiome and your immune system. Number two, it has to be done correctly. If it’s not done correctly, then you can be left—we’ll just call it a cavitation, whether it’s in an old extraction site like you had in the premolar tooth, or it’s in your wisdom teeth areas.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
So what happens is, the reason why it does happen, a lot of times we use Epinephrine. We use an anesthetic that has a vasoconstrictor in it. It makes the blood vessels constrict, and so we—there’s not a lot of bleeding. Actually, you want the opposite. You want a lot of bleeding after an extraction to help remove the toxins from inside the bone area, and also, be able to form a nice blood clot in there.

Secondly, once you remove a tooth, you want to clean out the periodontal ligament. The ligament is fibers that connect your—this is your root of your tooth into the jawbone—by various little fibers called the periodontal ligament, which acts as a shock absorber and also supplies nutrients to the tooth as well. That has to be cleaned out. So you have to take a little instrument. I take a little round instrument up in there, rotating, and you actually clean out that socket of the ligament. And those two things are very key in not having cavitations formed after surgery. So wisdom teeth are a lot of times big areas of cavitations.

Dr. Pompa:
Right. And these things are nasty. I’ve seen them ruin people’s health for years, and they just have no clue. Again, when I was sick, I had one wisdom tooth out years ago. And so reading this, I said, well, I’m going to get that checked. They looked at an X-ray, and you can tell me if there’s more modern ways to do this. But they looked at an X-ray, and they saw a slight lucency, a slight little dark area. So he just took a drill and just kind of drilled in, almost like you would do in drywall, right? That’s the only way you don’t hit the stud. It kind of goes e-r-r-r-r, and then boom, it falls in.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
He kind of did that. Then he said, “Yeah. There’s some hollowness in there.” And then he went and cleaned it out. Maybe things have changed a little bit today, but that’s the way I had it done.

Dr. Grieco:
That’s the procedure and according to Dr. Grube, who’s trained me extensively in capitations. Now, she uses the Cavitat machine, which is a specialized ultrasound. There’s not too many available left—or not too many left in the United States anymore.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
Now there’s another promising technology. It’s a 3D cone…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, the X-ray. Yeah.

Dr. Grieco:
So you can actually see them on those. So I utilize those a lot. I have a couple practitioners in the area that take them on our patients.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I’ve heard about that. I’ve heard it’s much more effective than a regular X-ray or just looking at lucency.

Dr. Grieco:
And sometimes you can see them on X-rays.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
You can see the outline of where the tooth used to be.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
We’re, most of the time, pretty confident that we get in there, and we go through that little cortical bone. We drop right down into a little cavitation area. Clean it out like we do an extraction site. Cleanse it. And I use ozonated water. It’s not the Huggins protocol with the ozonated water originally.

Dr. Pompa:
And I know some people who are doing some laser stuff too that works very well.

Dr. Grieco:
So once you’re getting anaerobic bacteria, you’re opening up to the oxygenated environment.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Grieco:
You could also look at the site, and you can have it assayed by a company that will do a DNA study on it and tell you exactly what’s in—what that cavitation is encompassing.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I encouraged Warren to get that done. I said I want to know, right? I want to look, and see what it is, and know what bacteria. Just because I’m—that’s the way I am. All right, so…

Well, I have a question. If someone does have a cavitation, is it pretty guaranteed that they are going to have some kind of infection, some kind of challenge? I mean, if you’ve had wisdom teeth removed, is that pretty likely that there would be an issue?

Dr. Grieco:
Pretty much.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, cavitation is an infection.

Dr. Grieco:


Dr. Grieco.
Yes, pretty much. And it’s just another piece of the puzzle. So when we look at the total oral mouth environment as in relation to the body, we look at silver mercury fillings. We look at even other metals that are in your mouth.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
Not only silver mercury—or mercury but the other metals that are involved in crowns and even gold fillings and the root canals and the cavitations, so all that ball of wax works together for the rest of your body.

Dr. Pompa:
And Meredith—maybe this is part of Meredith’s question, maybe not, but I’ll fire it away anyway is what are the chances? If you’ve had wisdom teeth removed, what are the chances of there being a cavitation?

Dr. Grieco:
That’s a great question, and I—even without the study of the Cavitat or the 3D cone beam technology, me personally and even with talking to Dr. Grube, it’s in the 95 and 97 percentile.


Dr. Grieco:
Rarely do I get in there and—I go in, and I’m like this is solid. There’s nothing here. It doesn’t happen very often. But I don’t want to give a false sense either that, when you do cavitations, sometimes they don’t heal 100%. And you have to go in the second or third time, so it’s—you’re trying to get optimum healing. But sometimes that doesn’t happen, and you have to go back and cleanse again.

Dr. Pompa:
I had a client. Recently they got the body scan, the heat—what’s it called?

Dr. Grieco:
Thermal heat, the thermogram?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. And it showed some hotspots in the jaw. And they showed it to me, and I said, “Did you have any wisdom teeth removed?” And she said, “Oh, yeah.” I said, “You better get that checked out.” And sure enough, where the hotspots were, there was cavitation, and again, once it was corrected, I mean, absolute transformation in their health. And in this case, it was autoimmune. It just shows what—keep the immune system reacting. So hidden infections, look for them in the mouth, and I think that’s the message here.

Dr. Grieco:
That’s another good point, Dan. The thermogram is another nice diagnostic tool to use…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Grieco:
For infection or hotspots, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay. So we talked about some pitfalls. I think we got people’s curiosity built up, but—and I’ll back you into this because you’re there, and I want you to show what a good removal looks like. But for at least a month, we put people on a preparatory phase to get their cell pathways working and their downstream detox pathways working. So there is a Prep Phase that our doctors around the country are trained on. And again, for someone who’s sick, there’s a little bit more to it than someone who’s just the average person. We sell on our website the Prep Phase, Meredith, but it’s more for the healthy person. No matter what, if you’re going to get work done, needs that Prep Phase. But of course, challenged people, we have doctors trained in that to make sure that—the detox on the other side, you need a coach and the Prep Phase.

So let’s talk about the day of removal now. We developed a product called BIND. I always tell people take three or four of those before your appointment, three or four of those after your appointment. Now, after that, I’m done. So now it’s in your hands, and I want you to show us some of things that you do right there and some of the equipment. I know you have the IQAir system that pulls the vapor out, but let’s throw Meredith in that chair, and just start drilling. Let’s see what happens.

Dr. Grieco:
Okay. All right, so first, it’s important. Okay? Well, first of all, you want to make sure you have a biocompatibility report. Some people get muscle tested. Some people…

Dr. Pompa:
And by the way, especially those people that are challenged, my gosh, that’s a great thing, anyways.

Dr. Grieco:
We want to know what materials we can put in your body that aren’t affecting your immune system. So it’s not like your tooth is going to itch or your gum is going to be…

Dr. Pompa:
And Derek, you give that right there. I mean, that’s what one of the good dentists do. They typically recommend that. You tell them here it is and go get your blood drawn, or you draw it for them.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. It sends us back a bible of—so to speak, of that patient’s—all their materials that they can use. Okay?

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
So let’s say Meredith is coming in. She’s going to be draped from head to toe. I should’ve—oh, we screwed it up—got this together.

I know. I we didn’t prep very well for this. Although, this conversation’s peaked my interest too because I’ve had wisdom teeth removed, of course, and now, Dr. Grieco, I might have you have to check out my cavitation.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, and I’ve sent Meredith some emails going what about hidden infection? What about cavitation? What about the effects of?

People don’t know about this. We don’t talk about this. We talk about amalgam removal a lot, but the root canals, the cavitation, that’s just an area that’s not really discussed a lot.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. Meredith’s right. It’s kind of like the second thing, right, and even—it’s true. I mean, with my people, we go after the obvious, and then the less obvious comes after they’re not responding. It’s like, oh, well, maybe it’s this, and they go back to their dentist. We can’t take it for granted. Usually when someone goes to a really good dentist, they take it all into consideration, right? And they’re looking at all these things, but okay. Anyways, what do you got there? What do you got there?

Dr. Grieco:
Anyway, so when she comes in, she’s going to be draped head to toe. She’s going to have a hair covering, glasses. I’m not showing it here. And then she’s going to…

Dr. Pompa:
Just put it on her. Just so I can laugh. Go ahead.

Aww, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
All right, all right, you don’t have to do it, but you just show it.

Dr. Grieco:
Here, I’ll show it.

All right.

Dr. Grieco:
Okay, so…

Dr. Pompa:
I just—oh, see—yeah. You did. He did it anyway. That’s hilarious. Yeah.

All right, so here we go.

Dr. Grieco:
Then she’s going…

Dr. Pompa:
Why you wearing that? So she doesn’t take the mercury vapor home.

Dr. Grieco:
Well, right. And then she’s going to be draped with a special drape, and then she’s going to have an oxygen source.


Dr. Grieco:
Then we have the IQ.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay. Derek, why the oxygen source? Explain why that is too. Why the air supply to the patient?

Dr. Grieco:
We don’t want her to breathe—even though, when we’re taking this out, she’s going—there’s going to be mercury vapor coming in the air. So this IQAir is critical to be right by her face, but we want her to breathe a separate oxygen source, 100% oxygen.

Dr. Pompa:
Right. Because the mercury vapor is what people breathe, and it’s going right into their brain, right?

Dr. Grieco:
Exactly. So we’re going to try to remove as much as a risk of exposure as we can, and that’s really key. She’s going to have a rubber barrier over her mouth, like so. There’s a rubber—non-latex rubber dam. So when we start treating her, anything that falls on the dam, it’ll be sucked up, and we also have suction going behind the dam too. And on the dam also, I use this product. This is a mercury scavenger. This isn’t in the Huggins protocol. It’s something that Dr. Grube sort of added to it, and it’s actually made in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. And it’s a heavy metal scavenger. So it’s a cream we actually rub all over the rubber dam.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, wow.

Dr. Grieco:
That’s another barrier that we use. Okay? We also have a big Envion generator running in the corner of the room to help grab any mercury vapor particles that are in the air.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Grieco:
Okay. So that’s basically the—what you should be looking for that the dentist does.

Dr. Pompa:
Now, of course, you have a mask on, carbon mask, too I’m sure.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. We’re all garbed up. We have the same thing, and I can even show you my special filter.

Dr. Pompa:
And by the way, considering dentistry has the—it used to be number one in depression, suicide. Now I think it’s number two. I don’t know what took it over. But number one in infertility, I mean, I could go down the list of neurodegenerative conditions, neuropsychiatric conditions, neuro conditions; all number one in dentistry. You better protect yourself if you’re a dentist watching, but yeah.

Dr. Grieco:
Now, this is very important. This is key. We have eyewear on. We’re all garbed up as well. So that’s basically—it’s not—like I said, Dan, before when we were talking…

Dr. Pompa:
Why is Meredith smiling over there? She has this like cheesy… Yeah. She has this little grin on her face. I don’t know what’s going on back there. Okay, all right.

Dr. Grieco:
But it’s not hard for dentists to do this. It really isn’t.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s true, right? It’s true.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. Not rocket science. No special person. The other aspect is, with the Huggins protocol—and this is controversial. Some dentists don’t do this. We start with the highest negatively charged area first, and if we’re not sedating the patient, we don’t want to cross the midline of that patient because it affects the body’s meridians if we’re crossing the midline. But if we’re not taking the highest negative out first, we can be infecting the degenerative and the regenerative pathways of the body. So with taking the highest negative fillings out first, we activate the regenerative pathways of the body. So people don’t feel as crappy afterwards.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I can tell you. I watched enough people go through this to see enough of them react when it’s not done to say it’s important. If I were a dentist, I’d be doing that for sure.

Dr. Grieco:
And like I said, there’s no scientific evidence. It’s just how doctor…

Dr. Pompa:
I know. Thousands of—and I know. And that’s why I’m not going to say a dentist is doing it wrong if he doesn’t do that because you’re right. We don’t have a study to prove it. But thousands upon thousands of Huggins people going through it and I’ve seen it too happen enough times that I go, hey, it’s worth doing just for..

Dr. Grieco:
Right. Because I’ve had patients—before I learned that aspect, I would treat a patient, and the next week they said, “Derek, I felt terrible after.” Then I’ve had—because I would always start in the upper right side. I’d do the right-hand side. Then I’d do the left-hand side. And I’d have patients come back in. “I felt great.” And I’ve had other patients come back in, and “I didn’t feel really—I felt terrible the next day.”

Dr. Pompa:
Right. Right.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
What about the removal process? I mean, obviously, water plays a very important role, the speed of the drill perhaps. I mean, we want to minimize vapor. How do you do that?

Dr. Grieco:
Very critical, that’s a good point. So when I look at removing, I use an electric handpiece. It runs a lot more steady. Electric handpieces, the torque is more constant, and I use real sharp carbide handpieces with—we use—actually squirt water along with the water that’s coming out of the handpiece when we do it. We’re actually going around—we try to go around the filling. Then we cut a little cross in it, and we try to pop them out. We don’t want to drill—we try not to drill it out 100%. We try to make a little indentation, and try to pop them or pry them loose.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
And try to minimize the vapor, and close it that way as well. That’s a good…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I know, exactly. That’s critical. Take it out in chunk as opposed to just drilling and drilling and drilling, creating more mercury.

Dr. Grieco:
And then when we get inside of the tooth, I switch to a low-speed handpiece that runs a lot slower, so we’re not burning or heating up the inside of the tooth.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah.

Dr. Grieco:
Because when we get in there, there’s a lot of times a tattoo. There’s the mercury—or the metals, including mercury, that are in that tooth actually leech into the tubules. Just like your skin has pores in it, the teeth have pores in it as well.

Dr. Pompa:
I’ve had people, when we talk about removing the source, right, and people can get away with detox for many months, actually. I would say if you’re using a real binder, you want to get this—remove the sources. But people get down to five, six months, and then they start getting some different symptoms. And they may just have a piece of amalgam left in there or an amalgam tattoo.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
And we realize that the body will almost stop wanting to let go because it knows that there’s a source in there. Now again, it takes some months to get there.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
So you could do safe detox for several months before. Because it does seem like it takes a while. But those amalgam tattoos, they can hold enough mercury to stop the body, right, from getting rid of stuff.

Dr. Grieco:
Absolutely, there’s—that’s another good point. We judicially cut those tattoos out. And sometimes there’s even—it’s even into the cortical bone once you have that tattoo. It’s actually a piece of amalgam that was caught underneath the gums, or it could be from the amalgam—the silver mercury filling next to the gum. The electrons from that actually get embedded or tattooed into the tooth as well, and we take—and we actually scalpel those out, and we actually clean the bone underneath if we need to.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
So those amalgam tattoos are important as well. We also take X-rays after—during removal because sometimes we miss a piece. And just by looking, oh, we think we got everything. And we don’t want to have to go back in later, and say six months, we take an X-ray, and say, oh, there’s still a piece of silver mercury missed in there. And you’re already in chelation. So we’ll take the time to take X-rays after to make sure we got everything removed.

Dr. Pompa:
Right. Yeah.

Dr. Grieco:
It’s a good point. Thanks for bringing that up.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. And okay, so did we miss anything? So the BIND would be beforehand. Let’s say you’re done. You take more BIND. Why? Because despite your best efforts, some of that stuff can get down into the gut, and we want to protect that gut. That’s for sure.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. I forgot one of the most important things. We also give IV Vitamin C during it.

Dr. Pompa:
I was going there next. So yeah, I was going there next.

Dr. Grieco:
I just—yeah. That’s one of the most important things to supporting your body during this process because of the negative electron donation from the Vitamin C. And it also—and you know more scientifically than I do. With the glutathione, it helps to support the glutathione levels. Correct?  Dan, is that…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. Right. Vitamin C actually helps the recirculation of glutathione, your natural body’s own defenses, right, but yeah. No. So you do the Vitamin C right there, or do you send out to do it?

Dr. Grieco:
I do the IV Vitamin C right here, and that’s thanks to Dr. Grube again.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
We can give you grams. Sometimes we’ll do it. We’ll give 50 grams depending on the health of the patient and whether they can handle it or not. We may bring them back a day later, and do a second dose.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. And that’s typically right after, correct, right after?

Dr. Grieco:
During. No. When they first come in…

Dr. Pompa:
Do it right when they come in.

Dr. Grieco:
We hook them up with the IV.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, that’s great. Yeah. I always had it after because I couldn’t get it done there. I had to go somewhere. Yeah.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
And by the way, likewise, if you don’t have—I’m speaking to people. The dentist doesn’t have that in their office. You can go somewhere that does, or what we say as, hey, is the second best option, a Vitamin C flush. Where literally they’re taking oral ascorbic acid until they get diarrhea just to get—force as much Vitamin C in the body as you can. I don’t think you can duplicate it perfectly what the IV does, but at least it’s a good option that we do.

Dr. Grieco:
Right. Yeah. It’s a good option. But if you have the ability to do the IV-C, it’s much better. And who wants to have diarrhea and go through that the rest of the day after they’ve had a stressful dental appointment?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Dr. Grieco:
But good point with the IV, the Vitamin C.

Dr. Pompa:
All right, that Cheshire cat behind you on your left has a question. I can always tell.

Dr. Grieco:

No. I’m good. I’m good. I’m just agreeing. I’m just rocking the hairnet here.

Dr. Pompa:
Yes. You can take that off of her now. We’re torturing her. Take it off, Meredith.

All right, all right.

Dr. Pompa:
Sitting back there grinning because she’s looking at herself with it on, right?

Right now I’m just laughing.

Dr. Pompa:
Somehow it suited you, Meredith.

All right.

Dr. Pompa:
It really suited you well. I’m just saying. I think we should wear that for more episodes, just in general.

It’d be good, if I can take this with?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I mean, that is the procedure. And like I said before, just to reiterate, the perfect case scenario would be to start detox, if you haven’t, at least a week after this appointment at some point. Just to get the ball rolling. If you’ve had your fillings out, my gosh, find one of our doctors that we’ve coached around the country to do this detox right because, again, most do not, and it’s critical. I mean, you could do the best detox in the world, but if you have these sources in your mouth, then, my gosh, it’s eventually going to just make you sick. I mean, we’ve got to get rid of the source. No doubt about it.

Dr. Grieco:
And vice versa, you really have to emphasize your part of it afterwards. Because getting it out of your mouth is one thing.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
It’s already infected—it’s already in your body. Most of it from your—the silver mercury fillings has been leeched out.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It’s in your brain. Yeah. That’s why we do a Prep Phase, which you do before, a Body Phase, which clears out the body, and you do a Brain Phase. And ultimately, people need multiple Brain Phases. It takes years not months to get the stuff out of the brain. And Derek, one of our goals is always to teach the person the process because it does take years not months. And it’s the thing—what took 30 years to accumulate here and think you’re going to get it out in three to six months, really? I mean, I—it does take a process, and that’s why people need to be educated in that process.

But look, I can tell you this. So many people are sick today with—and they don’t know why. Hormonally, I mean, weight loss resistance, thyroid, I can go down the list. There’s a cause. There’s a reason, and so many times it’s right here in one of the subjects that we talked about today. I mean, this is a very, very, very important topic. I mean, again, the only reason I even know about it is because of what it did to me.

So passionate on educating doctors about this and I hope this video finds its way to more and more doctors and, obviously, more people who are going why—I do all these great things. Why am I still not well? Look here, for sure. And there is a right way to get it out of here. There’s a right way to get it out of here. And again, my goal is to spread it through as many doctors doing it the right way as we can.

Dr. Grieco:
You’re doing a great thing.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Hey, well, just on the last note. I mean, how do people find a safe dentist? Listen. I have clients that fly to you. I mean, I do. I have had many clients that come to you. It’s not like you would—you have to be to you once a week or anything like that, I mean, maybe two or three appointments for most people, maybe some more. You know what I’m saying? But for some, even one.

But the point is is if they can’t make it to you, you’re more than welcome to give your information. Definitely do that. But what about if they can’t? Where do they find a safe dentist?

Dr. Grieco:
Well, like I said, the two main resources would be the IABDM or the IAOMT. There’s also a site called Mercury Free Dentists.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
I believe it’s on—I guess Dr. Mercola is doing a—with dentists just on…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Joe’s a friend of ours.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
He’s very passionate. He’s doing a thing right now this month on Charlie Brown.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
It sounds funny every time you say that because people think I’m being funny, but no. Charlie Brown, you can tell them who Charlie Brown is. Not the cartoon character.

Dr. Grieco:
Huge advocate for the banning of mercury in this country and he’s made tremendous strides in even getting it to be recognized and educating the public on it. So like I said, this month is a big push in the mercury-free dentistry realm. And so you can go on those two sites that I mentioned before. There’s Mercury Free Dentistry. There’s the DAM site, D-A-M-S. That’s another site that you could go on, and you could even call the Huggins/Grube Alliance now, I believe, if you google them. I don’t have their number offhand.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
Those couple sites, you can find a good dentist.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Grieco:
And you have the questions that you could ask. Go in with your questions and try to…

Dr. Pompa:
That’s what I was just going to suggest. Seeing it now, our viewers, if you’re listening, this is one show that you should watch. Get on the site and watch it. We have a lot of people just download the podcast, but this one I think is worth watching. Because seeing it, you go, oh, okay. That’s what that looks like. That’s what the dam—that’s the thing, the vapor and the oxygen. But yeah, I mean, ask those questions, folks. I mean, just because you go to one of those sites, a lot of dentists just get on those sites because it brings them business, and they may not be doing what they need to be doing.

Dr. Grieco:

Dr. Pompa:
So ask the right questions. Find a dentist. And for me, hey, it’s worth flying out to see you, if I were one of my clients or someone watching. Listen. We gave you a lot of good pointers, Prep Phase, the right removal, the right detox, all of these things, critical to look for. So Derek, thank you. I mean, I just—it’s amazing the journey we’ve taken, right, from the beginning of when I sat in the dental chair. I wonder if that was the chair. Is that the room? I wonder if that was it.

Dr. Grieco:
No. I threw that one away. I don’t want to have any memories of that.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s funny.

Dr. Grieco:
I thank you, Dan, and God bless you in whatever—all the things that you’re doing. One of the leaders in the country, if not the world, in what you’re doing. It’s amazing, and I’m just blessed to be—happy to be a part of it.

Dr. Pompa:
Now, listen. You spoke at my seminar, and the doctors just absolutely sucked you for the knowledge there, and really appreciate it. We’re on a mission, man, and you’re with us. So thank you.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. And I’m always available if anyone wants to talk with me. I call people back all the time, or talk to patient all the time and people that just want information. And I’m more than happy to help.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, my gosh, Derek, huge heart. Yeah, gosh, well…

Dr. Grieco:
Well, I don’t want to make this a plug or anything. I’m on—I think I’m on your site, your TCD site, Dan, or there’s a video of me on there or something of that nature. I don’t know if you want me to give my number out or my…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Fire away, man. Fire away.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. My website is—it’s just grieco—griecodentistry.com is my website.

Dr. Pompa:
Spell your name because there’s a zillion ways to spell Grieco, well, at least two.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. It’s G-R-I-E-C-0-dentistry.com. And you can get on my website. It’s in—there’s some things being reconstructed on it, but it’s functional. And also, my office number is 724-327-4130.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s awesome.

Dr. Grieco:
So more than happy to talk to anybody and help anybody that I can.

Dr. Pompa:
Nah, that’s your heart, man. There’s no doubt about it. Well, we couldn’t have given our viewers and listeners more information than that, Meredith. So thanks for going there, Meredith. That was awesome seeing it. And would you check her cavitation, please? Check her for…

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. We are. She already sent me her Panorex, and we’re going to check her out.

We’re going to check it out, and thank you so much, Dr. Grieco. Thank you, Dr. Pompa, as always. And we’ve talked a lot about these phases too. If you’re listening and you want a little bit more information on the phases, go to revelationhealth.com. That’s Dr. Pompa’s supplement website. And you can get the Prep Body and Brain Phases separately to undergo true cellular detox after you get that safe amalgam removal.

Dr. Pompa:
And I’ll say this again, though. If you have health challenges, please find one of our doctors. Those are very simplified. Please find one of our doctors who understand this. That’s why we’re doing what we’re doing. That’s why we’re coaching them. You have to get it done right on the beginning and on the end, so absolutely. And you can call. They can just—for that, just call our website number, and we try to assist everybody that calls in, so all right.

Dr. Grieco:
Yeah. I’m going through it myself, the TCD Program, with some doctors here locally. And they’re a topnotch professional. It’s just been amazing so far.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. And if we can hook you up with a practitioner when you call, we’ll speak to you, and we will. So that’s where our heart is. Okay. Thanks, guys. Appreciate it.

All right.

Dr. Grieco:
All right, thanks, Dan.

Thanks, everyone, for watching. Have a great weekend, and we’ll see you next time.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay. See you.