Transcript of Episode 136: How Mr. America Got His Life Back
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Meredith Dykstra and Special Guest, Dr. Chris Zaino
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Cellular Healing TV. This is Episode 136, and I’m your host Meredith Dykstra. We have our resident cellular healing specialist, Dr. Dan Pompa, on the line of course, and we have special guest today, Dr. Chris Zaino. Before we get started, let me tell you a little bit about Dr. Chris. Dr. Chris was inspired in high school by his father to begin what would be a successful bodybuilding career. Dr. Zaino began natural competitive bodybuilding as he was going through college for exercise in physiology and won many National titles, including Mr. America in 1999. Through all of these life experiences, he was being prepared for his ultimate work in life; helping people reach their God-given health potential. As an avid researcher and graduate of Parker College of Chiropractic, Dr. Zaino continues his education by staying abreast of the most up-to-date research on body functionality, eating plans, and exercising principles.
Dr. Zaino’s passion is to educate and support as many families as possible so they can reach their God-given health potential through natural chiropractic care. He has seen God take a dream, and make it a reality, as Abundant Life Chiropractic is now the largest chiropractic clinic in the world. Abundant Life and Dr. Zaino will continue to educate people on how the body functions and the importance of honoring God with the body through eating wisely and exercising, so welcome, Dr. Chris, to Cellular Healing TV.
Dr. Zaino:
Thank you.
Dr. Pompa:
We just happen to be sitting next to each other here in beautiful Park City. I had to come all of this way to get this man right here. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks for being on the show.
Dr. Zaino:
It’s my hideout.
Dr. Pompa:
This is his hideout he says. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
It is. You found me in the mountains.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I found him. That’s funny. It’s my hideout too. That’s how I knew, right? That’s how I knew.
It’s a good hideout.
Dr. Pompa:
We don’t bring slackers. Yeah. We don’t bring slackers on this show. Resume is no slacker resume, right? The #1 chiropractic clinic in the world. Changed more lives than most people. I mean, that’s safe to say, so there is definitely no slacker rule here. You know what’s not updated on that resume? We’re going to get this. It talked about in 1999 winning Mr. America, but he just one Mr. Natural Universe. How long ago?
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah, July 2nd.
Dr. Pompa:
Yes, July 2nd. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
This year.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. This year? I mean, that needs to be added on the man’s resume too. I’m not showing the guns here, but we had to take the wide-angle lens. Look at these. Look at these. You see it? It’s like my head. It’s like my head, right?
We had to get the special camera. I had to pull the wide-angle here. We got it in, though. We got it. Yeah. Panoramic, we’ll do what we take.
You should see the scene here. If I have time, I’ll show it to you. It’s some point here where we’re sitting, so if there’s a little delay, we just wanted to be outside. Chris, I love to start every show by people’s story. Your father, I just learned that just reading that, encouraged you into natural bodybuilding.
Dr. Zaino:
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, the guy’s a natural. I think we said that, which makes it even more amazing. That’s where you started, but something else brought you into chiropractic. Tell that story because that really what makes—in my mind, which made you great.
Dr. Zaino:
Yes. I entered the Mr. America in 1998, ‘99. I was continuing to compete and train, and then I just started just going to the bathroom 5, 10, 15 times a day.
Dr. Pompa:
Number two?
Dr. Zaino:
Dr. Pompa:
Number one, no, number two.
Dr. Zaino:
Number two.
Dr. Pompa:
We can say poop on this. We say poop all the time.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. Yeah. I’m really into poop, just like you are. Yeah. I noticed that went to bathroom. No big deal. I didn’t even tell Whitney, my wife, and it got worse, and it got worse, and it got worse. To the point I’m passing blood.
For most people, when they have a symptom, they go to Google. They do Google MD, and they find out. I see blood in stool. I’m like, that’s cancer. Shit. I was 26 at the time, and I remember having a moment going, you know what? My dad died of cancer at 68. My grandfather died in ’75, before I was even born. I said maybe cancer was in the cards for me, but did it happen now? I thought maybe it’d be in my 50’s.
It was this little underlying fear of cancer, and so when I start seeing that, I’m like, well, maybe this is it. That’s it. Still didn’t say anything. Maybe it’ll go away. It didn’t. It got to the point where—the day my wife found out I was at a T.J. Maxx. It was on a Sunday, and it got to the point where you couldn’t hold your bowels anymore, like if you weren’t around a bathroom. I was not eating. Just to coordinate my day, if I had a good stool…
Dr. Pompa:
How old were you at this time?
Dr. Zaino:
Right there, 26.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Twenty-six and Depends were in the reality here at this point.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I was too stubborn and prideful to go that route.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. No. I get it. Believe me. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
That was the day, the first time it happened. I was at T.J. Maxx, and the bathrooms were closed for construction. You just can’t hold your bowels anymore. I’m out in public, and it was probably the most embarrassing, first time. That was the first time of many. Because when that happens once, then you always lived in fear of it, so this physical disease just turned into an emotional disease of anxiety. Because everywhere you went, is this going to happen again?
Anyway, I called Whitney. She comes. Her little Escort, she puts towels over the front seat, and then we went to the doctor. They did a colonoscopy, and they diagnosed me with ulcerative colitis. The doctor goes, “Listen. You have an incurable disease. It’s called ulcerative colitis.”
Dr. Pompa:
Incurable disease, that’s what he said.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. Right off the bat, it’s incurable. It’s autoimmune. You’ll have it the rest of your life, and you’re going to probably need surgery within ten years if the drugs don’t help. He put me on a high-dose Prednisone. He put me on Xanax and Valium. Then I started getting addicted to that because I needed that to go to sleep from the Prednisone, and then they gave me a drug called Asacol that damaged my liver enzymes so bad that they also diagnosed me with a medically induced hepatitis.
I had medically induced hepatitis, ulcerative colitis, so then I was being treated for that. All this stuff’s going on. I continue to get worse and worse. Then I had a little bit hope because I went to Dallas, Texas, Baylor, and they had a huge medical team. They were top for digestive disease. Even my patients, I always hear, “Well, we went to the best. We went to the best.”
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. You were there. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. I went to the best, the billion dollar facility, and they put me on Remicade for the autoimmune component. They put me on Interferon for the medically induced hepatitis. They put me on an organ rejection medication. Because they felt, well, if it’s autoimmune, it could permanently shut down your immune system. This won’t happen, but then your chances of cancer goes up to 90%. They even said this probably won’t kill you, but cancer will.
I got where I was down to—I went from 230 to 158 pounds, and my only option now was surgery. They said, “Listen. We’re going to remove”—this is tough. They said, “Listen. We’re going to remove your colon.”
Dr. Pompa:
Wait. I have to put one humorous point in there. He dropped to my weight. It took sickness. Go ahead. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. It was fast. They said, “Listen. We’ll set you up for surgery.” When you’re in that system, you’re like, all right, I guess I’m in.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, fear.
Dr. Zaino:
They go it’s not a part of your colon. It’s your entire colon, so we’re going to have to—you’re going to have a colostomy bag. We have to take out the whole colon. You’ll have a colostomy bag. It’ll break. It’ll leak. You’ll probably have infections. The surgery has a high risk of infection and multiple surgeries, and then you’ll still be on $2,000 worth of medication per month. I’d be under medical debt for the rest of my life, and then the big thing was sterility. They said with these medications, you’ll probably be sterile, if you’re not already, and we’re just letting you know everything.
At least, it truly gave you an informed consent. Listen. This is the deal. A week and a half, and so I went to see my mom. I have a mom who lives in Sarasota, Florida. She already buried two sons at this point, so this is son number three. She’s going through this. She sends out the prayer emails. When she sent out the prayer emails, everybody responds with the, oh, we pray that the surgeons hands are blessed, this and that.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, right.
Dr. Zaino:
One person, which was my tenth grade anatomy teacher, he says, “Listen. I want to speak to your son when he gets in there.” I fly home, and then there’s my anatomy teacher. I hadn’t seen him in 12 years or more. I’m like, “What are you doing here?” He’s like, “Well, listen. I want you to go see my doctor. He’s a chiropractor. We’ll find the cause of the problem, and this will be great.”
Almost nonchalantly to the point where—there was a blind spot in my life, and I was naïve to that. It almost was insulting. I’m like, “Listen. I appreciate you being here.” I go, “But I’ve been to the best, top in the country. I’ve done all the tests. You name it. We spent the money or we have the bills.”
Dr. Pompa:
I don’t have a sore neck.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. Then so you’re telling me—because when I played high school baseball, the chiropractor was—he was almost like an athletic trainer. He’d tape my ankles or stretch my hamstrings out. I’m thinking how the heck is this connected to autoimmune disease? Didn’t have no clue. He’s a coach, so he knows how to motivate you and persuade you. He’s like, “Listen.” He goes, “If it was possible for you to avoid the surgery, or get off some of the drugs, or get even 10% better, are you open to it?” I’m like, “Yeah.”
Dr. Pompa:
That was a good way to do it. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. I go, “But I tried everything.” Then this is the best line. He says, “Listen. You didn’t try anything. Because if you tried anything—you tried everything, you’d have your result,” so I’m like…
Dr. Pompa:
Good, man. This guy is good.
Dr. Zaino:
No. He’s a coach.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He knew. Yeah. Uh-huh.
Dr. Zaino:
I went to see this guy Roger Romano. That was his chiropractor.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, by the way, I have a story about how I know Roger Romano that brings this whole thing together, but go ahead.
Dr. Zaino:
I went there. That was the first time that someone told me exactly what chiropractic was. It wasn’t what many people see when they drive by a store or what they see in the Yellow Book. He truly gave me the principle as it was originally started by B.J. Palmer. He started it. He explained to me the nervous system, and how the brain controls everything. He spoke in absolutes. I couldn’t call him on anything. It was like law, law, law, law. I’m like yep, yep, yep.
I was eating good. I was exercising, so there was this—what was this missing piece? It was the nervous system. He took pictures of my spine. I had a huge misalignment or subluxation, as we call it, huge damage, 20 degree curvature in my lower spine. Those nerve roots come out, and they enter the digestive system. For someone, you could have 10 degree misalignment or subluxation, and you have no pain. I didn’t have any pain.
Dr. Pompa:
Right. Right. You didn’t have any pain.
Dr. Zaino:
Some people, they can’t get out of bed. The symptoms are just fire alarms going off, so my first symptom was bleeding and going to the bathroom. I had this disease process growing and growing in my body because those organs are not healing and functioning as God created to, and he diagnosed it. The diagnosis or the name that medicine put on that was ulcerative colitis, and you’ll find out it’s just dysfunction. It’s just the body out of health, out of true health and function. He showed me the X-rays, and then I’m like, “Listen.” This is the reason why I chose chiropractic. I go, “So okay, I do all this. When am I going to get better because I want to know?”
Because all I’ve been told was when we do this drug, you’ll get better. When we you do this drug, you’ll get better, and I’ve just been strung all along. Once we take your colon out, you’ll be better, and his words, again—the way people communicate, he says, “Listen.” He’s like, “As long as you have this subluxation or interference between that brain and those organs, your body has no chance of healing.” He goes, “When you work and you remove that interference and allow that life to flow to those organs, then the body now is finally in the right environment to heal.” He goes, “But the day and the time it happens, that’s between you, and your body, and God.” He didn’t say it’s going to happen this year. He’s like, “But I’ll tell you. You’ll get there if you don’t quit.” I’m like, “Fair enough,” because that was the most honest answer.
Dr. Pompa:
I believe you. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
We started. Three months after starting the chiropractic process and getting chiropractic, I was off half the medications. Near five months, I was off all the medications. Then seven months, the blood stopped, and I was probably up 15 pounds. I was a week and a half away from choosing. No one forced me to do the surgery, but I chose, yep, that’s the route I’m going to do. I was a week and a half away of doing something that I would’ve totally—I don’t know where my life would’ve been. All I know is, basically, from that point forward to today, everything I have and experienced would not be here.
I chose chiropractic as my profession, so that was my journey. I could take care of my wife. I have two beautiful boys that I never would’ve had. We paid those stupid medical bills off that really didn’t help. I went through a journey to—a lot of times people say that your biggest values come from your biggest voids, and when you lose your health, you know as well—when you lose your health…
Dr. Pompa:
I lost it myself. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
When you lose that void in your life, it turns into your biggest value, and the fact that you or I could do something in our life to then be able to bring that value to other people with conviction and leadership, then we just changed—it becomes our purpose.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Zaino:
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Listen. We both sit here. Our life, the fact that we helped so many people and will continue to help so many people is because of our adversity. We have so many people watching this. They need to hear the message. I tell them all the time. People watching this show are typically seeking an answer for themselves, right? I always say look for your purpose in your pain. Your purpose came out of your pain. My purpose came out of my pain.
I said that I knew Roger Romano as well. There’s an amazing side to that story. You know this story, and some of our viewers, obviously, know this story. We adopted two kids that lost their mother and their father tragically. They lived on Anna Maria Island, which was—Roger practiced in Sarasota, down the road, so to speak, right? They had some health issues.
Dylan, who is my son now, had—he was actually damaged after vaccinations, right, ended up on the autism spectrum. We encouraged them to go to Roger Romano. We found a chiropractor, right, that was principled, and Roger Romano was the one that they recommended. They went to Roger. We got to know Roger from going them—from them going there, so Roger became a friend. Roger transformed their philosophy, right, I mean, as far as how they looked at health. Roger became a major connection with us.
After Lisa and Les, that’s the parents of my children today that we adopted, died, Roger was one of the first that reached out because it was in the paper, the tragic death. Roger means something very special to me too as well as you.
Dr. Zaino:
Absolutely. When you listen to my story, it was—what’s even more important is that it wasn’t Roger that changed my life. Initially, it was a patient. That means that he was the doctor that properly educated his patients enough, so they had enough competence. When you see someone hurting and you don’t want to bother—but he was educated enough and had an experience himself enough to be able to go and feel the confidence to talk to somebody, and so he’d get out of his chair. He didn’t write an email, and that was the only person in my life that told me this.
Dr. Pompa:
Wow. That’s incredible.
Dr. Zaino:
Ninety-nine percent of the emails that my mom—they all, I hope the drugs go well. I hope this gets—but no one told me about this. That was the one person. I’m just telling you. It’s like that P.J. Palmer quote. “Never underestimate something you say, think, or do because it affect the lives of millions of people.” I always tell people hundreds of thousands of years added to hundreds of thousands of lives because of his patient and Roger starting that.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s crazy. Roger was functioning from purpose, right?
Dr. Zaino:
Dr. Pompa:
A philosophy, the philosophy that healed you and healed me. Remove the interference. The body does the healing, right?
Dr. Zaino:
It’s a law.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s not about taking the next thing. I mean, that’s what gave me my life back. I mean, true cellular detox, removing chemical interference, gave me my life back. Removing physical interference gave you your life back.
Dr. Zaino:
Chemical as well.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. Physical as well, I mean, I was getting adjusted. It’s the combination, right?
Dr. Zaino:
It was a combination of everything. I know people you just can’t get adjusted, and then you put chemicals in the body. It just doesn’t work. It doesn’t work.
Dr. Pompa:
No. It doesn’t work, right.
Dr. Zaino:
Vice versa, you can’t just put chemicals in the body or just eat right and exercise.
Dr. Pompa:
If you’re subluxated like that, I mean—and we say that word so…
Dr. Zaino:
It’s an equation. It’s simple math.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. It is. I mean, these bones can go out of align. They put pressure on nerves. This runs everything. How in the world? These organs are healing day in, day out. They have to. They’re healing. They have to regenerate.
If they’re not regenerating, they’re what? They’re degenerating. When we interfere with that, either chemically or physically, for disease. To finish my point there, Roger was functioning out of purpose. He educated that patient to the point where that patient understood the philosophy, right? Therefore, because he was functioning out of purpose, look at the lives that have changed. Look at your clients. Look at my kids. That just gained a purpose out of purpose when you’re functioning from purpose, and we have a lot of doctors that are watching this show. It’s like that’s how you change lives.
Dr. Zaino:
The good thing about purpose is purpose—passion drives you, but purpose pulls you. The great thing about purpose is it pulls you during the times that there are adversity and there are tough times. That’s the thing that keeps pulling you, but if you just try to do it on pure passion, you’re going to burnout. You know what the shame of it is? That there’s a lot of people that do health, and nutrition, and chiropractic, or anything alternative—I hate the word alternative. I like to say a primary. They do have other different motives, and the people are so—it’s society today, and people can be so, or sinister, or they don’t believe. It’s hurtful because we’re just literally trying to help people as much as we can, and due to their experiences from whatever, it actually interferes with them getting the truth.
Dr. Pompa:
Moving forward.
Dr. Zaino:
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I see it here all the time. People have done everything and did the wrong thing. It’s like you have to—and I believe people sense when someone’s functioning out of purpose versus prosperity, right? Prosperity may occur. There’s many people who are very prosperous because—but I’m telling you. It comes from a great purpose to change the world, make a difference.
When you have it the other way around, if you’re trying to function from prosperity and then create the philosophy from there, it just doesn’t work. It doesn’t work. We both sit here with great purpose. We both have changed a lot of lives, but it came out of our pain. My mantra and my wife’s mantra is from pain to purpose. I mean, that’s where actually that came from.
I do want to shift gears in a little bit to watch this show that just—for performance based reasons too. I want to get to exercise, but I don’t want to leave the chiropractor thing quite yet. Do you believe that chiropractic plays a role in every condition? I’m not going to say chiropractic will heal every condition, the body heals, but plays a role in allowing the body to heal in any condition. Because there’s people watching this with multiple conditions wondering could this help me?
Dr. Zaino:
Oh, I mean, absolutely. It is what controls the malfunction. Your brain controls every cell of your body, trillions of cells. I’m going to put it in a certain way, so maybe it could open up your eyes. When I talk and I educate people, no matter what their religious background, I get everybody on the same page such as this. Everybody could agree that you went from two cells to trillions of cells in nine months. That wasn’t random.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Zaino:
You call it what you want, innate intelligence, intelligence, God, whatever.
Dr. Pompa:
There’s intelligence.
Dr. Zaino:
There’s something there. It’s not random, and so I go so when you were born, when a baby’s born, they always call it the miracle love life. I said, okay, so when you were born, where did that intelligence, where did that actual master mechanic that created every organ, every cell, every tissue, the ones that are diseased in your body right now—that information, that wisdom, when you were born, where did it go? People get stumped because they were never asked that question and may finally realize on their own that it’s still with them. You mean to tell me that the exact creator, the exact wisdom that made every single part of your body, that’s still working in you. That’s still in you. When you cut your finger, you don’t make that happen.
When you’re pregnant, you don’t make that happen. What is then the ultimate thing you need to rely on for healing then? Where do you need to look? Outside to a medical doctor, or to me, or to someone who write a book for ten years, or do you want to trust the wisdom that created everything from scratch? Now everybody’s like, yeah, created it. Is it still in you? Yes. Where does it reside? They’re like, your brain.
That’s the major shift that a lot of people—what I’m trying to say, a lot of people forget the power that they’re carrying in them their entire lives. Almost, I feel a purpose to reconnect people with their creator. People, listen. It’s there.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s there.
Dr. Zaino:
It’s so close to you right now. The answer’s right there, but there’s too many blind spots. There’s errors in philosophy. Errors in your philosophy, you start making errors in your habits, and then all of a sudden, then that creates disaster. A disaster is not a one-time thing. It’s a result of daily errors, daily habit errors on a daily basis, so when we could find the blind spots, switch the errors of philosophy for positive disciplines or habits, the equation changes. You change your entire life, and that could work physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. You said something so powerful though. Because you said that our beliefs—someone watching this right now, it could be your belief, your premise, about something in health that’s keeping you from getting well, right? I mean, I had those blockades. I mean, I had them. Yours was what’s a chiropractor going to do for me? You didn’t understand. That was a belief that you gained from your father, mother, sister, brother, teacher. Who knows, right?
We have certain beliefs that keep us from where God wants to take us, so those watching, I mean, look at your beliefs. Look at your premises because, ultimately, it guides your values. It guides where you’ll go next. Look, I think you brought up something so powerful. Again, we both sit here. I think about this, three things. The brain is what runs the body day in, day out.
I had mercury in my brain. I got rid of it, and that’s what we call our Brain Phase. Ultimately, true cellular detox, we are getting to here. We do a Prep Phase. We do a Body Phase, and then this is—what do I always say, Meredith? This is where the magic happens, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Brain Phase, I did it for four years. I got stuff out of my brain that accumulated from the time I was in my mother’s womb, and that’s what we teach people. That’s what our doctors do, right? It’s like you opened up nerve channels, and opened up this to this. I did it chemically. You did it physically.
We had Bruce Lipton on the show not that long ago, and he talked about our thoughts, and how our thoughts can drive cellular dysfunction. We have our thoughts. We have physical interference, and we have chemical interference. All with the very system—what you said. That something that created us has the power to heal us. No doubt about it. It’s like when I got rid of the interference, my body just healed. It did, and that’s what happened to you.
Dr. Zaino:
If you understand that, why wouldn’t you do something on a daily basis to ensure that? It’s not something that you react to. I was vaccinated. My mom fed me soy formula for six years.
Dr. Pompa:
Belief, belief system, belief, that was a belief, right?
Dr. Zaino:
You name it. You name it. It’s like when you know that, wow. Okay. This nervous system is the most important system in my body. I need to keep it interference free. Then if you now know that, then you can’t say I should. I could. I don’t or I won’t because nothing’s going to change.
Then you say okay. Now I know something. I have a new awareness. That changes the philosophy of what you believe what health is. Then, okay, so what are these actions steps I need to do? Because it’s not something that you do, okay, I’m going to get adjusted once. I’m going to detox—it becomes an everyday…
Dr. Pompa:
That’s exactly right.
Dr. Zaino:
For instance, if something’s very important in my life, such as your health, is it something you react to or do you be proactive? It’s something that you don’t do once a week. It’s done daily. Now, I could tell you Dr. Dan or even—we are friends, Dr. Charlie Majors and stuff. We beat cancer and stuff like that by doing the same things we teach.
Dr. Pompa:
Mm-hmm. We talk about, right.
Dr. Zaino:
When I ask him what do you do? He is doing the same exact protocol. Yes. The cancer’s there. It doesn’t matter what the report said. Different habits made that change and that shift, and he’s never going back. When you understand that, you change. I’m not going to ever start vaccinating my kids. I’m not going to start not getting adjusted. I’m not going to…
Dr. Pompa:
I was going to ask you, so when are you going to stop getting adjusted? Never. No. It’s to free up your nerves. When are we going to understand that?
Dr. Zaino:
It’s all about this nervous system is what God gave us for, literally, to connect man to physical and man to spiritual. I’ll do whatever it takes, and I’m learning. I’m learning from Dr. Dan. What are the other areas that I don’t know about that I can now apply? Because, like you said, the main goal—whether it be an adjustment, whether it be cellular detox, the main goal is how do we free as much interference from this nervous system from the damage that’s already been in our bodies for 30, 40 years, or all this stuff that we can’t control—I mean, there’s environmental stuff now. It’s got to be an everyday thing in some way. Whether you’re getting adjusted, whether you’re cellular detoxing, whatever that is, it’s a daily ritual.
Dr. Pompa:
I just had a client this morning that has a neurodegenerative condition. How long would you say that takes for someone to develop that?
Dr. Zaino:
Years. Years.
Dr. Pompa:
Matter of fact, when we went back in her history, it was the accumulation of physical stressors, right? No doubt about it, in chemical stressors in her brain, and I saw the history. I saw what happened with her…
Dr. Zaino:
It’s subtle.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. It’s subtle. To think that it’s going to go away in a month, right, is absurd, right? She had been to so many practitioners. They put her on this vitamin, that homeopathic, this, that, and this thing, and I remember when I took her on. She almost was asking me the question what are you going to do different? I said, first off, why, and everything you’ve told me you’ve done and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on, none of that got to the reason why.
Meredith, this is some of our conversation of lately. She had teeth pulled, cavitations that formed, infection, root canals, amalgams. Not one doctor ever addressed where at least 70% of the disease starts. She went to a biological dentist, started looking in these areas. Massive amounts of infection going right into her brain. Lowered her immune system, virus, you name it. I mean, remarkable how many times I hear these stories, and how many times I hear the stories, once they get the cause removed, as you did, as I did, and as she did, all of a sudden, now the body starts rapidly healing. I criticize alternative medicine, if we’re going to call it that for the show, because they too are getting sucked in to a premise, a belief, a philosophy of giving something instead of getting upstream to the cause.
Dr. Zaino:
I call it natural allopathy.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, absolutely.
Dr. Zaino:
They’re still treating the symptom. That was a great point about the dentist. When had told me and you had told me about—well, first I heard about the silver fillings from you. I was like, you know what? I got to check this out. I went to Dr. [Glaros], and he took them all out. Then I didn’t get the root canals. I heard about the root canals, and I got all my four—just last year or the year before, all four root canals taken out. Then I had a bridge, a metal bridge that was connecting across, and I made them—you know what? What can I do? I want to make sure every way, shape, or form that I’m removing as much interference, and I always remember the bucket, your bucket analogy.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That was years ago.
Dr. Zaino:
It is a perfect analogy. Because it’s like the toxins and the chemical interference, I want to do my part to do things that I can remove. Then I know you’ll always have some in the bucket, but you just don’t want it to overflow. That’s it.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. When you look at accumulated stressors, physical, chemical, emotional, thoughts, that bucket fills. One day it’s going over. Believe me. When the symptoms start, it’s already filled. It’s like that glass. You shake it a little bit, those stressors, but one day it’s gone. People are just unwilling to do what it takes on a daily basis. Forever that glass empty.
People say to me—I asked you the question. When are you going to stop getting adjusted? Never. When am I going to stop getting adjusted? Never. When am I stopped with getting my kids adjusted? Never. When am I going to stop detox?
People always say do you still detox? I say, wait a minute. I live in the same toxic planet you do. It’s like my body has an ability to get rid of toxins, but we are challenged today. I will never stop detoxing. Now, I don’t do it to the frequency I did when I was getting my life back. However, detoxing at the cellular level, getting my spine checked for subluxation, eating well, not putting toxins in, this is what we do. This is what we do, and we’ve earned health at this point.
Dr. Zaino:
You say, well, why don’t everybody do this? Once they understand it—the reason why people don’t do it because, number one, it’s—first of all, it’s easy to do. There’s nothing that any protocol or anything—it’s easy to do, but the reason why people don’t do it, because it’s easy not to do, especially when they…
Dr. Pompa:
Money, time, belief.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. When it comes to money, the thing is, in every decision we make, we’re paying a price. We’re going to pay a price whether it be your health, or we pay the price for not having good health.
Dr. Pompa:
Pay now. Pay later.
Dr. Zaino:
There’s always a price to pay, but when you have a clear-cut vision—what is my clear vision? I want the least amount of interference in my body, doing its job. If that’s my clear-cut vision, then it makes the price a lot easier to pay. Because then I know—the price to pay is nothing. I love the quote. “A little bit of discipline today weighs and may cost ounces, but regret weighs and costs tons.”
What I want so many people to realize is that disease is subtle. For an example, all of us online, if we smoked a cigarette right now, we’ll wake up tomorrow. We’re going to be alive. We say, hey, I got away with it.
Dr. Pompa:
I’m alive.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. I’ll do it again. The thing is, no, you didn’t. You’re causing disease. You’re causing disease. Imagine if we smoked a cigarette and immediately we coughed up blood. We wouldn’t do it.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Zaino:
I go eat at McDonald’s, a Big Mac right now. Okay. I’m alive. That’s what happens. It’s so subtle, but disease is setting in. Underneath the water it’s building, building, building to the tip of the iceberg. Then all of a sudden, boom. When the crisis and catastrophe hits, they all of a sudden think what happened now? Nothing happened now. It was really like you’re having a disease from your entire life for the last 10, 20, 30 years of errors in thinking.
Dr. Pompa:
See, the philosophy out there is it’s just you’re unlucky. It just happened. The doctors make you think that. The media makes you think that. Everything makes us think that it’s just unlucky happened, or it was your genetics. No. It happened because there was causes from the time that we were in utero all the way through, maybe even the generation before.
The point is is we live our life with that thing of there’s a cause. There’s a reason. In everything we do, that’s our philosophy that drives our purpose, that drives how we live our life. Most of the world says, oops, it just happened. Oops, so let me just take that drug, and immediately get rid of it. Not understanding that that belief system is causing it to be the sickest country in the world. That belief system that you just randomly get sick and you can, and take the symptom away, and go about your business like it didn’t matter. That’s crap.
Dr. Zaino:
It’s because they don’t—like I said a couple minutes ago, because they forgot that the actual most powerful source and answer to everything they want in their lives…
Dr. Pompa:
It’s in here.
Dr. Zaino:
Was inside of them the whole time.
Dr. Pompa:
Whole time.
Dr. Zaino:
They were taught, as soon as they’re out of the womb, the kids needs a—they need help. You need help. Pregnancy today is now a medical procedure. We got to monitor it. I tell people, I’m like, if pregnancy was that dangerous, we wouldn’t be around as a race any more. It’s the most primitive form of reproduction to keep a race.
Dr. Pompa:
Did you have your kids at home?
Dr. Zaino:
Yes. Yes. Yes. I delivered Tytus.
Dr. Pompa:
All three of our biological children, delivered at home. My wife was outside an hour afterwards. My neighbor was like, “When did you have the baby?” She just had it an hour ago. It’s like, yeah, natural normal.
Dr. Zaino:
I know this conversation, if you’re watching this the first time, you’re probably thinking these guys are nuts. Really, when you think about it, it’s like we wouldn’t—our population increased because pregnancy and having babies is probably the easiest thing the body could do. When you’re taught it’s a medical procedure, then they do sonograms, ultrasounds, all these things. We need to vaccinate the mom. As soon as the baby’s out, we got to put silver in the eyes. Give them a Vitamin K shot. Give vaccinations. You’re setting up from pregnancy a very dangerous thing right now. Then this baby’s going to come out weak, and it’s up to us, man, or the medical system, that we’re going to—we’re the reason why…
Dr. Pompa:
Make it stronger.
Dr. Zaino:
We’re the reason why you survived.
Dr. Pompa:
We’re the reason why. I call that a major premise. A premise is a belief, right? We’ll call it a major belief. See, we live our life from—our major premise is saying He’s got it. We can’t better upon what He has done. Our major premise dictates everything that we do, right? Our thing is wait a minute. Vaccinations make my baby stronger. It’s like that doesn’t make sense with my major belief, my major premise, right? Everyone else’s major premise is what you said is that man really has it.
Dr. Zaino:
It gets scary. A lot of people get scared.
Dr. Pompa:
Where is that getting us? It’s getting us to the sickest country in the world.
Dr. Zaino:
Worse than ever.
Dr. Pompa:
Planet in the universe, whatever it is. It really is. We talked about belief and premise. I think that when you evaluate your major premise of where life comes from; your major premise, what really does the healing; your major premise, what is man’s goal in healthcare? Remove interference. We can’t do better than that intelligence that’s in you, man. We can’t do better than that.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. You’re relying on the intelligence. We just want to—just like a racecar going down the track. We just want to clear the cleared road. Then because I’m not—I can’t run my body. I know it’s running. Let the power that made the body heal it, and it’s much more. It’s a physical level. It’s an emotional level. You could take this principle, and it applies to everything.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Zaino:
Emotionally, physically, spiritually.
Dr. Pompa:
We live our life from that premise.
Dr. Zaino:
It’s a premise that actually fits. It’s promoting good, and it’s not doing something against the natural design.
Dr. Pompa:
Right. Yep.
Dr. Zaino:
You look at today. Let’s even look at business. When you look at oil and stuff like that, it’s like imagine if someone like Nikola Tesla developed an energy source that worked with the world. It didn’t drain it from its resources. That’s like the chiropractor. It’s like it’s working with the design, but then someone comes around, and then oil caused wars. It’s caused all this other stuff.
Understand that if we actually had premise on all areas, natural resources, working with the land. I’m looking at these trees. No one told that tree to its maximum potential. I mean, a tree does its maximum potential. Human beings are the only people that—we’re the only part of this world that don’t reach their potential because we have free will.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s right.
Dr. Zaino:
We have ability to think, but that’s not all bad because our ability to think is the reason why…
Dr. Pompa:
It’s true. Yeah. Good point.
Dr. Zaino:
Our ability to think is the reason why—a bird has to fly south for the winter. The thing is, if there’s bad conditions, they’re still going south, but we know how to think. We could maybe take a detour due to the stuff like that. We have the ability to think, which is very positive, but that ability to think is also—think meaning that the wrong premises and belief systems and we think in that way, that’s actually—and then after, you’re—so that’s just like all those trees out there reaching their maximum potential. There’s not one thing in life that doesn’t do it’s—I’m looking at plants. They all strive for their optimum potential. Human beings are the ones that don’t.
Dr. Pompa:That’s why our belief systems interfere, right? I mean, that’s where if you’re not where you want to be in life, evaluate your beliefs is the first place you go. That’s what I do. Even now, I want to evaluate my beliefs if I feel like I’m not maximizing my potential.
Dr. Zaino:
I mean, I think it’s best that you be your own worst and best critic. Really look. If there’s a situation that you don’t like in your life, ask yourself. Don’t blame the circumstances, and I’ll tell you why you don’t. Because we live in the same circumstances as sick and diseased people do, but we’re not sick and diseased. Why? It’s the same circumstances.
The government’s going to be the same. The economy’s going to be the same. The weather’s going to be the same, so don’t blame the—because if you blame the circumstances—I call it seed, soil, sun, all your surroundings. That’s all you have. All I have is my surroundings. The thing is if I blame that, what am I left with? Nothing. The thing is you have to change yourself.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s easier to blame your circumstance than change yourself though. I mean, that’s the key.
Dr. Zaino:
If you really criticize yourself and ask the question, well, why am I in the situation? Someone yelled at me. I’m like, why did that person yell at me? Did I do something? Then really analyze yourself. Find the error. John Rockefeller, I was reading that every night he would sit down with a journal for 20 minutes, and go through his entire day. If there’s anything that didn’t go to right—yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
I’m going to move this closer. Is there background noise? Do you hear that?
It’s okay.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, good. Go ahead.
It’s okay.
Dr. Zaino:
If anything didn’t go right, he would self-criticize himself. He was like you know what? I met with someone today. It wasn’t a good conversation, and he would say did I do anything wrong? If he felt that, man, it was my fault or an error in my judgement, he would write down in the journal I need to work on being more compassionate. He did that every single night. He’d examine his day to see—criticized himself in a good way. Why? To find errors, if he wasn’t aware of, to switch them and to work on the areas that…
Dr. Pompa:
Imagine if we all did that? I mean, I’m telling you. That’s a great thing, man.
Dr. Zaino:
Okay, just lost you. You are not filming anymore.
Dr. Pompa:
We’re back.
Okay, all right. It cut out.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. We have a little noise going back here, so hopefully, you still here us. Are you good? We can hear us? Okay, good.
Yeah. I can.
Dr. Zaino:
The thing is you—but you’re not done. You still have self-esteem and self-confidence. You do it as an—you self-criticize yourself as a tool to become better. You don’t do it to—because someone could do that, and they’re just always down on themselves.
Dr. Pompa:
Right. No. You do it to become better, right.
Dr. Zaino:
It’s like I’m a confident person, and I have high self-esteem. I’m doing it because I want to be even better than I am now as a human being. At the same time, I could put my ego aside, and say you know what? I was wrong in that conversation. I was hasty. I wanted to have the last word. I’m just saying or just a conversation, and it’s like so I’m going to work on that, or I didn’t do my exercise today, or I didn’t do this today. I wasn’t doing things that allowed me to become my best. I was doing things that actually sabotaged that goal.
I’m not down on myself or depressed. It’s you do it with self-esteem and confidence. I’m using this as a tool. Not to show how weak, and sinful, and down I am.
Dr. Pompa:
To be better.
Dr. Zaino:
It’s how can I be better.
Dr. Pompa:
You need to coach yourself.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah, coaching yourself.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. It almost seems trite now to talk about exercise, but I promised our viewers a little bit. That was amazing conversation, man. I know the doctors watching and the people watching all got something out of that. I know that for sure.
Dr. Zaino:
When Dr. Dan and I get together, I mean, I’ll tell you. Our conversations are always mindset. I mean, mindset and philosophy, that was fun.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely.
Dr. Zaino:
Because everything I’m going to be talking about, whether it be exercise or nutrition, that’s the easy part. -inaudible- premise and the philosophy there, all that stuff is—well, of course, I would do that. Of course I would get adjusted. Of course I would eat right. Of course I got a detox on a daily basis. It’s like brushing your teeth or drinking water. It’s like, well, of course. Because you shift, there’s no going back. There’s no I’m doing this for a week or two or 12 weeks.
It’s like, oh, my life has changed. This is what I do now.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. No doubt. Is it too much noise in the background? Because we could just walk down with the…
I mean, I can hear you. It’s not too bad, but it’s a little bit muffled in the background.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. We’ll walk down a little ways. Come on. We’ll just pick up the thing. I have enough battery to keep us—we’re going to go for a little walk.
All right, always an adventure on Cellular Healing TV.
Dr. Pompa:
Aah, I like this. I’m going to show you the background too while we walk down here a ways. Watch. Can you see that?
Dr. Pompa:
You see that?
Yep, gorgeous.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Anyways, that’s where we are. We’ll just do it right here. It’s a little more quiet. You can hear us all right, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, cool. Yeah, right here. Anyways, yeah, I mean, it is. Mindset is everything. On the thing of exercise, we were out to dinner, and we had a conversation about—I was talking to you about diet variation, something that I’ve talked on the show about. We started talking about exercise variation. Your routine, it’s all about adaptation. Forcing the body to adapt and become stronger. If it doesn’t adapt, you become weaker.
One of the ways we do it through diet is varying the diet, but exercise no doubt is the same thing. You never do the same routines. As a matter of fact, explain to our viewers just how in ways that you vary your diet and even for basic people, just some things how they can vary their diet. I keep saying diet, exercise.
Dr. Zaino:
I mean, exercise-wise, what you could do—I like to change it up because you have different muscle fibers of the body. I’m at the age now where I can’t just get under 500 pounds for 4 to 6 reps.
Dr. Pompa:
Me too.
Dr. Zaino:
I had to adapt to that. Say well how can I maximize hormone response? The whole reason with exercise, I’m not building muscle in an exercise. My goal is to go in there and stimulate a hormonal response. I’m causing the body to adapt, to change, and then I’m out. Then let the body do the rest. One week I’ll do heavier. Maybe six to ten reps. Next week I’ll do maybe 14 to 18, and then the third week, I always make that my 40 to 80. It’s always changing the body. You’re always keeping good form.
You get in there in 40 minutes to an hour, and then get out. I’m big on workout, nutrition. I really think that’s really helped me where—actually, have a drink with you. Maybe some fast absorbent carbohydrates or proteins in there. Maybe some -inaudible-. It all depends what you’re doing. Even during the workout, I’m constantly getting—I’m priming the nutrients immediately by going to that catabolic state.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I mean, just someone beginning or not as advanced, right—because you just gave some really advance stuff there, which I think is powerful. Then I do the exact same thing. I never go in the gym and do the same amount of reps. I’m always varying it. Light days, heavy days, I mean, the more variation, the more it forces the body to adapt and therefore, it gets stronger, especially if you’re having good nutrition, right? What about the person just beginning that just says I just want to exercise for the health, lose some weight? I mean how would they vary their workouts?
Dr. Zaino:
I would definitely pick two to three days a week. Just start there. I would maybe do the whole body circuit, or maybe do an upper body day, and then a lower body day and just alternate back and forth. If you really start catching the bug and you really enjoy it, then you go to four days. Maybe you split. You have two light days, two upper body days. Really pay attention to your recuperation. If you’re sore, if you feel your central nervous system is fatigued, then we know that we have an issue with nutrition and sleep.
For me, overtraining is really—I think you’re more—you’re undereating and under-sleeping, or there is a toxic or interference. Your body’s not able to recuperate, so you can adapt to that. When I do my shows, I get up to training seven days a week. I’m doing a cardio in the morning two days, seven days a week as I slowly progress up to that. If I can do that recuperating, then anybody can do that. That’s why the recuperation is a huge key, and it’s what you do outside. Did I stimulate? Then all the results happen after, outside.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. Yeah. You don’t’ get stronger in the gym. You get stronger when you’re recovering, right?
Dr. Zaino:
Dr. Pompa:
We always have to force our body, that adaptation. Someone just beginning can still vary their reps, right? Next time you do that exercise next week, do higher reps. Do 30. Do 40, even 50, even 80.
Dr. Zaino:
It works. Yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I mean, all the way to 80 reps. Then next time do maybe eight or ten, I mean, the next week. The point is is vary your weights, vary your repetitions, vary how—even exercises, right? Don’t do the same exercise is another good thing. There’s multiple exercise you can do for your legs. Change it up. Multiple exercise you can do for your chest and shoulders. Mix it up, right?
Dr. Zaino:
Absolutely. Always keep the body guessing.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Always keep the body guessing. Just for the sake of time, that was a great show. Thank you. I mean, honestly, that we gave a lot of…
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. It’s good stuff.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, great stuff there. Meredith, I’m going to send it back to you, but that was a great show. I don’t even know what we would title this show because there were so many gems in there.
I know. There were a lot of gems, a lot of great information. I know I’m inspired, Dr. Chris, as well. Where can people find out more about you?
Dr. Zaino:
If you’re a chiropractor out there, we have something called, so you go to You could look at me on Facebook. I’m Dr. Zaino. I’m under Dr. Chris Zaino or Chris Zaino, or my office is You could just see it by my clinic and how it’s going.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. No doubt about it.
Dr. Zaino:
All of those are my emails, so you could contact me there.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. For the docs watching, you have some practice building things that you do.
Dr. Zaino:
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
I mean, how would they get that? We do have a lot of docs that watch this, and I couldn’t recommend any of it more. Because they’re going, man, I want to do that. I want to function from that purpose. What is that called?
Dr. Zaino:
If you go to the, there’s a little test you could take to—we focus on the four main pillars that I believe to practice. We find the area that the doctor’s weak in, and automatically, we have free trainings for that doctor. I mean, to be a member is free. You have all these videos. You have access to everything. Then along the way, along that journey of the trainings, you’ll have access if you want to take it deeper. If you want to start doing the dinner talks, or mindset stuff, or all the other products that we have, speaking better, communication, -inaudible-.
I brought thought leaders in from all outside. Not just in chiropractic but outside of chiropractic. Just so your whole—all the areas, whether it be speaking, communicating, business, wealth creation, like I said, communicating better, doing whatever it is to bring your practice to a new level, you’ll have access to that.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That’s awesome, man. That’s a great gift.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. It’s great. Yeah. It’s a huge platform.
Dr. Pompa:
You’re at the part in your life, so am I, is that we want to train and equip doctors. I mean, there’s so many doctors out there, but they’re not coming from the same place we are. Our goal is we know if we empower them, we’re going to affect thousands, millions upon millions, instead of just one-on-one. Thank you for doing that because so many docs watching this show, and they need that stuff.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. That’s part of my purpose. My purpose was always…
Dr. Pompa:
Me too.
Dr. Zaino:
My sole purpose was—well, there’s a thing. You need to have your sole purpose written out. My sole purpose was to lead people towards full lives, so I guide them in principles and laws of chiropractic care, to be out of the adjustment. Then to equip my patients with the wisdom and knowledge they could go out and help others, so I added that last line. Because it was like, if I could equip my patients with the wisdom and knowledge of health to then be able to go out there with confidence and help others, then we’re creating a massive culture.
Dr. Pompa:
My goal is always to teach. Whether it’s a doctor, a client, it’s just always to teach them the process because that’s ultimately what changes lives.
Dr. Zaino:
It’s leadership. Yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s leadership. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
I’m not forcing someone. They have to make that decision on their own. Everything you do has to be at your own accord, so when you do it, there’s no regrets. There’s no apologies. There’s no complaining. It’s something that I can’t put that thought in their mind. They have to come to the conclusion that this is right for me, and they make that decision. I’m leading them. That’s where we get thought leadership from.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. Yeah.
Dr. Zaino:
We’re showing them, well, you believed this for 40 years or 50 years. I get it. What if I told you it was really like this? What if I told you that that wasn’t blue; that was red? It’ll blow someone’s mind.
Dr. Pompa:
I’m color blind. You could convince me of this, actually.
Dr. Zaino:
Yeah. That’s what happened. We’re just trying to shift people’s awareness. Then when they do get it and they start to believe, it’s like their whole life has changed within the second.
Dr. Pompa:
Beliefs, it all starts with beliefs. You could have bad ones. You could have false ones. That’s why you’re not where you want to be, even with your health. Meredith, turning it back over to you.
Amen. Well said, guys. It was an awesome show. Thanks, everyone, for watching. Tune in next week, and have a great weekend.