Transcript of Episode 15: Exposure to Black Mold
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.
Dr. Pompa: Hey, we're live!
Warren: Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. Sorry about last week, if you were on the show. It was a replay. We don't do that, but we had an amazing seminar with life-changing doctors. It was a world-changing event, wasn't it, Dr. Pompa and David?
David: It was absolutely life changing.
Warren: Yeah, so welcome back to Cellular Healing TV, episode 15, I believe. We're running strong with this cellular healing message, “Heal the cell, get well. Lose weight, feel great,” a message that the world needs to hear, because life and death happens at the cell. That's our basis of what we do. In and around that, we're teaching on topics that destroy lives, and giving you the real solutions that can transform your life and give people their lives back. This week's topic, biotoxins. Last week's topic, Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a biotoxin—well, it produces a living biotoxin. That's what makes us sick. Mold also produces a biotoxin. Heavily detrimental, can transform and kill lives. Dr. Pompa, let's open up this topic of discussion with David today.
Dr. Pompa: Biotoxic illness is something I see all the time. As a matter of fact, I just had a patient with it early this morning. Every time he leaves his house and travels, he feels a little bit better. Ended up in an autoimmune disease. If you recall from our past conversations, it just takes a stressor, or stressors, most often, typically three, which I call the perfect storm, and it triggers a gene for autoimmune. Sure enough, he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Of course, same protocol, plenty of steroids, eventually chemo drugs. This gentleman chose a different route. Already, after just one intermittent fast which we started with him, and he is on day 12, he says, “Doc, already my gut symptoms are better. My GERD, which is basically his acid reflux, is gone.” He says, “My joint pain is literally at least 80% better.” His hands are still stiff, that's it. That's it. Again, we're moving him from the fast to down regulate inflammation into a detox plan. He's getting his silver amalgam filings out and, this is the part that I love, he's moving out of his house. He's taking everything of action in removing R1, his source. We are down regulating inflammation, and this man will get his life back. If it were only so easy with everybody. He was willing to do whatever it took to get his life back. He's moving into retirement, and he realizes the golden years weren't so golden. He has mold in his basement. Same thing, if your basement out there's getting wet, folks, that means you have mold. If your humidity is high, if your humidity's over 60 in your basement, in your house, that means you have mold. It's feeding the mold. You don't even have to have a leak to have mold
Warren: Let's back up on this, Dr. Pompa. I know you want me to speak to that, but let's back up and tell our story of surrounding mold. Dan and I were both sick. Dan got sick probably in the 2000s—no, in the late 90's.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. Probably started in the late 90's for sure, and then—I was actually, of course I had a mouthful of amalgams. I also was living in an old, moldy home with a wet basement. Two stressors, and my third stressor was I was training on my bike at the time. I was putting a lot of miles in, which is physical stress. Those three stressors came together, and my bottom fell out.
Warren: It wasn't until later—I came in on the backside of that, and some of the knowledge Dr. Pompa had. He knew about mold illness. We weren't treating it, I would say, or helping people with it as much, when we first started our clinic in 2005. Then, I was living in my parent's basement. We knew about it. We knew that it was a major concern. I moved from a moldy house into my parent's moldy basement, bottom of a hill. If you're at a bottom of a hill, let me just teach you this real quick.
Dr. Pompa: It's worth teaching, because when you build a home or you look at a home, what Warren's going to show you, is positive water pressure. You can't stop water from penetrating in a situation like this, and it's very, very difficult. The water eventually comes in the basement.
Warren: This is a horrible picture, but we can say this is a hill. You should've built your house up here, but you dig this out right here and you build your house here. This was the old hillside you can see, going through the house. You make that disappear. Then they dump the dirt down below your house. However, here's what happens. Little rain cloud, water trickles. It's called hydraulic head. I'm a geologist, hydro geologist. I have a master's degree. This is what really happens. Rain comes down through the hill. It's hydraulic pressure, like a pipe. This is higher. This is lower. It drives moisture up into your basement, and you're done. Some people build it next to a stream. Water level rises up. That's what happens. You get water in your basement. If you build at a bottom of the hill, you're fighting nature, and you're fighting humidity. You're going to have mold in your house. Don't build on the side of the hill, and if you do, you're going to have to have an amazing, what they call, drainage system around your home to take care of that water and move it out away from your home. I was living in such a home, that's why I draw this, in my parents' house. I was living in the basement. I went from really sick in my previous life to a house which I love, that I had to leave. I wind up moving into what was called amplified mold situation where it was heavily biotoxic. I went from bad to dysfunctional to laid out, can't move, can't function, can't sleep. It was because of this biotoxic illness. Fast-forwarding a little bit, Dr. Pompa bought a book, just to give kudos to Dr.—why am I thinking mold warrior? Dr. Shoemaker. We start reading this book and reading the horror stories about mold illness. I think there were true stories. Not much hope in the book, but Dan and I both were like, “Look we need to go see this guy, see what he's all about. See how this all came about, and if mold illness is truly as bad as he says it is.” It actually is. However, it's not a death sentence, but you can't live inside the moldy home. We've learned a lot from Shoey, we like to call him. A brilliant guy, great researcher, medical, but definitely alternative in his treatments. That's where it started. From there, we got so hyper about mold and worried about it, Dan moved me out of my moldy basement into his newer home with new carpet. That's how we discovered chemical sensitivity.
David: You guys are the Petri dish. You think about this, you're the Petri dish. We have all this life-changing protocols that are transforming people's lives, as you guys say so often, from pain to purpose.
Warren: Yeah, so quickly we'll just finish that story. Dan's like, “Warren, I'm killing you. I feel so bad.” We found out about chemicals more so than we thought. We did all the research on how long does it take for carpet to off-gas. Your walls, the insulation, which is full of formaldehyde, especially, when his home was built. Dan's like, “Got to rip out the carpets, save Warren's life,” so we did. We also installed air exchanges to bring fresh air in and pull toxic air out. We did everything we could. We also did, is we put in dehumidifiers. Especially in Pennsylvania, it's a very humid state. Not as humid as Atlanta. I probably can't live there, because I just got really impacted by a moldy building, a moldy hotel. I'll tell that story in a minute.
David: I won't say every house is like that.
Warren: Not your house. I know you want it to feel bad, because you want me to move to Atlanta, but it's not going to happen. Too humid for me there, sorry, I'm moving out west. You can see that I monitor, in my office building, here's the outside humidity, 57%. Still a little bit too high for inside, but you'll see 39% here. It even says, “okay.” Even the monitors for humidity know that if this gets high, they say, “danger, danger,” because this mold thing is becoming more an more well known. Sick building syndrome, things like that. It's more common today. Everyone is scared of mold, and you should be. It's massively toxic, and you can't just test for mold spores and mold count. It's not an accurate test, just so you know. “I'm mold free, because I don't have mold spores,” that doesn't' mean anything. I'll leave it at that, it's a whole other topic. I like to keep our humidity in our office below 50%, and you should, too. 45-50% is optimal, Definitely below 50%. Above 50%, you're going to start growing mold. 60%, you're done. Below 50% in your home. Have a monitor. Buy a dehumidifier from Costco or Lowe's, Home Depot. Get it done. If you have a bigger basement, you're going to have to go online and buy a major box unit that can move more air. In this case, in this place, I just run a dehumidifier from Costco.
Dr. Pompa: Can you show them, actually, what you did? Here's why we're explaining this. Again, it's our number one in how to fix a cell. You have to remove the source. Moldy homes are big problems, especially if you live in Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, where I was. It's humidity. Just plain humidity is causing mold problems, and so many people are sick because of it. Where I live in Park City, you don't have a humidity problem. Of course, you could have a leak, but it's so darn dry that it dries before it leaks. It's definitely less of an issue. However, in some of the southern states, it's a big issue. Here's what we do. You want to bring in fresh air—and by the way, we have to do this with many people who move into new homes, because the chemical levels are so high, of formaldehyde, from all the building materials, the insulation, the walls, the carpets. We exchange it with outside air, which is good for preventing mold, and it's even better for just getting rid of, obviously, toxins in the air. Warren, show them. Can you take your computer? Oh, you don't have a little portable laptop, darn.
Warren: No, I won't be able to. Man, it's – nope.
Dr. Pompa: I was going to say, if you have your laptop, you can walk over there with it. I was hoping he would show just one of these units. There is a dehumidifier connected to his whole HVAC system in his office. It brings the air in, and it takes the moisture out. I had that in my home when I lived in Pittsburgh as well. Then he has another unit that pulls outside air in, runs it through the dehumidifier, but it's bringing outside air in to his system. The problem is, today we're building houses that are sealed. We think that's a good thing, and on the surface, yeah, it saves energy. On the surface, it is a good thing. However, the problem is that we're locking humidity in. That's the problem. We seal homes to lock moisture out, but When we wrap homes in plastic, it really is creating a whole new moisture problem. By the way, you'd say gosh, you go to Europe and you'd say, “There must be so much mold. These buildings are hundreds and hundreds of years old.” They didn't build like we build. They build with a different magnesium type of product, believe it or not. It's like a magnesium oxide, and it breathes. All of the old, old buildings breathe. A building that breathes is a building that doesn't get moldy. There's an air exchange. It's a healthier building. Today, we're building these tight, sealed buildings that are trapping in chemicals, so we're being poisoned and we're developing moisture and mold problems. Modern day building is causing this epidemic.
David: That Tyvek wrap that they're putting around houses before they put the brick on, think about this. The brick is porous, and what's it going to do? It's going to have moisture. They're putting nails through the Tyvek, so all of a sudden, water is going to come through, because it's not a perfect seal. It's going to get in there, and then it's going to hold it into the house.
Dr. Pompa: The nails, it really doesn't really cause it, because the Tyvek's meant to do that. The nails in it are by design and the way they overlap, and etc. David, it's sealing in a certain amount of humidity. It's sealing in a certain amount of moisture, just because the building's meant to breathe and not breathing.
David: Here's an important point there, guys. If you're building a new home and you're watching this, you're about to build a new home, what happens is, just like I was in Georgia looking at some new condos that are being built, it just rained and the particle board was—the size of the home, the exposed 2x4s, it just rained, and they're up there slapping on a plastic bag, Tyvek around them. That seals that moisture into that home. Then they build the brick around it, do all the fancy stuff, and they think, “Oh, it looks perfect and beautiful,” but they locked this moisture in. Now, you have a humid area like Atlanta, they're opening their windows, they don't have dehumidifiers in the homes, and you get over 55%. There's mold already growing there. Spores are already introduced, because there was good and bad mold spores being deposited on wood. It gets up above that mark. Mold starts to grow. It lets off a biotoxin. Maybe it's not amplified yet, but over the years, it just builds and builds and grows and feeds and grows, and biotoxic warfare happens between good and bad molds. That's the toxins they use to fight each other. Who's going to win out, because there's different molds. The molds that win in homes, because of the temperature, because of the light, it's not the good healthy molds that get sunshine outside. It's these black molds, like Stachybotrys, and there's some other ones. Dr. Pompa knows them better, because he works with patients in tests more than I do. Even though I used to do it for a living, I can't remember, because I'm not doing it every day. These molds win over, and you create this biotoxic warfare going on in your home. Those biotoxins, not just the mold spores themselves, but the biotoxins they produce in this war, cause you to become very sick and ill, and it destroys lives. It's one of the main R's of the sources of disease and toxicity that you could possibly ever face. It's one of Dr. Pompa's top three.
Dr. Pompa: Many people probably know who Erin Brockovich is, the movie, right? It's where she went and she basically saved all these people who are developing cancer from a plant. I don't recall what industry it was, but they were poisoning the water. The people were getting cancer. She went in. She was the hero. Before Erin Brockovich ended up in a brand new home, just like Warren explained. Same situation. Her home was moldy, and she got very, very sick. She ended up in her own mold. There was a 48 Hours presentation, one I showed some years ago at the seminar, that whole Erin Brockovich story. Wow, what a story it was. Lawsuit, you name it. Brittany Murphy is another famous person who, she died in a black mold house, literally. They knew it. Her boyfriend, her fiancé, I guess, he died 40 days later. Something like that, I don't probably have the story exact. Point is, both of them lived in the same home. Both young, healthy people became unhealthy, and both died. That's how serious this topic is. I know some of you out there want a resource, I think it's, as far as some good ideas on how to deal with mold. I want to talk about—I'll make sure that is the right website here in a second, but, the getting rid of the mold is a critical thing, so critical that Leviticus 14 in the Bible told the Israelites, his people that he looked after, “This is what you do if you see mold.” Basically, he gave them very strict instructions. “If it comes back, then you basically do this.” You take all of the contents from the house, take them to a place called unclean, and basically tear down the house, take all of that, and take it to a place called unclean. Today, it's no different. I started this show in the context of a story of a gentleman who has to leave his home and move, because it is just too much, you will never fix the amount. You become hypersensitive to the dog that bit you. Therefore, for him to even stay in small amounts of that mold, and for years after, if he comes in contact with that same mold, he will have a very violent reaction. We call it “Quicker,” or “Sicker Quicker.” Warren, tell your little story about, you've been out of the mold now for years. You're healthy. You got your life back, but you had a “Sicker Quicker” situation happen this weekend, obviously, a little bit of the hair of the dog that bit you.
Warren: This will throw us into why you have moldy buildings, especially commercial buildings and hotels. They're flat-roofed, and every flat roof building leaks, every single one. You're fighting Mother Nature. It's flat. There's a slight angle, but water pools on top. The rubber on top of the—just rubber that's sealed together with a glue at the seams, and they leak at those seams. I was in an old hotel, probably 30 years old, flat-roof building. Got on the tenth floor. Nicest room, one of the nicest rooms in the hotel. I walked in. I knew it was moldy. I had made the assumption that the whole place was moldy, and I forgot what I learned. It wasn't until day two when I got sick that I realized I was in an amplified mold situation with a type of mold. Different types of mold affect people differently in the types of biotoxin they produce. It literally took me out for days. I'm still recovering neurologically. I can feel my left eye drooping, just a little bit brain foggy still. Not sleeping as well. Not like I used to be. At the event, because I was on a flat room building on a top floor, the mold was literally probably caked above me for multiple weeks. Over the years, even if they replace the roof, they're sealing in water damage. In a humid area like Atlanta, the rooms are very humid, and people commented on it. I stayed in the room, and I didn't listen to my gut instinct when I went in to switch rooms. Dr. Pompa, however, did switch rooms, he was on the tenth floor, for different reasons. It was chemically. He went down to the ninth or eight floor, I believe, and did okay. Another doctor who's very sensitive and mold sick, he actually had to leave the hotel. He left the hotel, came back the next day morning, and goes, “I am 90% better after I left.” I left the hotel, went to a new hotel. I said I had to get out of there. I left a day early, went to another hotel that I wasn't planning on staying at, had a window that opened, even though I really don't mind causing a little humidity during my stay. I slept like a baby and was 90% better after I got out of the source. This anchors into Dr. Pompa's story that these people were very—was it Meghan? What was the name of the people who died?
Dr. Pompa: Brittany Murphy.
Warren: Brittany Murphy. They have all the resources in the world. Could get the best doctors, could spend the most money. They were famous. No matter what they did, they still died. If you're living in a moldy home, and when Dr. Pompa has a patient that moves, if he didn't move, he would literally die, especially with the condition and the genetics that were triggered in his life. It is a life-and-death situation. You can't live in black mold. It will kill you. It'll kill some people more quickly than others, depending on your genetic susceptibility to mold, because not everyone is as susceptible, of course, to biotoxins. I have the dreaded genotype. I'm very sensitive to mold, and obviously still have mold sensitivities. Now, I'm going to have to methylate, do a lot of the things that Dr. Pompa does. I have to detox the biotoxins. I took BIND last night for them. Actually minded my wife when I was laying in bed, because I forgot the last two nights, and I'm actually get sicker day three getting out of exposure. I'm just not feeling as well, so I made sure, last night, that I took my BIND and hopefully, over the next seven days, what I'll do is clear that exposure, by binding up the biotoxins in my gut through the bile and removing them from my system.
Dr. Pompa: I was right on—it's, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I wanted to say. B-I-Z. I never heard of such a thing, you computer guys. What the heck is dot-biz?
Warren: Dot-biz is common.
David: It's new, it's newer.
Dr. Pompa: Alright, is it common, really? Maybe it's normal, but not common. I've never seen it. Anyways, yeah, so you can go there. I guess the reason I'm saying it there is there a chance that somehow, you can actually remediate? The answer's yes, you can remediate. Take out all of things that are affected by the mold, especially leaks, the leak type of mold creates that you can take out all of that. You can't just do this. Listen, I've made the mistake, Warren's made the mistake. We get all excited, we start jumping into a mold situation, and we uncover more than we banked on, and we're sick for a month. At least back then, we were sick for a long time, because we actually stirred up the mold. Please don't do that. If you have a leak, you have mold. Any type of long-term leak I should say, slowly. Hire somebody to—what they do is they come in and they create negative air pressure. We talked about positive water pressure. Negative air pressure means that they put up a barrier, and they just basically put a small little fan somewhere pulling the air out of that space they've created where they're working, so that that air does not share with the inside home air, but it's poured outside. It creates a negative pressure, or as far as looking in from the room, it would be a positive pressure going in, negative pressure going out of that controlled space. Yeah, that's what you have to do to just do a remediation. Then this stuff, here's the other mistake. You don't go and throw Clorox on it, because Clorox is loaded with water, which feeds the roots of the mold. It kills the mold on the surface, and underneath, it actually makes the problem worse. Hydrogen peroxide is a safer solution, but still really not a solution. This company does have some really good dust things. Be careful. These mold people come in, they spray it with very toxic chemicals, and then that creates—typically, people who are mold sensitive, are sick from mold, they also, like Warren, have chemical sensitivity on the back side of it. Then they end up with a new story, a new problem. Please, caution. Use a safe agent. I know that that website talks about that, so there's some education reading for you. Let's talk about real fast, I know we don't have time, guys, but maybe just in a nutshell. I know this is a conversation that—we have five minutes, that we have to redo, because I do want to talk more about what we do to get it out of the body. I will tell that story, because there really is a whole story around it, next time, of how we really discovered a lot of that, what we're doing, and share some of that. There is a technique to pull the mold out of the body. Warren just made quick mention of, “Hey, I'm a genetic type that doesn't get rid of biotoxins very easy. You can have four people living in the same home. One gets fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, the other just gets some breathing and wheezing and sinus trouble. Genetics play a role, just like always. Some people don't get rid of the toxin as easy. Those people will absolutely need, typically, a treatment, even beyond getting out of the home. We'll talk about that next week, but it's pulling the toxin away from the bowel complex, the liver/gallbladder, and it works. It really does work. Of course, the cellular healing is needed to go along with that, but we have to remove the person from the source and the source from the person. I'll leave it at that.
Warren: We opened up Pandora's box on mold. Again, we're straight shooters. We're telling you the truth, and things that we've learned over the years. Dan and I have had multiple water leaks in our homes, from under the sink to water coming in underneath the flashing underneath the side of his house, major water damage. We've been through it all. It's almost hilarious how much bad things happen to—people call it bad luck. We call it training for war, that God allowed these things to happen to us, to train us and equip us to educate you. We've had almost every bad thing that could happen to you in a home, it's happened to me once, Dan five times. That's usually how it works, five to ten times worse in Dr. Pompa's life. He laughs, because it's fricking true. I can't help but say that. It's a sad reality, but it's made him a better man and a better teacher and educator, because we both come at it from a place of experience, not because we've read it in a book, because you learn it. If you would hire someone, you could go hire somebody to make your home safe, I could do it better. Because I have an engineering/geology/chemistry master being a background, so I understand the chemistry behind it. Did measurement with $5,000, $10,000 meters in buildings looking for these sorts of things. Didn't understand it was real, thought everyone that was complaining about it was nuts. I became that nut guy, so I really stuck my foot in my mouth. In that process, we learned a lot about creating safe homes. No, you can't hire me. I'm not for hire when it comes to building. I'm not selling my services. I'm just saying when you live something, they're usually the best teachers, and the ones that can get it done. If you are that person and you have that, get out there, blog, make comments on this YouTube video about how you can help people. Send them to websites.
Dr. Pompa: Let me give them some websites., There's a simple test you can do. We'll talk more about testing and more of a solution next week. A simple visual contrast test that you can do on for $15. It's a good place to start, but we'll dig a little deeper next week. Warren, maybe we have a guest on one of our good friends Phil Kaplan, to tell a little bit about his story. It would really teach a lot of lessons, I think in this lesson. You all would be blessed to meet Phil.
Warren: I'll set that up for next week, for sure, for the show. I'm going to do that. Actually, I just texted him this morning. I was thinking about him, over and over again, about some of the mistakes that you could possibly make. Phil's made them all, and I have no idea why he keeps doing this.
Dr. Pompa: What a story, what a story.
Warren: Yeah, it's an amazing story, and I really look forward to getting him on. That's a brilliant idea. I'll make that happen. David, any final comments? Dr. Pompa, David, before we wrap up? We have one minute left.
David: I know we have to wrap up. As you're talking about the subject, I have so many questions, and sometimes I sit here, because I'm just person just watching it saying, “Oh, I have this question. I have that question. This happened in my home.” If we're going to —
Dr. Pompa: Please write them down.
Warren: Go right below here on Cellular Healing TV —
David: I started typing them into my phone, as you were talking, so I would remember for next week.
Warren: Below, on this page, if you're watching this on, there is a “questions” button. That will go to an email, which will alert me of any questions you may have, and I can bring them up on any show. In particular, if you have them on biotoxic illness, mold illness, sick building syndrome, these different topics will come up online. Learn about them, and if you don't have your questions answered, we can definitely address them. There's not a question you can give us on mold illness, mold, that we can't answer. We've been there, done that, and we're here to give you the real truth and real answers on Cellular Healing TV.
David: Thanks, everyone. Dr. Pompa, I'll see you in a few minutes.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. I can't wait for next week's call.
Warren: By the way, they're broadcasting live from Las Vegas at a conference. They're learning more about cellular healing. It's incredible, guys. Thanks so much for taking time today, live from Las Vegas.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I like that. We should've started the show like that.
Warren: Live from Las Vegas.
David: Yeah. have a great weekend.
Warren: Alright, love you all. Bye
David: Love you. See you.