16: Mold Illness, Biotoxins, Black Mold Exposure and Lyme Disease

Transcript of Episode 16: Mold Illness, Biotoxins, Black Mold Exposure and Lyme Disease

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: We're live. Stop making fun of my haircut, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: I actually like it.

Warren: Okay, good.

David: You look cute, Warren.

Dr. Pompa: We don't get paid, so the expectation was very low. That's all I'm saying.

David: We are live. Welcome everyone to Cellular Healing TV. What episode are we on?

Warren: This is Episode 16, actually. Even though it says 15 in there right now, this is Episode 16 if you can see that. I was copying and pasting it from last week. This is live, episode 16 of 1,000 because our goal in CellularHealing.tv is to transform lives and change the word. We're live. What's going on? Are we live somewhere else?

David: You're replay is going, so you've got to shut down your 22 Social.

Warren: What happened, yeah, I'm logged into 22 Social. Everybody that's logged into 22 Social, so was I. After our—even in great radio stations, and even on TV they make mistakes.

David: Warren, I'm going to say you—

Warren: Expect mistakes and laughs and people making fun of haircuts and dogs barking and kids interrupting and—

David: Warren, you look about 20 years younger.

Warren: We need more people like you making a difference in this world, and we're a frigging army. You're part of that army because you're taking time today—15 minutes to a half hour, however long the conversation and gut leads, we are going to bring you life changing information that delivers real results. Last weekend we touched on one of Dr. Pompa—the last two weeks on Dr. Pompa's R1, removing the source. There's major—two of the major sources that cause disease dysfunction in your bodies to essentially not live, but in a lot of respects die and definitely not thrive is micotoxins. We've talked about heavy metals being one, mercury. Micotoxins, biotoxins, whether it's from Lyme or mold are highly inflammatory and destructive in the body. It's one of Dr. Pompa's top three. What we decided to do last week, I was trying to bring on Phil, but he couldn't get on today live. What we're going to do is what we promised you is start giving some solutions to the biotoxin, micotoxin problem. We created a lot of stirring out there in this Cellular Healing TV world, and now folks want some answers. Dr. Pompa's loaded for that today. Thanks and welcome Dr. Dan Pompa. I'm going to call you Dr. David Asarnow even though you're not a doctor, but in my mind how you treat and heal people and teach, you are a true healer. Welcome to the show everyone.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you.

David: I must say, Warren, you look about 10 years younger. I don't know what you're doing to yourself.

Warren: It's the haircut, so thanks guys. Dr. Pompa, let's roll into—can you guys hear me okay?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, we can get into haircuts, or should we get right into biotoxins.

David: Biotoxins.

Warren: Let's get into biotoxins.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I guess, David, you had said something right at the top of the show, right before we were ready to air, a lot of interest in this topic, right? You got a lot of feedback on it. That doesn't surprise me. We have so many people living in buildings that are making them sick. We've coined now a term, Sick Building Syndrome. These terms never existed before, and with the rise in unexplainable illnesses, whether it's just chronic fatigue, hormone dysregulation, fibromyalgia, chemical sensitivity. We know that mold, or biotoxins in general are at the root of so many of these, and of course I always talk about autoimmune. Autoimmune is just an epidemic. Mold is one of the triggers for that as well. We talked about Lyme disease. These are all biotoxins. So many people—one of the first things that we do when we interview a client about why they're not feeling well is we start getting into their history. If their house has water, or has had water damage, of course we're very suspicious that it could be a biotoxic problem. We had some questions about testing. The visual contrast sensitivity test which you can get, and I gave some websites out last week: chronicneurotoxins.com, survivingmold.com, you can get a $15 visual contrast test. Many of the doctors who we've trained in a lot of these protocols, which I'll be talking about here today, they actually have a visual contrast test which is even more accurate obviously than the online. It takes five, ten minutes to give in one of these offices. It's really the first step. If you fail that test, and you fail it pretty miserably, then there's a good chance you have a biotoxic illness again, a.k.a. Lyme disease or possible mold. That's step one, and then there's another blood test called a C4a. We always say C4 little A because there's a couple different C4A's. If that is elevated, then no doubt you're definitely being exposed to a biotoxin of some sort. There are some labs that we can look at also, but that's the main one. Another one is, there's a hormone called Leptin. I think most people watching this are familiar with, but it's a hormone that tells your brain to burn fat for energy. It also has a lot to do with when you're hungry or not. Obviously it's a weight loss hormone. Interesting, when people are in moldy homes, we see—not in everybody, but in a great majority we see a dramatic rise in this hormone meaning that it's like insulin resistance where people, diabetics, if they have plenty of insulin, as a matter of fact too much, but yet it's not getting its message in the cell and therefore they have a lot of symptoms. This is the same thing. We have all this Leptin, and the message isn't getting in the cell. What does that translate into, weight gain; weight gain that does not respond to diet or exercise, aka weight loss resistance. We see this dramatic rise in Leptin, but here's the unique thing about it. When we look at this hormone, often times we'll see it very, very elevated which would almost indicate that someone would be 300 pounds, 200 pounds, even five, 600 pounds I've seen overweight looking at the level of this hormone, when they're sitting in front of you maybe 20 or 30 pounds overweight so you know that that's not true. Do I need to adjust my levels slightly? Let me move this stuff. Can you all hear me good? Is my audio -?

David: Dan, we can hear you great.

Dr. Pompa: Anyways, you know that when you see this dramatic rise in Leptin, something else is going on. In many people, they get into these biotoxic situations and they just start gaining weight, can't lose weight, their hormones all just start to disregulate, but Leptin’s one of the ones that we can take a closer look at. That's just a review on some of the testing that you may be biotoxic. The one problem that we always have is that all of these neurotoxic disorders, they look very similar. They have some different nuances. Biotoxic patients tend to get a little more aches and pains, some of them tend to have mercury, but of course there's cross-over there too. They all look very similar. That's why you have to really go to somebody who knows what these conditions look like and then how to differentiate between them. Really, a good history can always sniff it out one way or another, and then of course doing some testing on top of that. Warren, I want to tell the story a little bit about how really the treatment for this came about. You know some of this history as well and can chime in. There was a brilliant doctor. He was a researcher who just actually had just a general practitioner in Maryland, in and around the Pocomoke area there. In his area, people were becoming very, very sick and they didn't know why. Many of them were making his way into his practice. He was a researcher as well, but what happened was one of the symptoms was severe diarrhea. Other symptoms were neurotoxic symptoms, brain fog, joint pain, inability to sleep, hormone dysregulation, all these types of things were also going on. As the patients came in, like a good practitioner, he dealt with the most severe thing right away, stop the diarrhea. He gave them this old medication called cholestyramine which really was designed to lower cholesterol by binding up the biocomplex and pulling cholesterol out of the body. It actually did work. Obviously, there were some issues with that, but it had one nasty side effect. It constipated most people. Knowing that, he gave the cholestyramine to these people just as a thing while he was trying to figure out what was going on. What was happening also is in this area, the fish in the Pocomoke River were all dying and floating to the surface. They knew that people that were swimming in this river were getting sick. Obviously something was transitioning into the people and into the fish. At this point they didn't know. This person came back in, one of the first people we gave it to, and she said, “Thank you so much, I feel so much better.” He said, “You're diarrhea’s gone?” Basically she said, “No, my brain fog's gone, my joint pain's better.” She went down the list of symptoms. He said, “Boy that was odd, why?” Then the next one. He saw something repeatable happen. He realized that he was pulling out of the bowel complex, he was removing a toxin from the bowel complex. That's very common. When your body gets rid of a toxin, it will bring it to the liver. From the liver, it bounds up to bile because it's attracted into that fat. Then bile of course is dumped into your intestines to digest fat. That's normal. Then it's reabsorbed in the small intestine and brought back to the liver. Bile does this through digestion. It's used for digestion, brought back to the liver; used for digestion, brought back to the liver. When bile is toxic, it doesn't let go of the toxins. What is it bringing back? It's bringing back the toxins to the liver. This constant recirculation goes on and on and on, and the toxin comes back around, around. It's called auto-intoxication. What happened was, is when he put the cholestyramine, which is an activated resin that doesn't even leave the gut, in the small intestine, it grabbed the bowel complex with the toxin and pulled the toxin out and people got better. That's how the treatment really came about. Again, Warren and I, we did some—a lot of research in this to try to find a natural product that does the same thing, it's less constipating. It's not resin, so it's not plastic like the cholestyramine. It still would bind the biocomplex and pull these biotoxins out of the person as a treatment. Warren, we looked long and hard. Warren's doing something there, we're going to get him back in the game.

Warren: I'm here, I'm drawing a picture for everyone.

Dr. Pompa: That's good because I think that there's a picture needed there because what we're talking about—and by the way, there's another side to that story. That's how I really came up with the idea of when we raise glutathione when we're doing cellular detox, then it dumps, most of the toxins go to the liver, bind up to bile also and reabsorb. We realized that putting a binding agent with the GCEL, and that's that IDS system, the Intracellular Detox System, we stopped the body from auto-intoxicating. It really came out of treating biotoxic patients like this. Warren and I looked long and hard for a natural substance, and we found one. It's a special type of carbon that binds biotoxins. Not every carbon works, by the way. Biotoxin is 400 to 1,000 angstroms, very tiny and very difficult to bind. We actually found one, and studies show that it in fact does bind this biocomplex and therefore the toxin and pulls the toxin out. Really, we're detoxing the body by just pulling it away from the liver and gallbladder, out of the body, into the toilet. Then the body will let go of more, and then we do it again. It's just concentration gradient, pulling it out, dumping; pulling it out, dumping. Six to eight weeks of doing this, with this binding agent—by the way, the new one is called Bind, makes a lot of sense, B-I-N-D. Bind is the substance that we use. We've evolved. We not only use this special, activated carbon, very expensive by the way, but we used some other binding agents one of which is from South Africa that Warren and I found. I'll let Warren tell that part of the story, but he felt amazing when we were in Africa.

Warren: That's the height of my existence.

Dr. Pompa: That's right, and he was. We were eating this stuff from a bowel bat tree. We were eating tons of it. As a matter of fact, we were so impressed because we both felt better eating it that we were trying to export it way back when. We weren't successful, but someone else was later on. That is a binding agent we found out. It doesn't other things as well, but it is also in this Bind product. There's also something called humates and humic acid. These things bind inorganics like heavy metals. In Bind, we really have a combination of things that pull toxins out of the gut, away from the liver and gall bladder, in the bile, so it doesn't auto-intoxicate. Bind has really become, it's really evolved into an amazing part of really every detox system that we have, every detox protocol that we have. How it's unique with this particular topic of mold is this: you have to take it three times a day, more often, normally we only give it before bed, but now we give it throughout the day for about six to eight weeks. We also give things, we push up glutathione, we do things to detox the cell, to push the biotoxins away from the cell to the liver, but we're grabbing it and pulling it out of the body. All that said, if you don't get somebody out of the source, it's all for nothing. Remember, R1 means moving them away from their toxic source, in this case we're talking about mold, getting them out of the moldy home, or the moldy business, or the moldy car; then grabbing the biotoxin from the body and over six to eight weeks just keep pulling it out of the body. We want to detox—take the person from the source and remove the source from the person through this process of grabbing it into the bile. Again, we surround that with cellular healing. We surround that with improving the detox pathways at the cell so it releases the toxins to the liver, grab it in the gut, pull it out of the body. That's it in a nutshell. I think Warren has got you a nice little picture.

Warren: Oh yes, this is awesome.

Dr. Pompa: Yes, review it, Warren, because again, I just went over some complicated stuff, so them hearing it again is not a bad thing.

Warren: Okay, so, you know, again, the—like Dr. Pompa said, biotoxic illness can manifest a lot of different ways, like from the Lyme. In that case, the biotoxin produced by—what is it, borealis? What's the name of the—

Dr. Pompa: What do you mean, the biotoxins produced by—

Warren: Lyme.

Dr. Pompa: Oh, the Lyme. I'm sorry. Yeah, the—which one? Are you talking about killer infections—Babitsia, Bartinella—or are you talking about the actual—

Warren: Lyme.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, Bartinella. Babitsia, Bartinella, and—

Warren: Borealis, or something.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, boreal—I'm drawing a blank because I'm on the co- infections. I've been looking at co-infections all week. I'll think of it in a second, go on.

Warren: Okay. So anyway, in both protocols, the reason I bring that, Dan, the protocols are a little bit different. One of the diagnostic things if you start—what Schumaker noticed that started to differentiate—

David Asarnow: Differentiate.

Warren: What he said. Dan and I are both losing it today. He can't remember borealis and I can't remember how to speak. When you give this binding agent, one thing—Dr. Schumaker, because he's a medical doctor, was using cholestyromine. He noticed that the Lyme patients—because it moved into that, because it's called an anaphylactotoxin. We kind of didn't close that loop produced by the fish. Maybe he did, and I'll draw it in my picture. The anaphylactotoxin produced in the river by the algae was a biotoxin. That's what was getting into the people. Then he started looking at other things that cause biotoxic illness through all this research. He just blew this thing up and noticed that biotoxins were causing things like ALS, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, so these brain-degenerative conditions because of the inflammatory response, and that's what happens with biotoxic illness. People get inflammation. That's what causes hormone disregulation. Inflammation is what's caused in biotoxic patients, specifically, mold patients. Ihey get the smaller joint pain. In Lyme patients, they might get some more knee pain; you hear about that. There's always inflammatory symptoms that when they gave the binding agent to a Lyme patients, they got sicker, causing the Herxheimer Reaction. I just wanted to add that little tidbit in. If you start doing some sort of—you get the Bind and the GCEL and you say, well, I think I may be—I want to get these toxins out and you notice an increase in inflammation, that might be diagnostic of Lyme. I just want to kind of say that before I forgot. Let's get back to what Dr. Pompa was talking about. I drew my happy face for my daughter. She's like, “Daddy, draw me a happy face.” This is a human. It may not look like a human, but I put the hair up there, and that makes it human.

Dr. Pompa: It's not clear.

David: Are you on a wireless right now?

Warren: No. Maybe I just got to make it a littler darker. How's this?

David: No, you're blurry in general.

Warren: Oh. I'm clear on my end. Let me turn off my—hopefully I don't lose you, but I'll turn off my internet and—

Dr. Pompa: Warren, bordorfi! Borealla bordorfi. I was back to the bacteria thing. Yeah, maybe if you back it up. Warren's kind of blurry, too, don't you think?

David: Yeah, a little bit.

Warren: I'm not—I mean, I won't be blurry to the people that's being recorded. You won't be able to see it, but my picture's good here, so therefore it's going to be good for everybody else. It's just as it broadcasts to you, it's bad. Mine will always be probably the most clean because I'm the one that's running the Google hangout. So here is the person. Here is the liver. Now, in most situations when you detoxify, specifically biotoxins, they pass through your liver. Unfortunately, biotoxins—another little piece of the puzzle—biotoxins, if you're a certain genetic type, you just don't get rid of them well. I know on previous shows, Dr. Pompa has talked about just genetically, you don't get rid of heavy metals well, or genetically, folks don't get rid of biotoxins well. Your body has an innate ability to heal itself, but certain genetics can't get rid of biotoxins, so that's one of the issues. What happens is the toxins remain in the liver and bind up. Because they're fat-soluble, they bind up to this bowel complex. Every time you eat fats, what happens is your body—your liver dumps bile into your upper small intestine. It dumps the bile to digest fats. However, it's doing its job. You're eating fat. Within a few minutes, your body automatically knows, I need to—within the process, it times it perfectly to dump the bile so that the bile, salts, and acids can help digest the fats so that it can be used in your body for things such as hormone production and your body using fats and cholesterol to function and live. One of the big issues is it does that automatically, but if your body's toxically sick, it's going to pass that through into your body and then once it enters into the small intestine, the biotoxins, as the bile reabsorbs, it'll reabsorb—see, this bile comes in and it gets into the small intestine. It's digesting the fats, and your body conserves the bile. It reabsorbs it and actually puts it back into the liver. Correct, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa: That's right, yep. Exactly.

Warren: Unfortunately, those small little biotoxins, at 900 angstroms or whatever Dr. Pompa said, goes back into the liver, and now you have bile that's contaminated, essentially. In that process as it goes back into your bloodstream to find its way back to the liver, you're exhibiting symptoms because the biotoxins are going along with it, causing inflammation, dysfunction, cellular disease. What happens now with the process that Dr. Schumaker noticed when he gave cholestyramine, it grabbed the bile. The bile was now not reabsorbed. It moves through the intestinal tract and then removed from the body. The product that we put together, it's literally our fourth-generation product now; it's called Bind. It's not our product, but it's a company called Systemic Formulas. We do have it and we use it with our patients. It's a doctors-only product, so you'd have to call our office to be turned on to it. What happens is, the Bind, just like the cholestyromine did, binds the bile. Now, let's tell a little bit about that story. How did we figure out carbon did it? Well, Dr. Pompa put me on the case, saying that we can't do that as natural health practitioners, obviously—prescribe medications. That's not who we are. We're natural health practitioners and health coaches. We decided to do a massive amount of research. To make a long story short—I'm not a talking head here—is we found out through some research out of Italy how they were using carbon to lower what, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, they were using carbon to lower cholesterol levels.

Warren: Yep, and so that peaked our interest. We're like, hmm, it's a binding agent. We know that cholestyramine lowers cholesterol by binding bile. So in that process, we found out that this particular kind of carbon out of Norway, or I can't remember where, but it's out of a certain area that they produce it. It's highly clean carbon. A lot of carbon is contaminated by heavy metals and they don't have the binding capacity, but this particular type of carbon was shown in studies to lower cholesterol by binding fat in the gut and not allowing it to reabsorb. So if you pull the fats out and they don't reabsorb and be digested by the bile and enter the bloodstream, creating cholesterol, which your body needs but what the drug companies say it's not good for you at a certain level was being eliminated. So that was the process. It binds the bile before it can digest the fats in your body, allowing cholesterol to be released in your bloodstream. So it binds it up and then, again, would pull the bile, which had—and the fats, the bile and the fats, out of the system. It worked the same way, and we started using it with patients that had elevated C4a's, and noticed that their numbers dropped from an elevated autoimmune state, and we could see that their numbers would drop dramatically after about six weeks of being on just—we just used the carbon. After years, and years, and years, literally, of research and testing clinically, we found that the combination we use now does it at multiple levels, so that's kind of the story. What Dr. Pompa mentioned—we added—as we grew in what we knew how to get these people not sicker quicker, like a lot of people do when they do the wrong products and drive detoxification. We've got to get them healthier faster by adding the GCEL and driving some of the detoxification, getting more of the biotoxins bound up to the bile. Now we know it's safe, because we have the catcher's mitt, the Bind. As the bile would be released into the small intestine, we'd have that Bind right there. That being said, part of the protocol is you got to take Bind away from all medications, at least two hours away from all medications and supplements, just to be safe but after you take it, if you wait a half-hour, then you can eat some fats and it'll cause that bile to be dumped. You can't eat afterwards, at least for a half hour but when you do, it will cause that bile dump to happen. That also happens naturally in the evening when you're sleeping, so a lot of our patients take their final dose away from all their medications or supplements, before bed. Then at night, there's also a bowel release as your liver cleans and detoxifies. That's kind of my little story of how this came about, and I hope that this graph is viewable on the live broadcast here.

David: I'm going to break it down to layman's terms, though. For someone like me—

Warren: I thought I did a good layman. Come on, David.

David: Real high level. Basically, a lot of people are having a lot of challenges these days. When you were talking and I was hearing, I said things that people are—a high prevalency of ALS. MS. They're getting on all these medications, and people aren't getting well, but they're not looking at the source. What we're talking here about is a lot of times the source is just an environmental factor that triggers a change in the gene expression, is what I'm hearing.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah, no, it does. Exactly. I mean, when you get hit with a toxin, obviously it can affect you in multiple ways. It can drive inflammation, stick to the cell, which is a fatty membrane. When you cause the inflammation of a cell, now you're affecting hormones. You're affecting really anything as cellular energy, how do you feel, how do you think. It also turns on certain genes. We know the toxins. We can give mice certain toxins and trigger genes of obesity, trigger diabetes genes, thyroid genes. So we know that certain toxins turn on genes. Always, we say part of the solution has to be to turn off the genes. Right now there's a massive separation of what's happening in the scientific world where in the last ten years, we've had this new science showing that we can change gene expression. Humans, we have 99.9% the same DNA, so why are we so different? It's the epigenome. It's the epigenetics. Most doctors don't even—they haven't even heard that message. That's what's amazing. They still think you've got your diabetes because your mom had it or your dad had it. I mean, you get—inherit a gene of susceptibility, but the gene has to be turned on. The best part is, none of their treatment has anything to do with turning off the gene. That's one of my goals is really to close down this gap of what's happening in the science world and what's happening in the treatment world. We know that we can turn off these genes. We know that things turn them on, like toxins, so—

Warren: Yeah, I mean, this isn't your opinion, Dan. It's all through literature. It's in magazines. Your DNA is not your destiny, but what do we hear? The culture code is that I'm going to die of my genetic weakness. I'm going to die of what my father did. What life is that, Dr. Pompa, to know my dad died of heart disease; now I'm going to live in fear, not function, mentally always know that I'm going to die, and, therefore, you're not able to achieve and make the impact that you need to. These things weigh on you.

Dr. Pompa: Very raw. No doubt, and here's why most doctors love that message of, “Hey, you're just unlucky. You got the bad gene that's turned on.” It relieves them of the responsibility, doesn't it, to do anything further. So as the patient comes in and they just slap a medication on them to deal with the symptom, if it's genetic, then they've done their job. Hey, we're just managing the symptoms now, and they feel good about themselves. Wait a minute. If all of a sudden in their consciousness, they realize there's actually something you can do, number one, to avoid getting your gene turned on, well, there's a responsibility to educate the patient, which they don't want to do, because—and I'm not attacking doctors. The system doesn't pay them to do that, so why would you want to do that? You'll go broke, and your clinic will go under.

David: Well, more and more are becoming open to other alternatives because they're not getting paid from the medical model.

Warren: Setting us up for massive success.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, and then there's the other aspect of it that, okay, if we know that there's this science out there who can actually change the gene expression, then that opens the door up—well then, we better do something about that, too. If they hold on to their little dogma, their little message of sorry, you've got the gene, sorry. Well, then that's really guilt-free. So that's why, really, this message hasn't caught on, but we're going to close the gap of science and also the treatment world. Again, I think when we just—I don't want to get too far away from this subject at hand here, and that's biotoxic illness and how many people are really suffering from this. Again, it's worth reiterating. It's a two-part thing. You got to get rid of the source. In the case of Lyme disease, you have to kill the Lyme, and it's co-infectious. The Borellia bacteria turns into a spirochete, and it can get into a cyst phase, or in a cell wall-deficient phase, and it can hide in that body. It makes people very sick. Once you get rid of that source, then you can pull these biotoxins away. By the way, that's—a lot of people fail to do that. When they're treating Lyme, they're just trying to kill the Lyme, and meanwhile, the biotoxins are going around and around and around. Part of it, just like mold treatment, has to be to pull those biotoxins out, like Warren said.

Warren: Break the cycle.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, break that cycle. Warren said if you didn't kill the Lyme and you're trying to pull the biotoxins out, it almost creates a nastier cycle, so you need to bail. In the case with mold, yeah, we got to get someone out of the moldy house, away from the exposure. Then once we do, then we can start pulling the biotoxin out of the body, fixing the cell, changing that gene expression, David. That's part of it, because that mold, they're so strong of toxins that it starts turning on these genes. That's why leptin rises up and all this hormone disregulation. Genes get turned on. So part of the treatment has to be to turn off that gene expression. Again, I always like to put things in context for your thinking. I keep seeing this. Always think of that three-legged stool. Leg number one is certain genes get turned on. Part of the solution has to be to turn them off, and really that's where the 5R's come in. So when you look at the cellular products that we use, most of them were developed in and around this concept of turning off gene expression, changing it back from bad to good. Yes, those products apply there. Number two, the second leg, is you have to get rid of the sources that turn it on. In this case, it's mold. The third leg is the microbiome, the gut. These bacteria we know have a relationship also with the immune system and also turning off or turning on bad genes. Bad guys in the gut can turn on bad genes; good guys turn them off. Again, it's this three-legged stool of fixing the gut and the bacteria,changing the gene expression, getting rid of the source. Always put everything in context there and you'll see, really, the solution to the majority of degenerative diseases today.

Warren: I'll bring this up again, Dan. I'm just going to put this picture up so that people can see. Now, this is really Dr. Pompa's three-legged stool. This makes it that simple. There's products like mores and methylation in the research that can turn genes on and off, that—things—high levels of certain B vitamins, methylcobalamin, hydroxycobalamin, can turn good genes on and bad genes off.

Dr. Pompa: The strongest research on how to change gene expression is to fix the cell membrane.

Warren: Oh, wow.

Dr. Pompa: Fix the cell membrane is the number one way to actually change the gene expression.

Warren: So that's why a lot of folks are eating a low-fat diet, because they're worried about cholesterol, and they're not fixing their cell membrane with healthy fats, and therefore gene expression remains expressing bad genes. That's huge. I'm going to start eating more fats. I'm drinking my new MCT oil today that comes in the glass container.

Dr. Pompa: I just read a great study that they were showing that when they put someone in ketosis, there's such a dramatic down-regulation of inflammation in the cell membrane, that they see this massive change in gene expression. Just by putting someone in a ketogenic state for three months, you can literally change their gene expression. I've seen it clinically. It's actually really amazing. It's super high fat.

Warren: So another solution would be the ketogenic diet.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. See, what happens is, fat burns cleaner than glucose. Glucose burns with something called ROS, reactive oxygen species. The type of glucose is like when you burn wood, there's smoke. Think of burning fat as like natural gas on your stove. You don't see smoke, right? It burns cleaner. So when you change the fuel that your cell's using, you're down-regulating inflammation very quickly. That membrane can heal—you can make a massive difference pretty fast. That's why all the testimonies—David, you heard them from our doctors, right? A lot of them—I call it in advance the cellular healing diet, where you put someone in a keto adaptation phase for a period of time. Anyways, the bottom line is, you fix that cell membrane, which is just fat. That changes gene expression. Again, all the 5R's—raising cellular energy changes gene expression. You can look at every one of the 5R's—getting rid of the toxic source; R1. Every one of them change gene expression. That's what the 5R's do. That's why it fits in on that leg of the stool in context.

Warren: So this is huge, Dan. I'm going to make a 30-second point. If you're watching this and you realize that your DNA is not your destiny, that you don't have to do what Angelina Jolie did. She found out that—she did genetic tests—that she had the breast cancer gene. Because she didn't know if it was turned on or off—she didn't know—she wiped out her breasts because she was living in that much fear of breast cancer. See, fear is not faith. It's the opposite of how you should live your life, how God designed you to live. If you live in a state of fear, it will eventually kill you. Fear causes stress and stress hormones, but living free and having real solutions and real answers—that's why we're telling you this stuff, guys. It's not your destiny. You don't have to die. You can live, and you don't have to live in fear of being one in two people who die of either heart attack or cancer. That doesn't have to be you. You don't have to live in any more fear of that when you apply these cellular healing strategies. That's why we call it CellularHealing.tv. This is the real science, guys, and the real solutions to your health challenges, to allow your body to heal itself. It works, and it works every time. We've seen it in dramatic cases, again and again, how well your body can heal itself. The fats—Dr. Pompa, I didn't know that, how you can really change gene expression there. I would just think methylation was doing that, so I learned something huge today. Thank you.

Dr. Pompa: A lot of that work—a guy named Bruce Lipton, the biology of life, he was one of the originators of the fact that intelligence of the cell is in the cell membrane itself. That's when we're seeing this epidemic of people with inflammation causing diabetes, inflammation causing cancer. You can't flip a magazine or a research article without finding inflammation as the cause of, right? It's not just inflammation of the sore shoulder. That's inflammation, but it's inflammation of every cell, particularly the cell membrane. In Lipton's work, he really showed that this is where the intelligence is. It's not the DNA. They used to think that the intelligence of the cell was the DNA, but we know if we extract the nucleus and take the DNA away, the cells live on. Not only do they live on, they live on with intelligence. They can engulf things. They can do their functions. Now, they can't replicate, because the DNA's not there. When they would take and they'd put these same cells in a petri dish and they would dissolve the little receptors on the membrane, the cell would die instantly, have no function at all—I mean literally die instantly. They realized that this is where the intelligence is. It's the membrane that communicates with the outer cell and all the hormones and all the messengers, and then it sends the signal to the DNA and changes what the DNA does, for better or for worse. When this membrane's inflamed, we change the DNA for bad. We start producing bad hormones. We start producing bad things, weak proteins. When this is functioning well, then we start—it controls that DNA and starts turning off the bad stuff. That's where that membrane association really comes from. He's a cellular biologist, brilliant guy, researching stem cell biology and other things.

Warren: We're getting him on this—we're getting him on one of these shows soon.

Dr. Pompa: It's interesting, David, and you can chime into this, Because of a lot of his work, people realize that even your thoughts can drive inflammation of the membrane, can now change the DNA. Well, how is that possible? Because when you think certain things, if a lion walked in the room, would that affect your physiology?

Warren: Oh my gosh, yeah.

David: Your stress level, which is toxic—

Dr. Pompa: Sure. You would go—

David: Thoughts are just as powerful and create toxins within our body as being exposed to them environmentally.

Dr. Pompa: Your brain thinks it's under threat, it will create certain chemicals that do things at the cellular level, like drive inflammation. Yes, your thoughts can drive cellular inflammation. Chronically bad thoughts, chronically negative thoughts—they've proven, actually, inflame the cell membrane, and when cell membrane's inflamed long enough, guess what happens to the DNA? It changes it for bad. Now you're creating the very proteins—now you've created the cycle of this negativity. By the way, multiple chemical sensitivity—here's the neat thing about it, and we'll finish on this note. We know that people say, “Well, that's just psychological.” They're partly right, but it's physiological, too. What happens is when you're already toxic from heavy metals or a mold situation, your nerve system's in a hyper state. Your brain can learn, unfortunately, in these hyper states. There's a place in the brain called the amygdala, which attaches meaning to feedback from your thalamus, your nerve system. In other words, all of a sudden it gets these things coming back that this chemical is doing something. The amygdala applies a meaning that's not good, and then it drives all of these other things to release all these other hormones. Here's the problem. The toxic source is gone—your amygdala now creates that same meaning, that these chemicals are causing problems. Even small amounts, minor amounts, because your amygdala just wants you to survive. It applies meaning that that lion is bad. It applies meaning. It's Pavlov's dog, remember? When he gave a dog food, it'd salivate. Now, if we rang a bell, it didn't salivate but if we rang a bell every time we gave it food, it would salivate. Now, if we take the food away, just ring the bell, it salivates. That's the problem with chemical sensitivity people, right? We're just ringing the stinking bell, and they're still getting the same reaction, because this amygdala has created this pattern. Guess what? We know that one of the best ways to fix it is to start telling the body, “It's okay, it's okay.” I just read something great this week, that they're fixing chemical sensitivity by putting them around chemicals and telling them that it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. All they're doing is re-patterning the amygdala and making the brain repeatedly go into a different direction. It's really cool how the brain works, because then it down-regulates the cellular inflammation. When people get that sniff of a minor amount of a chemical, they up-regulate inflammation, they do. Your thoughts up-regulate inflammation because of that amygdala.

David: Hey, Dr. Pompa, I got a huge idea. Let's talk offline.

Dr. Pompa: Great. Lovely.

Warren: Well, we're 45 minutes into an amazing show today, Dr. Pompa. Thanks for taking 45 minutes of your time. David, I know you're busy, you have clients and appointments. Same for you, Dr. Pompa. Again, guys, share this with your friends. This is incredible information. We're doing it as a service to the world because we are on a mission to change the world. We are crazy enough, with you, to go and change the world and to speak truth and life and not death to our friends, family, and to anyone who's willing to hear truth in this world. Thanks so much for being on Cellular Healing TV. Share this video if you're watching it with your friends, and share CellularHealing.tv as well. Thanks so much. Let's create a movement and change the world.

David: Thanks, everyone.