Transcript of Episode 161: How to Walk the Talk
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Meredith Dykstra and Dr. Randy Michaux
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m your host, Meredith Dykstra, and this is Episode #156. We have our resident cellular healing specialist, Dr. Daniel Pompa, on the line. Today, we welcome very special guest, Dr. Randy Michaux.
Before we jump into today’s topic, let me tell you a little bit more about Dr. Randy. -inaudible- Michaux is a chiropractic physician. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Florida in 2007. Additionally, he has extensive training in cellular health and cellular detox. He is a speaker, husband, father of four awesome kids, and a Spartan racer. Dr. Randy believes that we each have a God-given purpose. As we seek to understand this purpose, we are led and guided in ways that strengthen both our physical and spiritual health.
Welcome, Dr. Randy, to Cellular Healing TV. We have a lot to talk about today.
Dr. Michaux:
Thank you so much. I’m excited to be here.
Dr. Pompa:
We’re pleased to have you. We want to just always bring testimony to what we’re doing. We’re a growing group of doctors that are doing something very unique and changing lives all over the planet. You’re one of them, so we want to hear from you.
Let’s start. You have quite a great personal story. Start there. What brought you into this?
Dr. Michaux:
I was talking to Meredith before. Preparing for this, I went back to early 2011 where I’m 6, 3. I weigh about 185. I had dropped down to about 155.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s what I weigh, but I’m short. I’m 5, 9.
Dr. Michaux:
I didn’t understand why. Here I am a chiropractor. I’m doing all the things that I know how to do, but yet I don’t feel like I’m digesting food. I’m getting migraine headaches almost weekly if not every other day. I had to shut my office down multiple times because migraines were so severe that I couldn’t function. I couldn’t work.
Went to a holistic doctor and she essentially told me that your gut is a wreck. Go figure with all the things that I’ve learned now. She said that you’re on your way to colon cancer. I’m like I’m 33. How is this even possible? That’s something that people get in their 70s, not their 30s.
For the first time, my wife and I were really exposed to the necessity of organic foods, of reducing sugar, of concepts with how the liver helps detoxify. Here I am thinking I know a lot about health but really realizing that I didn’t know anything, thought I knew a lot.
This was really my wife—this was the start of our journey in health. We made a lot of drastic changes. We cut out almost all the refined sugars. I was eating a super restrictive diet. You only do those things that restricted if there’s a compelling reason. My compelling reason was I’ve got four kids. There’s no way I can let this thing keep going. I’ve got a practice and a wife.
That changed, improved. My health got better, started seeing my weight gain, and got back up to my normal weight, 180, 185. Things were going along really well.
Then, 2014 hit. My dad came into the office probably 4 to 5 days before my 37th birthday, 38th birthday and said I’ve got cancer. It’s of the liver.
My dad was former Marine, so he always had this look in his eyes of determination and I can conquer anything. On this day, and I can still—on this day, that wasn’t there. There was fear. There was anxiety. I don’t know what’s going to happen.
I remember this was really a turning point for me because with everything that, again, I thought I knew, how come I didn’t see these things? As he went forward, he died two months later. This was middle September, so he died two-and-a-half months later end of September. It just rocked all of us.
Then I began to put things together. I saw prediabetes. I saw things with autoimmune that, looking back, I can start to piece things together. Then I’m seeing my own self in that, like wow, this is where I was maybe headed. Things, again, had to change.
If that wasn’t bad enough, my sister’s health began to tank. This is where I really met you and was introduced to true cell detox with a doctor in Boise, Idaho, Dr. Todd. My sister was introduced to him. I’ll never forget our conversation where, for the first time, she had hope because she was hearing—she was talking about cellular inflammation, and chronic inflammation of the cell, and toxins, and gut health, and things that I had heard of. I had met you at a Dr. Fred conference and started following your stuff online. Still, it was such tip of the iceberg.
As I’m hearing things from her, I’m like Jenny, you have to do this. This is everything that you need. Talked to Dr. Watts, then he said hey, there’s this seminar coming up. You need to go.
I remember listening to you and hearing everything about true cell detox and about ancient healing strategies. I’ve never been more determined to—this is my path. This is what I’ve been led to. It was truly a—it was where I was supposed to be: the right time, the right timing for me because I had had a short conversation with you. I don’t know if you remember but probably a year-and-a-half prior to that, I said I’m not ready to make these changes yet. When I am, I’m going to call.
Now, here I am. Our whole family has made these phenomenal changes with cell detox. My wife is doing this. I think she is more spot-on than I am with things. To see her health—found out she was prediabetic and completely has changed that. Her life has been changed.
My life has been changed. We talked about these Spartan races. The change that I’ve seen physically in myself in terms of recovery, and stamina, and mental clarity has just gone through the roof. I’m getting to levels that I really only hoped for at best.
Dr. Pompa:
I’ve watched your health change through this, just implementing what you teach right now, what we teach. I’ll tell you, your call—people are being called. Doctors are being called into this because there is so many people that are experiencing exactly what you experienced.
Cancer, we talked about this on the doctor call today. I don’t know if you were on the training call, but someone in our profession just had died. He wrote a book about cancer. People were taken back by it. He had cancer five years passed, and he wrote a book about conquering it. I think everyone was stunned that he died.
When I was asked about it, I wasn’t—not because I’m negative and not because I didn’t love who he was. The guy was a world changer. However, I said this was a deep-rooted thing; 30 years of bio-accumulating toxins in our flesh. I know that he didn’t dig deep enough, long enough to those deep-rooted tissues and really remove the source.
We understand that we’ve been bio-accumulating toxins for the years that we have since our mother’s womb, triggering certain genes, driving cellular inflammation, causing prediabetes, cancer, and everything else that we’re suffering from. It’s amazing that we all don’t have cancer, honestly. I think that every one of the doctors on the phone, we all walked away from the conversation today more inspired to do multiple brain phases, to continue to do brain phases.
Even me, I do them. I just got off one a week ago. You know what? I’m doing them more frequently. Just knowing that the amount of toxins we’re exposed to today, it’s just unrelenting. We live a clean life. Not to mention what you’ve accumulated from a child. You put all that together—I’m telling you, Dr. Randy, it’s amazing that more people don’t have cancer.
You were headed down that road. How has that changed you as a practitioner, to know that you’re bringing the truth? How’s your headspace coming because you’ve been changing lives now in the short time that you’ve been doing this program? You’re making a difference all the sudden. What changed here?
Dr. Michaux:
Again, I go back to my dad and thinking that—not realizing all the things that he’d been exposed to, in Vietnam exposed to Agent Orange. Growing up, he talked about running through the fields as they were spraying DDT, a field of just white, running through it thinking how cool it was, and us laughing about it. These were the things that started decades ago with him as a kid.
What’s changed for me is this mindset of you are running out of time. There’s not enough time to delay and hope that something comes along or hope that I’ll just let nature take its course. It’s been this mindset change of if I don’t change now, then are my kids going to have a dad through my 70s, 80s, 90s, 100? Are they going to be around? My wife, looking at her health, it was the same. Here I am, a chiropractor, unrelenting back pain in my wife and things that just weren’t—I didn’t understand them.
Now that I see how—I think you said it best. It’s bio-accumulation. It’s not one thing. You expressed it so eloquently on the “Vaccines Revealed” that it’s not just one. It’s this whole accumulation starting in utero and building up. Really understanding that and—understanding it here, not here. This is part of it. Understanding it here, you feel compelled. I feel compelled to share hey, this is what I’m doing, and this is why, and this is how your life can change, and really finding out what you want, why do you want it.
It’s all been about mindset. My mind wasn’t always in the right place. I’ve always been one that wants to help, that loves to serve, but the belief in myself has not always been there. I think this goes with healing the cell. You’ve said this, others have said this, that you are the five people you hang out with. I had to take inventory of who am I—who do I talk with most frequently.
I can say that that has changed. That has changed me from a mindset point, as well, not just health but spiritual health and emotional health. It’s gotten me to a much higher place so that I can sit down in front of someone, stare them in the eye, and tell them this is how you’re going to get your life back. This will get your life back.
Dr. Pompa:
Confident that you’re bringing the real deal, confident that you’re bringing something that no other practitioner is bringing. When we look at the MTA or the multi-therapeutic approach—we were discussing it today as a group of doctors. We know that we have such a confidence, knowing that we’re bringing the answer. We can’t say we have all the answers, but we have something so unique that nobody else is bringing.
What changes have you seen? Now that you’re dealing—talk about some of the cases. You do a lot of thyroid. You do a lot of, I think, maybe diabetes. Talk about that.
Dr. Michaux:
Let me, if I can—let me just start with myself if that’s okay. Again, here I am now. This is back last year, last April. I had finished my fourth year of Spartan racing. I had gotten this bug that I loved doing these endurance events. Even during the race, I find myself thoroughly enjoying them.
I would finish one, and I’d be laid up for a week. My legs would just ache. Walking up stairs let alone trying to do squats or trying to train for the next one, it was—I wouldn’t say debilitating. That’s too strong of a word, but I had to rest for a week. I wanted to exercise more.
I remember talking to you in April or May. You had looked at my questionnaire, at my stuff. You’d said here are some things I think you need to change. The first -inaudible- into ketosis. You said you have so much stress that you’re putting on your body through these races that you have to down regulate inflammation. You have to get your cells stronger. You said get into ketosis.
I told Meredith before the show—I’m like you want me to fast when I’m exercising? Really? I remember doing that years ago, or on a fast Sunday at church, and migraines and I’m in a dark room for three hours. You said no, do this and you’re going to see the results.
I’m like okay, I know that he knows a lot more than I do. He’s been down this, so I’m going to start. I think that day I said Jenny, here’s what I have to do, blah, blah, blah. I went on with it. I think the first race that I had was maybe a month after that. I felt really good through the race. It was 15 miles.
For those people who don’t know what a Spartan race is, you have obstacles. You’re carrying 60-pound buckets of rocks, hauling 55-pound logs, rock-wall climb or log climbs—sorry, wall climbs, climbing ropes, going through mud. All these are on a mountain course, so a ski resort that we’re going up and down while doing all this stuff.
I came off that first race, and it was the first time that one, I didn’t have to eat anything during the race. I didn’t need these protein gels that I never felt good taking. Otherwise, I felt like I was going to pass out in past seasons. I’m like this is really cool.
Dr. Pompa:
Fat adapted, you were fat adapted.
Dr. Michaux:
Then I came off the race. My wife is like you almost finished an hour before you did last year at the same—she was shocked. I’m up walking. I’m moving. I’m talking. She’s like you’re different.
I remember the next day. We drove home from I think it was New Jersey. We drove home that day, another six hours in the car. I got out of the car and was like oh, legs feel pretty good. Maybe I can work out on Monday, and started right back into training, and was like wow, there’s something to this.
That was my first step. Then you told me now you’re going to need this product Asea, which is going to help with your performance. It was funny because my wife in the background, she’s like he’s sold. You said increase performance. He’s going to buy it.
Just long story short, the races that I did last year, I finished each of them an hour faster than I had the previous year and didn’t have this burn in my legs. I could walk up the stairs when I got home, back in my office on Monday, feeling like life is good. Let’s do another race this week.
Every three weeks this past year, I was doing a race. The recovery was huge. What that helped me see was that one, my cells were not in this lactic acidosis state that I’ve learned from Dr. Darren, and from you, and Dr. Seyfried talking about that, which scared me to death when I learned about that. I’m like oh my gosh. This is going on in me, this build up.
That alone has been really cool because it’s encouraged my patients to say well, I want to experience the same things that you are. Maybe I don’t want to do a race, but we just see your health improving and how dedicated you are to it. That has been a really neat to see effect that I never expected or never looked for, for people to start making changes in their lives.
Dr. Pompa:
It gives you a different authority when you sit before a patient or client having experienced it yourself. Your confidence, you come from a different place. Honestly, you’re changing lives like crazy now because you believe it. You’ve experienced it.
Dr. Michaux:
Yeah. Now when I look at the patients that I work with, I think the biggest thing is one, to listen. I had someone come in last week that she said you know, you’re the first person—I’ve been to holistic doctors. I’ve been to naturopaths. I’ve been to so many. She said with this approach that you have, you’re the first person that’s ever addressed my amalgams. You’re the first person that’s ever addressed the chemicals that I’ve been using for the past 30 years with my business. She said I never once thought that that had affected me.
This multi-therapeutic approach, as we’re looking at how our bodies are changing, these toxins are just killing us. It’s a slow death, sometimes a fast death. To begin to roll back the effect of toxicity on people, to see people start to lose weight for the first time in 30 years because they’re releasing toxins, that their body can let go of fat for the first time, and then the energy that’s changing. It’s such a delight to have people come back in for their followup and be like oh my gosh, people are noticing my skin’s better and my hair’s better. I don’t have this brain fog. It’s like this curtain is starting to lift. It’s just amazing to see that.
Here, they’ve been stuck on Synthroid or something else like that for five years, and they just keep increasing the dose when their cells just can’t perform. We start to utilize this multitherapeutic approach of working on the genes, working on their gut, working on the inflammation. There’s just nothing like it.
Dr. Pompa:
The changes are lasting because I know when I was getting my life back, I could do certain things, and I would go oh my gosh, this is it! This is working. Then a month later, I’m back to where I was. Then I’m on to the next thing and on to the next supplement. None of it lasts until you get upstream and remove the cause.
One of our goals always is to educate people in this process. If you work upstream and you truly get to the cause at the cellular level, it’s a lasting change. Your life is going to stay this way. You’re not going to end up a statistic.
Our message, I hope it falls not on deaf ears. You experienced it. I experienced it. We all have experienced it. We have a world to change because even in the alternative world, they’re telling a different story.
People, human, want that one thing. They do. They want that one darn miracle supplement or drug, whatever it is. That’s it. They don’t want to really make the changes. They don’t want to go upstream and do real detox. They tell us. That’s what got your life back.
Meredith, I’ll open it up to some questions for you. Thanks for sharing, Randy. That’s an amazing story.
Dr. Michaux:
There’s so much that we can talk about. What I like to know sometimes is okay, Dr. Randy, you’re implementing all these strategies, but what does that look like in a day of a life in your life. What do you eating for meals when you’re training? What does that look like? What are some of the supplements you’re doing? What does your detox plan look like right now? Can you share some more of the nitty gritty so our viewers and listeners can have some more take-home strategies?
Dr. Michaux:
Yeah. One of the things that I’ve learned from you is the strategy of 5-1-1. That’s five days on of intermittent fasting. What that looks like for me is in the morning, I wake up. It blows some of my friends away that I’m not eating breakfast. I used to think it was the most important meal of the day. There’s no breakfast.
I wake up and I love Asea. I start with Asea and Restore. That is my breakfast, that and water. I won’t eat again until around 1, 2 o’clock. Sometimes, it’s not until I get home 7:30ish.
If I do have lunch, often I will have a big old plate of broccoli, put a tablespoon of butter on it, avocado oil. I’ll have some meat. I’ll have some ham with that. I know that pork is maybe not in the cell diet, but I still like ham. That’s my lunch.
For dinner, Jen, my wife, has fully embraced this. We’re going to have something where it’s high in fat, good fats. We’ll have something—last night was a stew. We had some new vegetables that we tried out. We were doing some fermented vegetables. We did some sauerkraut. I think that’s the first time I’ve had sauerkraut in 20 years and really enjoyed it. -inaudible- said hey, you’re going to be happy. You’re eating fermented foods tonight. Then it was a broth in that, bone broth. That’s my day when we’re intermittent fasting.
I might I’ll throw in, maybe in the mornings even, some coconut butter or some just grass-fed butter in general. I’ll just take a tablespoon and eat it.
Straight up, it’s so good.
Dr. Michaux:
It tastes good, right? That’s my eating. In terms of cell detox, I’ve been following the prep phase, the brain phase, the bio phase, the brain phase, and just doing cycles of that. Last Saturday, I started another round of the on phase of that to continually detox. I can tell that the first cycle of that was definitely yeah, you’re detoxing again. I’m following that. I might throw in some things for my adrenals because of just how much I’m exercising, that and the Asea.
That’s five days a week. One day, I’ll do a whole fast from dinner to dinner. I really find that I love those days.
Dr. Pompa:
Me, too. I love those days, too.
Dr. Michaux:
I used to hate those days because within three hours I was getting migraines, had no idea that I had a blood sugar problem. I just thought oh, everyone has this, right?
That’s what they think! They think oh, everyone has headaches. It’s like no. I haven’t had a migraine now for seven years, eight years. Anyway, I digress.
I’ll have that one day of fasting, and then I have my big eating day. That’s a chore. I’ve heard you say this before, Dr. Pompa. It’s like a chore to eat breakfast. I have to force myself to eat before 10 o’clock breakfast. It’s hard some days, but I need to do that because I do find then that when I go back to intermittent fasting that I’m more leaned. The two days following that I’m like I like my abs. It’s cool. It works.
That’s what I’ve done, and I’ll do phases of that. Right now, I’m not fully starting up. March is going to be where I really go full on into that. I would say this winter season I felt like I need to stop with the intermittent fasting and just go back to three meals a day. During race season, I am full on in that ketosis state because I feel better.
Even when I’m not doing full-on ketosis, I’m still three meals a day, and there is a fast day. I look forward to that fast day. It is a cleansing for me, both physically and spiritually.
Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. When are you exercising? Do you exercise first thing in the morning, midmorning?
Dr. Michaux:
I try to do mornings. I love the mornings, again, because the things that you’ve taught me. In the mornings, my growth hormone and testosterone are at their highest. If I’m going to eat and spike insulin, then I’m not -inaudible-. I love exercising in the morning because it even shoots that up more, not to mention I feel like hey, I’ve already accomplished something today.
For instance, today was a three-and-a-half-mile trail run, no breakfast, hadn’t eaten. Beautiful day outside, it finally stopped raining after two weeks here in Virginia. The mornings are, I find, the best time to exercise. It’s just there’s more clarity. I know what I’m doing hormonally for the body, that I’m up-regulating the hormones that are beneficial and reducing those that are not.
Maybe that’s the mindset that has changed, too, that I’ve talked about with people. This isn’t about weight. It’s about hormones, and cell inflammation, and reducing, and doing everything we can to see our cells as healthy as possible.
Dr. Pompa:
There’s no doubt. On a teaching note, that spike between 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 we get our highest growth hormone rise, testosterone rise. Working out in that range is a great time because you do, you get that—then working out empty stomach you get another growth hormone surge. It’s hormone optimization, no doubt.
Days I can’t, I’ll work out later. Studies show that people who worked out early in the day actually slept, got more time in deep sleep, than working out later in the day. Although I will work out later in the day if I have to, no doubt you don’t get as good of sleep. It does something, again, for the circadian rhythm, hormone rhythm, etc. Working out in the morning definitely helps.
Dr. Michaux:
I totally agree.
It makes sense from an ancestral perspective, too, where back in ancient times, they would get up early in the morning, and work, and go earlier in the day, but in the evening, they would rest more. It makes sense from that historical standpoint, too.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Randy—oh, did you have something, Dr. Pompa?
Dr. Pompa:
No, go ahead.
I’m just curious, too, with the fasting. You’ve shared a lot about intermittent fasting, but do you incorporate block fasting at all? Is that too challenging with your racing schedule?
Dr. Michaux:
No, I’ve done a couple of those. Again, scary the first time. I did it with whey water. Again, I found that I like it. I felt energized as opposed to a lot of people think oh, fasting, lethargy, no energy. I was really just the opposite. It was really beneficial.
Now, during a race week, I won’t. Maybe some people might, but I won’t fast during, when I know a race is coming up, the week before. During this off season, I have. I’ve incorporated these block fasts. Just last week, it’s almost three days, not intentional. It should be but it’s almost three days of a block fast. I did have something at night, but still they’re just very cleansing. I feel that the benefit of that, especially after the race season and before, is to really, again, down regulate all the inflammation that we’re accumulating daily. That four or five-day fast is so healing for the body.
All my clients have felt better on it, too. Maybe the second and the third day, they’re not really enjoying that because their body is reverting from burning glucose to burning fat, but they come out of that, and look back, and they’re like wow, that really helped start to lift this curtain off me. I feel I’m not in the shadows anymore. I don’t have this fog, or at least it’s been lessened. The block fasting is incredible.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it is critical, especially the challenge cases that we see. Without block fasting, it would be almost impossible to down regulate some of the inflammation cycles that are there. Doing it while you’re doing cellular detox, it’s obviously part of our therapeutic approach for sure.
Dr. Michaux:
I’m just curious, too. How has it been implementing the true cellular detox program in your office as far as maybe some testimonials or stories you want to share? So many people are reaching out more and more to our offices. We’re giving them true cellular detox. They’re so excited about it but seeking some more stories and maybe some special pieces or some conditions that really responded to it. I don’t know if you have anything that you can share that you’ve seen in your clinic.
Dr. Michaux:
There are a couple people that I’m thinking of specifically. One lady came in, and she had been—started TCD, was not walking well, in bed probably 20 hours a day, very little resources to draw from. Started TCD and I remember when she came in the next month. TCD she was doing: I had her start in ketosis, I had her start intermittent fasting. I had her do a whey-water fast in the beginning. She started the prep phase.
She came back in that first month, and she had this huge smile on her face. I’m like okay, something’s change. She said I lost weight this month. I’m thinking well, that’s cool. She’s like no, you don’t understand. I haven’t been able to lost weight for ten years. That was huge for her.
We increased some things that she was doing. I’ll just go to most recently. She came back in, and she said I think I can go out and get a job again. She said I think I can go back to work because my energy is high. I’m feeling better. My joints don’t ache like they did. She said this is probably 80% less of this inflamed feeling in my body. She said I know that I’m getting my life back. It’s been remarkable to see this change in her.
She’s starting a brain phase I want to say this next week. Again, she was really excited about that. She’s like I’m just so excited that I get to get this toxicity out of my body and for it to heal. She knows it.
We’ve got another couple that started this. They did it together, and it was really cool. Again, this was inspired because they said hey, we see all the races you’re doing. We want to do something like that, but we’re not ready for it yet.
They did TCD together, incorporated some of the strategies, and just felt their energy start to increase, their clarity at work, the stress that they had at work. Both their jobs are very stressful. They said it’s not bothering us as much. We’re not feeling just so constricted because of the stress that we’re feeling.
Our exercise is better. We feel better after we exercise. We’re seeing improvements in so many different things in their health.
Everyone’s experience is different. That’s what’s so neat. They all have different things they come and say this is better, this is better, this is better. It’s unique to them. That’s what I love is that in their lives—many of them are saying this is going to affect my family and their family. It’s generations.
Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. It’s funny. I had a client today. She was saying oh my gosh, let me tell you about my husband now. He was the doubter. Now, he’s doing this. I have this all the time. It effects generations, even the ones who are skeptical in the same house because they start seeing the results of this one. That’s funny.
He got a hold of our TCD pilot challenge. He signed up unknowing -inaudible-. True story. Here he was the doubter, and he did it. He’s like from watching all the videos. Now he’s harassing her. You just never know how you’re going to affect people. It’s a great thing.
We live this life. We practice what we preach. We all have our story. We have a message the world needs. There’s no doubt about it. There is no doubt. Thanks for bringing it, Randy. Thank you for being on the show and giving your testimony. Thanks for living it day in and day out and every patient, client, that you come in contact with. They need you, bud. Awesome.
Dr. Michaux:
Absolutely. Thank you.
Thanks, Dr. Pompa. Dr. Randy, in closing, anything you’d like to share with our viewers or audience members who are listening and thinking about jumping into TCD and the multi-therapeutic approach, want to implement some of the strategies—what would you say to them?
Dr. Michaux:
I would go back to this 3% rule that you teach, Dr. Pompa. It’s a choice. The health decisions that we make, the life that we want to have is 100% a choice. When you take that step—I love this principle. It’s the principle of the gospel. You take that step, and the Lord is going to light your way. You may not see where that path is going, but you know that it’s right. Everything inside of your heart says yes, move forward, but everything here says but what if.
When we follow our heart and take that step, I love how the Lord opens up this path to us. We begin to see, not with our eyes, but we begin to see with our spirit that yeah, my body and spirit, when they are more in harmony, my life is better. I see things. I feel things more intently.
I would just say take that step. Follow your heart, as scary as that may be sometimes. Know that when you take that—this is my sister. Every reason to say no but she took that step forward, and it’s changed her life and her family’s life. It’s changed my life, big step meeting you in Atlanta, huge step for me to take. Just take it. Don’t worry about necessarily the how. Worry about why. Why do you want this? How is it going—why is it going to affect your life? Why do you want this improved health?
As you move forward in that, everything of what and how, those things are just going to appear, but we’ve got to make that choice and take that first step.
Dr. Pompa:
Well said, Dr. Randy. Well said.
Amen. Thank you so much, Dr. Randy, for being on the show. How can people find out more about you?
Dr. Michaux:
Our website is We’re on Facebook. I do a lot of Facebook Live videos on health and really love those. Again,, and I just look forward to helping as many people as are ready.
Dr. Pompa:
Thank you. Thank you, Meredith.
Thank you, everyone.
Dr. Michaux:
Thank you.
Thanks, Dr. Pompa. Thanks, Dr. Randy. Thanks, everybody. Have a great weekend, and we’ll see you next time. Bye-bye.
Dr. Michaux: