17: Hormone Disruptors and Toxic Beauty Products, Asea Redox Signaling

Transcript of Episode 17: Hormone Disruptors and Toxic Beauty Products, ASEA Redox Signaling

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and Merily Pompa.

Warren: We are live, CellularHealing.tv, episode 17, CellularHealing.tv. Special guest, one of the best ever on the planet, Dr. Pompa's beautiful wife Merily. Say hi, Merily.

Merily: Hi, guys! Good to be here.

Warren: We all say that our wives are hormonal, and sometimes that can get us into trouble, especially when you're a natural health practitioner, but Merily has had a lot of hormone conditions in the past, and that sounds like I—even though we're both in Napa right now and she can knock on my door and have a word with me. The nice thing about Merily, she's on the mission with us, and she really does care about her health. She lives up to—if there might be something wrong in her body. So we're talking about hormone conditions today, and Merily is very open and willing to share with us today, so we're very thankful to have her on with us. Dr. Pompa, thank you. We're in Napa right now with a bunch of world-changing doctors from around the country, meeting in Napa, masterminding to make a difference in this world with people like you watching today. Dr. Pompa and Merily, thank you.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely. She might be too old, so we'll have to just be careful there, but yeah.

Warren: She doesn't care. She's like—we're related.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly. So, I'm a little nervous right now. I'm between two Phillips. For those of you who don't know, my wife is actually Warren's cousin, so it can get scary. I don't have David here to balance this thing out.

Warren: We are live in Napa, just so you know. See? This is from our hotel room, and that's my poof of hair, so this is true.

Dr. Pompa: Anyway, hormone dysregulation—what a topic. I actually wanted Merily to come on and really give her perspective on it. Obviously, she lived through it.

Merily: Which part, myself or him?

Dr. Pompa: I lived through it differently.

Merily: Here we go.

Dr. Pompa: So, Warren and I always say we know our wives are hormonal, they just never want to admit it, but she's here to admit it tonight, so that's all. We just want to get this taped and admit—no, but actually, if you read R5 of the articles about R1-R5, R5 deals with methylation, in that we tell the story of—my wife's story, and how really it came off of her mom. The story goes, and I'll let her fill in some of the details, but—my wife, when I met her—she really had all kinds of allergy problems. I literally remember her laying in bed with compresses over her sinuses, and being in bed for days, spring and fall. I remember the horse pills you would take before your periods.

Merily: 800 milligrams of ibuprofen.

Dr. Pompa: I also remember your cabinets. Do you remember—you always correct me and say there was Snyder's hard pretzels, peanut butter, and oodles of noodles.

Merily: Correct.

Dr. Pompa: Is that right? Okay.

Merily: Salsa. There was no peanut butter.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, okay. That was your diet. Salsa. I didn't see the salsa. Probably what I drank when I was looking for food.

Merily: I dipped them in the—

Dr. Pompa: This is college days, now, folks, okay? But anyways, the point was, she met me, changed her diet, and a lot of things changed. You did. A lot of your health problems definitely got better, but the hormonal issues got better, but they didn't change. I mean, there were certain things that just stayed around. For years, we didn't know. Obviously, just to fast forward, we ended up doing a couple different tests on you. One, which is a 24-hour hormone test, which is the test that Suzanne Somers said saved her life, and I know that it saved your life. It showed that your methylation was completely tanked, and your estrogen ratios were flipped. The bottom line is you were going to end up just like your mother. It explained the hormone problems, but going upstream further, we have to ask ourselves what depleted the methylation. Merily, like her mother, had extremely elevated lead—what was the first test we did on you, what was your lead value?

Merily: I think it was like 110 or 112.

Dr. Pompa: No, that was the third. The first one was—

Warren: More like 160.

Merily: You remember?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, and then the second one, when it started coming out of your bones, when we started again it went up, and then it went down progressively over the years. But, really, so it was her toxic lead—how did you get all of that lead?

Merily: Well, obviously other than from my mom, I chewed on my green crib, which I remember—like, remember I just remembered that at one point along the way?

Dr. Pompa: She would rock in her crib, I mean literally—

Merily: But that's a whole other issue.

Dr. Pompa: She still rocks, and every once in a while we find her chewing on the baseboards.

Merily: That was Bun-Bun. We had a bunny that did that, actually, and died.

Dr. Pompa: Lead poisoning.

Merily: It was a cedar rabbit.

Warren: You know, people make fun of people for chewing on lead paint. Merily actually did it, so—

Merily: I did it, and I remember—

Warren: No laughing matter now.

Merily: I did remember that along the way. At some point I remember saying to Danny, in the process of chelation, “Oh my gosh, you know what I just remembered out of nowhere? I actually chewed on my green crib.” Obviously, I lived in an old home, the one that your dad also grew up in, lead pipes.

Warren: Yeah, lead pipes.

Merily: Leaded gas lines that we sat in and sniffed the fumes—I remember my mom had a couple Volkswagens and—

Dr. Pompa: We grew up in the lead generation.

Merily: We did.

Dr. Pompa: No doubt about that. So did our parents. The number one source is your mom, and again, you can read the article—R5—and kind of get a better grip of this. The bottom line is her mom had major lead issues, major hormone issues, and she ended up with breast cancer. Typical treatment, and was considered a “cure” for breast cancer, that's the sad part. I remember the conversation with her, saying, “Look, if you don't get to the cause, you're going to end up with another form of cancer.” “No, my doctor said my estrogen's fine.” Look, no, they're looking at—we had all these arguments, and sure enough, her estrogen wasn't fine. That's the importance of the 24-hour hormone test—it looks at estrogen ratios. It doesn't look at blood estrogen. It looks at good and bad in estrogen metabolytes, so completely different. The bottom line was is she never did get to the cause—was it, I mean, almost ten years to the month she ended up being diagnosed with stage IV uterine cancer, and she died two years after that, correct?

Merily: Yeah. You know what I was just thinking? You know what else? My mom, professionally, my mom sold makeup. That was what she did for—that was her—any time she worked, that was what she did, so—and obviously, then, it was toxic, 100% toxic beauty.

Dr. Pompa: It still is. It still is.

Merily: Right, it still is, but most people weren't aware as we are today that makeup is a major hormone disrupter.

Dr. Pompa: It is. I mean, there's BPA, which turns on genes—so if you have a cancer gene—no doubt my wife has her mother's gene.

Merily: Right.

Dr. Pompa: You know, to get breast cancer, etc., etc.—but the difference is, folks, is just because you have the gene doesn't mean you're going to get the cancer. Obviously, that gene can be turned on. We know that putting on makeup and things like that—we'll talk a little bit more about that, Warren.

Warren: I think that's a big point we just hit that just really struck me, is that, you know, a lot of people watching this are like, well, I didn't have lead pipes in my home. I'm thirty years old, and I didn't grow up in a lead generation. But the makeup that you're putting on your body right now is more toxic to you than what you're eating, and I think Merily is actually an expert on that. She puts all clean, safe makeup on without compromising the type of makeup that makes you look good and does the things that you know you needed to do, so there is a balance there. I think those watching—we've never talked about this topic directly—toxic beauty, we call it on Cellular Healing TV – so this is the hot topic, and it's actually one of our biggest topics. I think we should definitely do some more on it.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, so, well, I mean let's just stop there and we'll continue, but the bottom line is, Merily took away all these toxins in her life to build up her methylation again, because we were giving her a lot of methylation and it wouldn't go up. There's a certain level of toxicity you have to bring down before your methylation will come up, and just for our viewers, methylation is—you need it for detox. You need it to protect your gene. You need it to turn on your good genes and turn off your bad genes. These methylation—you need it to activate the stress response in the body. Therefore, that's why so many people are so stressed. Your emotionally stressed, you're toxically stressed, and therefore, most Americans are methyl-depleted. Therefore, your body literally takes all the methyl donors it has to adapt to the stresses, chemical and emotional. That's what was happening with you. Then, what happens is it leaves your DNA vulnerable, so all these bad genes start getting turned on. Now, you're not getting rid of toxic estrogen, because, by the way, that's what her tests showed. She was building up toxic estrogen just like her mom. Why? Because she didn't have enough methyl groups to get rid of it. Your body attaches the methyl groups to the toxic estrogen and gets rid of it. She was building up very toxic estrogens that cause breast cancer. One is called 3,4-Quinones, which is 4-hydroxy-estrone, which turns into these 3,4-Quinones, which cause breast cancer. That's where she was headed. She was heading there exercising and eating a good diet, folks. You know what I'm saying? But again, these things—

Merily: A great diet.

Dr. Pompa: She cleansed her life of the chemicals, and again, changing her makeup was a big deal, because that's something that I know every woman out there watching this is going, “I don't want to get rid of my makeup that works.” So tell them some of these things that you did to clean up your toxic life.

Warren: Honestly, Merily, some of the products you use, because that's the hard part. You know, at the end, just to bill it off of that, so what Dr. Pompa is saying is you have a pool. Call it a hundred erasers that you have in a bucket. Only so many of those erasers can get rid of something that's toxic. You keep using those things over and over again, and eventually those erasers run out, and then something toxic builds up, like an estrogen which causes 95% of breast cancer. Your body can only erase so much bad stuff that you do, between exercise, stress, makeup, diet, and obviously the toxic hormones your body produces innately as it goes through its cycle, doing its thing, it produces toxins. Methyl groups are necessary. All the other onslaught of everything, including makeup — boom. Something has to give. That's called the methylation priority principle. Dr. Allen Bodinski's work—pretty complicated but essentially comes down to—your body's going to prioritize and erase as much toxicity as it can with the pool of methylation toxic removers that it has, but if it runs out, it's going to prioritize, and in that prioritization you don't die, but you wind up with cancer, which will kill you eventually.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly. I mean, your body doesn't know the difference between chemical stress, physical stress or emotional stress. It needs these methyl groups to actually activate that response, so it needs it to activate cortisol. It needs it to activate adrenaline, and it needs it to deactivate 'em. We'll do everything—it will use all these methyl groups to deal with that chemical stress, emotional stress, physical stress, and it leaves you depleted. We had to clean up her stresses—the chemicals. So, what did you do?

Warren: After all that science, the important thing that people want to hear.

Dr. Pompa: People are like, “What do we do?”

Merily: Obviously, I got rid of my amalgam fillings. That's a really big one. I began chelating, which ironically enough—had he not gotten sick, I never would have even known that I had, actually as high of lead, or any lead, as I found out, because basically, he took the test, I wanted to take the test, and when the results came back we were both stunned, because—

Dr. Pompa: But it explained a lot.

Merily: It certainly did, because even though Danny was high in mercury and there's a whole different set of symptoms and subset of symptoms that goes with mercury than what would go with lead. Completely different experience, being neurotoxic, but as you said, I started—I got rid of the five amalgams that were in my mouth—obviously, that whole video we did—

Dr. Pompa: Because I wouldn't kiss her any more when she had amalgams.

Merily: And lead in my lipstick.

Dr. Pompa: There's a ton of lead in lipstick. Yeah, exactly.

Merily: And, actually, red is the highest in—

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, so I'm not kissin' that either.

Warren: That's important, because I know a lot of women that red lipstick means a lot, so what products did you use? What did you—

Merily: And obviously, I'm a total girly girl, so I like my makeup. My mom sold makeup. I always had my options and a smorgasbord of options, so I totally went natural. My favorite line, because I do like colors, is probably Zuzu, which is—I buy it at Whole Foods. Gabriel is the parent company, and they have colors too. Usually when it comes to fragrance, I make sure that it passes his smell test. If it says it's natural—

Dr. Pompa: Doesn't always mean that it is, folks.

Merily: Right, exactly. So, you have to really know some of the key ingredients to look for, but if you know the lines and you know their integrity and what they won't compromise, then you can rest assured that you have a good product. I like Lagona—that's something I can't find much anymore, so that would be a product you'd have to order online.

Warren: Zuzu I know, believe it or not. Is that what your eyeshadow is right now that's lookin' so good? The blue?

Merily: Actually, it's a combination. I have a couple of things on top of each other, but one of them is—yes. One of them is Zuzu and the other one is actually Dr. Hauschka. I mix it up. I literally mix it up, because I like different colors—I like colors. That's why I probably am—I lean that way with that particular line. I think Gabriel has more conservative colors. So does Dr. Hauschka. Mineral Fusion products, when it comes to facial makeup, like foundations and things, you have to be careful with mineral makeup because some of the nanoparticle sizes can still be affecting your lungs, and that really becomes the issue with that. But if you use a cream base—

Warren: Do they say that on the bottle? Nanoparticle-sized? Or—

Merily: No, you really have to dig a little deeper.

Dr. Pompa: You have to do your own work on that, yeah, exactly.

Warren: What is that, in like, the mineral type of makeups, or what is that Nanoparticle?

Merily: Typically, right. And that's why some of these—like Bare Essentials, people think it's a great product. It's not. I think that—

Warren: But hold it right there, because there's a lot of natural folks out there that are using Bare Essentials, thinking they're doing something good for their body, and, in fact, it's not.

Merily: Right. I think Mineral Fusion is a little better, but again, it really is about—honestly, for me, if you know a resource that you can trust, and you know they've done their homework and you do use what they recommend, then it's usually the way to go. It's really honestly why most of us will listen to what he says at the level that we do because we know he is well-researched and he has looked at the things, and we do them before we recommend anything.

Warren: We know that they look good on you because you wouldn't do it otherwise.

Merily: Yeah, well, thanks. More importantly is the skin care product too. It's the lotions that you're putting on your body and your face, before you even get to the makeup. Obviously—

Warren: You're not using as much makeup if you're not aging.

Dr. Pompa: Well, what's put here ends up right in your bloodstream. That's what people don't realize. That's why—look, we know that makeup and skincare products that we put into our skin—that's how we get those bioidentical hormones. I mean, we put 'em right into the bloodstream—which is actually more dangerous than eating them, by the way, because when you eat them, it has to go through the process of digestion, through the liver, and your body has a chance. But when you put them right into your skin, right into your blood, your body has no chance. That's why it's so damaging.

Merily: Right. Yeah, I mean, you know, obviously, in the summer, or whenever I can, I like to get some sun. I don't use sunscreen. I will put a hat on.

Dr. Pompa: Well gosh, how do you stay looking so young? You're pushing fifty, there's no wrinkles there. I thought that sun caused wrinkles.

Merily: I have some wrinkles, but not the point. The point is, really, that the sun is good for you. More important, even, than the vitamin D, as you're learning through your research, is the—

Dr. Pompa: Cholesterol sulfate.

Merily: Cholesterol sulfate, right, is something that we need, and you can't get without the absorption of sunlight.

Dr. Pompa: You literally make it with sun. Yeah, exactly.

Merily: And by the way—just so this is part of my hormonal progress and process, is that I also absolutely need to get sun in order to really feel my best. I mean, I feel better in the sun.

Dr. Pompa: And I mean, say that right there, because again, it's more of a cholesterol sulfate thing. What people don't realize—and I know you watched some of the back shows—I talked about the importance of cholesterol. Cholesterol is at the top of the hormone chain. My wife was very depleted in a lot of the major hormones. Cholesterol is needed to make those hormones, and specifically, LDL—the bad cholesterol. Well, not so bad—well, the sun actually helps combine sulfate and cholesterol together, which is a usable form of cholesterol that you need to actually make hormones, so it is a—and when she would get in the sun she absolutely would feel better—

Merily: I still do.

Dr. Pompa: So, seasonal depression, seasonal issues are really more about a cholesterol deficiency than it is even vitamin D. I'm all for vitamin D—there's a lot of things that vitamin D—

Warren: This blows your mind. So, what they're saying on TV, what they're telling you to do to your children—slather them with—making them white, making yourself white so you can stay in the sun—is actually probably making you fat. It's contributing to that, but definitely causing hormone dysregulation

Merily: And skin cancer.

Warren: Even cancer, I mean, at that level. Definitely heart disease—I mean, this is crazy. We market that so we can sell a product—think about it. It's counterintuitive. Why would God design your skin not to handle sun? Doesn't make any sense, does it?

Merily: Well, by the way, your skin is the largest organ of your body, so if you're clogging your pores with various lotions that do that, and you're putting sunscreen on when you're in the sun—

Dr. Pompa: You're heading for disaster.

Merily: You are absolutely going to end up having a problem—a huge problem.

Dr. Pompa: By the way, you know, there's no—

Warren: And there's people younger than us right now saying, “I got skin cancer because of the sun.”

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, right. It has to do with more of the fat and the cholesterol sulfate, under the skin, and oxidized fats under the skin, that sun will oxidize and make worse, so it's not so simple. By the way, there's no correlation with protection of cancer by using more sunscreen. That's what people don't realize.

Warren: That's what I wanted to hear.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, we're getting more melanoma and people are using more sunscreen, so do the math yourself.

Merily: Don't the studies show that it's actually the people that don't get exposed to the sunlight, and that are under fluorescent lights and things all day—

Dr. Pompa: They're getting melanoma at the same rates of people that are. So in these studies, you realize there's another factor in play.

Warren: Yeah, don't blame the sun, guys.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Exactly. Now, that doesn't mean you go out and get barked, you know, burnt. You work up to where you can handle it, because a burned skin is always a bad thing, but obviously a little bit of pink and red—of pink, I'm sorry, that's fine. Don't get red to the point of burnt. Again, you can use shea butter, coconut oil, these natural things, and of course, now there's some companies making more natural products, like we carry on the website I think.

Merily: And then we do—you know, if we're in the Caribbean, or if we're somewhere where the sun is intense, we either try to get out more quickly than we would on an average day in a normal situation, or we do use some sunscreen.

Dr. Pompa: If you're going to be out on a boat, I would use a natural sunscreen—

Merily: And cover up, or use a cover up.

Dr. Pompa: Or cover up, is typically what I try to do. I try not to use it at all, but—so anyways. Okay, these are some of the—she got the lead out, with that said —this is, you know—on average, it takes ten to fifteen years to get lead, because most of it's stored in the bones, but that's another topic for another day — Detoxing the lead out correctly—and if you haven't read my articles, under “Articles”, “When Detox Becomes Dangerous“, we talk about how to get heavy metals out correctly. Please read those articles (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) –very, very important. But again, cleaning up our life—she cleaned up her life completely. I mean, she already had her diet cleaned up, but again—

Merily: I eat more good fats. I think I've increased my fats, absolutely. I now do the ketogenic diet

Dr. Pompa: Which we're going to talk about in a future show, because to increase your fat, to actually even help down regulate the cell membrane, or the inflammation on the cell membrane and heal the hormone receptors, we actually increase her fat and drop her carbs dramatically, which is a ketoadaptation process which we're going to talk about on a future show. We don't have time to talk about it today. That was also part of a strategy. In this area of detox—go ahead, you were going to say something—

Merily: I was—right. I was going to say, should I mention ASEA?

Dr. Pompa: Well, then, that's a skin thing. I guess before we get off that topic, it's a product with redox molecules in it that penetrates into the skin.

Merily: Well, I think the exciting thing for me, because I use the Beyond Organic skincare line, and I absolutely love it, I use the various products that they have for the lotions and the eye creams and things like that, and I love it. The interesting thing for me was—and we've been using ASEA—their flagship product is a redox product—I actually started using it a few—more than a few years ago.

Dr. Pompa: We're going to lose them right there, and we'll do more on another show, so you'd better write those two things down. Redox is needed for cell-to-cell communication. It's reduction and oxidation. We need it to make cellular energy, we need it for hormones, we need it—for all these things in the cell, you need these redox molecules. You age prematurely; you get hormone problems, etcetera. Their product is a redox product that used to be only able to give in IV. Now it's been stabilized to be able to give it orally, so I use it with the majority of my patients for cellular healing. They recently came out with something that actually penetrates the epidermis.

Merily: And it works so well for me systemically, and it works so well for many of our clients, obviously. All of our clients that have taken it, they have all experienced a reaction, and sometimes the more toxic you are, the more time it takes to adjust to that and find that balance, but it has benefited everyone. And so when—

Warren: When you put it simply, redox, it's like taking a rusty bumper, putting on a cream, and watching the rust disappear, without scrubbing it off, but actually taking the oxidation—the reaction, the chemical reaction that caused the rust—and making that turn back into chrome, if you will.

Merily: We all understand oxidation—rust.

Warren: Oxidation. So, this is—redox is a type of anti-aging, if you will.

Merily: Right. And so we happened, obviously—[crosstalk 23:22] when we understand the value of that, as we were taking that product, it was fantastic. Well—

Dr. Pompa: You took it years ago. It's okay, go ahead.

Merily: That's what I was starting to say, and I had—just, you know, along this journey, I had a lot of symptoms and a lot of challenges, and obviously staying the course, as you always say, it's the tortoise that wins the race. You just have to do the right thing long enough, and your body continues to improve. Part of what lead me to Asea, or when someone brought it to me, was understanding that—I just had various fibromyalgia experiences—

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, she did. Someone brought it to me, and of course I'm like, I'm not taking this stuff, kind of tastes like pool water. So I just—

Merily: I'm the guinea pig. I'm always the guinea pig.

Dr. Pompa: I gave it to her. It's true. That was like, four or five years ago.

Merily: Yeah, that was.

Dr. Pompa: I gave it to her, and literally, I'm telling you, within two weeks you were like, this stuff's working, because it was disappearing. I wasn't even really taking it, and she's like, all this girdle pain—which, by the way, is very common for lead—lead-toxic people get upper girdle pain. Warren, you've had it. We used to call you Johnny Leadwetter. That went away. That went away for her.

Merily: I got Mary.

Dr. Pompa: Mary and Johnny Leadwetter. They're cousins, figuratively—

Merily: And oh, by the way, those are our grandparents' names, that's why.

Dr. Pompa: Anyway, so it did. It took a lot of those pain symptoms away. Years later, then, they developed it where it goes into the skin, and that was—

Merily: Interestingly enough, a week ago, two weeks ago, we were in Vegas for a convention for ASEA in August—

Dr. Pompa: They released that product.

Merily: Right. And when I heard about it—because basically, I was spraying the stuff on my skin anyway because I understand the benefits of it.

Dr. Pompa: It takes away those age spots when you spray it. This stuff actually is shown to take away wrinkles.

Merily: So when they explained the new product—it's a gel, it's in a very concentrated form—and when they started explaining how Dermatest, which is the European standard for all testing of skincare products and things, and that it passed their tests—exceeded their standards—

Dr. Pompa: It got like the highest level, like 23% in 28 days, something like that.

Merily: It's called RENU 28, and I'm so excited about it, that obviously, the principle behind it and how it soaks into your skin. It literally dries within a minute. You can still add your skincare things on top of it, obviously expecting that those things are safe and natural, but for me—I love Jordan's products, but when something makes sense, that it's actually rebuilding the cell at the level that this product actually can, and knowing what it did for me internally and systemically, and what it does for our clients, I couldn't help but get really excited about RENU 28.

Warren: Anything especially for those that are over 40, moving into 50, even me—at 39, believe it or not, I have some age spots, and I give you a call because I know it's a new release product, and you know, age and wrinkling is not that big of a deal. I'm a guy. I look good with wrinkles. I like my beard right now. I'm into it, but certain age spots, I'm like, man, I want that, because Dr. Pompa said, man, it's reduced my age spots. You can't see any—

Dr. Pompa: I had one right here — five days.

Merily: Me too. [crosstalk]

Warren: That's what we're excited to be talking about.

Merily: It's literally gone, just gone. The exciting thing is—and obviously, we are—we're like a week, a little more than a week into this, so we—I don't want to get over-crazy about it. However, based on what I saw, there were people using this product well before they released it. They had phenomenal results. The standard that it has exceeded with the testing company is—you can't deny it. And then, when we've been using it—and we did take a few pictures—we will give it the full month before we get—

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, but five days, my age spots—like I had that spot, it went away.

Merily: Yeah, and me too. You even said to me, oh my gosh, I can tell the difference in my wrinkles. Anyway—

Warren: Out of all the things we said, we talked about [crosstalk] other stuff, but anti-aging and seeing age spots go away, that's huge for those listening, and that's—it's important, it is. The more important thing is how it's working. It's not covering them up, it's actually healing at the cellular level, and that's Cellular Healing TV, guys. That's huge.

Merily: And I think the thing that I keep reminding myself of—obviously, I love the superficial aspect of looking good and things like that—however, it's exciting to be able to entice someone into saying, “Hey, look at this product. It makes a noticeable difference in the aging skin.” To have that, and then be able to basically bait them with that and go to what we really care about, and that is the person's health overall. If they're taking this, and they're looking good, they're going to start to hear, perhaps, with a greater sense of interest, what Asea itself can do for them systemically, and for their body and for their oxidative stress levels, I think. So that becomes, for us, focused on our purpose of cellular healing, and helping people understand that that's the biggest issue.

Dr. Pompa: Redox right now is—it's new science. It's really—it's exciting, because when we look at cellular healing, what's going on—you know, redox—it's not just about reducing, taking antioxidants. Matter of fact, most antioxidants won't work—they don't work—if you don't have enough redox molecules. A lot of people trying all this anti-aging, taking all of this antioxidants, they can actually do themselves more damage, especially if you're reduced in these redox molecules. Oxidation is just as important as reduction. You need to make cellular energy for your immune system to work. The balance, the homeostasis, is where health is. That's why the product gets results. We kind of got off track.

Merily: Wait, hold on, one more point I should mention.

Dr. Pompa: We got off-track because we got all excited about the skin thing.

Merily: I know, and I know we don't have a lot of time, but one thing I think—it would be beneficial to mention—is that because of the newness of the product, how they launched it and all of that, they are doing this launch offer, and it's pretty impressive. I don't even know what it is, but I know—

Warren: I think it's due today, the 17th, on Friday, so if you're watching this, here's what you can do. Let's just—write Merily, info@drpompa.com, if you're interested in that. Not Merily—info, info@drpompa.com, if you're interested in getting that anti-aging—well, it's not really an anti-aging product. It's actually a redox product [crosstalk] for things that've gone rusty. And I wanted to show this, Dr. Pompa. We discussed methylation being an important point, and I know that you give this to a lot of your patients, and I hope that you don't mind me sharing this, but here's the—I know we use MORS a lot from Systemic Formulas, which is more of a—

Merily: I use this.

Warren: You know it has tetra—full of something and some other things that you put in there, different B12s of hydroxicobolamin, but I know that you give this a lot. Systemically taking Perque B12 and Folirinse. We call these methyl-bombs, and I know these've been a life-saving product for me, along with ASEA, MORS, and I'm going to show right now how you take it so that—I think that's important. You take one Perque B12 to increase your methylation—remember those erasers that get rid of toxins in your body, or help—I'm saying it more simply than it is, but essentially you take one of these underneath your tongue—sublingually, underneath your tongue—to one drop. That is a magic bullet—

Dr. Pompa: Called a methyl-bomb.

Warren: For increasing methylation. It methylates your body, and after a month I just know so much from me. Getting rid of brain fog, really helping me get energy, because the methylation is obviously—it interacts with not only your hormone pathways and cleaning that out, but some of the energy pathways as well. Energy—you know, the 5R's of Cellular Healing —you're really going into that. So I just wanted to share that because I have that, and I was thinking about it.

Dr. Pompa: Here's this. This is the one that Merily took, mostly, right here.

Merily: I take two to four—

Warren: Back it off a little bit, though. It's too bright. Back it off a little.

Dr. Pompa: Okay, backing off. She still takes this all the time. This is their methylation product.

Warren: Turn it.

Dr. Pompa: Which way?

Warren: So you can see the label.

Dr. Pompa: Can you see it?

Warren: The other side. Yeah, there you go.

Dr. Pompa: Is that it? All right, there it is. Anyway, so that's it. It's called MORS, M-O-R-S. Obviously, you can buy it on our website. Systemic Formulas makes it. A high end product. It has methylation. In people that have the MTHF-argine, they can't process regular folate. This one's a methyltetrahydrafolate that people can process, so—and that one that Warren took is good for people who have digestive issues, because it is, in fact, sublingual.

Warren: I just popped a couple more.

Dr. Pompa: Anyways, because we ran out of time, I feel bad. A lot of people are going to have questions more about the makeup or more about ASEA. Merily, give them your Facebook, because that's where you do a lot of your work. Tell them how to get to your Facebook.

Merily: It's my name. Merily, M-E-R-I-L-Y. My maiden name is Duster, like Plymouth. D-U-S-T-E-R, and then my last name.

Dr. Pompa: P-O-M-P-A. That is my wife.

Warren: Merily Duster Pompa. Got it.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, Facebook. I mean, her Facebook is live.

Merily: And I'm the only one.

Dr. Pompa: So anyways, they can talk to you there?

Merily: Yeah, of course. Absolutely.

Dr. Pompa: Good stuff. Tell them—actually, tell her that you were on this call, and she'll accept you, because—

Merily: Yeah, of course, right. Send me a message along with a friend request.

Dr. Pompa: There you go. Now you can learn more, because we cut you off. All right, Warren, maybe we have her back on because obviously we got sidetracked.

Warren: Yeah, because toxic beauty is the number one thing, because people care about what they look like, and that's really important. It's important to us, because we want to look—not only feel good on the inside, we want to look good on the outside, but we don't want to look good on the outside, and not feel good on the inside. You really can have both, guys. Heal the cell, you get well. Feel great, lose weight. You feel great and you look great.

Dr. Pompa: I like that.

Warren: That's another little tagline. You like that. Alright.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you.

Warren: Great rest of our trip here in Napa, I pray that we just have an amazing time. I know that you will, and we'll see you guys next week. CellularHealing.tv. Share it with your friends.