Transcript of Episode 170: From Death to Life
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Meredith Dykstra and Jeff Macioci
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m your host, Meredith Dykstra, and this is Episode #170. We have our resident cellular healing specialist, Dr. Dan Pompa, on the line, of course, and today we welcome a very special guest, Jeff, one of Dr. Pompa’s clients who is going to be sharing with us today his really amazing story and testimonial of how he has been on this healing journey. Dr. Pompa’s been walking him through it, and he has a lot to offer, a lot to share, and a lot of hope to bring to all of you who are out there and who are seeking that. Before we get started, let me share a little bit about what Jeff wrote with his story when I asked him just to share a little bit about himself so before we get started, this is from Jeff.
Jeff’s story begins when he was 13 years old and already had a mouth full of amalgam fillings whose heavy metal mercury toxicity caught up with him when he was 33 years old and in peak physical health. Jeff was very active and was following what he thought to be a healthy vegan diet in attempt to correct digestive issues and an underlying feeling of unhealthiness. Instead, he developed a “mysterious illness” that included a strange long list of symptoms. Jeff had extreme fatigue and muscular weakness, numbness in his arms and legs, ringing in his ears, sensitivity to chemicals, sound, light, and temperature, irritability, insomnia, intense anxiety and panic attacks, social phobia, and a buzzing on the left side of his head.
The final stressor that brought Jeff to his tipping point occurred after he donated blood and was completely unable to recover. Jeff visited the emergency room multiple times, but each time he was told he had anxiety and was prescribed psychotropic drugs. The medications did not alleviate Jeff’s symptoms, which only seemed to worsen and began to negatively affect his relationships and work life. Jeff was also no longer to train or even walk around a local park without feeling an onslaught of symptoms. During the toughest times, Jeff felt like he could no longer live in his current physical state. All he could do was pray and ask God to help him figure out what was wrong.
While desperately looking for answers, Jeff stumbled upon a YouTube video that stood out, Dr. Pompa’s personal story. All of the symptoms Dr. Pompa described matched Jeff’s. He finally found an answer. The root of all his problems was in his mouth, particularly the unsafe partial removal of an amalgam filling that had a crown placed over it in addition to 13 other mercury fillings. Jeff knew what he had to do: contact Dr. Pompa and Dr. Grieco, who’s our dentist here in Pittsburgh, to properly detox and remove the fillings.
Jeff is currently 1 ½ years into his detox and is following Dr. Pompa’s Cellular Healing Diet, which dramatically improved his health. Jeff is a testimonial of how a proactive approach to health and wellness is necessary since traditional methods don’t address the real problem. Jeff hopes to spread information and educate others who can learn from his experience and start his own channel to reach more people. Welcome, Jeff, to Cellular Healing TV.
Thank you so much, yes. Thanks for having me. I thank you guys, Dr. Pompa, all that you’ve done for me. You know I’ve been through some very tough times, and there was a moment there where I didn’t have much but I had a few things and you were one of them, so I thank you.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I appreciate that. Before, we were just reflecting. I remember talking to you in hospitals, many hospital visits, but my gosh, just hearing your symptoms, that was exactly me. It was just remarkable just hearing that. It’s hard for me to believe where you were even just a year ago. I have to say, I remember my own story. After a year of doing brain phases, my life started coming back as the mercury came out. I did brain phases consistently for two years and more inconsistent really for four years. Even to this day I do brain phases, right? No doubt. I can’t even believe—I think you made more progress your first year than even I did; I’m going to be honest with you, because how severe you were.
I think we know more today. We have better methods today. We didn’t have Cellular Detox. We didn’t have Restore. I look back on the shelf there. There’s a lot of things we didn’t have, so I think the methods got better.
One of the things that I hope our viewers heard in your story is the dental work, how that went in, bioaccumulated obviously in the brain over the years, and you had a crown over a filling. I always say this: when that happens, it’s called galvanism. You have two metals, and so many people have crowns out there where they are put over top of a filling and they don’t know it. It happens all the time, and those people get very, very sick. That’s awesome. That was it, huh?
Yeah, that was the big crown. They let me keep it, and she said there was so much I could even melt it down and try to sell it. I’m like no, let me just keep it, but yeah, that crown was a lot of opposing metals working with other things.
Dr. Pompa:
When you went through the process, of course we went through a prep phase. We prepared you to make sure it was done right, because when it’s done wrong both of us got more sick, but when it’s done right both of us got better. Obviously as it comes out of our brain, we got better. When you got that stuff out, kind of bring us back to that point. Did you feel any better? Were certain symptoms better, worse? I mean, how did you feel?
Yeah, I feel like the—that process, that whole protocol that Dr. Grieco does, it’s so very, very important to do these things correctly. I had all the precautions taken. I had the rubber dams covering so I wasn’t getting re-exposed. The whole protocol was done correctly, but I would have to say that right after everything was done one of the symptoms that I said that there was a—I would always say buzzing.
Before he went out to figure out which quadrant he was going to take out first, he actually checked the charges and I was positive, way negative, so he started with the highest negative charge first, which was up here, and that—getting that done, that seemed to be that left side of my face, but the ringing in the ears and the buzzing, that just like some type of communication going on where I was just getting disrupted, I felt better almost immediately. It’s hard to describe, and no one else probably can understand it but someone who just is going through it, like with some many things, but that immediately, immediately was gone.
Dr. Pompa:
You know what’s funny is I remember—and it’s hard for me to remember exactly what happened but as certain things came out, like he took gold out which was causing galvanism. For our new viewers, when you have two different metals, silver fillings, which contain 50% mercury, by the way, and I had gold in my case, it creates an electrical current. It’s a battery effect. When that came out, a lot of my anxiety I would say went from here to here. I can’t say that it was all gone, but it was like something changed, like you said, and then when I had this root canal, something changed.
As these things started coming out, things changed. It wasn’t like I was better because -inaudible- thing got better, but it was as the mercury—we got through the brain phase and I started getting it out of the brain, then things permanently changed. Like you, I had some breakthroughs. I knew I was on the right track. Put it that way.
That’s right, yeah, and I think even just for me—I remember asking you how long until I could get this done. You were like, you have to prep, but I just wanted it. I knew what was wrong with me as soon as I heard your story. I wanted to get it started -inaudible- removing the source, get that done, but I think when it all came out not—for me psychologically, just that that interference was done put me at ease a little bit.
Dr. Pompa:
Did you have any root canals, infection, cavitation? No?
Yeah, so I was there for four days with him in one shot. We did all the fillings first. Second day, he worked on replacing the crown. Again, not only a holistic dentist but biological dentist, so I did the blood work to see what these things were going to work best with my body. Everybody is an individual so—
Dr. Pompa:
Clifford’s test is what it’s called.
Okay, yeah, and he was putting in the right materials, so then the crown was the second day. The third day, yes, we did work on all four of my teeth pulled, my cavitations, so those—
Dr. Pompa:
Where your wisdom teeth were pulled?
Dr. Pompa:
He went in there and he made sure there was no cavitations. Did he find some cavitations?
Yes, all four.
Dr. Pompa:
Yep, and so tell them what he did.
Just cutting up and reopening and just doing a cleaning. As far as what his process is, I’m not even really sure, but I just—
Dr. Pompa:
You said it right. He goes in, and opens it up, and basically re-cleans out the infections. By the way, many people, autoimmune people, people that just aren’t getting well, they find those dang infections. I had them. Found one recently. Meredith had one. I’m telling you, it keeps people in a state of their immune system attacking itself and just hyper immunity.
The point I want to make to people listening, because you’re giving people hope and I want you to go back and revisit some of the symptoms you had here in a second, but the key to us getting well was getting upstream, removing the course. You’ll never get well with the perfect diet, although we wouldn’t have got well without the perfect diet, right? I mean we have to control inflammation. We’ll talk about that too. You have the remove the sources, get the stuff out. Then the body can do the healing, and that’s why we got these infections out. That’s why we got the fillings out, and then we go for it with the Cellular Detox, get to the brain phase.
That stuff loads into the brain and, man, it’s like that’s what drives your adrenals crazy. That’s why we had, both of us, thyroid and adrenal issues, right? Anxiety, couldn’t sleep, the whole thing, fatigue, no cellular energy, I mean, all of it because our brain was being poisoned. Revisit for our viewers some of the symptoms that you went through, kind of where it started when you knew something wasn’t right and how that affected your digestion, etc. Describe it.
Yeah, sure, so I’ve had those in for quite a long time, 20 years. I was at least 13 because I remember being in middle school and my friend coming to—before we went in everybody meeting outside and he was upset because the day before he just got braces on, and he said he’s so upset. He opened up his mouth. I’ve got a mouth full of metal, and here I was. It had to be at least 8th grade so 13, 14, and I said don’t worry, don’t feel so bad. I have a mouth full of metal too, and I opened up and I had already had a tremendous amount of fillings in, so this is talking 20 years. I just grew up with someone working for Hostess across the street bringing me all—I was just very sugar addicted as a kid, always having those snacks, Rice Krispie treats, Twinkies, everything in the pantry, so yeah, that’s what started it all.
I noticed things very early on in my life. In my early 20s, I was starting with what you talked about as just not being able to really—just feeling like you’re just stepping away from everybody else, feeling like everybody is in on this inside joke and you don’t know what’s going on, really having a hard time just looking people in the eye and always feeling like everybody’s looking at me and watching me.
Dr. Pompa:
Stop right there. That’s a symptom that is known as mercurialism. Your personality just kind of turns this way, not being able to look people in the eye, the oddest thing, this odd shyness that wasn’t me. Obviously, it wasn’t you. We’re both—that’s not who we are. That’s called mercurialism. Go ahead. Go ahead from there.
Yeah, so I started becoming and noticing some weird things, and then also in my early 20s I started having digestive issues. I could never really figure it out, get things right, but it just only just truly worsened. I was trying to address things that I knew what was wrong with me, and I started to just— I just adopted this incredible healthy, which I thought was an incredible healthy lifestyle, right? You hear of gluten, so I got rid of gluten, yet I was still eating so much. Everything was still very carby, brown rice, syrup, potatoes, starch, tapioca, so I didn’t have it right but I was trying to address something.
I started working out heavily. I fell in love with boxing my early—23, 24. I start training big time. I started running marathons and half marathons and doing mud races, so everybody knew me in my mid-20s as being Mister Organic and trying to eat well, but really everything just kept going for me. Everything just kept getting worse. In relationships, it’s a crazy thing when you know something’s good, when you’re good inside and you just—you have something stopping you.
When things would get tough, I wouldn’t want to talk about situations. I was always wanting to be by myself. My mom would always say you think too much. She would always tell me no man is an island because I always just wanted to be by myself, be alone, and I didn’t every want to—I used to be a people person. What’s going on with me?
Dr. Pompa:
When did the anxiety start? Your digestion kind of went. When did the anxiety, and the sleep problems, and fatigue kind of start?
Those picked up around my mid to late 20s where the anxiety was coming in all of a sudden when I was working out extremely hard, and that’s also part of being toxic, right? I wouldn’t just go to the gym and work out. I would go in. I wouldn’t talk to anybody, headphones in, just being very disgruntled all the time, and I would just go into the gym and my brother would work out. I went to three gyms at the time. I would train in boxing, I would go to another gym to lift, and then I’d always run.
I would start with a 20-minute sauna, then I’d hit the weights and work out, then I’d run 10 miles on the treadmill, then I’d go into the back room and hit the punching bag for 12 rounds. I just worked out extremely hard. That’s why that stress that it caused on my body, I believe that’s what really started me to—
Dr. Pompa:
You know what’s funny about that is you’re right because the physical stress of working out becomes a stress you don’t adapt to. I was cycling at the time, right? I always say it’s a perfect storm. We have chemical stress that was accumulating in your brain from the time you were 13, probably from the time you were in your mother’s womb; you got her lead, etc. The fillings, other toxins accumulate, and now you bring in this exercise component, which you’re now not adapting to the stress, and instead of backing off you go harder because you want results, and then we add just one more stressor and the bottom falls out.
Kind of talk about that. When did the bottom finally fall out? Like me, I couldn’t work out anymore. All of a sudden it was like these things happened. Talk about that.
I would absolutely love to get to that. It was coming into the spring of 2015, and I started like when I’d work out and do extreme like New York Spartan Race, the ultimate where it’s 14 miles up and down a mountain. It’d take me 7 hours and 15 minutes. Took my friend 10 hours and 45 minutes. I was waiting for him. I was doing things. I ran another marathon, and after these incredibly long strenuous things for my body I was getting tingling in the arm, weirdness like my body was almost going through a very high anxiety, just a weird sensation going on. I’d think maybe oh, I’m just hungry; I’d just try to eat and just an onslaught of symptoms going on.
April, I ran—I had done one in the fall. I did another Spartan Race, ran a half marathon. I started working out and ramping it up because it’s getting nice out. I’m running outside, and all of a sudden I’d go down the shore and I’d run and it was just hitting me after a couple miles my body was wiped and all of a sudden anxiety hit, and then I turned around and went back to the house and okay, I’m over-training or my body’s just not repairing -inaudible- enough. Give it a couple days.
Okay, I go into the gym now. I sit in the sauna room. I’m usually able to sit there 20 minutes. Wait a minute. Three minutes in, I’ve got to get out. Things are just going on. My body’s just kind of going haywire on me, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Not adapting to any stress. I couldn’t even adapt to sound at a certain point.
Well, that came later. That sure came later sounds, temperature, and any type of exertion soon after. Yeah, so then I try again, jump on the treadmill. Getting very upsetting; I didn’t know what was going on. I tried multiple times. Went to a park, started running, shadowboxing, had to stop. Jump in my car. Okay, what’s going on? Something is tremendously going wrong. This was July. The last week of July, I had the day off and I don’t know what made me, but I went and called and figured out where one was, but I just feel like it was just God telling me just here, just do this and He wanted the bottom to fall out because it was coming. It happened after I gave blood and donated blood.
Dr. Pompa:
This wasn’t the past July. This was the July before.
Yep, 2015, and I gave blood last couple days in July and within a couple minutes of that being taken from me, I just—kind of like the same thing when I do a strenuous workout, right? A block just hit me.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, I remember your conversation because you were like well, what did this do to me? What did this do to me? I was explaining Jeff, it’s just a stressor. You just didn’t adapt to one more stressor. If it wasn’t the blood, it would have been an emotional thing. It would have been—it could have been a girlfriend breaking up. It could have been the extra thing you did physically. It doesn’t matter. A stressor is a stressor, and you were waiting for the straw that broke the camel’s back; that was it.
Yeah, it’s funny you said that too because you say it’s a perfect storm. It’s chemical, emotional, and physical, and actually a girlfriend that we were on and off for the longest time, for eight years, she actually just came back into my life again after three years and we were trying to make everything new and starting fresh, and yet still same things were happening. Long story short, I started getting that emotional stress again from that relationship and the fights happening again. The going over to her place, fighting, and then leaving was happening, and that was just adding to it as well.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, people don’t understand what’s going on. You don’t understand what’s going on. I became extremely irritable, moody. I mean life as I knew it came to a screeching halt. Now, something else that happened to you and I that was parallel. I hid what was happening to me from my parents, my sisters, those that were—my wife of course I couldn’t hide it from, you know what I’m saying, but I was trying to hide it from someone. Number one, I was embarrassed. Number two, I didn’t want that one more stressor of them dealing with it.
Finally, when I was forced to sit my parents down and tell them what happened, they didn’t get it, right? I mean it was like—it was kind of the thing that—it did add in more stress. It was like this horrible thing of like they just didn’t get it, nobody got it, and that became even worse. You went through the same problem.
Absolutely did. After July, going into August, yeah, again after that started happening nothing was—I was literally on the brink of losing my job. I couldn’t even make it through work. That’s when the hospital visits—the next two months after July where all I wanted—I had actually this page open here when I started just figuring out what everything was and learning about you and realizing what I had to do and starting to do some research, I just randomly had written in the corner no place safe, just want to sleep, almost can’t handle driving or anything. God, please help me. That was just randomly sitting there that I just went through some stuff and found.
Yeah, I was just failing at everything. I couldn’t barely just handle anything. After the blood being taken from me is when just driving around sound—couldn’t even listen to the radio or any music in the car. Everything was too much. If someone was excited talking to me, I couldn’t process the information. I couldn’t handle anything, so work became incredibly tough. Now, I had made those hospital visits a couple times and each time told I had anxiety, and I actually had some issues with some doctors where they were pushing those types of psychotropic drugs on me and almost with a smirk like oh, your tests are fine. You’re just –
Dr. Pompa:
I had the same thing. It’s basically all in your head, man, and here’s a drug. I heard the same thing.
Yeah, so I was upset but actually it’s truly—Xanax is the only thing that helped me through a day of work. I mean I was taking—and then the next time I got the refill I was upping this but ultimately, I was like where is this going? Where is this going? How are we fixing this? I didn’t know what was going on. I could just tell you countless stories of just trying to go to the park and just walking.
Verona Park here, I would just drive there by myself and I would just try—there’s a nice little organic café, Positivity, just have some organic food, walk across the street, go to Verona Park, not a big lake, but I would just try and walk. I would get to the back of that lake and I remember getting struck with panic. Which side is closer to run back? Am I closer this way? How do I get to my car fastest? It was like mortified terror just hitting me, and my body—I can’t even describe it, can’t even describe it. I was at the end of what I could handle. -inaudible- incredibly hard.
I remember—and I actually haven’t really told anybody this, but I wanted this show to say something—that when I was having those nights where I couldn’t handle anything and I was just holding onto the car keys about to make another hospital trip and not knowing what was going on and having just so many symptoms it wasn’t even funny, I remember just wanting to just end it and just praying to God. I would just say the same things over. I would say God help me, I’m sorry, and thank you. I couldn’t even get more out than that, and I think it’s beautiful that I still say that to this day because that’s all you need. I was just begging for something, begging for help. There were some nights that were so hard.
Everybody wonders why I love my nephew so much and why he’s got two other uncles that don’t see him half as much as I do and I’m there all the time. Because my sister was due in November and so at the time she was a couple months away, one or two months away, from giving birth, and we are very close, me and my sister, and I could justify losing just about everybody. It’s like okay, they’ll be fine without me. I justified everybody, but I couldn’t justify not meeting my sister’s first child, so I had to hold on. I didn’t know what I was hanging onto, but I was going to church with my hood up in the back just crying, just bawling, crying, just begging for help, begging for help, and I stumbled across—I was looking up anxiety relief. Some woman constantly had these videos up and she was all on the suggested videos all on the one side, and then yours just popped up in the middle of all that, like why would that be there?
Sure enough, I just watched your video and as soon as I saw you explain what was happening, I think I just cried for the next two days straight because I knew it. It’s funny; every time I’d brush my teeth, every time I’d—I was looking at it and I didn’t know anything about mercury. I didn’t know anything about fillings. I didn’t hear any videos. It just didn’t come up ever, but you think you go to the dentist they’re going to put in biologically safe things in your mouth, but I knew it. I just knew that was it. I knew that and I just didn’t know how to—but I was like yeah, that was it.
Yeah, watching your video and it was just from there I called Merily the next day and I was like just do whatever it takes. You called me the day after that, and you guys helped me through some really tough times. You remember our first few phone conversations. Everyone ended in tears. I thank you so much for those prayers that you would say to me, that God isn’t punishing you; He’s allowing you to go through this. Now I realize that. Now I realize that he allowed me to go through that because you don’t go through something like this and just go back to your everyday life. I’m going big. Going to CalJam and just getting opened up, and there’s people like me. There’s people that understand it, people that get it that there’s weird stuff going on, food industry, medical industry, weird stuff, and it’s not right. People are getting sick and there’s obviously a problem, and I’m here to help.
Dr. Pompa:
Well, and just see, look what God did, right? I remember those early conversations and telling you look, God has a purpose for you in this, just like He did me. I know you don’t hear it at the time. Now look at you, man. You’re coming to my seminar next week, right? God has such a clear purpose in this, dude, because you’re so talented and I saw that from the day we met.
I remember. I remember the tears and you crying. I remember just saying let me pray for you, and that’s what we did, man. I’m humbled. I am because I just think about going through—hearing you say this, it brought me again—I started remembering nights that just popped into my mind and days, right, then hearing your journey. For our viewers’ sake, tell them where you are now, man, because like me—I did brain phases for four years. I mean, you’ve done it for a year here, but you’re already transformed. I mean, I would argue that you still have a ways to go; I think you would too, but tell them where you’re at.
I know I do have a little ways to go, but yeah, it’s funny how you talk about the things where you couldn’t look people in the eye and you felt like everybody was looking at you. Kind of amazing going through detox here and I’m actually seeing my personality come through. That’s amazing, right? I’ll have conversations with people now and I want to be there. I want to talk—I walk away from people now, and I started noticing that actually pretty early on when I was on cycle—and walk away from having a conversation with people and just genuinely laughing and it’s just like wow, this is what it’s supposed to be like. I knew that person was hiding underneath a lot of that.
For me, the anxiety just—that has gone away, and I’ve addressed so many issues with my adrenals. I mean, look, I did just a 2800 – after going to CalJam, flying out with a buddy, going to CalJam and getting that experience in and meeting you and how wonderful that was, you and your wife—hitting the road and 12 days all over Arizona, New Mexico, Texas. I mean, I used to love to travel, and for that year and a half that that happened to me I wasn’t—we actually had something—I had the bottom fall out from underneath me at the end of July. I had actually something at the end of August planned with my friend, and I remember going to him and just crying. We were supposed to drive all around Lake Michigan, go to Michigan and Wisconsin, do a little loop and come back. I remember oh, can we meet at a restaurant? Let’s go.
I remember meeting him in the parking lot before we even went in and just—again, I was emotionally shot; I cried about everything, but I just remember saying to him listen, I can’t do this. I can’t go. There’s no way. He’s like what’s wrong? What’s going on? I just couldn’t tell—at that time I didn’t even see your video yet. I didn’t know what was going on with me, so I was like I don’t know; something’s wrong.
To answer your question, things are coming back to me. I’m getting my life back. I had issues with my stomach forever, and actually the last three years—and have you ever heard of this, Dr. Pompa? I actually in my 30s kind of felt like the bottom was going to fall out from underneath me kind of like it was coming like at the end of July, but I bounced back and it didn’t happen and then I was fine. That almost happened to me when I was 30; again in a toxic relationship, again not getting enough sleep and just working out really hard, and things were going on. That’s a time in my life when I was 30, and I just remember that a specific apartment that I was living in at that time—I just felt like something was going to happen to me, and then it just went away and got –
Dr. Pompa:
I can look at those points in my life where the bottom almost fell out but it didn’t. The body kind of recovered, and it’s just an accident waiting to happen. So many people out there listening, they’re right there. The bottom’s kind of falling out, but they recover a bunch of that. It’s like man, don’t wait. Just like you, we kind of address things. We address our adrenals, this and that. Oh, that helped a little bit, but this is—no, man, look, you have to get upstream and find the stressors and remove them.
If you have silver fillings in your mouth and these infections, it’s going to happen; it’s a matter of when. It’s going to happen. Just waiting for the next straw that breaks the camel’s back, right? One more storm, boom and then you’ll end up where Jeff and I were.
Yeah, I mean right now you are a different person. I mean you have the energy to travel. You’re sleeping through the nights. Your digestion is—I mean, oh, my gosh, you couldn’t digest anything; now it’s like spot on. You fast. You do all the good stuff. I mean talk a little bit about that because you do it all, man. Everything in a multitherapeutic approach, Meredith, he does and, Meredith, I’ll let you ask him some questions as well.
Yeah, I had no problem jumping into doing—you called me a three-percenter right from the start. I was willing to do whatever it took to get me well.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you did.
I switched my diet. I was vegan and I demonized fat. I demonized salt. I thought I was hitting a healthy lifestyle. I thought that that’s what—you were telling me otherwise, and I gravitated towards that. Immediately what helped when I was in my worst times when we had the first few conversations was the sea salt, the minerals and getting some of that to kind of help the adrenals, but yeah, I would have to say the fasting truly helped.
I had really big issues with, of course, heavy metal destroying my microbiome so the candida was a big issue and I just knew—I mean, the assimilation was not just happening for me. Like I said, the bottom was going to fall out for me when I was about 30 so it happened when I was 33. That lasted three years. Actually, my stomach was horrible. I mean I wasn’t having solid bowel movements. It was bad. It was just like dust. Now, I’m so much better. I mean everything’s regular. Like I said, I’ve just taken towards the high fat.
The other thing, too, like I was starting to say, was that I thought I was eating well and I still was actually very sugar dependent. I was looking at all these organic bars and everything, 27 grams of sugar.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah, you were eating healthy sugar—that organic junk food is what I call it.
It’s crazy. Here I was getting bad information just saying that I had a fast metabolism, right? I couldn’t make it from meal to meal. I was eating six to eight times a day. That was good, right? I was just glucose spike, glucose—now, I eat at night 9 o'clock, I go to bed, wake up in the morning. The fasting comes so easy. I’m just burning fat, cleaner energy.
Dr. Pompa:
What time’s your first meal?
That’ll vary, but I mean—
Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible- vary.
Yeah, absolutely, but for the most part I’ll just skip breakfast and I won’t eat until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I like to mix it up, and have fun with it, and keep my body guessing. I’ll do vegan for a few days, and then I’ll go back and introduce some other things.
Dr. Pompa:
Awesome. That diet variation, man, I taught him that. He knows that.
One week just eating once a day for three days and then not eating the next day and then having a day where I just would remind the body it’s not starving and eat a lot. Actually these past few weeks, I’ve just been cutting out the breakfast thing and just playing with it, but I’m definitely feeling it and I can’t wait. Real soon I’m going to be—maybe after I come home from a little vacation from the seminar. Me and my girlfriend are going down; you might be able to meet her. We come back the 9th. I think we’re taking some more days after that to just cruise around, and I’m going to definitely be doing a five-day fast and I just can’t wait because I feel great.
Dr. Pompa:
After the seminar, you’re going to be driven and motivated. Meredith, I’m going to turn it over to you for the sake of time here. Jeff, I just personally want to thank you so much for coming on because I know it’s a big deal for you because you’re like many people going okay, I just don’t want people to know my story yet, for whatever reason. You know what, man, you’re going to give a lot of people a lot of hope because you came from a severe case of neurotoxic illness and look at you now, man, so I’m just so proud of you. You are a three-percenter. You’re a one-percenter, dude. That’s why you got well, no doubt.
Yeah, thank you so much.
Yeah, one-percenter for sure. Jeff, I’m just kind of curious. Before we got on the call, we kind of talked about the importance of sharing our story but also not just sharing our story in general but sharing our story even when we’re not where we want to be. I’m just wondering why now? Why did you want to share now, especially, although you’re a year and a half into it, that you’re not fully where you want to be yet?
Well, because I’m well enough that I get it and that I can tell this part of my story. Then if things do change for me later down the road, that can be an addition to it. This wasn’t even really, like I said, my decision. Meeting Dr. Pompa at CalJam, he pushed me for this, so I probably wouldn’t have went a little longer. I don’t think I would have said I was ready yet, but he’s right, just like he’s always been. I haven’t caught him being wrong about anything once, so I went with that and I did contact you as soon as I got back. That was all him, but he’s right. I’m ready, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s awesome.
Wow. Well, thank you so much, Jeff, for sharing your story. I know you’ve inspired so many people with what you’ve shared, and I know so many are going to relate to this so I know you’ve changed a lot of lives from everything you spoke today, so thank you so much.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, Jeff, thanks for being on. Meredith, we’ll stay on and just give a final few words, but Jeff, man, you’re going to make a difference. You’re going to change the world, dude. I’m telling you. You’re coming to the seminar. God has purpose in this for you, and a lot of lives are going to change because of you, man. Thanks for telling your story. I promise you we’ll get emails of how your story changed lives already, and that I guarantee.
Yeah, anybody’s welcome to contact me, absolutely. I look forward to just seeing what I can do, doing what I can, making video footage, the things that got me well. I would love for my loved ones, families, friends, anybody to just kind of adapt that, and if I’m that motivation for somebody, if I can just spark something in somebody, that’s fantastic. It doesn’t have to be someone does this because the bottom falls out from underneath them or they’re hanging on by one inch of their life. It doesn’t have to be that. There’s obviously things that we’ve got to protect ourselves from, right? There’s a lot that’s interrupting the way we’re supposed to be, our natural biological functions, so let’s talk about it, let’s have an open conversation always, and let’s do something about it, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, thanks, Jeff. Appreciate you, man.
So much. Have a good one.
Dr. Pompa:
Thanks, guys.
Well, Dr. Pompa, I do have to say just kind of while listening to this whole interview that what I keep going back to, too, is the importance of story because so many people contact us because they’ve heard your story, and it personally has resonated with them, and they’ve experienced what you’ve been through. When we are able to share our story, I think there’s a lot of healing in that too, and so if you’d just kind of speak on that and what it took for you to share your story.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, there’s something magical. We know just from a scientific standpoint, when we speak about our past hurts, it’s healing. When we speak about our future, what we’re going to do, and what God has us do, that’s healing, so it literally is—telling our story is actually part of the healing and it’s scientific. The subconscious hears our words. Our subconscious knows. As we even speak about things in the past, that’s part of the healing. Emotional traumas, Meredith, which I’ve talked about, it’s stored in the DNA. Really the only way to uproot those is we have to refrain the way we think about it.
You can see Jeff, he has refrained how he has thought about those symptoms now. He knows now that it’s part of who he needed to be. God has a purpose for him, so telling a story like this, I’m telling you it’s part of the healing so, Meredith, the fact that you even picked up on that, it’s huge. Because I’ve always said that the moment I started telling my story, it took me to another level in my healing.
Those out there struggling, start telling. You might say to yourself, like I’m sure all of us do, well, I’m not where I want to be yet. No, no, you tell your story about where you were. You give glory to the victory God gave you already, and that is going to be the thing that gets you to the next level. Give God the glory. The testimony is what changes lives, so that’s it.
Mm-hmm, amen, wow. Physical, chemical, and emotional detox, right? It takes all three.
Dr. Pompa:
Yep, it takes all three. When you see people get better, it is a perfect storm, and when we uproot those causes, those stressors—because when you hear the stories of how people got sick, it’s always the same, right? You’re looking at certain stressors. The key is removing them, whether it’s physical, chemical, or emotional. My criticism of alternative medicine now is what we’ve criticized Western medicine for for many years, is that hey, you’re just throwing drugs at the symptoms. Well, I see that alternative medicine’s really doing a lot of the same things. Jeff and I, we addressed our adrenals. We addressed our thyroids. We did a lot of things, but the key is getting upstream, removing the stressors, and so few practitioners are willing to really do that today. That’s why my passion is obviously training doctors to give back to that, so that’s the key. I have another call here that I have to get on, but that’s the story.
Awesome. -inaudible- Well, thank you again, Jeff. Thank you, Dr. Pompa. The power of sharing your story, for you listening. Don’t be afraid to share it. You don’t know whose life you can change. Thanks everybody for watching. Have an amazing weekend and we’ll see you next week. Bye-bye.