179: Generational Toxicity

Transcript of Episode 179: Generational Toxicity

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Meredith Dykstra and Dr. Mindy Pelz

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m your host, Meredith Dykstra, and this is episode number 179. We have our resident cellular healing specialist, Dr. Dan Pompa on the line, and today we welcome a very special guest, Dr. Mindy Pelz. Before we dig into today’s topic, which is super-interesting, and we haven’t delved into this a lot on Cell TV yet, which is generational toxicity, let me tell you a little bit more about Dr. Mindy.

Dr. Mindy Pelz has been serving health to her community for over 20 years. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in exercise physiology and nutrition from the University of Kansas and a doctorate degree in chiropractic from Palmer West College of Chiropractic, Dr. Mindy has spent her career helping busy families reset their health. Her focus has been on repairing the gut microbiome, detoxifying harmful chemicals, and maximizing the body’s innate healing power.

Her personal journey back to health ignited a passion to help others with similar conditions. In the 20 years she’s been in practice, Dr. Mindy has helped tens of thousands of people reset their health by getting to the cause of their symptoms. Her unique approach has led to work with multiple Silicon Valley corporations, Olympic athletes, Academy Award-winning actors, professional musicians, and most importantly everyday families. Her best-selling book, The Reset Factor, was released in 2015 giving access to a clear, step-by-step path to a healthier life.

As one of Dr. Pompa’s platinum doctors, she, too, is concerned about how toxins are being passed down through generations. Raising a family of her own, Dr. Mindy is deeply concerned about the toxic world children are growing up in and believes that healthy adults start with healthy children, and parents need better solutions for helping—for keeping kids healthy. In practice, Dr. Mindy customizes multi-therapeutic health plans for all members of the family with a mission to help families understand the origins of disease and create strategies for vibrant health. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV, Dr. Mindy. We’re so excited to have you.

Dr. Pelz:
Yeah, thank you. I’m excited to be here. I’m a huge fan. I’ve been a huge fan for a couple years now, so I’m excited to be here.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s about time you got here. Listen, this topic, it’s amazing to me we’ve really never discussed it, right Meredith? We talk kind of in and out of it. This is where toxicity begins is in utero. Four generations are being affected by what happens in utero two ways. The physical inheritance of toxins, which we’re going to talk about, which affect not just children, but adults—so those of you who are getting sick as adults, there is no doubt in my mind it started in utero. This show is for everybody, no doubt.

Then also genes get turned on that are turned on for four generations. By the way, that physical inheritance, studies show, is four generations. For me, not surprising. The Bible talks about four generations, the sins of the father being handed down. No doubt, four generations are being affected. Meredith, I’m a little worried because Mindy looked frozen. Oh, there she is.

Dr. Pelz:
I’m right here—I don’t know—in the heart of Silicon Valley. Sorry.

Dr. Pompa:
No, no, that’s okay. We hope to keep you on here. Yeah, four generations being affected from genes being turned on and four generations being affected from just the physical inheritance of toxins from mom. Let’s talk about it. That affected my life. My wife gave my children a whole lot of lead, and despite doing everything perfect with those kids, they ended up having issues that we discovered. They got the lead from my wife, and they were off the chart just like her. Matter of fact, if I have time, I’ll pull out some of their tests. Mindy, how did it affect your life?

Dr. Pelz:
How I found your work was when I was 40 years old, I was really at the top of my health game. I thought eating right, getting adjusted, exercising was really the cure to keeping myself healthy. About three years after that, I started getting the insomnia, anxiety, the dread, and I started to experience my health in a whole new way, in a bad way. That’s what led me to come to Cell TV, and to chat with you, and understand your work.

I figured out really quickly that my lead was off the charts and that it was not only showing up in my perimenopause years, but that it actually had been showing up in my twenties. It showed up as chronic fatigue. It showed up in my thirties as thyroid problems. What I recently found out that’s really been transformative in my thinking is that I had reading comprehension issues as a child. I resonate a lot with your story, Dr. Pompa. They didn’t know what was going on. They didn’t know what my reading challenges were. Now I look back, and I think oh, my God. I think that was my lead showing in up in all those thread all the way through.

How did you make the connection between the lead and your symptoms just initially?

Dr. Pelz:
When I was 43—I’m 47 now. When I was 43, what was really intriguing was I went and I researched with people like OBs and psychologists. I was asking, “Is this what happens in your mid-forties? Depression, anxiety, dread, insomnia, is this classic mid-forty behavior?” Everybody said, “Yeah. That’s pretty much what you can expect.” Knowing that the body—the way that the body works and knowing that there’s always a natural solution, I just was not okay with the understanding that I’m just going to take some Prozac, and that’s going to be that. Maybe I just need to suffer through the next 10 years.

I really started to dig deeper. I found you guys at Cal Jam, and Dr. Pompa was on stage talking about it. When he said, “Four generations,” it was like—I felt like a ton of bricks hit me on the head. I just was super clear that toxicity was what was my perimenopause symptoms. I went home immediately and tested myself, and yeah, my lead was off the charts. My mercury was high, but it—I don’t have any fillings, so it wasn’t crazy high. I haven’t had a lot of flu shots. Then once I started detoxifying it, the changes were enormous. I started sleeping again. The hot flashes went away. The anxiety went away. I think also in the process of detoxing it, I could see the huge change.

Dr. Pompa:
What was the health of your mother like? I’m sure her lead levels weren’t measured, but do you think you got most of it from her? Of course, just later in life is typically when the symptoms start.

Dr. Pelz:
Yeah. My mom has got a lot of pain, a lot of chronic pain, and she’s always had gut issues. The deeper I look into this, the more I realize that the gut—the metals in the gut being a connector. She’s always had musculoskeletal, so for her I think that’s how it shows up. She’s 77 now, and she’s quite mentally with it, so it’s not really showing up as Alzheimer’s or dementia.

We did test my older sister. My older sister got thyroid problems about a year ago just as I was discovering this. We tested her, and her lead—older sister—significantly higher than my lead, like off the charts high. Her thyroid was starting to be affected. I think that’s where we’re seeing it. We’ve always eaten well. This is what I think is so surprising. I grew up with parents that were health food nuts, so perhaps it didn’t show up for us until later on because we have been so good with our diet.

Dr. Pompa:
I think that what people need to hear from this is everyone always looks for what happened in the last few years when their symptoms started, but truth be told, it’s what happens in utero is where the issues start. We know the number one source of lead is moms. You get something else from moms. You get their microbiome, their good bacteria, or not. You also get mom’s mitochondria, which all of today is where the epidemic is. We have people who have just literally wiped out microbiomes.

For new viewers, that’s your good bacteria that make up—in your gut. We have more bacteria than cells that we’ve learned in the last 10, 15 years—have everything to do with how our brain works, how our immune system works. If we’re inheriting a good or bad from mom, then that’s one aspect that controls your health. You’re inheriting mom’s lead, and mercury, and of course, other toxins. Mom is it. If you have health issues, look to your mom.

Here’s the thing, though. What we have to understand is you inherited these things from mom, but we have a new player today. It’s the glyphosate that’s being sprayed on our food supply, which is allowing these metals and other toxins to cross deeper into the brain. Stephanie Seneff had a 2012 study proving that, that glyphosate is allowing these toxins to go deeper into our nerve tissue, brain, affecting us more. The fact that we grew up in the lead generation and the mercury generation, meaning lead was everywhere. Every house, every paint, every window, open and closing windows, making lead vapor and dust, breathing it, touching it.

Warren, who many of you know, they tested their dishes in the glaze on their dishes that they had just recently bought—was loaded with lead. We still have it in our environment. We’re eating off of those plates. My point is whatever, years ago it was even worse. Every house built before 1978 was loaded with lead. I’ll tell you what; the highest levels I’ve seen are people who remodeled some of these homes, and they’re just getting lead dust all through their home, and they’re breathing it in even as children. We grew up with these exposures, and then we add this new one in the last 10, 20 years of glyphosate that’s allowing it to cross even deeper.

It’s amazing to me, especially with the vaccine schedules today. We’re exposing them to more aluminum, mercury, and other toxins. You put all this together, Mindy, it is unbelievable what we’re putting children up against today. It’s no wonder that the statistics—by 2032, it’s estimated, that one in two kids are going to be on the autism spectrum if these statistics continue the way they are. Hopefully, they don’t. Understanding the generational toxicity brings reality to why we’re seeing the numbers we are.

Dr. Pelz:
I was telling Meredith one of the interesting things that I’m seeing in my own practice is that you bring in a 40-year-old woman who has thyroid problems, and you start to dive into her history. You start asking her questions about her kids, and you see a child that—you’ll find out very quickly that she’s got a child with anxiety, and learning disabilities, and chronic fatigue, digestive problems. My practice has now got this combination of mom and kid that have very similar issues. I think the child is, like you’re saying, is so—has it so much worse because of what they’re growing up in. The toxic world our kids are growing up in is just unfair, and it’s—people need a different plan. They need a totally different plan than they had years ago.

Dr. Pompa:
Talk about that in practice. You mentioned the thyroid, obviously, in your family, but what do you see in practice? We know that these neurotoxins are related to these thyroid conditions. How many doctors, even naturopathic doctors, alternative doctors, are going upstream for that, really going upstream for these sources of lead, mercury, aluminum, all these things that we know are affecting the thyroid multiple ways, and then the adrenal conditions, then weight loss resistance? What are you seeing?

Dr. Pelz:
Somebody asked me the other day what my practice was made up of, and I said, “Well, I kind of have a practice of 40-year-old women that have all those things, fatigue, thyroid, weight loss resistance, can’t sleep, depression, anxiety. Nobody comes in with just one symptom anymore. People come in with a variety of symptoms.”

With thyroid alone, if you just address the gut, and you address the heavy metals, we’re finding—and I’m sure you find this, as well. We really see the numbers normalize out just from getting to those two issues. I’ve been in practice for 20 years. Somebody would come in with one symptom. Nobody came in with 20 symptoms. People come in now with, “I’ve tried everything.” They’ve been to medical doctors, and naturopaths, and they just are at a loss for what to do.

I think one of the challenges we have is they’re looking for that one thing. What’s the one thing? It’s not one thing; it’s 10 different things. People are waking up, and they’re seeing that the environment’s different, but it’s—this is brand new information. I don’t think people understand the whole magnitude of what’s going on.

Dr. Pompa:
I think we do. We have two problems. Problem number one is even the alternative doctors are really not going upstream to the problem. They’re just giving more vitamins and minerals. Then I think you said it right. I think that today we find people going, “Okay. I’ve got toxic issues.” The other problem is they’re really not addressing it correctly. How many people are coming in to your practice saying, “Well, I’ve done detox. I’ve done a cleanse.” Do you find that a lot, and what do you find that they’re doing?

Dr. Pelz:
Oh, yeah. I’m getting a lot of people who have already been down the natural path, and they’re not getting results, or they get a temporary result, and then the problem comes back. I have not seen people getting to the root cause at all. There’s a wonderful naturopath in town that runs a lot of really good tests, but then people are left with the imbalances. You know what would be a really good discussion to have is food allergies. If you test a bunch of food allergies, does that mean that now you have to stay off of those foods for the rest of your life?

What we’re seeing in our office is if you get to that deeper cause, then those food allergies start to go away, and they start to lessen a little bit. I am not finding people are getting deep enough. They’re not going, as you said, upstream enough. They’re not getting to that, and so they’re still frustrated.

Dr. Pompa:
Isn’t it true? Today what we see coming in is people saying, “I have the MTHFR gene; therefore that’s why I’m sick. I have food allergies; that’s why I’m sick.” We look at that, and we go, “Okay, well, MTHFR doesn’t make you sick.” We have 20% of the population with those genes. Why aren’t they all sick? Food allergies, okay. Why didn’t we see that when we were kids? Now all of a sudden, everybody has food allergies. We can avoid foods, but does anybody ever get better by avoiding foods? No. I don’t think so.

Maybe unless they’re fasting a lot.

Dr. Pelz:
Yeah, that’s right. You have to ask yourself, when we were kids, did we ever have a table sectioned off at our elementary school for food allergies, peanut allergies? We never, ever had that, and now whole—that’s what they do in elementary schools. They section a whole table off for just the peanut allergy kids.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s what I want people watching this and listening to this to understand. You have to understand what we’re talking about. This is a new problem. Think about where we’ve come in 20 years. Then you have to ask yourself, “Okay, why, and what’s changed?” We’re not going to get well by just avoiding food. We’re not going to get well by taking a lot of vitamins. It is a multi-therapeutic approach. It’s what we’re talking about here. We grew up in the lead generation, the mercury generation. We gave it to our children just like our parents gave it to us. Four generations, remember.

Today this other issue of the glyphosate issue—and I’ll bring up one more. I’ll bring up another stressor. Again, just to review, this chemical’s being sprayed on all of our food. We’re being exposed to massive amounts of this chemical, which we know causes a leaky gut, which drives food intolerances and food allergies. It’s driving these other chemicals that we already were exposed to from our parents into our nerve tissue, including our brain. This is a perfect storm.

This is why we’re seeing the explosion of childhood diseases and the explosion of unexplainable illnesses in our thirties and forties as we got these toxins from our parents, and just like you, Mindy, you’re the perfect example, and so am I. We started expressing these things later in life, but the chemicals started here. One of my pet peeves is people think they’re going to do a 10-day cleanse or cleanse for three months, and all of a sudden, they feel fine. Hogwash. You’re still cleansing. I did it for four years.

My own goal is to teach our patients this process so they can do it long enough to actually matter. All right, so here’s what I want you to—we talk a lot about the multi-therapeutic approach, how we’re putting these things together, and -inaudible- a group of doctors who are doing this, praise God. Talk about that. We’re saying, “Hey, it’s not so simple just to take these herbs for a month or two.” Talk about what the multi-therapeutic approach looks like in your practice, what you’re doing for people so our viewers and listeners have an idea of what we’re talking about.

Dr. Pelz:
I think that there’s—gosh, there are so many pieces to that. The first thing that I—the first two areas I really look at are toxic load and gut. Those two have to be—I feel have to be addressed. One of the things that I’ve really learned from you and from hearing you talk is that you can’t resolve the gut until you pull those metals out. For years, I would put people on Candida cleanses. I would tell them to change their diet. I still wasn’t getting the results that I’m getting now once I address the heavy metals.

It’s a variety of thing. It’s diet changes. It’s identifying their toxic load, their metal load. It’s pathogen purges, understanding do they have Candida. Do they have SIBO? What are we dealing with in a gut level? Fasting has been awesome. We’re teaching people how to intermittent fast, teaching people how to do a 24-hour fast. After Simon, we got excited about the four-day fast. I came back from watching him on day two, and I thought if he can do it, we all can do it. We came home, and I did—I just rallied my patients. I said, “Who wants to do this?” We had 30 people do the following week. We did a four-day fast. That was in a whole other level of health that we saw people go through.

It’s steps. I think you have to create steps. I think it’s too overwhelming. It’s really easy in health when things are overwhelming to shut down and to think I don’t want to do it. I really try to create steps for people so that they can say, “Okay, detox my metals. Handle those pathogens.” Master fasting. How do we get you step-by-step so that a year or two years from now you’re where you want to be?

Dr. Pompa:
It really is putting it all together. Those ancient healing strategies you mentioned, fasting, intermittent fasting, ketosis, moving people in and out of different diets, that’s really how you fix a gut. That is the ultimate—the real way. How has intermittent fasting and how has all of that impacted you?

Dr. Pelz:
This is interesting. I was the person that could never fast before. If I went without food, I was hangry. When I first read about intermittent fasting—people are crazy to go without food. The more I read, the more I understood, and I hung in there. What, it’s almost noon my time. I haven’t eaten since 6:00, 7:00 last night. That was unheard of for me a couple of years ago. I think it’s the greatest tool on the planet because you’re so mentally clear. It’s convenient. It’s so convenient. Talk about wanting to keep yourself in good shape, intermittent fasting will keep somebody lean really, really quickly for a significant period of time.

You know what I tell people? “You got to train. You got to fast train. Start off with 13 hours. Then you got to go to 15 hours, and then you got to slowly train yourself up to 24.” That seems to work really well. Weight loss resistance, I have a lot of 40-year-old weight loss resistance going on in my practice, and that—I think intermittent fasting is that key that really will turn people’s metabolism around fast.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt about it. What was your experience going through ketosis? Did you have a hard time getting into ketosis, getting your cells to use fat as energy? Was that easy for you? Talk about that transition.

Dr. Pelz:
Yeah. In the beginning, I didn’t really get—it was so-so. It wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t amazing. When I hear people who get really great numbers, that wasn’t me. The four-day fast turned that around. After I did the four-day water fast, I was able to get into ketosis a lot more. I just got back from Europe, and I notice when I’m eating more carbs, it’s harder. You can feel it. It’s harder and harder to get yourself back into ketosis. If you stick with it, you get there. Enough days of fasting, enough good fat, you can get yourself back in pretty quickly.

Dr. Pompa:
The more efficient you become, it’s remarkable. I could literally move into ketosis now. Again, I’ve been doing this for years. I could literally move into ketosis in a day or two. It’s just remarkable. As a matter of fact, even though I’m not in—purposely not in ketosis right now. I diet variation even seasonally. If I do a day where I just don’t eat, it’s like the next morning, I’m in ketosis still. That’s remarkable.

It wasn’t always like that. I’ve done multiple fasts. I’ve done intermittent fasting for so long, in and out of ketosis for so long. You do get more efficient the more you do it. Nothing that’s good, that lasts, happens short, whether it’s detox, whether it’s getting our mitochondria to be more efficient fat burners, or whether it’s getting our cells to hear hormones.

I want to transition into that because you said something earlier. We are in an epidemic of people who are hormone dysregulated. You said it. This is what’s coming into your -inaudible- Many of, I’m sure, the people coming in are taking hormones, whether it’s bio-identical or whether it’s doctor-prescribed another way. They soon realize that that’s not working. Even though the blood numbers get better, perhaps, they still don’t feel well.

You learned, I learned, we learned this the hard way, I’m sure. Toxins drive the cellular inflammation and affect these receptors to the hormones. Talk about that transition in your practice because you said it. We were kind of addressing things this way. Now we start really going after the toxins at the cellular level—the difference in basically lasting results with these hormone conditions.

Dr. Pelz:
One really interesting part of my story is that when I started to experience perimenopause symptoms, I went to a good friend of mine who’s an OB. I was like, “I’m just going to go ask her opinion.” I said, “So tell me, is this typical at 43? Should I be experiencing this?” She said to me, “You know what, Mindy? I have a practice full of people like this, and my”—these were her words. “My medical textbooks have failed me. I do not know what to do with them other than put them on medication.”

I said, “Okay. Is the medication working for them?” She said, “Well, yes and no. It doesn’t always work.” I knew that that wasn’t an option for me. The real game-changer for me was TCD. It was the heavy metal detoxing. That was the thing that changed it the most. Once I started to get the metals out—the minute I started taking the CytoDetox, within a couple of weeks of that, I just really felt—I started sleeping better. I could just feel my hormones leveling out a lot more. For me, that was a big thing, and that’s what we see in here, as well. True cellular detox is like magic.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt. That’s the problem. People aren’t understanding that this generational toxic issue—you got your load from your mother. This is why here you are in your forties going through what is—appears to be normal. It may be common, but it’s not normal. Hormone dysregulation in your forties, going into menopause should not be like it is today. Toxins are the number one reason for the hormone epidemic, why women can’t lose weight, why they gain weight, why their thyroid is dysfunctional, why their adrenals are crashed, why they have brain fog, why they have sleep issues, why they have anxiety.

Again, you’re not going to detox it downstream with a colon cleanse. It’s just not going to happen that way. You have to get to the cell because all of these chemicals that we’re talking about, that’s the effect. The effect is at the cell. When you address it in a multi-therapeutic approach, that’s the answer. We have what the world needs, no doubt. Meredith, I know you probably have a lot of questions. We’re talking about female health. We’re talking about things that you see in your generation, your friends.

Oh, and it’s so much earlier all the time. I know you’ve said that a lot, Dr. Pompa, is that the kids today are getting diseases that they wouldn’t have gotten back years ago until they were much older. It’s really sad. I see it all the time. I’ve talked to a lot of people on the phone, too, who struggle at such a young age. Dr. Mindy, just kind of back to the MTA, I was a little bit curious about sequence and how that works. Are your plans very customized depending on the client’s condition with what they came in and present with or is it always -inaudible- with the detox and then working on bringing the fasting and the gut health component?

Dr. Pelz:
Dr. Pompa really talks about this a lot, that I don’t think people need another fancy treatment plan. They need a tool set to learn how to do this and keep their health going for a while. Really the first thing we talk about are carbs: what’s a carb, what kind of carbs should you be eating, how do we keep your carb count down, and how do we get your good fat up. That’s the initial starting point, and then I get them intermittent fasting.

For a lot of people, that is so much work right there. I send them off. There’s a great app called—I like using Carb Manager. It’s the app that I use. I have them track their carbs so that they can see for themselves where they’re at. Then, I have them start the intermittent fasting and adding the good fat in.

The second thing that I do, and this is really a game changer, I think, for women in general, is getting them away from the scale and putting them on the precision ketone reader. The scale is not a helpful tool. I’m sure, Meredith, you resonate with this as a woman. We have such a story about the scale. We get on the scale. If we’re a certain weight, we believe then oh, back in high school I was that weight. That’s the weight I should always be. We really put the scale away, and we get over onto that precision reader.

We start looking at blood sugar and ketones. What are those doing? For a lot of people—I’m sure you find this, Dr. Pompa. We stay at that for weeks, for a month, trying to help them understand what food is doing for them. There is so much good resources and supplements, and they will speed things up. If you don’t understand what your food is doing for you, then you’re always going to be reaching for the next latest greatest supplement.

I really am a—just like you, Dr. Pompa. I’m such a believer in the power of our own bodies. We have to understand how our body heals, what food does to it, what stress does to it so that we can work with those things first.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. No doubt about it.

Dr. Pelz:
I actually did a really interesting thing with the precision reader. By mistake, I took a reading after I had an argument with my teenage daughter. My blood sugar was—I was shocked. I couldn’t believe that one argument would cause my blood sugar to go up like that.

I thought well, let me try it doing it the opposite. I took a reading before I had a massage, and then I took the reading afterwards. The opposite happened. My blood sugar went way down. My ketones went way up. It just really gave me an opportunity to see how stress plays a part in this as well.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s funny you said that because I like data that we can look at, right? Like you said, that sure means more than a scale when you have raising ketones and dropping glucose and we’re trying to get people’s ketones to go up and glucose to go down. Then we start looking at what’s affecting that. Yeah. That meal the night before, the next morning, you see the disaster there, right?

Here’s what I’ve been working on. This is the thing that Mercola, remember, he has. This is the thing. It’s the best way to measure electromagnetic frequencies, EMFs -inaudible-. I was shocked, even here at my workspace. I have a plug-in landline that I thought was fine. It was set up to be able to communicate with other docking spaces, which I don’t have, so I thought I was safe. That thing was radiating me every day. I didn’t know it.

Then, this damn little mouse, you wouldn’t believe what this thing puts out. You could not even believe it. Of course, right now I have it turned off. The problem is that we have to be aware of some of these things.

Here’s my thing to prove your point. Now, I’m exposing myself to different EMFs. I’m seeing how that affects my blood glucose. It does. Whether it’s an argument with your daughter or your spouse or it’s EMF exposure, that affects your numbers, that affects. Any stress will raise glucose, cortisol and then glucose, which is affecting us.

My point is this: look at what kids are up against today. They’re up against levels of EMF that they don’t even realize that stress. They walk around with those damn phones, constantly up in the thing. I’ll tell you what, you wouldn’t believe it. When a text comes into this phone, you cannot believe the level of EMF that puts off, right? They carry it on their person, so they have that exposure. They’re always in front of these things that are putting out EMFs.

They have the glyphosate exposure. They got our lead, our mercury. It’s no wonder this generation is sick. If this is a meter that’s—just make your home safe. When you sleep in your bed, you’d better darn well know how your EMF exposures are because—fortunately, mine were really good. I have patients who theirs aren’t, and that’s just an exposure, stressor, all night long that your cells have to deal with. It is revealing with these stressors. The cool thing is being able to see, just like the argument with your daughter, what that does to your glucose. No doubt, all of these stressors are affecting us.

Dr. Pelz:
What’s killing me is the solutions that these kids are given is just medication or behavioral therapy. I’m in Silicon Valley. There was a theory when my children were little that it was all these engineers that were mating, and so they were causing all these ADD children. One year, that was a theory that went around.

Then, we started to see over time every child had dyslexia, learning disabilities. We’re now seeing in the teenage years the anxiety. I just don’t know—I want so badly for people to understand that it’s environmental. It breaks my heart that they go to the doctor, and they’re given medication. I don’t know how you’re ever going to solve a toxic problem with more toxins. You’re never going to the root cause. You’re never going to solve it, and it’s going to become infertility in the 20s. Then it’ll become something—it just escalates at that point.

I’m right there with you. I’m screaming as loud as I can. I’m telling everybody I possibly can and trying to inform people because it’s a major problem for this generation, major.

Dr. Pompa:
It is. The amount of stressors they’re under. Remember, we all have different sized stress buckets, right? As we pointed out in this show, it’s generational. We’re filling that stress bucking with chemical stressors in utero. We just keep filling it with the number of vaccines, the number of chemicals in our food, the glyphosate, amalgam filling still being put in, remarkably, fluoride treatments, chlorinated water.

Now, they’re just medicating these kids, one medication after another. The bucket is overflowing early on as teenagers, and then we just start medicating the overflow. The overflow is the symptoms that start.

Now, we just throw more medications. Kids today are reaching out to more and more street drugs because they’ve been used to being medicated as children. Now, they’re just throwing Adderall at things just to focus, for goodness sakes, marijuana just to calm the nerve system down. This is what’s happening. I fear for our nation. I do. I fear for our planet.

I just heard this today. Bill Gates—this makes me shake. I get so scared for our future. I’m sorry. Bill Gates, scratch that. You know this, out there. What’s the Facebook guy? What’s his name?

Dr. Pelz:
Mark Zuckerberg.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh yeah, Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg and his wife are starting a foundation. I think he’s worth 69, 68 billion, something like that give or take a billion. They’re starting a foundation. Do you know what their goal is? Their goal is in their daughter’s life, which she’s three or four I believe, to cure all disease.

Okay, what does that sound like, Dr. Mindy, to you? If their goal is to cure all disease, what do you think they’re going to be putting billions into?

Dr. Pelz:
More vaccines.

Dr. Pompa:
Bingo. That scares the crap out of me. Bill Gates is doing the same thing. When you get to that level, you start looking at things that could basically wreck the planet. You start focusing on disease because, uh oh, that could really take down the planet if an infectious disease affected all of us. More and more money going to vaccinations which is going to do the opposite of their intended goal.

First of all, you’re never going to cure all disease with a medication. That’s what their belief system is. If we don’t change—even if we changed everyone’s output, come on! It’s not a realistic goal, anyway. People are going to say but isn’t that such a nice goal. No, it’s not. Because of where they’re going to be putting their money, we’re going to make a planet that’s more sick. The exact opposite of their intention is going to happen.

That scares the crap out of me. I tell you, when I heard that today, I was like oh, my gosh. Can you imagine? Can you imagine where we’re going to be with that kind of money 20 years from now going to more and more of the very thing that’s part of the problem instead of the cause? It’s scary.

Dr. Pelz:
You know, I’m in—in California, SB277 passed last year or two years ago. Growing up in California, I was like for sure it wouldn’t pass. Everybody here has their own unique approach to health. I really thought it wouldn’t pass. It passed, and people were excited about it. I was shocked. I think that really propelled me into action bigger than anything was the lack of awareness on what these vaccines are doing. There is just total lack of awareness. People have no clue.

When you sit down and you chat with them, you can see their eyes start to open up and their minds start to open up because if you’ve ever sat with any parent that ever made a decision to not vaccinate their child, and you ask them why did you not vaccinate your child, and you listen to their reasoning, you’d never want to put another vaccine in your child again. There’s so much evidence showing the long-term damage that it’s creating.

Dr. Pompa:
I don’t know what’s going to happen in California, but they’d better wise up. Hey, something good that happened in California recently is that glyphosate, the chemical that we’ve been talking about that drives the toxins even deeper—in California, you all said okay, they have to acknowledge now that it causes cancer, which we’ve known for years and years. Monsanto, the company that makes it, has been snuffing that evidence out for a long time, driving their own independent, corrupt studies. Now, they’ve been forced, and in the state of California, now it has to be labeled as such. We applaud that, anyway.

Dr. Pelz:
That’s what we’re used to in California. That’s the kind of lawmaking we like. That’s why we pay the big bucks to live here.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh man, all that stuff. Look at that. You’ve got to lead the vaccine charge as far as let’s vaccinate our kids more. I don’t know, man. You all might fall off the planet.

Dr. Pelz:
Yeah, we might. We might. You know, Dr. Pompa, you said something at Cal Jam that really hit home with me. You said next to Flint, Michigan that California had the most lead in our water. I didn’t believe you. I was like that’s California. I went home. I looked at my county. Sure enough: lead, arsenic, chloride just got put in our water. Yeah, you were right.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, my. Listen, if you look at that, Flint, Michigan is not a lead problem in Flint, Michigan; it’s a problem for our nation. We are being exposed to high lead levels in the water, fluoride, which we know causes cancer. It’s so antiquated. We know this. It’s massive money in the aluminum industry. It’s remarkable, the money behind that. That’s a whole other show. We’re going to have to do a show with Jerry on that.

The bottom line is the chlorine, the fluoride, the lead in the water, and now the medications that are in the water, the hormones they’re finding in the water. Folks, if you don’t have at least a point of service RO unit filtering your water, are you nuts? Oh, my gosh. We’ll leave it at that. We could go on, Mindy, you and I because we’re passionate about this stuff.

Dr. Pelz:
It keeps me up at night. It keeps me up. It really disturbs me. I know that if we keep shouting, I know that if you keep doing the great work you’re doing that hopefully someday people will hear. People will make changes.

Dr. Pompa:
They’re hearing slowly. All right, Meredith, we’ll turn it back to you.

Hey, knowledge is power when coupled with action. You viewers out there, you’re hearing this. You’re getting the information. We just ask that you do the research and then spread the message, as well. Just in closing, Dr. Mindy, wondering what your three key takeaway points are for our viewers, for our listeners, as to how to move forward with some of this information.

Dr. Pelz:
One thing we didn’t talk about which I think is key is the blood-brain barrier doesn’t close until seven. Be aware that the toxins your children get before seven are the greatest, including in the womb. The flu shot you get in the womb is packed with mercury. I think when parents come to me either when they’re pregnant or—even in the early stages, really do your homework and your due diligence in those years. That makes such a big difference.

Second thing would be it is not optional in my book to eat organic anymore. Everybody needs to be eating organic. Everybody needs to be minimizing the glyphosate. I think that is probably one of the number one things for your overall family health.

Then the third thing is just keep educating yourself. Keep empowering yourself. We don’t live in a time anymore where you walk into your medical doctor’s office, they write you a prescription, it handles all of your problems. You have to be in control of your health. You drive your path.

You need to do things like watching Cell TV. If you hear vaccines are bad for the first time, you’ve got to research it. Go to the CDC’s website. Type in what’s in a vaccine. You’ll see aluminum and formaldehyde. You’ll see it right there. Information is everywhere. You have to empower yourself.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. My takeaway was the disease, the symptoms that you are getting now in your 40s, 50s maybe, and today younger than that—it started in utero. No doubt, that’s where it started. Therefore, look back there, not what happened a year ago. There you have it.

Thank you, Mindy. Thanks for being on the show, Dr. Mindy. We appreciate you.

Dr. Pelz:
Thank you. I appreciate you.

Thank you, Mindy. Thank you, Dr. Pompa. Thank you for your passion. Thank you for getting this information out. I know you’ve changed my life. I know you’ve changed so many people’s lives, both of you. Thank you for everything you’re doing.

If this show made an impact, please be sure to like it, to share it, to spread this information because it is important and it’s really affecting our world. Thanks, everybody, for watching. Have a wonderful weekend. We’ll see you next week. Bye-bye.