191: Are Your Natural Body Products Toxic?

Transcript of Episode 191: Are Your Natural Body Products Toxic?

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Meredith Dykstra and Trina Felber

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m your host, Meredith Dykstra, and this is Episode Number 191. We have our resident cellular healing specialist, Dr. Dan Pompa, on the line. Today we welcome very special guest, Trina Felber.

We have an exciting topic for you guys today and especially for our ladies out there, but I think this affects all of us. We’re going to be talking about healthy skin care and our body care products, and how they affect our health in a really important way and very much at a cellular level.

Trina has an amazing story to share with us, and some incredible products. We’re really excited to bring to our CHTV listeners and viewers as well. We’ve got a lot of fun things to talk about today.

Before we delve in, let me tell you a little bit more about Trina. Trina Felber is the creator and founder of Primal Life Organics. She’s a true 21st century natural, modern woman, as her life roles include wife, mother of three, certified registered nurse anesthetist, yogi, paleo-advocate and educator. By nature, she loves creating products that heal, soothe, mend, and repair the body and soul.

Welcome to Cellular TV Healing, Trina. We are so excited to have you.

Thank you. I’m very excited to be here.

Dr. Pompa:
Trina, thank you for being here. I love your products, by the way.

Thank you.

Dr. Pompa:
Number one, because they’re non-toxic. Not only are they non-toxic, the ingredients go beyond being non-toxic into organic, and today with GMO, glyphosate, more chemicals, you have to go beyond, in my opinion, so I was thoroughly impressed. I absolutely loved the products for sure on myself. Blessed to have you here.

Something that we talk about on this show all the time is hidden sources of toxins and how that affects our DNA, our cells, life cellular inflammation, turns on bad genes, leads to bad hormones, and I put at the top of the list skin care products, hidden source. It almost frustrates me, because I’ve had this conversation again and again with people, and ladies, I don’t want to target you here, but I’m going to. You won’t give up your skin care. I had the battle with my wife, and it took many articles and me preaching and teaching to her, and finally she gave up her evil ways. You ladies, you get stuck on these things.

Men, I’m going to pick on you too, because you don’t think it matters. You think that your deodorants, or maybe what you’re using for your toothbrush, you don’t think it matters either, but ladies, on average, you have quadrupled the amount off chemicals going in to your body than a man, many of them causing cancer, dysregulating your hormones.

Trina, I have to say, your story—ladies listen to this story, because you didn’t just fall into this, no doubt, from pain to purpose, so tell them your story and how you got into this. I hope everybody’s listening.

Absolutely, and thank you. I agree; skin care is something I never thought about. How this all began for me, my background’s in nursing. I’m a nurse anesthetist. I started my nursing career in the burn center. My love and passion has always been about the skin. When I was 39, turning 40, I had just graduated from anesthesia school. My husband and I wanted to go somewhere really nice to get married. We knew we were going to try and start a family right away, so we went to Fiji. We got married.

Lo and behold, I got pregnant on the honeymoon. I was super excited, because here I am 40 years old, thinking I’m going to have problems, and we came home and at Week 7, I miscarried. I was completely devastated, mainly because I felt like I was really healthy. I was in tune with my body. I’d given up a lot of the processed foods and sugars. We exercised. I just felt super healthy, so I was taken back by the fact that something happened. I knew that if there was something in my environment or something I could change, I had to figure it out. I was really in tune to everything.

I luckily got pregnant very quickly. I was at Week 7. I was getting up, getting ready for work, and I picked up my moisturizer. I glanced at the ingredients, probably for the first time, and realized there were toxins in there.

It blew my mind, because here I am, pregnant, and I know the skin’s the largest organ. I know it absorbs everything. In the medical field, we put things topically on and within five minutes, you can see the blood pressure drop, or whatever happened. You know that things get absorbed. Here I was blown away by the fact that there were toxins, endocrine disrupters, cancer-causing ingredients, and all I could think about how was this affecting this new life inside me.

I ditched everything. I thought, you know what? If I can’t make it, I’m not going to use it. I went on this warpath of throwing everything out and starting from scratch. That’s basically how I got started. I realized that I needed to make a change.

It’s really like you said. It’s a hidden danger with infertility on the rise, and all of the issues that not only women have but even children are having, we’re not looking at what we’re putting on our skin. It’s not just one product. It’s in every single product we’re using.

Women especially can use up to 15 products a day, and if those 15 products each have five or six different ingredients that are causing cancer—they’re known cancer-causing ingredients. They’re known endocrine disruptors. Your hormonal system, like you said, is part of your endocrine system, and if it's disrupting your hormones, it could cause problems with fertility and with fertility on the rise, we really just have to make that correlation.

Dr. Pompa:
Talk about some of the common chemicals, the big ones you see in most cosmetics, makeup, whatever women are putting on. Talk about that. Talk about some of the products that are the most dangerous as well.

It’s in almost every product. When we’re talking about products, I’m talking about what you wash your face with, what you wash your hands with, so soap. They have triclosan in them; they have SLC, which is sodium-lauryl-sulfate.

One of the things that I love to talk about, because people don’t think about this, but water. To me, more than any other ingredient in skin care, water to me is one of the most dangerous, and it’s listed usually as the first ingredient, which means that product can contain up to 90% water. When you take a double look at it, you need to look at whether it’s purified or not. Chances are, it’s not purified, which means it's tap water. There’s toxins we don’t even know about and heavy metals in tap water. Almost every single skin care product lists water as the first ingredient. To me, that’s one of the worst ingredients just because we look at it and we go, oh, it’s just water. It’s harmless, but it’s really not, because we don’t really know what’s in it.

Dr. Pompa:
Even when you buy something at Whole Foods or a health food store, and you say, hey, I’m buying a natural lotion, water, right? Fluoride contains hormone disruptors, just because that’s what’s in water. Obviously, who knows what else is in it? Yeah, you’re right about that, so again, you have to look deeper than just buying your products at the health food store.

Yeah, exactly. Even natural products, water is listed as probably the first ingredient. Once you have water, then you need to have—there always has to be—if you’re mixing water and oil, there has to be an emulsifier, and most emulsifiers are endocrine disruptors, or they’re cancer-causing. You also have to have preservatives, because bacteria can grow. A preservative isn’t put in a product to prevent bacteria growth once it’s opened. It’s put in there to prevent bacteria growth while it’s sitting on a shelf. It just prolongs the shelf life. Most people don’t realize once you open something, the contamination from the air can cause bacterial growth. You really want to use your products within six months of when you’re opening it. That’s another thing.

The other thing with water that I like to talk about is the fact that it doesn’t actually get absorbed into your skin. It evaporates and as it evaporates, it takes with it some of your natural oils and can break down your first line of defense, which is your natural oil, which allows your natural biomes to grow to prevent some of the overgrowth of bad bacteria which can case acne and other sources of skin inflammation.
That’s another thing about water that people don’t think about is that it can actually destroy your natural bacteria on your skin. It doesn’t get absorbed. As it’s evaporating, it’s taking with it moisture from inside, so it’s actually dehydrating your skin. It’s really not doing anything good for your skin on the outside.

Your products don’t have water in them?


Dr. Pompa:
For that reason, then, that’s part of the point, right? There’s two reasons. Number one, even if it’s filtered water, even if it’s a clean water source, it still creates that dehydration because of the evaporation, so there you go. That’s something I just learned. It makes total sense because I understand the science behind it, but when you put it together, so thank you for that; another good reason why your products actually work better or work period.

Okay, here’s my fear again. I don’t know how to penetrate this because I’ve had this conversation so many times. People have heard me lecture, and yet, they’re still not changing their products. What is the number one thing that you can tell them to make the transition into, and again, not just natural products because as you just pointed out, not all natural products are created equal. We can still talk about that what differentiates your products from other natural products, but how do we get them to change? I mean your story, yeah, that was your toxic source, right? I could tell you from my experience that many women—you know I see a lot of people who have a lot of unexplainable things, right?


Dr. Pompa:
I’m telling you, if we don’t eliminate this source, we can never balance their hormones. What can you tell them to motivate them?

When I ditched my commercial skin care, all of my anti-aging, I had acne. I was 40 years old, and I had a forest of acne growing on my face that I couldn’t get rid of. I was terrified for the same reason all these women and anyone that you’ve talked to are worried about giving up their beauty products is because you’re buying into what big cosmo’s selling you. They’re selling you beauty, but yet I was 40 years old, and I was fighting acne for 20 years. It never got any better, but I kept going back to the beauty counter because they were selling me the idea of this is what you need.

I like to say that your cells are real, and your body is made up of real cells. Cells need nutrition. You need micronutrients. You need macronutrients. If you’re not getting that, whatever they’re growing in a Petri dish is not food for your cells. What your cells need is vitamins, minerals, nutrients. You know this, but all of those things that will help it to create another new cell when it’s recreating or multiplying, and it can get rid of its own waste. It can detoxify.

What happened with me, I was terrified. I was so nervous to give up what I’d been using, but I did it anyway. Within three months, my acne was gone. It was gone, and I was astonished. My skin looked beautiful. My oiliness went away, and so I tried to reverse engineer what really happened. Why was my skin so good after three to four months of using oils and essential oils, as opposed to 20 years of putting things on my skin that were supposed to make me look younger, and get rid of my acne, and prevent aging? It’s because, like I said, your cells need real food, real nutrients, in order to flourish, look good.

Not only that, but your skin is made up of ceramides and all sorts of things inside of it that when dehydrated from water and all these other toxic ingredients, it doesn’t plump. It doesn’t look healthy. It can’t detoxify itself or get rid of wastes, so you end up with skin conditions, and you end up with wrinkles. Whereas, the oils actually penetrate your skin, plump up your cells, feed your cells, and low and behold, you end up with beautiful skin. Basically, what I did was, as I started creating my products, I started creating the products that I really wanted. As I was 40 years old, I wanted things that would help me look younger, so that’s what I was creating. That’s what I think. Most women are afraid to give up what they’re buying.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, you’ve got their attention with how they look, right, and that makes me angry because, dang it, it’s like we should be able to get their attention with the fact that there’s things called xenoestrogens in these cosmetic products. I mean from makeup to just lotion, to you name it, right? It’s like your shampoos. I could go down the list.


Dr. Pompa:
That means it mimics estrogen. We know it turns on genes that lead to obesity. I mean it’s—look, when I read studies, oftentimes, they’re just rubbing these things on the skin on rats and animals because it’s just easier, right? They can shave the hair off and rub things on, and they absorb it, and we can change the hormones of animals. It’s changing your hormones. I mean that’s the bigger reason why you need to change it. Yes, it leads to obesity, cancer, or hormone dysfunction. All of it.

I’m telling you. Our number one in my 5R’s of how you fix a cell is removing the sources, and I’m telling you, this is a big one. You said something that got me really excited because you said get the cells to do what they’re meant to do, and that’s get rid of toxins, right? That’s true cellular detox. Most people are downstream with different things, products that make them poop more, but rarely do you ever hear someone say what you just said. Get the cells to do what they should do because that’s it. You have to do—

Well, you know your body is made to normalize itself. It always wants to go back to normal. If you’re a little alkaline, your body’s going to adjust to be normal. Your skin is the same way. Your skin wants to be beautiful, and your gut wants to be normal. Everything tries to normalize. We are doing everything in our power to make ourselves unbalanced when we’re using things that are not natural. Our cells don’t like it. Our body is fighting to be normal, and the things that we’re using are making it abnormal.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and matter of fact, I would argue—you’re right. It’s called homeostasis.


Dr. Pompa:
It reaches a point where it’s there. We call it there’s a limitation to matter meaning, let’s just talk your skin or an organ, right, that it’s trying to find balance because that’s where health is, perfect balance. It’s trying to find balance, and you poison it so much that it’s done. There’s a limitation to the matter, and that’s when we’re in there getting things cut off that it’s reached that point. Don’t reach the point. Make a change. Meredith, I know you have some questions because you’re a girl. How hard was it? I know Meredith doesn’t wear the bad stuff, but Meredith, how hard was it for you?

It’s a transition, and there was a transition, but it’s definitely education is where it starts, as well, in shows like this, and products like yours, and just doing what you’re doing, Trina, to advocate. I’m going to get this information out there to men and women to just wake up and start to read the ingredient labels. I think that’s definitely where it starts.

It’s been a journey for me as well. I’ve been in the natural health world since about 2010, but it didn’t totally happen overnight. In some ways it did with the food, but in other ways, I think a lot of us it’s easy to change our diet and to exercise more. For some people, too, it’s like, oh, I might as well change all my cleaning products and my makeup. People get overwhelmed. I think for some people it is a process, and that’s okay as long as they’re getting educated and starting to make changes.

My question, though, to start, which I have a number, but I thought it was such a great point how you brought up that water is the first ingredient in so many of these, even natural products that we use, which I’m thinking I’m going to look at some of my natural products as well and see about water. I hadn’t thought of that, so it was just such a great point. I’m wondering if there are other specific ingredients to look out for, especially in our natural products because a lot of our viewers and listeners are already pretty dialed in with diet, and exercise, and doing a lot of the strategies that Dr. Pompa suggests, but are there other ingredients that are in a lot natural products that we should be looking out for?

One of them that really surprises me that’s still in a lot of natural products is fragrance. When you read fragrance—yeah, I know. It’s loaded isn’t it?

Dr. Pompa:

That’s just a loaded bomb. Fragrance can be—it’s a trade secret. It’s a known—companies can put fragrance listed on their ingredient, and they don’t have to disclose what makes up that fragrance. Basically, what it is is a vat of around 3,500 chemicals, and most of them are cancer causing. They can cause allergies. If you ever put something on and you start to get allergies sometimes, like runny nose or watery eyes, it could possibly be related to your skin care. There are also endocrine disruptors, neurotoxins. That blows my mind when I see a natural product and fragrance is still listed on there.

The other thing I like to tell people, to start thinking, changing your thinking of your skin care. As I’ve said before, is your skin care making you fat, sick, and forgetful because those are the things that your skin care can be doing. The fat comes from the endocrine disruptor. Your thyroid’s part of your endocrine system. If you’re using products that contain endocrine disruptors, it could be malfunctioning or causing your thyroid not to function normally. Your thyroid is what is responsible for your metabolism, so it could be making you fat. It could be making you sick because there’s cancer causing things. Forgetful has to do with the aluminum that’s in deodorants, the antiperspirants. They’ve found aluminum in the brains of Alzheimer’s, and so—

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, the overexposure to a chemical called glyphosate being sprayed on all of our food, by the way. Unavoidable, 60 percent of the rainfall, right? Well, glyphosate is shown to actually increase the aluminum and the heavy metals that we’re exposed into our brain, so we know it’s this combination that really is driving a lot of dementia, Alzheimer’s, even conditions such as autism. It’s making everything worse, so you’ve got to avoid these things -inaudible-.

Yeah, and I know natural products seem like they’re more expensive, so I know there’s always that fear of it’s going to be more expensive. You also have to consider when you look at the size of some of my products, people are put off by the size of them. You have to remember that there’s no water. There’s no water in them so they’re 100 percent concentrated. If I took a product off the shelf and took the water out, it would probably be so much smaller than what I have to offer because the water can be up to 90 percent. What you’re actually buying could only be one or two percent of the active ingredient, the reason you’re purchasing that product. Yeah, you really have to be in tune with what you’re putting on, and like you said, it’s the overexposure.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I tell you. I love the one that it’s the pump, and it has the cocoa bean in it. I love the fact that it smells like that, and it just, oh my gosh. I mean it moisture—I still have it. I’ve used it for months.

Oh, yeah because you don’t need much.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, I love the Vitamin C Serum, and then I even—you have a gum serum that I used on a sensitive spot that fixed it. Yeah, I absolutely love your products. Where do you start? Let’s talk about like, okay, I’m somebody watching this right now. What products do I replace, and then show me your product that replaces it. In other words, start here. Let’s replace these three things or these five things, from the most toxic all the way down, and then tell them your product.

One of the things people don’t really think about, and it’s a very simple. It’s what most people when they find me, one of the first things or my most popular product that people start with is my tooth powder, which replaces, and here’s some of the—this is the tooth powder right here. This is a one-month supply so it looks really, really tiny, but you really only need a tiny bit. It’s powder, so there’s 100 percent concentrated ingredients. It’s made with clay, and clay not only cleans your teeth, but it also has the minerals in it that your teeth actually need to stay strong. It can actually reverse cavities or help heal cavities. I have a whole webinar that I do about dental health because it’s so amazing.

What we’re brushing our teeth with contains not only—I mean, it’s just toxic. It’s got triclosan. It’s got sweeteners in it and SLS, all sorts of toxic ingredients. It might be cleaning your tooth, but it’s probably also destroying your natural oral biome, so you’re not protecting yourself. You get an overgrowth of bad bacteria. Not only do you end up with dental caries, but you can also end up with bad breath and all sorts of things. The tooth powder replaces that.

That’s probably the easiest switch, and it makes a huge difference. The clay contains the minerals that your teeth need. It cleans your teeth. It also whitens your teeth, and it detoxifies. Clay will actually pull toxins out of your gum tissue and your teeth, so that’s probably one of the best products to start with. The other product that people use every day, deodorant. This is the black deodorant. It’s made with charcoal.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, my son loves that stuff. He said, dad, it’s the only natural stuff that actually works. That’s what he said.

Yeah, you can see it’s black. It’s got charcoal, and the charcoal actually absorbs 200 times its weight in water, so charcoal’s really—and it detoxifies. It pulls toxins, so if you’re using something that has aluminum in it or an antiperspirant, you’re actually preventing sweat from happening. There’s some issues with that because your sweat not only helps to regulate your body temperature, but it also helps to get rid of toxins. That’s your body’s natural way of purging toxins. If you’re not going to get rid of toxins, they’re going to go someplace else in your system and can cause more damage someplace else.

You really don’t want to prevent sweating, so you want to get rid of your antiperspirant and replace it with something that’s natural. You will sweat. Your body will adjust and not sweat quite as much after two or three weeks, but you don’t want to prevent sweating. You don’t have to stink, but you do want to sweat.

Dr. Pompa:
Awesome, yeah, so those two things, and then I know that I was just reminded. Someone just sent me something the other day, and it was on PEG, which is in most skin care products, right? It was that it leads to breast cancer, and I was trying to find it. It’s a petroleum-based product. It’s called polyethylene glycols, and they are known to cause cancer. They increase breast cancer risk. They’re harmful to the skin and damage open wounds. I mean it goes on and on about the danger of this stuff, and it’s hard to find a product without it in.

I know. Isn’t that crazy? We’re putting that stuff on our skin, and we know. That’s what drives me nuts. These things are known to cause these things like cancer, endocrine disruptor. They’re known to do that, and yet we willingly are putting these things on our skin, or maybe not willingly. We just don’t know that’s what we’re doing, but now that you know, once I knew these things, I could never go back. I was like, what am I doing? Now that I know these things cause issues, especially for kids. This all happened because of a miscarriage for me, and that’s my big—I always focus on the kids. They’re growing up in a day where they could be polluted, if you want to call it that, from day one of conception.

Dr. Pompa:
Right, you say that. They are.

They really are, and we wonder why kids, they have so many struggles starting so young. It’s possibly because of the way we’re polluting our bodies. I just feel so bad for the kids. I’ve always said, I really feel like skin care should have warnings on it. It’s one of the only things that you can buy that doesn’t have warnings. There should be warnings on it that says do not use if you’re trying to prevent cancer. Do not use if you’re trying to conceive. If it’s got endocrine disruptors, do not use if you don’t want to be obese. I think that really skin care should carry warning labels, warnings.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. Meredith, more questions -inaudible-.

I got on, so I’m just curious. Trina, too, if we can just step back a little bit from how you went when you were looking at that bottle of lotion and realizing the toxic ingredients to now having this amazing array of products. What was the sequence of events? How did that go as far as finding the right ingredients for specific formulas and the sequence of events there?

Some of them I stumbled upon my mistake. I make an acne serum that it’s got cayenne pepper in it. I was going to bed one night. I had a muscle serum that I made that had cayenne pepper and menthol in it, and I had a juicy zit growing on the side of my chin. I thought it was going to be one of those big cystic ones, so I thought, I wonder what cayenne pepper does to a zit. I grabbed some of my muscle serum, and I put it on my zit, and I went to bed. The next morning, yeah, and I burned. It stung, but for the first time in my 20 some years with a zit, first time I was like, oh, my gosh. It feels like it’s doing something.

I went to bed. I got up the next morning to go for a run. I walked by the mirror, and I had to stop and do a double take. That zit was gone. There was nothing there. While I’m running, I’m trying to reverse engineer what happened, and I realize that cayenne pepper really does for your skin exactly what it does when you eat it. The heat increases blood flow, and as it increases blood flow, it’s increasing oxygen and nutrients. It’s cleaning it out. It’s anti-inflammatory. It’s antimicrobial, antibacterial, and it’s just decreasing redness and all of that.

I went back to the drawing board, and I created what’s now Banish Blemish Serum, which can almost heal a zit overnight. It greatly reduces a zit very quickly, but I put in it the cayenne pepper because it increases the blood flow. It decreases inflammation, decreases redness, and then a bunch of essential oils that speed healing and speed cell regeneration and just are so nutritious to your skin. What happens is, you no longer end up with this dry zit. It heals very quickly because it’s oil based, so it’s not going to dry out. It’s going to heal from the inside very quickly. That’s one of the ways.

The other ways that I created my—so my tooth powder I created because my daughter, at the age of two, had a defect in her molar. It was a natural cavity, and when a dentist told me that that tooth wasn’t even going to last a year, I said, I don’t agree with that. I’ve got to figure something out. That’s when I realized how bad toothpaste is, and that’s when I threw my toothpaste in the garbage and said I’ve got to find something different. That’s when I found clay contains exact minerals in the exact form because you have to have the ion form in order to get back into your tooth. I created it with three different clays because the three different clays have the different minerals that your teeth need. She’s now nine years old, and that tooth is still intact.

I say I created every product for myself trying to—I wanted a safe version for me and my kids. Something that I felt comfortable that if they got into my cosmetics or my anything that they were okay. I make makeup too, which I’m probably the only makeup company out there that actually makes makeup that doesn’t use the colors from minerals. The minerals. Mineral makeup sounds like it’s safe and healthy. Unfortunately, they have to wash the minerals with toxins, chemicals, so a mineral makeup itself is more of a marketing ploy than a health alternative.

When I created makeup because I was 41 years old and going to work, and thought there’s no way I’m going without makeup for long. I had to hurry up and figure something out. I started making it with food. I started using—my makeup is clay based, and then the color comes from food like spirulina, or beets, or cranberries. My Beet Berry blush has clay, but the color comes from beets and cranberries, and it’s completely healthy.

Dr. Pompa:
Wow, that’s impressive. Your product line is spot on. I mean it’s remarkable what you’ve done.

I’m a girl. I’m a girl. I want products. I didn’t want to give it up.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you’ll become really resourceful when you have to give up something regarding beauty, and look at you.

When you throw it in the trash and you have no choice but to create it, you figure it out very quickly.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s -inaudible-.

That’s the truth.

Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible- everyone else. That’s the thing, so yeah.

Yeah, thank you.

Dr. Pompa:
How can people get the products? Where can they see the product list so they can—I know, yeah, Meredith, you can probably help them with that because we carry the products, but—

Primal Life Organics.

I can.

Yeah, mm-hmm.

Yep, and if you’re interested, yeah, in checking out all the products that we’re talking about, I have one more question that I want to delve in as well, but if you’re watching, and you can’t wait anymore. I really want to try your makeup for sure. It’s getorganicskincare.com, and Trina super generously offered if you wanted to try her dental starter kit, which is one of the most popular items she sells, the tooth powder she was talking about. I’m really excited to try that as well. If you enter coupon code CHTV, short for Cellular Healing TV, at checkout, you can get ten dollars off the dental starter kit. Thank you so much, Trina, for your offer for our viewers.

I just wanted to add in, too, before we got out online, you said that you make some products specifically for women while they’re pregnant, and because I know that’s clearly close to your heart having had the miscarriage, that being part of your story. How did you choose those pregnancy specific products because I had never heard of other pregnancy specific skin care products out there like yours.

Yeah, so my products obviously have no toxins, so my biggest concern with pregnancy is obviously the development of that baby. Being a nurse and having worked in L&D, I really fight for those little ones. What I was concerned about, or still am concerned about, is when you buy something off a shelf, it’s got all of the ingredients that we’re talking about like petroleum, and phthalates, and parabens, and all those things that can cause issues. I really feel that pregnancy—you should avoid most of those products when you’re pregnant.

When I created my pregnancy line, I don’t use any of those ingredients, but being natural doesn’t mean there are some things that aren’t safe for pregnancy. When I created some of my products, I created pregnancy formulas, and I omit the essential oils and oils that are not recommended during pregnancy. I tell people, if you’re trying to conceive and you know you’re going to try to conceive within six months, switch to pregnancy formula when you’re trying to conceive. Then through pregnancy, use the pregnancy formula because those essential oils and oils are omitted, and it’s only pregnancy safe oils and essential oils that are in there. They’re very nourishing. They’re all filled with micronutrients. Good for you and your baby’s brain.

What are some of the essential oils that we should avoid while we’re pregnant? I just am curious.

Carrot seed is one of them, and that has to do with the Vitamin A content. Most likely, if you’re using something that has carrot seed in it and you’re pregnant, most likely the amount in there is okay. However, I omit it because you just don’t know how much Vitamin A you’re getting from other sources, so that’s part of the problem. I think myrrh is the other one. I always get frankincense and myrrh because I usually put them together, but I think myrrh is the other one you want to avoid during pregnancy. Most of them have to do with—now the Vitamin A is during the first trimester you want to avoid it. After that, it’s not so bad. It can cause birth defects is what the problem is with Vitamin A. Too much Vitamin A can cause birth defects. After that, you’re usually okay. The baby’s developed.

Most of the other essential oils have to do with uterine contractions, so it can stimulate your uterus to contract, so that’s why you want to avoid those. Usually I tell people if you’re around 36 weeks and you’re reordering, you’re okay to use the regular formula just because you’re past that point, and you should be fine. Baby’s developed, and all that, so usually, and everything’s safe during breast feeding. All of my products are safe during breast feeding. It’s just the pregnancy is just for strictly the pregnancy period.

Awesome. Well, I love that. The thought, and just the intention, and the care, and the love that you’ve clearly put into all of these products. It’s just amazing and can’t wait to try them. All of you go to getorganicskincare.com to try them out. Trina, we like to end the show by asking our guest experts their three key takeaways for our viewers and listeners to improve their cellular health. What do you say to that question?

I say read your labels and look for water. If you remember one thing, just look for water and notice whether it is purified or not purified, and then make your decision there. Also, is your skin care making you fat, sick, and forgetful. Don’t forget about that because there’s a lot of things in there that can cause a lot of harm. I think the next thing that I would say would be to brush your teeth with dirt, and try the dirty mouth tooth powder.

Dr. Pompa:
Love it.

Awesome. Great, well, thank you so much, Trina, for joining us on Cellular Healing TV, and thank you, Dr. Pompa, as always. Thank you listeners and viewers for tuning in, and oh, my gosh, I know I learned so much. Please share this on this episode with your friends, with your family, anybody you know who is using those toxic skin care products and may not be making that connection if they’re having different health challenges and just not putting all the pieces together. I learned a ton, so thank you. Thank you to everybody.

Thanks, Meredith. Thank you, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
You’re welcome. Thank you. Love your products. Bye.


All right. Thanks everybody. Have a great weekend. We’ll catch you next