Transcript of Episode 195: Detoxing With Sound Therapy
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Meredith Dykstra, and Githa Ben-David
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m your host, Meredith Dystrka, and this is Episode #195. We have our resident cellular healing specialist, Dr. Dan Pompa, on the line, and today we welcome special guest, Githa Ben-David, all the way from Denmark. We finally got it together to have this show recording at the right time, so we’re so excited to have you here, Githa, and we have a really interesting topic for all of you we’ve never discussed on Cellular Healing TV. We’re going to talk about the benefits of sound healing and sound therapy and how sounds affect us at the cellular level and how we can use sound to our benefit to help improve our health, so very interesting discussion.
Before we get started, let me tell you a little bit more about Githa. Githa Ben-David is a singer, author, composer, and vocal therapist and was educated at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Copenhagen. She studied classical Khayal singing with Mangala Tiwari in Varanasi and spent time in Israel, learning mystical therapy. She is also a regression therapist. Githa is the founder of vocal therapy, The Note From Heaven, which combines true vocal expression, healing and regression. She is the leader of international certified education in The Note From Heaven and the founder of Gilalai Institute of Energy and Consciousness and Gilalai Publishing with her husband, author Lars Muhl. You can learn more about it at and the film page,, and you can learn all about Githa’s work at Welcome to Cellular Healing TV, Githa. So excited for this topic.
Dr. Pompa:
Yes. Yeah, thank you for joining us, and when I think of a note from heaven, the first thing that pops into my mind is David playing for King Saul, who was obviously in an irritated state, even spiritually not right, matter of fact threw the javelin at him and tried to kill him through the wall. David would start playing, and we would bring Saul down, and Saul would feel normal for days, so he kept requesting David to come back in and play for him, because it was the only time he actually felt normal. No doubt a note from heaven. I know that musicians and people that know music, they say that David played in a certain harmony, a certain frequency that we can duplicate today.
I have to say this, too. I had an interesting dinner the other night, and I sat next to a young man. He’s schooling himself in physics, etc., and his interest was how soundwaves can affect the cell and affect our health and affect our bodies, so him and I got into this conversation. I told him I was interviewing you and even someone else on this topic, because it was an interest of mine, and I said, “Make sure you watch the show. I want your feedback.”
I get the science. I get the facts. It’s called resonant frequency. We can match frequencies, even the wind. Y’all can Google this. The wind hit a certain frequency and vibrated a bridge, the wires that come down that hold the bridge. It vibrated them at a certain frequency, and the bridge went like this and literally just imploded, so that was resonant frequency. Frequency match. The wind frequency vibrated these at the same frequency as the bridge and created this amazing force that disrupted. Now, today, we understand that science, and we don’t build buildings and bridges that these frequencies can affect. The point is the science is there.
I want you to start with you story, because as a musician you understand frequency better than most, but how did you end up applying this into the human body and the physiology of a human? Tell us that, because I think it’s remarkable.
Yep, I was actually a saxophone player and was the first one that entered the classical conservatorium with that, and I always loved to sing. I learned it quite late in my life, and that’s why maybe, because I could borrow a saxophone. Then, I got into that place by completing me inside, and I was very proud of that. One of the reasons why I could do it, I say, is because I love to make a nice sound. It’s always been in my mind, so when I’m standing towards a wall, playing long, long sounds, and in this way, actually I also got good technically. This is the key for many things, to do things with a nice sound, because if you’re very busy and all this, if you do it with a not nice sound, it doesn’t matter when you play.
Anyway, in the middle of all this studying, I felt like getting away and out in the nature and things like this. It was very concentrated for two years. I just practiced and practiced, like who am I, and what am I doing it for, and all this success. I got very high degrees, but what should I use it for? Did I ever make a -inaudible- with this? A girlfriend was going to travel, and she wanted to go to India. I had no interest in India at all, but I said, okay, just to get away, I will ask for some money, and I probably will not get it. I was a poor student. I was 24. I made just a very fast one, and then I got a very high degree in the examination. I didn’t think about that, but then I got a lot of money, and okay, then I had to go to India with this girlfriend. In the end, the girlfriend got pregnant, and I had to go alone and without any reason, so I promised the conservatorium that I would start Indian singing and come back and tell them about all this money. What was that? Two months, and it was really – that changed my life, so that’s why I tell you this.
What changed my life is that Mandala Tiwari – I’m sorry, she’s dead now, but she was a beautiful, beautiful singer, and it was just somebody told me -inaudible- and I go to her. Okay, I go to her, and I study the singing. She told me, “You go home and sing one note, at least one already, only your ground note.” The ground note is a quite deep note. For most women, it’s what you call an A. It’s also what you make on the piano. Originally called the ground note is an A. I sang on an A. Men’s ground note can be in other places, because you have longer vocal cords. There is more, but anyway, I sang this ground note, and I felt very, very stupid. I come from the conservatorium, and I have to play fast, and you’re tick-tock, tick-tock, and then I had to sing one note, and she just wanted it. Then, I said -inaudible- do it, because she sounded really nice, and I was not a singer. I just took the singing because it was the fastest way to grasp it.
I said that, and then, after 10 minutes, what happened is that I felt like I thought somebody else was singing, literally, because it could not be me making this sound. It was like more sounds at one time, and I ran to the window to see, but it was kids. I saw there were kids, but there was no one making fun of me or something. Then, I realized it was my voice doing this, and this experience was like – it’s like I’ve got my power. I got in contact with who I was. From the depths of my stomach, I could feel myself, and I could feel it all vibrating, and I just couldn’t stop. I could just sit now for hours, singing like that, and this has followed me ever since, so I’ve cut out of this some technical stuff, but this was the thing.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so you had – you said how it helped Lyme disease, your Lyme disease, so talk about how that evolved. You learned to make this sound, but at this point you didn’t understand the implications with sound detox or even –
Oh, no, I didn’t know nothing about it, not even about spirituality. I’d grown up in an atheist family, but I’ve always believed in God myself, prayed and all this, but I really felt that I got in contact with something that just opened up. Long story, but after many years doing like this, I didn’t feel like playing the saxophone. I just wanted to sing that one note, and people thought I’m crazy, why to do this, but I started teaching people, and I saw that other people – anybody can get contact with the note that makes their body sing, and when this is happening, then slowly, slowly it develops like this, because I would never call myself a healer. It was very hard for me to move from being a musician to a healer, but slowly, slowly, things happened, like a deaf person got the hearing back. I thought, this cannot be me, but it was when I found the resonance in her body with my voice. It seemed like I could find the resonance in the body, I found out.
Dr. Pompa:
Basically, to bring the science to it, you somehow found the same resonance.
Dr. Pompa:
When you do that, just like the bridge –
Yes. Yes.
Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible- up physical, physiological -inaudible- into that area, and it healed. It’s like a chiropractic adjustment. That’s how chiropractics started. It was adjusted. Put a force in, whether it be sound or whether it be from the hand, and he got his hearing back, oddly enough. That was how chiropractic started.
I didn’t know.
Dr. Pompa:
What’s his name again?
Dr. Pompa:
It was Harvey Liller who actually got his hearing back, and it was Dr. Palmer, Dr. Daniel David Palmer, who actually delivered the adjustment, the first adjustment that got Harvey Lillard’s back, and then chiropractic was born, so what you’re saying is, here you are, hitting these certain frequencies and used her frequency, unknowingly it sounds like. It just happened, and then she got her hearing.
Yep, and I was scared of it, because – and the other thing was, I started then to sing in people and try to find the resonance, and then deep notes started to come out of my mouth. It started like I couldn’t handle the notes. Things started to come out of my mouth like it’s not that – this sound. I just thought, I’m not a good singer, but then the one that received it told me, please continue, it feels really good. This is the note that I showed you, like ooh. It’s the undertone, oooh. Some people say very strange, like the cat’s purring eventually also can be. When I did that, I was in an education for regression therapy, because when I started singing like this, I start – when I lay down sometimes, I saw all kind of – I get in movies, and I never got that before, so I got my feelings somehow – I get emotional about it, so I understood that it had something to do with my unconsciousness. That’s why I took this education, because if some of my pupils will get into that, I needed to know what to do with it.
In this regression therapist education, I was going to make the final examination with a woman that I didn’t have really good contact with. We had to have somebody we never did it with, and probably we were very different. She couldn’t get into the regression, so I asked her, ask – you have to ask some kind of thing, so she said – I asked her, ask if I should give you sound, I asked her, because I never used it before, but I had to make it work, so she said, “Yes, you should, but I will hate it.” I thought, I’m not going to make it too loud, because the teacher was not there then. I would just see if I could get her into it, so I made the undertones because not so loud, not to disturb anybody, and then I lost contact with her. She was out. She was gone.
Dr. Pompa:
That was another thing. I got scared. I took her pulse. It was there. Nobody was dead, but I got scared, and after 10 minutes or something, she came back only. The 10 minutes, I asked her all kinds of questions, and she didn’t answer.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so I got scared of it, so I contacted Dr. – now he’s a professor, -inaudible- Mushka from Norway, because I knew he worked in music, and I needed to know that this was not dangerous. He told me, “Ask her if she had some experience by being in full narcosis, if she had some kind of trauma from that,” and I phoned her and asked her. Yes, she had, when she was 12 years. She had been waking up in full narcosis, and actually then, when I asked more, she said that she had had a lot of allergies since that, and now, after we did this session, she had only one allergy left from the five. You see, I don’t feel it’s me doing it. It just happened. That scared me in the beginning. It was really –
Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible- something through you, like chiropractic was birthed. It’s amazing, and it’s funny. You mentioned Lyme. There’s something – you’re probably familiar with it. It’s called a Rife machine, and Rife machines put out certain frequencies. They match the frequency of the bacteria, the spirochetes, and it literally kills the spirochetes. It’s a very powerful treatment. I have people that can barely even do much of it, because it kills so many of these nasty bacteria that they hurt, so it gives them a certain reaction. There’s no difference, whether it’s you producing the sound or a Rife machine. It’s a frequency. It’s matching a frequency of a bacteria and literally demolishing the bacteria, so yeah, there’s science around this. All right, so then –
The Lyme disease. I would like to just tell about the Lyme disease.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yes, tell that story.
I started working with this, and it opened more and more up, and I just had to go with this. I shouldn’t be in -inaudible- I have to go with it, because – and then I was married and lived in Israel for four years with a man I loved very dearly, and I have two sons with him, and then we divorced. That was a big shock. That is hurtful for me. I would think that was the last thing in my life, and I believed when the doctor told me – I started to have pain in my arms from this seven very bad years we had, when he moved back to Denmark, and I started to feel – sometimes I couldn’t move my arm all of a sudden, and I thought, okay, I better do something about this. We have to divorce, because my body starts now being painful, and then I got pain in all kind of places, moving around, in the other arm, then the leg. The doctors told me, oh, it can be psychological, and I believed them, and it was also, of course, but it just continued. It started burning in my feet and also when we’d finished the divorce.
I thought it was the teeth, and I thought I had silver in my teeth. I thought it was these fillings, but the dentist told me, oh, it cannot be, it is not danger for me to put in.
Dr. Pompa:
Well, that’s wrong, however.
Yeah, well, I believed him. So stupid. It was also chipper not to take it out. After seven years, that was enough, because I was happy now. There was no psychological problems, and then I am with my new husband, and everything is nice, so I thought, now we better do something about it. I asked the doctors that I would like to have a test for chronical -inaudible-. I took a blood test. Nothing, but I wanted this chronical toxification to have a test, and she just said, yes, yes, but she never sent me to the hospital. The third time, I told her, after waiting half a year every time, I said, “Why don’t you send me to the hospital? You tell me yes, but you don’t.” Then, I could feel she thought I was crazy, because I asked to be detoxed, and I thought, I’ve always believed in the hospital. I always thought they want to do the best for you, so why can’t I get a test? Then, it was killing my faith with the hospital. I found out that you can’t have the test in Denmark for this, and the doctors that are doing it, they’re trying to close them down. It’s terrible.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. No, it’s true.
In the end, I did the test by myself while I got – they started to investigate me in the hospital. I got a new doctor, and they sent me all over. They never saw feet like that before. It was very interesting for them, with a nice blood test and nothing wrong, but when I told again, he asked me, the doctor, and that was a specialist – they were all specialists. He told me, “What do you think it is yourself?” I said, “Do you really want to hear it?” I said, “Yes.” I said, “I think it’s poisoning from heavy metal or something.” He told his helper, the doctor – he had some student beside him. He said, “Can you give me the diagnosis?” He didn’t see my feet yet, so he didn’t know what to say, the student, and I was saying, oh, yes, a diagnosis. I thought, if it would -inaudible-, even if it was cancer, I would be happy, because -inaudible-. I didn’t care. I would take any medicine. It’s so painful. He said, you are paranoid, and you just want attention.
Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible- It’s all in your head.
-inaudible- sending me to a psychiatrist.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that would happen to me, too. They thought I was just nuts, too. After every test is normal, it must be all in your head. It was in my head, all right. It was all the mercury in my head.
Yes, but then I just was calm and told him, “Please look at my feet,” and they saw it was quite interesting how it looked, so I got all that investigation, and then I contacted a friend of mine that was a veterinarian who had Parkinson’s and got free of Parkinson’s from detoxing, because she can do all the chemistry.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, of course.
She made a plan, a detox plan, for me, and she told me about the DMSA, and I got it – they won’t sell it in Denmark. We can’t get in contact with it, but I found an address where I could get it, and she told me, “Don’t tell anybody about it.”
Dr. Pompa:
Used correctly, it’s a true chelator. It’s a true binder, and it’s huge, when used right. It works.
Yeah, it’s very – she told me a list with the minerals and all this stuff. To take it, it won’t take out my minerals, so that’s the danger, I think, is with the minerals.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and using it correctly, it cycles. You have to -inaudible- to use that right, but okay, so then –
What happened is that I started ordering all this DMSA and all this because – but before doing this, and when I believed the doctors said it was psychological, I tried, of course, to heal myself with the sound, because my experience is that sound can do anything, but it spread when I did it. It was crawling from one leg to the other overnight after I was trying – I just imagined it’s going out through the feet, what I have, and it was spreading, so I got really scared out of that, because usually sound is not -inaudible-. Now I told you this, that somebody was using – I couldn’t get in contact. It only happened once. Usually, there is no problem with the sound, but this scared me that it got worse, and I thought, this I need to know about, because it should never happen to a client, so that’s why I got really interested in how to detox. I went through DMSA. As you told us in your articles about the true chelator, how important it is, so I thought of course you have something to grab it, because the sound seemed to be able to open it.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s right.
If nobody’s grabbing it, it can’t get out, and it would spread, and that would be dangerous.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. No, exactly, and we use those binders when we get the cell moving. You can raise glutathione or methylation, and when it hits the cell membrane, the cell will start removing toxins. Sound would do the same thing, right? The cell starts removing toxins, but if you don’t have a binder outside the cell to grab it, it can redistribute.
Dr. Pompa:
The sound will move the cell, but the sound won’t grab the toxin, right? Just like glutathione does a good job of moving it out of the cell but not a good job of moving it out of the body, so I get it. I totally get it. Yeah.
-inaudible- I don’t know anything. I have no science of this, but I fear that what’s happening in order from the pupils, what I see in students, is that when we sing, and the breath is getting really long, the exhalation, really long when you get into what I call the note from heaven, and that means also that some kind of detox is happening. That is getting also a lot of oxygen to the cells, because it’s a really deep breath, and you can feel that, and it’s all starting, tickling inside the body, like brrr, some kind of thing going on. You’re getting hot. The lymph will probably start moving faster notes.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. You can move lymph with sound. Even light waves, you can move lymph. We did a show on -inaudible-, which is red frequencies, infrared and red, around 660, 880, or 850, different frequencies of light -inaudible- our cells, and now we know the science. It actually raises ATP, which can actually start detoxing the cell, and again, people can actually have a detox reaction with light waves. Now we’re talking about sound waves. This is the real deal.
I think people can understand sound, like the tuning forks you have behind you. We used to hit them. They’d vibrate at a specific frequency. We could put them on people’s bodies and identify broken ribs, etc., because it would send you through the roof when it hit the same frequency, so –
You do that?
Dr. Pompa:
We used to use that in clinic, but explain that, and also I want you – you have the brain behind you.
I was going in order, because I only start now to learn anatomy, because I really need – that’s what I found that – I come to this inner sound. I found an inner sound, because people have to be able to hear themselves also with this sound. That, I’ll tell you about in one moment, and then I found out that, in order to contact these things and find them, you need to know where they are. You can’t vibrate something you just – you can imagine the -inaudible-, but it’s good to know where it was, so I’m -inaudible- in order to study.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, so you’re an artist, too.
I made it a drawing. Then, I can remember where it is. Okay, but I will show you this. It’s tuning fork like in physics, and this is -inaudible- 40. You see, now I have another one. I close this one, and it’s still ringing the other one. -inaudible- put it down. I just do here. Okay. I close this one, and you can hear this. I don’t know where’s the speaker. You hear? Not so loud, but it is. It’s ringing, too, so that means – and the same thing you can do, you can sing the note without hitting it. It will do it. You know that from the wind also, that will do this, and even when I sing this, this one started to sing with it, because, oh, it’s my tune, but if I sing another one, it’s singing. No, it’s not doing the same, so that’s actually what’s happening and what you also talked about, that each cell has its specific frequency, and if you hit that frequency, the cell gets actually kind of happy, because, oh, you hear me. You know me. -inaudible-, and I think it’s like resonance. It’s amazing, because when you sing on the body, I call it the scanning. You can simply feel when you hit the right note.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, amazing. I want to show people. I want to give them an example. I said, oh, yeah, I have this neck thing. I injured my neck, and I have a chronic neck issue. You said, okay, yeah, just let me see it, and then you were going – we’ll hit the frequency. Let’s show them what that would look like, and why do you have to see it? Why do you have to see it?
It’s because I’m still – first, I was a musician. Then, I slowly – and it took me years to get – you have to heal with this, just to say the word, that I was this, it was a big thing. Again, I think I can do it without looking at it, but I do it like it’s in practice, like you were here. I need to -inaudible-, so I asked for -inaudible- for you. Now I’ll find it again, and now I move my head, and then you will feel the sound changing. Now, I’ll just try the undertones if that’s what you need. That was a trauma there. Now, we should have fixed something, because the trauma sound disappeared.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I tell you, the first time you did it, I could actually – I could feel – actually, what I noticed was even my visual actually, so something was jumping even in my vision. Yeah, I don’t know. It’s like, when I turn, I can kind of feel stiffness, right?
I don’t know if we can do it so fast, but why I did the undertones is because I found out that the undertones are more like the skeleton, all the subconsciousness part of us, the nervous system. It seems like we have a reptile inside us that likes these sounds. People find it very strange when you do it the first time, but I found that it worked really good, even if it has nothing to do with the music, like the cats purring.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Right. Interesting. You can take somebody, and you can look at them, and then you find these frequencies that match what they have going on, so how do people find this? How do people utilize this?
The thing is that I made this international education on what I call the note from heaven in vocal sound healing work. Sound scanning may be more the right thing to say, and then, when we do this, I note the good – the ones that get good results. I cannot know – I am not one to judge who is good or not good in this, because everybody can have the note from heaven. We all have that. It’s coming with a full breath, so we practice always this to get the full breath, and then some people are just born to do it and can feel they’re really good in it. They get results. I’ve actually been scared – not scared, but I didn’t want to get too much out with this, because I had more than enough work here, and I don’t take too many clients, because I was on the television. Then, something with tinnitus disappeared on television, and I was overwhelmed with hundreds of people, and I just closed down. I could not take that. I’m not for – I’m more like an inventor, trying to open up this thing, so I pass on clients to my pupils. If they have good results with knees, I tell them, she had good results with knees, or this one had good results with the tinnitus.
Dr. Pompa:
Give your website again that people can find therapy if they want to try it.
Oh, my God. I’m afraid to do that.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay. No, we don’t have to. You send people where you want to send them. I don’t want to overwhelm you.
No, it’s www.githaben – oh, sorry. Sorry, that’s the Danish one. It’s
Dr. Pompa: T-H-E?
Yeah. The note from –
Dr. Pompa:
The note from heaven, okay. All right.
Yep. Shall I just show you how you sing the note from heaven?
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, you don’t want me singing anything. Meredith’s the one who would do that one.
Should I sing the note from heaven for you?
Dr. Pompa:
Yes. I want to hear you sing a note from heaven.
I’m just showing you, because – it’s like this. You can continue, you know.
Dr. Pompa:
When you hit that note, wow. You gave me forever.
This is one of the feelings you get. You disappear, and you – and that’s why I want just to tell you that really something important for me this is, that by practicing this way of singing, this is not performing. You’re not performing, because when you perform, then you’re in the duality level, but when you just surrender, it’s actually – for me, it’s like surrounding to God, to surrender to the sound. Sound is also part of God’s –
Dr. Pompa:
I was just in Israel, and one of the gentleman played the shofar. The shofar plays at certain frequencies. They had one that was like bohhh. It was extremely emotional. My wife actually wept after the shofar was played, so God used – he explained that one was celebratory. There were certain frequents that the Israelis used as the celebratory sound. There was a battle cry that revved up people for battle, and then there was one more for healing. Then, he played some of those notes, and it was very similar to what you just did there with your own voice, but the shofar – I tell you, it was powerful.
Oh, I’m happy to hear that. I wanted to show you something, because I just wrote — I draw this. I don’t know if you can see this. This symbol, my husband, new husband, when I met him, he had this symbol, and he’s been drawing with the hearts and the stars in the middle. All very nice, a very nice symbol, but then I had something that I saw for myself in the dream somehow that was moving, and I couldn’t draw it. In the end, I found out like this. It’s going in one way. You can see it?
Dr. Pompa:
It’s a heart.
Yeah, it is a heart that is just – I had it also before I met my new husband. It’s going all the way. You can just go around in it. It was like a three-dimensional thing that just moved around, and I tried to draw it, just to see what is this, and I never understood what should I use it for, but then, when I got this one with the star in the middle, I saw that this is two-part, you see? Two-part. That part’s also, and this one is one, because you can just – it’s here. You can just move around it. You understand? You can move forever. You see?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s interesting.
Now, I come to the part. I saw these two things at the same all of a sudden. The difference is the two Ms. You see this? I show it to you maybe. Yeah, it’s an M and an M. I put it here. If you –
Dr. Pompa:
Hold it up higher. Hold it up a little higher.
Oh, sorry. I’m sorry. If you put two Ms in the middle, you will have this one.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah, okay.
The singer –
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, that’s the Star of David.
Yes, and now you see, now I put the two Ms. You also have the Mary Magdalene, by the way, with two Ms, but you also have the sound “mm.” The “mm” sound is balancing the two in the body, “mm.” It’s wonderful, because it’s all just fitting, you see? Now, you put it here, so it should be like this and like this, so you have it here, and this is the veil, you see? The veil that will open to the holiest place. You have to take off the veil in order to get into that open – to the oneness. That’s what I was into, and then I understood this. That means that, when I study this, and when I teach it to the pupils, you have to practice to be in the sound, to go into the oneness level, but you also need to know you can go back whenever you want. We practice and go in and out of this condition, and this condition you need to know to use when you heal another person, because you should not put your own things on people, you understand? If you’re in the duality level, not good. You need to be in the oneness, so that’s why the symbols can be used to remember it.
Dr. Pompa:
I make so many -inaudible-.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s really interesting. It’s amazing there. Like I said, the shofar and the Star of David. The shofar is very linked to that, and I think they blew the shofar over people for healing and all types of different things. Meredith, I know you have a lot of questions. This is a fascinating topic, honestly, and it’s like the spiritual is here. It’s like the -inaudible- is here and the musical. My gosh. Honestly, my brain is trying to figure out how – we need the sound for the detox, right? You said that in your email to me. It’s like, man, add one more thing and get that cell detoxing.
I think maybe the CytoDetox is the thing I need, because I need something that is not too dangerous for people to use. I use the activated charcoal now. I don’t know if it’s –
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, as I said, with charcoal, the bind product binds in the gut, so you don’t reabsorb. Cyto, it becomes a vehicle from the cell safely out of the body, right? You’re right. Along with what you’re doing, it’s perfect.
Yeah, because I don’t know about the charcoal. If you just take charcoal pills, it won’t go inside the cell, will it?
Dr. Pompa:
No. No, it doesn’t really leave – it doesn’t leave the gut, let alone the cell.
It’s in the gut all the time?
Dr. Pompa:
Cyto leaves the gut and can penetrate the membranes, so Cyto goes more into the cell. Right. -inaudible- GCEL to raise intracellular glutathione, and then Cyto’s working in around to bind and move it all the way out of the body. Then, bind sits in the gut to make sure you don’t reabsorb.
Do we have time that I can tell you about this, what I found out about Stephanie Seneff, or – do we have time?
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah, we love Stephanie Seneff. We’ve interviewed her.
Oh, I love her, too. This is my hero. Before I met you, I saw you made an interview with her. I said, oh, God, you have her!
Dr. Pompa:
Go ahead, share. Share. I have five minutes, and I have another interview, but just kind of giving you a time zone there.
Oh, no, that’s fine. Can you see this? No, you can’t see it.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s too light. Back the light up. Back the light up. Yeah, yeah, that’s better. Yep. Mm-hmm.
You can see this?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you can see it perfectly.
Here, I made it like a bird. There’s not a bird inside us, but I just made -inaudible- is in the back of the head of the bird is what it’s looking like, and the hypothalamus is here, and the pituitary –
Dr. Pompa:
The hypothalamus and pituitary, correct. Yep.
Oh, and here’s the reptile brain, and here is the thyroid and the thymus?
Dr. Pompa:
Thymus, yep. Thymus for the immune system.
Thymus. What I did was, when I read about Stephanie Seneff – now I do it fast and say, she talked about the pineal gland, because that’s much more – that’s the most important part of our body, because it’s straight in the bloodstream. It’s not protected.
Dr. Pompa:
Correct. It’s outside the blood-brain barrier, so it’s more vulnerable to neurotoxins, correct.
She was talking about that she is studying all this autism also, but she started about – talked about that the pineal gland will make the melatonin and also the sulfate, heparin sulfate.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s correct.
This actually is sort of like the cleaning people of our cells, and they will come in the night and clean us when we sleep, but they can’t do that if the pineal gland is too full of toxins, and you would be unbalanced. All of the body’s natural cleaning will go down in the night.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, in the pineal gland obviously is where you make melatonin. It affects your sleep, but you’re right. It has this cholesterol sulfate, which helps our body detox, and with our hormones, the pineal gland plays a significant role, and the pineal gland is poisoned with mercury and other neurotoxins.
I thought, if I will concentrate on that and try to purify it with the sound, and then I thought, okay, I am in the menopause. I am a woman, so I was very surprised about how depressed you can get, and I think it’s because of the toxins. Women –
Dr. Pompa:
I do.
Much more radical than my mother and things. My family should not suffer from that, so I started to experiment with it.
Dr. Pompa:
I think it’s important to focus on our detox, because the key is the brain. Let’s do some sound frequencies for the pituitary – I’m sorry, the pineal gland, the pituitary, and the hypothalamus, because that’s where the neurotoxins are affecting the hormones, the sleep, the anxiety, so maybe just end with that, some frequencies for pineal gland and hypothalamus.
That’s a humming sound. You don’t sing all the hum, but the “huh” will open the soft palate inside and make the pressure up where is the pituitary inside the head, so I found, when I started to experiment with that, then it started again the undertones. I just went with it, and I found that this sound – it’s bad. I just lay down and I make this, like the “ng” sound, and then I can simply move it, then it will start vibrating. It takes time. Then, it starts to vibrate, and that’s what is genuine about this is that – you talk about you can imagine things, and then it will happen, but here, you feel it’s happening, because sound will follow your -inaudible-, and you get really almost like yes.
Dr. Pompa:
Listen, I’m a believer with this. I am. I get it. I get how sound affects the cells and specific cells, like the pineal gland, the pituitary. I want to incorporate this into detox better, so what you need to do is record, if you haven’t already, certain specific sounds that people can play for certain organs, the pineal, the pituitary. Have you done that yet?
Not for the pituitary, because it’s something new, but I have done it for other things.
Dr. Pompa:
How can we access those sounds? I want those sounds.
Yes, I will record them, but you better make them yourself, too.
Dr. Pompa:
What I need you to is record these sounds around the cell membrane, the mitochondria, the pituitary, so we can play these cellular sounds, these specific cellular sounds, whether it’s the pituitary. We need that recorded, and then we can utilize that in detox. We can use those -inaudible-.
Yeah, but if you sing it yourself, you see, then you will have it inside, because if you –
Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible- repeat it. If I hear it, I can mimic it, like when we sing a song on the radio, after a while, you can get that tone better.
I will tell you, and you’ll listen. If you do like this, you sing this, and then you put fingers in your ears, it will sound like you have a big machine inside. Go ahead. Try.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I hear it. Way loud.
Yeah, you hear it. Yes, yes. You get it from inside.
Dr. Pompa:
When I hear your sound, I can mimic it, so that’s why you need to come out with the specific sounds that you’ve identified, frequencies, for each signal, for each cell, for the brain, for the pituitary, and then we can mimic that frequency.
Yes, yes, that’s true, but I wanted to tell you what I was very surprised about, and my husband was very happy about it, because I laid down, and I did all the glands that are doing the hormones, and after 15 minutes, I was balanced. I felt great, so I’m doing it – I don’t say that it will keep it there, because toxins are coming all the time, but I just do it when I feel unbalanced.
Dr. Pompa:
Well, listen, we appreciate your knowledge, and I love this topic, honestly. I think it’s the future where we need to do for cellular detox in addition to, so Meredith, you’re going to get – you’re going to make her do this, Meredith. You’re going to keep in touch and be like, okay, we want those sounds. We want those frequencies.
I want you to come to Denmark to teach the doctors how to do this.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I have a lot of requests to do that there.
People don’t know what to do when they have to detox.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s true.
They can’t get the CytoDetox.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. We need to make that happen.
Yeah, because I’m writing a book right now, and I will mention it, because I want them to legalize it here.
Dr. Pompa:
We have so many scientists, biochemists working on certain aspects to make our whole cellular process even better, and so we are all about making this better faster. This, I think is part of it.
It’s great you only give it to the doctors, because it really needs to be – people have to be taken care of, because they’re –
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. Thank you. Thank you for coming in.
Thank you.
Yeah. Oh, gosh, such a fascinating topic. There’s so much we could continue to talk about this, and we’ll continue the discussion, because this is an amazing tool to add to our cellular healing toolbox, so thank you so much, Dr. Pompa and Githa, for just sharing this information and for what you do, and we’ll definitely be in touch on the organ-specific sound healing frequencies. Thanks for tuning in, everybody. If you want more of this, let us know, and otherwise have a fabulous weekend, and we’ll see you next time. Thanks so much. Bye-bye.
Thank you.