205: How to Tell if You Have Candida or Parasites

Transcript of Episode 205: How to Tell if You Have Candida or Parasites

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and Meredith Dykstra. See more information on Dr. Pompa's parasite cleanse diet here.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Cellular Healing TV. This is Episode Number 205, and Dr. Pompa and I have a very special show for you today. To start off before we dig in, before I even tell you what the topic is, I have a few questions for you, because if you are listening and any of these symptoms that I'm about to read ring a bell, then you definitely want to tune in, because we have some answers as to why you may be feeling this way. To start off with, have you ever experienced any of these health issues such as exhaustion, cravings for sweets, bad breath, a white coat on your tongue, brain fog, hormone imbalance, joint pain, loss of sex drive, chronic sinus and allergy issues, digestive problems, a weakened immune system, or UTIs? That's the first list of symptoms for a condition. Maybe you can guess what it is. The second list, maybe if you've had any of these symptoms let us know: constant illness just in general, chronic illness, different nail funguses, constant fatigue, difficulty sleeping and waking up, and rectal itching, any of those symptoms for the second condition. Dr. Pompa, maybe you want to fill them in. What are these two different conditions that we're going to delve into today, because these are very common symptoms, and they're kind of across the board as well?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Well look, if you identified with the first one, that's Candida. If you identified with the second one, that's parasites. By the way, I didn't even know what order you put them in, but I could just tell by some of the symptoms. However, most of you probably are saying, “I have symptoms with both, so I'm very confused.” It's so true, because a lot of people, myself actually, I had parasites when I was sick, and I had Candida.

Great combination.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, the first set of symptoms was Candida, and the second was parasites. You're going to hear my dog bark in about ten minutes here, I mean ten seconds. When someone knocks at my door, no matter what, this is going to happen on Cell TV. I apologize. Look, the bottom line is that these things—and we've all heard this, right? Everybody has parasites. Yeah, that's true, right? Everybody has Candida. That's true, but to what extent does it become symptomatic? To what extent does it become a pathology, right? Then with that said what can we do about it?

We're going to show you, because I believe there is absolutely a time that it becomes a problem, and we have to knock back these infections, but I also am going to tell you on this show that I had those things, and yes if I knocked back my Candida, if I knocked back the parasites, I would feel better. However, I wasn't better, so we're going to talk about that too, because I think there's an important—and I'm going to give you a Candida protocol, a basic one, and I'm going to give you a basic parasite protocol—but I think there's a deeper lesson here for all of us, so let's dig in. Meredith, you as well have suffered from this, so talk about some of your experiences with this. What were some of your symptoms?

Let's start off with Candida. I had learned about it years ago actually when I was first getting into natural health, and my friend told me all about it because she was these having these symptoms. By the way, if you're just tuning in for the first time now, Candida is a yeast in the body. It's naturally there, but the problems occur when it becomes overgrown, when there's an overgrowth of Candida in the body. It can get out of control and cause these different symptoms that I first read some of those in the list when we first started this show.

I had some of these symptoms that my friend had mentioned like the white tongue and brain fog. I'd had some UTIs in the past recurrent. I was like, “Oh gosh, Candida, I've never heard of this,” so I started to delve into it more and more and just kind of started to experiment with some of the protocols that I came across. I know you're going to delve into that as well. First, I had started just kind of experimenting with the no Candida diet which was no sugar at all, so for a while I had taken sugar out of my diet and that included alcohol for a while as well. I was living in New Orleans at the time. I remember that was challenging. No fruit—

Dr. Pompa:

Yeah, because it was such a part of my lifestyle, but at the time too thinking back, gosh there's no wonder I had Candida, because I had set myself up kind of in the perfect storm, as you say, to get Candida. I know my immune system wasn't very strong because I wasn't sleeping well. I wasn't eating well. My microbiome therefore was out of whack, and so with different gut issues and a weakened immune system, you set yourself up very well to have Candida issues and overgrowth issues.

I had gotten to the point where I had been in a good position for Candida, and just initially by starting the no Candida diet where I was taking the fruits, the sugars, some of the carbohydrates—definitely not all—out of my diet, I did start to get some relief and decrease in symptoms, but then I didn't really take it too much further, and I got caught up in other things, and that's where my Candida specifically journey ended, because I've stepped back and seen the bigger picture too. I think sometimes we get so focused on fixing a specific condition when we're missing out on the bigger picture and the multi-therapeutic approach as you teach.

Dr. Pompa:
You just did such a good job there because you set the stage for what everyone goes through. No doubt when you go to a lower carbohydrate diet, take refined sugar out of your diet, a lot of the fruits out of your diet, it gets a step better, but it seems like severe Candida is never healed by the perfect diet. Matter of fact, I mean there's even some people that say, even people in ketosis, that Candida will feed from the ketones. Bacteria, fungus, yeast, they're very intelligent. They'll do anything to survive

I don't know that you'll beat it all the way back with the perfect diet, so then there is a time to come in with some killers, as we call them. The key here—I know you guys want some of these answers, right, so let's just give you some of the products that were very successful with me and my clients. The #4 FungDX, F-U-N-G-D-X and it's literally the number sign 4, we've used it for years and it's very effective. Let me give you another one that I absolutely love. It's Candidaplex. Spell that for them because it's a funny spelling, Meredith

Candida, C-A-N-D-I-D-A-P-L-E-X. You can get that at revelationhealth.com.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, and then I love grapefruit seed extract, just straight up grapefruit seed extract. I love oregano oil. I just gave you four different products. Now the magic with Candida and bacteria is rotation, meaning that they are clever. -inaudible- for a month, and then you have to switch the product, so it's not just using one product, especially when you deal with more severe cases. On more severe cases, whereas you just have a mild case maybe using one product for a month and then switching to another product for a month, that would work, but with a more severe case, you'd probably pick two of those four and do that for a month, and then pick another two, and then pick another two. I think garlic could be in that rotation. Olive leaf extract could be in that rotation. The magic isn't this one pill or this one thing. The magic is, in fact, the rotation, because you have to fool these clever little guys. The diet that we mentioned, no doubt low carb which I think most of you watching this get that, but mixing it with the killers.

Now this is my experience is that I would do this, researching on this rotation theory et cetera, and it would work. It would knock it back, but guess what happened when I would stop? It would come firing back. It may take two months, but before I'd know it I'd start getting a white tongue, I'd start getting itchy ears, just the stuff that my particular set of symptoms would start and give me the red flag that my Candida's back, very frustrating. Then I would go back at it.

Okay, so how ultimately did I beat my Candida? As I did multiple brain phases getting the toxins out of my deeper tissue, and that's the cellular detox for new people, after a period of time I realized, “Oh, I haven't beat back my Candida in months. That's odd.” Meredith, you said something. You said, “My immune system was low because my lifestyle, and therefore it gave these pathogens—in this case we're talking about Candida—the opportunity to overgrow.” Candida is in every one of us. We're not going to beat it back to dawn. It just doesn't work that way. They're there waiting. They're opportunistics. It's like robbers waiting in alleys for someone to walk by, but again we can avoid these things. Ultimately it's this. What is beating back our immune system? In my case, it was my upstream heavy metals.

I'll tell you, with Candida heavy metals are typically the burden. It can be lifestyle, it can be pure sugar, it can be other things, but when it's chronic look upstream and say, “What is up there?” If you think of that analogy that I just gave, imagine a stream. This was actually a true story that I watched happen. They were trying to stalk fish in a certain area because people were in a pay stream area, and the fish kept dying. They would put more fish in. They kept dying. They would put more fish in. Then they realized that there was this bad pathogen that was in there, so they killed the pathogen, and they thought, “Okay, this is the problem.” All of a sudden, the pathogen came back, and they killed it again.

Meanwhile, they're spending obviously thousand dollars on putting new fish in. That could be your probiotics. That could be a lot of different things you're trying to get to survive, your good bacteria. Anyways, finally someone much smarter said, “You know, I think because this pathogen keeps coming back, something's killing off the good microorganisms and allowing that pathogen to populate, and that's what's killing the fish.” Miles upstream they discovered there was in fact a factory, and I think it was dumping lead in this case into the water. They brought it to the attention of the EPA who came in, blah blah, but it was like, “It doesn't matter. The thousands of dollars we spend downstream, you have to look upstream.” My case a factory was dumping mercury upstream. It was coming out of my brain. It was coming out of my deep tissues. It was killing my good bacteria, and it was allowing these bad pathogens to kill all my fish. I hope that resonates, but what I don't—

Does that add in for me too? I was living in a moldy home in New Orleans as well when all of that was happening, which I was having other symptoms and other issues too, but clearly that was an upstream source where I was living in this home, there had been six feet of water during Katrina. I was starting to take supplements, learning these things, but I was still living in the moldy home.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly. By the way, if we talked to 100 people you'd get 100 different stories. If you say, “Yeah, but I'm looking,” look, if you have Candida, we'll get to parasites in a minute, there is an upstream. Look upstream, absolutely. People say, “Should I knock back my Candida before I do detox?” No, there's a dance. I would do detox, and when I did detox, sure enough I would get worse Candida. I would have to knock it back, so it was detox, Candida, detox, Candida. Of course, when I was on a cycle, my heavy metal cycle, I would actually take some Candida stuff, but it would come flaring up and I would knock it back until I got my mercury down to a certain point. That's when all of a sudden Candida wasn't in the show anymore. Candida is—it's a problem in so many sick people, but please folks, I hope you hear our message that Candida isn't the problem. It's a symptom of an upstream issue.

How does fasting come into play too with treating Candida?

Dr. Pompa:
You'll notice—it's funny. I just finished a five day water fast with our Facebooker, and you can still go there. All the videos are still there. We took 2400 people through a 5 day water fast. If you go to dr.danielpompa it'll bring you to my fan page. There was a private group called Fasting For A Purpose. You could look there. Anyways the videos are stellar. When I used to fast, I would get a really white tongue as an indicator of still some pathogens, and I think a lot of them were in some habitations too, but anyways this time I barely got a white tongue. I think a white tongue's very normal during fasting to some degree.

Fasting beats back all pathogens. It does. It starves out good and bad bacteria, then after a fast this is our opportunity to re-inoculate the good guys, and that's what I've been doing for the last two days actually is just putting in all kinds of fermented foods and re-inoculating. Right Meredith, fasting is a strategy to absolutely beating back not just Candida but many pathogens. The testimonies coming through—people passing parasites, people pass a live thing—so it's an opportunity to just knock back some of these bad guys and overwhelm them in the re-inoculation phase with the good guys. Many people, if you imagine this, many people are up here, so let's say we'll put Candida and other bad guys—this is your gut where you have more of the bad than the good. This is called dysbiosis. Here's what most people are trying to do. They're trying to build up their good guys, take probiotics, take this, take that, and this is what's happening, and it's probably more like this, but here's what fasting does. It brings them both down, and then you re-inoculate these guys, and these guys, now they don't have a chance. Good point Meredith. That's another strategy I would add here.

We need both good and bad bacteria for that healthy balance.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. If you could -inaudible-

Right. Another question too with the protocols is that some of the binders, are they effective for helping to attack these specifically Candida but other pathogens as well? The CytoDetox, the activated charcoal bind—are those helpful along with the killers, and the anti-fungal, the antibacterials?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, to complete the protocol bind is important for this, both the parasite protocol and the Candida, any pathogen protocol, because when you're killing these things a lot of the symptoms, what they call a Hertz reaction, are actually caused by the dead guys. They spew a lot of toxins in the gut, and we can even reabsorb, especially if you have a leaky gut, the toxins from the die-off. Imagine if you kill a spider on the floor, you “Oh!” That's happening in your gut. Maybe that's too graphic or an ugly example, but it's what happens, right? It's like you kill a mosquito and you see the blood come out.

That's happening in a smaller degree with either the parasites or the Candida in your gut, and that's what gives you the darn symptoms. We want a binder in there, and Bind has four different binders in it. Not just heavy metals but all these other we call them biotoxins, toxins produced from a living thing. In this case it would be a toxin produced by Candida from the die-off or the parasite. Yes, we want that binder in there to grab these toxins in the gut so you don't reabsorb them. That's what makes you feel like crap, right? I think you're right. Even CytoDetox, where you have a more systemic binder floating around, absolutely minimizes the symptoms, and let me throw a couple other out of lymphatic stuff. Lymph Drainage from DesBio which you carry on Revelation Health, Lymph Drainage

SENG right?

Dr. Pompa:
SENG too, so Lymph Drainage and SENG. You can rotate them back and forth. There's two: Lymph Drainage from DesBio and SENG from Systemic. You want to keep the lymphatic opening, how about some rebounding on a trampoline, just very mild? That opens lymph up. Lymph brushing, epsom salt baths have opened up that pathway. -inaudible- saunas have opened up that skin pathway. All of those things along with those killers are, no doubt Meredith, part of that protocol.

Enemas too as well?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, coffee enemas because—thank you—because sometimes what happens is the liver ends up getting overwhelmed with the toxins, and what a coffee enema does is the caffeine in the coffee goes to the liver and pushes out the bile. Now when we do our coffee enemas we like to take that Bind that I mentioned 30 minutes before a coffee enema. The reason we do that is because now there's a catcher's mitt sitting in the gut. It doesn't leave the gut. When you push up the bile that holds all the toxins from the liver, it goes into the catcher's mitt so you don't reabsorb it.

I like to also take right before the coffee enema a tablespoon or so, maybe even a teaspoon, of ghee which is a dense fat that you need to dump bile into to digest, so that brings the toxic bile out too. Take the bind, 30 minutes later—45 to an hour, there's a window there—then you take your fat and immediately do a coffee enema. That is a great thing to do, and you can Google how to do a coffee enema, but just you do it my way it takes it to the next level. Again, I would put that into the parasite protocol, or the Candida protocol, or any pathogen protocol.

I love it. Alright, a lot of gems there. Just quickly before we move on to the parasites with the Candida diet, it's kind of a lower carb diet and then do you intermittently bring in any higher carbs while you're taking the killers to knock them down? Is there any strategy with that, or is it just a lower carb diet for a while?

Dr. Pompa:
There is a strategy there. Just like SIBO, we've done other shows on small intestinal bacteria regrowth where you do a high carb day and then they come out, because many of them hide back in the biofilm and they're kind of protected, and you do the high carb day, and they come out. They're going, “Woohoo! Food,” and then boom, there's the killers. Meredith, once again you can tell she's done this a few times folks.

Yeah, it just made me think of it because when I was doing a SIBO protocol that's something I've had challenges with, and I took the antibiotic Rifaximin, Xifaxan, that was last year I think for two weeks, and I said, “Dr. Pompa, should I just do a super low carb diet—it was a 14 day antibiotic—to specifically target the small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?” and you said, “No, eat carbs, eat a bunch of carbs while you're taking this antibiotic to really bring out these bacteria so they feed, and then you hit them with that killer.” That did help. That's a fun trick, and that's something that a lot of people—you're not going to hear that a lot. I think that that's a really great tip for specifically targeting these bacteria.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly. That could be three of those a week. It could appear to everybody—that's why often there's working with a coach that gets this stuff, because it is a little different for everyone, even the dosing of this stuff. Very sick people find a coach, but those who aren't as much try these things. Great advice.

Great tip. Now we're going to—because we have a dual show here we're going to move into parasites, because you suggested that we talk about these two pathogens in one show, because there are as you heard too in the beginning of the show a lot of overlap with the symptoms. We're moving on to parasites. What's the issue with parasites? Why do so many of us have them, and can they be a good thing sometimes too? What's the connection with Candida? That's a lot of questions but wherever you want to take it.

Dr. Pompa:
Those are the two main guys, and I hated to separate them because typically one that has one has the other, and that's why I wanted you to start the show throwing it out there, because I know most people would be like, “I have none.” Typically they're both opportunistic, and one raises its ugly head, and the other, and then back and forth. You did it. There's a dysbiosis in the gut. Your immune system's low. Parasites, we're all exposed to them all the time. It's on lettuce. It's on this. It's on—you beat them back.

People in Mexico, they're exposed to these bacteria and parasites. They're not getting sick. We go there, and we get sick. At a certain point, a good, healthy immune system just deals with it, man. It keeps them at bay. Not every disease is parasites, but it can become problematic if all of a sudden I have this skin issue that's very odd. You have very odd symptoms. Like you said, you labeled the symptoms in the beginning and of course there's others, but yeah, at a certain point we need to beat them back. Of course there's large ones.

By the way, I get pictures all the time with people with parasites. I want to caution. If you go online and people hold up these things called mucoid plaques, those aren't parasites. You remember that, right? I was like, “Meredith, look. Google this. Those aren't parasites.” It's not even mucoid plaque. People take parasite products and they have cilium in it. There's a few of these things that, if you put them in water, put your parasite thing in water and if it gets all gooey that's what you're looking at. These things get in the intestines, and they roll up, and they create these things. “Mucoid plaque and there's parasites in there!” Not necessarily, so don't be fooled.

What is the mucoid plaque made of?

Dr. Pompa:
The point is it's just the cilium or other non-soluble fiber that is in the product that rolls up into that mucus-looking strand that they call either mucoid plaques or parasites. It's a scam. It is, so don't be fooled by that. That doesn't mean that parasites don't exist, and that doesn't mean you're not going to move them out of your bowels and see them in the toilet. I'm just saying a lot of that stuff, people sell their products, so they put a lot of these things into a lot of the parasite products that you buy at the store, because people stay on them. “I'm still getting parasites!” I'm always telling my clients, “Well, send me a picture. That's not a parasite. That's the stuff in the stuff. Oh, that one? Oh yeah, that's a parasite. There's a head. There's an eye. There's a tail,” or I tell them, “I'm not sure. Go get it analyzed. I want to know.” Some parasites, you have small ones that you can't see. Gardia—


Dr. Pompa:
Giardia, thank you. Gosh, Giardia—that's my dyslexia—Giardia lamnia, histolytica—anyways there's a lot of them that are so microscopic that you won't see. I had those too. I actually did a stool analysis and tested for those guys. Some people have the roundworms which can range anywhere in humans. The tapeworms can be a little longer. I've seen pictures of tapeworms coming out of people.

By the way, I just had recently a client doing coffee enemas and passing three long parasites, and that was the real deal. Don't be fooled number one, but yeah, if these things grow it will make everything more difficult. Some of these parasites, as you start let's say a detox program, all of a sudden now you can start moving them out. Some people we have to beat back the parasites even to move ahead in the detox, but a lot of them won't even come out just like the Candida until we start detox. I'm always asked the question, “Should I do the parasites first or this?” The question is, “I don't know. It's different for everybody.” Some people, you start with parasites first especially if it's a glaring issue. Some people, they don't even know. We start the detox and then down the road all of a sudden the parasites become an issue.

What happens is parasites and Candida, they're so smart. Bacteria do the same thing, Lyme disease the same thing. They'll put themselves around the heavy metals as an example, and they'll hide from the immune system because the immune system will not go near mercury. It will die. It will put itself around it, and until you start pulling out the mercury then the pathogens will come, but if you don't pull out the mercury you won't get to them. In that case, well, it makes sense to start the detox first. Sometimes the pathogens are so out and about it makes sense to do that first. It's not a clear answer. You can't just do this first, that. It is a little bit different per person.

Right. Typically, it would be when you're doing true cellular detox and at some point in the body phase or in the brain phase you would bring in a targeted parasite protocol, right? You would do it in conjunction with it while you're working with a practitioner of course, because you're going to need guidance if there's parasite issues. It can be very tricky, so you definitely want to work with someone who would know what to do to orchestrate the process in the proper sequence.

Dr. Pompa:
Honestly, people always say, “How do I know? Should I test?” You can look at some of the symptoms. Do you have them? I think this is the cheapest test of all. Do two months of a parasite protocol. I do that with many of my clients. “How do you feel?” “I don't feel anything.” “Okay, great. Let's change up the parasite program the next month. Do you feel anything?” “Nope.” Typically I'll do large parasites for the first month and small parasites for the second month.

With that said, let me give you a protocol because I know that's what people want. Systemic Formulas is actually world-renowned for their VRM products. V as in Victor, R as in Mary—gosh, did you hear that dyslexic comment? R as in Mary. V as in Victor, R as in Ralph. How's that? M as in Mary. 1, VRM 2, then there's VRM 3 and 4 so let's stop there. VRM1 is for the big guys. VRM2, you know, kind of the medium guys. Those are cycled ten days on, five days off. The reason they are is because—there is times that I keep someone on them longer than that even for a whole month—but the reason they're cycled ten days on is because the bigger guys have a life cycle where they're in a cyst phase or the big phase. You give five days for the eggs to hatch, if you will, and come back into the worm phase where you can kill them. Then you do it again. If they laid any new eggs then they'll hatch and you'll kill them. That's why you cycle ten on, five off.

I will do typically VRM1 at night. I'll give two pills. VRM2 in the morning I'll give two pills. For those of you who are smaller in status maybe one and one, or just more sick in general one and one. I'll do the first month's cycle on the VRM 1 and 2 going for the bigger guys, then the second month I will do the VRM 3 and 4 which are for the microscopic guys, and I'll do VRM3, two at night or one. In the morning I'll do VRM4, one or two. That's the heart of the protocol

There's another product that DesBio that you all carry on Rev Health called Dia-Verm. It is another different like these shards of little glass if you will, that don't bother you or your intestines, but they're hell on parasites. Dia-Verm is good. Sometimes I'll throw in another homeopathic called Ver, V-E-R, and that's from DesBio as well, and that helps push it out of the biofilm. There's four products there, three, that you can put together, and I'll keep people on the Dia-Verm or the Ver through the whole two months. I'll run two months. If someone has symptoms during the two months I'll run it longer, but if they don't then we'll move on to maybe a bacteria protocol, virus protocol, as we're doing the detox, because again, a lot of these guys don't come out until you do the detox. That's why you can't just start with this often times. As you're doing the detox these darn guys will come out of their hiding places.

That's a very standard protocol. We already talked about using Bind with that, very important to use Bind to clean up. It has four different binders in it, things like humates, fulvates, those things keep the metals back, but the carbon actually does better for the biotoxins, and it's a very special carbon, very expensive carbon. Then there's another binder from Africa that does all around. Anyways, the different binders work really well, because remember it's the toxins in the parasites after you kill them that really cause a lot of the problems. Then again, CytoDetox -inaudible- “When do I do the protocol? If I'm doing a heavy metal cycle do I do it on or on the off cycle?” Heavy metal protocols you're on for 3 to 7 days say, and then you're off for 4 to 10 days say. Some people do better doing it while they're doing heavy metals. Some people do better while they're on their off cycle. That's why working with a coach is important, because your dosing, how you cycle it, how you do it with it, it's different for everybody, and you have to know what to do with that dance. It's kind of complicated.

It does get tricky. If someone's listening and they had heard these symptoms and could definitely relate and say, “Gosh, I have a lot of these symptoms,” is it okay to just do the detox and start to experiment with some of these protocols? If they're not super sick would that be okay? If it's not confirmed that for sure they have Candida, for sure they have parasites, is it okay to start to play around with some of these parasite products, or some of the Candida, the killers?

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. If you're not severely sick, auto-immune or just very sick, yeah, absolutely. Many of you watch the show. For sure, absolutely. Depending on this, if you get symptoms you're onto something, right? For sure, absolutely do that. As far as testing goes, I said that's the easiest and cheapest way to test. Some people do stool analysis. It's gotten better at detection. Remember, when they're backed into your deep tissues hiding in the heavy metals, it's not going to show up on the stool analysis. Often times I would say don't waste your money.

I just have a word of caution as well just from my personal experience. I had started taking—gosh, I've been working with you, Dr. Pompa for years, and I've been doing these protocols and just following your advice of course, doing these things that you suggest, and I started for the very first time in my life took some parasite products earlier I guess it was last year now, and wow. I took them at a very high dose as I do. I just kind of went in. I wanted to see if I could get a result, and I had a massive reaction on my skin, remember? I sent you pictures where I just got these massive acne-type welts that came out all over my face. I had been taking a very high dose of these parasite products for—not the ones specifically we're talking about but some parasite products—for about three weeks, didn't notice anything, and then literally overnight I woke up and had all of these welts. I immediately started fasting and stopped the products, and it cleared up within a week. It scared me to have such a reaction even though we know these things have to come out of us and that's a good thing. Also just a word of caution too, when we're detoxing we're taking all these products. We stir things up. They start to come up. Working with a coach I was so grateful to be able to talk to you and ask you, “Okay, what's going on?” because we do want to be prudent in what we're taking as well.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, you're right. I'll add to that caution in a similar note. I'm always testing. I'm very connected with Systemic Formulas. Shane Morris is a good friend, and we've developed a lot of product together. One of the things I love about their products is they test everything that walks in the door. Even if they're getting say black walnut—which is common in parasite products—from a company for years, they still test it every time, because people source it from different places

A lot of these things that are in parasite products, probably even more so than Candida products, are from China and they're loaded with lead. Here's what we're finding because we just tested a bunch of product that some of our doctors were getting excited about, and it came back with lead, mercury, and huge amounts of pesticides and other chemicals, so you have to be really careful. A lot of these killers in these parasite products come from China and India, and they are loaded up with stuff. You have to know the product. You really do. I say we, it's not me, but Systemic—I say we because they've given me, sourced me the product—it's sometimes very hard that they start testing for something, and all of a sudden now it's coming back contaminated with something. You have to know your sources especially on these parasite protocols, or products.

Very true. Be very aware of what you're taking, what you're doing, the ingredients, and where things are coming from, and that's true of anything. It's very important to do the research. These two pathogens—this is a really important topic because they're such hot subjects in the natural health world. Candida, parasites, and I think, doctor, overall you gave a great overview of what they are and the issues they cause. Some of these symptoms that you may be experiencing could be related to these, and ultimately it seems from our discussion with diet, lifestyle, fasting, detox, that it all comes down to multi-therapeutic approach and just bringing in these targeted protocols to address these specific conditions.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you're right on. Imagine if you're doing this, and you're not doing the cellular healing. If you don't increase cell function it's all for nothing. That's why we're all sick. That's why we don't feel well. You have to be dealing with the cellular healing and getting the cells to work even to detox properly, right? You have to be dealing with the cellular detox and then the ancient healing strategies. We talked about fasting. We talked about the different diets, moving in and out of different diets. It's putting it all together. That's why if you do have more severe challenges you need a coach. This is why I'm passionate about training doctors around the country, around the world for that matter, because something that works, right? Do we have all the answers? No way. I'm praying this morning for more. When you put it all together, we definitely have something very special that I know came from Him, not from me.

Amen. Awesome. Thank you so much for tuning in. Send us your questions, your show ideas. We love to do these episodes too where we get just a lot of questions on certain topics, so if you have show ideas send them in to us. Thank you so much for watching. If you're interested in learning more about the overall multi-therapeutic approach, go to podcast.drpompa.com. Check out Episode 117. We also dived in with Dr. Todd Watts, I think it was episode about 140 or so, on parasites specifically if you wanted to learn a little bit more just about that topic as well. Any of the products that Dr. Pompa mentioned you can find on revelationhealth.com. You can feel free to call into the store too if you have any questions, but otherwise check out those products online and be in touch. Any closing words Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa:
No, that's it. Good lesson.

Awesome. Thanks everybody for tuning in. Have a fantastic weekend.