Transcript of Episode 213: The Links Between EMFS and Toxicity
With Dr. Daniel Pompa and Nick Pineault
Dr. Pompa:
I am live with one of the most needed topics today and that's the EMF, electromagnetic frequencies. Look, we've done past shows on this, but this one has a little different twist on it because here, we're big on going upstream to detoxification. I would have to say, look, I deal with many very sick people from all over the globe, and many of them are becoming more and more sensitive to EMS. As a matter of fact, it's a big part of their detox and something that we need to get out of their life. Just like if someone's living in a moldy home, we find that if they don't fix their electromagnetic frequency input, it's very difficult for them to detox even other chemicals. It's the bend of this show, at least part of it. We're going to talk in general about EMF for those new viewers. We're going to twist it on how this affects detoxification because look, our number one of how we detox in the 5R’s of Cellular Healing really is removing the sources. This is a new source. This is a source if we don't remove, it seems like we can't get rid of other toxins very easily. It definitely affects almost every function of the cell and that means it's affecting the other 5R's. EMF is a big deal. I'll tell you; we have a really great expert today. I almost said doctor, but Nicolas you're not a doctor, but that's okay, I’m going to call you doctor. Nicolas, and this is one of my favorite wines, too. I was going to mispronounce it, but the Pinot is basically how you said it. I had a different pronunciation. Nicolas Pineault, thank you for joining us.
Nicolas Pineault:
Thanks for having me, Dr. Pompa. It's a real honor to be here.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, well we appreciate it. You're bringing a lot of expertise here today. Matter of fact, one of the first things I asked you is “Hey, do you go to people's homes and fix these things?” because that's been a big huge request. People are trying to fix these EMF exposures in their home. I know this, that when they find these sources and they fix them, gosh it's huge to what it does to the rest of their detox and how their body simply starts to detox much easier. It definitely takes away a lot of symptoms. We'll talk about all these things on this show for sure. Nicolas, let's talk about EMFs in general just for some new viewers because a lot of people are saying, what are you guys talking about electromagnetic frequencies? What are they as a starting point?
Nicolas Pineault:
Sure, well, EMF stands for electromagnetic frequencies or electromagnetic fields. Really, my work is around the new EMF that we’re exposed to because in nature there are such thing as natural frequencies, natural electromagnetic fields. One good example that I cite often is the UV rays from the sun. This is a type of radiation, if you will, UV radiation that you do not feel, you do not hear, you do not see with the human eye unless you have a special camera. When you get it on your skin, you produce vitamin D, so there's such thing as benefit coming from the UV. On the other hand, if you stay in the sun all day, the UV will burn you, so there's also those response. It can be good. It can be bad. In case of man-made EMS, the new EMS that we’re exposed to, we're referring to mainly probably the biggest one that has increased in the last decade or 15 years is microwave radiation or radio frequency it's also called. This is from anything from smart meters, smart phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular towers. Any kind of wireless device that you use uses these EMFs. It turns out that our biology has barely been exposed in the history of mankind to microwaves. For example, the average level in a city—I'm looking at the street in front of me. I'm definitely being affected, even by a cell phone of [30] feet, I'm being exposed. The average background levels in a city is now quintillion times higher than just a few years back, or back when our ancestors were used to being exposed to, or even, well, you 30 years ago. No one was affected or was exposed to microwave radiation unless you were military personnel working near radar ranges. That's the first exposure that we got off of microwave. It's brand-new exposure to human biology.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I think that's a really good point because obviously, these things do occur in nature. It begs the next question; playing the devil's advocate, we have people who are sensitive to it that appears to be affected by it and people who aren't. Is the body adapting? I would say this; young kids, I didn't have these exposures like they are today growing up. Are kids today because they're exposed to so much, is the adaptation fast enough? Is it too slow? Are kids today just more in general, adapting faster? What's your feeling on that?
Nicolas Pineault:
I don't think we're adapting that well considering a lot of things. Considering the propensity of everyone to electromagnetic sensitivity that people, especially doctors that I talk to are seeing, it's increasing. You mentioned seeing that yourself. I talked to -inaudible-. She's seeing that. Dr. Klinghardt. It seems that unfortunately, a lot of people it's contributing to their toxic load if you want to call it like that. There is a very strong synergistic effect between EMF exposure and toxin exposure, especially heavy metals, or pesticides, or certain classes of chemicals. This is extra calcium influx into the cell. This is researched by Dr. Martin Pall, P-A-L-L, who showed that the calcium channels in each of your cells stay open because they get disrupted by microwave radiation. This happens very fast. This calcium channel stays open a lot and a lot of calcium ions are allowed to flow in. The downstream effect of that is we can have DNA damage. You can have opening of barriers. You can have so many things. Guess what does the same thing, extra calcium influx. When you have [excessitory] heavy metals that trigger your NMDA receptors in your brain, or any glutamine toxicity, or [excessitory] even junk food, or MSG, it does the same. It will open the calcium channels and you will have extra calcium flow in.
It's a perfect synergy. Something else that does that is mold. When you look at the science that Martin Pall has put together and a lot of people in the environmental medicine world, it's clear that there's a synergistical effect that is not accounted for by people setting up the standards. In fact, the standards, they're not based on biological effects. They're based on the heating effect, which is completely ludicrous. It means that they have little understanding of what exactly these EMFs are doing to us, so science is scrambling trying to explain these things and industry is financing studies to make sure that everything appears to be safe.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I know Martin Pall well. I've spoken to him on this subject and his NO/ONOO Cycle I've taught for years. I started teaching it, gosh, might be going on 10 years now; I don't know. His very first book I was introduced to because I was chemically sensitive. The NO/ONOO Cycle gives an explanation of basically an inflammation cycle that feeds back into itself in many ways. I can tell you clinically, it's right on. I know that Shoemaker and other people would say it's testing the genetics for people who are more sensitive to mold. I haven't found that. I've found that the people who have other neurotoxic—basically, issues and accumulations are really the ones that are more sensitive to mold. I would say the same with EMF. You get multiple exposures, multiple stressors that opened up these calcium channels. Now, it just takes one more exposure and it's the straw that breaks the camel's back; so therefore, the people who I find are reacting to the EMFs in a very negative way are the people who have other neurotoxic exposures whether it's lead, mercury, mold exposures. You put them all together and it's a perfect storm. It really is.
Nicolas Pineault:
It's exactly what's seen by people who treat the sickest patients on the planet, especially Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, yours truly is the same thing. You see a patient—Dr. Klinghardt told me the average patient he sees has seen 23 other practitioners before him. Exactly, so it means that most people have missed something. Okay, maybe they use a detoxification method that do not work. Maybe they missed some kind of emotional trauma, but he says the number one overlooked factor is EMFs. He also told me something that really shook me to the core. He says there's two types of Lyme patients: those that get better because they follow my EMF recommendations and those who don't. They don't follow my recommendations and they still sleep with a cell phone under their pillow. They do not get better. Is it because impaired melatonin? You don't have that restorative sleep? You don't have the glymphatic system that works? You don't detox at night for that way or is it because EMFs reactivate Lyme or other parasites and make them stronger? It's unclear. It's probably a lot of things that we're forgetting as well. It's just that when you play with nature, when you play with your light environment, when you play with your EMF environment, and with junk food, you just modified the way nature intended things to be, and you end up with consequences. It looks like it's multiple ways that these EMFs are affecting us, especially during sleep.
Dr. Pompa:
I agree. I think we don't know completely why, but clinically we see it. Look, Lyme I could say the same, too. It's if you don't deal with the heavy metals like mercury, you seem not to be able to fix the chronic Lyme. These things have an odd synergy together, so I would say it's the same like Klinghardt says. I agree with him. There seems to be an odd synergy between these things. Lyme, we better pay attention to EMFs. You better pay attention to heavy metals. I'm going to be honest, these chronic Lyme cases, they're chronic because something is allowing—Lyme is opportunistic. We have literally 90% of certain populations that test positive for Lyme. Why aren't they all sick? There's other factors. I think I agree with Klinghardt on this that we're seeing that these other factors could be heavy metals, could be EMFs, probably a combination of all of them.
Nicolas Pineault:
Dr. Pompa:
I would love to see the research on the people who are extremely heavy metal because it seems to run—I'm sorry, the people who are very sensitive to EMFs, it seems to run that they have high heavy metals. Also, another odd correlation. I have to ask. I should have probably asked this right at the top of the show. Nicolas, what got you into this? What was your background in it and how did you end up doing all this?
Nicolas Pineault:
Sure, well, I've been a copywriter for TV at the beginning of my writing career after uni. It was 10 years ago. I spent a couple of years writing on my own just out of interest about health and trying to educate about my—honestly, at the beginning, it was my friends and family because I found so much misinformation. As a journalist, I have a curious mind. I thought oh my God, saturated fats might be okay after all, or salt isn't as bad as the authorities make it, or the truth about dietary cholesterol. It totally shook me. I was like oh my God; that's not acceptable. People need to know these things.
Dr. Pompa:
I love it.
Nicolas Pineault:
There I was eating egg whites. These things frustrate me when I find that bad information is [recalled]. For five years, I wrote a daily newsletter. I'm still writing a newsletter to thousands of people around the world sharing my findings. Two years ago, I don't know exactly what got me into it. I think it's Devra Davis's book called Disconnect. I read her book about—well, everything about EMFs, especially the political side of things, and how they're testing these cell phones, and how it's nonsense. I just started reading one book after another. Then I started listening to everything. I tend to be extremely obsessed, at least my wife would tell you that. I decided you know what? I'm going to write a book. I'm going to make every book out there—summarize all of this science in something that can be consumed in a single sitting almost for practitioners. I've woken up some practitioners because they read the book and they're like oh my God, it's actually an issue; or oh my God, there's actually science behind it. I wanted to make them understand: ok guys, it's credible, and it's critical, even though it's unclear. Let's face it; I never claim that something is definitive, especially not EMFs. The link with brain cancer, okay what number of hours do we need to talk on a cell phone to get a glioma? I don't know, but who cares. We need to reduce exposure.
I also care about something that most people don't talk about in health circles, especially well evidence-based people and skeptics. They're like oh well, there's no study about that. There's no study about this. Yes, but what about the doctors that are treating people and seeing them get better in a low EMF environment? To me, that might be even more important than clinical studies, than any study. Like well guys, we're seeing patients get better. Klinghardt and you're probably seeing what could be called by the mainstream a miracle of healing from just turning off a Wi-Fi router and this and that, and put in a Faraday cage over the bed, a canopy. People all of a sudden, their health comes back. We need this information out there, so it got me extremely passionate; published a book. I've been talking a little bit in conferences. I think I must have done 40 podcasts since last August. I'm trying to be all over the place because I think it's unacceptable that even holistic practitioners now I discover—well, 99% of them don't get it. They don't understand what to tell their patients. Even in their questionnaires, most of them don't even have the simple question: do you have a cell phone under your pillow while you try to heal from XYZ; very important. Now, my path I think in the next year is going to be educating practitioners because I think it's a huge missing gap, a missing link that they're overlooking.
Dr. Pompa:
I know you do a course for practitioners. I'm going to have you at one of my seminars. I think because you're a journalist, it's why the information you're putting out is so usable as well. You're taking the science—I love you journalists. I just interviewed Del Bigtree on the vaccines. Gosh, I don't know a man on the planet that knows more about the topic because you all have a way of digging for the information and finding the truth. I appreciate that. Matter of fact, for my viewers and listeners now, give them your website. How can they find out more about you? Also, I made the comment in the beginning of the show; people want to know is there someone that I can find how to make my home safe? Give them some resources for these things.
Nicolas Pineault:
Sure, if you want to hear more about the course, it's called Electrosmog Rx. It can be found at If you want to read the book, it's Then if you want an expert to come to your house, it's possible to have them on the phone first if you already have an EMF meter, or if you're a practitioner, or if you have particular questions, but then you can probably find one in your state. The best website for that is or if you type Building Biology on Google, you'll find them. There's a tab at the website, Find an Expert. You'll be able to go, well okay, I'm in Florida. There's a few of them. Unfortunately, there's a big opportunity for anyone who wants a job by the way because it's going to be so in demand being a Building Biologist going to people's home. These guys have way more knowledge than I'll ever have about certain technicalities of how you remove different sources of EMFs. My number one recommendation for anything complicated: you want a shielding job, you all have a smart meter, how can I protect myself? Hire a Building Biologist is my answer by default.
Now, in the book and in the course, I talk about several things you can do on your own though. That's very important to point out. I'm sure this is something you talked about in previous shows about EMFs but creating distance from any device. If it's on your body, airplane mode. These things are key because right there, you might reduce your exposure by 90%. At least your exposure that is acute to different parts of your body; extremely important. Than your Wi-Fi router placement or lack of Wi-Fi router. If your extremely sick, Klinghardt recommends never using Wi-Fi at home. This is something if I'm talking to an audience that is more beginner, I'll say okay, well put it on a Christmas light timer and this and that. If you're sick, if you have something, a health challenge that cannot be figured out, or something life-threatening, it's not time to play around with a little bit of toxins. It's not [necessarily] time to have one drink every two days, it's probably you want to go clean for a while. Not having Wi-Fi and being wired, wire with Ethernet cables the entire house is one of Klinghardt's recommendation.
Another thing that he recommends that I think is very interesting is just turning off the circuit breakers to the entire house is his recommendation for all of his sickest patients because you reduce your exposure to electrical fields. Unless you have a Building Biologist that can take measurements and tell you okay, turn off the number 1,5,7,11, you might as well turn off all of them during the night. The only exception he told me is if you're on life support. If you're not on life support and you want to heal, turn off everything. His approach is shotgun, but he gets results. This is because he doesn't tell his patients okay, well, maybe turn off the Wi-Fi from time to—no, no Wi-Fi. People that get on board with that heal way faster.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I love the idea of the Christmas light timer. You can put it on six hours, eight hours, and it's automatically doing it because invariably, you're going to forget. To have it happen automatically like that is beautiful. Again, I think that's just something everybody can do whether you're sick or not. Again, whether you're sick or not, you don't want to be ingesting toxins every day. We want to minimize those sources by eating all organic, being very careful what fish we eat; well, not different than EMF. It’s like why wait until you're sick? Those are great things right there. I have a device called a TES, T-E-S, 593 that I took around my house and was like holy cow. This mouse, you can see it's wired in now because I couldn't believe how much of an electromagnetic frequency it was giving off. This phone that I have, this is just a landline phone now. It was too, but I didn't know it was so high because it wasn't a cordless phone, but it had cordless capabilities. Who would of thought that it was still putting off that frequency, but it was. I discovered that by taking my thing and going around the house. My fish tank, it put off a massive amount. I had to shield it. Anyways, some surprises there.
Nicolas Pineault:
There are surprises. This is really one of the reasons, especially people that are sick, practitioners, people that want to go deeper in this, having a meter is extremely important. This is something I was talking with Dr. Joseph Mercola to get the [Porcigetter]. He said, “Nick, practitioners don't get on board unless they have a meter and they discover all these little” tricksters around the house I call them. I have an X-box. When it's plugged in and turned off, it still emits constantly. It's like a mini Wi-Fi router. You've got to unplug this. If you have a printer, unplug the printer because it still emits. If you have a meter, you'll discover a couple things like oh my God, why is this emitting? It's emitting because I don't know, engineers are lazy. I don't have a good explanation. Why would this electronic device still emit and use your electricity at home where you’ve clearly told the device turn off? It's nonsense to me, but still, it is the case.
With the internet of things, that is the plan for the industry to have everything with a chip in it, and every chip being Bluetooth or some EMF emitting chip. You're going to have EMFs blanketing your home environment. Not participating in these different sensors and whatnot, I know it's not convenient. I know if I'm on a podcast for entrepreneurs and I say, well, maybe it's not the best idea in the world having an EMF device on your wrist pulsing in your blood, they don't like me. They don't like hearing this message, and yet I think it's important to have this discourse, and important to also say okay, well maybe if you use a tracking device, let’s say a Polar H7 heart rate monitor is Bluetooth. It's for one hour, and you work out three, four hours a week. I wouldn't worry about it compared to everything else. We've got to stay sane within the discourse. Still, if you use an Apple watch, and it's 24/7, and you use it to track your sleep; well a device that's used to track your sleep and that emits a signal that is linked with melatonin disruption, I don't think it makes sense. I think Ouro Ring and these other trackers that can be turned off or at least the signal can be turned off makes more sense. We've got to care about these things.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean Oura Ring, Joe and I, I wouldn't use it for a while because I would put it on airplane mode and it would come back on, but they’ve corrected it. A lot because of Joe Mercola who basically said—
Nicolas Pineault:
That's what he told me. It's fixed now?
Dr. Pompa:
Yes, their new rings they have fixed it. Yeah, so the Oura Ring can be—then in the morning you just download it, but you had it on airplane mode and it's still gathering the information. Yeah, you're right. Matter of fact, you're answering part of my next question is some of these hidden sources of EMFs around people's homes, where are they getting them and you're answering some questions of what they can do about it. What are some of the other big sources around a home that people maybe not think about?
Nicolas Pineault:
It might be a smart meter. That's something if you're a practitioner and you look at maybe a disease or symptoms that appeared apparently out of nowhere. Sometimes it's reactive to there's an array of smart meters that were installed near the bedroom or in the vicinity. Certain smart models of smart meters emit one time per day. If you have a meter and you can verify that it emits nothing except one pulse, it's probably no big deal. If it emits six times per second, like certain other models, and it's really hard to tell which is which. I don't have a good website for that and that's unfortunate. If your smart meter—how to tell it's a smart meter is tje digital readout instead of the five little quadrants spinning, so it's a good sign that you have that exactly. It's one source that can be forgotten.
Also, well, the EMF environment changes around you. If you're in a city, maybe you don't know, and all of the sudden you have symptoms and you don't realize, but in just the roof of your neighbor condo has now a cell phone tower because the telecom industry actually will pay the owners to rent the roof. They can make up to $10,000 a month sometimes to just rent for cellular towers. The neighbor or the person that lives underneath on the 4th floor, they're not told that this is happening, or they're told that everything will be fine. We think it's a problem. Oh no, it's probably other countries. It’s probably India and they do things stupidly. No, it's Toronto, Canada that has the biggest amount of cellular towers in the downtown area from what I've heard from Magda Havas from the Trent University. It's in our neighborhoods. It's in Canada, in the US, and it's probably, wow, I would say two of the worst countries when it comes to EMFs, probably on the planet because—and maybe Australia—because our authorities are not acting on these things. Whereas, you have friends banning smart phones in schools over how it affects anxiety, and social media, and maybe a lot of other reasons, but still it's part of the reason. Banning Wi-Fi in nurseries, India dismantling thousands of cell phone towers and removing them from near playgrounds and hospitals. They are doing something about it. Israel, Cypress Island, so many different countries, so it's not a crazy topic. If you Google around, you'll realize that a lot of countries are starting to take serious action and it's been years. In North America, it's the opposite. We're moving towards faster, faster, faster technology. I don't know if you want to talk about 5G, but I think it's so important that people know that it's increasing, but in a major way in the near future.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no let’s talk about it. Yeah, you answered some great questions. Check to make sure—by the way, when they put these things on the side of your house, these smart meters, they don't tell you. It just happened. Friends of ours were like, “Yeah, I went out and I had a smart meter.” Yeah, so look what he said, if it's the old analog movement of the numbers then you're okay, but if it's digital, you've got a smart meter. Then the next question is what type is it? My suggestion would be call your electric company immediately; no doubt about it. Yeah, let's talk about 5G and any other things you have.
Nicolas Pineault:
I read an article last week about new cell phones in 2019 having 5G capabilities. The industry wants to roll out this new 5G thing.
Dr. Pompa:
I heard.
Nicolas Pineault:
Basically, 5G stands for fifth generation. Right now, we have the 3G, and we have the 4G. Also, there's a variant LTE, long-term evolution. Basically, we have two different cellular networks, the older 3G and now the 4G/LTE. Now, they want to go to 5G. Why is that? Because of users demand. Because you and I demand high-speed videos; we want the 4K YouTube; we want the streaming. This is the main reason that the industry is moving forward, which is the users keep purchasing the newest stuff and we love our technology. I'm guilty. I have a computer. I have an iPhone. I don't even know what iPhone this is; it’s probably a seven. It's just like I will buy as an entrepreneur the newest technology. I'm participating in that in encouraging these companies to make money. Then I'm paying them every month, so unfortunately, we're all a part of the problem. 5G is a problem because of the multiplication of the antennas. The different sources that you talk about removing sources, well we're going to be exposed to thousands of times more cell phone antennas in the near future, especially in large cities.
Why is that? 5G instead of using microwave radiation, it uses the same radiation you’d get at the TSA scan, which is millimeter wave. Instead of three gigahertz maximum on a cell phone, you would get 30 gigahertz, or 45 gigahertz, or 60 gigahertz. These frequencies first, we don't have a lot of safety testing. It's basically rolled out without any pre-market testing in human cells and whatnot. It's basically on the premise that everything is safe right now, they're rolling the next generation. It's very convenient for them to keep the status quo and say no, right now there's no problem. Electrosensitivity is in the head. No mechanisms of action are seen. There's no study. All of these statements are completely reverse. They're completely untrue, so we're going to roll with 5G. 5G is high-power millimeter waves but short distances. It means you have to install these small cell antennas that they call. It's going to be one antenna at every traffic light sign per provider in New York City. This is the plan because the mayor wants to be first. In other cities, I'm sure San Francisco is thinking of doing the same thing. These mayors, they don't have the information about the health effects, so they think well, I want to be the first. This is the future; I want to be modern. It also enables stuff like the self-driving vehicles. If you want to have self-driving cars, they need to be connected with each other and with a grid in order to communicate to avoid accidents and to coordinate all these sensors.
It's also a requirement from the future technologies. The way they're built at least, it requires 5G to be installed. It's going to be a multiplication on top of 4G and 3G because there's going to be long period of time where we're going to have the three of them. It's not like the 3G will disappear tomorrow morning or 4G. It's going to be just the power density, everything will be more biologically active. How can I put this? It's going to be harder to stay healthy in a city if you go outside. Now, it becomes critical in a 5G environment to shield your home and to do something, and to do more, to hire Building Biologists. I think it might be possible to stay healthy. We're still healthy in this world, but we're using detoxification methods that have nothing to do with what our ancestors use to require necessarily because our environment is increasingly toxic, you've got to increase what you do. I think we'll find ways, but we're at the higher end of understanding these things. People that don't have a clue and they don't know, they're going to get very fatigued. They're going to get very sick.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, hearing that, it's almost—you started to answer my next question. Gosh, what do we do? This is Cellular Healing TV; cellular detox is what I teach. We find that detox methods downstream that may have helped people in the past, they're not really helping people now. What impact is—like Martin Pall, you brought up his name—it's the cell. It's the cell that the EMFs affecting the detox pathways of the cell. Now, it makes us more vulnerable even to all the other toxins, so you have to fix the cell to get well. The big part of the answer, you said it, as more and more of these toxic sources, including EMF, are coming to our environment, the more we have to step it up. That's why this cellular detox has become revolutionary in today's environment. I have to ask this question before I lose it. You brought up the millimeter scanners at the airport. It's the prohibition, that's a millimeter scanner. What's your feeling on those scanners? I always opt out. I always opt out for the pat-down unless I'm extremely late running for my flight. Then I'm like dang it and I put the hands up. Otherwise, what do you think about those things?
Nicolas Pineault:
You'll be surprised on this one. I don't think the scanners are that much of an issue. Why is that?
Dr. Pompa:
Because they're so short of an exposure?
Nicolas Pineault:
It's not only that. It's worse than that. I think the fear of the scanners is just based on a misunderstanding of the EMF spectrum. What do I mean by that? The power density, I've looked at a test of different scanners all over the country. This is a very recent test. It was a field test. It looked at the radiation emitted by these scanners to make sure they’re within the safety guidelines. The safety guidelines are—honestly, I don't care about. The power density that they use, these scanners on your body, it's half a second and it's 90 microwatts per square meter. Your cell phone in a different range emits up to 500,000 microwatts per square meter.
Dr. Pompa:
Nicolas Pineault:
In millimeter waves, if you have a 5G phone in two years. You have it here, let's say it's your neighbor on the subway train. Essentially, they will be blasting you with at least a 1,000 if not 5,000 TSA scans per second. This is the comparison that it can make.
Dr. Pompa:
Wow, yeah that's a massive comparison there, so in the scheme of things, it's minimal.
Nicolas Pineault:
Dr. Pompa:
I opt out because I found one study for a negative. It was a Mexico from Mexico study. It was enough for me to be like okay, more needs to be known. Remember the old one that they used to do they said was safe? Then it turned out it wasn't. It was like suddenly you didn't see those anymore and it moved to this. It's like until we know more, I opt out.
Nicolas Pineault:
I do the same, honestly. Even with that information, I do the same, but still—
Dr. Pompa:
It seems like you have done more research on this, then good, okay. You've done more than me, that's for sure, so maybe I don't have to opt out. I'm still paranoid; I'll be honest.
Nicolas Pineault:
Yeah, well I would still be, honestly. I don't know. I think I'll still do it, but at the same time, it's silly if this is true. I cannot go with an EMF meter and verify, but it's been conducted independently, so I think the numbers are accurate. For people avoiding the TSA scanners, they don't realize what's coming and the magnitude of radiation that’s going to be used in the same frequencies. The millimeter waves that are used, I think it's 24 to 30 gigahertz. It's the same. Of course, well the authorities are going to say well, the scans were extremely safe in the first place; and your cell phone, extremely safe. They're all happy to tell us how safe these things are, but no one is even caring about the biological effects. Where is the effect on calcium channels? Martin Pall or there's also a guy Paul Heroux, H-E-R-O-U-X, from Montreal actually, University of Montreal. He's showing that the EMFs will disrupt on the mitochondrial level. His work is where it goes. It's complimentary, but it's just another fact. Who knows what else, but these biological effects are hard to quantify. I cannot tell you okay, this amount of EMFs, this power density, this frequency, this pulsing equals this amount of damage compared to junk food. We don't have these studies, but one thing is sure, it's a huge factor. Ignoring it and following the mean that says its particularly safe, it’s almost insane to this point.
Dr. Pompa:
Let's talk about how some of these EMFs can shut down detox pathways, effect detox pathways because it is part of leading to this epidemic of what we're seeing. In one way you actually mention, it disrupts your Delta sleep, your deep sleep. Your Delta is really when your brain is clearing, literally letting go lymph in many different toxins from the brain. If you're minimizing your Delta sleep, your toxifying your brain. I can tell you from a clinical experience that you don't get people well until you detox the brain. That's one way but talk about some others. You might want to add to that.
Nicolas Pineault:
Sure, well there's a couple of researchers looking a different mechanism of action. One of them is from Olle Johansson, who's been researching this for so many years. He's from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. He's been fired or let's say put to early retirement by the institute because the institute is financed by telecoms. Anyway, that's the politics. For the mechanism of action, it looks at how electromagnetic fields—it calls it calcineurin inhibition. It's a type of white blood cell and really how it acts on suppressing your immune system. It's not directly related to detoxification, but I think I think it's really interesting. I think also there might be something to do with the blood-brain barrier and that’s particularly—or other barriers in the body: the leaky gut, the testes or ovaries barrier, or the barriers that are so important to your body to maintain the toxins outside.
Dr. Pompa:
I agree.
Nicolas Pineault:
For example, if you look at studies on rats, it's clear that low-level EMFs, less than exposure to your cell phone, maybe just exposure to Wi-Fi can increase the different markers of brain permeability in animals. That's proven. Now, how does it translate to humans? It's not clear. There's also something interesting is that more effects are seen at lower levels. There's a window of biological effect that looks like maybe a cell phone doesn't open up your blood-brain barrier, but maybe a cell phone at three feet [do].
It's bizarre because certain cells in the body have certain responses to certain frequencies and certain power densities. Dariusz Leszczynski, he’s from Finland. He was part of IARC decision to classify EMFs as to be in 2011. He's a well-published researcher. He talks about that in a recent presentation of how you have biological effects at the beginning, and at some point, you stop having biological effects on the blood-brain barrier, which might mean that overall background levels might be more harmful to some degree than acute exposure, so it's a very complicated thing. If you open this blood-brain barrier, you have more toxins that can flow in. You have also one study about different markers of thyroid—I think it was thyroid hormones found in the spinal fluid because it was leaking. You also have the good stuff that leaves through the barrier that shouldn't leave, so that's also something. One thing that concerns me highly is while I'm saying to you and to other people on podcast, don't have a cell phone next to your head. What if you use a cellphone next to your belly button because you're texting away? I look on the people I'm waiting on the subway train every day. I look around, and everyone is texting, and it's right next to their gut. If it's opening blood-brain barrier here, or might; well, what is it doing to leaky gut? Is there a link with autoimmunity and different things? The answer is probably yes. Again, the link is only beginning to emerge, but I think it's concerning that it can open the different barriers in the body. This is one way that let's say you will toxify more. That is definitely a problem.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no and Martin Pall's work affects detox. The NO/ONOO Cycle, I started teaching his cycle years ago as I mentioned because of its effect on the 5R's. My 5R's is a roadmap of how we detox, how we fix a cell. When you're driving chronic inflammation that's feeding back into an inflammatory oxidative cycle like the NO/ONOO Cycle that he made popular, you're shutting down detox pathways multiple ways. You're affecting methylation. You're affecting glutathione. You're affecting inflammation in general.
Nicolas Pineault:
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. That's going to affect your cell's ability to detox. Literally, it affects all of the R's there that affect the cells ability to detox itself.
Nicolas Pineault:
Yes, exactly. Ways to raise that, I think that potential—well, I wouldn't say a cure, but let's say a fix for that would be to really focus on raising the Nrf2 pathway. This is something that's getting more and more popular and there are multiple ways of doing that. One of them that's very—when it comes to supplements, for example, is hydrogen-rich water or molecular hydrogen-like Tyler LeBaron is talking about.
Dr. Pompa:
Matter of fact, I just did an interview with him not that long ago, within the month I would say. I know Pall is interested in that, Mercola, myself. The hydrogen now that we're able to get through this technology evidently could be a really—it protects in the calcium channels that we're talking about what the EMF opens up and other toxins. Hydrogen could be a new game player among some other things.
Nicolas Pineault:
I would think; yes, exactly. In one of the ways that it seems to help, at least in many studies is by they call it a selective antioxidant. It doesn't seem to be detrimental. In fact, to taking more or at least the effects—for example, if you take too many antioxidants there could be a downside to that like being too antioxidant and not enough [oxidant]. It looks like molecular hydrogen maybe you'll be able to take more. If we can all have machines at home, molecular hydrogen water all the time, maybe it's going to be one of the ways in a 5G world to stay on top of things and to just combat the oxidative stress that is causing the cell. Other ways to raise Nrf2, there are multiple: photobiomodulation, getting enough sunshine, red light therapy.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, the Joovv light. We use the Joovv Light. I stand in front of the Joovv light every day—
Nicolas Pineault:
Dr. Pompa:
—just minimizing these exposures.
Nicolas Pineault:
That helps. Exercise in general, calories restriction, and intermittent fasting. There are so many different things that you can do. Researching more on Nrf2 and how to support that, I think it might be extremely important for people that struggle with the NO/ONOO Cycle. It's overall just fighting inflammation through raising your natural defenses. Nrf2 will raise your natural SOT production and your natural glutathione production. Then it's supporting normal methylation, all these different things. I think these are the multiple ways that EMFs are affecting detox. There are so many ways. I think probably the number one thing that you can do for detox would be to sleep in a low EMF environment. Then the second thing that I would add to that that Klinghardt recommends is grounding at night, with a caveat though because if you use one of these grounding mats, he recommends again, turning off the circuit breaker, and the Wi-Fi, and all the signals, or else you might be doing more harm than good. You just don't know. Yeah, go ahead.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I was going to ask you because you mentioned the grounding at night is a big deal. What is the source? There's different grounding mats you can use. There's sheets. What do you recommend for grounding your bed? That's what Nick’s talking about here, folks.
Nicolas Pineault:
Sure; well, I haven't looked at the different types. Some of them are grounding bands that you'll put here at your wrist, or maybe at the sole of your feet, there's an acupressure point to detox. I don't remember the exact one. There's a ground pad that you can put underneath your sheet. This is the one I use at home. Grounding pillow, grounding everything. I think it all comes down to experimenting, but I’d have to ask Klinghardt. I want to do that to have better recommendations to do. One thing I can tell you is that having a grounding rod in the bare earth seems way superior than having it plugged in a ground outlet. Ground outlet only if you cannot—I'm on the fourth floor right now. Very hard to have a clean ground where there's no voltage. If you're by the countryside, or if you have a house, a cottage, maybe running a wire through your window and having a ground. I think it's a truer connection to the earth. One thing that Klinghardt told me is that once you start grounding, expect extremely strong detox reactions. This is my link with detox for you. It looks like there’s probably multiple mechanisms at play and probably deeper sleep is part of it, but I think there might be something else because if you look at just grounding during the day in a clinical setting, you look at Oschman or Dr. Chevalier's research—Dr. Gaetan Chevalier, I had him on my course—it looks like it's an antioxidant effect. It's also a calming down of the nervous system that might kick your detox ability through the roof. What Klinghardt says is that you have to take binders, some sort of real binders. He talks about cilantro and chlorella. I know maybe you have different things in mind, but either way, making sure that you support expelling these toxins because it will likely supercharge your ability to mobilize these toxins.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, we have a product called Bind. It has four different binders in it. Far superior than cilantro and chlorella, which they bind, but they're not great binders for heavy metals.
Nicolas Pineault:
That's what I've heard, too.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, they're weak binders. Bind is a product—we take it at night, ironically, and for that very reason you just said, because your body dumps; it does. That's why we do that. We discovered that gosh, years ago. What you're saying is, you put a copper pole or a metal pole in the ground outside. You want to wire basically in your window. You can keep your window closed. You can run it around it. Then how would you ground your bed with that? Just wrap it around one of the metal things? What would you do with that?
Nicolas Pineault:
Sure, well, you would have a grounding pad for example, which is a large pad that looks like a foam, but it's embedded with silver threads. You can have a wire that goes in there, there's a little plug in it, and you just snap it. Then you have an entire pad that goes on your body or it goes under. It can be under the sheet and it still has some benefit. Other means would be to have a grounding pillow. The pillow itself would be silver thread with cotton. Then you would sleep on there, so have the effect on your head. This is really how you would go about it. I've heard all sorts of people talk theory. This theory is one thing. People say oh my God, sleeping like—using a ground outlet is really detrimental. It can backfire, all sorts of things, but I trust Klinghardt more than people who say that because they heard it from someone else. I would say try it. I would say expect detox reactions, but so far, it looks like there's more benefit than harm. Klinghardt has been using that for 40 years. He says it's very key that you ground. It looks to me that grounding our connection to the bare earth might be just as important as sunlight to some extent.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, interesting. Yeah, that's new stuff. There’s no doubt about it. Is there a website that people can find some of these grounding methods or products that you like?
Nicolas Pineault:
Sure, there's one that's just called—let me pull up the website— This is not officially linked with the researchers that are part of the Earthing Institute, but I know they do recommend their products. if you want to find about the research behind earthing and many clinical studies that have been conducted in the last 10, 15 years alone by Gaetan Chevalier, James Oschman, and a few of these guys that are really at the cutting edge of looking at the real science behind grounding.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah okay, we appreciate that. That's fantastic. Look, it's amazing how fast this time just went. You can tell I'm fascinated, obviously, with this subject because—look, if I didn't—I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it because it's one of those crazy things, but I see person after person that reacts to EMF. I discovered it myself. This was ironically enough after I got well. I had a hotspot on my phone and someone called me. You know how you hotspot your internet into your [phone]. I put the dang phone up on speaker actually. Maybe I had it this close, maybe this close. I was in a room, and I was trying to get out, and then I kept it—I forgot it was a hotspot. Anyways, man, I was wacky for a couple hours.
Then one time, we had the Bluetooth on the car. I didn't even know it had the capability. Your kids figure out how to turn this stuff on. My son and I were in the front seat. He said something like do you feel weird because I turned on the Wi-Fi for the boys in the back. He's like, “I swear to God I feel it.” My son said that. I’m like, “I’m so glad you said that because I was wondering what was wrong with me.” We had them turn off that Bluetooth. The point is, is even—I'm healthy now, yet I still felt it. The fact is, where are we going to end up, Nick? One final question, honestly, what is going to happen? We have a generation being exposed to glyphosate that opens up the barriers. We have a generation that's already been exposed to high levels of heavy metals. I talk about generational toxicity. Now, we have this new EMF problem. What's going to happen here? That's why I ask the question earlier, is this younger generation possibly adapting faster than we are? Otherwise, the generation is going to die off. What do you think?
Nicolas Pineault:
Wow, yeah, I never got asked this question. It's a charged one. I'm going to be a new dad in April, so that's definitely something I'll start thinking about. I just turned 30. I'm a youngster. Before my 40th birthday, I want to have biocompatible wireless technologies. I think the good part is that when I talk to engineers, and when I talk to biologists, and when I talk to people who know a lot more than me, I realize that it might be possible to develop communications that might heal us instead of harming us. For example, you might use the right frequency. If you use the right frequency in the right pulsing, it's called PEMF. You see it in a medical setting. Why do they use frequency XYZ or this other one? It’s because they've tested it and they've tested it themselves. Then they've figured out we didn't take as a human society the time it required for us to tame these new signals. Once we do it, I think as far as the EMF—I don't have solutions as for the glyphosate. I just know EMFs, but I think it can be fixed. I think we can come to an agreement with the industry, where we're going to have ultra-fast lightning speed communications, but that are going to be compatible with humans and with nature alike because the effects on nature we didn't even touch about and it's staggering. I have the hope that it's going to be seen. My hope is 10 years. Maybe it's going to be 50, hopefully not, but I think we can start developing these things.
I think one thing that’s going to happen though—and I talk about that in a couple podcasts—Elon Musk and all the billionaires developing, they’re developing two things at the same time: 5G in satellites blasting the planet and better healthcare. These things are in direct opposition in some way or another. They're developing AI. There's going to be one day they’re going to wake up, and they're AI is going to tell them dude, you realize that I am sending a signal towards your brain and it's harming you? Do you realize that because I have the blood markers right here? Then they will adjust the technology within a couple of years because this is how fast the humankind has been able to go above and beyond to fix things. We used to be x-raying children's feet for the shoe store fit. Now, we're using it in a medical setting. X-rays still have their utility in our society; it's just very controlled. I think in the future, we'll have PEMF devices communicating. Who knows, but I think there's hope. I like to be optimistic about that.
Dr. Pompa:
Me too. Listen, great show, Nick. This is going to be one that’s going to be shared a lot; no doubt. People need to hear this show and you have a really elegant way of making it simple for people and giving a lot of people solutions.
Nicolas Pineault:
Thank you.
Dr. Pompa:
Give your sites again one more time.
Nicolas Pineault:
Sure, so You'll find my latest book is called The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs.
Dr. Pompa:
I love that by the way.
Nicolas Pineault:
Thank you.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and send me the book please because I always like to get a book before a show.
Nicolas Pineault:
A hard copy?
Dr. Pompa:
Nicolas Pineault:
Sure, do you want it hard copy or a PDF?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I like the hard copies man.
Nicolas Pineault:
Okay, I'll send you one.
Dr. Pompa:
Don't be bashing, Nick. I'm fifties, man. I have high waters and I'm dyslexic. I have all kinds of—
Nicolas Pineault:
I'll send you one. The second link is the EMF course for health practitioner. It's called Electrosmog Rx, so I forgot to mention there's a rebate for people listening to this. If you use the coupon code, Pompa, P-O-M-P-A, at checkout, you'll get 10% off.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, thank you for that by the way, for my viewers and listeners.
Nicolas Pineault:
No worries.
Dr. Pompa:
It's an important topic and I'm glad you did that for them. Great, great, absolutely great show. I tell you, right now, the Cellular Healing, the cellular detox message really applies here because we have to keep ourselves well. With these extra stressors, forget about it. We see it clinically that's for sure, Nick. Thank you, again. We appreciate you being on. We're going to have you at one of my seminars, so we'll be in touch.
Nicolas Pineault:
Thank you, looking forward to it.
Dr. Pompa:
Thank you.