23: Five Most Important Vitamins

Transcript of Episode 23: Five Most Important Vitamins

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

David: Hello, everyone. Welcome to episode 23 of Cellular Healing TV. This is David Asarnow. Along with my co-host – actually, he's on vacation right now, Warren Philips. We come here every single week to share with you the 180° lifestyle and the 180° information from Dr. Pompa that most people don't know, aren't willing to engage in and have the conversation. Today, we're going to talk about the five big vitamin deficiencies that most Americans are having. They don't know it, and it's causing diseases out there. Welcome, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you, appreciate it.

David: What are some of these vitamin deficiencies? Why don't we pick up with Vitamin D, since we spoke about Vitamin D last week.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah, Vitamin D. We know that it's estimated about three quarters of the population have a Vitamin D deficiency. I think it's really come into vogue that, “Hey, take Vitamin D,” right? Take Vitamin D. We spoke of a little problem there. Yeah, a lot of people have a Vitamin D deficiency, but people are running to their local vitamin store or Costco and they're taking a certain amount of Vitamin D. Hey look, we used to hear doctors say, “Oh, don't take Vitamin D, it can cause cancer, hip fractures, or Vitamin D overdose,” right? It's fat soluble and it can build up in the body. It's not so simple as we talked about last week. Really, the reason it can cause problems is because it competes for the same receptors as other fat soluble vitamins, they're called cross-receptors. Therefore, it creates deficiencies in Vitamin A, which can affect the immune system, and it can cause further deficiencies in Vitamin K, too, which we'll talk about today, which it's estimated that almost 100% of Americans are deficient in. Therefore, that starts to cause hip fractures, because you can't get calcium in the cell, can't get calcium in the bone, despite having high Vitamin D levels. It actually makes it worse.

David: We spoke last week about Vitamin D and sunshine and how cholesterol sulfate is tied to that.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Vitamin D plays a significant role in many of the body's processes. Look, low Vitamin D has an increase in heart disease, I think it's 43%, diabetes, almost 50%. We know that low Vitamin D is linked to major diseases. When you know that Vitamin D, sunshine, the lack of it is linked to this cholesterol sulfate issue, that opens a whole other can of worms with neurodegenerative conditions. The list keeps going on. These fat-soluble vitamins – fat soluble, just to get our listeners to understand, that means they stick around in the body longer. They're fat soluble as opposed to water soluble that you can't really take too much of, they just flush out. The fat-soluble vitamins, they really stay in the body because we need them so much. If we're not getting enough sunlight, therefore we're not producing enough Vitamin D – unless you're eating a ton of fish and dairy products and – grass-fed, that is, – you're not going to get it from your diet, so you need it from the sunlight. That's why so many people are deficient, David. Obviously, they're slathering sunscreen and they're afraid of the sun because, once again, it's 180° lifestyle. You can't turn on the television or read an article about how the sun is going to cause skin cancer, so everyone's staying away from it. Everyone is slathering sunscreen. When we were at our camp, with the kids, everybody, I mean ten times a day, “Put your sunscreen on. Did you put your sunscreen on?” My son Simon was like, “Why do you need that stuff?” He just went out there and he got the sun. He doesn't burn, and of course, he got dark and never needed sunscreen. He was telling them how bad sunscreen is, and what the problems are. The ten-year-old knew. The Vitamin D issue is a big issue, it really is. I don't want to scare people away from taking Vitamin D, or more importantly, let's get in the sun, but if you're not able to, then you want to take a Vitamin D that is balanced with Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, other fat-soluble vitamins. Systemic Formulas is the one that we have in our house. Systemic Formulas has a balanced product in the right ratios. One is in liquid for those who have absorption issues. It's liquid Vitamin D3. Then the other one is called DV3. D as in dog, V as in Victor, 3. That is a pill form. Typically, the average person can take 5,000-6,000 units of Vitamin D. People who are severely deficient may need more. Sometimes, we dose high periodically, like once or twice a week we dose high, even 100,000 units. Again, that's more up to the practitioner, I would say. Again, sunlight, absolutely, we need it. Vitamin D deficiency, rampant, do doubt. Just do not, absolutely do not take it without the other fat solubles at the right ratio.

David: By the way, I was putting on my shea butter while I was in Florida last week, and the comments that I was getting – it's funny how people, like – “That's not sunscreen. You need sunscreen!” Meanwhile, I'm not burnt, I'm actually just tan.

Dr Pompa: Yeah, exactly. It's 180° opposite, do the opposite. Last week, we talked about how actually, with the initiation of all the sunscreen, we actually have cancer rates rising, almost proportionally. You'd almost think that the sunscreen was causing it. The fact is that I believe that sun actually prevents skin cancers and other cancers, obviously, and other disease. Vitamin D is a massive deficiency. We absolutely need it. It's linked to diabetes, it's linked to heart disease, it's linked to cancer, it's linked to immune problems, it's linked to autoimmune. People that have very low Vitamin D absolutely have a predisposition for autoimmune. It's very, very important in autoimmune as well, which is, again, massive epidemic. What are the right numbers when you look at a test? Oh man, there's so much debate over that. I know that the standard number is somewhere between – depends on the test. It could be 20, it could be 30, which is the low. I find that people do better at least over 50-80, somewhere in that zone. Some say 60-100. Again, I think the complication, David – I've spent some time looking at studies, and I think one of the issues is that genetics plays a role on where that level would be. I think that's where we run into a little trouble, but we definitely don't want just really low Vitamin D. Under 20 and you're in a massive – there's a problem there. I believe some people, genetically, can function in the mid 30's and still feel really good and have a normal life. Again, genetics do play a role. It's hard to just look at a number, but we need Vitamin D, we need sun, and again, let's stay half of America is deficient. David, I want to put up a point, because God knew what he was doing, right? The darker the skin, the more sun people need to raise their Vitamin D. Therefore, people walking around in equatorial areas, whether it's Jamaica or Africa, they have very dark skin. They can be out all day. The problem is, is take that person with dark skin and put them in an area that's cloudy, now all of a sudden, they're not getting hours of sunlight to raise their Vitamin D. That's a problem. The darker skin you have puts you at greater deficiency if you're not in the sun longer. Therefore, someone who is, perhaps, like I said, African-American, Mexican descent, Hispanic descent, the darker skin, you move them to warmer climates, and those folks are at massive risk of Vitamin D deficiency, and therefore, heart disease, diabetes – it puts them at risk of all those inflammatory types of condition. Vitamin D diminishes inflammation.

David: One other thing that you bring this up, if you think about it, we're working inside these days. We're not outside like we used to be. You think about the people who are in these southern climates. They need more, and yet now we're all inside all the time, not only avoiding the sun through sunscreen – we're avoiding it through hibernating indoors.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely.

-Cross talk- David: Let's go to Vitamin K2, because you brought that up already, so it's a natural transition. You said almost 100% of the population is deficient in Vitamin K2.

Dr. Pompa: Yep, it's hard to believe, almost 100%. Why is that, David? Why do you think that is, as a layperson?

David: You know what, this is one that I actually don't understand. You've actually stumped me. I'm probably like most people. I'm learning all about Vitamin D last week when we were talking about it. Vitamin K, to me – isn't K the one that clots? Helps with blood clotting?

Dr. Pompa: That's a good answer. Vitamin K1 is the clotting factor, and oftentimes people get it confused. Vitamin K1 you can get in green, leafy vegetables, things like that, but Vitamin K2 is really the issue. Vitamin K2 is not the clotting factor, Vitamin K2 is really responsible for moving calcium in your cells, in your bones. Therefore, you can have all the calcium you want, and typically most Americans, you'll notice that calcium is not on these five major deficiencies. Most Americans have plenty of calcium. As a matter of fact, I think the average American calcium intake is about 1700 mg. In areas like rural China and other places, it's 500 on average, and yet they have zero osteoporosis. You need Vitamin K2 to bring calcium into the bone. You need it to get into the cell, into the muscles. By the way, you can't live without calcium. You need it for every type of – your heart to contract. You need it for everything, every cellular process. Is calcium important? Yes, but we have plenty. It's the Vitamin K2 that we need to bring the calcium in. That's the issue. Here's why most Americans, if not all, they say, and that's a big word, but let's say it's 90%. Let's say it's 99%. I don't know the number, but most people are. Here's why. Americans eat grass-fed nothing. Where do you get it from? Cows can eat grass that has K1 and cows have the ability to actually take in the K1 and convert it to K2. Us humans do not, so we have to get it from our diet, just like we have to get the sunlight to make the Vitamin D, as you see the sunlight coming in here from my left. You need to eat grass-fed. Where is the K2? It's in the fat of grass-fed products like butter. Loaded with fat, therefore, loaded with Vitamin K2. Cheese, loaded with fat. Let me back up. Grass-fed butter, grass-fed cheese. If you buy grain-fed, there is virtually no K2. This is why so many people are deficient. They're eating nothing. They're eating grain-fed animal products, whether it's meat, the fat from the meat. Yes, if you eat a nice grass-fed steak – you're showing me a monkey. Why the monkey?

David: The grass-fed X-Factor Butter Oil that you told me about is in my coffee.

Dr. Pompa: Ah, yes, exactly.

David: By the way, I didn't know why I was doing it. You just started doing it and told me about it, so I just started doing it. Now I know why.

Dr. Pompa: Weston Price, who traveled the world looking at healthy people over non-healthy people, he realized that when grass was growing at its highest rate of growth in the spring – it's like literally the small window – and the cow's eat it at that time, the milk that they give off, and then they make the butter at that time, this X-Factor nutrient heals guts, it heals the immune system. It's very healing to the body. We're blessed that we can eat it year-round, because they harvest it during that small time, and then we're able to buy it. We carry that stuff on our website, X-Factor Butter Oil. He also noted that when you put it with things like cod liver oil and other fats, you can get an extra benefit. Yes, loaded, David, with K2. The Amasai products, the Beyond Organic products, the grass, are loaded with good bacteria and loaded with Vitamin K2. The fattier, the better. Grass-fed meat, the fat, K2, the dairy products, K2. Everybody is deficient because they're not eating grass-fed or enough grass-fed. Oh, and the by the way, they avoid what, David? They're avoiding fat, right? With the 180° lifestyle, we eat fat, they're avoiding fat and they're not getting grass-fed. K2 deficiency causing major, major disease, absolutely links to all types of – whether it's immune problems, cancer, bone problems, you name it, K2's the issue, not calcium. I would put K2 even above Vitamin D as far as massive deficiency causing massive problems.

David: How about the next one on the list? Let's talk about iodine.

Dr. Pompa: With iodine, it again made the list for sure. Again, it's estimated that a third of the whole planet has iodine deficiency. Then you start into midwestern states in the United States, where they're not touching the seashores, the oceans, you're talking probably more like 90% of the population being iodine deficient. Why is it important? Why is it causing disease? Look, the lack of iodine is absolutely a player in ADD, brain problems, IQ. We know that the kids with lower iodine, even moderate deficiencies, David, have a massive difference in their IQ scores. Why? Iodine plays a role in brain development. We know that. It plays a role in the imune stystem. It plays a role in the thyroid. This is why we're seeing massive outbreaks of thyroid issues. Look, I would estimate that at least 25%, I bet it's higher, and those are numbers that we can actually quote from studies, of thyroid issues are caused directly, simply because of an iodine deficiency. Brain problems, all these things, breast issues. Fibercystic breasts are caused by the lack of iodine, because there's iodine receptors in the breast tissues. It plays a role in hormones. We need iodine to – really, there's an estrogen called estriol, or E3. estriol is the most protective estrogen. I run a lot of tests, David, and I see estriol deficient in most women in the United States. Why? Most of it's linked to the lack of iodine. Estriol protects you from cancer. It protects you from the more toxic types of estrogen. When estriol goes low, you are at risk for major cancer, and hormone-driven types of cancer. Iodine deficiency, major problem. David, one of the reasons why we're seeing a massive, I believe, problem with iodine, is number one, it's not in the soil anymore. We are depleting soil. Biblically, we would turn soil over every seven years. We would rotate crops, we wouldn't grow the same crops. That's an issue. We've talked about this with cholesterol sulfate, we've talked about it with disease. There's a chemical called glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Round Up, the number one herbicide used on this planet. Monsanto produces it. It works, David, by pulling minerals from the soil and from the weeds. That's how glyphosate works. It pulls minerals, and therefore depletes the weeds of certain minerals it needs to grow, and it kills them. What it's doing is it's designed to pull minerals. It's pulling minerals not just from the weeds, but it's pulling from the soils. We're depleting the soil, especially in the central part of the country, where we're using glyphosate like crazy. I go there David, I do lectures. The amount of thyroid issues is absolutely astronomical, and most of it is because of the lack of iodine. I know what most people are thinking right now. Yes, but my salt I'm eating has iodine. It's like you giving me a dollar, and I give you a penny back. How would you feel about that? That's not going to do it. Most people need to be absolutely supplementing with iodine. It's just simply not in the food chain anymore, and it's a massive, massive isssue.

David: Where do you get iodine? How do you supplement iodine?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. Where would you get it? Typically, you can get it from different things that come from the ocean, but again, that's a problem because some people don't have access to that, so much of what's coming out of the ocean is polluted, we have to be careful of other heavy metals, mercury. People that live on the eastern/western side or near oceans, typically, they don't suffer as much of the iodine deficiency. Where would you get it? There's a product that Systemic makes called TMI, like too much information. It's in the right ratio of iodine to iodide, that we know we like to use that ratio to target the thyroid. By the way, you can't make thyroid hormone without iodide. That's why it's so darn important. It's the combination of an amino acid, tyrosine, and iodide that come together and makes that hormone that most people are trying to take from their doctor. We need iodine to make it. Here's another problem, David. Heavy metals, and so many people are heavy metal toxic. It actually competes for the iodine receptor. It blocks the iodine. Heavy metals can get on those receptors, and then therefore, your body's not able to use the iodine. Then it flushes out, too. Many reasons why iodine is causing disease and in most people, needs to be supplemented. Even by taking just one of those TMI a day can be a massive difference. In one pill, there's about 12 mg of iodide. If you don't have a deficiency – I take a pill. There's about 12 mg of iodide. If you don't have a deficiency – I take iodine just hit and miss. I may take it once or twice a week, just to – I would get it in food, so I don't take it every day, but most people probably do need to take it every day for a couple years. Why? They are so deficient.

David: How about magnesium?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, magnesium made the list,. It's number four on the list. Magnesium deficiency is a massive problem. Again, I think a lot of it is due to the overuse of glyphosate, which pulls a lot of the magnesium out of the food supply, so it is less in the food supply than ever. I believe there's a greater demand in the body for magnesium. Magnesium plays a major role in hormones. You need magnesium to really have normal hormone function. As you know, hormone imbalance is a massive epidemic for multiple reasons in this country. Most of the clients that I see and deal with, they start taking magnesium, they go, “Oh my gosh, I feel better.” It's like their muscles, they have less joint problems, less muscle problems, their hormones feel better, or they feel better hormonally, I should say. Even they think more clear. It helps with the brain fog. It helps with the energy. Again, we can put magnesium in most pathways in the body. You need magnesium for normal methylation. I don't want to go down that road, but it's how your body removes toxins and how your body removes toxic hormones. It really is in so many different cellular function areas. Most people, being deficient, it's something that when people take, they go, “Oh, I feel better.” David, one of the problems is most people are taking – if you go into your health food store or Whole Foods and you look, those are cheap magnesium. It's typically magnesium oxide, hydroxide. Those forms of magnesium really aren't absorbed that well. We like to take magnesium malate or glycinate (Update: Now known as Buffered). I would say even a magnesium citrate. In a store, in Whole Foods, recently, I looked at what types of magnesium were there. The better ones, the higher-priced magnesiums, have a little bit of one of those, and then more of the magnesium oxide. It'd have magnesium glycinate and then magnesium oxide, and they were still charging a lot for it. Typically, you have to go with a physician-grade magnesium. Designs for Health is one that we use. Systemic Formulas has one. We sell both of those physician-grade magnesiums. Magnesium malate is one of my favorites. I love magnesium malate. When you look at a lot of the Systemic Formulas, they have those more expensive magnesiums in it. Is there a time to take a non-expensive magnesium? Yeah, if you want to help your bowels move. Yeah. If you take a magnesium hydroxide or a magnesium oxide, it will make you go to the bathroom. It'll move it out. Why? Your body just flushes it out. Then it will create diarrhea. Even Epsom salt, which is magnesium sulfate, your body will not absorb. Take two tablespoons of that if you want your bowels to move, and that magnesium will just flush right through you, but you won't absorb it, you won't get it into the cell. That's when we want a magnesium malate, a magnesium citrate, or a magnesium glycinate (Buffered).

David: It's so amazing. Higher quality products make a world of difference, don't they?

Dr. Pompa: When you look at the cellular formulas we've talked about, we've talked about a lot of the cellular formulas that I was a part of helping create and the importance of them, they all have these really expensive types of vitamins that really are absorbed into the cell. Yeah, when you're going to Costco or wherever you're buying your vitamins, most of that, David, it's synthetic. Most of it's not absorbed. As a matter of fact, some of it can even be more stressful for your body. It's worth spending extra money on good stuff, no doubt.

David: Which is why there's all the information out there today about, vitamins are a waste of money. It's mostly because of the quality of the vitamins.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely. No doubt about it. Systemic Formulas makes a product – those out there just want to take a good multi, it's called Spectra. It's actually, it's truly the only whole food vitamin on the market. There's a Spectra 1 and Spectra 2. You have your water-solubles and you have your fat-solubles in Spectra 2. These nutrients are extracted from organic vegetables. It is truly an extract, so it is truly in a form that it was exactly the way it was in the vegetable, definitely a more absorbable product. You need far less, you need fractions of the amounts, when you take a product that is that natural, it really is. If you desire to take a multi-vitamin, Spectra from Systemic is a wonderful product. It's in my cabinet. I don't take a multi-vitamin, but that Spectra, I do. Again, I just take it hit and miss, because I do eat very well. I do get all of my nutrients from the food that I eat, for sure, but I buy all organic, David. We eat all organic. Those of you who don't, it's worth taking Spectra, for sure. Again, we're giving you these five deficiencies because these are the things that most people are lacking. If you're going to focus on vitamins, these are the five right here. These are the five that most Americans lack and don't know it, just like you started the show saying.

David: There's one other one out there that I'd like to discuss today. I see it advertised all over the place. B12 shots. Let's talk about B12 and what people are doing with it.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. B12 made the list, top five. It's funny too, David, beyond these five – I want to make this point, and I want to make it loud and clear. Most diseases today are not caused from the lack of vitamins. I would say in the past, that was probably a bigger issue. Now I know the soils are depleted. I made the argument myself. We just have access to so many more foods and variety of foods. I do believe the soils are a major issue because of glyphosate and the herbicides that we're using are pulling the minerals out and overfertilizing with just certain nutrients, missing another. I get it. However, diseases today are mostly driven by inflammation, which arguably, some of these vitamins play a role in anti-inflammatory roles. Most of it is due to what we have too much of, not what we lack. You've heard me speak about too many toxins driving inflammation. That's the problem with most people, especially people that have chronic disease. Too many bad fats, all the vegetable oils everyone's eating, and all the food – get rid of those things – in driving up glucose and insulin, which is driving inflammation of the cell. All the breads and the grains and everything. Listen, being away and staying with teenagers for a week David, you wouldn't believe it. I didn't believe it. Most of them have medications next to their bed. These are teenagers, young kids. I'm not kidding. They're all addicted to grains and sugar, that's what they're addicted to. They're athletes, so imagine if they weren't. Maybe it would be worse. I don't know. I was just in awe of what these kids were eating, and I could not believe it. They didn't hear me, I know, but unfortunately, they'll hear me once they get sick. That is the big cause of disease. Now we look at vitamin deficiencies. Absolutely a problem, absolutely a piece of that puzzle of why people are getting sick. My goodness, no. The answer isn't taking the magic pill, the answer's getting rid of those three things that are driving inflammation, inflammation of the cell. There's no reason why there's the disease, hormone problems, and the epidemics that we're seeing. Back to number five, B12. That was a very important point, so had to make it. Should have started at the top of the show with that point. Number five is B12. Why is B12 an issue? We need B12 for just about every cellular process. We need B12 – we talked a little bit about methylation. I want to do a show on it. Read R5 under “Articles.” Watch the video, read that. R5. You'll find an article about methylation, how it plays an important role in not just getting rid of toxins, but an important role of how we adapt or not adapt to stress, anxiety, sleep problems, and how you need methylation to get rid of toxic hormones. Most Americans are methyl-depleted. It causes cancers, hormone problems, and because we are lacking methyl groups because of stress, whether it's physical, chemical, or emotional, read the article, B12 plays a major role in this methylatoin, or what we call methyl donors, that our body needs. If you lack B12, you lack methylation, and therefore, you have hormone problems, cellular problems, energy problems, brain problems – the list goes on. Why, then, is there a B12 deficiency? It has to be absorbed in our gut. Most Americans have gut issues, absorption problems, and therefore, they're not able to get the Vitamin B12 that's made in our gut with bacteria. You need these bacteria that make the B12 intrinsic factor, and therefore people are deficient in this because of the gut issues that we're seeing in the United States. That's why this one's a big deficiency. It's not from the food thing, like we talked about before, as much as it is from inflammatory gut problems, leaky gut, lack of absorption, therefore no B12, therefore lack of methylation and all the problems that follow. Can we take B12? Yeah, you can, but a lot of people still don't absorb it.

David: How about all these people that are taking B12 shots?

Dr. Pompa: Most of it, David, it's not in an active form. They're taking a certain form called cyanocobalamin, which you have to transition into an active form, which is hydroxicobalamin. Most people can't make the conversion, so the shots seem to help a little bit, and then they don't help because there's this whole process of conversion that has to take place, and if you're not able to do that, it doesn't help. A lot of people do, David, the shots help them, especially in the beginning, because they're not able to absorb it. They're taking B12 and still not even getting the benefit of that. We utilize, typically, an active form. There's two forms that we like, a methylcobalamin or a hydroxicobalamin, and we like them for different reasons. Hydroxicobalamin is the active form. It goes right into the cell, so oftentimes we give that. Methylcobalamin we like because it has a methyl for a bonnet, so different forms for different reasons. Cyanocobalamin, which is in 99% of the B12 that you buy in your health food store, is not a good form. Most people will not benefit from that form. Some people, it actually becomes toxic to them, the cyanocobalamin. Definitely look at your bottles right now if you're at home, and see what form is in your product. See if it's sublingual, and that's very important, and we also give it with folate. We give it with an active form of folate called methyltetrahydrofolate. That active form of folate is what goes right into the cell. Some people have a genetic SNPs called the MTHFR gene, where they're not able to transition that folate into the active form. That's why we like to use the active form. Again, these are more expensive products. We go, “I can get this product at my thing for $10. Why is this one $40 or $50?” Active forms. A lot of people have these genetic SNPs, they're not able to make those transitions. Toxic people have trouble making their transition from this form to that form. Again, the active form that your cell likes is the more expensive form, unfortunately, but the one that works.

David: Is there a brand in particular that you guys recommend?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I mean the MoRS is a product, M-O-R-S, that a lot of brilliance went into that product from Shayne Morris, and I had some say in that product. It has those active forms that I was talking about. Someone that has that genetic SNP that they don't methylate very well – and by the way, that's about 15%, 20% of the population. Most people don't know they have it. They get a lot of anxiety issues, sleep problems, the list goes on. Don't adapt to stress well. That gene was turned on, and they don't convert their folate very well. As a matter of fact, regular folate they're taking in the vitamin from the store actually is very toxic to them, because they don't convert it. They need the active form. That product was built out around those folks that have that SNP on that gene and don't transition.

David: That's why it's a part of the Core Cellular package.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah,, exactly. It's one of the core cellular formulas. Again, I think in that article are five. I talk about that product, R5 article. Again, the 5R's for new watchers or listeners, those are my 5 R's of Cellular Healing, how to fix a cell to get well. We have some products built around that, but it's not just about products. The 5R's really is about getting a cell well from nutrition. Yes, we have some tools in the form of supplements that we use, but you have to get rid of toxic sources as well. Read those articles, there's one for each R. R1 through R5.

David: Dr. Pompa, thank you so much for the great information. Is there any final thoughts that you would like to leave everyone with today?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Again, stop taking most of the vitamins you're taking, focus on those five. I'm sure you don't have a lack of many other vitamins besides that. That really gives you focus. Take the quality vitamins. Don't discount shop when it comes to what you're putting in your body. Eat organic, get most of your vitamins from food, but those are the five main deficiencies that most people don't realize they have that in fact will cause disease. I hope that helps. I think that we're going to put out an article about it so we get the message out.

David: That's awesome, Dr. Pompa, thank you. Just like every week, I took over two pages of notes. You probably see me putting my head down as you're talking and sharing information. Just like everyone who's watching learns, I learn just as much. I'm honored to be here every week, participating with you and Warren and helping spread the message and this great information to everyone. For viewers, thank you for joining us today. As we are today, every Friday. Same time, same channel, CellularHealing.tv. Thank you, everyone.

Dr. Pompa: Thanks, David.

David: Thanks Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Yep, bye-bye.

David: Bye.