Transcript of Episode 26: Adrenal Fatigue and the Endocrine System
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow, and special guest Dr. Jay Davidson.
Warren: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV, Episode 26, I believe. That's 26 episodes straight that we've been bringing you real information and truth on real results, real solutions that make a difference in your life and health. I'm here with a special guest today, Dr. Jay Davidson, who's part of our inner core of trainers and coaches within our Health Centers of the Future Organization. We're blessed to have him on the show today. Obviously our main health expert, Dr. Dan Pompa, and my co-host, Dr. David Asarnow. I always call him doctor, I don't know why.
David: I'm not a doctor; I just play one on Cellular Healing TV.
Warren: You should, and my name is Warren Phillips, if you can't read the little banner there. I hope that you can see it. A really exciting topic today, Dr. Pompa's been—gives a lot of questions from the public on fatigue, and adrenal exhaustion, adrenal fatigue. This is a big, hot topic in the natural health field, and we want to tackle the truth behind adrenal fatigue, and what really causes it and how to effectively restore adrenal function, and obviously energy. If affects so many things in your body. Dr. Pompa, let's get this topic started this morning.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, and I always get calls. I think I would have to say that one of the top complaints is—at least for people who've been around a while in the natural health world, looking for why they don't feel well. They say, “I have adrenal exhaustion. Could it be my adrenals? My adrenals aren't right.” I have to say, they're right. I mean typically the adrenals are, in fact, fried. They're not responding normally anymore, which can affect their sleep, can affect anxiety, can affect their energy, can affect a lot of things. What I always tell them is, is that the adrenals are a downstream problem to something else, another stressor that's still there, it's exhausting the adrenals. My point is this, most of the time the work that we do on the adrenals typically doesn't make us well. It can help certain things, but I know that when I was sick, oftentimes this stuff that I would do with my adrenals, I would have more energy. Then I wouldn't sleep as well at night, and literally have more anxiety at times. It's this odd thing of balancing the adrenals. When I was sick, Warren, and you probably recall this, I knew there was something even further upstream. I had narrowed it down to my pituitary. My pituitary hypothalamus really was the big problem. Just for a little reminder for those, that sits in the center of your brain. It sends signals to our thyroid and our adrenals. We call that an axis. In other words, there's communication that goes back from these endocrine glands, our thyroid, and our adrenals, back to the hypothalamus pituitary. I knew that that control tower that sat in my brain wasn't responding normally. Maybe one of you all could draw a little picture, but the hypothalamus, it sits in there near the pituitary, and it receives the information. It's the receiving part of the control tower. It sends hormones or signalers to the pituitary, and then the pituitary sends out signals to our adrenals and our thyroid. I knew that something was wrong there, and I'll finish the rest of that story later on what I found out, and what we did about it. Oftentimes, that's the problem with many of the clients that we see is that in fact the problem is up higher in that axis of communication. The problem can also be at the cell, the cell receptor to those hormones, which we talk a lot about, and typically it's both. The adrenals are the downstream whipping boy. The adrenals get beat up with physical stress, chemical stress, emotional stress. It is absolutely a real thing, and we'll even give you some tips on what Dr. Jay and I do to help that. Dr. Jay you might want to add to that part of the conversation.
Dr. Jay Davidson: Yeah, I mean this is such a popular thing that we deal with as far as dealing with clients and things like that. Can you guys see me?
Warren: Yes. I can click on you, so you're not popping up. Dan, if you want to accept an invitation for the draw app, I'll do it to Jay, too, and it will just pop up as a little thing, and then I can start drawing for you guys.
Dr. Jay I'd like to I would say chime in on the adrenals, too because so many people are effected with adrenal stress, adrenal fatigue, adrenal issues. I think what we have to understand is that we have to identify with the person. Who actually has adrenal stress, and what are some signs and symptoms. For example, an easy test that you could do is you could take a flash light, got up to a mirror, shine a flashlight into your pupil. That's basically the dark, middle part of the eye ball. When you shine a light in there, and shine it indirectly, off to the side, when you shine that light indirectly into your pupil, the pupil should get smaller. When you have great, adrenal function, that pupil should stay the same size, assuming that the flashlight is at the same distance. If you're holding it there and you see the pupil start pulsating, that's a big sign that hey, there's an adrenal stress to the body. Another big sign and symptom that I always walk my clients through and health participants is, “Okay, when you get stressed, do you get really achy?” How many people out there, listening to us right now, have that type of symptom? Here's that correlating factor with that. Eighty percent of the vitamin C that's stored in our bodies are actually stored in the adrenals. Those people that can take just a little bit—and you know this Dr. Pompa, can take just a little bit of vitamin C and have a fast bowel movement, and then other people where they can literally just take tons and tons of vitamin C and they get no what we call saturation point in our diarrhea at all. Those are the people that are just taxed on the adrenals. Would you agree with that?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, Dr. Jay that's true. I've had people go to over 100,000 grams of Vitamin C and still not have diarrhea affect. Obviously if I do it now, I top out at probably around 5,000. Jay, you're right. I remember doing that in my—doing the light test when I was sick. It looks like I'm doing it right now, doesn't it? You see the light coming from my left here. We're going to look at my adrenal, or my eyes. When you put the light on, you're going to see a normal adrenal—you'll see a constriction or a dilation, but it holds. If you're doing a light, you're going to see a constriction, but it holds and it doesn't pulsate. Mine would go, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, so that's what shows the adrenal exhaustion. The other one, Jay, is the orthostatic, which I know that you do in your office. If you can just go ahead and explain that a little bit.
Dr. Jay Davidson: Yeah, so the orthostatic blood pressure, basically when you're looking at orthostatic blood pressure is where you take blood pressure when somebody's lying flat, when they're laying down flat. Then, you take the blood pressure. Then, when they're laying down flat, you tell them, “Okay, I'm going to have you stand up, but I'm going to have you stand up as fast possible up on your feet.” Then you take the blood pressure again. Usually, I like to use the automated ones because they're really quick, and so you can get a good reading. Basically, let's take somebody's blood pressure. You have a 120 over 80, just the typical norm, what everybody's goal always is. When you stand up, that top number should jump up about 10 points because of the different stress positions. When you're laying down, it's obviously a lot more relaxed. When you stand up, the body should adapt because of the gravity, and should raise that top number up ten points. Now, what—obviously as you know Dr. Pompa, the people I work with, so many of those people, the number actually goes the opposite direction. It actually goes down. What's the dynamics when we look at that, that you see?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly, once again, me as my own guinea pig had this experience. What happens is when you stand up, your adrenals have to make that adaptation and tighten up your vessels literally, just to raise that blood pressure. Well, why? It has to keep the oxygen in the blood in your brain. Literally, when you stand up and you—people go oh, I feel dizzy. Okay, you don't even need the test. You're feeling dizzy because your blood pressure's dropping. Your adrenals aren't keeping those vessels tight enough. The oxygen is not getting to the brain for that little bit of moment. We see that temporary lack, or the temporary drop in the blood pressure. You could almost look at it and say, okay well how long does it take to come back? Then that gives you another idea of how burnt are the adrenals? I'll tell you Jay, I'll tell you all, I'm talking to everyone out there right now, not just Dr. Jay, but when I did this test too, it would be interesting. You could see sometimes your adrenals are in hyper mode. There were times that I would do that test, and instead of raising 10, maybe 20, is a top normal, mine would raise 50. Literally, I was getting this over-reaction from the adrenals, which is a bad sign too. What was happening there is my adrenals were trying to basically respond, or they were overreacting. Those are the nights that I would not sleep, have more anxiety, even panic attacks because we were getting this overcorrection of cortisol, adrenaline, and we would see these rises. That would last for a little time, then they would just get exhausted. From that exhausted position, then we would see, I would see these massive drops in the blood pressure. I said that oftentimes I would treat the adrenals, it would get stronger, and I would actually start to see these higher numbers coming. It was creating more anxiety. I was downstream too far trying to work the adrenals. It wasn't until I got upstream further that I was really able to fix the problem. There are some things you can do. One thing that I found out Dr. Jay is Seriphos, I'm sure you use it in your practice as well. Seriphos, really, it helps taper the adrenal and the cortisol response. It helps build the adrenals without over stimulating the adrenal. It really just controls that overreaction that I just spoke about because that overreaction will keep—basically will lead to more adrenal burnout eventually. When I learned to take this Seriphos, it actually improved my sleep probably better than anything, melatonin or all the different things I tried because it just controlled that adrenaline and cortisol reaction. Often when people get up in the middle of the night at two or three am, just boom, and they can't go back to sleep, it is that rise in cortisol or adrenaline. That Seriphos can help control that. Rest the adrenal, so that was one of the tricks that I had found, Jay. You might have some others.
Dr. Jay I think you make a great point, Dr. Pompa. When you wake up two to four am, that's not when you should be waking up. You should be falling asleep. Obviously there's different toxins, like mercury is the insomnia toxin. Lead is that one where you can sleep for at least nine, ten hours and still be tired when you wake up. When you wake up at two to four am, that means your adrenals essentially, I like to call them as firing too early. The adrenals should start firing, and they should start raising up those hormones in the morning when you're supposed to wake up, six, seven, eight am. If they're raising up too much, obviously yeah, there's a misfiring of that. Those are just some key points to look at. I like Vitamin C. What I found is that a lot of people that have adrenal fatigue, or adrenal exhaustion, is they're constipated. They tend to have harder stools, and they don't go to the bathroom as much. Just to define this, because I know this is everybody's favorite topic to talk about bowel movements and bowels, but it's important, you have to understand this. You should have at least one to two bowel movements every day. When you have one big one, that's not always the best sign. You really want it to push more to that two, sometimes even three obviously category. For people that go every other day, just a couple times a week, that is severe constipation. Obviously you have to define what that means. Vitamin C is an easy thing to increase because obviously as I said, 80% of the Vitamin C is stored in your adrenals. When your adrenals are taxed, that means your vitamin C is low. Vitamin C is a great thing to facilitate bowel movement. When people are having harder stools, or having a hard time really getting the bowels moving, you know adrenals have a link with it, you know Vitamin C deficiency is most likely prevalent. Vitamin C helps to facilitate and move the bowels. Obviously, there's other things like magnesium, probiotics really. Most of your bowel movement actually comes from a bacteria in your gut, not the fiber that we all consume as Americans obsessed with Metamucil which has cilium husk in it. You talk to experts like Jordan Reuben and he talks about, “Oh, they're finding that actually scratches the internal surface of the intestine.” It's like taking a wire brush through the intestine. Maybe that's not the best way to get the bowels moving. Would you agree with that, Dr. Pompa?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, no doubt. There are a lot of methods that are definitely a question. I do love the Vitamin C because you're right, it does actually—well, as you mentioned, 80% of it's utilized in the adrenals. It's a huge help for the adrenals. So far, we gave Vitamin C and something called Seriphos, which is on our website so Warren can write that down because people are misspelling it right now as they write it.
-Cross talk- David: It's on Dr. Jay's screen right now. I've got a question for you, and I'm going to bring the fact—yeah, I've got a question. Let's bring it down to what is causing all of this adrenal fatigue? One of the things that I see prevalent is—and even in kids these days, and teenagers especially with—they're drinking Red Bulls, they're drinking Monsters, people are drinking Dr. Diet Pepper's thinking all these things are—it's how I keep my energy going. Isn't this a big, contributing factor to what's going on with the stressors and adrenal fatigue these days?
Dr. Pompa: There is no doubt about it. You want to cause stress on your adrenals, raise glucose up, all day long. Forget about the caffeine, and then we'll talk about that in a moment, but if you raise glucose up, your adrenals are part of that adaptation to control blood sugar. Every time you raise it up, you're straining the adrenals. Then you add a little caffeine to it, day in and day out. We always say a little caffeine's actually shown to be very healthy. That's a little. It's like after how many Red Bulls, or how many cups of coffee do you just keep driving the adrenals. Too much of anything is bad, no doubt. Too many stimulants, just to stay awake; too many stimulants, just to keep your brain on target, which most children today are doing. Obviously this is going to lead to adrenal burn-out, no doubt. Here's the point I want to leave, and I'll let Jay respond. It's always the accumulation of stressors that causes the burn-out. Whether it's chemical, physical, or emotional, you've heard me say this again and again, the body's physiological reaction is the same. The adrenals are part of that reaction. When you put these stressors together, when you have a lot of emotional stress, and you have a lot of bioaccumulated chemical stress in the body, you're headed for burn-out.
Dr. Jay Davidson: Yeah, and I think that's a pretty important thing that you just glanced on is oh, the artificial—basically, stimulants—basically, the prescription drugs. How many kids in America right now are diagnosed with ADD, which is Attention Deficit Disorder; ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I probably look like I'm ADHD right now. Then you have hyperkinetic disorder. You have, obviously the autism spectrum, Asperger’s. That's a whole, all those things are on that. What we reach for in America is what? We reach for a pill first? We reach for some kind of drug to calm it down. When you actually look in the news, interesting you bring this up. When you look in the news, CBS published an article, it was July 3rd, so it was earlier this month. Basically, they were look at what—they were talking about Denmark research. They were basically linking—they were building in Concerta to rare cardiac problems were twice as likely to happen when a kid was given that, than if they weren't given that drug at all. It's—of course as soon as you see that, you're like oh my gosh, I don't want to take this because it's going to double my risk of having a cardiac issue, even if I'm a kid or an adult. It links with that, but then when you start looking back in research, you'll see 2011, New England Journal of Medicine found that there was no link, then in JAMA they said that there was no link as well, 2012. Go back even farther, back in '06 and '09, they actually found that these stimulants that we give kids for ADHD could cause an increased risk of sudden death. Obviously, you'll see out in the literature, you'll see out in the media it going back and forth. I think that's—this is why we get so confused to some degree too, in our societies. We hear one thing, then we hear another. You always have to keep in mind, and as you know this Dr. Pompa, who's sponsoring it. When you look at studies in 2011, 2012 from the New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA, most likely these were sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. Would they want to find a link between ADHD meds and heart issues? What do you guys think?
David: Of course they wouldn't, but here's the interesting thing. I would venture a guess that if you asked many of the people who are on the team that developed some of these drugs, they would never put their kids on it themselves. I think you and I may have had this conversation. I don't remember, one of our doctors in the program we did. I mean this is—these are drugs that are literally changing someone's personality. It's that powerful. Dr. Pompa, you've talked about—and I know we're getting off topic here. These drugs cause a lot of other challenges as well, besides that.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, but it's more than that. There's the bottle of Seriphos. There we go. This one's a savior for adrenal burnout. There's another product that we use, called Ga-Adrenal. It's from Systemic Formulas. Capital G, small a, that one's a little easier, right? That actually helps build the adrenals, but again, oftentimes used without something that keeps the adrenals from over-responding, it can be a mistake. Yeah, you're right. I mean I was stunned when I think I spoke this on one of the shows when I was at the ski camp with my kids, and how many of the kids were on different medications. Obviously, so many of the athletes there, over-training, overtaxing their adrenals, of course, their bodies just trying to respond and react. What are they doing, they're masking a lot of the symptoms with medication. Warren, I have to bring this up because I know that so many people, it's the same philosophy, right? Your dad, who we love and adore, but I still can hear him saying these words, “Stress, stress is why everything's -” I mean he had—stress was the cause of everything that he had in his life. It's a nice thing because we can almost blame stress as it's not our fault. It's not like—your dad blamed it on stress, so he didn’t have to worry about what food he put in his mouth, or what he was doing because we can't control our stress, it's just there. Stress, providing for the family, stress is the cause. Warren, you can speak a little bit about that because we always love to use our great fathers as great examples of some stinking thinking, but there's one of them right there.
Warren: Yeah, I just had a conversation with my brother-in-law this morning, he's staying with us, to ask some questions. What should I take for this? What should I take for that? I'm like, “Well, don't take anything. The pink elephant in the room, is your diet, is toxicity, so why would you just take a pill, powder, and/or lotion, or a potion to get well?” That goes on the allopathic side, and on the stress side, that's how I was raised, so much so that when I got sick I thought, I was convinced by dad telling me that same story, “It's stress, stress, stress,” but when I added any stress to my life, I couldn't adapt to it. Stress like exercise. You hear that constantly. We even bring it up on shows. If you're not feeling well, or you're fatigued, those—all you need to do is go out and go for a run. I would—those nights because your—my adrenals couldn't adapt to that running stress, I would absolutely never sleep on those nights, or like Dr. Jay, and you said, Dr. Pompa, in the middle of the night my Cortisol would rise, my adrenals would try to recover, and I wouldn't sleep the rest of the night. I'd go to sleep for an hour if I couldn't get to sleep, and then I'd wake up, heart racing in the middle of the night as my adrenal and cortisol and hormones were completely disregulated. The stress is a toxin, absolutely. You brought it up Dr. Pompa, there's multiple, the chemical stress in my life was far greater than the—actually my life was amazing at the time. I had the lowest stress in my life, no debt, a roommate, extra money, top of my game, and I couldn't adapt to any type of stress. It wasn't the stress that was the problem, it was my inability to adapt to the stress, probably likely due to the chemical and physical subluxation if you will. The chemical stress, and the physical stress meaning maybe some structural things with my neck at the time, my body not working right, and that kind of moves how even chiropractic can make a difference as well in some of these cases.
Dr. Pompa: I'll let Jay speak to that, but Warren brings up a great point. I always say it's not the stress, it's the inability to adapt to the stress that becomes the problem. We're all under stress. How can—some people will be under far greater stress emotionally, and all these things going on, and they don't get sick. It's because they don't have the bioaccumulated chemical stress. We always call it the perfect storm. It's when you have these three fronts come together in a perfect storm. You have a catastrophe. You have a storm that happens once a hundred years and it wipes things out. That's what happens in our bodies. We have these chemical stresses that have bioaccumulated from silver fillings. All the chemicals we are introduced to, whatever—your mother had silver fillings. That means what's in your brain, in particular your hypothalamus pituitary, studies show that the number of silver fillings mom has in her mouth, is proportional to how much mercury is found in the baby's brain. Oh, and what about the accumulation in mom's body of lead. During pregnancy, she releases that lead from her bones, but out comes the lead into the baby. That's what we start life with, and then of course of we start vaccinating, we start living in moldy homes, and all of these other chemical stressors. Our bucket gets full, more and more full, and then you add one emotional stress to it, BAM, it overflows. Now you're not adapting, now everything becomes a problem, now every emotional stress creates this absolute cortisol rise, all the hormones disregulated. Again, it's easy to think that it's the stressor, but it's been this bioaccumulation of these stressors again, and again, and again. You talked about physical stress, how a car accident misaligning the spine can cause more stress to the central nervous system, and cause that overflow to happen even more.
Dr. Jay Davidson: I'll give you an example actually just this week. A patient that—basically we ran the proper test for Lyme. She came up positive, pretty—or actually really high. Lives just a super-strict diet, super-strict and healthy lifestyle. Every—little things, so many things line up. Ran, for instance, a test called The Micronutrient, and she had just one nutrient that she had a minor deficiency in. I mean, just very well laid out, but she has Lyme. That's where a lot of her achiness is. We were going through a few different steps, and I told her, “Hey, you might want to look into this technology, this can be a big benefit.” She just couldn't handle the whole idea that there's something else to learn. She's the sweetest person in the world, but I look at that and I say it's because the internal stress inside of her just doesn't allow anything that happens around her—she just can't process it. You see this when people are in a lot of pain, or they're really sick. Sometimes they can get really nasty. It's not that that's their personality, but what you find is that just because of—their body's not well, they can't handle any change which is really a form of stress. Then it just escalates. I think as practitioners, we have to understand that they're just projecting obviously, issues outward. We can't absorb them. We have to understand also, details that the reality is that when they’re sick, their body can't handle simple stressors that most people can handle, and then it seems to escalate. This is all about adrenals obviously handle stress. Other things that correlate, thyroid, which thyroid you're looking at lower metabolism, your hair, skin issues, brittle nails, basal metabolic temperatures off. What that means is when you're in a room that's 75 degrees, should be comfortable, or 72 degrees should be comfortable. You're there sweating because you're really hot, or you're shivering, you always have long sleeves on all the time. That's the body's inability to handle temperature dysregulation. Other things that actually correlate are hormonal issues. You're looking at estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and I say those correlate because if you have adrenal issues, and if it's upstream as you're talking about, Dr. Pompa, the pituitary, or hypothalamus, or something upstream, higher. You'll see typical signs and symptoms with thyroid issues. If it's female, you'll see signs and symptoms with estrogen, progesterone. If it's a guy, you'll see issues with testosterone. Obviously, progesterone as well, not as well understood. How much in the media are we now hearing about testosterone, where we heard the hormone replacement therapy maybe 10, 15 years ago when it came out, and then now we're understanding some of the dangers and risks of breast cancer and all these things. I feel like on the same front, now they're pushing the T, what they call the testosterone. You want to look at if you have these symptoms, it's not just focus just on thyroid, just on adrenal, just on these organs that produce these hormones. You have to understand, this is a collective thing that something up higher, upstream, is causing downstream. I think that can help most people understand that.
Dr. Pompa: Most people, they go to their doctor and they focus in on the thyroid. The doctor is only addressing thyroid. That doesn't even make sense because the thyroid is in constant communication with the adrenals. Oh, wait, they both get controlled by the pituitary which sits in the brain. Yet they have no, they act as if the thyroid works independently, and that's all they're treating. Really, we can bring in the fact that it works also with the pancreas. Oh, it worked also with other endocrine organs as you mentioned, with the ovaries for example. The prostate – this endocrine system is very complex, but one affects the other. The liver is effected in this issue. We know that to address thyroid issues, you have to always consider liver function. Come on, why? Well, that's where T4 gets converted to T3. Oh my gosh, this is getting so complicated. Yeah, you see that the body has to be treated as a whole. To go to your doctor just to treat that thyroid, it's a lunacy, it really is. I wish Warren we could really draw that hypothalamus up in the brain. This will bring this full circle. I knew that there was something in that pituitary hypothalamus that controls your thyroid and controls your adrenals. Both organs were malfunctioning. My bloodwork for thyroid was always normal, yet I couldn't adapt to any temperature regulation at all. Just like you said, Dr. Jay, I would go outside in the winter. I would just — my hands, my feet, I was gone. Warren can speak to the same problem, right? Yet it's—I would be hot at weird times, waking up in the middle of the night absolutely drenched, hair falling out, I was young. Hair falling out, all these crazy—oh, but my bloodwork for thyroid is normal. That whole system was effected. Really, what I found out, was it has been bioaccumulating for years, the silver fillings in my mouth were just like studies show—the study shows the number of fillings in your mouth is proportionate to how much mercury they find in your brain, but in particular your hypothalamus, pituitary which is the control tower for your thyroid, for your adrenals, how many people are downstream training their thyroid, taking more hormones, just like Jay, taking testosterone, another hormone from a different gland. Again, how many people are taking these hormones, treating downstream, when the problem is in your brain? Possibly metal poisoning, possibly Lyme disease, possibly bone exposures, all of these things can affect that control tower right in the center of the brain. Too far downstream, not enough upstream, the key is getting upstream.
David: You know what I like, what really attracted me several years ago now to you Dr. Pompa in the program, and what you teach the practitioners, and what Dr. Jay's talking about. It's 180° different than what people are hearing out there. If first and foremost you guys look at everyone and you ask the right questions to understand them wholly as an individual, and understanding what the cause of their challenges are. As you always say, if you don't identify what the cause is, and you don't remove it, you're just putting Band-Aids all over the place. That's what most practitioners unfortunately do. Not on purpose, they think that they do and all, but they just don't get to the cause.
Dr. Pompa: Dave, listen, I didn't get well until I got that inorganic mercury out of my pituitary, hypothalamus junction. Then, magically, my adrenals started to heal. Did I need crutches for the adrenals along the way? I mentioned the Seriphos. This stuff saved my life. I couldn't have functioned in society without it. The Ga was a builder, helped me build—the Systemic makes a pituitary product called Gb, capital G, small b; makes one for the thyroid, Gf, capital G, small f. Those things were absolutely part of my healing, but it would—they would do nothing unless I removed that mercury from the pituitary. That's something that Dr. Jay and I do with patients every day. It is imperative that you can get upstream David, and that is the point. If you remove the interference, the body has an amazing ability to heal itself. Yes, your thyroid then can start regulating, your adrenals can then start regulating once you remove that interference.
Dr. Jay Davidson: That's—it's all on getting the source. I was meeting with a patient yesterday, and she was talking about how her mom and her sister has thyroid issues along with her. They're on synthetic thyroid hormone. She didn't like that, so she's on Armour. I asked her if she had gluten sensitivity. She said, “Oh yeah, I do.” I'm like, “You might want to check your Armour because now they're making it with gluten.” That's a side-note obviously, but the big point is how long are you going to need to be on Armour or Levothyroxine or Synthroid if you never get to the source. How long are you actually going to need to take it? As soon as you stop the Armour, as soon as you stop the Levothyroxine or—they're all basically thyroid hormones. As soon as you stop that, you're going to feel crummy, everything's going to tank, your blood levels are going to tank because you never address really the underlying cause. I think as practitioners, we have to tell people the truth that you—if you don't look at the source you can't afford to be on these 500 supplements for the rest of your life. You find this in the realm. Basically, I see a transition. I see you have the typical American, they have the prescription cabinet, then something happens, something triggers, they want to move more into naturals, they start learning, “Oh, this supplement's good for this, that supplement's good for that.” They transition from their prescription cabinet to 500 supplements in their supplement cabinet, and then they forget the reason of why they started anything, what they're doing, they feel all lost. I mean, that's really such a big part of what you and I do, Dr. Pompa, is literally just coach and say, “I'm going to guide you, and this is what you need to do, and here's why.” Not to get lost and get chaos, but inevitably you get a whole cabinet full of supplements and you just shut the door and you're like, “I give up, I don't know what to do.” The reality is because we never got to the source. Many people don't feel changes when they take supplements because it might have some benefit to the body, but it might be just a little piece to the puzzle. You have to look at what's the big domino, what's the end domino, you hit that one, everything takes effect. That's really as practitioners that's our goal. We might have all these little symptoms, or we call little, secondary may be the better word. You might have these secondary symptoms, but what's the main thing that's causing them all. Once we hit that mother issue, then all the other secondaries take care of themsleves. Instead of just going after little secondary things, what's really the upstream, what's the main source?
Dr. Pompa: Jay, I hope everyone heard that because I think that's just so important. Jay, that's what we do, you and I do different, right? We go after that upstream source. Many alternative doctors today, they're not doing that, they're just putting people on more of the vitamins, and minerals, and herbs that they like. It's one to the next to the next.
Warren: IV injections.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, right, exactly, I mean all that stuff can be fine and good, but ultimately is never going to get you well. What gets you well is when you find that upstream thing and you remove it, and the body heals. Dr. Jay, you've heard me say this to multiple practitioners, if your patient's not progressing, if your patient's stuck, if they're still sick, it's simple, you just haven't found the upstream stressor yet. Typically, there's more than one, right? I mean typically these things run together. It's Lyme and heavy metals. It's mold, another biotoxin or infection, heavy metals. These things run in these groups, but the key is if you remove the interference, the body will heal, it will. If you're still out there, and you're still not happy with your health, you still—believe me, you still have an upstream stressor which by the way keeps certain genes turned on. If those genes are expressing this, that you don't like, then you're going to stay in that that you don't like. Those symptoms, because your genes are literally expressing it, well we have to change that gene expression. Step one, you remember from previous, is you have to remove the stressor. Then, we have been really trained and really good at changing that gene expression better than ever. A lot of doctors aren't even doing that. Remove the stressor, change the gene expression, fix the cell, you will get well every time. It absolutely starts with trying to find those upstream stressors.
Dr. Jay Davidson: Yeah, and then the other important piece of the whole puzzle is making sure once you identify the upstream source, get the body ready to get rid of the source. I remember when I started going after some upstream sources of heavy metals, and my gut wasn't well. I developed allergies to nuts, I blew up, I reacted. I didn't understand the process of okay, in order to detox metals, you have to have a healthy gut, but in order to have a healthy gut, you can't have these upstream source toxins. It's basically a dance that you have to do without—I mean there's this—we can literally go back and forth, but you just—you need somebody to help guide you that's been through it. Otherwise, you can spend years, you can do something, but it might be the right thing. If you didn't do that prior step ahead of time, you might have a bad reaction and think that oh, it wasn't the right step. Really, it's just understanding that everything matters in the body. For instance, that adjuster track is important, but the kidneys are important. I mean the kidneys are what give the colon hydration. If you're not hydrated, you’re bound up, the toxins stay in you. You can't excrete them. The liver, if they bowels aren't moving, the liver gets backed up. The livers are that central focus area that detoxifies—if somebody takes a prescription in aspirin, the reason they say take it every four hours is because it takes your liver about four hours to break that down and excrete half of it, the half-life they call it, and so many critical pieces of the body have to be addressed. It's not super hard, but it's understanding the basics of how the body works, what your need is. Obviously, it's always customized for everybody. We see more common things, which you would probably agree with Dr. Pompa, but it's all customized. Where are you at, what are the tests showing? I always like to say, don't guess, let's test. If somebody had diabetes, obviously they were running a blood test. If we wanted to follow-up and check in on them, let's follow up obviously with a blood test, but so many times in our realm in the world with toxins, there's never even testing done in the first place. That's really, I think, one of the best things to start with. Let's test, let's identify what the main things are, and then let's map it out and say, here's our end goal, but here's the first phases to get you into that piece. I think once people wrap their head around it, it's a lot easier to follow through, it's a lot easier to get results. You know, here's phase one, phase two, and then here's the big goal. I'm going to get here, and then after that you're not going to have to rely on doctors for the rest of your life because your body's going to be well. It's all about teaching you what you need to do so you can follow through and do it yourself.
Dr. Pompa: Well said.
Warren: Great job, fellas. This is some amazing content. It's going to save a lot of lives out there. Heal a cell, get well, remove the interference, the body will heal. We're bringing real results, real truth on Cellular Healing TV. Share it with your friends. Dr. Jay, thanks so much for your expertise and advice. It's going to transform lives all over the country. We have thousands of people watching this show, and on the repost. Your information will definitely make an impact on the world. Thanks again for your time, Dr. Pompa, as always. Thank you, David, the co-host, rock it out. Love and appreciate you as well. Have a great day guys.
Dr. Jay Davidson: Thank you guys, yeah.
Dr. Pompa: Thanks, have a great weekend.
Warren: All right, blessings, bye-bye.