264: CHTV in Mexico: The Breast Cancer Conqueror
with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
Welcome to our second episode in the alternative health series filmed on location in Mexico. Today I'm visiting with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, who goes by Dr. V.
Dr. V is a true inspiration whose approach to healing is very unique because she has lived it both personally and professionally. She will discuss the modern advancements in holistic breast cancer care that she has successfully utilized in her clinic, which are some of the most hopeful treatments yet.
Dr. V. empowers women around the globe to live their best life through natural interventions into the mind, body, and soul, and she's sharing it all with me today.
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Dr. Pompa:
Interview two in our three-part Mexico series where I traveled to Mexico with the goal to bring you exciting alternative things that are happening in Mexico that you’re not hearing about; you need to hear about. This is Part 2. Look, I was blessed. You will see me at the top alternative cancer clinic I believe in the world where they’re doing some absolutely incredible things, and I got to interview a double survivor—you’ll see what I mean—of cancer who is a doctor. Wait ‘til you hear this story. You’re going to hear what she did, and she did it all natural. She was given a very short time to live. Wait ‘til you hear this story. Wait ‘til you see this clinic. I’ll see you on this episode.
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith, and this is our second episode in the alternative health series filmed on location in Cancun, Mexico. Today Dr. Pompa is visiting with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, who goes by Dr. VShe’s the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror and the creator of The 7 Essentials System, which is a step-by-step educational program with a goal of preventing and healing breast cancer naturally. Dr. Vhas personally conquered breast cancer twice, which gives her an empathetic perspective to understand other women facing a healing journey. You can check out her book, her website, and her many contributions online and in print in our show notes.
Also, please stay to the end of the episode to hear about our livestream access for our Live It to Lead It event that’s coming up in Nashville. I’ll also put that info in our show notes, or you can visit drpompalive.com for more information. Okay, so let’s get started and join Dr. Pompa and Dr. Veronique down in Cancun, Mexico. This is Cellular Healing TV.
Dr. Pompa:
Welcome to Cell TV. I laugh because I said Ashley actually had the hardest job of introducing your name, and thank God because I’m a dyslexic. These people watching this, they know I botch names all the time, so that could’ve been a disaster. Thank you, Ashley, for that. We’re on a Cancun series doing some amazing interviews down here in Cancun, so many amazing health things happening here. That’s really why I came. Get a little vacation in while we’re at.
Dr. V:
Right, it’s a beautiful location.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, well, I really—this was an unexpected interview. Here we are at Hope4Cancer, this amazing clinic. I wish you all could see it. I’m going to interview Dr. Tony as well if I haven’t already, and you’ll get to see a little bit of this. You come here often, obviously.
Dr. V:
I do.
Dr. Pompa:
Lecture and teach.
Dr. V:
Yeah, I bring a group of women about once a quarter because they may be a little bit leery about coming to Cancun. They’re not sure. Is this something really legit? I’m so impressed with the work and the technology that Dr. Tony is using here. Women love it, and we have a great time. They get some therapies done. They meet Dr. Tony. Not only consult with them, we help them with a game plan for their healing journey. It’s a win-win for everybody.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I’m impressed, I mean, just seeing everything that they’re doing here. I’ve interviewed Tony in the past and just amazing. He’s speaking at my seminar, actually, for the first time, actually. We do doctor seminars, but this is the first time we actually have the public coming in a day because of the topic of cancer. You bring an exciting topic, well, I mean, exciting in the sense of you’re bringing some unique solutions. Not exciting in the sense that more and more people, women in particular, obviously, breast cancer, and that starts your story. From pain to purpose is mine. From pain to purpose is your story, so start there. Tell them your story.
Dr. V:
In my 25th year of being a chiropractor and bringing wellness to the world, I discovered a lump in my left breast, and so here I was, Dr. V, teaching everybody about health and wellness. How could I end up with breast cancer, right? That started the journey of what was I missing, and what could I do to reverse this and to heal my body? What did I learn? I started going down that path of research and figured out that there were pieces of the puzzle that I was missing, and so I created a system called The 7 Essentials System, which is basically a step-by-step guide.
Dr. Pompa:
You said a piece of the puzzle because you actually have a puzzle system.
Dr. V:
I do, yeah, seven-step process. Women that come to us now are so overwhelmed because there’s so much information out there, Dr. Google. We are able to put a process together for them. It takes the stress and the worry out of everything, and it’s a very systematic, very easy process to follow. An interesting part of my story which more and more people are starting to get to know is that in 2015 I had a recurrence, and that was a big blow because here I was the breast cancer conqueror helping women. It was one of those situations where I had to ask myself what is a gift? What am I learning here? How can I grow from this? How can I help my community go through this? The great news is I’m three years later happy, healthy, vibrantly healthy, cancer free.
Dr. Pompa:
You look amazingly healthy.
Dr. V:
Thank you so learned a lot and really made my message even more powerful because I recognized certain things that—I allowed myself to get sucked into the vortex of putting others first before myself and my health. I developed another cavitation that I didn’t know about, an infection in my bone.
Dr. Pompa:
I talk all about that in the show.
Dr. V:
Okay, very, very serious and, interestingly, it sat on the left breast meridian.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. V:
Dr. Pompa:
I didn’t even expect that in the show because I didn’t know that part of the story, but that’s huge for our viewers. One of the things that I have—I get all the unexplainable illnesses that come my way, and I always say so much of it’s here, obviously, amalgams giving off mercury. These hidden infections, root canals, cavitations, let’s talk a little bit about that. It’s part of your story. That was, in fact—and you can do all these amazing things, but if you don’t get upstream to the cause, it will come back. That’s actually what I say in there. I mean, that’s what I always say, whether it’s cancer or whatever condition you’re battling. We know the link is so strong, these cavitations in cancer. Talk a little bit more about that, what happens.
Dr. V:
The first time around in 2004, I had a cavitation on the bottom left breast meridian. I didn’t even know what a cavitation was. Treated it and everything cleared up. This time around I had something called root resorption. It’s actually an autoimmune issue that attacked my tooth. It was empty. It was hollow from the inside out, and there was also an infection in the bone, sat on [00:07:13].
Dr. Pompa:
Most likely from the cavitation. They got that [decavitated], but there was infection in there unknown.
Dr. V:
This was on the top, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
On the top, this was at the top.
Dr. V:
Different area.
Dr. Pompa:
You never had a wisdom tooth removed there.
Dr. V:
No, this is #14.
Dr. Pompa:
It just somehow got bacteria underneath near that one.
Dr. V:
Yeah, so I went to see Dr. Nunnally in Texas, Marble Falls, Texas, great cavitation specialist.
Dr. Pompa:
Great, good to have. We’ll put her name in the…
Dr. V:
Then I found out I had a cavitation in the wisdom tooth, an old wisdom tooth extraction, upper right, and so took care of everything. That was a big piece of the puzzle for me, for sure.
Dr. Pompa:
Same thing, I had a partially impacted wisdom tooth. He went in and found infection in the root underneath and said this thing’s got to come out. I was hesitant because I—wisdom teeth coming out means cavitation later, and I know all about it. He took it, and then three days later I had inflammation up here and pain. He didn’t touch up there, and I knew what happened. I had a wisdom tooth removed correctly 25 years before, and sure enough, those bacteria communicated with these bacteria, went to a safe haven, to their friends. It also went in the root of the—in the front, so I lost that tooth as well. I mean, it was—again, if that wasn’t found, I would no doubt have been in a different status of health anyway.
I mean, I’m so glad that we’re discussing this because this is—I really have talked about the breast cancer connection and root canals as well as cavitations. Here’s a real life story for someone that knows a lot, just like myself, right? I know a lot, but yet, it still got me, these hidden things. Did you get a cone beam done? I mean, that’s the best way to determine these things.
Dr. V:
Yeah, I had cone beam digital X-ray done, and of course, the dentist who did it in Atlanta said, “Oh, you’re fine.” I sent my films to Dr. Nunnally in Texas, and he said, “Yes, you’ve got four cavitations.” I went to see him, and everything got cleared up. I think the big story for me or the big learning lesson for me this second time around is no matter how healthy you think you are you always have to keep a pulse on your health and keep testing and make sure that you’re dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s because we’re under so much stress and assault in so many ways.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s unbelievable.
Dr. V:
As you know, the detox specialist here and not only from the physical point of view, but essential #4 is to heal the emotional wounds and to make sure that you’re managing your stress and that you’re managing your life every day, that you’re taking time to calm down your nervous system. You monitor that. There’s things that you can use like the HeartMath app or the Muse. Making sure that you’re parasympathetic nervous system is being activated, and you’re not in a fight or flight mode every day.
Dr. Pompa:
Let’s talk a little bit about some of these other upstream stressors. As we just pointed out, if there’s a hidden stressor, you’re going to get it in another disease, or another form of cancer, or who knows, a symptom. Bottom line, you won’t get well. Trapped emotions, emotional trauma, did you have—going back to your story, did you have some of that?
Dr. V:
Oh, my goodness.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, tell me. I want know all your stressors.
Dr. V:
How long do you have? As you can tell…
Dr. Pompa:
She looks so calm now so whatever she’s doing.
Dr. V:
As a child, I grew up in an alcoholic environment. Both parents were alcoholics. I found out later when I was almost 15 that I’d been sexually abused from the age of 3 to 5.
Dr. Pompa:
Talk about trapped toxic emotion.
Dr. V:
Yes, and this was by a convicted pedophile. We’re talking late 1950s, and he was our next-door neighbor. My family knew. I didn’t know until I did the work, and it started revealing itself. Yeah, so that was a big role in my life up until then. Then after that, I just learned that I didn’t have to keep my nose to the grindstone, that I could take time for myself, and it’s okay to chill. It’s okay to meditate. It’s okay to take a nap in the afternoon if I want to and just really being very conscious of my stress level and just recognizing that, hey, I need to dial it down a bit. I allowed that to get out of control in 2015.
Dr. Pompa:
The next question begs to be asked. What did you do about these trapped emotions from abuse? I mean, those are big, big things that we carry literally in our cells just like—the body doesn’t know the difference of chemical toxicity and physical and emotional. What were some of your strategies? Some strategies you teach now, I’m sure.
Dr. V:
Yeah, a lot of emotional work with therapists, counselors. I love EFT. I had to EFT coaches. I do a lot of energy medicine work.
Dr. Pompa:
We did a past show on EFT. Ashley could put the link in here. I used it.
Dr. V:
I love it. I got certified about 15 years ago when I had my brick and mortar practice. I mean, the changes I saw in people was amazing in just a few minutes. We encourage our clients now to use it. We teach it. There’s such a hard link with the psyche and the body, and we have to release those emotions because they become trapped.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt. We’ve done some other shows, EFT, EMD, which is very similar, EMDR. I’m sorry. It stimulates the thing as well as the tapping. Explain a little bit why that works. I mean, most people watching this will probably be like, okay, I go to a counselor. How does this psychotherapy differ than what I would normally hear about?
Dr. V:
Energy medicine basically ties the subconscious mind with your physical body. Our emotions get trapped in our body. There’s a little almond-shaped part of your brain called the amygdala in the center of your brain, and that’s our protector. It’s used to keeping us in the fight or flight mode and watches us and tells us when we’re not safe. Our brain is designed to not—to make sure that we stay safe, and so when we give our emotions, our negative emotions—sometimes we’re afraid to talk about them, right? When we give our negative emotions, our fears a voice, we say it’s okay while you’re tapping on these active acupuncture meridian points. Then you’re making that mind-body connection, and you can literally feel your body downshift.
We use the term on a scale of one to ten, how intense is this emotion? You start off. Maybe you’re at eight or nine. Then you do the tapping, and by the time you’re done, you’re two or three. The interesting thing now about EFT and all the research behind it, Dr. Beth Maharaj did a study on people tapped for an hour. She found 72 positive genes were upregulated when they did tapping.
Dr. Pompa:
Wow! That’s amazing.
Dr. V:
Everything from insulin resistance, blood sugar levels, anticancer genes turned on, detoxification. I mean, the list went on and on, 72 genes.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, in the interview that we did for EFT, I mean, it goes through what you just quickly went through in some great detail. We even did it on the interview, so that’ll be helpful to people. What else did you do in your battle maybe the first time different than the second time? You can differentiate that; that you felt, man, that was a game changer for me. That was a big deal.
Dr. V:
It’s interesting you use the word battle. That’s one thing that I learned. We’ve been indoctrinated to think we got to fight cancer, and so I’ve taken the position and this is what we teach our community as well is we don’t want to fight because that’s a stress response.
Dr. Pompa:
I stand corrected. Yeah, you’re right about that.
Dr. V:
That’s a stress response, and that’s what traditional medicine, the Pink Movement has taught, right? You got to fight.
Dr. Pompa:
Do you find more men try to use these terminologies?
Dr. V:
No, women.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, all right. Yeah, I’m thinking, yeah, everything is like, okay, fighting me, but you’re right, it is a stressor.
Dr. V:
Yeah, they think they have this thing inside of them that they have to kill and destroy. Our approach is we really want to embrace where we are now and understand the root cause. If we keep doing the things we’ve always done, we’re going to the same results, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Of course.
Dr. V:
It’s about understanding what brought you to this point? What has allowed the cancer to develop in your body? We know what it is. It’s stress and toxicity and etc., etc., etc. When you become aware of those things, then we can actively take a stance and embrace where we are. Ask yourself what is the gift in this journey? What am I learning? What is my body trying to tell me?
Dr. Pompa:
I always start off reluctantly with that question, okay. I know it, logically. I have to ask, okay, myself. What do you need me to learn? What do I want to learn? It’s always this errr. Then I loosen into it. Words are so powerful because you have to start there.
Dr. V:
Yes, and it was tough. It was really hard for me because I was the face of breast cancer conqueror, and here I had this deep, dark secret, right? I had to continue to be the face, and at the same time, I was on my own journey. When I did my meditations and my prayers, I always visualized myself being at this point where I was on the other side, and I could share my story. I knew it would be even more powerful because I had done it again, and I’ve learned so much more.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s a really good testimony because it’s not like you did something wrong and what you were preaching before doesn’t work. You found another what we said. There was another upstream causative factor. It could’ve been me with the cavitation I had. Thank God, right? I mean, it shows you how important stuff is. Okay, some of the therapies that you used before and again and these were game changers.
Dr. V:
Yes, so the technology for dealing with cancer has improved light-years since 2006, nine years later. There was all kinds of blood tests that I could use like the RGCC, Greece test, [IBG] which measures free cancer DNA in the bloodstream. There were good things that I could use to monitor my progress. I did lots of high-dose Vitamin C, Poly-MVA.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I had one of those, yeah.
Dr. V:
I mean, the list goes on and on. I mean, I had a whole protocol that I followed. It was very intense, very intense.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, here they do a lot of coffee enemas. This time around, probably not the first time, the laser treatments with the putting the infrared and the different lasers, do you use that this time?
Dr. V:
I did, yeah. Coming here, obviously, was quite an incentive for me because I saw the technologies, and I had some of the technologies and the testing that they did here. One of the most innovative tests which I love is called PDIS, which they insert a laser into the vein and, live, can measure if there’s circulating tumor cells in your bloodstream.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I’m going to try to film that in Tony’s interview.
Dr. V:
It’s amazing. It’s technology from Germany. Why fly to Germany when you can get it done here? I had that done last fall, yeah, last fall, and everything was clear. It’s just so fun to be able to come to a place like this that is light-years ahead and doing things that is reversing cancer so that—my message to women is you never have to fear breast cancer again. There’s so many things that you can do that are at your fingertips that can empower you.
Dr. Pompa:
We’re working backwards in this sense, but I want people to understand how important this topic actually is. There’s many people sitting there watching it going, whew, thank God. My mom didn’t have cancer. That’s not my family. I’m okay. You didn’t get it because of genetics, and you’re not safe because without genetics it’s—so let’s talk about the statistics and the chances. They’re actually alarming right now of what’s actually—we are losing the war, the bad word. We’re fighting, but we’re losing it anyway. Tell us about that.
Dr. V:
Statistically, 1 out of 17 women are destined to develop breast cancer in their lifetime. One of out of three women and one out of two men are destined to have some form of cancer in their lifetime. Every year there’s over 275, 000 women in this country alone that are diagnosed with breast cancer, and the statistics are just going to get worse. World Health Organization says that in 20 years, it’s going to be 50% for everybody.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, that’s what I heard. Yeah, that’s alarming statistics, 50—what did you say? What was the date exactly?
Dr. V:
In about 20 years.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, in about 20 years, 50%. Okay, so if you don’t think that’s you, I mean, think again. My big fear is what happened to you, meaning going back. Even when I was getting well, I would say to my wife, if I experienced a certain set of symptoms, I can’t go back there. It would be like it would just scare me because that was my biggest fear. It drives me to do this. It drives me to live my life at a very high level of practice what I preach. People are always like, oh, you’re so disciplined, and I’m like that’s what fear can do.
Dr. V:
That’s right.
Dr. Pompa:
I try to be more motivated now not from the fear, and it is happening where I’m more motivated to bring answers.
Dr. V:
Yeah, and to be passionate about vibrant health. Who doesn’t want to feel great?
Dr. Pompa:
I think, both of us, we could put ourselves in the person that’s sitting across from us very differently and know what that feels like to be scared out of your mind. Just living my life the way I felt was the scariest thing for me. It really was.
Dr. V:
You can relate. That’s what makes you so powerful and your message so powerful is because you’ve been there. I think that’s why I attract so many women as well. It’s because I understand. I’ve been there, and unless you’ve been there, you don’t really know what it feels like.
Dr. Pompa:
I hope people heard the message. We got our lives back by looking upstream. I think a lot of functional medicine today I criticize. They’re running a lot of expensive tests, a lot of genetic tests, all the fancy stuff, and they’re just giving a lot of supplements. Neither of us would’ve got our life back with a perfect amount of supplements or treatments.
Dr. V:
No, in the system that I’ve created, it’s nutrition, detoxification, balancing your energy, which means sleep, hormones, chiropractic, acupuncture, the emotional aspect, the dental aspect, then comes the supplements and some of the changes there. Number seven is adopting very early detection. Now, the big Pink Movement is all about early detection. What do they use, radiation and compression, which we know is very inaccurate? Interestingly, both times that I found the breast cancer was through a breast self-exam, which has made me very passionate about teaching women about breast self-exams, which brings us to my breast friend. Now, statistically, women under 50, 73% of them will find their own breast lump. Women above 50, 50% will find. The majority of women will find a breast lump, but often times, it’s by happenstance.
Now, there’s an organization called MammaCare Foundation, and they’ve used a silicone breast model to teach clinicians and nurses how to do a proper breast self-exam. Behind this you can see there’s lumps, various sizes and various depths, so this has been the training model for over 30 years to teach doctors. The company has asked me to take this to the general public so that women can learn how to do a proper breast self-exam and know what they’re looking for because women are afraid to touch their breasts. They don’t know what they’re feeling. When you’re trained in doing a proper self-breast exam—I don’t know if you can see this very well. Most women will find something the size of a ping pong ball. That’s typical size.
Dr. Pompa:
How do you miss that? I mean, even shower, wouldn’t you find those, no?
Dr. V:
You’d be surprised. When you’re trained in the proper breast self-exam, you can find it when it’s the size of a pea. We’re getting ready to launch this next week, actually.
Dr. Pompa:
Could I see something? Yeah, I just want to see how hard because there’s, obviously, bigger ones and smaller ones.
Dr. V:
There’s a whole training system that comes with this. You get the model. There’s a video training system.
Dr. Pompa:
Where do they get this?
Dr. V:
Mybreastfriend.com is where we are now, but we haven’t really launched it yet. It’s launching next week.
Dr. Pompa:
Tell them I think more importantly even how they get in touch with your material. Where do they find your website? Give them that.
Dr. V:
Breastcancerconqueror, C-O-N-Q-U-E-R-O-R.com and Facebook, Instagram. I do have a second edition, updated edition of my book. Prelaunch coming out mid-March and the paperback will be in—out in April.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you’re truly a conqueror. That’s for sure.
Dr. V:
Thank you.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and from pain to purpose, it’s no doubt your story. It was God thing that I even was able to do this interview, how it worked out with me down here and to hear the second part of the story on something that I had preached so hard on, on these hidden infections. They’re linked to beyond cancer. It’s a huge link. I have had several doctors who I’ve helped with cancer, thyroid, throat, and breast on the same side of these hidden infections. The old way that we would detect them is we’d just go in and explore, drill into the area. With cone beam today, it’s a different game. I mean, if you had wisdom teeth extracted, you have health problems, get a cone beam, and obviously, I mean, self-detection with this, it’s better. Are you a believer in some of the standard treatments like mammography, etc., no?
Dr. V:
I’ve never had a mammogram.
Dr. Pompa:
Mammogram, never.
Dr. V:
Legally, of course, I’m not going to tell women not to have one.
Dr. Pompa:
Right, of course.
Dr. V:
Regardless if you get one or not, don’t just rely on one thing. If you do thermography, get an ultrasound. If you do a mammogram, get an ultrasound. Back it up with your proper breast self-exams all the time. Now we have bloodwork, liquid biopsies that will detect cancer at a very, very early stage, so there’s no need to fear it. Just keep a pulse on your health and [00:26:42].
Dr. Pompa:
I think fear is really how the whole cancer thing was working, right? I mean, they drive people into fear with the treatments.
Dr. V:
Dr. Pompa:
Was that hard for you the first time? The second time probably wasn’t as hard for you, was it?
Dr. V:
The first time, I knew what I wanted to do.
Dr. Pompa:
Did you do any chemo the first?
Dr. V:
No, I did everything outside of…
Dr. Pompa:
I remember you telling me that.
Dr. V:
Everything outside of traditional medicine, no surgery, no radiation, no chemo both times.
Dr. Pompa:
See, there is another way, and we’re not telling anyone not to do any of these things. However, we’re telling you to educate yourselves, for sure.
Dr. V:
Yeah, and that’s an important point too. If you choose to do traditional medicine…
Dr. Pompa:
That doesn’t mean you throw this out the window.
Dr. V:
Exactly, there is so many things that you can do to support your body from the side effects as you’re going through it, and we teach women how to do that all the time.
Dr. Pompa:
Glad to see you again here. I think we saw—it was Dr. [Manny] Show, right?
Dr. V:
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, in Detroit where I met you the first time. There’s a superwoman changing the world.
Dr. V:
Oh, thank you.
Dr. Pompa:
Thank you for being on the show.
Dr. V:
Thank you so much.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I appreciate it.
Dr. V:
Okay, you’re supposed to hug me back.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yes, absolutely, yeah, I only saw my one window. All right, we’ll see you on the next Cell TV from Cancun.
That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Don’t forget to check out our next HCF seminar in Nashville where we’ll have a lineup of top health experts who will explore the latest research and most effective strategies in the field of cellular healing, and we now offer a livestream option. You can check that out at drpompalive.com, so you can enjoy the seminar from any location in the world. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv, and please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, or sharing the show with anyone who may benefit from the information heard here, and as always, thanks for listening.