Transcript of Episode 28: Flouride and the Microbiome of the Mouth
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.
Warren: Alright, welcome everybody to Cellular Healing TV, I believe, Episode 28. We’ve been at this, guys. Heal the cell, get well, transforming lives. We’re broadcasting live from the Zermatt Hotel. Just outside of Park City. I don’t know the actual city here, but we’re at a conference with Systemic Formulas, a bunch of world-changing physicians and doctors from around the world. Dr. Pompa is a speaker here, and we’re having a blast. We actually received an award last night for our efforts in bringing this mission to the world, Dr. Pompa and I. We do. We lay it down, and so do many of you watching this show. We want to educate you again more today. We were just talking before the call started. We had a little bit of a delay today, but we just had a wonderful eye-opening talk from Dr. Gerry – how do you say his last name, Dr. Pompa?
Dr. Pompa: Curatola.
Warren: Curatola, a brilliant guy, been all over the media and news with some of his findings and research, and what he’s doing for people, and exposing a lot of the lies in the—when it comes to the health and the health of your mouth. So this was a really intriguing topic, and we’re actually going to bring him on live either within the next two weeks—but we want to introduce that topic to you, and just—it’s mind blowing. I think it’s some new information that many of you haven’t heard before and need to hear. Even on all of the other shows and blogs you may look at, this is one of those topics that you’re not going to see very often. So Dr. Pompa, why don’t we just jump into that topic, and I know that, David, you don’t even know much about this. So you’re going to be the perfect audience to ask some questions.
David: Yeah. I’m here—I happen to be here in Atlanta, so.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. No, it was great. I had told a few people coming, “Hey, look. If you just came just to hear Dr. Gerry, I think it’s worth it.” He is a dentist. He’s a professor at NYU. He’s someone who loves research and standing for the truth. As a matter of fact, he has taken a lot heat for the truth that he has stood for. He was on the Dr. Oz show and talking about amalgam fillings, and he said, “You know, I had to calculate every word I said.” Because they were looking at every word he said, and he took a lot of heat from that show. I remember the responses right after his show—and I didn’t know Gerry then, but the responses were, basically, this is—they sent out to everyone in the ADA, basically, the dentists’ response. One of the first responses was, “Hey, make sure you tell your patients when they ask if this appropriate. If you have silver fillings, then I have them too.” They basically laid out the response for the dentists in how to handle telling people that amalgams are, in fact, safe, and that Dr. Gerry and the others that he spoke about are full of crap. Yeah. So Dr. Gerry being a member of the ADA still got the responses. So he stands for truth. He stands for truth with amalgam fillings, and the fact that they are poisoning people, and they shouldn’t be put in humans. He stands for truth on fluoride, which was one of his topics, and he talked a little bit about yesterday, which I thought was fantastic, on how fluoride, it’s not anyone’s opinion. It poisons people. I mean, it is legal poisoning. I mean, it is literally something that—it’s a toxic waste from mining phosphate for the aluminum industry and other industries today, even certain medications. But the fluoride comes off as a nasty toxic byproduct that is very expensive to get rid of, and before, in the old days, it used to be released into the air, which would fall into the streams, and livestock, and crops. Everything around these power plants would die. So they came up with new scrubbers. Warren, I’m sure you used some of those scrubbers in the day when you used to be involved in cleanups, but they scrubbed it out. But then they had the byproduct to get rid of, which became very expensive. Well, they came up with an idea because of some really junk science that showed that it can harden teeth and bones. Well, it makes a very hard surface, but it becomes very brittle. So it’s a big, big problem there. So does it even really harden teeth? The answer is, no. It actually makes things worse long-term so when you look at the studies, and he has, fluoride don’t only works, but it’s extremely poisonous. That’s why, according to every government body, that fluoride is in fact a poison so, anyways, great topic there. But really, his main topic was a topic that was near and dear to my heart, and that’s the microbiome that you’ve heard us talk so much about how important bacteria is. But his specialty is the oral microbiome. Meaning this is where it starts, right here. When this is not right, meaning that you have a lot of bad guys. Not enough of good guys. You have a dysbiosis. We don’t have the right numbers and the right colonies of good bacteria. That affects your digestion. That affects everything. He talked a lot about how it really leads to multiple different diseases. Just leaving you with this note, and you can open up some questions here, is I think that he really made it clear that most dentists, even biological dentists or holistic dentists, they don’t understand that it’s not about chilling bacteria in the mouth. If you look at every, even natural product and whole foods, natural mouthwash, natural toothpaste, it all has things like tea tree oil, which are just natural killers. His argument is is that even those are not good because they’re killing good bacteria, and used long-term, they create a dysbiosis in the microbiome, which leads to a dysbiosis in the gut, which leads to health problems, from immune problems, and everything that we’ve talked about.
-Technical issues- Warren: Okay. So maybe the live viewers, but the recording probably won’t be. But it just took me back to my days, and I was listening to that. It just made so much sense. I never put it together, but using Act, and Listerine, and gargling with peroxide, we were taught as children not only to use fluoride—and they would come in and put fluoride things in our teeth at school. Sealants and sterilize your mouth, and—it was this big fear. It was like the germ theory. That your mouth is dirty and nasty and it needs to be killed every day. The more you kill the bacteria, the better. The neat thing that Dr. Gerry was talking about is, just like the skin on your hands, or—well, yeah, like the skin on your hands, your body is designed to protect you. So the bacteria in your mouth protect you. When you breathe stuff in, it counteracts in a healthy—gut bacteria in your mouth stop you from getting disease and exposed to things. Just in your world. It makes so much sense. The people that have a mouth that’s overpopulated with tooth decay and, obviously, plaque, it’s a microbiome issue, and it could be because of how clean they tried to make their mouth. It’s the whole—the same concept with your gut. When you take antibiotics, it destroys all the good, healthy, bacteria and puts you at risk for things. That’s the same way with your mouth, and it just—you really never think about it, and then, obviously, the connection between your mouth, the bacteria in your mouth and your gut and the health between the two, is so important as well. It’s just something simple, but he explained it so simply it really just drove it home. I kind of knew about it. But after looking at it, I was able to rewind back into my brain all the things that I personally had done, and notice other people who have challenges in their mouth health and in their teeth and how much bacteria related—and one thing, Dan, I wanted you to talk about is when there—a lot of these peoples teeth problems, and you can address this later, is because of this overgrowth of bad bacteria. Just like in your gut. When you have too much bad bacteria, like candida, because it’s out of balance, then you have health issues. The same thing with your teeth and how that interacts with bone loss, and toxicity, and inflammation, and so many other things. It’s quite nuts, and he went into heart disease and those connections.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, Weston Price proved it that unhealthy mouth, unhealthy body. You can look at somebody’s mouth and know if they’re healthy. I mean, honestly, just look at their gums. Look at their teeth. How many fillings have they had? How much metal do they have in their mouth? It’s estimated that 70% of all degenerative disease starts in the mouth. I don’t know how accurate that exact percentage is, but seeing the clients that I see from around the world, I can tell you that it is very close, and I can tell you this for certain. I would say 90% of unexplainable illnesses start in the mouth. So we know that the mouth plays a major role in all degenerative disease, driving inflammation. Of course, we’ve talked in-depth about amalgam fillings, but I think when Gerry gets on, we will talk more about cavitations and root canals. These are infections that I see in many people who lower their immune system, and now allow other pathogens to really just go crazy in the body. Of course, then you put some other toxins, like mercury, into that mix, and these pathogens are able to hide from the immune system in and around those toxins, and it becomes very problematic. So it’s this nasty mix of pathogens, bad guys. The bad guys are the pathogens and heavy metals that all can really stem from the mouth. Many people have crowns in their mouth that have nickel and other toxic metals. Many dentists, including myself, not being a dentist but a health provider, really believe that no metal should be in the mouth. It causes galvanism. It’s in an acid environment which creates electricity that the brain does not like, so when you see people that are challenged and they have metal in their mouth, whether it’s from a retainer, whether it’s from a bridge, whether it’s from a crown, I believe, for them to recover, those things have to be removed. It’s because I’ve seen it again, and again, and again. But really, back to this microbiome thing and I loved his analogy. He said, “Removing plaque from the teeth”—because his point was is there’s healthy plaque. Plaque has—it’s almost like a biofilm of the mouth where it holds good bacteria. I think that’s another big thing. In the natural arena, everyone’s trying to kill biofilm, and kill, kill, kill. Kill parasites. Kill this. Really, you’re disrupting this normal microbiome. With plaque, it can be and is a normal microbiome. It’s when plaque goes bad and the microbiome has too many bad guys and not enough good guys. So his point is removing that plaque is like removing the coral reef around an island. It’s there for what, to protect it and its life. In the coral reef is what, trillions of bacteria in all these different organisms and microorganisms that really give life to the whole ocean. Kill the coral reef and you kill the ocean. So his point is is just that. We don’t want to just get rid of—we want to get rid of bad plaque, absolutely, but we want to not keep putting these anti-infectives, even whether they’re natural. Things like tea tree oil. Tryclosan is in a lot of different products today, and he calls it the glyphosate of the oral—what I would say, glyphosate—there’s triclosans in antibacterial things. So I would call it glyphosate of the product world because he says how it leaches, and it kills bacteria, and it kills good guys. Just like glyphosate. So I thought that was a great analogy as well. So watch out. His point is is watch out. Even for these natural products that you’re buying at health food. Absolutely, you want a toothpaste, you want something—anything you can put into your mouth, you don’t want things that kill. He talked about even how peroxide use causes cancer, and he cited studies there showing that, in fact, if you just kill off the good guys and you create a dysbiosis, that’s a problem.
David: So what do you do? I mean, I ‘m sitting here listening and saying, “Okay. What should you use to brush your teeth? What should you rinse out with?” If I was listening to someone, it’s like, “Okay. I want to hear what he has to say, and until then, what do I do?”
Dr. Pompa: I mean, Dr. Gerry created a toothpaste for that very reason because he wasn’t happy, and I’ll wait ‘til he gets on to present that in total. I don’t want to spill his beans, but—or let the cat out of the bag, but, yeah, no, he created an amazing product around this whole concept. But, again, in the toothpaste that I use, actually, I read the ingredients years ago for that same reason because it didn’t have any of the killer stuff in it. It just basically has herbs, antioxidants, and it’s a pomegranate toothpaste. I can’t remember the name of it. I’d have to run in my bathroom and get it. So there are alternatives out there, and of course, I think I will switch to Dr. Gerry’s product. But you just don’t want something—anything that says it kills bacteria and we’re the best killer. Remember, there was a big—I mean, in the mouthwash world and in the toothpaste world, there’s, really, who can market that they kill more bacteria, right? I mean, isn’t that—that’s the thing. I mean, if your product says, “Hey, we kill ten times more bacteria than every product on the market,” you’re going to sell more product because it’s still that mindset of kill, kill, kill. I mean, look. It is a mindset that came from post-WWII when we started developing antibiotics, and we figured, man, we’re going to beat all disease, right? All disease comes from pathogens. We’re going to beat it down. We have won the war. Man, thank God we live in this generation. Look what we’ve caused. With antibiotics, we’ve caused all these unique bacteria, antibiotic resistant bacteria, viruses, funguses, dysbiosis, caused more leaky gut, caused more autoimmune. I mean, the list goes on and on. I mean, is there a time and a place? Yeah. The immune system is completely beat down, you can go in with a killer. I would argue, and I think Gerry would too, that there’s a time to utilize a peroxide in an infected tooth, right? But it’s the continued use of these things that creates the dysbiosis that alters the microbiome, and therefore, alters the immune system. Remember, once we disrupt that microbiome, now we start not regulating hormones in our body. We start causing immune problems because we can’t even make the right cells. So that’s the point here.
Warren: So it’s like we say heal the gut, heal the body. Heal the mouth, heal the body. So it’s these different major areas that we really need to address, and so many people who are out there watching this are maybe like, well, man, maybe it’s the fact that my gut bacteria and my mouth is so bad. I do have receding gums. I do have bleeding gums and inflammation in my gums. Therefore, there’s a major sign that—well, that is. It’s telling you that your mouth microbiome is off, and therefore, that is massively affecting your health. So you’ve got to get your mouth health, your mouth gut, if you will, well. It needs to be healthy.
Dr. Pompa: Look. This is the bottom line. If you have any bleeding from flossing, brushing, you have a problem, and it’s severe. Bleeding is more definite a severe problem. Now, if you’re waking up with bad breath, or you have bad breath, and you’re always having to put gum in your mouth or brush your teeth throughout the day, that’s a problem. Bad breath is a definite indication that you have a dysbiosis. Warren, when I was sick, I always had bad breath. Even before I was sick, as a kid, I had bad breath, right? But it’s an indication of a problem. Warren, when you were sick, you had four foot dragons.
Warren: I was going to say. Are we going to be real on this show? I mean…
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Absolutely.
Warren: At least let me throw myself under the bus. Yeah. I was really sick, so, I mean…
Dr. Pompa: I started with me, pal. I started that I had bad breath too.
Warren: Yeah. So you did. You walked into this nicely, but it was hilarious. Warren, you’re a two foot dragon today. Warren, you’re a four foot dragon today. Warren, man, you’re stinking up the room with your breath. But I was going through the healing process. No doubt about it. Now today, I don’t. Very rarely do I have bad breath, and when I do, it’s when I’m not feeling well. It’s neat to see the correlation between my health and how I feel and my bad breath. So I think many people watching this will be like, “Yeah. It’s on the days that my breath really stinks, it’s I’m having a bad day,” potentially, and those of you that have health challenges understand that correlation. Now you’re getting an answer that your mouth microbiome is off and needs to be addressed, and why I can’t wait to get Dr. Gerry on because he understands this so well, which bacteria to put in there. I think even his toothpaste may have some in it that you need in your mouth.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Again, it’s a 180° opposite, right, 180° opposite. We think that killing all the bacteria and continue to kill it, even in the natural world, is the answer when we know it’s not. Bad breath comes from your gut as well as your oral microbiome, and it’s a sign of a dysbiosis and, obviously, a sign of unhealth. It’s a sign of leaky gut. It’s a sign of gut problems which are going to lead to other problems no matter what. You combine that with the fluoride. I would say that 98% of dentists out there still think that fluoride is something healthy, and meanwhile, fluoride is one of the most toxic things. I mean, it’s proven to cause bone cancer. They’re saying that 41% percent of kids in the United States are being affected by fluoride. It causes a massive drop in IQ. I mean, do you—look. Folks, if you’re listening to this and you still believe that fluoride can’t be that bad because why would our city put this stuff in the water supply, please do the homework. Don’t just listen to government bodies and protective agencies. There’s so much money involved in this, you have no idea. When you look and sniff out the truth, you owe it to your family. You owe it to yourself to do it. You’re not going to listen to my words, Dr. Gerry’s, Warren’s, David’s. You have to do the homework for yourself. But when you realize that this is a poison and it is affecting your IQ, your kids IQ, your immune system, you will wake up and you will make—I don’t care if it cost $3,000.00 for a filtration system in your home. Actually, I think, Warren—I think we have one on our site that we have in our home that’s about $1,500.00. So what? Because you will pay that back ten, a hundred, a thousand-fold, even to death, if you do not understand the dangers of fluoridation in your water. I’m not even talking about chlorine. I’m not even talking about medications that make their way into the water. I’m talking about fluorine. Oh, and if you’re using little carbon filtration unit on your sink top or underneath, good luck with that because it doesn’t work. Fluoride is very difficult to remove. Honestly, I think the more people that find out about this, the more enraged people will get. Oh, there’s a lot of states that are outlawing it now in the water source. Just look, Google it yourself. You’ll see. Why aren’t you hearing about it? Because it is massive money, folks, and there is a massive cover-up. But it is causing massive health problems.
Warren: I was in the environmental field, and when I worked with a company, one of our—and this is how this happened. The phosphate mining industry found a way to—I mean, essentially, what happened is they had this really expensive hazardous waste that needs to be exposed of. You’ve got to wear full head mask, covered, gloves. This stuff is massively toxic, and what they did is, well, we’ll just dilute it. We found a study and somehow it got through legislation. Who knows? But it essentially makes us the hazardous waste disposal system as this fluoride gets trapped in our fats and tissues, so we are literally becoming the garbage dump for fluoride instead of them trying to dump it. It’s so hazardous they can’t even get rid of it. They don’t even know what to do. It’s so expensive to clean it up and put it through some sort of filtration, and then you have to take that and put it on some landfill that never gets rain with a bunch of really thick rubber leach—like a swimming pool beneath it, and then layers and layers of special dirt, and stuff to bind it. I mean, it’s massively expensive, so let’s put just—dump this stuff straight into the water supply. Dilute it because of some junk study that’s not even true if you do the research, and now we’ve become the landfill, Dr. Pompa. That’s really what it comes down to, and it’s a big lie. The other thing that he brought up that was really eye-opening and I believe, to a lot of the viewers, if your kid would eat a tube of fluoride toothpaste, one of the toothpastes that has high fluoride, there’s massive—I don’t know how many documented deaths there are, but there’s a good chance that not only what destroys his or her IQ, but it would kill them from fluoride poisoning. I mean, the lethal dose of fluoride is high enough within the tube of toothpaste, based on the kid’s body weight, that they’re injecting, eating, the lethal dose of fluoride. So I think they did drop the fluoride amounts in toothpaste so there’s not instant death in a child that would eat a tube of toothpaste. I think they dropped it, but at one point, probably 8 years ago or 5 years ago, the levels of fluoride were so high in toothpaste, if a child would ingest it, maybe even a 30 pound kid or 20 pound kid, it would kill that child. There’s many documented deaths of fluoride poisoning, acute death from ingesting that. So if that’s not proof enough that you need to go out there and protect your family, then I don’t know what else you need to do, and then—and we’re not even getting into the cancer causing agents that are in toothpaste. So this is a big topic, guys, your health of your microbiome in your mouth and fluoride. We’re going to hammer this a couple more times.
David: So this is a 30-minute tease because I just wish I was there now in Utah with you and saw him yesterday.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Exactly. Well, let me tell you something. When you look at…
Warren: Go ahead Dan.
Dr. Pompa: When you look at the study on—first of all, ingesting fluoride doesn’t do anything anyway. That’s the funny part about it. So there’s really not one study to even show that it does anything to the teeth. Really, what the study was is it has to be on the surface, but—and it was—basically, it hardens the surface, okay, but it makes it more brittle. Okay. So that’s an issue. So it does work on the surface, but it doesn’t get down into the deep fissures, and that’s really where cavities are caused. It doesn’t get down into there, so the misconception is that we’re ingesting it and it’s actually making our teeth harder. No. it’s actually just making your bones more brittle, and it’s actually causing immune problems, cancer, and poisoning you, simple as that. So, again, putting this fluoride on your children’s teeth, using it in toothpaste, you’re actually making major problems, even not swallowing it. We’ll let Gerry get into the nitty-gritty and the details on that, but once again, it’s the 180° opposite. If you want the truth, listen to your government bodies, listen to the news, listen to all the articles, and do the opposite. So I’m not telling you not to listen. I’m telling you to listen, and in the listening, in the learning, you will find the truth. But, unfortunately, it’s 180° opposite. So we call it the 180° Solution™ because all you need to do for the solution is pay very good attention to everything that you hear from media and do the opposite, and sun of a gun, if you don’t hit it right every stinking time. The solution’s there folks.
Warren: Alright, guys. I know, Dr. Pompa, you’ve got to get on stage here in a half-hour so I’m going to let you go.
Dr. Pompa: Alright, thank you guys.
Warren: Have a great weekend.
David: Great show.
Warren: Take care. Thanks.