Episode 283: How to Detect Cancer Years Before a Conventional Diagnosis
with Dr. Dan Beilin
Additional Information:
Practitioners! Use this link to implement this amazing thermography device in your practice.
Read more about the AlfaSight 9000 here
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Episode 265 of CHTV Revolutionizing Cancer Treatments with Dr. Tony Jimenez
This episode welcomes Dr. Dan Beilin, who has been recognized for determining how to inexpensively and accurately screen for cancer with unique thermography technology from Germany. I will be talking about how this test can offer a cancer diagnosis years before the conventional medicine model would ever detect it. You will also hear about Merily's results from this amazing device. I'm grateful for this advanced, fine-tuned ability to screen for early cancer, and this form of thermography will indeed save many lives.
More about Dr. Dan Beilin
Dr. Daniel Beilin was born in Los Angeles and has practiced complementary medicine for 35 years. He has a neurophysiology, gastroenterology and herbal pharmacology background. His first scientific endeavor included his own designed laboratory research at the UCLA Brain Research Institute, studying evoked potentials in the brain at the age of 16.
Dr. Beilin has been recognized for his teaching and education on early detection of women’s cancers by dynamic thermometry analysis methods and testified before the US Congress, bringing this possibility to the forefront, as well as importing 3 complementary methods from Europe to North America (Electrodermal Devices, Darkfield Hematology and Regulation Thermography).
From his website, www.fortifyhealth.com, Dr. Beilin provides consultation services to help those who feel the causes of their symptoms are not being fully addressed by conventional methods or services. Dr. Beilin outlines strategies for patients to help overcome diseases and dysfunctions using non-toxic dietary modifications, life style changes and herbal supplementation, at the same time raising awareness for emotionally co-created disorders.
Dr. Beilin focuses on causal factors in disease, often neglected and responsible for recurrence of many disorders including cancer. Dr. Beilin plays violin, practices yoga, meditation and the martial arts.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh boy, this next episode of Cell TV, I know you’re going to enjoy it. You know how I know? I just recorded it. It’s great. Do you remember the past shows with Cameron George? You heard his story, how sick he was. He went 12 days without food or water. We re-tell the story, but out of it came a purpose and a product that Cam and I really put together for ourselves. It’s really how to bio-hack your daily fasting, your partial fasting, or your water fasting to produce more autophagy—that means getting rid of the bad stuff, to recycle and produce more stem cells, which we call cellular renewal.
You’re going to see the magic because out of it came something that we both take every day, and I believe is key to getting people’s lives back, but also just aging slower. All of that you’re going to hear on this Cell TV, and some funny stories as well. All right, I’ll see you on the episode.
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today we have an amazing guest. His name is Cameron George, and he’s someone who started as a very sick patient of Dr. Pompa’s. He has an amazing pain to purpose of his story of his own, which hopefully he can touch on because he has come so far. You will not believe it. Cameron now actually works for Dr. Pompa’s company as a researcher and product developer. He even runs another company of his own. He has such an inspiring story.
While Cameron is here, he and Dr. Pompa are also going to reveal two special supplements that they recently developed together that help facilitate stronger autophagy and stem cell production. I know these are two things that our audience absolutely loves. There’s a lot to touch on, so let’s get started. Welcome, Cameron, and of course, welcome, Dr. Pompa.
It’s so great to be back. It’s been a couple years since I’ve been on this show.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, actually, I don’t know the shows, but you can throw them in here where Cameron told his whole story. We’ll touch on it because it’s always worth touching on it. Cameron and I actually do Health Hunters Radio together now. He’s my new co-host. Lauren’s too busy. Health Hunters Radio—you might want to put link down, Ash. You might get some crossover there. We do some shows that I think our audience here is some serious health seekers, people really looking for their health, more educated audience. We use the radio show to reach a broader, general our general audience, I think. You may enjoy the shows. We talk about some different types of information on Health Hunters Radio.
Cam, it’s been a pleasure having you on that. We talk a lot on this show, obviously, about cells and cell health. This project, cell Clear and Cell Renew—I think it really stemmed out of my own selfish desire to continue my cellular autophagy and cellular building, and cellular renew with stem cells. As I started purging through the literature in this topic of stem cells, I started realizing there was a lot of studies on things that really drove our bodies to produce stem cells, also basically, got our own stem cells more viable. Things called resident stem cells, meaning stem cells in an area you’re trying to fix—it activates those and even helps stem cells migrate to the damaged areas. There was ingredients that did all of those things.
I kept talking to you about it, and we kept broadening the conversation to the point where we started developing the product for ourselves. Now here it is for everybody. There’s one product that we’ll get into here in a moment. Cell Clear is a product that I take actually every day during my fasting time, my daily fasting to stimulate more autophagy. That means getting my body to get rid of the bad cells. Then as you start eating, you stimulate stem cells. I take Renew, the Cell Renew, during my eating window to stimulate more stem cells, as I just explained, and even activate my existing stem cells. Of course, when I just do five-day fasts, which I just finished one, I take Cell Clear during the fast to get the autophagy going.
Day five, I help with the Renew to stimulate more stem cells. I think this a product that everybody needs. I think it’s a product that will benefit everybody, and it’s very well-researched, as you’re going to find out. Cam, let’s start with you because some people haven’t watched that show. I always say, my story is pain to purpose. Look, I have to say, there’s not many people who are mysteriously as sick as I was. You were more sick, mysteriously. Gosh, I helped you through that. You were a client of mine for how many years, Cam?
Gosh, several now – I’m trying to even remember how long it’s been. It’s been five years, at least.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. People have to understand, and I always go right to the pinnacle of how horrific it was for you based on the fact that you went 12 days without food or water. That was not a choice.
Dr. Pompa:
You became allergic to everything you ate. They couldn’t even think about giving you an IV. You were allergic to water, severe reactions. Therefore, you went without food or water for 12 days. I believe it was the thing that reset your immune system, your microbiome, and led to us breaking through, being able to really increase the doses of the Cellular Detox. If you could just add a few words because it brought you here where you and I do research together now.
Yeah, we talk about unexplainable or really bad chronic illnesses a lot, obviously, on this show and on the other one. We use the term perfect storm a lot. Sometimes, it’s used in a little bit lighter of a context than others. My situation truly was a perfect storm. Of all of these horrible factors that came together, whether it be, as we know now, genetic susceptibility, neurotoxicity even going back far into childhood, bad compensatory strategy-like behaviors to try to remediate the symptoms from a lot of the dysfunction that was going on at the cell level, like drugs, alcohol, all of those things came to a head.
I ended up with a gut that was wrecked, a nervous system that was wrecked, an immune system that was wrecked to a point that my body couldn’t recover and just continued to deteriorate over a number of years prior to you and I meeting, and exhausted the allopathic model. Then went to the standard alternative model where I wasn’t getting help besides a few supplements thrown at me here and there just targeted at symptoms, just like the allopathic approach. The bottom fell out to a level. I reached a level of inflammation, neurotoxicity, and autoimmunity that I was literally reacting to everything in my environment. It truly was, by a standard allopathic perspective, it was truly unexplainable.
I was having severe reactions, like convulsatory reactions, to every food that I was eating. It started out at sensitivities to environmental chemicals. I’d go into anaphylaxis or a convulsion-like seizure. Then it became foods, and then supplements. Then eventually, I was reacting to even the water that I was drinking, which eventually led me—the reactions were so bad, and I was getting perpetually weaker. I lost the ability to consume all food and then all water for 12 days at my very worst. Obviously, I ended up in a very life-threatening situation really, really quickly.
The good thing about it is that my body wired this as a defense response and it forced me to go into a fast, which gave me enough of a reset to give me leverage to where you and I could start actually doing some of the deep cellular work, the detox, the diet variation, that stuff where I slowly was able to rebuild things. Cut to several years later—now, I essentially have no bad—I have none of these sensitivities or reactions anymore. I’m still at the tail end of trying to get back to very, very strong. For all intents and purposes, I’m not in that chronic disease situation anymore, just a few residual things.
Dr. Pompa:
Look, you’re able to travel now, come to the seminars. There was a time when traveling would crush you for days. I remember Warren. He couldn’t travel without being crushed now, too. Both of you were my patients, so to speak, and coaching clients, and now both of you are on the mission, pain to purpose. Folks, you should really go back. Ashley will put it in the episode. You should hear the whole story. I’ll just tantalize you a little bit and say, it has a lot to do with monkeys and exotic pets. We’ll just leave it at that. We’ll see if you can figure out the details around that. Yeah, you were bio toxically sick from mold, metals, like you said. Adderall played a role in this, just functioning, all of it. Gosh, I remember, man. I remember just giving you drops of Cellular Detox and you just falling apart.
It really is truly miraculous. The fact that the human biological system, a human body can come back from where I was, and even be where I’m at here, right now, being able to use this computer, being able to eat foods, being able to drink water—it’s given me a level of appreciation for just life in general, for all of the simple things, being able to just consume water and just have the freedom to be able to go out and do things, just to be able to live even normally, as a normally—
Dr. Pompa:
Bring just a little bit of sense to it—you couldn’t even take a short walk. I remember you saying, I took a walk today. I did okay, but I’m wiped out now from it—a walk, folks. You have to understand. Here’s another little story that just popped into my brain because my heart always went out to your father and mother, who I love and adore, by the way. Your dad o-zoned the house. Remember when he o-zoned the house? I don’t remember exactly why he o-zoned the house. I’m sure it was mold. However, you couldn’t’ go in the house. You moved to grandma’s for like a year.
Yeah, my dad suffers from some of the same overzealousness that I do, I think. He tries to help and fix things. While I was sick, when we were trying to clean up all of our environment, and we were trying to rip up carpets, and I was reacting to everything, he just went in, and he’s like, I’m just going to fry this house with o-zone, kill anything that’s in it. It’s like, if there’s mold or anything—because when you’re chemically sensitive, you try to get rid of every possible thing that’s adding any level of pressure to your system, I guess, that could drive these reactions. It made things so much worse. It brought out the paint smell from the wall.
Dr. Pompa:
You know what, it does that. I ruined a car, actually, my wife’s car. It was new, I o-zoned it, and it—we had to get rid of it. The [12:28], it comes out.
It did, it was a—yeah, he was so—it was so well-meaning. He was so trying to fix it. If I wouldn’t have been sensitive, then I would have been fine. It was when I was at my worst, and then it ruined my ability to stay in the house, which again, was all meant well. That was just a testament to how small decisions and small mess-ups could cost me dearly. I had no margin for error. That drives the whole psychological fear aspect of it because you know that you have no margin for error. The nightmare is they can cost you days, months, weeks, years sometimes.
Dr. Pompa:
I have to say—you and I just resonate because you were very much like me. I wasn’t going to give up. I researched or read to the point where I start saying, hey Cam, look into this. I was leading you down things. Go look into this. From that, [13:34] was created. That’s a whole other show. Honestly, it really was that whole process that brought you here today. It is from pain to purpose. I’m telling you, man, even some of your sensitivity, your hypersensitivity allowed you and I to just realize certain discoveries because of how sensitive the person can be. I was that person, too. We realized what works, what doesn’t, down to the micro-dose. Look, this is a passion. Let’s move right into the topic of today.
We could talk—we could go back and talk about all that for hours, building seven, and all the whole thing. Anyways, it’s an inside joke there. This topic—part of what got you well—of course, the Cellular Detox. Remember, you weren’t even able to detox with drops until some of these fasting strategies. What we know is the magic around fasting and why you’re able to function now is the autophagy, meaning it’s the body, during a fasting state, gets rid of bad cells. We know that then it creates a stem cell for every bad cell it gets rid of. It creates a new, less reactive cell. Eventually, your body yore down the bad, rebuilt new. Over time, we built a new Cameron.
We built a new me. That’s why you and I are really passionate about this topic. Other things happen during a fasting state, too, through the autophagy. Your body resets its microbiome. All of these immune system happenings occur, without getting too complicated. It led us to the passion around these products, which my team said, you have to share them because honestly, they were developed for us sick people who want to go to the next level. Again, I have no symptoms today, and I take both of these every day. There’s very few supplements that I take every day, but these I do. All right, which one do you want to start with, Cam?
I want you to—I want people to understand it took us almost a year to source these products, the ingredients in these products as we sifted through the literature. We ran into some difficulties. We realized that most of the ingredients—because so many of them come to China because they’re unique ingredients—they were contaminated. Sourcing them became a real problem. Let’s talk about why some of these ingredients, what they do, and again, why I think it’s a game changer for people’s health. Anyway, I think Renew—is that what we started?
Yeah, the Cell Clear—
Dr. Pompa:
The Cell Clear, start there because I actually want you to show a PowerPoint you showed at the seminar. You and I did an interview similar to this onstage. I think pictures are worth 1,000 words.
They do, they told a story. This is a little bit of an abstract concept for some people until it becomes truly en vogue and popularized, which I believe this is where it’s headed. Just in quick review, too, on what is a stem cell—we all hear this term stem cells, especially those who watch the show. This is Cellular Healing TV. Most people probably generally know what they are, but just so people have an understanding of the scope and level of importance when it comes to stem cells, and why they’re considered the future of medicine. We’re harnessing our own stem cells or giving them [17:08] and learning how to program them because stem cells are like the seeds of biological life.
All human life begins with a single stem cell, totally potent stem cell, in the embryonic stage. It eventually grows to become you. They’re like little baby cells that don’t know what they want to be when they grow up yet. They learn, and then one decides to become a brain cell, a heart cell, a liver cell, a lung cell. The importance is, stem cells generate a human being early in life, and then they regenerate a human being as we get injured, sick, and are aging. All chronic disease and all premature aging is really due to a lack of viable stem cells because stem cells get crushed by inflammation, toxicity, and all of these stressors of life that prematurely age us.
We all know that if we’re 40 or 50 years old, we can look at two different people from our graduating class, one that looks pretty young and one that looks terrible. A lot of that has to do with this person lives very stressful life, and they’ve crushed their ability to be able to repair and keep their tissues young. Stem cells are responsible for doing that. This is why we designed the system. All these things that we talk about, fasting, diet variation, ketonic states, nutrition and stuff, are how we do it. It’s a multitherapeutic approach. These products are the icing on the cake on how we can take our body’s ability to maintain its stem cell populations so that we can stay younger biologically and that we can bounce back and recover from any stressful event, if you’re an athlete or you’re in some sort of a disease process. We’ll get into the—
Dr. Pompa:
No doubt, it’s a bio-hack. How do we tear down our bad cells faster, better? How do we make new ones faster, better? Viable stem cells—it really is the key to anti-aging. You said it very well. Okay, go back to the one area. You went over the first one.
Yeah, we call the two products together, just like the cellular detox system, which you cell that you’ve been talking about for years, this is the stem cell enhancement system is what we’ve been calling it thus far. Very simply, what is it? It’s a two-step system. Each product is a step to number one, support the body’s removal of unhealthy cells and cell components, and then number two, enhance the production utilization of new healthy stem cells to repair and replace. It’s a very simple out-with-the bad, in with the good type principal.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, there’s not a person I’ve been blessed to help—and I would speak for my doctors that I train as well—that this process wasn’t a very key part of how we got somebody’s life back. The cellular detox, of course, remove the interference, but this recycle and renewal process—you just won’t get well without it.
Right, and as we said before, stem cells mediate all healing, no matter how you’re doing it, no matter how you’re activating it, with whatever protocol that enhances healing. You are either directly or indirectly enhancing your body’s stem cell function if you’re doing something that’s causing you to successfully heal. We can take that to the next level, dial that in, and fine-tune it to maximize process that comes from these two stages of the body. In the book that is currently coming out, Beyond Fasting, we talk about this principle that we define in the book. It’s called recycle renewal.
Basically, what recycle renewal principle is—like I said, an out with the bad, in with the new type thing. It’s maximizing the ability of the body to replace bad cells with good cells. Each one of these things, both recycle and renewal, refer to a different mode that the body goes into.
Dr. Pompa:
Just to put each word into context, recycle—we talk about this word autophagy in our conversations where it’s the average person. What is autophagy? What does that mean? It means recycle. You recycle the bad. Okay, stem cell, what does that mean? It means renew. You renew a new cell— so recycle autophagy, renewal stem cell. There’s many people that just listen to this. I wish you could all see the picture that’s right before me right now. There is a big crane ripping down an old house. That’s the recycle. Then on the other side of the page is a brand-new house being built. That’s the renew.
That’s exactly what we have to do in our body to regain our health, keep our health, or anti-age, for that matter. The people who do this better, faster, bigger, badder, are the people who look better older. Let’s face it. That’s why I wanted to develop these products, for that very purpose. I’m a biohacker at heart.
There’s one big problem with why people stay sick is because you accumulate all this cellular damage in your body, or why people stay or they prematurely age. These damaged cells that just aren’t that—it’s like you have two cells, one that’s damaged, one that’s not. The damaged one is performing terribly. The damage is like a person who’s crippled. Then the good cell is an Olympic athlete.
Dr. Pompa:
Let me bring some sense to that because it’s estimated that 95 percent of the population is in some stage of autoimmune, meaning your own immune system’s attacking it. You’re probably not diagnosed. You might be. That could be rheumatoid arthritis. It could be Hashimoto’s, Celiac, Chron’s, who knows. The fact is, most people aren’t given a name until 10, 20 years down the road. It means that your body is creating inflammation. You don’t feel well. It gets harder to lose weight, have energy, the things we all want. The fact is that you have too many old white blood cells living too long. It’s called a [23:45] cell. The more of these you get, the more hyperactive immunity you get.
That may just mean hyperactive to food. That may mean hyperactive to allergens. That may be just feeling poorly. The fact is that you’re getting more and more of these immune cells that are overreacting, if you will. This process of recycle or autophagy—it gets rid of those overreactive cells, and then we create a stem cell, and makes a more naïve cell that’s not overreacting. Therefore, you start to feel better. Your autoimmune starts down-regulating. That’s what happens during a fast. What we did with the research in our hand is create two products that enhance that. I have to say this. My wife and I, and I talk about this in the book Beyond Fasting, we experienced this.
My cellular age, Cam, was far older than my actual age, and that was because I was sick, which is very common, by the way. It takes years off your life, going through what I went through and what you went through. As I have really applied these processes in my life, as well as the Cellular Detox, of course, my cellular age is now much younger than my actual age, and so is my wife. We measure our—it’s called a telomere test, but we measure it every year. We do one of these tests every year. Literally, we’re getting younger. It’s not by chance. It’s by what we’re talking about. As a matter of fact, this would be exciting. I just re-measured my [25:19] cells, the number of old cells I have.
I did a before and an after. Anyways, the point is, I track this stuff. We’re not just making things up. That’s the reality of this. Okay, look at the next slide, Cam. Remember, we have listeners, not just viewers.
Right, exactly. One quick key, important point, too is, whenever we have too many of these old, damaged, faulty [25:45] cells hanging around, a few things can happen. They take up space, so they’re just cluttering up the space in our body, the tissues that should be functional with dysfunctional tissue, whether it be in the brain, the heart, liver, the kidneys, the lungs, or any other tissue in the body. They also, like you said, can be in the immune system, where these overactive cells hang around for too long. They need to be cleared out and reset so that they’re not driving inflammation, autoimmunity.
The third thing is that they can go rogue and become cancerous. It’s natural for human beings to go and to shift into a recycling mode where our body cleans up these bad cells. If we’re constantly in this other mode, this stimulating growth, then we’ll stimulate growth with all cells, including cells that can go rogue, which can lead to cancer. This is something that’s important.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, the more of those older cells you have, the worse your immune system. The older you get, the worse your immune system, the more at risk for every disease of aging, from Alzheimer’s, dementia, to cancer, everyone, diabetes, you name it. People don’t understand that. The more bad cells you have living too long, the more risk for all disease you are. Therefore, for me at my age—I’m in my mid-50s here. I’m more interested in this now than ever in my life, getting rid of these old cells and creating new ones. It is the key.
I think you understand why I was so passionate about this project. Thank God I had Cam because you should see the studies we had to go through. You should see sourcing these products was laborious. I didn’t have time to do it. Cam just really filled in the gap for us there, so you’re going to thank him for that.
Again, the process of aging, in part, is really about gaining and losing cells. Replacing bad cells with good cells is extremely important, bad cell components, bad mitochondria with new mitochondria that run the whole show. It’s like, you are cells. You look in the mirror. You see an individual, but it’s really a misperception. You’re a community of 70 trillion cells that work together. You are what your cells are. It’s extremely important. Cell Clear is the first product. That is the autophagy-enhancing or the recycle-enhancing product.
It’s simply a product that enhances this process called cellular autophagy, which is another term for basically the recycle, what we just talked about. Like we said, it’s the process which the body is able to break down healthy cells and store body fat in order to convert them and use energy as fuel.
Dr. Pompa:
Just to bring some things here because people can’t see this PowerPoint that’s in front of us, it does, in fact—it is a natural detoxification that we’re talking about. It does increase fat-burning, and because it burns fat, you increase your energy level and your cognitive function. When we talk about autophagy and stimulating this process, oftentimes, you don’t think about that. For the sake of time, Cam, go to the next one here. Let’s just start into some of the ingredients, just some of the key ones. We don’t have to go through all of these, but all of these mean something and why they’re in the product.
Just very simply here because all of these things are icing on the cake—autophagy is essentially what happens whenever there’s no food coming in from the outside. Our body’s survival mechanism kicks in, and we start eating from our own tissues. The body is so intelligent that it’ll eat the bad tissues and clear them out first. Our ancestors were forced into times of fasting. We talk about that all the time. That is set up by nature cyclically for us to experience these times when our body goes into autophagy. All these are ingredients that I’ll list off here, that take that autophagy to the next level, that allow us to stimulate our body straight into that recycle mode a lot quicker and to a much higher level.
We’ve got several adaptogenic herbs that are in here that have been very, very well studied to activate a certain pathway called AMPK, which is both a fat-burning pathway and an autophagy-enhancing pathway. This actually helps you burn fat. It helps suppress appetite. It helps get you into that mode where you’re burning up these bad tissues. The adaptogenic herbs that we have on here and Chinese herbs like gynostemma, other herbs like green tea extract, American ginseng, reishi mushroom, [30:22] berry and turmeric, gynostemma being really one of the all-stars. It’s one of the premier herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. We sourced out some very, very high-quality herbs here that took a very, very long time to source out.
We put them in a concentrated form, a ten to one powder concentrate. We were able to fit essentially the equivalent of ten pounds of dried good full-spectrum extract into one pound of concentrate, and then so we were able to get much higher amounts in the capsules. We have a few other supportive nutrients that are isolated, constituents to spike it and bring things to the next level, a couple of flavonoids and polyphenols and such. [31:03] and [31:06] are both really hot in the scientific literature right now for stimulating this AMPK process, this autophagy. Resveratrol—it regulates sirtuins, which play into autophagy. Acetyl carnitine—it’s a mitochondrial enhancer, also stimulates appetite suppress—
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, I want to say something about that, like the gynostemma. In the studies, there’s a certain amount of an active ingredient. One of the things that we had to test these ingredients for was the active ingredient, and making sure there was enough active ingredient for it to actually work, which is another thing. A lot of products start to come out. They have these things in them because people oftentimes, oh, I recognize that as stimulating fat-burning and autophagy, etcetera, but there’s not enough active ingredient in it. That was one of the tasks. The other task was finding the clean ingredient because so many of these things come from China, at least the active products, the good ones do. Unfortunately, a lot of them are contaminated.
A huge amount of them are. If you can—just a little side note here. When it comes to Chinese herbs, the best source in the world of Chinese herbs is in China. The worst source in the world is probably from China, too, if you get really bad herbs as far as contamination. Because they’re grown in their indigenous soils, the Chinese have thousands year of history of how to select the correct strains. Every single batch is tested to make sure that it’s 100 percent the right strain of what we say it is and what we want it to be. We tested for active constituents. We tested for heavy metals, mold. We tested for everything. It’s thoroughly tested multiple times back in our place in China that we work with, our supplier, and then also whenever it gets here, too.
Dr. Pompa:
We have to fast forward. Just go through this very quickly here as we already went through the ingredients.
Yeah, exactly. The pathways that we’re talking about with this product, like I mentioned before, AMPK activation—that’s really the autophagy-enhancing, recycle-inducing. It puts you into that recycle mode. It also suppresses the other mode, which is mediated through this mTOR pathway. It stands for [33:20]. It stimulates growth in the body. It suppresses this growth pathway. These two pathways are like a teeter totter. This recycle, renewal, AMPK, mTOR thing—it’s like they’re diametrically opposed. If you activate one, it suppresses the other, generally because the body is either—
Dr. Pompa:
When you’re fasting, in a fasting mode, you’re stimulating AMPK, and therefore autophagy. Then when you start to eat, you’re re-stimulating stem cells and you’re activating the mTOR pathway. You can see. You’re going to watch that each product does the opposite. This one activates AMPK. The next one activates mTOR, the next product that is, the Cell Renew, the product that stimulates stem cells. It’s exact opposite. Then the NRF2 activation—that’s a majorly important a pathway for inflammation.
Oh, absolutely, yeah. It’s your natural antioxidant response. It’s your [34:18] pathway that stimulates a lot of antioxidant activity. Yes, we’ve talked about a lot these ingredients here. Let me just sift through.
Dr. Pompa:
Those are the studies. Those of you who can’t see, he went very quickly through some of the studies that we had found.
Yes, there’s multiple studies showing substantial AMPK activation, mTOR suppression, all the pathways that were talked about. All of these herbs are very, very well-studied for their ability to do all the things we’re talking about and enhance autophagy.
Dr. Pompa:
For the sake of time, how do you use this? It’s very clear on the bottle. The Cell Clear, we like to take either your last meal entering into a fasting state, which could just be after dinner because everyone fasts at night unless you’re getting up in the middle of the night and eating. Even if you don’t intermittent fast, you can still benefit from Cell Clear. Just take it on your last meal. It can be taken anytime during your fasting state daily or during a longer fast. The directions are there, how to take it intermittent fasting, how to just take it period.
Yeah, exactly. It’s great for keto adaptation, for those of you who are having a hard time to get in. That’s what your body’s trying to shift into, to try to get deeper into this recycle mode. It’s hard to do at first if it’s not used to it. It’s really, really good at suppressing appetite. It’s also good at just pushing you into ketosis a little bit faster. That’s really the goal in ketosis, to get into that recycle mode to where you’re burning fat efficiently. AMPK does that.
Dr. Pompa:
Step two is the Cell Renew. This is the stem cell stimulator, if you will. Obviously, we hit this already. The benefit of stem cells, I think are pretty obvious, everything that we want, age slower, have better hormones, balance.
Brain function, everything—yeah, and it’s great even for athletes out there, as a recovery product, too, taken during your eating window because it’s very anabolic. When you think about Cell Clear, it’s like a catabolic type of product. Cell Renew is an anabolic. It’s very, very good for enhancing performance as well as enhancing longevity. The main ingredients here—we actually have a couple really unique humanely-sourced animal ingredients, or actually one main one here, which is deer antler velvet. Deer antler is one of those things that we hear a lot about in the bodybuilding industry.
It’s containing proliferative factors like IGVF1, precursor to growth hormone, stimulating testosterone and those things, which are all anabolic-type pathways, but also play deeply into longevity. Deer antler has to be sourced right, though. Literally, I can confidently say that 89 percent of the deer antler out there is total crap. The important thing about deer antler, though is that it’s—when we think about the antlers of deer—deer shed their antlers every season, and they regrow them every season. Deer antler velvet, which is the soft stuff that grows from the outside of the antlers, is the fasting growing mammalian tissue in all of nature. It grows so fast; you can almost sit there and watch it grow.
It grows as much as a centimeter a day during certain parts of the year. It contains the full spectrum of active constituents that it needs to stimulate regeneration, that means vitamins, minerals, amino acids, all that amazing stuff. It’s a superfood, but it contains growth factors like IGF1 nerve growth factor that stimulates stem cell growth and proliferation. It’s really, really good, but most of the growth factors are actually in the tips of the antler, the top five percent of the antler. We sourced out very, very clean products. There’s a lot of contaminated products. People in certain part of the world inject the deer with drugs before extracting them. They extract them inhumanely. This is all a very, very humane process, super clean, very, very good concentrated extract.
Astragalus is another one. Astragalus is one of those that’s been well documented for its enhancement of an enzyme called telomerase, which enhances telomeres, which you talked about earlier. Anti-aging pathways been shown to enhance the proliferation, so the growth and the multiplication of stem cells in the bone marrow, which is where your stem cell factory is in your body. It’s very, very—it’s been shown multiple times to enhance both that and mobilization of stem cells. Panax ginseng is Korean ginseng. There’s tons of counterfeit ginseng out there. This is very, very well-sourced, true ginseng.
It’s been shown to stimulate the proliferation of blood stem cells into making lots of red blood cells, oxygenate the tissues. It’s enhancing neural stem cells and all of those things. [39:25], [39:26], salvia root—all three of those have also been shown for their stem cell proliferative and migratory effects, and [39:34] as well. Several of these have been shown to not only stimulate the proliferation, which is growing numbers of stem cells, so you’re re-growing your factory in the bone marrow, but then also stimulating the mobilization, so stimulating them into the bloodstream into action. They don’t just do good sitting in the bone marrow. Then also stimulating into differentiate into the actual tissue of their target or to go to the places where they need to go and do their work.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, that’s even a problem for people who get stem cells. They say, well, it didn’t work for me because they can’t migrate the stem cell to the problem area. Many of these ingredients actually help that process, getting the actual stem cell to the problem. Many of us—as a matter of fact, you’re aging. You still have stem cells, but really, they’re not viable. They’re not migrating to problem areas. When I start looking at the literature on that as far as activating, getting your own stem cells to the problem, obviously, that’s a de-aging concept right there, and a healing concept.
Yeah, and these are all ingredients—all of these Chinese herb ingredients have actually been known anecdotally over thousands of case studies over thousands of years to enhance regeneration in the body. Then they’ve also held up under the scrutiny of the scientific lens in the last few decades as we can now actually look at what’s eliciting the activity and prove whether or not these claims are true. It turns out, the Chinese, through long-term field testing, figured out by observing how to elicit some regeneration in the body. Then we also added in some nutraceutical ingredients, one really unique one is called NMN, nicotinamide mononucleotide.
That’s a mouthful, but it’s a precursor to NAD. NAD is this huge anti-aging molecule that’s in big hype right now. It’s the master-regulator of metabolism, and it’s one of the best mitochondrial enhancers. It helps power the whole process. It activates sirtuins, which are in anti-aging pathways. It’s been shown to enhance the—it reversed some of the aging process in mice and rats pretty substantially.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I wrote about it in the book. There’s a ratio of NAD plus to NADH. The lower that ratio goes, the older you’re getting, fast, so you want to have that ratio better. That helps us with that ratio for antiaging. It’s really an important ratio, as we have just recently found out. Yeah, that’s a major ingredient.
Yeah, keeping your NAD levels high is one of the main things that’s being looked at in the anti-aging literature to slow the aging process and to keep the cells young, keep telomeres linked in, and keep stem cells in a constant state.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way—I have to say this—this is the first product to hit the market. There’s products that drive stem cells now. They’re starting to show up. There’s even some autophagy products. For whatever reason, nobody is putting it together. I’m like, wait a minute, why would we just drive stem cell production without doing the autophagy process first? That’s the way it happens in the body. What we do is mimicked what happens in a fasting state, autophagy and then basically up-regulating stem cells, whether it’s daily fasting or longer fast. That’s why we call it the stem cell enhancing system because we’re the first to mimic what the body does.
The NAD that we’re talking about is another example of that. When you go through autophagy, you’re basically fixing this ratio. Then when you start feeding the stem cells, you really fix that ratio. We thought this thing through from beginning to the end, mimicking—
Yeah, there’s so many people out there going and injecting stem cells, which is actually a great bio-hack when used correctly in the right context, doing their own stem cells and such. You can get good results, but you can get far better results if you understand these two modes in the body and if you’re able to go into deep autophagy for certain parts of the year to clear out the old. Then once you go in and put in more stem cells or whenever you enhance your own cells—
Dr. Pompa:
When I got my stem cells, that’s what I did. I did a five-day fast. Then I got stem cells. By the way, I was taking Cell Clear through the fast and then as soon as I got my stem cells, then I started taking tons of Renew. I doubled the dose.
This is an important quick point because so many people—when they think about healing, they’re thinking about taking stuff, doing things that just stimulate regeneration. You have to understand, the recycle renewal process—the goal is renewal, but in order to get to renewal, you can’t build—if you remember the picture a few slides back, you can’t build a new house on top an old, crappy house. You have to get rid of the old first. It’s the same with detox.
If the terrain is totally devastated of your body, the body terrain, the cells, cell bodies and everything, then you’re not going to be able to regenerate new tissues on top of that. Detoxification is clearing out all of the debris and toxicity that’s accumulated. Autophagy is clearing out all the actual bad cells that have been damaged. Then we come in and enhance our body’s ability—
Dr. Pompa:
One of my proudest moments with this product is putting it together with that, mimicking the body. To my surprise, no one does it. We are the first. Now it’ll happen. Trust me. People will watch the show and get ideas. The fact is that you’re right. You don’t build new on old. Just taking a stem cell-enhancing product without tearing down the old—to me, it just doesn’t make sense. Being able to utilize this pathway every day in our life and then in longer blocks—yeah, it’s why I’m excited, man, no doubt.
Yeah, our body is set up for cycles of going and shifting back and forth. That’s what the diet variation principle is based on, like we all know. Mastering these cycles is part of mastering healing. You can’t just take one pathway and just use it. Eventually, you’re going to end up trailing back.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, Cam, I think this is why this pathway—it’s such an important part of our multi-therapeutic approach to get very sick and challenged people well. Obviously, this keeps people aging correctly. The fact is that this is a big deal because in the old, if you will, ancient cultures were forced to go through times of feast and famine. That’s basically what we’re emulating here. The feast drives this mTOR activation, and there’s a PowerPoint in front of me that talks about it. This product drives that pathway.
The famine drives—in other words, the fast—drives the other pathway, the NKP pathway. This is so important that we’re driving these pathways. We’re not today because we’re always in a feast state. Mimicking this feast, famine—it’s magic for people getting their lives back, no doubt.
This is the future of medicine. The future of medicine is not trying to contradict or undermine the intelligence of the body by isolating and creating synthetic compounds to push the body into directions that we want it to go, necessarily. We’re trying to harness the intelligence of the body and enhance the intelligence of the body without contradicting in anyway, which is what stem cell medicine is. We’re still relying on the intelligence, but we’re using technology to enhance and boost it, dial it in.
Dr. Pompa:
You think about ancient cultures. Every year, the [47:57] people, it was called fasting spring. They would go without food or very little food for periods of time. They would rip down the old, reset their microbiome, turn on good genes, turn off bad genes. The autophagy process takes place, then boom, they would start feeding, mTOR pathway. All of a sudden, they’re creating all these new stem cells. Every year, they had a chance to recycle. That’s not happening today. That’s why it’s so important to do this process. There’s the deer antler velvet, obviously, as we’re looking at some of the ingredients.
This is something—I use this term. I’ve heard it described as this before. I’ve heard it called—most of the diseases, the chrono-degenerative diseases today can really be put under one category, and it could be called nature divorcement syndrome. Most of us agree that the farther, the more barriers that we put between us and our natural ecology, or what the planet, the intelligence of the planet, and the cycles of the planet have set up for us, the more we become misaligned with that and deviate into artificial environments, artificial forms of food, hacking yourself, contradicting that intelligence, the farther that we move into imbalance and disease.
The more that we can mimic that in a natural context—because we can’t all go out and do what hunter gatherers did—we live in a post-industrial society where we benefit from a lot of technology, but we have to take the old-world ancestral wisdom and bring it into the context of today. That’s really what we’re trying to do here.
Dr. Pompa:
Again, just like last time, here are some studies. Those of you can’t see the PowerPoint—that one was ginseng, and it showed a study basically that it creates production of stem cells, bone marrow, and also in the brain, the proliferation of stem cells in the brain with that particular ginseng.
The one previous to that—we had a couple studies here on the slide with deer antler velvet, showing its enhancement of neurogenesis stem cell function in the brain with astragalus well, too.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, you think stem cells are important in your brain? When these statistics on dementia, Alzheimer’s, and how many people are in brain fog, the astragalus, deer antler velvet, and I think you have a couple other ones, maybe the algae, are producing the stem cells in the brain—hugely important.
Absolutely, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, we just ripped through those, but we cited these studies.
Yeah, these are just a few of the ingredients here—absolutely, yeah. We also have AFA blue-green algae, a specific type of algae that’s been shown to be straight up food for the proliferation of stem cells and the bone marrow again. A lot of these ingredients are targeting similar pathways, but doing it just slightly different.
Dr. Pompa:
Anyway, I think it’s a gamechanger combination. Again, we call it the stem cell enhancing system because that’s what it is. Could you take them individually? Yeah, but again, we want to mimic what the body naturally does, and what we’re missing today, honestly. We’re missing this process of cell recycling and cell renewal, autophagy and stem cell creation, and basically migrating our stem cells to the areas that need healing. This is something that I think everybody needs, honestly. It’s obviously why I created it. You wanted to say something about this?
Yeah, and I already touched on this a little bit earlier, but the quality of especially herbs, but even some nutraceuticals, is such a key, important point today that I have to hit on. We have an industry, a supplement industry where these things have become commodities. You have large-scale business and manufacturers who are trying to cut as many corners as they can just to be able to say that they have an ingredient. Some that we’ve tested don’t even have any of the ingredient in them, and a lot of them are loaded with heavy metals, lead, mercury, and all those things.
Even if they’re not super dirty, a lot of them just don’t have the true therapeutic potency that they’ve gotten a reputation for. We’ve talked about that on certain shows. We talk about cava. That’s one of my big things right now, too. It’s really true of most of these herbs. The sourcing took a long time. I scoured the globe for some of the best sources that I could possibly find.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you put so much time into it, man, and I wouldn’t have had the time, so I so appreciate it.
Yeah, exactly, and so every batch is tested to make sure that it meet our minimum requirements for active constituents. There are certain type of extraction methods that are full-spectrum so that you’re getting all the life of the plant in there, and all of the ingredients that have been heavily studied. The drying processes—everything has been very carefully vetted out in this product so that we have something that we can really stand behind that we use ourselves. We can actually say that all the ingredients are actually there and in therapeutically relevant concentrations. It’s clean.
Dr. Pompa:
Cam, it took, like you said, almost a year of putting this project together. Like I said, it wouldn’t have happened without your help, even though it was a passion of both of our hearts to make this product for ourselves, so I hope you all enjoy it. Hey, folks, listening, come join Cam and I on Health Hunters Radio. I’ll have Ashley put up the link. Some great topics—we just finished a great topic on water. It just expanded. It ended up to be a part one, part two. Nobody knows more about water than this guy right here. I’ll tell you that right here. We get into some cool things on the radio that we probably don’t even do here, so join us on Health Hunters.
Cam, you’re definitely going to come back and talk about kava with us because you want to talk about another huge project, and a lot of myths around kava. It’s something I take every day, Kavaplex. Again, sourcing was everything. I love this product, so we’re going to do another show on that. Thanks for coming on. What is this, your third Cell TV now?
Something like that.
Dr. Pompa:
Co-host of Health Hunters Radio. By the way, you can go back and listen to all the episodes when she puts the link because it’s Saturday morning. It’s 6 AM or something like that. It’s a little early. We pre-record the show. All the recordings are there, so you’ll have fun going back, and you can listen to them anytime.
Yeah, you can get them on iTunes and stuff, too.
Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, it’s a lot of fun doing the show. We did that show on dry fasting, fasting with me, you, and Daniel. That was fun. All right, Cam, I love and appreciate you, man. Thanks on being on Cellular Healing TV. Remember, folks, got to fix the cell to get well.
That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 AM Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv. Please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, or sharing the show with anyone who may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening.