Episode 289: Recover Faster, Age Slower With The Fourth Phase of Water
with Rowena Gates
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In this episode, I am joined by Rowena Gates, who is here to discuss the role of cellular water in protein folding and function. Rowena will explain how she has made this health, wellness and performance encouraging water accessible through a device called NanoVi. This is a fascinating discussion on the science behind living longer and healthier!
More about Rowena Gates:
Rowena Gates is a principal and the vice president for Eng3 Corporation. She has focused on Eng3’s business development and international strategic relations for more than a decade. Rowena is a serial entrepreneur.
Prior to joining Eng3, she spent six years as founder and CEO of Aviarc Corporation, which provided internet-based solutions for international trade. Before Aviarc, she co-founded a document imaging company, now doing business as ImageSource.
Prior to this, in 1995, she co-founded one of the earliest companies to offer an Internet-based solution to the logistics industry. Rowena received a Doctorate from the University of Washington for her dissertation on international strategic alliances.
Dr. Pompa:
This episode of Cell TV—this is not a microphone. This is bringing ordered water or EZ water, AKA exclusion zone water, right into every cell in my body within nanoseconds. All right, this is a bio-hack you have to see because this affects all the five R’s. I’m telling you. We talk about some of the pro athletes who are using this technology to recover faster, age slower, not get injured, and we talk about a lot of different health conditions where they’re studying this technology. Look, many of you have heard about different waters, whether it’s structured water, ordered water, and now we’re talking about the fourth phase, literally. There’s four phases of water now.
Of course, we know ice. We know steam and regular water. This phase of water is what your cells order. It has everything to do with how you feel and every aspect of health. This is where you fold proteins, which is who you are. Look, this is a great show. Gerald Pollack and other scientists have really talked and make popular the fourth phase of water. On this show, we’re going to dig deep. I’m going to show you this device, and why I believe that this should be part of your healing. All right, I’ll see you on the show.
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today our guest is someone who I’ll never forget when you met her, Dr. Pompa. You were speaking at the Bulletproof Conference, and we walked to the vendor area. You immediately fell in love with this amazing device. It’s called a NanoVi and it’s used to promote health, wellness, and performance by initiating cellular repair by supporting protein function for cellular detox. I know you have been loving this device and using it regularly ever since, now more than ever. Rowena Gates is a principal at Eng3 Corporation, the company behind this technology.
We just knew we had to get this brilliant woman on the show. She’s here to talk about the role of cellular water and protein folding. She’ll explain the technology and how it affects the body. I’ll let you two take it from here. This is going to be a fascinating discussion. Let’s welcome Rowena Gates and of course, Dr. Pompa. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, Rowena, thank you for being on the show. Gosh, I love this topic. Folks, I can’t wait for you to hear this information. This is a topic that I—we are not going to lose you in the science. I promise you that, I do. If anything I’m really good at, it’s taking the really complicated science and making it understandable. I really want you all to understand this technology because this is groundbreaking. I’m blessed that we’re one of the first people to really bring this technology to you. Many of you can access this. I’ll have to say—you’re going to hear on this episode a story of why this technology is even more important than ever. You’re going to hear that story for sure. by the way, that’s what this is in front of me.
This isn’t a microphone. It’s this device called the NanoVi. I absolutely fell in love with this technology. Rowena, Let’s start with—there’s something—Gerald Pollack—so many of our listeners have heard of him at least. As soon as I bring up structured water or the fourth phase of water—of course, we know there’s ice. There’s vapor. There’s water in its regular form. There’s a fourth phase of water that Pollack and others have proven now, that is in the cell, this EZ water, exclusion zone water, where your cells fold proteins in this area where this water is. We found out that this water’s so critical because proteins, 900 some thousand proteins our cells have, and that is us. That’s who we are.
If you have good proteins, you’re healthy. If you have bad ones, you’re unhealthy, simply put. If you have good and lots of this exclusion zone EZ water, you’re healthy. You fold great proteins and make great hormones, every part of your body. If you don’t, not good. This technology has been talked about. Let’s bring people back into the science into this fourth phase of water. By the way, even Pollack himself says, look, this machine is really the best way to really take advantage of this fourth phase of water. They tested it—I think the University of Washington. I’m not sure. I’ve read lots—I read so many studies on this that I get lost. You can bring clarity.
This may seem woo-hoo that I’m breathing some water vapors right now. In bringing this fourth phase of water into my cells, that seems a little bit esoteric, but it’s not. The science is all over this. What is this EZ water? What am I talking about, the fourth phase of water? Let’s start there.
Okay, so first of all, I can assure you, I won’t go deeply into the science. I’m not a scientist, so I’m the perfect person to explain it in a more general sense.
Dr. Pompa:
Let’s clarify that. Your husband—German descent, correct—he’s the one that developed this technology—brilliant man. You can tell a little bit about him and his background. He deserves that.
Absolutely. This is really—the mover behind this technology is Hans Eng, thus the name of [06:09] company. He leveraged work of people like Gerald Pollack, also other people doing water science, and then areas of biology and biophysics. Our knowledge from the scientific community suggested that it would be possible to create a device that could augment what the body does naturally. What is does naturally is create this cellular water that, as you mentioned, can be called EZ water or ordered water. We tend to stay away from the term structured water because it’s a huge umbrella, and it includes things that are not what we’re doing at the cellular level.
One key aspect of this is that the water in your cells is nothing like a glass of water. It has this fourth phase or this different structure of where the water molecules are more closely packed together. It’s acting more like a gel than like a liquid, to some extent. The proteins in the body rely on that cellular water in order to fold, and they must fold in order to function. All protein activity needs the water they’re immersed in. The proteins do all the work in the body. Everything that gets done gets done by proteins, including detoxification and cleaning. What we do is, we have a way to augment the ordered water in the cells because the proteins rely on that water in order to fold.
We can increase ordered water in the cells. The protein uses that to fold, and then there needs to be more ordered water in the cells. Your body does that all the time naturally. We just augment the process so that the proteins can ultimately fold more readily than if they weren’t supported by the NanoVi device.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, so the value is, these proteins have to fold in this water, and then that creates health. It creates function, detox, everything we’re talking about, hormone health, everything. All right, what the heck is folded protein? We lost people there, perhaps. When you read the literature of the folding of proteins, folding protein—okay, what is that to the average person watching this? We have doctors watching this that need it explained, too because we forget.
The protein folding’s interesting because it’s gotten a lot of interest lately. Google Mind studied it with alpha fold, which is a big competition with protein folding at the center of it. We’ll see more and more about protein folding. Essentially, the proteins are just a chain of amino acids, which all the doctors know. It’s just a long string of amino acids that needs to fold into a very complicated three-dimensional structure in order to do its job. That process of going from the chain of amino acid into the folded shape that’s effective is called protein folding. That’s what allows it to function. The protein cannot function without this 3-D structure and going through the folding process.
If things go awry and there’s damage and misfolding, that leads to disease states, including things like Alzheimer’s, ALS, which are considered directly related as is Parkinson’s, generally. Really, those diseases are the result of things having gone off the rails. In other words, they could be—the misfold of proteins can be the result of things that have gone wrong, not the cause of the disease itself.
Dr. Pompa:
Some of these scientists have done work showing that if we can increase the cellular water, the water that we’re talking about here, this EZ water, then we can increase the number of folded proteins. Incomplete folded proteins, damaged proteins from toxicity, stressors of any type, create a lot of problems in the body, incomplete healing. You just mentioned many different disease, neurodegenerative diseases, what we know these incomplete folded proteins play a role in. Increasing this water in the cell, then, studies are showing has a very repair, recovery factor in the body.
Absolutely, absolutely. Just helping keep that functioning correctly—the oxidative stress and free radical damage is constantly damaging proteins and the mitochondria, cell membranes, and so on. Anything that gets repaired is going to be repaired by the proteins.
Dr. Pompa:
Sometimes we can look at extremes, whether it’s people with diseases, or we can look at the other extreme, athletes. Athletes have so much oxidative stress, especially endurance athletes. That impairs their recovery, which impairs their performance. I read a study on this early on when I was investigating in. You can quote me if I’m wrong on the number. It’s been a while, but 25 percent less lactic acid build up. Their recovery was dramatically better, maybe 18 percent., maybe I flip-flopped the numbers. The bottom line is, their recovery was dramatically better. when they analyzed lactic—everything when they analyze recovery, dramatic—I believe 25 minutes a day is all they did in that study, breathing this water—pretty impressive.
Yes, that’s correct. That’s correct. They also showed the DNA damage for athletes, which was dramatically reduced. Yeah, it’s very important for athletes, both in terms of their ability to recover quickly and therefore perform better, and their ability to stay healthy long-term, especially important for endurance athletes.
Dr. Pompa:
Then likewise, you get someone who’s toxic, not feeling well, just like the athlete, they have a lot of oxidative stress in their cell, not by exercise, just by toxic stress and other stressors. It’s damaging their DNA. That’s what you said. One of the studies showed it protected and made better DNA. Obviously, when you make energy, you make reactive oxygen species, something we call ROS, which damages protein or causes these folds not to happen. This is imperative for recovery, just from an illness or exercise because of that.
Yeah, absolutely. The mitochondria, the free radical damage, is exhausted out of creating energy and mitochondria. Cleaning out that damage is huge for athletes for energy levels, but for individuals as well. As you pointed out in other presentations, that mitochondrial function is a really important aspect of—it’s one of your R’s for recovery.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it is. This is such an important aspect within the cell for detox, just to feel good, feel normal, every aspect of hormonal performance in the body. Really, that’s why it is one of my R’s. This, to me, is an amazing bio-hack around something that’s very difficult clinically. I can speak clinically now. I train many doctors that we struggle with, and that’s raising the cellular energy. Some of the studies show that when you bring in this exclusion-zone water, this EZ water, you can increase the ATP, protect the DNA, and all these amazing cellular functions increase as well.
Yes, that’s so important. While we’re on your R’s, another one that’s so related to that is inflammation. Whether proteins are turned off or on, anti-inflammatory cytokines are either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. That balance is a tricky one. If you’re too strong with the anti-inflammatory, you’re subject to getting ill. If you’re too weak or you’re too pro-inflammatory, then you can end up with chronic inflammation. Those cytokines have to hit the protein receptors in order to correctly signal what should be done. Those balances are so tricky.
That’s one of the reasons it’s our approach to not override them. Our approach is to support what they’re already doing, the way the body’s currently working, and augment it, rather than come in with what would happen, say biochemically, is you dose it with something, but then you can also override certain functions.
Dr. Pompa:
To play devil’s advocate, our body obviously needs this water in the cell. It can take regular water, if you will, make this special water, bring it in the cell. It’s so important for life or death. We’re finding this out. Because it’s so important, obviously, the body can do it. Why? Why add more then? In other words, the body does it. Do we have to help the body?
In a perfect world with no toxicity and stressors, it would be a lot less necessary. Your huge body of work is related to the fact that our environments are very challenging for the body, so it’s to help. Augmenting makes more sense when you have those more challenging environments. Young people that are healthy, which you can’t just say children because a lot of children are no longer healthy—they should have the ATP production. They should have everything firing and not need anything.
This would make no difference at all to them. It couldn’t hurt them, but it wouldn’t make a difference. It’s only when there’s a deficiency. Now unfortunately, more children are like that. Certainly as we age, we start to get behind. There’s too much oxidative stress damage, not enough repair. That’s at the heart of the aging [17:35].
Dr. Pompa:
I don’t know many devices that really make up all of my five R’s, which is a roadmap of how you fix a cell, how you detox a cell. This is one of them, it really is, and you’re right. This is a core foundation for every cell function, this exclusion zone water and where these proteins get folded. We just recently—this is the first interview I’ve done in a while because over a week ago, my son broke his back tragically. He literally jumped off a cliff. I don’t have—oh, here’s my cell phone. I don’t even know if you all can see this, but I have to show a picture. This device—we’re doing it an hour twice a day, not that you all have to do that on average. Most of you don’t need to do that.
I read the study, talked about the study. 25 minutes a day made that much difference. We’re doing it twice a day for an hour because his body right now is demanding massive protein folding, proteins to heal. He’s on certain pain medications like Oxycodone just to deal with the pain. He fractured his spine so severely that 75 percent of the people with this spinal fracture are in complete paralysis. First of all, we’re lucky he’s alive. When you see this—this cliff is 60 feet. He started here, and because of that outcast, he didn’t see this down here. He cleared that and did not clear that. He hit straight on that last red dot there with his butt. 50 feet he dropped. He dropped square on his butt, so basically square on his spine. Then he flew into the water. He was drowning.
A boat was luckily—praise God—was there. the doctors don’t even know how he’s alive. His spinal cord wasn’t severed completely—pretty remarkable. He is absolutely laying flat here. I think we’re about nine days out. We chose not to do surgery because I have him on a very strict regimen. I got him home here in the last two days. The first day in the hospital, he was on this. I brought it in. I read him some studies because my son, like me—I want to know what it’s doing. If I’m convinced, I’ll do it every day. He’s done it every day. The need right now for his healing, the amount of proteins that need to be folded, and the amount of damaged proteins he has, even from being on Oxycodone just to function, and just to sleep because the pain is horrific.
Anyways, first of all, I want to thank you. I praise God that I had this. I read him the studies, so he’s been very motivated. By the way, you would say, how does he put that in your face? You use this. This goes in your nostrils. That’s what I used for him. When he moves, I do this when I’m doing my sauna. You can put this on and do other activities here at my desk. It’s very simple to add to your routine daily because really, you don’t have to have this in your face, not for the interview, but like I said, you can also do this. Anyways, thank you, Rowena. It’s been a huge part of his recovery. I believe he’s doing unbelievable, when you look at where he should be and where he is.
He’s rolling around on his own from his back to his side. He even went on his stomach today. I literally pulled his hospital bed out in the sun just to get him some sun. Anyways, this is the first show I’ve done about this tragedy that I know is going to be an amazing testimony. The NanoVi is part of his testimony, so thank you.
I’m so glad you have it. It’s so great that he could get with it right away because the body’s just got such a huge response in that inflammatory response. That’s free radical damage. As much as you can repair it on the fly, that’s a wonderful thing.
Dr. Pompa:
People listening don’t have the trauma my son had—maybe some of you have trauma, but obviously, this is life or death. Most of us don’t, but I do this every day, too, and so does my wife. For these people, we have traumas, meaning emotional, physical, chemical. Just making energy traumatizes our cells. This gives our cells a massive advantage. Explain that a little bit further.
It’s interesting because it is a great way to respond to these stressors. The problems can be physical, psychological, or whatever. In our society, we are largely under a great deal of stress. You’ve done a show previously on heartrate variability. That’s a good measure to show the balance and the autonomic service system, if you can bring a person out of—most of us are in a stressed mode and rebalance by becoming less stressed. That’s something that’s an easy measure to show. The body will—once there’s ability to use the NanoVi, the body will always try to rebalance. That heartrate variability and just accommodating all those stressors—I hope you’ve been using it the last week, too.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I use it. I sat in the hospital every day. I use it every day. As a matter of fact, I probably tripled or quadrupled the time I normally do on it.
Because you did more than that on the stress level. That’s helpful for you and the rest of the family, too, to adjust to that stress. Then the implications, of course, of balancing the autonomic nervous system will be better sleep. Again, that’s mitochondrial function, where you get this positive feedback loop. Better sleep then means better detoxification, better cleanup, better energy levels, and so on. The idea is, you support the body to get these beneficial cascades going.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. Look, just a list of all these pro athletes that utilize it—pro fighters, pro baseball players like Matt Boyd. There’s racecar team drivers are using it. You can expand on this. Let’s see. Pro body builders, Ben Pakulski, also female pro body builder—it looks like Brittany [24:47]. Anyways, my gosh. The north America super middleweight champion uses it, Ben Greenfield, one of my good friends.
Yeah, he’s great.
Dr. Pompa:
As a matter of fact, we have a picture of Ben using it when he’s on his bike there. Anyways, I’m sure there a lot more users than that, but some of the top people in our industry. Dave Asprey—he uses it every day himself. There’s a lot of attention around this because I think there’s a lot of new science around this fourth phase of water that everybody’s talking about and understanding its role. The fact that right now, we have the technology that we can actually increase this water—this is it. I’ll let you briefly explain what’s happening. They’re running—this is distilled water that we put in the unit. It’s running it through different wavelengths of light. Your husband—brilliant. Is his background engineering? I can’t recall.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, of course. Engineers develop everything. You might want to tell that story of why and how the heck he put this thing together. Explain what’s happening here a little bit.
The distilled water’s running through this excitation chamber that bombards the water droplets with specific wavelengths. Then that changes the shell of the water droplet so that the water becomes more ordered. Then that’s what you’re breathing, so it’s a different structure of that water. The level of order in the water is much higher. Then that transfers to your body and it goes in through the mucus membrane and connects with your cellular water. An interesting aspect of it, which is not intuitive to everyone, is that it cascades through the body in an—it’s called ultra-fast transfer. If you think about the row of balls where you pick up one at one end and drop it, and the other end goes up, that toy in physics—
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, like this.
Exactly, that’s what happens. It’s moving through the body in that way, rather than being diffused like a chemical might be. It’s very fast in the speed of going through the system. It means that the device is helpful. It doesn’t matter what body part it is. It doesn’t have to be close to your nose or your head to influence it. An inflammation in the foot is as likely to see a benefit as an inflammation in your nose.
Dr. Pompa:
Got it. I mentioned time. What’s the minimum time I could utilize here to benefit?
The three devices are—one is more powerful than the other.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and by the way, folks, I may mention—we’re going to provide a link to get this technology. More and more doctors have these in their offices. There are three different price points and power of the units. I have the EXO. These things range anywhere from 5,000 to just under 15,000 or 14,000, correct?
Dr. Pompa:
Anyways, I did opt to the more powerful one because it’s less time. I was like, I can benefit from less time.
Absolutely, and that’s actually the one we sell the most of because we have a lot of professional athletes buying them. They don’t even think about the extra money. The XO device is quite powerful. You would appreciate this. If people are highly toxic, they can’t use these devices for very long because it supports detoxification, but you don’t want to override the elimination channels. For people that are highly toxic, they might only do a minute, two, or three minutes, a very small amount of time, and then go again the next day and slowly build it up. It’s clearly having an impact in a very, very short amount of time.
We’ve got a study that’s not released yet, but it should be released this summer, that’s in-vitro, so the cells in the dish. It’s a very short period of time that they’re exposed to the NanoVi with substantially improved protein and enzyme functions. That one—it won’t take a long time, but the extent to which you notice it—you may not notice it unless you use it more. That all depends on a person’s condition, their age, how tuned in they are, and in my opinion, how close they are to some of these thresholds. Some people will have a fairly small amount of use and notice a huge benefit. It might be that their body’s just ready to get over the hump, and this helps them.
Dr. Pompa:
When I first started to use it, I felt this—do you remember? I was using it. I felt this and then it would go away. Then it would clear. Then it would go away. The next day, I was so impressed of how I felt afterwards, I came back and did it again. That happened less. By the third time, I didn’t feel it at all.
It’s like if you have good nutrition, you’ll notice it at first. After you take your body up to another level, then you don’t notice the difference anymore. It can have that kind of an effect on people, of course, depending on their condition. It’s not necessarily something that’s going to just be a massive impact, that you suddenly can run marathons or whatever. It’s really all over the map, the extent to which people notice a direct impact. Most people notice that they sleep better.
Dr. Pompa:
Can you do too much? You already said toxic people can do too much. What about the average healthy person? Can they do too much?
They cannot do too much. It’s just that it won’t do any more good after a point. When that point is, it depends. It’s probably hard to say. I use it more than just one session a day because I have one handy. As you said, it’s so easy to use.
Dr. Pompa:
How often do you use it? How long do you use it for?
I usually use it about an hour a day, a couple different sessions at my desk. It’s built by a German engineer, if that means anything. This thing is built to last a very, very long time.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s impressive. It really is. I have a case. I could take it with me places. That’s why I was able to take it to the hospital—very impressive. When you travel, your oxidative stress is obviously much greater. It’s meant to travel with you. Of course, pro teams and things like that want to bring it with them.
They take it with them. Those guys, especially baseball players—we have a lot of baseball players—they are on airplanes all the time. They’ve got that, plus time changes, plus playing. I have no idea how they do it. It’s a grueling season. We have one—you mentioned Matt Boyd, who’s wonderful. I watched him pitch yesterday here in Seattle. I had to quietly cheer for the Tigers instead of the Mariners. He has been in the Majors—I think it’s five years now, and he’s never been on the injured list. He gives a lot of credit to this device.
I didn’t really know what that meant. Then one of the other ball players said, oh yeah, that’s very unusual. Almost all of these guys have spent some of their time on what they used to call the disabled list, but now they call it the injured list.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it sounds like a silly question at this point, after we just had this discussion. Who can benefit from the NanoVi? Who can benefit? I’ll still give you the opportunity because believe it or not, people are out there going, I wonder if it will help me. Think it will help me?
You know what I love? Guys like Ben Greenfield and Dave Asprey who are really ringing the bell for prevention. There are people that are really healthy that get the device because they want to stay really healthy. I love that segment of the population. It’s so nice to see people coming around to that way of thinking. The wellness market, the people interested in maintaining their wellness—those are a big sector for us. Then the professional athletes and athletes of any type, weekend warriors—as you get older, it’s harder to do the same things, and so on.
We have a good—I call them the active lifestyle people. We have a good number of those people that want to keep riding, running, or whatever they enjoy. That’s a good group for us. Then our history, actually—the first many years of our existence, most of the people were recovering from chronic illness. We have a long history with chronic illness.
Dr. Pompa:
I don’t want to—you’re not making any claims. The device cures nothing. All it’s doing is providing this ordered water into the cell, and the body heals. I’m not saying that. What are some of these conditions where you’re seeing the body really do some miraculous things?
The biggest ones are the biggest diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, diabetes, any of those markers are things people should watch for to see improvements. Then chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, and it goes all—any respiratory disorder. So often, oxidative stress a huge factor, so any way to reduce that load on the body is helpful. I think I’ve counted over 50 of the chronic illnesses that we have people using the device for.
Dr. Pompa:
Currently, is your husband with any universities doing any studies on some of these conditions with it?
There have been some done. I’ll tell you. Because we don’t make medical claims, we don’t tend to study disease states. What we’ve done is study—as you pointed out earlier, we’ve studied below that. If we look at the DNA or the inflammatory markers, heartrate variability, things that underly the disease state.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, my saying is, fix the cell, you get well. I don’t know another device that really affects absolutely every cell function because the core are these folded proteins. It’s who we are. I always simplify it. I draw on my board. I draw the cell. It’s like, every environmental stressor affects our DNA. Our DNA is how we make proteins, but our proteins need to be folded into these three-dimensional structures. Now it’s like you—imagine having a factory and all these little assembly people, or Santa’s workshop. They’re making all the little toys and all the little proteins. They’re like, okay, we need some pancreas proteins.
They fold them up, they ship them out, but then there’s all these things that are screwing up. The elves are making the proteins, they send it down the conveyor belt. Things are messing up all the proteins, so they end up with a fraction of the amount of proteins that they needed to fix the pancreas. Maybe this a silly little example, but I think visually like that. That’s what your cells are doing. The DNA commands the protein to be made, and it has to be folded. All of that happens in this exclusion zone water. We know that if you don’t have enough of it, you’re suffering.
99 percent of the molecules in your body are water. It’s surrounding everything. Another thing that I find amazing because I think of your circle that you draw for the cell, is how packed—the cell’s got a lot of stuff in it, including potentially tens of thousands of proteins, plus all the cell components, and on and on. There’s a lot of bits and pieces in there. That’s why, if things go wrong, proteins can start clumping together or mis-folding. That can be because there’s toxins in there and they can’t operate correctly [38:37]
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I don’t care what condition you have, or you just want to be healthy, or protect your DNA, age slower—you have to protect your proteins. You have to fold the proteins. You have to have this exclusion ordered water in the cell. Your health depends on it at every level.
Yeah, absolutely. We have to change—you can’t get well if you don’t fix the cell, but to fix the cell, you have to pay attention to the cellular water and protein folding.
Dr. Pompa:
That was great. I like that connection. I have to ask you to tell the story. How did your husband, engineer—how did he get into this? There must be a story there.
Yeah, it’s interesting. The science is there of the signaling, and a certain reactive oxygen species that emits a specific wavelength of light that creates this exclusion zone or ordered water in the cells. That’s all cell biology. That science was known. What our innovation is—well, let’s say his innovation—is to use that specific wavelength, make it artificial, and then augment the body. It’s really just copying what the body does to create the ordered water. Then the second innovation, which is really exciting, was to look at—that you could create more of this ordered water by a higher wavelength that is more effective.
At that point, we really amped it up, basically, to make it more powerful. That was an innovation released just this year that makes it more effective than what could be done in that by the creation of the reactive oxygen species. Nothing that creates the reactive oxygen species could be as powerful as what we’re doing.
Dr. Pompa:
I had spoken to someone about it. They said, gosh, I was always thirsty all the time. I required a lot of water. When I stated using this, I didn’t. It’s not because we’re breathing in water droplets. It’s because the body’s innate intelligence knows it needs more water because it’s struggling for whatever reason to create more exclusion zone or ordered water in the cell. When you’re giving it what it truly needs to survive, what real hydration really is the cellular water.
The thing is, you can drink lots of water and still be dehydrated because your cells aren’t working properly. That’s very frustrating, and I’ve done that. Things aren’t working properly, and so the water’s not being absorbed the way it should be.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s why people—drink this amount of water. Drink this amount of water. Drink when you’re thirsty. Your body knows when it needs more ordered water. It really does. Ultimately, hydration is what’s happening in the cell. How much water are you getting in the cell? What is your ordered water, exclusion zone water like? That’s really the conversation.
It’s a very—there’s two conversations. Like with detox, if you don’t have the hydration in the cells, nothing’s going to work as well as it should, including protein folding. Then when you have it hydrated and you can create a more ordered water environment for the proteins, then you’re in a really good position. For one thing, it can effectively detoxify, all the signaling, methylation, and everything that has to take place can do its job.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. Methylation is a critical component to detox. It’s one of my five R’s. It’s protecting the DNA, triggering the DNA. Again, this ordered water plays such a significant role with methylation. Again, it’s the cell function conversation when we talk about—
And the oxidative stress side of it, methylation, which is so key. Reducing that oxidative stress damage—that used to be pretty much all we talked about because it’s so critical. Now, it’s like the world is ready for the protein folding conversation.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s true. You pointed out, and many people watching this don’t realize, you can take too many antioxidants and squash your immune system. We need oxidation, but too much oxidation—there’s this balance that we call redox. Again, this water plays an important role in this balance, at least, studies show.
It’s so key. If you do over-do the antioxidants and you’re using the NanoVi device, you’re still getting that cell signaling, the ordered water that comes from the signaling process. It’s really helpful in that respect. The use of antioxidants is fabulous. It’s just that, in combination, they’re going to be better. That’s true of all of the things you do, the detoxification of the liver, the kidneys, or whatever. All of that’s protein function. There’s ways to help with detox, which you specialize in. Then you can make the whole process work even better when you do these things in conjunction with each other.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s great. I thank you. Tell your husband thank you for the technology. I’m sure he’s a scientist. He probably doesn’t communicate it as well as you do, actually. I’m just saying. I might have hurt his feelings.
He’s in the next office—careful.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, in his mind, he communicates it better. However, what he doesn’t know is making it very simple is the key.
Exactly, and that’s part of your magic, so I appreciate the chance to speak with you. Hans is available. Hans is available to dig into more detail, and he would love to do that.
Dr. Pompa:
You know, honestly, I think I would love to do a second show with him. I actually wanted to do the first show with you because I knew that you could really bring it down to Earth. When we have two shows, now I would like to dig a little deeper.
That would be perfect.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, we could refer people to this show. Then I’m definitely open to do another show and interview Hans because I would love to take it deeper for those that want to go deeper. We can go deeper now that we have this ground level.
Exactly, it’s the perfect combination. What he presents is extremely interesting. Not everybody has the background for it or maybe that interest, but it’s fascinating stuff.
Dr. Pompa:
I have to know. I have to interview him. We’ll set that up through Ashley. Ashley’s listening. Rowena, thank you so much for being on Cell TV. Gosh, this topic—so easy around the topic of fix the cell and get well, Cellular Healing TV. Again, it’s the NanoVi. We’ll put a link in, folks. I think as you want to add something to your home, you want to add something to your health and invest in yourself. This technology is it—couldn’t be any easier.
Thank you. It’s been a real pleasure. Very best to you, your son, [26:50]. I hope everything goes very, very well. I know it will.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I appreciate that. It means a lot, even people watching. When you see this, we’ll be further along, but pray. I’m telling you now to pray.
Immediately, immediately.
Dr. Pompa:
Ashley did tell me—practitioners watching, we’ll have a link for you., all practitioners. We’ll have a public link as well. Rowena, thank you very much. Thanks for being on Cell TV.
A real pleasure. Thank you. Bye-bye now.
That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. This episode was brought to you by CytoDetox. Please check it out at buycytonow.com. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 AM Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv. Please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, and sharing the show with anyone you think may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening.