303: Naturally Rebuild Your Teeth With Biomimetic Dentistry

Episode 303: Naturally Rebuild Your Teeth With Biomimetic Dentistry

It has been said that 80-85% of disease starts in the mouth. Listeners of CHTV know by now that your dental issues may be why you're not getting well. My guest today is a Master of Biomimetic Dentistry and he is here to talk about rebuilding the teeth back to the specifications of Mother Nature. Biomimetic Dentistry goes beyond even Biological Dentistry – from properly filling a cavity to cosmetic procedures to even addressing how your bite might be causing you back pain, headaches, and other health problems, and what to do to address it.

More about Dr. Paul O'Malley:

Dr. Paul O'Malley is a 30-year Master of Biomimetic Dentistry who is on the cutting-edge of rebuilding the teeth back to the specifications of Mother Nature. He is the inventor of oral probiotics and enamel-remineralizing toothpaste, IAOMT certified to remove mercury fillings properly, and has a record of over 10,000 veneers and over 10,000 dentures delivered.

Show notes:

1. Try Dr. O'Malley's Great Oral Health products: use the coupon code: 4HealthRH10 * for 10% off your first purchase.

2. Episode #224 with Dr. Paul O'Malley: The Dangers of Crowns

3. Order Dr. Pompa's Beyond Fasting book! Released December 2019

4. CytoDetox: Total detoxification support where it matters most – at the cellular level


Dr. Pompa:
I’ve heard it said that 80 to 85% of disease starts in the mouth. I think you’ve heard me say that. Dental is huge as far as why you may not be getting well. I think you’ve heard me say that too. However, you may not have heard the word biomimetic dentistry.

This is a type of dentistry that goes beyond your regular bio-dentistry, if you will, and even how to fill in a cavity that will last your lifetime as opposed to cracking, leaking, and causing new problems, even how to do cosmetic dentistry right. Stay tuned to the show; also, how your bite unknowingly may be causing your neck pain, back pain, headaches, health problems. It might give you jaw pain, but there’s something you can do about it and how to check for it all on this show. Stay tuned. It’s a good one.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today we welcome back Dr. Paul O’Malley, who is a master of biomimetic dentistry and an IAOMT certified holistic dentist. He’s here to talk about how important your bite is when addressing your dental work.

He will also explain why biomimetic dentistry is on the cutting edge for restoring teeth back to the way nature intended them to be. We always love our dental episodes here on Cell TV. Today is no different. Let’s get started. Welcome, Dr. Paul O’Malley and Dr. Pompa. Welcome, both of you.

Dr. O’Malley:
Thank you very much. Happy to be back on the show again.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, part two. That’s how important this show is. If 80 to 85% of disease starts in the mouth, you better listen up, folks. We have a different reason than you may think today. First of all, you mentioned biomimetic dentistry. We talked about it in part one, but it’s worth reviewing. What the heck, Dr. Paul, is biomimetic dentistry?

Dr. O’Malley:
Good question. Bio means life. Mimetic means copying. How do we rebuild and restructure the teeth that are broken down as close to Mother Nature as possible? There’s actually published scientific literature that’s been called by even some of my mentors—and they put together very beautiful courses. We started teaching how to follow some of the scientific literature to reconstruct the tooth.

You have to take a tooth apart in the laboratory just like an engineer would and go how much does the inner part of the tooth known as the dentin, how much does it flex? How much does the enamel flex? How abrasive and erosion-resistant is it? What materials do we have out there that can mimic that? That’s what biomimetic dentistry does. It helps follow those protocols.

Dr. Pompa:
I don’t want to rehash part one completely. I’ve watched your videos. Even putting in a filling, a ceramic inlay, you do it in layers. There’s a reason for that. I’ll let you explain the reason for that.

Ultimately, when fillings are done incorrectly or just stuffed in, it pulls from the tooth. It creates cracks. Not only does the filling not last, but it creates other health problems and other infection problems later. That’s part of biomimetic dentistry when we’re really just imitating what’s more natural for teeth. Explain that process.

Dr. O’Malley:
That’s right. We build up the teeth that have had cavities, and we do it in such a way—first of all, we make sure we remove only the decay and only as much as is needed to remove. We use a stain to make sure we’re getting all of the decay. A new paradigm shift in dentistry is that in the deep area of the decay, if the tooth is viable, vital, alive, and responds to cold that is doing well, we can leave a small amount of decay in the center part of the tooth as long as we seal and surround it. By doing that, we can build the tooth up.

We put the bonding in in layers, which follows adhesion technology. When you put the layers in, one side of the tooth is not competing with the other side. I want to hold it harder than this side or that side. It’s a balance that’s created. It’s sort of like building a house with many bricks instead of one solid wall. If a solid wall were to break down, you have to replace the whole thing. In the mouth, we do the same thing in a bunch of small layers to mimic Mother Nature and also decrease the amount of shrinkage that can happen when we put the blue light on.

The traditional conventional dentist puts a large glob of filling in because they’re thinking about the patient. Let’s go fast. We don’t want the patient in there very long, be productive, and all these types of models. They put a big piece in, put the blue light in. It looks beautiful. It looks great.

The patient walks away. They’re fine. Within three to five years that thing is leaking, and it’s got bacteria and everything underneath it. Then they come back, insurance pays for it again. Now they need a bigger one. Then the same thing happens again.

Now they need a crown. It continues down this road until there’s no tooth left. Now you need a root canal. You lost the tooth. Now you need a dental implant. It’s a shame.

It doesn’t need to go that way anymore. With biomimetic dentistry we can seal that tooth. Once it’s sealed, it appears as though it’s staying that way. We have 20-year studies, and it looks like it’s going to keep going that way theoretically. If it does break down, it’s a small area that breaks down.

We’re more interested in the life and longevity of the tooth, not the darn restoration. We’re not trying to make the hardest restoration in the world and sit there and figure out a way to make that thing last. We’re more interested in protecting the tooth, protecting the nerve.

Dr. Pompa:
Obviously, the health of the patient.

Dr. O’Malley:
That’s the big one.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s the big one, without saying, at least on this show. Let’s talk about today’s topic, which you know this. I have had some major bite issues in my day. I’ve had periodontal disease, which creates a lot of shifting, a lot of problems, recession in my gums. Restoring my mouth to a healthy mouth, and I told you now, I don’t even get plaque.

I was told you have to brush better, do this, do that, floss. I flossed after every meal. I do Waterpik. Nobody did better than me. I still had plaque. I got my teeth cleaned all the time.

After I got every bit of infection out of my mouth, I got my bite right, I’ve never had a drop of plaque since. There’s a different issue here. We talk about bite. People right now listening may say that’s my problem because my jaw is sore. I get headaches. I have neck pain. Could that be my jaw?

I don’t know if I have bite problem. I don’t have any symptoms. We have two sides of the coin; people with symptoms, people with no symptoms. Let’s start here because I want everyone to understand how this impacts them and why you need to have this evaluated correctly. Why would having a bite off knowingly or unknowningly be an issue for your health in general and for your teeth?

Dr. O’Malley:
There’s three things. This is based on studies and observations by Dr. Kois and Frank Spear. I passed that information along because I found it to be empirically true. There’s three things besides an accident that cause people to lose their teeth. Two of them are bacterial related and one is the bite.

The first is gum disease, the second is cavities, and the third is a bad bite. All three of those things can lead to tooth loss. Along the way of the tooth loss, they can get infections of the gums, infections of the root. Now we’re talking about system-wide, whole-body reaction. As we talked about in our earlier show, we start talking about root canals. Now all of a sudden we’re into a big gray area of the grayest area. Is someone going to get sick from the thing? Are they not?
Let’s just not even go there in the first place. What do we do? People that are watching the show and listening and studying and learning about these different things, by doing their own research—they can actually look in their own mouth and see am I rubbing my teeth? Is it detrimental? Are they rubbing through the enamel?

They can go watch my free dental course, freeholisticcourse.com. I talk a little bit about that. I show models and everything. If they go in the mirror and start looking, they can see I’m 26 years old. They start looking at their teeth and going I’m starting to wear these teeth down. I should get that checked.

That’s the perfect time. That’s the time they go into the dentist and say I might be having some wear here. Is there anything we can do? Then the dentist says I see a little bit of wear. Let’s watch.

The patient could be a little more proactive and say I know I’m rubbing my teeth. Can we just make a night guard or something like that? The doc will go we can do that for you now. I’ve seen those people that are wearing night guards 25, 30 years later. That has basically slowed or stopped the progression.

Fast forward that to Mrs. Smith, a fictitious person. She’s worn her teeth out. She’s brushing with the wrong things. She’s swishing with apple cider vinegar. Who knows any of these kind of things? All of a sudden she comes into my office, and the teeth are worn off. The patient is 45 years old, and you go what do you do?

You can’t kick the can down the road because within ten years she’s going to be needing root canals on so many teeth. What do we do? We have to find where the best bite position is, number one. Number two, how do we biomimetically reconstruct and build those teeth without grinding them down? It can be done. Dr. Pompa, I actually had a couple patients just with that that I recently finished on my website, DrPaulOMalley.com

Dr. Pompa:
You have great video on your website that people should go watch. You do cosmetic work. You show how you barely want to take off living teeth. The whole point of biomimetics is just keeping that structure.

Dr. O’Malley:
For me, it’s not having this podcast. It’s just to get the word out there. It’s not for me to say everybody just call my office. That’s not the purpose for me. It’s basically my philanthropic humanitarian thing to educate people.

Slowly and surely, even as one of the board members in the Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry, I would like to improve the membership and improve the training and this word out there. I’d like it to be the standard of care for everybody out there. At least they should have the option that you don’t have to have your teeth ground down. You can have them reconstructed gently and built up and really preserve the nerve and preserve your health. You can also preventatively have your bite evaluated and looked at. Make sure you’re not in the danger zone for the future and have that treated preemptively.

Dr. Pompa:
I used to do structural correction chiropractics, and we would look at the structure of C1, the top bone of the spine, the curvature all the way down. Structure effects function. One of the things I learned along the way is that people with bite issues, we found we couldn’t fix their cervical spine. I would argue that the person who just throws a night guard in will save their teeth if they wear the night guard. However, the brain knows from a [probe receptive] standpoint that something’s not right.

Walking around during the day when they don’t have the guard in, when this is off, it translates into that upper cervical. When that’s off, all the way down to your sacrum could be off. I had a dentist that we worked with that would send some of the people. Then magically we were able to change their spine. They had back pain. It would translate into less or no back pain.

The point is that this had so much do [probe receptivity]. That means if it was a dark room, I know my hand is behind me because there are certain nerves in my joints to tell my brain your arms are behind you. Those are [probe receptors]. The point I’m making is there’s certain [probe receptors] that know when things aren’t lining up right. That translates into your whole body.

Dr. O’Malley:
I think the ideal scene would be to have chiropractor and dentist working together to find the right bite position and things like that. It’s sort of like with biomimetic dentistry; if we can first get the dentist to at least do a sealant around the tooth when they’ve opened it up, that’s a first gradient step. That’s better than leaving it exposed and just cementing things on. The same way with people that have the worn teeth, if we can raise the awareness, they can minimally get some type of night guard until they can work with a chiropractor. I tell you, on the flip side, I found this interesting. A few of my chiropractor friends that I’ve worked with some patients back and forth, the adjustments begin to hold well once the night guard is in place.

Dr. Pompa:
You’re taking half the stress away.

Dr. O’Malley:
We know there is that whole connection there. My theory on it, the $64 billion question, why do I grind? That’s a big question. I think it’s a genetic thing. Some practitioners say it’s from parasites. I haven’t seen parasites go away and then the grinding goes away, so I don’t know for sure. You may have some comment on that.

I do find that some people just grind their teeth no matter how we fix them, how we restore them. They’re going to still try to grind. Even if I do the perfect reconstruction, at the end, they’ll have a night guard in the correct bite position. Now they’re correct during the day. They’re basically protected at nighttime. It’s a tough factor out there.

You get someone that’s 35 years old, and they have flattened teeth already. If you’re not careful reconstructing and rebuilding the teeth, they’re going to break everything that you put in there as a dentist. It all has to be planned out. More and more chiros, if they got together with the general dentist, it’s a home run.
Dr. Pompa:
On that topic of why do people grind, the reason why nobody knows is because it’s multi-faceted. A body under stress will release stress. It could be upper cervical problems. It could be emotional problems, trapped emotions. That’s a whole other show.

In neurotoxicity we see it. In gut stress we can see it. The point is it can be all of the above. The body under some form of stress is where we see the body releasing the stress in some aspect. It’s so multi-faceted there. I think the point is that it can lead to a lot more problems. You may not know the reason why you grind, but at least deal with the grinding first.

Dr. O’Malley:
The fact that you are grinding.

Dr. Pompa:
I’ll say this about myself; I ground. You can look at the history of my teeth and see you look like you were a grinder. It hasn’t gotten worse since I had my mouth fixed. I was neurotoxic. I had sleep issues. I used to have to sleep with my mouth open. Now I sleep all night with my mouth closed.

I don’t grind. Which one did it? Just getting healthy honestly changed my paradigm. We have to start somewhere. Start with the obvious. We have to get the bite right.

Dr. O’Malley:
Along that line, the research shows that people who grind their teeth, 50% have sleep apnea. That becomes a dangerous component. Check and see are you rubbing or grinding your teeth? Take a look at it. Try to do all the holistic and health things you can to see if it can reverse it, slow it, calm it down.

Get with the dentist. Get with the chiropractor. These are the different modalities that you have. Also, you want to do a competent sleep study to make sure you’re getting enough oxygen so that your cardiovascular is not at risk. You probably are aware of this, Dr. Pompa, that the correlation between teeth grinding and sleep apnea is I think it’s the genetic aspect of the body waking that person up to make sure they get a breath.

You need some oxygen. Take a good breath. Also, I believe it helps with the cerebral spinal fluid helping it pump around. If they’re proclined, it’s probably putting pressure in that area. They don’t have as good of circulation as a normal, healthy person might have. That’s my theory only.

Dr. Pompa:
I’m going to add to the theory. We know now that your brain actually has lymphatic channels. We never knew that that long ago. Here’s what we also know now; most of that lymphatic drainage, there’s toxins constantly that need to come out of the brain even from just making energy in your brain. It’s through the lymphatic system.

Now we know that someone who’s grinding and clenching at night actually blocks and effects lymphatics. If you think of your body as an hourglass, your head being the top of the hourglass, your tonsils being that skinny part, and your body being the rest, the bite has so much to do with it. You can just feel it around your tonsils in your throat. This bite issue effects lymphatic drainage. Therefore, now we know that when you’re not draining lymphatic at night, that effects your REM sleep, which ultimately effects your deep sleep, effects your recovery, which effects your toxicity in your brain leading to neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, brain loss, memory loss.

Do you see what I’m saying? This bite thing is deeper than people think. Here’s the big question; we can look at our mouth, and you gave us some great advice there. Are our teeth chipping? Do we see wear, abnormal wear?

Let’s say we go to our dentist. I fear this happening. You put the little graphite paper in. Now you look around. Is there better testing we could do for bite that we can check this problem that we may or may not know we have?

Dr. O’Malley:
That’s a good question. I think the patients out there, the people watching this show out there, they have to be their own advocate a little bit just like in healthcare. They have to see if they have the telltale signs. Those are some of the best ways. We’ve been able to put up some things, you and I, to show them what worn teeth look like in the beginning stage, middle, and later stages. People can go wow, I have that.

They have to sort of direct and guide their dentist. I’d like you to make me a night guard. The dentist might say you seem to be okay. That’s a short-term thing. Meanwhile, investigate all the other things body-wise.

You talked about the lymphatics, the position of the neck, toxicities, and all these kind of things that they can start doing to see can they begin to lessen that. Otherwise, the fear that I have is that someone might get too aggressive with the patients. We don’t want that either. Someone might go I have TMJ. My jaw pops.

Let me just say this; do you have any pain? No, I don’t have any pain. It just pops every now and then. Don’t say that out loud when you see the dentist. You’re going to get over treated. I love my colleagues. They want to help so bad.

There’s signs and there’s symptoms. If there’s symptoms, then we want to do something to alleviate those symptoms. The signs would be the wear. There could be some popping and clicking that goes on in the joint. The popping and clicking could come from a person who has loose ligament up there in the disc that’s up there that slips on and off, which it shouldn’t do. There’s exercises a person can do to help tighten that disc. There are things like that that can help.

The biggest thing is they have to look in their own mouth and go are my teeth worn? What they’d have to do is see what do healthy teeth look like? If I zoomed in close, you’d see my teeth are super healthy. I just don’t grind. I don’t clench. There’s no wear on any of my teeth.

I can see yours. That’s what it takes is to get in and look. You can even have your phone light back there and really look in there and see. Do you see signs of wear?
Dr. Pompa:
Before we got on the call, we were chatting. I’m fascinated by this because I know the impact on health. Tell our viewers and listeners what it feels like. A really clever thing you can do is move your jaw back and forth. That should feel like something or not. Describe that to them because that’s a great test too.

Dr. O’Malley:
We were talking earlier about Mother Nature has the jaw worked out pretty darn well until the introduction of sugars 400 years ago that started mutating mouths and making mouths crooked and twisted. When you go back more than 400 years, the arch forms are pretty wide. The bites and the jaws are stronger. That aside, what people can do now is they can actually—Mother Nature made it so when you close your teeth and clench, you can actually feel the muscles at the side. When I clench, it pops those muscles out.

People watching it can feel that. Now when you slide your teeth straight forward on the front teeth, you can’t really do it. It’s uncomfortable. It’s the same as when you go off to the side. You shouldn’t be able to do it.

Once you’re in the regular bite straight up and down, clench tight; only slide your teeth forward, back, sideways, etc. The only teeth touching should be the front six teeth top and bottom. Anything else rubbing and catching, that’s called an interference in dentistry. If you have a really good dentist, they’ll understand that.

They can take a small little polishing diamond and buff that out. It will clear that out of the way so that those muscles will shut off. Otherwise, if you go to the dentist and those back teeth are catching, those muscles won’t shut off. It’s just like countertops rubbing on each other.

Then the other telltale sign the patients or people out there will see is near the gum line. They’ll be able to take their fingernail and find hatchet areas, dug out grooves that can be sensitive when they get their teeth cleaned. That’s almost always from clenching. They can tell by moving their jaw around. The front six teeth should be the only ones touching.

They can look at their teeth to see if there’s wear or chipping along the edges of the front teeth. They can also feel along the gum line do they have those little trench marks. That’s another telltale sign along with recession. Recession is a combination of genetics, gum disease, and a clenching bite that’s causing those gums to run away.

Dr. Pompa:
I had it. I had all of it. I can tell you, you fix your mouth, you fix the health of your body. The oral microbiome affects the microbiome in the gut. The bite affects you structurally. There’s nerves, as we’ve discovered. There’s nerve meridians that connect each tooth to different organs.

No wonder 80% of the disease starts in the mouth. I’m telling you, if you’re biting wrong, you’re sending neurological signals down these meridians as well as destroying you structurally. There’s so many factors, Paul.

Dr. O’Malley:
That’s right. There’s a lot. You look in history, some of the really athletic, strong-looking figures that lived well into their 80s and 90s, Jack LaLanne is one. There he is pulling a barge in the water with his teeth. The health and the strength of the body, it’s almost like a barometer. You can look at someone’s teeth and go wow, they have a good constitution. They have [26:46] constitution. The good news is something can be done about it so they can prevent those problems from being a long-term chronic situation to the body.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. Here’s the thing, a lot of people are getting cosmetic dentistry done, which done right can be a great thing. I had some areas that absolutely needed to be fixed. It can also be the thing that throws the bite off. Talk a little bit about cosmetic dentistry done correctly, biomimetically. Also, if done incorrectly, it throws the bite off.

Dr. O’Malley:
If you do it biomimetically, obviously you’re going to look at the teeth from the standpoint of what’s broken down, what needs to be rebuilt. If you have to take the bite into consideration, let’s make sure we have the bite in the right position, if it’s comfortable. Let’s prepare or grind on the teeth as little as possible. What does that mean? Maybe ultra thin veneers on the front teeth if they’re needed; on the back we can do ultra thin onlays.

We might actually open that bite a little bit to create space. Generally we can because a person that’s really ground their teeth have lost vertical dimension from their nose to their chin. Hallelujah, that means we can open that bite a little bit. Now we have more space in there, and we can build those teeth back up rather than grind them down. I’ve had so many patients come to me that have been all over the country seeing the top gurus. They said I came to see you because I know you’re not going to do crowns on my teeth and grind them down. Everybody else wanted to do crowns on my teeth.

The biomimetic dentists generally know how to rebuild teeth. Some are a little bit more skilled than others. Your audience would have to investigate that and go to the Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry. They can research whose been trained and who does different things and search that for themselves. When you get into cosmetic dentistry, you want to make sure that form follows function. It’s very important.

First in my practice we eradicate all disease and infection. If they have mercury fillings and toxic metals in there, we remove those after the infection is healed up. We don’t want to do extractions and clean out and then remove mercury. It dumps back into those socket areas. We want to make sure that everything is calm, clean, and we’re not creating a further exacerbation.

There’s various steps to go through to minimize toxicity to the body on a holistic side. On the biomimetic side there’s various steps to go through to do this minimally. I like to say we want to do the leastest to the teeth to get the mostest result.

Dr. Pompa:
I like your English. It’s so true because you have to look long term. I think that dentistry is moving away from just grinding down teeth to nothing and putting crowns on. Like you said, veneers, a lot of dentists grind them all the way down to stumps and put the veneer on. I don’t know if you can provide some of your videos, but just how minimally you take off when you did some veneer work on people, I thought it was brilliant. I thought your video was well done.

Dr. O’Malley:
Thank you. That’s the education course that we put out, freeholisticdentalcourse.com. That one we just got rave reviews on it. I just put it out. I wanted people to know there’s a difference out there. A veneer is not a veneer is not a veneer.

Then if you’re looking at the whole body of the person, how can you do this minimally? We want to make sure the teeth are going to last a lifetime in a healthy fashion. If one of my restorations breaks, there’s still 90% of the tooth left there to build up. Some of the docs are saying we need harder crowns. We need stronger materials. It’s not necessarily so.

We need minimal preparation. We need proper materials that mimic Mother Nature and we get long-term results; more importantly, the longevity of the tooth. That’s what we’re looking for. That can help the longevity of a person’s health.

An interesting thing with the cosmetic is you talked earlier about an emotional side to things. Some people are so distraught emotionally, they don’t smile in any of their pictures. They’re just sucking in. They’re withholding a beautiful emotion that they could release, and they can’t because they feel so bad about themselves. Now they can go get cosmetic dentistry, but you want to make sure the form follows function. You find someone that gets everything done right, minimally invasively, the teeth are all sealed, and then the person not only has a beautiful smile, feels good outwardly now expressing themselves, but they’re going to have teeth for life and a healthy body as well.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s great. Another big question on this topic of literally maintaining our teeth; what’s your feeling about regular toothpaste? What’s your feeling about healthy toothpastes someone buys in Whole Foods? What you use in your mouth is huge for your microbiome and the health of your teeth. Talk about both worlds.

Dr. O’Malley:
Well, earlier on the show we were talking about three things cause people to lose their teeth. One is the bite, which we’ve just talked about. The other is gum disease and tooth decay. Literally it’s an epidemic worldwide. It’s listed as such because there’s four billion people right now as we’re speaking that have severe gum disease or cavities right at this moment. How detrimental to their body as well.

We can put people on the moon. Now we’re going to go to Mars and all that. Gosh, darn it, why can’t we handle this epidemic that’s out there? We can. We can do it through diet and all these types of things, which the more proper way to better foods is more natural foods, better diet, less sugar, less carbs, all that. That’s a very tough uphill battle when you’ve got a trillion dollars of commercials out there pushing sodas, Coca-Colas, Twinkies, fruit snacks load with sugar, etc. What can we do?

All those things are caused from an imbalance in bacteria that happens not only in the gut; it happens in the mouth too. When it comes to toothpaste and the natural type of toothpaste, even I looked back in 2003, 2004 at all the natural ones, and they actually weren’t that great, in my opinion as a holistic dentist. My daughter, who was five-and-a-half, six at the time, we set up shop in my kitchen. My wife was very gracious to allow us to do that. We started mixing ingredients.

I told my daughter, “We’re going to make a toothpaste.” She goes, “Okay, dad.” We started making our own toothpaste. Literally I tried putting so many different things in. I tried putting probiotics in there, but they always would die. It wouldn’t be in the right ratio. I have to separate those out.

We made a probiotic just for the mouth, all natural, chewable, more like a lozenge people can take at nighttime to reduce the bacteria that causes cavities, gum disease, and ear, nose, and throat infections. I kept working on that darn toothpaste. Finally, this year I’ve released the toothpaste that came out at my company, Great Oral Health. That’s the probiotic, Great Oral Health.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, kids love this thing.
Dr. O’Malley:
It’s amazing as long as they haven’t been brought up on sugary stuff. Some of the kids want it to be more sugary. It’s like yeah, this is not a sugar. This is a medicine, but at least it’s a favorable flavor. That’s the probiotic.

In our profession the problem has been we’ve been trying to burn this stuff out, kill it, cut it out, nuke the stuff, whatever. It’s a failed concept. It’s only one half of the ledger. Not only do we have to get rid of the bad, but we have a back filler put in the good. That product you just showed is the probiotic, the back filler is filling in the good bacteria.

Only 2% of the population never gets gum disease or cavities worldwide. The rest of the 98%, if we don’t supplement, we’re missing the boat on that. Unfortunately, it’s a lifestyle change. Fortunately, there’s something that can be done.

When it comes to the toothpaste, my opinion on this is that we don’t need fluoride. Fluoride is listed as a toxin anyways. Who needs that stuff? It’s 300 parts to 1 million parts per million in toothpaste. In the water supply they put maybe one part per million in there. A harmful form of fluoride, it’s a like a hydrofluorosilicic, which is a waste product. That can be a whole other show, right?

When they use fluoride in toothpaste, it’s more of a chemistry-based proper type of fluoride. It’s not mixed with all these little toxins in it. In itself, it’s listed as a poison or toxin. What does that stuff do? It helps bind to the enamel. There’s conflicting studies on that.

It might make that enamel a little bit harder. I find that it acts like a pesticide. It tends to stick around and helps prevent bacteria from laying their acids and sticking around there, and that’s it. You’re using a pesticide to do it because it kills bugs, but it’s a bit toxic to have too much in the mouth.

If you look at the Center for Disease Control, they have a lot of calls. They swallow that stuff. If they swallow it too much, they’ve got to go to the hospital and get their stomach pumped or it can be lethal. There’s a little sign on that.
I said I want to do natural stuff, so fluoride is out. What can we do? Any good natural toothpaste should be loaded aloe vera. It should have xylitol in it. It should have some antioxidants in it, not just it looks cool on the label, but stuff that can be highly effective.

Dr. Pompa:
Many of our viewers know Dr. Gerry. He’s been very critical of commercial toothpaste, but more so healthier toothpaste, more natural toothpaste. Even from the standpoint of some of the natural ingredients, even natural sweeteners are too harsh on the oral microbiome. What’s your feeling on some of those?

Dr. O’Malley:
I agree with that. The formulation that I put together, tie in the xylitol, the aloe vera, the antioxidants, it has organic essential oil, and it has a small amount of tee tree oil. We want to kill the bacteria, but we also want to rebuild the teeth. It’s loaded with an ingredient called hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite is basically a fancy name for calcium for the teeth, but it’s a nano particle size.

There’s double-blind studies on it that shows that it will re-mineralize the tooth’s structure on a micro level. It will do that. The beauty is that it re-mineralizes it in a white crystalline form. It can slightly over time even improve the color of the teeth at the same time it’s healing. My view was always let’s rebuild and help these teeth get a chance for Mother Nature to rebuild them. That’s the ingredients that should be in there.

I’ll say one last thing; 99.99% to almost infinity percent of the toothpastes out there are chalk full of glycerin. They have vegetable glycerin in them. Instead of animal glycerin, they go to vegetable. They look better on the label. Glycerin is really meant to help bind everything together, hold it together, preserve it a little bit, etc. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s not like you’re going to die from the stuff.

On the teeth it’s apparently negative charged and hard to wash off. You might need 6 or 8 or 12 swishes with water to get the stuff off. It binds on there. It’s negative charged. Plague is positive charged. Who knew?

That’s why people brushing with regular toothpaste that has glycerin in it, their teeth feel dirty within half an hour. Mine is 99.99% free of glycerin, and it has that ultimate clean feeling. It’s helping in the re-mineralization process naturally with the mouth.

Dr. Pompa:
You mentioned xylitol. Some people are critical of xylitol because it’s a killer. It has an effect against bacteria. What’s your feeling on xylitol?

Dr. O’Malley:
The studies look pretty good on it. Xylitol is sort of like the Trojan horse. Xylitol goes in there, and the bacteria that cause cavities and some of the others that are there go yum. This looks just like sugar. Let’s get some. That’s their fuel.

These bacteria love sugar. It’s like gasoline for them on a fire. They try to digest it. They’re trying and trying and can’t quite digest that molecule of xylitol. What happens is they expend all their energy and die naturally.

Apparently over time, so far as I’ve been researching, they haven’t built a resistance to this, which is great. It’s probably going to be as effective as these toothpastes that have fluoride in it. You can’t have a small amount in there. You can’t have 3% xylitol or 12% xylitol. It’s not enough. It has to be enough that it can be effective.

Dr. Pompa:
Does it have a negative effect on the good oral microbiome, the good bacteria?

Dr. O’Malley:
No, apparently not. It’s going to help reduce the more pathogenic bacteria that proliferate off of a high carbohydrate, high sugar content of foods. Basically all the bacteria are just competing for food. If we take the probiotic and dump it in there, they’re going to start competing for food too. They also have a little Star Wars-like activity in them. They can shoot around at the pathogenic bacteria and take them out, these good bacteria. It’s all competing.

If there’s not enough food source, they drown out the harmful bacteria. That’s the concept behind it. If I just have a toothpaste all by itself and that’s all I had as part of my protocol, I’d be like everybody else out there. We’d only be hitting one side of the ledger, which is wipe out the bad stuff. Just look at the epidemic. It’s not successful.

Dr. Pompa:
It doesn’t work. It hasn’t worked.

Dr. O’Malley:
We’ve got to balance the bacteria.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s an old model. We have hit structure. We hit function. We even hit the oral microbiome. Again, I would argue that you can use the perfect toothpaste, you can do a lot of things right.

One of the things, I had these pockets. I had some cavitations, which teeth were extracted, formed, healed over, and formed these nasty caves with bacteria and other pathogens in them. I also had deep pockets. My bite was off for so many years, recession. I had periodontal disease. The three things you said, obviously I had toxicity issues, but I did have bite issues, structural issues in the mouth.

Dr. O’Malley:
That’s why we have to balance out the structure. If all I did is promoted my company, Great Oral Health, and buy the essential oils to kill the bacteria, the toothpaste to help keep everything fresh and healthy and balanced and re-mineralize the teeth, and then the probiotic to balance the bite, then what we’re going to end up with is still people that have a structural problem with their bite. They’re still going to get into trouble. We have to handle all three of those.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. Give me your information. What do you want to send people?

Dr. O’Malley:
They can go to DrPaulOMalley.com. That’s my website. They can sign up there for the free holistic course. They can also peruse around and look at everything. The other is just freeholisticdentalcourse.com. My oral care company is called Great Oral Health. Just go to GreatOralHealth.com. I want great oral health for everybody. It’s your goal too.

Dr. Pompa:
It is. Dr. Paul, thank you, a wealth of knowledge always on the show.

Dr. O’Malley:
Thanks a lot.

Dr. Pompa:
If you haven’t watched episode one, more about biomimetic dentistry, Ashley will put the link up. You can link back to part one. I think you can watch these in either order. Obviously, we gave a little more information on how you do teeth. That’s awesome. Thanks for being on, Paul.

Dr. O’Malley:
Thanks. You’re awesome. I appreciate the show. Thanks a lot. Bye-bye.

That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. This episode was brought to you by CytoDetox. Please check it out at buyCytonow.com. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern.

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