The #1 place where we're toxic is our homes, and one of the top questions we get is “what air filtration system do I use in my home?” After many years and many trials, you will learn what system I am committed to. This air purifier is the only one I trust for biotoxin removal, and to top it off, it's more affordable than most high-end units out there.
Kyle Knappenberger, director of Enviroklenz, is a leading authority on the Dangers of Environmental Toxins. This is a familiar topic that we always seem to have endless questions about, and Kyle will sort out examples of environmental toxins, the lasting effects of these toxins, and you'll hear about solutions for mitigating these pollutants all around us.
More about Kyle Knappenberger:
Kyle Knappenberger is the Director of Technology Support and Quality Assurance at Timilon Technology Acquisitions, LLC. Kyle holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Microbiology from Kansas State University. He earned his degree while research and testing water purification and techniques. For over a decade Kyle has been working on using safe metal oxide technology for odor control and toxic chemicals. He has been involved in several key product development programs related to indoor air quality, including those for disaster restoration and individuals dealing with multiple chemical sensitivity. Kyle co-holds six patents related to the mitigation of chemical and biological contamination.
The #1 place where we're toxic is our homes, and one of the top questions we get is “what air filtration system do I use in my home?” After many years and many trials, you will learn what system I am committed to. This air purifier is the only one I trust for biotoxin removal, and to top it off, it's more affordable than most high-end units out there.
Kyle Knappenberger, director of Enviroklenz, is a leading authority on the Dangers of Environmental Toxins. This is a familiar topic that we always seem to have endless questions about, and Kyla will sort out examples of environmental toxins, the lasting effects of these toxins, and you'll hear about solutions for mitigating these pollutants all around us.
Show notes:
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Dr. Pompa:
Ashley told me one of the top questions that we get is what air filtration unit does Dr. Pompa use in his home? I can tell you that I have switched. For years I paid a lot of money for an amazing unit, but here’s the good news. On this show we’re going to talk about why I switched and what technology I switched to that our military uses in chemical warfare. It can filter out a biotoxin from a mold, which is really the first unit to do so.
Here’s the best news of all; it’s way cheaper! Let’s hear about this. If you don’t know, the number one place where you’re becoming toxic is our homes according to. Every source tells us this. You better filter the air in your home. Stay tuned for this episode of Cell TV.
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I am Ashley Smith. Today we welcome Kyle Knappenberger, director of EnviroKlenz and a leading authority on the dangers of environmental toxins. This is a familiar topic that we always seem to have endless questions about, so we decided to bring Kyle on the show to sort out examples of environmental toxins, the lasting effects of those toxins, and he’ll offer solutions for mitigating these pollutants all around us. You will also learn which air purifier Dr. Pompa uses and trusts in his own home. Let’s get started. Welcome, Kyle Knappenberger, and, of course, Dr. Pompa.
Hello. Thank you very much.
Dr. Pompa:
Glad to do this show with you, Kyle. It seems like it’s been a long time coming. Ashley, before you get off, you said that one of the number one questions you get is what air filtration system does Dr. Pompa use, right?
Yes, all the time.
Dr. Pompa:
You know what? We switched. We had two different units, and I literally switched to the unit we’re going to discuss today, the EnviroKlenz, because of the technology. I put it through the test, and I can talk to you a little bit about that. We had Warren put it through the test. It came out better.
Here’s the exciting part; it’s actually cheaper than the one that I was using in the past. This is an amazing unit. Kyle will bring that science. Let’s start here as far as—look, one of the things that I tell people, most of our viewers are people looking for answers for different health conditions.
I’m a big teacher about the fact that if there’s something upstream dumping toxins into the river, I don’t care what vitamins you take. I don’t care what nutrition you do, what tests you run. Your dietary changes might help a little bit. If someone’s still dumping toxins up the river, you’re going to be killing fish downstream. That’s an analogy of people not being able to fix their gut. That’s an analogy of people simply not getting well.
Oftentimes, Kyle, we find that it’s a toxin in the home, whether it’s mold, whether it’s high levels of formaldehyde, what we call VOCs, volatile organic compounds, coming from building materials, things that we bring into our home, flame retardants on computers, furniture, drapes, mattresses, all of these things. Then we have what we use in our laundry and our dishwasher. All of these things add to a level of toxicity that the Environmental Protection Agency says is seven times higher in our homes, meaning the amount of pollution in the worst day in LA. I don’t know how close that is.
Kyle, let’s start here. I think some of your background even went into water filtration. You can tell your story. How the heck did you get into this and go from there.
I’ve actually been involved in this now for a number of years by both passion and luck. I was doing research when I was school. My background is actually microbiology, which is the water purification. I got involved in a project that was looking at different techniques and technologies for water purification when I was in school. What I didn’t quite know at that time was that the technology was university related, government funded technology that was being looked at for some pretty heavy-duty things like chemical warfare agent mitigation through a university incubator company.
When I graduated, I ended up going to that company and working on a project for mitigation of extremely dangerous toxic chemicals. They wanted to look at different biological aspects. Could these things be used for biological warfare agents in addition to chemical warfare agents? I’m talking more science here, but it was earth mineral metal oxide technology. It’s safe materials that were being looked at and evaluated for breaking down some pretty harmful toxic chemicals, some of the most harmful ones.
In your opening there you mentioned things like pesticides and VOCs and different compounds. Chemical warfare agents are just really bad pesticides when it comes down to it. The National Institute of Health really just defines a pesticide as something that is designed to kill or inhibit or somehow disrupt something that’s living, whether it’s an animal, a pest, mold, fungus, noxious weeds, you name it. They’re meant to disrupt the function of that normal person. That’s what chemical warfare agents are. I’m getting a little sidetracked here, but these are the worst of the worst types of chemicals. They’re affecting the nervous system.
Dr. Pompa:
The ones that we’re literally developing to kill humans are the worst of the worst. It takes the ones we’re using to kill plants or weeds to the whole next level. Those do kill humans slowly, but these kill humans immediately. You were doing research on these metal oxides.
This technology and these products, there’s a long commercialization story about iterations of the technology through different products for first responders, police, fire, helping them detoxify or essentially decontaminate or contain or neutralize harmful chemicals that they may be encountering. Then continuing to bring this technology closer and closer to daily applications for the average person that may want to reduce their personal exposure and their personal environment space to harmful chemicals that may be coming into their environment or that may be in their environment because their environment inherently contains different building materials or compounds that potentially could be problematic for them. They’re just wanting to reduce their exposure to it. You mentioned the EPAs, five, ten times higher indoor air quality issues.
The reason for that is we’re not getting good ventilation. We’re not having fresh air exchange. I’m sitting in an office here that’s 15 by 10 or something like that. There’s pressed wood materials in here, sealants, adhesives, all sorts of different things. Depending upon where you live, even things like tighter energy regulations on homes are actually problematic for people because that’s reducing the exchange for fresh air.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. One of the studies said the older the home, the less VOCs. We can talk differently with mold. Because there is air exchange, your heating bill is higher. The fact is that there’s a lot more air exchange. We’re building homes much tighter.
The fact is we build them tight, and then we have all of these indoor pollutants that are just inherent to a home, washing clothes and fabric softeners that have neurotoxins, flame retardants, and formaldehyde form insulation, etc. If a home breathes, it gets rid of it. When a home is sealed, it doesn’t. It doesn’t take long for that environmental VOC to build up. Most people don’t smell those things. I walk into most homes, some of them have no smell. I walk in and smell high levels of VOC, especially in newer homes.
We’re sealing them up with sealants. You’re not letting that fresh air in, so the adhesives, the pressed woods, the aerosol components that you have, the paints, all these things are just not exchanging with the environment. Where do they go? They don’t go anywhere. You’re breathing them.
That’s one of the things that our company is hearing from people that are trying to better their day-to-day lives. They’re making decisions on the things they eat or the things that they buy or bring into their home, making different lifestyle choices. You can’t decide what you’re breathing. You need to breathe. You don’t know what’s down the river or downwind or upwind from you.
It’s blowing into your environment, and you can’t really seal up your home and not let that in. You need that air. What do you do about it? You can make decisions on what you bring into your home, but these are just some of the things that you can do. There’s other things that you can do as well.
Dr. Pompa:
I’ve obviously gone to great lengths to only bring healthy things into my home, etc. I bring fresh air in. However, I still have a filtration unit that has the ability to truly get rid of toxins. We’ll talk about the technology and change that I made for using block carbon, HEPA. People have heard of these types of filtration and why this type of unit is very different.
The bottom line is this; if we want to have good health today, our indoor air is the big factor. Politically the outdoor air gets all the attention. If these EPA is correct and the environmental group too, they are all saying the indoor air is actually the bigger problem. No one’s doing anything to change that as we’re building buildings tighter for greater efficiency. We’re making our lives more toxic.
I’m all for cleaner outdoor air; however, who’s talking about indoor air? This is where we spend most of our time, and this is the air that’s really affecting our health and could be one, if not the biggest reason, you still don’t feel well. I’m teaching people how to do cellular detox.
Let me tell you something, a very simple concept here, folks. If you have a bathtub upstairs, the water is running. For some reason, maybe there’s hair blocking the drain and the water is running at a level that is faster than can run out of the drain. It’s going to overflow. You’re going to have water damage pouring down into your house.
That’s the human body example. Our buckets overflow if we have more coming in and less going out. We can help you get less out. Ultimately, if too much is pouring in, that bucket is still overflowing. How do we make our internal environments cleaner?
I’m a big proponent of adding units into your home that do create air exchange. They’re called energy return ventilators. Even then if you’re bringing in outside air, arguably you could still be bringing in some bad things too. How do we filtrate our home from molds, which is another subject?
HEPA filters take out spores, but they don’t take out the toxin. The toxin is what really makes people sick. I see that mistake all the time, Kyle. Then how do we filter out effectively these VOCs, flame retardants, and the things we’re exposed to?
That’s where having products and technologies that can capture chemistry, that react to chemistry—a lot of these things that are problematic for people, they have issues whether it’s respiratory, skin. We hear about people that are sensitive to chemicals that are in their environment. They’re bothering all different routes of entry into them. What they want to do is the correct thing, which is reduce what they’re exposing themselves to.
In the indoor environment, you mentioned the ventilation, which is a fantastic way to help with that. Then there’s a lot of times that we get contacted by people that are in situations where they’re living in a polluted area, and they really don’t want ventilation. It kind of is a catch-22.
Dr. Pompa:
I live in a big city. I wouldn’t want any ERV. I happen to live in the country, so that’s a good idea for me.
What we’ve done, I’ve mentioned my background in that technology for these earth mineral metal oxides, high surface area materials that are very good at interacting with and binding to different chemistries. That’s what we’ve essentially done is taken all of this technology and deploy it in a way that is friendly for a consumer. That’s through an air purification device.
Dr. Pompa:
Let’s back up one second. You actually started for a specific reason on your background, looking at these military devices to filter these bioweapons, biowarfare weapons. That’s where your background started. They were using these metal oxides, different minerals from the earth to do this successfully. For example, the Gulf War; if they were hit with a chemical exposure, they would have tents or places where they had units like this. Am I correct on this?
That would predate some of this. Essentially what we do have is this technology is deployed for chemical warfare decontamination applications. Immediate response to a chemical threat or a chemical weapon is really just a hazardous chemical that’s being deployed can cause problems.
Dr. Pompa:
This material is designed to basically get rid of that.
Yes. It’s being used by Special Forces, military groups, HAZMAT responders around the world. It’s specifically for those types of applications. What we’ve done though is continue the evolution of those materials, which are safe. These are safe earth mineral metals oxides. They just have a high surface area, which means they ultimately have a really high capacity and affinity for harmful chemicals.
We’ve deployed it into different delivery systems for different types of applications. One of the most important applications you very well pointed out is indoor air quality. We need to be talking about this more because we’ve got these things. We’ve deployed this technology and the things that are familiar to consumers like air filters or air cartridges that go in air purifiers so that air is circulating in their environment.
What is it doing? Air is circulating. You’re bringing particulates. You’re bringing the different things that are in your air, whether they’re particulate matter or chemicals, odors, vapors. It’s all the same thing. Everything in the world is a chemical. The question is is it harmful to you?
If we’re going to be bringing that in through our air purifier and you have this technology deployed in that air purifier, then what you can do is effectively remove it and contain it inside that purifier, inside that air cartridge. You combine this technology with high quality HEPA filtration. You can then address multiple aspects of indoor air quality all at one time. That’s an important thing.
There’s a lot of different air purifiers out there that work in different ways. The thing that we really like to focus on is let’s keep it as simple as possible. Let’s bring the pollutants to our technology or to our device. Let’s have that interaction occur in that device and not out in the environment and keep it there and retain it there so we removed it from our personal environment.
Dr. Pompa:
For the person listening to this, most of them are familiar with HEPA as the standard. Your filter has a HEPA unit added onto this new technology. Let’s do this. Explain the difference of your technology versus HEPA, and we’ll start there.
I’ll start with the HEPA first, if that’s okay. The HEPA filter is a high efficiency particulate removal. It’s going to be able to—
Dr. Pompa:
Particles, whether it be dust, whether it be—
Dander, allergens, any particulate matter that is 0.3 microns and larger, which is a lot of the stuff that people are concerned about. It’s exactly like you mentioned, the dust, dander, pollen, allergens, those sorts of things. That is a very effective way to do that. That’s based on size of the air quality problem. Those things are all sized based. It comes through the HEPA filter. It’s going to [19:53] it out. What the HEPA filter does not do, and that’s where our patented technology is being deployed in a combination system like this, a lot of the things that you smell are going to go right through a HEPA filter because it’s smaller than 0.3 microns. You’ve got gases, vapor—
Dr. Pompa:
The biowarfare chemicals, if you sprayed it through a HEPA, you’re dying. It’s not going to help you.
A biological one, something like anthrax spores, would actually be caught by a HEPA filter. The chemical warfare agents, the VX and the GD and all those really bad things would go right through that. They’re chemical gases and vapors. It’s the gases and vapors or the odors, those things that people generally smell are going to be smaller than 0.3 microns. They’re going to be going right through there. If you have a system that’s deploying these two things in combination, in tandem, you now are addressing two major things that—
Dr. Pompa:
You put on the HEPA to take out the particular things. The HEPA will take out, for example, mold spores, the particle; however, there’s a toxic component, the biotoxin component. That’s really the one that makes people sick. The spore gives people the allergy. The biotoxin is what my clients and patients and doctors see that really are very sick. That goes right through. Then there’s this other technology that is metallic oxide technology from the earth, natural stuff that gets this other chemical component, the biotoxin.
It’s getting the chemical component. It’s not going to discriminate against the source of that chemical component, whether it’s biological based, mold VOCs, or you had a house fire and had a bunch of corrosive gases released into your home because of burning synthetic compounds or PVC pipe. If you have a structure fire, there’s just horrible chemicals. It’s obvious why fire responders have the highest rate of cancer by profession is because they’re exposed to all these things that are released during a fire in the product of combustion. Guess what? Those are things that were in your home to begin with and potentially were releasing gas at lower levels.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s why I think every home needs this type of filtration, especially in your bedroom. That’s my first place I recommend. We’ll talk about square footage and filtration. I was a fan because a lot of the clients and people that are very sick do react to the chemicals.
HEPA doesn’t get rid of the chemical component. Carbon filtration does. The filters that we were carrying in the past had HEPA and carbon. How is this different from carbon filtration? It does have a chemical component to it.
The carbon is an absorptive material. It can be useful in a lot of different applications. I don’t want to be overly negative on it. It has drawbacks in that it’s generally not a chemical mechanism that is occurring between a carbon absorbent and the chemistry that’s involved in there. There’s a lot of times desorption of whatever you caught that can reappear in your environment. You could do a great job overnight while it’s cooler of potentially removing a lot of different things from your environment. Then the next day if it gets into the upper 80s in your home, now you’re all of a sudden possibly reabsorbing those things right back into your environment.
Dr. Pompa:
To give people an analogy of that, you can tell me if I’m correct on this analogy or not, carbon acts more like a sponge in that it absorbs. Unfortunately, if it gets warmer, that could squeeze the sponge. You could start releasing chemicals. A sponge only has so much capacity before its filled. Then it’s not working and releasing chemicals. Is that a good analogy?
That’s an analogy I use myself quite often. Carbon is a sponge. Sponges can be wrung out. In our technology we use the phrase not absorbent, we use adsorbent. We often talk about adsorptive neutralization to work into that our technology is really is different.
There are chemical mechanisms occurring when the two come into contact with each other. It’s not just the sponge’s pores being filled up with something. It’s our adsorbent materials and the surface interaction to retain the material on our technology so that it doesn’t come off or that it is more effective in that brief period of time that that chemical contaminate is passing through the filter. It is more reactive. I’m using the term reactive in a good way here. It wants to grab onto that thing and retain it so that it can—
Dr. Pompa:
It’s more of a chemical reaction that changes the chemical, if you will, as well as hold onto it. It doesn’t overflow as quick, and temperature change and things like that don’t squeeze the sponge, so to speak. Is that correct?
Exactly, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Number one, it’s going to be able to hold onto far more chemicals for longer without letting go of chemicals. Number two, you don’t have to change the filters as often.
We have a pretty good lifespan on what we’re deploying. A lot of times when people are comparing different devices, they’re not always comparing apples to apples. There’s air purifiers out there that may have multiple pounds of another absorbent in there. They might claim pretty long lifetimes. It’s because they’ve got this huge device with multiple pounds.
We’re deploying our technology very simply in an easy to use air cartridge system that’s easy to change. They’re typically going to get several months, half a year out of use of this. Of course, this is all very dependent upon specific environmental conditions, as it would be with any type of absorbent or adsorbent technology out there. We feel that the way we’re doing it, we’re using safe materials. We’re using the technology that is going to be able to effectively grab onto and retain and break down different chemistries and keep it on the surface, keep it in there in a simple, easy to use device that is easy to maintain. You can turn it on and forget about it for a long time because you’re not being prompted to have to change it. You’re not thinking about what’s in your air because it’s removing everything for you.
Dr. Pompa:
I love the simplicity of my unit. Here’s what I get. I wanted to test the technology for what I was using. I got certain chemicals that I knew that if this is really working, then I’m not going to be able to smell this particular chemical. Certain chemicals smell and certain ones don’t.
I literally ran certain chemicals through it, and it worked. I was very impressed. My old technology, I could still smell a portion of the chemical. Number one, it worked better than my other unit at a fraction of the cost. You can get one of these filters—we can talk about the pricing. I think we have some type of affiliate deal.
These things are under $1,000. I was spending $3,000, $4,000 for these filter units before. This one works better. I keep it running in my bedroom. There’s a whisper level and a low level. I’ve never had to use it higher than that. If I had a bigger area, I could turn it up.
It works really well, and it works for people that have mold exposures because it does hit the biotoxin, not just the mold spore. Again, remediate your mold. I’m not saying that. A lot of the people that watch this show or listen to this show are extremely sensitive and even low levels of biotoxins from mold make them sick. They have to filter it out. This technology is the best I’ve seen for that. I was very impressed with the tests that I’ve done on it.
You mentioned something that is important to remind people of. We talk to a lot of folks, and they’re asking about where do I deploy my EnviroKlenz air system? Where do you spend most of your time? People will think I’m in my living room. It’s where you sleep. You might sleep six to nine hours, but that’s where most of your time is.
It’s in generally a smaller room. You probably have less air exchange. That’s just a really good spot to deploy that. You mentioned the lower whisper setting on the system. What’s great for most smaller rooms is the lowest setting. It accomplishes a couple of things.
One, it’s a nice quiet white noise-type of device. When you’re actually running it on low in a smaller type of room, since the speed is actually slower, you can actually improve each air pass efficiency against the chemicals, odors, and vapors. You’re not blasting air through there really fast. Obviously, as you move it into bigger rooms, you might need more air turbulence to actually effectively move air in the environment. I often just recommend people if you’re in a room that’s less than 20 by 20, just run that thing on low. It’s going to do a wonderful job for you. It’s going to remove all those different things and particulates, chemicals, odors, vapors. Now we can have this system deployed in order to attack those things.
Dr. Pompa:
What is the square footage? My bedroom is maybe the average size room, 400, 500 square feet. I don’t know.
That’s well within the capabilities of these.
Dr. Pompa:
What is the capability?
This is where the analytical person in me versus a marketer person, it truly depends upon the volume, not necessarily the square footage. It’s based with the volume that you are needing to treat in that area. A lot of times in an average home it can treat areas up to 1,000 square feet, which is really nice. I do want to let people know that if you have a whole bunch of rooms, 1,000 square feet divided over a whole bunch of rooms, you don’t get the air movement between the rooms that you necessarily would.
Deploying this system you maybe get a general living area in that type of setting or in the bedroom. It can treat those types of areas. It can move that much air to do that. Again, every home is different. The concentrations are different, the flow of the home. A lot of people have now the more open floor plans. You can treat much bigger square footage areas than if you have an old home with a bunch of rooms.
Dr. Pompa:
The basic cost of that unit is what?
I have to apologize that I don’t have the exact quotes. They run in the $700, $800, $900 range. We have different packages and programs that are available. You mentioned the one that Ashley has that information for.
Dr. Pompa:
We’ll put a link up. We have a discount code on there with the link.
Those are really great because what you often get is the system, the HEPA filters, cartridges. We even have packages that include air meters so people can actually see their impact that these systems can have over time. Making improvements to your air quality include a lot of different things about fresh air, air purifiers, removing sources, treating sources in the environment. If you start doing all of these different things over time, you can really start to see the change of your environment.
Dr. Pompa:
I have people that just their sleep changes within days of using the unit. The other thing I love, and I think everyone should get this, for the average HVAC system, that’s your heating and cooling system in your home, everybody has the little filters that you go to Home Depot and buy. Those are typically just filters that filter out particles. That’s important. You can replace that filter with one of your filters that have this new technology medium in it as well as the regular filtration. I’ve done that.
I recommend everybody does that. You probably don’t know the price. You’re the scientist here. Let’s put it this way; it’s more expensive than what you buy at Home Depot, but worth every penny. That means every bit of your air is being filtered through that.
That is correct. That’s actually what I have deployed in my home as well. Every three months we’re changing it. We have a lot of particulates. It’s removing the particulates very efficiently with that. Now what you’re doing, as you mentioned, the ones that you would buy at a big box store or a hardware store, they’re removing particulates.
Now we’ve just included the ability to remove the chemicals, odors, gases, different things that are often considered the environmental pollutants. That’s what we’re doing with that technology. It’s a great way. While your system is running, you’re both exchanging air often with the outside, but you’re turning over all that air in your home very efficiently. It’s a good way to treat a lot of different things from day-to-day odors from cooking and household—
Dr. Pompa:
For us it’s about health on this show. That’s what I have. I have that and my unit. Maybe Ashley can look at what that actual price is for that. It’s very inexpensive.
Ashley just told me the link. It’s It start at $699. That’s almost 30% off. We appreciate that, by the way, Kyle, giving our viewers a discount. We’ll also when we have the information find out how the AC units are. It’s way less than that.
They’re $99 or something.
Dr. Pompa:
I was going to say, I remember it being about $100 for that. Again, I upgraded when I bought the other ones. I probably pay about $30. This is far better because it actually gets rid of the chemicals that are really dragging us down every day.
It’s an added capability. You’re already removing particulates, depending upon if you buy the $4 one or the $30 one. Those more expensive ones do a good job at smaller and smaller particles, which is the nice thing.
Dr. Pompa:
They don’t do the chemicals or the biotoxins from potential mold in your HVAC, and that’s what I want. I so appreciate you coming on, giving us the new science, the new technology that protects our soldiers from chemical warfare. We need this technology to protect us. We appreciate your research through the years to bring us this technology, Kyle. Thank you.
Absolutely. I’m pleased that I actually over the years have worked with a lot of people that are smarter than me that originated this technology. I’m happy to be along for the ride and also to help further it as we continue into the future, bringing in new applications such as the air purifier.
Dr. Pompa:
They may have been smarter, but you brought it to the average man. That’s a big need. That we appreciate. I think you’re being humble as well. Thank you, Kyle. I so do appreciate you bringing the science and the technology. You definitely made my life better. You’re going to make thousands of others better. I appreciate it.
Glad to hear that. Thank you.
That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. This episode was brought to you by CytoDetox. Please check it out at We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern.
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