318: Living Forever Young

Today I welcome Tammy Stewart, who is one of my very first platinum elite trained practitioners, specializing in teaching clients cellular detox and cellular healing so they are equipped to stay Forever Young.

Tammy is here to discuss the first ‘R' of detox, which is removing the source of toxicity. And how she applied this principle to her own preparation and recovery from a recent surgical procedure. I’m so excited to hear all about this!

More about Tammy Stewart:

Tammy Stewart is a Certified Health Coach and a Certified Cellular Detoxification Specialist, a wife, and a mother to five amazing children. The heart of her work comes through the time she spent healing her family from mold, toxins, and hidden infections. Tammy is the founder of Health for a Purpose, a virtual health coaching program. Her goal is to help her clients stay “forever young feeling”, so they can enjoy a life free from the distraction of disease, well into their golden years. She focuses on removing the sources that interfere with optimal health, and cellular healing. Tammy enjoys spending her free time with her husband and children as much as possible, visiting them and traveling with them. She also enjoys exercising, attending seminars to keep up with current research, and reading books.

Show notes:

You can find Tammy at https://healthforapurpose.com/ and connect with her on social media at:


CHTV Episode #75 with Tammy Stewart: Overcoming Mold Illness

A Family's Healing Journey: Tammy's story

CytoDetox: total detoxification support where it matters most – at the cellular level.

Dr. Pompa's Beyond Fasting book – now released!

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Dr. Pompa:
Some years ago, I had someone on named Tammy Stewart. Her story encouraged many of you. Wait ‘til you hear the rest of the story. There was something upstream that Tammy—and she talked about mostly her family’s journey and different—but she didn’t finish her story because her story wasn’t finished until now. Our stories are never finished, but there was something upstream that kept Tammy from healing completely and getting her life back completely. This one’s going to shock you, and many of you watching this either have this yourself or know somebody that has this, very common. Again, you’re going to want to share this show, but wait ‘til you hear the rest of the story.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith, and today we welcome Tammy Stewart, who is one of Dr. Pompa’s very first Platinum Elite trained practitioners specializing in teaching clients cellular detox and cellular healing, so they are equipped to stay forever young. Tammy is here to discuss the first R of detox, which is removing the source of toxicity, and she’s here to talk about how she applied this principle to her own preparation and recovery from a recent surgical procedure. I’m so excited to hear all about this, so let’s get started and welcome the lovely Tammy Stewart and, of course, Dr. Pompa to the show. Welcome, both of you.

Thank you. It’s so exciting to be here.

Dr. Pompa:
This is the second time that Tammy’s been on Cellular Healing TV. We’re going to provide the first time because she told the part of her story that involved her whole family, literally. I mean, all of her kids, they have a story.

Yeah, they all have, yeah, so many stories.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, right, I mean, from lime, to mold, to metal.

Right, and mold.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s the exciting part about this show is that I obviously hammer the fact that if you don’t get upstream you’re not going to get your life back. I don’t care what you do, what diet you do, nothing. You are the example of that, as well as myself. I think because your family was affected by molds, metals, and what you’re going to hear today too, not only molds, metals, and lime. Hidden infections, you all had cavitations.

Oh, yeah, absolutely, and SIBO and staph and oh, my goodness, you name it.

Dr. Pompa:
Today’s story I think is going to shock people. We were talking about it on our doctor coaching call the other day. Someone said, “How are you doing post this surgery,” which we’re going to get to? I said, “Tammy, remember when we did that experiment at Systemic Seminar?” We tested our microbiome on our skin, so we all swabbed the different things.

Yeah, mine was my nose.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, okay, nose or skin, they gave us the choice, and we grew them in these little petri dishes, right? Yours had staph.

I remember. I clearly remember.

Dr. Pompa:

I know exactly where I was, and you walked down the hall towards me and said, “Tammy, oh, my goodness, you should see your petri dish. You have this enormous staph,” and then Dr. Morris , same thing. I remember exactly where…

Dr. Pompa:
Typical me, I can be oddly insensitive. I’m a very sensitive person.

That’s okay.

Dr. Pompa:
I can be oddly insensitive, my wife says. My wife’s insensitive. It’s like I’m always going, oh, my God. I’m oddly insensitive. I was so excited about the fact. Oh, my gosh, what’s causing it, right?

We found it. Look what we found. Oh, my goodness, we’re so excited.

Dr. Pompa:
You have to understand, Tammy, I mean, you’re stirring all these things out in your life, right? You went through the mold. I’ll let you add to a little bit of the story. We went through this, but yet, there was still that something that you aren’t well. This finding was amazing finding. That was how many years ago? How many years ago did we see that major growth of staph?

Oh, seven maybe?

Dr. Pompa:
Okay, so there’s been this interim of, Dr. Pompa, I get the boxers. I’m still not blah, blah, blah. I’m still dealing with dah, dah, dah. There must be something upstream still, Tammy. There must be something else. We didn’t know, but you’re going to hear that story today. All right, let’s reverse. We’re going to put the episode. You don’t have to tell your kids’ episode.

I don’t have to tell the whole story again, okay.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you don’t have to do that. We’ll get more into yours. We’ll focus on your story. You can talk a little bit about that, and then how we got here today.

Okay, got it. I realized when I was making notes preparing for today that we’ve talked so much, shared so many stories about my kids, and I’ve never told my story, my personal journey. What happened in the beginning—and I’m not going to go in all this, but we found mold in our house. Our kids were sick. Yeah, that’s where my journey started. That’s when I became a practitioner because there was no one here to help us. My kids were sick. All of them had different symptoms, and it really anchored back into my why.

My grandmother had Alzheimer’s for—she was in the nursing home for about ten years. My daddy was by himself taking care of her remotely. She was about an hour and a half away. All my life I have been focused on health. My health is my greatest asset. That is my commitment 100% because I want to be the grandmother who is there for my grandkids. My kids got sick. We had mold. I had eight mercury fillings. There was no one here to teach us how to detoxify those things, so I had to become a practitioner.

Dr. Pompa:
I guess that’s how you found me, right? I mean, that was how many years ago?


Dr. Pompa:
We’ve been together a long time.

Yeah, 12, 12 years.

Dr. Pompa:
You became my patient. Like most superstar moms, you started searching for you and your family, so you became a practitioner to do that. How did you end up finding me? You were my client and patient first.

Right, exactly. Our oldest son was sick, and our chiropractor had been attending conferences with you. Honestly, in self-defense because I was screaming at—I had his face in my hand like this. “You have to tell me what’s wrong. Why is this happening?” We had been getting chiropractic adjustments every week for three years. That’s supposed to make us healthy and undoubtedly saved us from so many things. He said, “Ooh, there’s a toxicity problem somewhere.” We did the VCS test. Our son failed it. We found mold in our house, and that’s how I got in touch with you.

Dr. Pompa:
Then, gosh, I guess that brings up your story. Tell us, where did it start? What were your symptoms? Where did it lead you?

We started out with mold. I had eight amalgam fillings. At that time, my husband was unemployed. This was 12 years ago with the recession, the mortgage industry crash. He had been working for a mortgage company. I learned about this mercury in my mouth, and I have to get this out, this poison. R1, remove the source. Long story short, we cashed in some 401(k) programs because I did not want to have money in retirement. I wanted to have my health. When I’m healthy, I can keep working, and I can earn money and be productive instead of retiring and having money.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s me. That’s my feeling.

I cashed in that 401(k). I didn’t care how much it cost. I got the mercury out of my mouth. I became a practitioner. We started doing true cellular detox. My kids got better, and I got better in a lot of ways. Then we found the staph that you and I already talked about, and then the thing that happened next was—so my daughter had been—she used to be—she was sick all the time. She would get the excessive absences letter from school every year, constantly sick. She was better and better and better, and then she started getting worse.

You and I talked, okay, always, R1. We tested her for lime because that’s the only thing left, and we found all five us—all of us had lime. We worked on lime. We recovered from that, and then we discovered cavitations. All six of us because by then the family had grown went to the dentist, had all of our cavitations repaired.

Dr. Pompa:
Just so people get because we have new viewers, that means that where teeth were removed, like a wisdom tooth, right? It could be another tooth. It heals over. We have no pain, but years, many years later you have an infection that is hidden in the jaw without symptoms. You get a cone beam, I’m sure, is a 3D X-ray to identify that, or maybe there was another way. Back then, we didn’t…

It was a long time ago.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. We didn’t have cone beaming.

We did one cone beam on [Tara], of course. They found one cavitation. We went to a very, very good dentist in Texas, one of the best, knew how to read the X-ray, and we didn’t pay for cone beam for all of us. I just took everybody to the dentist, and we said open up every single one, all six of us, all four wisdom teeth sockets. All of us had cavitations.

Dr. Pompa:
Just so people know, these things drive sickness at every level, autoimmune. They lead to cancer. They lead to a lot of problems, unexplainable problems and symptoms, etc., and it’s 80-some percent chance you have one if you had a wisdom tooth removed. Okay, go ahead.

Right, so we all got the cavitations removed. I don’t even remember when that—a long time ago, and we know so much more now that we did then. I got better. This is just a short little piece of this story. I am so extreme. You know this. I do everything you say, and I don’t do a little bit of it. I do it to the nth degree. I do all of it.

I had been on the Cellular Healing Diet, high fat, low carb for about ten years. We were learning diet variation, but that was hard for me to let go and actually do that. Over the course of two years I gained about 15—let me see, yeah, 15 pounds. Finally, beating my head against the wall, okay, I can do this diet variation thing. I started doing diet variation fasting and feasting, lost 15 pounds. See, all along the road, there were little pieces of progress, but still, something going on. My glucose, no matter what I was doing, even when I was in ketosis, glucose around 90. I had SIBO so small intestine bacteria overgrowth. My symptom was bloating. I would wake up in the morning nice, thin, and by the end of the day, looked pregnant so all those things.

So many things just weren’t right, and it was weird. It was all on the right side of the body. You and I said let’s get another cone beam, so I did. We found something on the cone beam, went back to the dentist, and they removed it. It wasn’t a cavitation. It was I don’t know what. I could feel them scraping, so there was something there. He’s scraping it off, and I got better. I could breathe better.

I had been to Hank Williams in California. I had ballooned my sinuses. That helped a lot, but still, I had headaches on the right side, had tension on the right side. I had pain on the right—in my back on the right side, spider veins on the right side, all of these things on the right side. We got that cavitation removed, a little better, glucose still high. Last year, in January—so it’s January 2019, I started experiencing more and more pain from my waist to my thighs, and it was getting worse and worse and worse. I was hosting with 50 Ways to Women’s Wellness Summit. I was privileged to interview Dr. [Katie] Susse. You know [Katie], Kayte.

Dr. Pompa:
I love [Katie].

She wants us to call her Kayte, I think.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, good, see, I call her [Katie] too. To me, it’s a hearing…

Yeah, she said, professionally, call her Kayte so Dr. Kayte. She talked about breast explant. It was like a light went on that you know what? I had a mesh implant, bladder sling. Let’s go back to when that happened and why. It was 2005 that I got that. As the typical woman, you have children, and you tend to get urinary stress incontinence. That’s considered normal because is common. It’s not normal, but we think it is because it’s common.

After my first child, it got better. After my second child, it got better. After my third child, it really didn’t get better. It was getting bad, like walking through the parking lot uncomfortable, so my gynecologist—because I was not a practitioner. I didn’t understand true health back then. He said, “No problem. We can put this little mesh, this little mesh implant, and it’ll hold up your bladder. You know what? While we’re in there, we’ll just oblate your uterus because no reason for you to have periods anymore. Let’s just do a uterine oblation.” We don’t even want to go into that.

We did the mesh implant. There was no improvement, zero improvement. I went back to the doctor for my six-month checkup—for six-week checkup, and he said, “You know what? Your uterus is sitting on your bladder. Would you like me to take out your uterus?” Really? You already did surgery on my…

Dr. Pompa:

Crazy! I said, “No. No more cutting. No thank you.” Then when I started working with you, I started testing my hormones, and my antidiuretic hormone was zero. I had no antidiuretic hormone, so my body couldn’t hold on to water. As one of your clients, I was talking to Heather on the phone on one of our appointments. You remember Heather [Hosslink].

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I do.

Heather said for me to take GB, and I did. That’s the part of the brain that produces…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it produces ADH, yeah.

Yeah, so I had to stay on a really high dose. I was taking two of those twice a day for years. I would periodically try to take less, and the problem would come back. I would increase my dose, and it would keep it under control. Visiting with Dr. Kayte, she said—I said you know what? I’ve got this mesh implant. You had been studying autoimmune. You’d been teaching us. Based on newest science, if there’s something foreign in your body your body’s going to attack that, and I didn’t even do any of the autoimmune tests because there’s too many false negatives.

Dr. Pompa:

Typically, you have it for decades before you get a positive test, so I didn’t go into that. Dr. Kayte said find a Facebook group of people who have mesh implants, and I did. I found specialists, two really important things. First of all, when you have any kind of mesh implant, you need to get it removed, but they have to remove the whole thing.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, it’s like the breast. You can’t just remove the silicone implant. You have to remove the whole capsule because everything ends up in that capsule but anyways, very similar.

Remove the whole mesh, number one. Number two, you have to have a surgeon who’s really good at it who you can trust not to put something else in there. Some people have gone into surgery to get a mesh removed and come out of surgery with a different mesh implant. The mesh that I had had been taken off the market. It was made of polypropylene. I worked so hard to get rid of all the plastic in my house and my kitchen, and yet, there was poison in my body, in my body, oh, class action lawsuits about this.

The thing that makes it really insidious, that makes it really hard is that I had no symptoms where the mesh was. The first symptom I had—so I got the implant in 2005. In 2007, I clearly remember. I started getting pain. I don’t know if I can step back far enough, just right here in my hip bone.

Dr. Pompa:
I see it.

Isn’t that weird? I started getting pain there, and it would hurt for a couple of months. Then it would go away, and then it would come and go for years. Then, last year, I started getting more pain, just lower back, and remember, I’m getting chiropractic adjustments routinely. I’m doing Cellular Healing Diet. I’m reducing inflammation. I’m doing everything. I get chiropractic. I get acupuncture. I do meditation. That’s why you and I are banging our head against the wall because I’m doing all those things.

Then both hips are hurting. In fact, in the meantime, I got the Oura ring, so I’m testing my sleep. Restless sleep no matter what I did. I threw the stupid ring away. That was just frustrating.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, a sign of toxic source upstream. Sleep isn’t right. Deep sleep’s not right. Even if you sleep through the night, you feel like you don’t. If you have an Oura ring, you can actually measure that you don’t, so that was what was happening.

It was a great tool. It did tell me—it gave me a measurement of a symptom and constantly working into ketosis but still high glucose. Even on a 5-day fast, my glucose would be in the 90s.

Dr. Pompa:
Crazy. That’s a big sign again that something toxic is going on. What is it? What is it?

We knew there was something wrong. Then the pain was in both hips, and it was reaching down into my thighs. I found three doctors, one in Cincinnati. This was winter, and I’m ready to get it out now. I did not want to go to—I’m sorry. It was Cleveland, didn’t want to go to Cleveland in the winter or St. Louis in the winter, and my son lives in Los Angeles.

I called a doctor, Dr. Nitti at UCLA. He number one said, “Tammy, we have to get rid of all of that mesh,” so I knew he was the right one. Plus, lots of people had been to him, and he had done it correctly. Dr. Hank was close by so I could go to him after my surgery and get some treatments to help me recover quickly. My son was there. I could stay a week.

Dr. Pompa:
One of which was the TRT, which we spoke about some past episodes. We’ll talk about that.

Yes, we have to talk about that.

Dr. Pompa:
That inspired you to get one, and now you’re helping other doctors. We’ll get there in a second.

That was huge. That was huge. I went into the hospital. We also need to talk about how I prepared for the surgery. Why don’t I talk about that now?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, great. Yeah, okay, you found your guy. Then just like a cavitation surgery, we don’t just go get these things done. We have a preparation that we do before detox, before surgeries, talk about it.

I was very, very focused on strengthening my immune system, doing everything I could to reduce inflammation in my gut. Even though my glucose was high, I was still doing fasting and feasting. I was doing more fasting: partial fast, water fast, raw fast, every month a five-day fast, plus my weekly fasting. Lots of variety of culture fermented foods, probiotics, prebiotics, focusing on that. I did a lot more exercising because I knew I wouldn’t be able to exercise for a while after my surgery. That was my focus: strengthening my gut. That’s really the foundation of the whole body.

Then, going into the surgery—so the mesh, let me define mesh. It’s like this, mesh. The mesh, it was transobturator. If you reach down to your groin and you have those little tendons, a tendon on each side of the groin, that’s where it was supposed to be connected running under my bladder, lifting up the bladder and the urethra. There was no pain there anywhere. However, when I went to the doctor in November—and I’m going to get a little graphic here but just for a second. He did a physical exam, and he said I can feel the mesh right here in your vagina.

I thought, oh, my goodness, no wonder I’ve been having so much trouble for years. I thought, oh, I’m just getting older. Maybe I don’t have enough lubrication. Let’s find natural sources of lubrication. I don’t know. Maybe I need some estrogen, and I did some estrogen creams. None of it helped. I was having so much pain with intercourse for years, and nothing that I did helped. He could feel the mesh right there in my vagina, so that was a huge relief because at least I knew what the problem was.

We went in for the surgery, and it was a two-hour surgery. If anyone’s thinking about doing this, here’s a huge thing that I can share with you. Think about where they’re cutting. There was an incision in my vagina that’s very long, a couple of inches. There’s an incision right beside my labia. It’s a three inch—three inches long right parallel to my labia. Think about where my leg was opened up like that for two hours. Oh, my goodness, I was so sore from just the muscles and the tendons. If anyone needs that surgery, that’s what I recommend I didn’t do. For a month or two before, just lay on the floor with the butterfly, the yoga butterfly with your legs out. Prepare your tendons and muscles.

We had this really long surgery, and I did get antibiotics twice in my IV, and I knew that was going to happen. I did take the pain medication for a couple of days, just as little as possible. After I got out of the hospital—so I was in the hospital 24 hours, and after I got out, I was just sometimes Advil or Tylenol. I never had to take both. All of the things that you and I had been doing together for 12 years prepared my body to come through that surgery and recover quickly. In those Facebook groups that I was in, there are horror stories of what mesh does. Some people, they’re on—they’re walking with a walker. They’re in bed in extreme pain all day long. They get the mesh out, and they’re still so sick.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, well, that’s where the post—you have to detox after these things, which you do, but I hope people hear that message. That a lot of people in that group, they didn’t prepare, and then they didn’t detox afterwards. Just like breast explants, there’s a preparation, and then there’s a detox on the other side because those toxins do go through every cell in the body. If you know Tammy shirt, it’s fix the cell to get well.

Yeah, exactly.

Dr. Pompa:
You have to detox the cell to get well.

That’s right. As soon as I got out of the hospital, lots of culture-fermented foods, lots of probiotic and prebiotic supplements, and I did a really intense 20-day liver support protocol because my liver had been taxed with all those drugs. Then I did another support protocol to rebuild the muscles, the tendons, the ligaments, the joints that were stressed. I did a lot of visualization so all of the meditations that we’ve learned from Joe Dispenza and others, from Caroline Leaf. That was really good preparation for me to change my mind so that my subconscious mind knew that I didn’t have to respond anymore with pain, that my body can heal.

Dr. Pompa:
Those neurological patterns were in there, so you had to break them.

Yes, had to break all of that. Let’s go back to the TRT.

Dr. Pompa:
Part of your recovery. TRT stands for tissue regenerative therapy where it stimulates your own stem cells to start the healing. We used it on Daniel, my son who broke his back. They said wouldn’t walk for 12 or 15 weeks, and they wanted to do the surgery. We didn’t. Anyway, this was part of his miraculous recovery in healing as well. Yeah, TRT, there you are.

We call it the stem cell machine, and that changed my life. I got my machine in November, and my surgery was the end of January. I started on my hip and my thigh. My pain was so great for more than a year that I couldn’t lift my leg to put on my pants. I had to lean down to put on my pants. Even when I leaned over, my back hurt. Third session on the TRT, I could do this with no pain.

I have another client who is a professional soccer player. He’s had a lot more dysfunction than and I have, and it took more sessions. I remember the day he said, “Look! Look! I can lift my leg,” so exciting. That machine absolutely helped me to function before the surgery.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you got one, and now you perform it on people. Matter of fact, I have so many people who have ask me where can I go for—to get TRT therapy? Okay, where are you? How do they find you? You can help them.

Yep, absolutely. We’re in Grapevine, Texas. You can find us, just google Tammy Stewart, CHC. We’re on Instagram and Facebook and YouTube. Our website is Health for a Purpose. You can send us a message and come to us in Grapevine. I have client driving five and a half hours one way from Arkansas.

Dr. Pompa:
I mean, it’s even worth flying in. Often times, it only takes five, six treatments, right? You know what I’m saying? You can stay for a spell and just get some treatments done and fly home, even come back a few months later.

Yeah, ten minutes from DFW Airport, super easy. That changed my life. Then after the surgery, we did use the machine for wound care, just right there where I had the incision. My recovery was really easy. As soon as I got that mesh out, the pain all over my body was gone immediately, shocking. A lot of times healing—and I want to be real with people. Healing, a lot of times it’s two steps forward, one step back, two steps forward, one step back, and that can be discouraging if you don’t know to expect it.

Some of the pain has ebbed and flowed, but I’m anchored 100% in all the things that you’ve taught us. God designed the body to heal when we remove the interference. Do I have autoimmune (probably)? Would a test show it? I don’t know, but that takes time to recover.

Dr. Pompa:
It will reverse. It will now.

It will, 100%

Dr. Pompa:
You said on our doctor call this week—someone asked Tammy how you doing post-surgery? It’s like you’re getting better and better every week.

Better and better. For me, the recovery was really pretty simple. I found that if I had days that I worked too much I would get tired. I was able to work a little bit. After five weeks, I thought pridefully, oh, I’m so healthy and strong. I can start exercising. That was a mistake, and I got worse. At some point, see, my husband was helping me in the office, and then I thought, oh, I can do it. I was sitting on a chair with wheels, and I was rolling back and forth. Imagine yourself doing that, and imagine where you’re sitting and which muscles you’re using.

That was a mistake. That was a bad day. I got worse that week, and I sat back. Take it easy. Give your body time to recover, and it has. The incisions have healed, and it’s been seven weeks now. I’ll start exercising again next week. I’m going to give it a little time, and then all of the things that I’ve been doing are going to start working. When I do a five-day fast—and I’ll keep doing that. I’ll do five-day fasts once a month until my glucose comes down.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, it’s going to be a totally different experience. I mean, everything’s going to be different, I can tell you, when we find that last bit of cause. Keep in mind for—reminder, she went through mold. She went through lime. She went through hidden infections, cavitations. She’ll tell you every time she dealt with one of those she did get better. Let’s be clear.

Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Pompa:
There was a level, but it wasn’t there yet. It was like wasn’t there, wasn’t there, wasn’t there, and this was the last of the thing. Matter of fact, show your heavy metal test. I know you have it.

Oh, got it, yes.

Dr. Pompa:
Do you have it? The aluminum was off the chart. Now, your lead is still coming down. That’s how long lead takes. You show them.

Right, it takes so long. When I said I do everything to the nth degree—so we started 2008. To do true cellular detox safely, you do cycles, four to seven days on, seven, ten days off. I have done that constantly. Now, there may have been months when I only did one cycle if I was on vacation or something. That’s a lot. To start with, when I first started, that was my aluminum.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, look at that. Rarely you see aluminum because aluminum is in the brain. It’s like mercury. You don’t really see it in the tissue, but you saw your aluminum and mercury on that test, which is really weird.

Yes, and my grandmother had Alzheimer’s. That’s motivational. I tell my kids you know what? All these crazy things that I do and you look at me and you think I’m crazy, that’s why. I’m going to be here for my grandkids.

Dr. Pompa:
Right, that’s right.

Then I’ve done a couple of other tests. In fact, one of my kids, Steven, Steven’s aluminum was almost that high.

Dr. Pompa:
Wonder where he got it from.

Imagine that. He was my oldest. Then Jason’s lead was off the chart. He was my second. My husband’s mercury was way higher than his lead, which is really scary. I at times have got discouraged. I would do a heavy metals test, and it would still be high. I would think, oh, I’m doing all these things.

My encouragement, if I could say two things, well, two or three things, number one, your faith is that God designed the body to heal no matter what. You remove the interference. Give the body what it needs. The body will heal. You need to remove the source as quickly as possible. If I could go back in time, you and I both, what would we have done differently? God brings good out of everything.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s true. It’s true.

This is my most recent. Notice my aluminum, very low.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s amazing, yeah.

Lots of metals completely gone. My lead started out 13. Now it’s still 11. Of course, this is not a perfect test either. It’s only measuring what will come out.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, lead takes years, [00:34:35] years to get it out of the bone.

Let me look at my notes real quick and see if there was something, oh, restless leg. I was miserable, miserable with restless leg, and that is so much better. Be persistent is my challenge to everyone.

Dr. Pompa:
The message here, if you still don’t feel well, there could be something still upstream. Tammy, your whole story’s proven that again and again and again. Each time, with each discovery, you got better and better and better and better and still healing.

Yes, absolutely. We’re in it for the long haul.

Dr. Pompa:
Pain to purpose. You know your last show which we’re going to put link here? You inspired a lot of people to become practitioners because of their story, from pain to purpose. Starting off just as a mom that wants to get her family well, you become a practitioner, and now you’re changing lives by the thousands. That’s amazing.

Yeah, it is. My stepdad was my science teacher in school. The school I went to had 100 kids 1st through 12th grades. When I say he was my science teacher, I mean 7th through 12th grade he was our only science teacher, and I know he’s in Heaven laughing. When you and I first started, I had to go study what is a cell? What do cells do? Two layers of fat on the outside of the cell, really? I mean, science was not my thing, but it just proves that when God calls us He equips us.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, I love that, yeah.

Perfectly for our journey. Each of us has a different journey.

Dr. Pompa:
I don’t know a more persistent person than you getting your life back, your health back, your new business. You name it. This woman is absolutely a one-percenter. I talk about three-percenters. Girl, you are a one-percenter. I’ll tell you, I say you evaluate a coach or practitioner based on the level of adversity and their own story of persistent. That makes you one of the best. Tammy, remind them where they are and your website and TRT therapy and all of what you’ve been through. She can coach you.

You know what’s funny? We work mostly from home, you and I. When I’m coaching someone one-on-one, it’s mostly on the phone. Yet, we do have a live office here in Grapevine, Texas. Our website is Health for a Purpose. You can find us on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Tammy Stewart, CHC. Just the extreme things, when I stand in my home office and look around, I have a Rife machine. I have a very upscale, professional vibrating platform. I have two very expensive saunas. I have an ozone machine. I have all these things.

Dr. Pompa:
She’s my sister from another mother, folks. You see it. She’s describing my house I think.

My TRT machine, all these things, all of my air purifiers and—wow!

Dr. Pompa:
Oh gosh, I would die for a TRT machine. I don’t have one of those. I don’t have a—you have an outlet to help people with this. You can pay for it, which is awesome.

It is so exciting. I had a client who could not stand up. When she would sit down, she would have to hold onto the chairs and the table to stand up. After her first session, she was like a jack-in-the-box. “Look! Look! I can stand up without holding onto anything. Look at me.” She was so excited. Love the TRT.

Dr. Pompa:
Folks, don’t you just feel her energy, this woman. Oh, my God, I am so blessed to know you, be a part of [00:38:35].

Oh, my goodness, I’m blessed with you. You’re saving our lives, all of us, my whole family. Thank you.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I appreciate that. Just knowing that helping you and now look at how many people through you. Gosh, I wish I could duplicate that 1,000 times over. We’d change the world faster. That’s for sure. We need more Tammy Stewarts, folks. Pain to purpose, that should encourage you. You are; you’re the—I want to put an R1. We need a shirt that says R1 and something about persistence on the back. I love you, Tammy Stewart. Thanks for being on CellTV.

Thank you. I love you too so much.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, thank you.

That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. This episode was brought to you by CytoDetox. Please check it out at buycytonow.com. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv, and please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, and sharing the show with anyone you think may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening.