Today I welcome one of my own Platinum practitioners, Dr. Duncan McCollum. Dr. Duncan practices chiropractic in his community of Santa Cruz, CA. With a strong interest in natural health, he continually strives to improve and update his knowledge on current natural health trends.
Dr. McCollum is a sought after speaker, radio talk show host, bestselling author and has been teaching cellular healing to his patients and audiences for several years.
Amongst other things, Dr. Duncan is here to share his key strategies to reverse your biological clock and offer hope in the new direction of healthcare.
More about Dr. Duncan McCollum:
Dr. Duncan McCollum graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1989. He opened his practice that same year and loves serving the Santa Cruz community and beyond. With a strong interest in natural health, he continually strives to improve and update his knowledge on current natural health trends. Dr. McCollum is a sought after Speaker, Radio Talk Show Host, Best Selling Author and has been teaching Cellular Healing to his patients and audiences for several years.
Following Dr. Palmer’s principal that the body heals from “above down inside out”, Dr. McCollum has continued his studies extensively in the field of neurology and physiology. Being an early adapter he has been studying how nutrition and especially toxins, both environmental and those produced by our own body can be a major player in the cause of disease.
Understanding that people seek out all different types of doctors to help rid themselves of their symptoms, it is no wonder that the absence of those symptoms has mistakenly and erroneously been equated synonymous, with that of being healthy. This false belief has been responsible for the failing health of our country. country, according to the political powers that be, as well as the World Health Organizations statistics, is nothing short of a disaster.
Show notes:
Pre-Order Your FREE Advanced Reader Copy of New Hope for Sciatica Today!
CytoDetox: total detoxification support where it matters most – at the cellular level.
Dr. Pompa's Beyond Fasting book – now released!
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Dr. Pompa:
Periodically on CellTVs, I talk about my doctor group where we experiment with everything, and we come together on amazing ideas. This interview is with one of those doctors. We talk about the TRT, the tissue regenerative therapy, the stem cell machine, which if you watch my Facebook you might’ve seen it and how he’s using that in his practice. Also, we talk about sciatica. Dr. Duncan just wrote his new book, which you’re going to actually be able to hear about and even purchase. We talk about some surprises on the causative factors of sciatica and the solutions and also the hidden solutions of why you may not be getting well from many different things. Dr. Duncan and I, we have some great conversation here about it. This is an amazing practitioner. You’re going to want to hear this interview. If you have some spinal problems, some pain issues that you haven’t been able to address or you’re aging prematurely, watch this episode.
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith, and today we welcome one of Dr. Pompa’s own platinum practitioners, Dr. Duncan McCollum. Dr. Duncan practices chiropractic in his community of Santa Cruz, California. With a strong interest in natural health, he continually strives to improve and update his knowledge on current natural health trends. Dr. McCollum is a sought after speaker, radio talk show host, best-selling author, and has been teaching cellular healing to his patients and his audience for several years. Amongst other things, Dr. Duncan is here to share his key strategies to reverse your biological clock and offer hope in the new direction of healthcare. Let’s get started and welcome Dr. Duncan McCollum and, of course, Dr. Pompa to the show. Welcome, both of you.
Dr. Duncan:
Thank you very much.
Dr. Pompa:
Doc, I’m so glad to have you on. You and I share so much in common. We’re at that age, man, where we’re just trying to anti-age.
Dr. Duncan:
Dr. Pompa:
You and I are willing to do just about any biohack in the book, but that extends to your patients, right? I mean, it does, the things you and I discover. Before we got on, we both said this, and we resonated about it. I remember people coming in with sciatica, back problems, drop foot, I mean, any nerve-related back problem. Man, we’d adjust them. Boom! Clear it out. We’d adjust a lot of things just away.
Today, it’s a different game. It’s not so different. The practitioner or the doctor who’s putting multi-therapeutic strategies in place, which we call multi-therapeutic approach, they’re the ones that are able to get these conditions in control because it’s not one thing. The body doesn’t know the difference of physical, chemical, or emotional stress, just doesn’t know the difference. If you leave one on the table, then something is—I don’t want to say as simply as sciatica, but something as common, I should say, as sciatica can go away like that.
Matter of fact, I want to say it right up front your book, which we’re going to provide the link for, you can easily talk about, but it is this topic. How many people watching this have sciatic pain? That means either pain down the leg. Maybe it’s weakness down one leg, maybe both. Maybe it’s just a lot of back pain that goes into their buttocks, but all of which can be defined as sciatica so a lot of people talking about that. Before we get into any of that, Duncan, tell us a little bit about who you are, man. How did you become the awesome doctor you are?
Dr. Duncan:
Thank you. Just like most of us that are in this profession, I just happened to fall out of a tree at an early age and smash my fifth lumbar vertebrae.
Dr. Pompa:
Pain to purpose.
Dr. Duncan:
Exactly, yeah. It went misdiagnosed ‘til I lifted a piano up into a ceiling and collapsed eight years later, and I was carried into a chiropractic office after being flat on my back for three weeks. I mean, I couldn’t go to the bathroom. I mean, it was terrible. This guy took an X-ray of me, the first person to ever take me seriously. In all my childhood, everybody just gave me pain pills. I grew up in Berkeley in the 60s, so I found something that worked better. Nothing was solving the problem.
Dr. [York] put an X-ray up, and he pointed to it. He said, “When did you break your back?” I just started crying because nobody had ever taken me seriously. Then he did an amazing thing. He put me on a table, and he gave me my first chiropractic adjustment. I walked out of that place. I was in pain, but I walked out on my own free will. I had a lot of – I had to come over a lot of stuff. Just like you, I was very dyslexic, and I tried to get into school. That was very, very difficult.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I said we had a lot in common.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, I did it, man. I did it. I spent 30 years doing this. It’s amazing and things that are changing so dramatically right now. I want to just start off right off the bat and talk about the Cellular Healing Diet, the Stemnomic Program that you introduced January of last year, and I’ve probably put more people through that than anyone. Week after week after week we’re doing it here. When you were talking about we used to adjust somebody and they got better, a couple amazing stories is on the third week all we had done was started eating three meals a day with no snacks, and we stopped eating inflammatory foods, which we go over in our—in the workshop.
This guy raises his hand. I’d known him for a while. He was a construction worker. He’s in his 50s. I said, “Any wins?” He goes, “Well, I quit taking 40 ibuprofen a week.” I’m like, “Really?” He goes, “Yeah.” Forty ibuprofen a week, he’d get the big bottles from Costco and just gobble them down. You and I know that would destroy his liver and kidney. It’s just minutes away.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, my God.
Dr. Duncan:
Then another woman raised her hand and said, “I’m off 21 ibuprofen a day.” Just this week because we’re doing a new one, week three, this woman says, “I’ve been going to a chiropractor for years, and since I did this healing diet, my hip pain went away.” That in itself is amazing. After 30 years of being in practice and knowing that we had to watch what we’re eating but then really learning the way you put it together for us with the ketogenic diet and the intermittent fasting and the feast-famine cycles, I mean, all this stuff that people can find out about, it’s been a game changer.
Dr. Pompa:
Look, I mean, just because you dealt with this sciatica, this is, obviously, the topic of your book, and in your book, I’m sure you go through your programs and how you put all this together. We’re talking about this, this, and that and putting—but in your book, you put it all together for somebody, right? Basically, here’s the solution to really dealing with this problem. Very few people are actually putting these things together.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, and the book is called New Hope for Sciatica. How many times a day do people come in and go, “I have—can you give me a stretch for my sciatica?” I go, “You don’t need a stretch. You’ve been stretching for weeks or months, and you’ve had people stick their elbows in there. You’re going in the wrong direction. We need to change your diet.” Of course, I do a complete set of digital X-rays. The other game changer came from your son, Daniel, when he injured his back, and I saw him using that TRT, the tissue regenerative stem cell machine. I hadn’t been able to lift my arm for probably three months ever since we were out in Park City, and you told me where to find it. I went and got two treatments and bought on.
This thing, for those of you out there who’ve been watching Dr. Pompa, you probably know about it, but I’m going to tell you one of the most amazing stories is a 72-year-old Vietnam vet who he came to my workshop, the Stemnomic Workshop. Every ten minutes you’d see him try to get up and go stand against the wall. Finally, one day I said to him, I go, “Look, let’s go ahead and get you into the office for an exam and do one of these TRTs on you, this tissue regenerative therapy or stem cell machine.” He finally agreed. He comes in, and I do the exam. He has a scar this big on his back that was a two year old scar from surgery. It still looked like it was three months old. It was still red and swollen and puffy. I’m going to have to get him on here and have him tell this because it’s hard to believe it.
I did a TRT on his back for maybe three, four minutes. He’s a Vietnam vet, tough guy. He gets up, and he’s using the F-bomb time and time again going, “What did you do?” He’s walking around. He goes, “I can’t believe it. I’m out of pain.” Then we did his knees that he couldn’t lift an inch off the ground behind him, and they both worked. He’s blown away. The point is all of these little therapies put together, I mean, they’re all fantastic, but when we start to put them together, it’s a whole new ballgame.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Duncan:
Then my book, New Hope for Sciatica, I talk about these. I talk about the Stemnomic Workshop, the cellular healing lifestyle, and how to use these diet variations and ancient healing strategies that you have taught us. Then we also go into the—I really explain some of the different causes of sciatica. It might be even your neck, and everybody thinks it’s their lower back. Then we go into how to use the TRT machine. My hat’s off to you and you helping all of us doctors. You’ve allowed us to help so many more people than we’ve been able to do in a long time.
Dr. Pompa:
No, look, I appreciate it, but I think you putting it all together like you do in your book, there’s so many people suffering out there. It’s one thing to hear—my viewers have watched me do a lot of shows on fasting and diet variation and all these topics, but they’re scratching their head going, yeah, I didn’t think of this as part of the solution for sciatica. It’s like, I mean, you’re putting it all together, the adjustment, the stem cell machine, the TRT. Probably a lot of my viewers, maybe they even heard of it. If you watch my Facebook, you saw—like you said, we ran on Daniel. It was part of his healing, his broken back, but you’re right here. Matter of fact, we’ll put your link. Tell people where you are. They’re the people that have watched me do those shows. We get a lot of emails. How do I find a doc who does that machine?
The point I want to make and I’ll let you fill that gap in in a second is that you’re one of the few putting it all together with these fasting strategies which, by the way, folks, I mean, just putting it together for you, this gets rid of these bad old cells that are driving this inflammatory pattern, which is part of sciatica, and then it’s stimulating stem cells, which is part of healing sciatica. Then we’re stimulating it naturally with this TRT machine to stimulate more of your own stem cells, and then we’re controlling inflammation with the other dietary strategies. Again, if someone out there not getting well from something, this could be the reason why. Give them your address so they can find you.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, I’m in Santa Cruz, California, actually, Capitola, a little bit south of there by—in between Monterey and San Francisco. It’s McCollum Family Chiropractic and 831-459-9990. I wanted to get back to the point of the inflammation. One thing that is just amazing in itself is because we are doing anti-inflammatory diet. Anybody with low back pain has gut problems. They have what we call dysbiosis, irritable bowel to some degree and this leaky gut from the environment, from the glyphosate and all those other chemicals. As we’re cleaning that up and cleaning what you call the downstream pathways up, the inflammation goes down. That alone takes pressure off the nerves of the low back. The same nerves that go to the large intestine, bladder, and reproductive area go down your legs.
It’s a multifaceted approach, and we have to be aware of that as clinicians. That it isn’t just an adjustment anymore. You have to do this other stuff.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I mean, I think that’s the missing link is putting it all together, and very few are absolutely doing that. I mean, some other cases you have seen—we just mentioned the TRT. What are some of the other cases that you’ve seen? I mean, even with this whole protocol. We’re talking about sciatic here, and that’s what your book is. Again, we’ll provide the link to get the book right here, but what are some of the other cases you’re having great success with, Doc?
Dr. Duncan:
Definitely, shoulder pains have been another thing, shoulder problems, like people that—well, I fixed my shoulder. It’s like all of a sudden you have a problem, and all those patients find you with the same problem.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s so true.
Dr. Duncan:
The shoulder problems have been amazing. Often times with this tissue regenerative therapy machine, you don’t even know exactly where the problem is. You might have some kind of low-grade pain, and you’re afraid to use your shoulder. What this particular tissue regenerative therapy thing does and the way I look at is, these old scar tissues, they’re old injuries that the brain forgot about. It decided it had another emergency to take care of, so it never healed correctly. When you use the tissue regenerative therapy machine on there, it brings new blood cell growth. It’s called angiogenesis, new blood vessel growth there, and also attracts stem cells. It’s like it opens up and reminds the brain that there is an injury here, and it never got healed correctly. It can go in and regenerate that. Then as long as you’re on the correct diet, which is anti-inflammatory, you’re going to get so much better result.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, by the way, people that have numbness down their arm, carpal tunnel, it’s the same thing going on, just a different nerve supply. What I found is—listen; I’ll be having dinner with someone. It’s like, oh, yeah, I went to my doctor, and he put me on an anti-inflammatory. I mean, isn’t that—people watching this, how logical is that? Do you have sciatic pain, or pain down in your arms, or carpal tunnel because you lack a pain killer? The answer is no. It’s just getting rid of the cause. I mean, what else do you see, people coming in that they’ve done that simply has failed?
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, definitely, well, a lot of times the surgeries, nerve blocks, or when they do something called oblation where they burn the nerves.
Dr. Pompa:
Terrible, yeah.
Dr. Duncan:
I had this one patient. Actually, her husband was a patient. She wouldn’t talk to me about her body, but her husband told me that she was getting her nerves burned in her neck repeatedly. One day I said, “Well, how’s your neck doing?” “Well, I have to go get oblation again.” “Why do you have to get it again?” She said, “Well, the nerves keep growing back.” I go, “No kidding. Your body’s trying to heal itself. Give it a chance.”
We started working with her with the anti-inflammatory diet and the stem cell machine, and all of a sudden, she’s got this whole new life. Diabetic neuropathy has been amazing.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that was my next question. What about diabetic neuropathy?
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, I had this one gentleman. He could not walk without his shoes on because it felt like he was walking on broken glass. He’s been a diabetic for several years, so we started working on his feet. His toes were like clubs. He couldn’t move them, and then he started to be able to move them. He came in about a couple weeks ago. I have his story up on my Facebook, Dr Duncan McCollum DC, but he’s going, “I could walk from my house to my hot tub out in the yard and back barefooted.” That’s a big thing for somebody like this. Then he said, “Look at my toes,” and he could wiggle them. How much balance do we have with our foot? Our feet are so responsible for that.
One half of our country’s diabetic or pre-diabetic. All we know that they’re doing and we’ve listened to Dr. Fung and you talk about, if you’re just giving somebody sugar and then you’re giving them insulin to get the sugar out of the blood, it’s like you’re pouring sugar into those veins. Then you’re putting insulin to get it out. You’re storing it as fat, but you never stop the source. It’s amazing.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s insanity, really. I mean, it really it is. Again, I’m sure, when you have the diabetics there, we can tell you, as a group of doctors and practitioners, without the fasting strategies that we’re teaching it’d be impossible to get them well. I mean, studies show that periodic fasts regenerate the nerves, regenerate the beta cells and the vagus where you make insulin. You start to burnout. You end up getting what I call pancreatic [poop out], meaning you just force your pancreas to produce more and more insulin, more and more insulin. Okay, your glucose is better. Then, oh, all of a sudden you’re diagnosed with type 1 diabetes now. Go figure, you burned the beta cells out. Again, fasting strategies fix that, help regenerate the nerves, help to heal the tissue. It’s [00:17:51] do it without fasting.
Dr. Duncan:
I want to tell you I have a type I diabetic in my class right now. She came in last week, last Wednesday night. She’s quiet. She said, “You know what? I’ve been able to reduce my insulin.” She goes, “How is that?” I go, “Well, look, if your insulin dependent because of sugar because that’s your fuel, what if we just give you a different fuel?” You just null and void this thing. We’re going to need some glucose and this and that. When we’re not dependent on that fuel and we just go let’s take that machine and put it aside—I don’t know if you ever watch American Pickers, that show?
Dr. Pompa:
One of my best friends was just here. It’s his favorite show. I never watched it, but he watches it every time. He knows every episode.
Dr. Duncan:
I take a look at it this way. It’s like these old pickers are looking in this old barn in the Midwest. They go, “Joe, what is that?” They go, “My, God, it’s a ketone burner. They used to use these a long time ago. I wonder if it works.” You have to prime it and get it going. That’s like our bodies. We got to get these things to start to burn ketones again, and the amount of toxins in our body are the main limiting factors on how quickly we can get ketones burning.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, Duncan, how many people—it seems so logical to us because this is what we teach ad preach every day, right? It’s the toxins that drive these inflammations. It’s the toxins that drive—I remember back when I practiced chiropractic. I remember looking at MRIs or X-rays and going this guy is in so much pain, all this trouble. I’m looking and going it’s not that bad. Then I put up others who are destroyed. Yet, they have no pain, and they have no sciatica. It’s like what’s the difference? Inflammation typically driven by toxins driving the—stopping the body healing, driving cellular inflammation and, yes, that’s why you can have sciatica. That’s why you could have anything that’s not healing, toxins. No one’s dealing with it.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, this is one thing that I talk about in my book. The book is New Hope for Sciatica. Everywhere you look it says chronic inflammation is causing this. Chronic inflammation is causing that. Chronic inflammation is the cause of chronic disease and age-related disease, which I hope we can get into for a second, but nobody’s talking about what’s causing the chronic inflammation. It’s toxicity, if we could just get the toxins out of there.
It’s like if I had a cut on my hand. You’ll love this. If I had a cut on my hand and I kept rubbing dirt in it, the things would never heal because I’m rubbing dirt in it, grimy dirt; not clean dirt. It would probably heal with clean dirt. That’s like the cells. When you were talking about Bruce Lipton the other day and the inner membrane protein or whatever that…
Dr. Pompa:
Integral membrane and protein.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, and how intelligent it is. I have some of those little funny, little kid toys that look like a cell with all these tentacles, but all the kids play with them. I pick one up, and it’s filthy. I tell my patients this is what our cells look like.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s great.
Dr. Duncan:
How can this work right? It’s the most important thing in our body. We have to clean this out, and that’s where the next thing, which is the cellular detoxification that you introduced us to years ago, is just fantastic. It’s just making so many changes in people’s lives.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I think when people think of something like sciatica or aging prematurely, dementia, what’s that have to do with a toxic cell (everything)? When you look at inflammation, science shows as the cause of dementia, Alzheimer’s. Inflammation, of course, is the cause of sciatic pain, headaches, migraines, hormone problems, weight loss resistance. What do you mean cellular inflammation? When the cells are inflamed, whether it’s a brain cell, nerve cell down here, you have a problem. What do you do? You better ask the question what is the number one cause of cellular inflammation (toxins)?
Dr. Duncan:
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, toxins.
Dr. Duncan:
You know what? Being able to really understand the right way to detox because a lot of people—especially in Santa Cruz, there’s bottles on the shelves and 10 days and 20 days and vinegar and watermelon and all this stuff, but it’s just like washing—if I had spilled red wine on a white carpet, I can clean it up, but there’s still a big mess underneath there that’s going to keep bleeding to the surface. We got to get to the core of it. That’s the beauty of this CytoDetox and some of the products that we use that will actually help get the stuff into the brain and pull the heavy metals and toxins out of the brain. Nobody’s patient enough to do that. They want to do it in one or two weeks. We know that it takes years, not weeks or months, but if we don’t prepare the body correctly, all you’re going to do is make things worse and pull more stuff into the brain.
Dr. Pompa:
Our next favorite topic, you and I, it’s anti-aging stuff, right? When we look at the chances of developing Alzheimer’s, it’s scary. I mean, it really should scare everybody listening to this over the age of 50 to death or at least into doing something different. All of the research with dementia and Alzheimer’s was about tau proteins, right? All of the drugs that they were creating was about breaking down these tau proteins and how to prevent them. It was like trying to get rid of firemen in a fire. Meaning that, yes, these guys in red suits are in all the damn fires. If we could just get rid of them, we’re going to fix this fire problem.
It’s absurd. Tau proteins are there because of another reason. Possibly there fixing things. All this billions of dollars of research have been into this, and it came back to, okay, it’s inflammation. It’s inflammation. All the newest things that are coming out, it’s inflammation of the brain. Hold on a second. Instead of stopping there because then the brain of the drug company will say let’s just develop a brain anti-inflammatory or something that affects the inflammation of the brain, okay, why don’t they ever ask the question, wait a minute, what’s causing inflammation? There’s tons of research showing it’s mercury, aluminum, and all these neurotoxins, but yet, they never ask the question, Duncan, never.
Dr. Duncan:
I know. They have a reason why. I was just doing some research. They say that one-third—and this is the AARP. AARP said in 2017 that one-third of hospital visits are caused by drugs.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, 1.7 billion, or trillion, or whatever it is dollars just because of the combination of different drugs. Twenty-thousand hip replacements or hip fractures a year are caused—are drug related from the drugs leaching the calcium out and stuff like this. It’s pretty crazy. The cool thing that—talking about age-related disease, now, I don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse for me. We’ve talked about these things called telomeres before, which are little strings on the end of the DNA, and just like horsetails at the pond, every time a cell divides you pull off one of those little horsetail things. You’re out of horsetails. You’re out of life. Those are those old senile cells that should commit suicide, but they don’t even know how to. Our immune system is not strong to do it anymore.
I say they’re like bored teenagers. All they’re going to do is cause trouble. They’re either going to mutate into cancer, or they’re going to infect the other cells. The cool thing is I had my telomeres tested. We’re in this other study, and there are some other tests going on. I just found out that my telomere age if 42.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s awesome, man.
Dr. Duncan:
Maybe, I just turned 64. Look at it this way. That means that I got to take care of my brain. If I’m going to live to be as long as my telomere age says and I don’t take care of my brain and my heart and my intestines and my digestive system and start feeding it good food and good oils, I’m going to be one of those statistics.
Dr. Pompa:
You know what? That’s the combination. I think I got you enrolled in that study on the DNA methylation testing. It’s looking at the other aspect, to your point. Okay, your cells have the ability to lose this—live this long. To your point, that could be a disaster. If your brain, or this organ, or that isn’t, then we have a new problem on our hands, right? The DNA methylation test looks at what are your organs and your other tissues—how are they keeping up with the age process? It’s going to be interesting to see if you’re above or below that on the aging process.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, it will be really interesting. I love to tell people that you introduced to me some guy named Bill. That’s all I know. I’m on some study that’s taking place in Russia, and I can’t talk about it. If I did, I’d have to kill you, but it’s okay.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. You know what’s funny? Again, there’ll be a day when I’m talking about all of this on CellTV, but we’re just not there yet, right? It’s like we’re looking at the study. We’re studying the different peptides and things that can actually change this aging, premature aging. One thing we know right now is, if you want to slow that process down, you got to detox the cell to get well and to slow that aging down. An inflamed toxic cell is—every test you run is—your cellular age is going to be older than your actual age. I guarantee you, most people watching this, if they took that test, their cellular age would be ten years older than—it was me when I was—before I started.
Dr. Duncan:
I’m sure mine would’ve been too. I mean, I’ve known you for about four years now, and I’ve watched you get younger every year. I finally jumped on your coattails. I mean, you know you can see what’s happened to me over the last two years.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Dr. Duncan:
I mean, I feel so much better than I have in about 20 years or that I can remember, and it has to do with getting the toxins out of my body, getting the certain amount of heavy metals. I still got a ways to go. Then not putting poisons in my body anymore. I still have a hell of a lot of fun when we go and do what we want to do. The whole idea is not to just restrict your life to be bored. You want to be able to—and this fits with the diet variation. When you and I were kids, I got dessert on Sunday. That was it. It got to a point where you could eat dessert 24/7, and that’s why we’re rated—we’re the fattest country in the industrialized world. We’re the heaviest. You know what the skinniest country or state is in the United States?
Dr. Pompa:
State, I don’t know.
Dr. Duncan:
Colorado. I bet this is going to change because they’ve legalized marijuana.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, I agree with you.
Dr. Duncan:
I think they’re going to change it.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s a whole other toxic problem for the brain, especially.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, which goes along with their eating.
Dr. Pompa:
I mean, just the level of THC—you can make an argument a little bit of alcohol is actually healthy, right? It’s like a few glasses of wine. The marijuana they’re breeding today is like a case of beer, I mean, the amount of THC that destroys the brain. They have people hoodwinked into thinking it’s this now health thing, and really, the amount of THC is absolutely toxic. Not to mention the toxins they’re using to spray on it raises—it’s a problem.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, no kidding. Just talking about reversing the biological clock, the one thing that we do know that we can do to lengthen our telomeres is fast.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s right.
Dr. Duncan:
Right, that’s what the science is showing. That by learning how to do fasting correctly—now, I was just talking to a guy over at the spa yesterday. He goes, “Oh, my son, he’s 39. He fasts. He eats bacon every day. He’s just eating a ton of bacon.” I go, “Oh, man, that’s what we call dirty keto, and it’s going to kill him.”
The whole thing we’re trying to do is get the cell membrane healthy again so that the hormones—we call it hormone optimization. A single hormone can get into that cell without having to push it in, do its job, and the toxins can get out of that cell easily. So many people are so misled on these—jumping on a bandwagon. They are going to hurt themselves, and that’s unfortunate.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, it’s very unfortunate, and yet, this is what’s offered, I mean, honestly. People with a very little understanding of really how to get well, you have to fix the cell, how to detox the cell. It’s like fasting is part of this process that we do to get rid of bad cells, rebuild new cells. You put that together with the cellular detox, some of these ancient healing, other strategies, the diet variation, it’s—it is; it’s magic. It’s not rocket science and then using some of these devices to biohack like the TRT that we were talking about.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, absolutely. You take that, and then you do the TRT, which is going to—again, wherever you use it, it’s bringing in new blood cell. It’s bringing in exosomes because it’s affecting the stem cells, right? It’s almost like I was—the way I used to practice chiropractic now. Get them on the Cellular Healing Diet, and then if we move them ahead if they need to—and most of us are toxic, so we get them going into the cellular detox program. Then with the TRT stuff, I mean, people are getting well so much quicker, but the most important thing is we’re teaching them how to live for the rest of their life.
Dr. Pompa:
Yes, oh, my God.
Dr. Duncan:
I’m glad I brought that up because that’s your whole purpose, and that’s my purpose. It’s not to keep people as our patients. It’s to get them in. Clean them up. Wash them out. Wring them out, and show them how to keep their body that way for the rest of their life.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, if you teach them to do it, it’ll last long enough to actually matter in their life, right? It’s like, if we teach you how to do cellular detox, they can do it long enough to actually make a lasting difference. If we teach them strategies of fasting, they will do it. We are programmed to fast. You are meant to fast. Without it, you would develop disease. You will develop cells that live too long, that duplicate each other. We have to fast. We have to cellular detox, but we have to learn it to do it long enough to matter. Honestly, that’s it. That’s the most important thing we said.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, absolutely. It’s taken me a while to get there, all of us a while to get there. That’s why my class here goes on every week. People could come in anytime they want. I also have an online class. Anybody in Santa Cruz County, you can come check us out and sit in the class and/or watch us online. I mean, it’s just been such a fun ride. Mindy and I have been friends for 25 years.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Mindy Pelz we just interviewed on CellTV. You can go back and watch that interview if you’re watching this.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, you’re the fourth practice manager or practice person that we’ve met together. In fact, I saw here talking to you after Cal Jam a few years ago when I went. I’d seen you talk, and I go this is what I’ve been looking for. Even though DNA had been around here in Santa Cruz on the Human Genome Project, a decade earlier nobody had really figured out how to put these strategies together that were effective and worked every time.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s true.
Dr. Duncan:
Mindy’s the one that brought me into this fold, and I love her for it and hate her for it. Man, I never get to sleep. It’s like you have so much information that you introduced us to, and you have us test it. Hey, guys, we’re doing this now. Okay, great, what are we doing now?
Dr. Pompa:
You know what’s funny? Often times in interviews, I’m always saying, well, we test this with our group of doctors, right? Yeah, here’s one of them, folks. You’re probably meeting another one, actually. Yeah, it’s like we do, right? I get excited. I read the science and this and that. I really am not confident until I do some testing. I’ll test it on myself, my family, and one and two and three, and then bring it into the doctor. Okay, let’s try this. Out comes either something that’s absolutely amazing or didn’t suit what we want, but TRT went through that process.
Dr. Duncan:
Nobody’s going to tell you this, but I’ll tell you that we always make sure that the three of you guys make it before we try anything.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s like, hey, I want to notice something. I definitely want to see a change of some sort. Sometimes I’m not going to be the one because that aspect of my health is pretty darn good. I find the someone that I really want to try it on, whether it’s a client or maybe the doctor has somebody. Then that gives me the encouragement or the confidence even to say, okay, let’s try it on some other people with similar conditions, but you have to have that process. I think that’s one of the powerful things about our doctor group is we—we’re able to go through that process and come out with something that’s actually real.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, absolutely. It’s so amazing and just to have the resources all over the country. I have a friend just had a stroke, or a friend of my friend’s had a stroke. I called Dr. [Tomas] up in Portland because that’s where this guy is and just knowing that he can get the same kind of understanding. We’re all in this group together. We run cases by each other all the time. That way we don’t have one doctor in one office trying to solve a problem. We’ve got a whole team that are on the cutting edge, and we’ve all tried this stuff. Some people know more than me about a certain subject, and that’s awesome.
Dr. Pompa:
We have our Voxer group where we just—we have whole groups in there. I see the things, and I see their responses. Most of the time, I don’t even have to respond. That’s what I would’ve said. We have all of us to, literally, rise up together. Awesome, Doc, well, listen, I hope people—again, folks, get the book here. We’re going to put the link for it [00:35:58].
Dr. Duncan:
It’s New Hope for Sciatica. We’ll put the link up for it, and they can always find me on Dr Duncan McCollum DC Facebook and I’d love to help anybody in the area, or I can direct people in other parts of the country if you need help there.
Dr. Pompa:
All right, Doc, thank you for that. I know people will take advantage of it. So many were looking for just the TRT machine, so there you go, all right, man.
Dr. Duncan:
People will come in four or five hours to use it. It’s just like there’s no one—nowhere else has it. All right, thank you so much.
Dr. Pompa:
You got it. Hey, easy place to fly into too.
Dr. Duncan:
Yeah, all right, take care.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. This episode was brought to you by CytoDetox. Please check it out at We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at, and please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review and sharing the show with anyone you think may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening.