336: How To Mitigate the Dangers of EMFs

Today I welcome Arthur Menard, who is the CEO of Lambs EMF-Blocking Apparel. Arthur is here today to talk about the threat (or non-threat) of 5G, harmful radiation, EMFs, and he will explain how to mitigate all of them. This is such an incredibly important, and often misunderstood topic, so i’m excited to have this conversation.

More about Arthur Menard:

It started at dinner. Once we were seated, we all instinctively placed our cellphones faced down on the table, which prompted a discussion around how we all unconsciously did it. We concluded that holding a radiation-emitting device so close to our body can’t be good.

But how bad is it really? We’d all heard different versions of the story: brain and testicular cancer; fertility issues; cardiovascular disease. We simply weren’t sure. Cell phones had only been around for a few years, so how could we determine the long-term consequences?

What was certain was that we didn’t know much about cell phone radiation at all, that needed to change. Coming from a scientific background, I decided to do some digging.

And what I discovered blew my mind.

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Dr. Pompa:

Look, I’ve done shows on EMF. This one’s different, very different solution, what I believe is the solution to this EMF problem. I have been researching 5G for many months now.


For the first time in this episode I reveal my findings. It’s not what you think, I promise you. This was a great show. Wait until you hear what I found out about 5G. Stay tuned.


Ashley Smith:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I am Ashley Smith. Today we welcome Arthur Menard, who is the CEO of Lambs’ EMF-blocking apparel. Arthur is here today to talk about 5G, the harms of radiation, and how to mitigate it. This is such an incredibly important and often misunderstood topic. I’m excited to have this conversation. Let’s get started. Welcome, Arthur Menard and Dr. Pompa. Welcome, both of you.


Dr. Pompa:

Yeah, welcome, Arthur.


Arthur Menard:

Glad to be here. Thanks for having me.


Dr. Pompa:

I can’t wait to have this conversation. Some time ago I tested your product, which we’re going to talk about. Again, I don’t do shows to sell product. The show goes far beyond your product in knowledge, and I believe everybody needs to share and watch this show. You and I agree that the solution of EMF is different than most people think. I think you’re right on target. Thanks for being here. I appreciate it.


Arthur Menard:

I’m super excited.


Dr. Pompa:

I think we need to back up a little bit. We’ve done shows on EMF, but we get a lot of new viewers, not to spend a lot of time here because I think most of my viewers understand the dangers of electromagnetic frequencies and the problems with it. Let’s start there anyway. Skim over some of the science. You and I have dug into it deeply. Give us a little bit of knowledge there.


Arthur Menard:

I’ll probably start for people who might not know what EMFs are. Electromagnetic frequency might not be super straightforward. It’s probably better known by most people as wireless radiation, which are your cell phone radiation, your Wi-Fi radiation, and your Bluetooth radiation. What some people might not know is that today all of your devices that are connected somehow, so all of your smart devices, are using wireless radiation in order to communicate with the outside.


EMFs are what connects your cell phone to cell towers in order to make phone calls or to get the internet. That’s what allows you computer to discuss with your Wi-Fi router, and that’s what allows all of your smart devices, whether it is a fitness tracker, an Alexa, smart phones, or even your car to communicate with your cell phone or your Wi-Fi at home. EMFs are part of our lives, very much so nowadays, and are an exponentially growing part of our lives. Why should we care about what EMFs do to us? There have been a lot of studies going on on the impact of EMFs on our health in the past few years.


Today there is about 1,600 peer review studies that show exposure to EMF radiation has an adverse affect on human health. A lot of studies have been done on cancer, on fertility, on cardiovascular diseases, but the cause of the issues associated with EMF can be summarized very simply by the fact that EMF radiation are taken by cells as an aggression because they’re polarized waves reaching the membranes of the cells, which are polarized as well. This aggression triggers a cascade of reactions in our body, but essentially it triggers our immune system to react. What’s been documented is that exposure to EMF radiation increases immune stress and altogether oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the root cause for a lot of today’s diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, fertility issues, and so on and so forth.




Dr. Pompa:

I think it might be worth explaining the difference of ionizing radiation, meaning x-ray and how this is so powerful. It knocks electrons out of their orbit, and that leads to cancer versus this non ionizing radiation. Give them an idea of that scale. That’s going to be important in our conversation.


Arthur Menard:

Absolutely. Thanks for pointing this out. This misunderstanding between the difference of it too has been the source of a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding from people as to what this radiation and EMFs are. If you look at EMFs, it covers a very broad spectrum going from electromagnetic frequency used for communication all the way to x-rays and y-rays. X-rays are classified as ionizing radiation, which as you said are very powerful radiation, which knocks off electrons. That’s called the ionizing process.


An ion is essentially a molecule which we kick out electrons from. This process of ionization can be harmful, directly damaging DNA, which obviously is one of the causes for cancer. That’s been very much documented. That’s what happens if you get exposed to nuclear radiation. That’s what happens when you get chest x-ray. That’s essentially a very powerful radiation that is directly harming your DNA.


In between ionizing radiation and non ionizing radiation there is a type of EMF that everyone knows because it’s visible. It’s colors. It’s what we see. It’s light. Then you have ultraviolet radiation, which can be beneficial for your health.


Finally, you get into EMFs, which are used for communication, so radio frequencies. Radio frequencies are called non ionizing radiation because they’re not powerful enough to knock off an electron. They’re not harming you the same way as nuclear radiation would. Another source of non ionizing radiation, for instance, is your microwave. That’s what’s being used to heat up your food.


A lot of the misconception around the issue with EMFs and non ionizing radiation is that—I don’t want to get into conspiracy theories. It’s been 20 years that we hear from the media and the wireless industry that it’s non ionizing; therefore, it’s fine. It’s not because it’s non ionizing that the mechanism—that there is no harm done. It’s just that the mechanism of harm is not the same.


The documented impact on cancer is here nevertheless. I think this is something very important to understand. There are a lot of things that—the mechanism of harm of drinking oil is not the same as if you’re being strangled. It doesn’t mean that it’s harmless on your body. It’s a terrible example. I’m really bad with [09:14]. I think it’s a key message here, which is that it’s two things that are very different. They should be looked at in a very different way.


Dr. Pompa:

I agree. Just because it’s not as immediately as dangerous as something like ionizing radiation, obviously, it’s still oxidative. I think you made that point that it’s still very damaging. I literally was wanting to pull up a picture of that. I don’t know if you’ll be able to see it. Let me see if I can screen share.


Just to give people an idea of it so we can reference back to it, Ashley would have to do it or enable me to do it. The bottom line is we have ionizing radiation over here, very high frequency. You have some microwave. Then there’s visible light, which is higher frequency than even the non ionizing radiation or 3G, 4G so to speak. Just understand that scale as we have the conversation.


If I can share my screen, I can try it. Here we go. Let’s look. She enabled me to do it. Can you see that?


Arthur Menard:



Dr. Pompa:

If you look, I don’t know if you can see the right of my screen, here we have some gamma ray wave radiation here in x-rays. We know these are very ionizing, very cancer causing. To the left of that as we move left you have ultraviolet, which we know that can be damaging too. That’s very cancer causing to the skin if you get too much of it. A little bit of it, your body deals with it.


Here’s visible light. We know that if you’re in the sun too long that can be damaging. Here’s infrared, which can be very helpful, healthy, just like the visible light. Then here’s some microwaves, and we’re going to talk about 5G. It comes into this area. Then as we move down, there’s radio frequencies and 3 and 5G. Just so you can imagine that scale, I’ll keep that so we can reference back to it if we need to.


Arthur Menard:



Dr. Pompa:

It just kind of helps us.


Arthur Menard:

That’s definitely helpful for picturing it compared to my hands moving around.


Dr. Pompa:

Exactly, yeah. Here’s only one problem with that is Dr. Pompa couldn’t stop sharing. That was the only problem that I couldn’t stop sharing. I’m not too technical. Ashley is laughing when I tried to do that.


This conversation is really important in that we know 1,600 studies showing it’s damaging. I could say this; one thing about it is power matters. This right here, you’d never see me do. I talk on my speaker phone because distance is your friend. There’s certain tissues in the body—and you might want to explain this—that are a little more vulnerable than other tissues.


I have scolded my children for putting their cell phones in the pocket, for example. I think this is part of your point. I still see their phones in their pockets, despite my efforts. My kids believe that EMF is bad. I’m going to launch that to you because that also brings about your solution.


Arthur Menard:

It’s very interesting that you bring up that point for a couple of reasons. Number one, I just want to go back to this, distance is important. The amount of radiation that you’re getting is proportional to the square of the distance, meaning being twice as far from the source of EMF makes it way more than twice better in terms of how little your exposure is. To get back to your example with your kids, it’s very interesting because I heard like a lot listeners from my parents when I was a kid, several times do not put your cell phone in your pocket. In fact, my very first cell phone that I got was under the agreement with my parents that I would keep it in my backpack and not keep it in my pocket.


Guess what? It was in my pocket most of the time. My parents are very intelligent people. They were very much aware of the issue. They had done the research. They shared this issue with me. Living in today’s society, living in today’s world, I think an average person checks his phone 350 times per day.


Dr. Pompa:

My wife is probably checking it 800 times a day. My kids are probably 800 as well.


Arthur Menard:

Most likely with kids nowadays, I’m very much impressed by how connected they are. What it is we’re not going to keep the cell phone in backpacks. We’re not going to be away from the device. Keeping it in your pocket is just the most convenient way. What we tried to do with Lambs when we created the solution was we realized that we’re not going to stop using technology.


The efforts that are necessary in order to reduce our exposure were just not compatible with our modern lifestyle. We set out to create a solution that would block the radiation from reaching the body so that we can keep on using all the technology available with the peace of mind and confidence in knowing that we’re safe and that it does not impact our health. We were right before the show chatting about how we’re actually very much pro technology with Lambs. We can get a little bit more into this. That’s been very important for us since the inception of the brand, which is we’re not out there to stay away from technology, but take a few small and simple steps that can make sure that compounded over the years your future self is going to be much healthier and feel much better.


Dr. Pompa:

The point too that I was making is that certain tissues are very sensitive. When we look at studies, putting them in the pocket, I’m very worried about those tissues in the area of their privates. Another thing that irks me is when I see women put it here right next to those sensitive breast tissues. Your product, and I’m going to have to show your products because this is—hold on, folks. Don’t panic. It’s not going to be what you think here.


It says Lambs right there. I’m a big fan. I really am because Arthur’s point and mine is we’re not going to stop this technology. It’s only going to get more. Are we going to just protest it or are we going to figure out ways to mitigate the exposure? Your kids putting phones in their pocket and places, Lambs thought of this.


If you put your cell phone in your pocket with this underwear on, a very different outcome. I’ll let you talk about your testing in a minute. Then I’ll talk about my own testing that I did with your product. I have tested many shielding products. Let’s just say that I have to test them before I buy them or I’m committed or I bring someone on this show. Most don’t work.


Your product impressed me greatly. You’re developing products around these vulnerable spots, even a beanie that you all sent me that I love. There it is. I love it. I love my hat.


The point is that this is the answer to this problem. By the way, I’m a guy who flies. The amount of radiation flying is very good. It affects the genitals very much. I always have my Lambs underwear on. People are like of course you have underwear on. It’s Lambs underwear when I fly because of the amount of exposure that you get.


Talk a little bit about some of the studies because I would be like great, it’s underwear. By the way, they’re soft. They’re amazing. I don’t want to sound like I’m doing a commercial, but I’m telling you even if they didn’t work, I think I’d buy them because I love the material that they’re made of. Talk about the studies. That’s what matters.


Arthur Menard:

I appreciate you saying this because that’s been key for us to developing the product in the first place. We’ve had a lot of people being like when are you coming up with the next products? We’re constantly rolling out new products. We take great care to develop products that are amazing in the first place and not just because of the protection aspect.


Our products are also antibacterial, heat diffusing, and they fit and feel great or at least we try as much as possible. We keep on trying to improve upon that. We have on our advisory board the former president of Lululemon, who is great with helping us create amazing products. That’s been key in order to create something that people actually want to wear and not just a piece of armor.


Dr. Pompa:

It’s great products.


Arthur Menard:

On the testing part, I’ll back up a little bit and go back to how we created the technology in the first place and how it works. Essentially when we set out to create a solution to this problem of we’re going to keep ourselves [19:37]. That’s just a fact. What can we do? We figured out that we can’t block the radiation from the device straight away because that’s how the device communicates. If we were to shield the device, then we better just put it on the airplane mode and we’re good to go. That doesn’t really help with getting phone calls.


Dr. Pompa:

By the way, to your point is that when I test the shields on this, if it works, then it doesn’t work, meaning it doesn’t connect to the tower. That’s the problem with shielding the phone as opposed to shielding you. I’m glad you brought that up.


Arthur Menard:

Exactly, yeah, the only solution was to shield ourselves. We started looking at what exists out there. One thing we figured out is that NASA spacesuits have an integrated, built-in radiation-proof technology because an astronaut in space is exposed to a ton of radiation. During a six month journey, that’s roughly 1,200 x-rays, I think top of mind; don’t quote me on that. [20:40] in the spacesuit is a technology that would block radiation. We looked at this and we tried to find a way to integrate this in fabric making it super soft and super comfortable to wear.


The principle that we’re using is called electromagnetic shielding. That’s a principle that you see in your microwave as well. The way it works is that wireless radiation cannot penetrate a grid of connective material if the size of the holes of the grid is smaller than the wavelength of the radiation. It’s Michael Faraday who discovered this in the 1800s. This principle is essentially what we use. We use very soft silver fibers waved in a very particular way all around the products to create this enclosure which is shielding your body.


We’ve been testing this technology in military-grade labs here in the states and in Europe as well in two labs called Energy Labs and EMITECH Labs. The amount of radiation that we’re able to block is essentially 99—I mean the reduction of radiation is 99.99 on all the frequencies used by consumer devices today, so all of your cellphone, WIFI, Bluetooth devices are reduced by this amount. For us, that was the optimal solution, which is we get to keep on using all this technology. We’re wearing underwear, t-shirts, beanies, and all the other products in the first place in our everyday life. Why not make them better?


Not only are they protective as I said, but we also try to integrate as much technology as we could in them. The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties are—it’s awesome because it doesn’t stink. Bacteria is the reason why you have smell. Yeah, we’ve just tried to make them amazing and good for you as well in the long run.


Dr. Pompa:

I want the shorts. I want every bit of it. I want a pair of jeans. I am into your product for the safety. The quality is just above board, man. I love it.


I did my own test when you all sent me some of your product. I said, look, I’ll do a Facebook Live if you’re not worried about it may be a bad test because I test a lot of these products. My personality is I don’t like really putting someone’s product down. People work very hard, so I don’t want to do that. You all said, no, do it. I was a little nervous for you. I literally gave it a very hard test.


I just took a pair of underwear and put it on my phone. Then I took my EMF reader and it diminished it to my children’s surprise because they were like, no way. That test is far—you’re talking about a very strong signal. I literally was a foot away to the phone and it was a minimum of 50%. Flip it around, the amount of radiation you’re getting this way, I could easily see how it blocks 99.9% because it was far stronger the way I did it, but it worked. At that point, I was like, okay, impressive, a very impressive product. Then I fell in love with it when I actually started using it just from the quality of the product, so bravo.


Arthur Menard:

I remember the video. It’s been a while that you’ve been wearing Lambs since then. I’m glad that we’re having this conversation now because you’ve had the chance to experiment with it for a long time now. When was that, like six months ago that we did—


Dr. Pompa:

Yeah, exactly. As a matter of fact, I’m going to do another one; I’m going to do another video. I feel like it’s worth doing I think because we line up on the solution.


You and I realize that look, we’re not going to slow down this technology. I’m wired in here: my computer, my mouse is wired in like old-fashioned. Why is it wired in? Because otherwise, it’s a radiofrequency. I mitigate that the best I can.


With that, my phone is still sitting here. Sometimes I put it in airplane mode; sometimes I can’t. Rarely do I store it on my body, but sometimes I might have to. Again, then we’re talking about just radiation in the environment. Especially in a city, you’re talking about higher levels of radiation. I want to protect me.


All right, let’s talk about this next big issue, 5G. Okay, I actually before in full disclosure brought Arthur on, I said, Arthur, I don’t ever want to disrespect one of my guests, but I have done a lot of research into 5G. I have talked to scientists, engineers. I’ve read, I’ve searched for studies on 5G. I said, Arthur, I don’t want to embarrass you. It’s not why I brought you on because I believe in your product. I really believe that 5G is no more dangerous, and in some respects, maybe even a little safer than 3G, 4G. Arthur, did I miss a study showing that 5G is more dangerous?


To my surprise, you were like, well, look actually, we both feel the same: EMF is bad. We both had the same thoughts about 5G: we’re not stopping it, we’re actually grateful for it in some respects because it would advance technology. We also agreed that if you put a lot of towers in an area, it could increase radiation. Again, what’s the answer to that because we’re not stopping 5G by burning towers down? The answer to that is protecting ourselves. Again, the Lambs answer is a better answer.


Arthur, the conversation, I said that look, one of the things I learned about 5G from the engineers and the scientists that it penetrates very—the top layer of skin; it doesn’t even penetrate down to the lower level of skin, which would really mean it’s more safe than 3G, 4G which can penetrate at least inches. When I dug for the science—now, with this, I also made the claim, how does it work with 3G, 4G, and these other wavelengths? We need to study it because there’s no studies on it.


Looking at the frequency, people, Arthur, are making the claim that it’s more dangerous because it’s higher frequency. If I go back, if I reshare my screen—here we go again. Okay, screen share. Oh, where is screen share, Arthur? I can’t find it now.


Arthur Menard:

Right in the middle, green button.


Dr. Pompa:

Oh yeah, share screen right here. All right, here we go. We’ll share this screen again. I just want to show them where this is. Can you see it yet?


Arthur Menard:

Not yet.


Dr. Pompa:

How about now?


Arthur Menard:

Still no; ah, there you go.


Dr. Pompa:

Now you see it. Okay, great. Here’s the gamma x-ray I’m just reviewing. Here’s visible light. Here’s infrared, which we know is healthy. It’s visible light, but too much visible light’s not good. Arguably, too much infrared, even the red light like Joovv lights, too much of that could be oxidative.


Here’s microwaves. This is where 5G, it is higher frequency than you would find with 3G, 4G for sure; therefore, it gets the bad rap of higher frequency, more dangerous. Keep in mind, it’s still not as high of frequency as visible light. If I put a flashlight up to this shirt that I’m wearing. We’ll go back; I just wanted to remind you and stop sharing this screen. If I put a flashlight back here, you’re not going to see it through my shirt necessarily, but if I put it right up to it, then you will see it.


That’s a good example that 5G right here could penetrate deeper, but right here won’t, but arguably less than 3G. Now, Arthur, we both agree though that by putting up towers—and by the way, the signal is so weak that it literally doesn’t penetrate rain, okay. It doesn’t penetrate buildings or windows. That’s why they need more towers. That’s why they have to signal it into a receiver on a building that connects into 4G that does bring it into the building. Talk about that because we lined up on that as far as that. Talk about your views.


Arthur Menard:

Right before the show, we were chatting about how I’m usually a disappointment for people who are very much anti-5G because I get on their shows and I’m saying, hey, I’m actually in favor of 5G. Then they jump the roof being like, you’re—buddy, you missed our [30:21]. I’m like, yeah, but here’s the reality of things. When we got cars and we got cars to go faster than 10 miles per hour, then it started becoming adventurous because a car crash is obviously damaging to your health in a lot of cases, but we made cars faster. Are we mad about the fact that now we have cars that are able to do 100, 120 miles per hour? That’s definitely exceeding the limitation right now except if you go to Germany.


Anyways, no, we’re not because it enabled us to just have much higher means of transportation. That enabled an entire new way of living as a modern society when we got this access to this transportation. What did we do to mitigate the risk instead of being like we’re going to ban cars who go faster than ten miles per hour? We built airbags and we built seatbelts. We put in place regulation around how fast you can go and how to drive. I think this is key here which is with every new technology like 5G comes the good or the very good in the case of 5G.


To go back to the transportation, it’s going to power a lot of great things such as self-driving cars is one them. They absolutely need a stronger signal in order to work everywhere and work as a network of cars. We’re going to see probably amazing things from cars in the next few years. That’s going to be powered by 5G. That’s just one example out of many other examples of what it’s going to enable us to do from a technological point of view.


It’s a very good thing and it’s going to come with bad, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t just mitigate the bad. The moment we’re able to mitigate the bad, that means that yeah, we can drive the car with a seatbelt on and airbag. We’re much safer than if we were just driving around with nothing or/and we’re better off than if we didn’t have cars. That’s a lot of transportation references.


Another thing that I think is important to understand for people who are like, yeah, but we don’t know the impact on health of 5G, we need more studies before we authorize it, wide studies generally agree with this approach. I hate myself being a guinea pig for an international experiment such as this one, which is like we have no idea what the impact of exposure long-term to EMFs, how bad it can be. We only have pointers from studies done on mice, which are really not good from the result perspective on the [33:19] health.


At the end of the day, if we look at the situation from a geopolitical point of view, China is rolling out 5G. Other superpowers are going to be running out 5G. The US is never going to say, okay, we’ll sit this one out. We’ll just be technologically less advanced than other countries. It’s just never going to happen, so 5G is going to happen. It’s going to bring a lot of good. We all have a way to mitigate our risks. That’s probably the best way to go about it.


Dr. Pompa:

No, I couldn’t agree more. I did my own test that was pretty interesting because they were putting a tower up here. I spoke to the engineer and very knowledgeable. He said, look, you can measure it yourself. It gives off a very beam like about the size of this. You really can’t detect anything until you would get very close to that beam. Testing that, he was actually right.


Then they said, well, look, we could put one of the receivers on your home. You can always turn it off. You don’t need to use it because I was interested in testing my WIFI before and after a 5G signal into my home, so I did. I did that and to my surprise—and I have video of me, here’s my number with the amount of radiation that was just in my home without the signal and then we installed it. To my surprise, it wasn’t the same; it was actually less.


I said, why would that be because my internet is so much faster? He said, “Well, that has nothing to do with it; it’s connecting faster.” The worst thing is when you have signals searching. Then connecting, the moment it connects, and that’s what dropped the actual radiation in my home. I have the numbers to show it.


Which again, that is—that was my own experiment. I don’t know what having more towers will do to all around radiation; maybe it will increase it. I think more studies need to be done.


If it does, we’re not going to stop it; the best thing to do is protect ourselves, which is your product. Just an interesting conversation because so many people who watch this show are just buying into 5G is bad; I’m just not that guy. I’m curious by nature. Look, maybe I’m missing something. I’m open, but I have looked at the studies and the studies are on 4G. I really can’t find one convincing study that 5G is worse.


Oh, and then the active denial system, 5G is using military technology. I read those studies, too. It really is crowd control. One of the reasons they don’t use it really, it’s because when people have thick clothes on, it didn’t penetrate. If they could hit it with a super high power of this, it would—they would feel heat on the skin. In the studies, it didn’t penetrate below the skin, but it would create the sense of heat on the skin. That’s why they used the active denial system, crowd control, et cetera. As a military weapon, it failed because clothing was the problem.


That’s the point. I used this light right here. Visible light is a higher frequency. Again, if I put it here, you see it, but if I back it up, you don’t. You see that? There you see it. Maybe I went through too much. There you see it; there you don’t.


That’s higher frequency than 5G. Five-G, one of the problems with it is it doesn’t even penetrate a leaf. That’s why you have to have towers every hundred meters just to—and still, it doesn’t penetrate. More towers, we create less interference with things. Then we have to connect it into a building.


I guess the point where Arthur and I really agreed is we’re not going to stop it and there’s a lot of benefits to 5G. Let’s protect ourselves regardless as they do more studies. What we do know, Arthur, is 5G, 3G, 4G, whatever, and maybe there’s a 6, but the fact is these—this radiation is going to go up. There’s nothing we can do except protect ourselves. That’s why your product I’m in love with.


Arthur Menard:

Yeah, and it’s interesting to look at the history there as well; meaning, the current safety standards that were designed first of all were designed before those studies came out and before we had any idea the mechanism of harm of EMFs where. The safety standards were set in the ‘90s, whereby then you had a brig phone probably the size of this mug. You could use it two minutes per week, if that. That would be the only source of EMF in your entire house; whereas nowadays, if I just take here, I turn on my WIFI, I’ve got 37 signals around me.


The amount of exposure that we’re—that we have today is just unfathomable compared to what we were just about 10 or 20 years ago. Professor Johansson, who is estimated about quintillion more exposed to wireless radiation today than we were ten years ago, so a Quintillion is a one and 15 zeros behind. That’s just insane. Yeah, and the approach that we both have, Dan and I, is essentially to say, well, we can either go live in mountains, and I don’t think either of us want to do this, or we—


Dr. Pompa:

It’s an alternative. It’s a choice you have, though.


Arthur Menard:

It is. You can try and wrap yourself in, or never live your home, and wrap your entire home in tinfoil, but the better choice or more obvious choice is essentially to get protected and just carry on with life and get as much as life as possible both from a health perspective and from a quality of living and technology perspective.


Dr. Pompa:

You see Arthur has these in which is smart. He would lose all credibility if he had the earbuds, the wireless earbuds right. I did a Facebook Live on that with—my kids were, they were wearing them. I said, okay, we’re going to test this.


I took my son’s friend, and he had them in, and I measured. It was like 1,000 to 2,000 because it surges times higher than the amount of radiation. By the way, with the plugins, it was acceptable. Really didn’t make much of a difference, but when we measured it with the wireless, 1,000 to 2,000 times higher than the 0.05 amount that we know causes DNA damage. My kids haven’t had those in since. That video went well over a million views because people were convinced.


We still need to mitigate our issues. You don’t stick those in your head and wear Lambs underwear. We still have to be smart. We still don’t want to push this against our ear; use speakerphone.


When I was interviewing the scientist about the 5G, just so you know, he was very anti-EMF. One of the things that happened to him is he drives in the car a lot. He was laying his cellphone on his leg. Okay, so he was lying his cellphone on his leg while he had his ear things in. Right where his cellphone was, he ended up developing a cancerous tumor. Just so you know, he understood the dangers of radiation and agrees that this proximity is the problem, but yet, he still held to the fact that 5G doesn’t penetrate as much.


The point is that I think that your clothing is the answer. Arthur, I have to tell you—I think we have a link for our viewers; I know we do to get a discount on that. You can share that or maybe Ashley will. We’ll have a pop up here. What type of clothing lines now have you developed because when this first come out, to my knowledge, it was just underwear and maybe something else? What do you have now?


Arthur Menard:

Yeah, we started originally with underwear because cellphone in the pocket. That was the obvious choice for us. We expanded then to beanies for people who keep the cellphone closer to their head and mitigate more of the risk even if you’re on speaker mode or anything else. Then the t-shirt was the next step for a couple of reasons; one of them being the thyroid as well that we’re able to protect, which is one of the organs that interacts the most with your immune system, which going back to the beginning of the discussion is one of the reasons why your oxidative stress can go up when being exposed to wireless radiation. We actually did a very interesting study on this. Sorry, I’m digressing a little bit.


Dr. Pompa:

Oh, it’s good.


Arthur Menard:

Where we measured the heart rate variability over heart rate ratio of people exposed to wireless radiation without wearing Lambs showing that the body would get into fight and flight mode, so essentially, into stress from an immune system perspective. Then putting on the Lambs, within ten minutes, somebody goes back to rest and digest mode, so no more stress. Then if we get the phone close again, the body stays in rest mode, so no increase in stress from the EMF when wearing the Lambs t-shirt. That was very interesting to us. The t-shirt was there to also protect the rest of the organs.


We’re working on a lot of new product lines which will come out in the next few weeks and months. I don’t want to spoil the surprise and say what they’re going to be. If you sign up or follow us on social media, sign up to our newsletter, you’ll be the first to know.


Yeah, the Lambs is a very simple solution. There are other very easy steps that anyone can take that really don’t change much or anything in your life. You mentioned before corded headsets, that’s a no-brainer for the reasons that you mentioned, especially on the earbuds where your ear—cellphone radiation gets absorbed by your tissue as it goes; meaning, if I put my cellphone in my back pocket, my butt checks will absorb most of the radiation. If you have the source of your radiation being directly in your ear, your ear canal goes straight to your brain with literally no tissue in between. It’s probably the worst idea.


Then again, I’m not blaming people doing it. If they decide that the convenience is worth the risk, then everyone can make its own choices. In my specific case, I find corded not to be such an issue. However, I am on WIFI on my computer because I just find it more convenient. I’m moving around a lot. That’s just a choice that I’ve made.


Another simple step that anyone can take is take out your phone—cellphone from your pocket when you’re at home or the office. I don’t have my cellphone on me right now. You can even put your router—you can configure your router at home, your WIFI, so that it turns off at night say between 1 AM and 6 AM if that’s the time where you’re sleeping or whatever your schedule might be because you don’t need WIFI when you’re sleeping. That’s just an automated way that you can turn it off.


In just those, what, four steps, Number One, corded headset, Number Two, take your cellphone out of your pocket when you can, Number Three, take your—turn off your WIFI at night, and Number Four, wear protective garments such as Lambs, and you’ve mitigated risk by—and your probably good to go. There is no need to go burning towers. There’s no need to dump your laptop and get all—get back to [46:42].


Dr. Pompa:

Exactly; hey, if you don’t believe Dr. Pompa with 5G, you’re still—the answer’s still the same. I couldn’t agree more if you do those four things. That’s what I’m doing. That’s exactly what I do. People ask me. I believe we’re going to be protected by this new threat if you will.


I’ll tell you, Arthur, I work with a lot of very sensitive people who are the canaries in the coal mine. When they do those four things, they sleep better. They notice a difference in their anxiety. This is a big deal. Here’s the scary part—these are the canaries in the coal mine. Some of you go, well, I don’t feel a difference because you’re not a canary in the coal mine, so to speak, very sensitive; however, your cells are reacting and are forced to adapt. If they don’t adapt, cancer could be the next problem or a cancerous tumor. There you have it.


Arthur Menard:

The experiment that we did about the reaction from an immune system perspective, from an autoimmune perspective, was for us really an eye-opening moment where we were like, wow. There is an actual reaction like right now to your body on exposure whether you feel it or not. That’s the difference between your body performing to its optimal state or not performing to its optimal state, which can overtime just—it’s a compounding effect essentially. It’s interesting, gas that you have at home smells because—


Dr. Pompa:

They put smell in it.


Arthur Menard:

They put smell in it because it’s an invisible stress otherwise that you wouldn’t know. That’s what’s happening with wireless radiation: it’s everywhere, we don’t see it, we don’t feel it.


Dr. Pompa:

That’s a great example. If we could put a smell on EMF, you’d be like, gosh, the smell is just increasing.


Arthur Menard:

Yeah, absolutely. I like to give the example like my—the moment where I really got started with Lambs was when I ended up on World Health’s Organization website. The classification of wireless radiation of cellphone radiation was a Class 2B human carcinogen, which is the same categorization as car exhaust fumes. Again, you smell car exhaust fumes. If a car was running in the same room as I’m working, or sleeping, or living, I’m going to be out of here. That’s essentially what’s happening with wireless radiation; we just don’t see it. Fortunately, there are just easy steps we can do; we don’t need to go out and burn those towers.


Dr. Pompa:

Those four steps. Hey, Ashley? I’m going to bring Ashley back on and just make sure that—I don’t know what—I should have asked ahead. Ashley, what is the—I know that many people watching this are going to want to get the products and Revelation Health offered a discount. What is that?


Ashley Smith:

Yeah, we have a special link. I don’t think it’s an easy to say link. I’m looking it up right now. I will definitely type it in the notes for sure. I’m going to look to see if we have a code which people can do.


Dr. Pompa:

Right, and the show is recorded, so we’ll have all that on the screen. We’ll offer them an incentive because, obviously, I want people to get protected. Arthur, just great show, great product. I believe this is the answer to the problem. Burning cellphone towers absolutely not the answer. I have to say that in this day and age as people protesting. It’s a funny thing what can happen on the internet, all the bad information. This is one of those topics; it really is.


Arthur Menard:

I’m very happy that you gave me a chance to discuss the topic and that we’re able to help people essentially better understand what’s happening and what’s at stake and also the misinformation that can happen around this. I’m really glad that you’re offering this platform to educate people and that we’re able to get his message across.


Dr. Pompa:

Yeah, appreciate you having on. A great topic, great show. Thank you, Arthur.


Arthur Menard:

Thanks a lot, Dan.


Ashley Smith:

That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 AM Eastern.