Transcript of Episode 34: Thyroid and Adrenal Issues
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.
Warren: Hello, and welcome to Cellular Healing, episode 34. Warren Phillips here, host, along with Dr. Dan Pompa, our expert today. We've been flooded with a lot of questions. Dr. Pompa looks like Jesus this morning with the sun shining on him, per usual. It's a live show, and in live shows, we get the sunlight changing throughout the show. We get so many questions about thyroid fatigue, and I know from experience having adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, in my health journey and health past, it's an interesting dance. Many doctors are driving the idea that your adrenal fatigue—oh, I know what's wrong with you, adrenal fatigue. They've been to all the doctors. They come in to a health practitioner. Of course you have adrenal fatigue. They're true, and it's right. They go ahead and they address the adrenals and the person's still sick. This adrenal/thyroid dance is the same thing. They come in, “You have a thyroid issue.” Of course they go to their medical doctor, they take the medication, yet still have symptoms. Go to a natural doctor with a thyroid issue, take natural thyroid supplements, and still have a lot of the symptoms, only feeling a little bit better, whether it be from the thyroid meds or the natural supplements. There is the dance, the adrenal/thyroid dance and this hormone dysregulation. Dr. Pompa is in my opinion, and the opinion of many others and the doctors that we serve—the other day, doctors on our blog site, one of these patients just getting their life back after being so sick. Dr. Pompa, let's share with our audience today some of the success stories, some of the challenges with this adrenal/thyroid dance that we have with the world today.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, no, you're right in what you said in the opening that I talk to challenged, very, very sick people every day. I hear their stories. They call in and you know—everybody that calls in, I try to speak to them. I get every one of them really, I believe. At least an hour of my day is devoted to that. I hear their stories, and in their stories, I see a lot of the same things: “I've been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue,” or “I have a thyroid condition.” I always have to say the same thing: “That's all fine and good. However, that's downstream. Your adrenals are the whipping boy for you not adapting to stress.” Yes, does it make you more tired? Does it make you more irritable, potentially? Not sleep as well? Absolutely. The thyroid can cause sudden weight gain, not be able to lose weight, hair thinning, dry skin, low energy. Absolutely, but the thyroid is the canary in the coal mine. It's very sensitive to toxins. There's always an upstream cause to both of those conditions. Yet, I can't tell you. Look, on one side we have medical doctors throwing medications at it. There's a time and a place, perhaps, but in the long run, if you're not working upstream, you're never, ever going to get those conditions well. On the alternative side, same things going on. We're throwing more and more hormones at it, even bioidentical hormones. Again, time and a place, even have people recommend bioidentical hormones. However, those are crutches until you figure out what's upstream. If you're watching this, if your doctor is not going upstream and really looking for why your thyroid and your adrenals are not functioning normal, then change doctors. Warren said I'm one of the leading experts in this. Look, I believe that I am, just because I go upstream. How do you get someone permanently well without removing the cause of why their adrenals or thyroid aren't functioning correctly? To me it's so simple. It's so basic. Yet, I can't find doctors—that's why we're training doctors around the country to do this, to go upstream, Warren.
Warren: Yeah, I had a conversation with one of our peers, I think it was yesterday, outside that was walking around. I was on the phone with him yesterday. Just a great soul, great heart. I think I even shared that conversation. I said that, we do different as a company, as a movement, the health centers of the future and the doctors that we train, is that we aren't into putting a Band-Aid on the problem. Many physicians have the attitude—natural health physicians, I'm talking about, have this attitude, most people can't handle that much change in their life. Even if they do a little bit better, take a supplement, take the soy, even though it's toxic, whey protein—not whey protein, but protein powder with fructose in it, it's way better than what they're doing. They can't handle that much change, so that's what I'm going to give them. I told Robbie, I said, “Look, we just can't do that. We have to preach truth and love and give people everything that they deserve, which is the whole truth, and let them a decision. At the end of the day, people need to be told the truth and everything about it. Therefore, the true leading in the transformation the movement can have, and it would be like Martin Luther King preaching a pointy message about the injustices that are going on, “It's not that bad. If you do a little bit of change, it'll be okay.” You're not going to create a movement like that. You've got to call a spade a spade and allow people to respond to that emotionally and come around that movement. That's what we're here to do today. When we talk about thyroid and adrenal issues, a lot of doctors are saying, “They might not even know that it could be something more going on.” It's just easy enough to give them some adrenal products and say, “Hey, stop drinking coffee.” Then there's there adrenal protocol. Never addressing that usually the adrenal issue is seven stages of dysfunction lower, and it has a lot to do with toxicity and hormone dysregulation that eventually came down to this massive adrenal fatigue that showed up on a test. Usually, when things show up on a test, they've been going on for what, Dr. Pompa? 10, 15 years. That's what I love about the approach and the training we have with our physicians. As an outside, supporting health expert on the business side, that really makes me excited. I know that the truth is being preached through health centers of the future and through great doctors.
Dr. Pompa: I want to give them some pointers about thyroid and the adrenals. I always like to give some solid take-home advice. I guess in a nutshell, when you look at the three- legged stool—I talk about that within the autoimmune and how autoimmune started. If you haven't read the article “Autoimmune Answers,” please do, because I talk about this three-legged stool of cause and there's an answer. It really goes beyond autoimmune. One of the legs of the stool are always going upstream and removing the source, the stressors that turn on the gene.
Warren: I gave you an invite, Dr. Pompa, so I can draw for you, if you want.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, if you can draw the stool, I'll just quickly go through it and just show you. I do this just to set up context for everything that I want to talk about. When you look at the stool, obviously, what is the concept of a three-legged stool? If you don't have one leg, it's not going to stand up. Your treatment, your solution, won't stand up if you don't address all three legs. Today, Warren, just changing your diet is not going to get somebody well. If someone changed their diet when we were growing up, it's like every health condition went away, right? There's other factors going on. We have neurotoxins that we're being exposed to like no time in history. They have this ability to turn on certain genes. Once these genes get turned on, then they're expressing. Your body, your cells, are expressing certain symptoms, conditions, that you don't like. Part of the treatment, if you will, part of the solution, has to be to turn off those genes. We know how to do that today. There's so much new science with epigenetics, in terms of changing gene expressions. That's one leg of the stool. Then you have to go back and ask what turned them on. This is where you have to work with somebody who's looking upstream at these types of toxins and really knows how to remove them at the cellular level. By the way, that's a big issue. Most doctors are giving people these goofy little cleanses and doing these little simple cleanses. Really, it's surface scraping compared to true cellular detox. The last leg is that microbiome. The gut, today, is just a mess in most people. Without certain bacteria, when these bacteria in your gut are missing, we can't regulate our immune system, inflammation, how our bodies work. It is this three-legged stool why people are getting sick. It's this three-legged stool of how we get them well. You have to go to a doctor who understands this very, very well. It's all really exciting, new information. It's how you get people well in the 21st century. I would say the last ten years the game has changed. Alternative doctors just can't give supplements anymore and get people well and change the diet. You can't be a medical doctor just pushing medication, chasing symptoms. Not going to work. We've got to go deeper, folks. That's what this is about. Let's talk thyroid real fast. Look, people go to their doctor. They have a certain set of symptoms, right? It's the same thing. They don't feel well, their energy's not well, maybe they don't sleep well, their hair's getting thinner, their skin is dry, temperature dysregulation—hot, cold, cold all the time, cold extremities, hot at times. We hear the same stories. All of a sudden, they gain weight, and all of a sudden they can't lose weight. The same diets don't work anymore. Same stuff.
Warren: That was me, you'd look at me now and say, “How could you have a thyroid problem, Warren? You look healthy, you work out. I remember, Dr. Pompa, one of the symptoms I had, just when we were talking about that, was taking a hot shower would wipe me out. That's a thyroid issue, and who would think that. Your thyroid regulates your temperature, correct? It interacts with the adrenals there, too, I believe. Again, explain why that happens, why I couldn't even take a hot shower. Then I'd have to lay down in bed and be wiped out after a hot bath? Forget about it.
Dr. Pompa: You're not adapting to stress, even the stress of temperature. Your body has to adapt. You get into a hot shower, go out in the cold, your body has to make those adaptations. That system of your pituitary and your brain, your thyroid, and your adrenals, that access, as they call it, is off. We'll talk about some major causes. When that is off, you don't adapt to stress. That's, by the way, why people end up irritable. That's why they're emotional, crying all the time. The reason you can't adapt to the hot shower is the same reason you don't adapt to your husband or wife or children and the stress that they potentially can bring.
Warren: After a hot shower, I'd just want to rip heads, or I'd be massively fatigued. I'd either be irritable or fatigued, one of the two. I'm a Christian, so that even makes it worse. Not that I'm the poster child for acting well all the time, but even myself, I'm like, “Whoa, that's not good. I know that that's a huge contrast of what I claim I should do on a daily basis.” Of course, I had grace for myself, but I was definitely acting way out of character. I'm like, “I don't want to be this person.” It's almost like when you're—I won't get into that. I'm going off rabbit trail, but—stop me now, Dr. Pompa. You didn't know where I was going on that one. It was really a hard time for someone like me who knew that that behavior was wrong. I think that internal struggle even makes people get depressed. They just can't control their emotions.
Dr. Pompa: Depression is a part of it, as well. Again, they go to their doctor and what happens? They end up on psychotropic drugs. Does it help? Oh, yeah, most of the time it helps. It covers up symptoms, right? Then it stops working. Then you need more, or you need a different one. Now you're on the treadmill. You're ready to get thrown off the back, because that treadmill keeps speeding up. Now we're on the alternative doctor's treadmill. You're on this vitamin, you're on that vitamin. You're on the next new thing. Both sides have a treadmill. Ultimately, not getting on the treadmill is, in fact, getting upstream to the cause. When that system, that axis—the pituitary, the thyroid, the adrenals, goes off, we don't adapt to stress. You're right. I can't believe my wife didn't leave me when I was sick. I couldn't adapt to anything. I remember her having to take the kids and just go. I would tell her, “Just take the kids and go,” because I was that irritable. I was that on edge. Of course, it messes your sleep up. You wake up in the middle of the night, can't get back to sleep or you don't go to sleep. You're just revved up because your cortisol's flipped. Then you're wiped out in the morning, all day long. Can you take things for that? Have things? Yeah, absolutely. I could think of five things right now. Those things are sometimes needed, but ultimately, how did we both get our lives back? We went upstream and we got rid of the cause. We had different causes, really, how we ended up sick, you and I, but yet, very similar presentation. That's like most of the people watching. The people that have these symptoms, you go to your doctor and you say, “I think I have a thyroid issue,” and you get blood work done. One of these things happens. Either it's normal, which most of the time for the first 10, 20 years, it's normal. They're going, “Oh, it's not that.” Look, Warren, you said it. It takes 20, 30 years for the blood work to go off until finally it shows up. Let's say it does show up. Then, what does he do? He puts you on a medication, typically T4 in this case. Does it help? Sometimes it does, yeah. Sometimes it does. It helps you produce more hormone and get more hormone into the cell and you feel better. Most of the time, it actually makes your blood work look better, but unfortunately, you don't feel better. You're going to your doctor and he's going, “Yeah, your TSH is now within normal range. Your levels are all better. It's not your thyroid of why you don't feel—”but Doctor, I still have the same symptoms.” It's like, what's going on? It's like, “Your blood work's better, so it must be something else.” No. Look, any medication can make your blood work look better, but the fact is, you don't feel better. Here's the bottom line. Without getting into it—we don't have time. The bottom line is, you could take all the hormone in the world and your brain can think everything is good. Therefore, your blood looks normal. However, you're not getting the message in the cell. Again, when we go back to the cell, you have to fix the cell to get well. After all this is, in fact, Cellular Healing TV. Here's your cell. This hormone is outside of the cell. In this case, active thyroid hormone is called T3. You can' put all of the hormone back in the body you want, but if that hormone can't get its magic in here and alter the DNA in your mitochondria, you're not going to lose weight. You're not going to have more energy. You're not going to feel well. Because your brain thinks that the hormone out here, everything's okay, all your blood work looks normal. The problem is, you're not getting the hormone in the cell. It's like this: your cell has now become more and more deaf to the hormone. By the way, the more hormone you take the more deaf the cell becomes. The analogy I love to give, Warren, is—and you're not to this point yet, but you will be one day. The louder we shout at our kids, especially as they become teenagers, the less they hear us. Meaning that in the beginning, when you shout at your kids, they're scared. It works.
Warren: Yeah Tuula, it works. I raised my voice last night and she –
Dr. Pompa: It works. Eventually, the louder you go, the less Tuula will hear you. That's like giving hormones, whether it's bioidentical or whatever it is. Yeah, it works in the beginning. We feel a little bit better, but ultimately, then the cell becomes more and more deaf, and now we don't hear the hormones at all, just like our kids don't hear us at all. Another analogy is trying to take gasoline. Your car runs out of gas and you're dumping the gasoline on the car because you can't get it in—your darn gas tank is locked, so you just decide to dump the gasoline on the car. That's what people are doing with hormones. You've got to get the gas in the car. Therefore, the hormones really—because the epidemic is inflammation of the cell, hormone treatment only works so far. Really, ultimately, it doesn't get to the cause. We have to ask ourselves, why cannot this hormone get into the cell? Ultimately, the answer's inflammation. Then we have to ask ourselves, Warren, what is causing inflammation? Of course, we know that certain neurotoxins are the driving force. I want to say one more thing, because that's one reason. Another reason is autoimmune, which again, folks, read the article. Autoimmune is a massive, growing epidemic of people. Now we can have toxins that attach to certain receptors, thyroid receptors. Your autoimmune system's creating inflammation, driving the inflammation. Now the body is not getting the hormone in the cell, or it's not making enough hormone. It's not converting enough hormone. These are the real issues. Did your doctor even test you for autoimmune? Even if he did, what's he going to do? His treatments sank. That's probably why most doctors don't even test you for autoimmune. Most people watching this are autoimmune to some point. Even if you get the test, you run thyroid antibodies, they were negative—once again it takes years being autoimmune before you actually show up on a blood test autoimmune. The treatment for autoimmune versus a non-autoimmune case is completely different. I just want to really get people to realize, Warren, that you have to go upstream. What causes autoimmune? Read the article. It is a three-legged stool. The toxins are a big issue. The thyroid is a canary in a coal mine—very sensitive to heavy metals like mercury, very sensitive to halogens, chlorine, bromine, these things that we're exposed to today like never before. Our kids are drinking soda, Gatorade, all these things that are loaded with bromine that interferes with the thyroid. Silver fillings in our mouth leaching mercury right up into our pituitary that runs our thyroid. These are causative factors, Warren. This is where people need to look for the ultimate solution. Run the next test isn't the answer. Taking the next hormone's not the answer.
Warren: I just posted that article with Dr. Pompa on so that people can access that quickly. I'm going to hit “Publish Comment.” Perfect, so that's there. It was interesting. When we first—even during our health journey, which for me was almost ten years ago, Dr. Pompa, is when I showed up sick at your doorstep, and you started taking care of me and speaking into my life. A broken man with no future, really. I tell that story all the time to people. I told it to the guy at the store the other day. I just can't help but continue to tell the story of how God gave me my life back when I didn't deserve it. Even then, I remember the patients. The autoimmune epidemic wasn't, I would say, half of what we're seeing it today. I don't know why that's the case. I have no idea, but I remember the Cellular Healing Guide alone transforming lives. Today, what seems to be happening is diet alone causes more autoimmune conditions, maybe because the mass inflammation in the gut. More leaky gut is happening. I don't know, but I just remember, the Cellular Healing Diet was the magic bullet back in the day. Now, as the sickness and disease has progressed, this down regulation of the autoimmune and a lot of the strategies we use with our doctors—and thank God for people like Jordan Rubin and some of these other experts that have paved the way for some of these—even Joseph Mercola for that matter, the Microbiome Project, when he partnered with that. Some of these experts really have looked into the autoimmune issue. What I love about what we do, we read the research and just don't go, “Wow, that's great research on thyroid. That's great research on autoimmune.” We start putting it into practice. I remember Jordan Rubin saying that you, “Dan, you're a pioneer, because when you hear truth, you just go out and you do it, even though it may be hard to do.” That's why we do what we do. If you're watching this and you want to do the right things, you need to get in touch with us. We can put you in touch with one of our doctors. I hate to get into this, Dr. Pompa, and you may not want to go here, but what are some of the—we're not Band-Aid fixers here at Cellular Healing TV. You heal the cell you get well. Remove the interference, the body does the healing. At times, we do need some support so that we can function on a day-to-day basis. I know for me, I've been traveling. I was in Paris, and I spent a lot of time—I was over there, and I lived it up while I was over there. I had a great time with my wife. We reconnected, which is definitely important for your health. I am now back on a lot of methylation. One of the products that I take is B12 and then it's hydroxycobalamin and Folirinse, both strong methyl groups. Also, MoRS, by Systemic Formulas. I don't have it here. I have it at home. Why would I take that after doing a lot of oxidative stress? How would that help my adrenals? Then go off into some of these other adrenal tips. Then maybe some thyroid tips, just so people know that they can get some support as they're trying to find a doctor that knows how to remove the cause and get them their life back.
Dr. Pompa: Methylation, you need methyl groups to adapt to any stress. The adrenals ultimately need it, because methyl groups, you need to activate cortisol and adrenaline and all the stress hormones. You also need them to deactivate it. When you're stressed, you're going to use more methylation. The need is greater. Supporting it when you're under stress is very, very important. That's why it's one of the 5R's, by the way, because methylation is R5, Reestablishing Methylation, because it's so depleted today. Toxic stress depletes it. Emotional stress, physical stress, all deplete methylation. Athletes need more. People who are more stressed with adrenal fatigue need more methylation. Otherwise, you will turn bad genes on, just like I was explaining. It is part of that turning good genes on and turning bad genes off. As far as the thyroid goes, one thing is, is run the right blood work. There's ratios that we do. We look at different functional ranges. Again, going to one of our doctors that really is trained, that I've trained around the country, that does this, is important, just for the testing reason alone, but obviously, for the treatment reason. A little tip on the thyroid—then I'll move to the adrenal, just to keep it in order. 25% of all thyroid conditions are severe iodine deficiency. Especially if you're living in the central United States, there's massive, massive iodine deficiency. People that live on the east coast or the west coast, there's a little better, but severe in the center of the country, because there's just no iodine in the soil, there's just no iodine in the environment. Today, it is one of the five—if you haven' t read that article—the five great deficiencies that I believe all of us need to be aware of. There's an article about that. Read it. Iodine is one of those five true deficiencies today. It can lead to major thyroid problems. Heavy metals, which we're exposed to today, it's obsequious really, bind to the same receptors as iodine and it blocks the receptor. You need iodine to make thyroid hormone, so if you're deficient and then heavy metals is blocking it, now we've got a big problem. Iodine, but you have to take it in the right ratio. There's a product that we sell on our website called TMI, like too much information, TMI. It has the iodide and the iodine. The iodide is used more for the thyroid. The iodine is used more in breast tissue and the brain. People don't understand that when you lack iodine, you start losing IQ. You start losing brain function. You become brain fogged. It plays a large role in breast health, hormone health—to make certain estrogens, you need iodide. Very, very important. Anyways, you want that—there it is. There's a perfect ratio that's been shown to work really well. Then there's other herbal, which we call herbal in that product that help the iodine, actually, beat the liver to the tissues, where we actually need it. That's an amazing product. I take that product every week. Probably, I would say, three times a week, I take two of those pills. I don't take it every day. I just pop them randomly as if I would eat. Again, my iodine levels are good, but I do it just to maintain my iodide levels that's important.
Warren: Here's another trick, Dr. Pompa. Another major oxidative stress in radiation, two things—so why am I so beat up, a healthy guy, after traveling eight hours to Paris and nine hours back on the plane. You're so high up in the atmosphere. Think about radiation from the sun just smashing your cells, causing cellular inflammation and rust essentially, oxidative stress. There's radiation, so before you travel, if you want to protect yourselves from cellular death or apoptosis cellular death—am I right on that? I always take this before I get on the plane. After I get off the plane, I take two. This trip, I forgot. Just so you know, guys, I'm a healthy fellow, but post that trip, man, I've had headaches and all kinds of—I got weird joint inflammation in this joint and this pointer finger. It's amazing that just that amount of travel—again, I'm not perfect. I have a great, perfect diet, but that amount of travel still jacked me up, and I have to supplement to get some of those symptoms removed.
Dr. Pompa: The amount of radiation when you fly is actually huge. Now, radiation coming over from Fukushema people eating fish and other things with that radiation in it, iodine becomes more important. By the way, that's what you give someone who has radiation poisoning. They were giving people iodine when they're exposed to these fallouts like Fukushema if you all remember Thurmont Island and all that stuff. That was back in my day. Anyways, they give them high levels of iodine. Iodine, because of the levels of radiation, are actually far important today. When you go to the Hawaiian Islands, the radiation levels are extreme. However, those people have a lot of iodine in their diet, fortunately. It protects them. When Americans go there, they're not as protected. They come back and they're not well. We have to be very careful. Iodine plays that role. That's one. You might want to have Krista go get a bottle of Gb and Ga. Gb is another one you take when you travel, because it's a pituitary product. This is the control tower, here. By the way, when we talk about toxins and toxins interfering with the thyroid and the adrenals, a lot of it comes from the control tower right in the center of our brains. Studies show that the amount of silver fillings that you have in your mouth is proportional to how much mercury you have in your brain. Not just your brain, your pituitary hypothalamus, which is the control tower for all of your hormones, your endocrine system. That's why I couldn't sleep. That's why I couldn't adapt to stress. That's why my thyroid wasn't working well. All the mercury was in my pituitary. Look, we have a special protocol that gets it out of the pituitary. Please, read the article, know I'm pushing articles today, read the article, “When Detox is Dangerous.” Please, it's on the site. “When Detox is Dangerous.” I talk about this, and there's three parts: Part one, Part two, Part three. Read them all, because it's important. If you don't get the inorganic mercury out of that pituitary—we just released an article. We just wrote the article that I did with the interview for Dr. Grieco In that, the very end, I talk about how important it is to get the inorganic mercury out of that brain, out of that pituitary which controls the thyroid and the adrenals. That Gb, if you have it, hold it up. When I travel, I take that with the iodine, as well as a little bit of melatonin, 3mg of melatonin. Those two, I always take, because the pituitary hypothalamus helps you adapt, even to the time change and the stress. Then Ga is an adrenal product that is also very important, right there. That helps support the adrenals in times of stress. Again, if you don't work upstream, it's all for nothing. Those products, Warren, we've used them for years and years and years.
Warren: You've been using them for 15 years.
Dr. Pompa: Exactly. We still use them in our health, even today. The adrenals, that's a product that I love. There's another one called Seriphos that actually helps taper down cortisol. Many people are in this hyper adrenal state, even at the wrong time. That's why you can't get to sleep often and wake up in the middle of the night. Seriphos tapers down the cortisol. By the way, it's another reason why you gain weight. Seriphos calms the system and rests the adrenals. I love putting it as a crutch with that Ga, and oftentimes, even with that Gb. Those are just some tips. Here's another great tip: sea salt. Two teaspoons of sea salt a day. Man, the adrenals need that sodium potassium. People that are strained in their adrenals, they take some sea salt and they feel, they adapt, so much better. Sea salt, very important. Just in review, we talked about methylation. There's a product called MoRS, M-O-R-S.
Warren: I have the liquid version here on my desk, because I take it.
Dr. Pompa: Spin it. There you go. Always spin, spin, spin. Anyways, then the methyl groups, that's methylation.
Warren: I took that right while I was on the show because if I forgot, not good. I need it right now.
Dr. Pompa: Absolutely.
Warren: One of these to one drop of these?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly.
Warren: One to one.
Dr. Pompa: Then anyways, typically you would just one or two MoRS a day. Then the iodine we actually, if someone has a thyroid issue, you have to wrap it even the high dose, orthomolecular amounts of 50 mg. You should work with a practitioner with that for sure. Again, just something you can do on your own, obviously, supporting. The extra sea salt, the Ga, that Seriphos if she wants to go get that, it's S-E-R-I-P-H-O-S.
Warren: I'm trying to see if it's on my supplement shelf. I pretty much have everything on my supplement shelf that you recommend, Dr. Pompa. I take them on and off. When I first got sick, obviously, I was taking almost everything for a season. Now as I got healthy, I take them on and off.
Dr. Pompa: I'm going to take our viewers on a little fun—come on, we're going to end this show good. This is going to be a good one. We're going to take a little field trip.
Warren: To Dr. Pompa's cabinet!
Dr. Pompa: I'm going to embarrass my daughter. This is my daughter's room. Isn't that horrific? What is going on here today? Someone's going to be in trouble. By the way, those books you saw on the floor, those were dropped at 11:00 at night. I was falling asleep and I jumped. Now we're walking down—hopefully we see some animals along the way on our journey. Looks like a little safari we have going on. Oh look, there's an animal up there. Do we see that animal? We'll run into more animals. Let me turn off the television here that my wife was watching. Oh, I'm listening to it. I've got to turn this off here. Ah, wait! Okay. Now here's the supplement cabinet. This is why we did the field trip. This is Dr. Pompa's supplement cabinet. You can see there's—let's see what we have. We have L-Liver. This is one of my favorite products, by the way. Spectra ONE. I love Spectra! This is the multivitamin. Watch the video I did. This is the only multivitamin I take. I never took a multivitamin ever in my life. This is a true whole food multivitamin. Here's CVO Oil. I love CVO Oil. This is a krill oil that has a lot of other fat components. Lowers particle number of cholesterol. Helps you become a fat burner. I take that every day. Let's see what else. Oh, here's my MoRS! There's the MoRS. You can see—oh, another one. This is Synulin. This helps regulate blood sugar. As an athlete, I'm a firm believer. Oh, and then here's my ASEA. This is the packets; it's not the bottle. I took it this morning. There it is. Look, Seriphos! Here is the Seriphos, right? Love that product. Anyways, there you see it. It's true. Let's see what Dr. Pompa has in his refrigerator this morning. We're going to—ah, let's see here. Someone actually requested this, by the way, in an email. This is actually raw milk right here, that we get locally, and it's A2. How about that? Oh look, X-factor Butter Oil. This is amazing, amazing stuff. We sell it on our website. These are cage-free eggs. Organic, large, cage-free, free range eggs. Awesome. These are green beans, last night's dinner, cauliflower, sprouts. Oh gosh, that's raw dog food. We don't want to pull that out. Anyways, you see, I do practice what I preach. That was obvious. Here's all the vegetables under here. Oh, and all my raw cheeses. Here's a local raw cheese. I have some Beyond Organic cheese in here. I don't know if you can see that. Anyways, alright, that's all.
Warren: What about all your supplements that need to be stored in the refrigerator?
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here's an amazing probiotic. This one I'll talk about in a little bit. It's called Probiophage. It's actually phage, which we're going to do a whole show on this, because we're actually developing a new product here. Really exciting research there, as far as the microbiome goes. There you have it. Wasn't that fun, folks?
Warren: It was fun for me. I miss you, Dr. Pompa. I can't wait. I'm actually going to be there next Wednesday.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. Here, I promised you more animals on our field trip. Here's a cute one. Look how cute she is! Remy! Look, see how cute? Oh, there's another one. We saw some animals on our field trip, too. We'll head back upstairs. Okay, but that's fun. I do practice what I preach. If you went in Warren's home, he could take you on the same field trip. His supplement cabinet looks the same. His daughter's room is much cleaner, I assure you. My kids, I could go in their rooms and actually show you their little supplement areas.
Warren: This is the office, and you can see my supplements over on that shelf, right? All those, and then all the ones on desk and ones underneath my desk. You can't see them. There's some underneath my computer thing there. I'm surrounded by about 40 supplements, just in case. It's a security blanket at times, but I do take them throughout the day, sporadically.
Dr. Pompa: You know Warren, I'm healthier today than I ever have been ever in my life. I'm healthy. I'll be 50 next year. Oh, another great bacteria product, Prescript Assist.
Warren: Prescript Assist, yeah.
Dr. Pompa: Anyways, I'm healthier today than, like I said, I've ever been in my life, honestly.
Warren: I'm healthier now than before I got sick, if that makes sense.
Dr. Pompa: Me too. I am, too. We still take the stuff because we understand. We get it. I'm never going back, Warren. That's a fear of mine. I'll never go back. I know when I was getting well and I would have those good spells and it would end with me not feeling well, I would panic and I would tell my wife, “I can't go back. I just can't go back.” It was almost harder, because I will never go back to how sick I was. We can look at our food and our supplements and think, “Man, these guys go overboard.” I don't believe it. I eat the way humans were meant to eat. Take the greatest supplements in the world. It's what got me well, and it's what's going to keep me well. Anyways, with that said, this is a big topic of adrenals and thyroids. Share this one with your friends. Again, the upstream message is go upstream. Yeah, we gave you some crutches. We gave you some things that you need to do in the interim to adapt, but ultimately, go upstream, folks. Read those articles, please read them.
Warren: Alright, thanks again, Dr. Pompa, for your time. Signing off, Cellular TV Episode 34. What a great success. Thanks so much for sharing your cabinet. I'm wanting to do that when I get to my house. One of these days, you'll go see mine. It's massive. Thanks again, everyone. Have a great weekend. Signing off, Cellular Healing TV.
Dr. Pompa: Got it.