Today my guest and I will be talking about the healing benefits of castor oil. Dr. Marisol Teijeiro is the proclaimed “Queen of Thrones,” and will explain why daily castor oil packs can be therapeutic for liver detox, digestion, constipation, anxiety, and even hormone balance. And she will also share other ways to implement castor oil in your life. I can’t wait to share more about this simple tool we can all add to our toolbox.
More about Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, ND, BA – Queen of the Thrones ™ is a world leader renowned for empowering people to improve their digestive and gut health by unlocking secrets found in the number one product our body produces, our stools.
Her life’s mission is for the billions of people around the world, both healthy and suffering from digestive issues like constipation, bloating, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and more, to understand the inner workings of their bodies.
She’s the founder and clinical director of Sanas Health Practice, where she’s helped thousands of patients live happy, healthy lives. She teaches at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, appears as a guest on TV and podcasts, and speaks around the world.
Her passion and first-visit prescription is castor oil and castor oil packs. She shares cutting edge tips and techniques that are scientifically supported, clinically practiced and historically honored.
- Dr. Marisol's Queen of Thrones Castor Oil Pack Use Code: GOODHEALTH
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- Dr. Pompa's Beyond Fasting – now released!
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Dr. Pompa:
Did your grandmother tell you to use castor oil for everything? She may have been right. As a matter of fact, modern research says that she was right again.
All right, this guest is known as the queen of castor oil. Look, we know it clears lymph, we know it clears the liver, it opens up detox outside of the cell. It goes perfectly with cellular detox, but what about hormones, constipation, IBS? What about gut issues, microbiome? Oh yeah, wait until you hear the new science and wait until you hear the challenge that I’m going to do for 30 days. You may want to join me, but you’re going to have to watch this show. Check it out.
Ashley Smith:
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today, we have an expert who will be talking all about the healing benefits of castor oil.
Dr. Marisol is the proclaimed “queen of thrones” and will explain why daily castor oil packs can be therapeutic for liver detox, digestion, constipation, lymph, anxiety, and even hormone balance. I cannot wait to hear more about this simple tool we can all add to our toolbox. Let’s get started and welcome Dr. Marisol, and of course, Dr. Pompa to the show. Welcome both of you.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Thank you, very excited to be here.
Dr. Pompa:
Her smile outdoes me, Ashley. It’s like, bam.
Ashley Smith:
It’s great. I agree.
Dr. Pompa:
I know; she just lights it up. As soon as I see her, I just start smiling. I don’t know why. It’s just that’s what I do.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Good, it’s my magical, mystical power.
Dr. Pompa:
You are the queen of castor oil and the “queen of thrones.” I don’t know; it’s just that’s good branding, I think. Every one of those topics you just like—every one of them, okay. All of my viewers need to know this. All of my viewers want to know about every one of those subjects and how to use castor oil for it.
Obviously, I preach and teach detox, have for 20 years. Look, assisting detox, my cellular detox, it’s a perfect match. People do saunas, Epson salt baths, this and that, but—the coffee enemas, there’s a lot of things, but I think this takes a backseat not because it deserves to take a backseat. I think that just the word maybe hasn’t gotten out; therefore, we brought the queen on to make sure that doesn’t happen anymore.
We’re going to assist our detox. We need to clear lymph. All of those things are huge. We need to clear our liver, kidneys. How in the world does castor oil do it? Okay, we’re going to find out.
Let’s back up though. Castor oil sounds like moon oil. This sounds unhealthy maybe. Now, if you’re my age, grandma used castor oil for every dang thing, okay. Let’s be clear. New people, I think when I said it to my son when I got that for him, he’s like, “Is that motor oil?” Anyways, so what the heck is castor oil? Let’s just start there.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
I know, right. I felt the same way, too. I remember my first experience seeing castor oil and being told about castor oil. I was working in natural health industry, going from health food store to health food store, practitioners’ office. I saw the castor oil on the table or on the lower bottom shelf at the health food store. I’m like, what is that stuff?
What got it for me was that it—I really was really attracted to it. I kept on seeing it everywhere. Anywhere and everywhere I would go, I would see castor oil. I started to realize that this was a real golden thread along natural health and the natural health industry. Actually, when I started researching it, I found the authentic roots of castor oil all the way dating back to Cleopatra right before Christ, 4000 BC, with all the Egyptians. Yeah, major ancient mystical treatments as well as our fathers of medicine, Hippocrates, the man known for—
Dr. Pompa:
“The father of medicine.”
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
That’s right. “Let your food be your medicine, your medicine be your food,” and how health begins in the gut. All the different ancient medicine practices all used castor oil. It was really incredible.
What this oil is, it’s truly a mystical oil. Its other name is known as “the palm of Christ.” It is said to potentially be one of the oils that was used in the Bible or by Jesus Christ that was used to anoint the sick. It was just for me fascinating because I’m—
Dr. Pompa:
I love that.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Yeah, very spiritual and mystical. It was used to help heal the sick in that way. Historically, castor oil was also used to elevate the kings and queens as they took their throne, one of the reasons I’m called the “queen of thrones,” that and I talk about poop, of course.
Then in the clergy as well, too, castor oil is one of the oils used to anoint as they moved up in their clergy. It’s said to be vegetable oil. The leaves look like the palm of Christ. The bean is basically cold-pressed, a good quality castor oil now. Many of the ones on the market are not good quality, which you have to be very careful about. The best quality is a cold-pressed castor oil.
This oil has so many healing benefits to it. Sometimes, I feel that I’m speaking about snake oil, the old connotation about how this oil does everything but does nothing. Castor oil, it does everything. It says what it does and it does it, which is what makes it so spectacular.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, all right, so let’s talk about its benefits. Obviously, I mentioned how it can be assisted in detox. Oh, there’s my wife. She should be listening to this conversation.
Merily Pompa:
I saw a big, bright smile. How are you?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, she’s beautiful, right. She just lights up the screen.
Merily Pompa:
Oh, I love your haircut. It’s super cute. Nice to meet you. What’s your name?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Merily Pompa:
Marisol, nice to meet you.
Dr. Pompa:
She is the queen of castor oil, literally. Okay, how does castor oil work for anxiety? We could talk about it clearing lymph in a moment, the detox [00:06:34].
Merily Pompa:
Oh, I can’t wait.
Dr. Pompa:
Merily Pompa:
Send me some.
Dr. Pompa:
Hormones and anxiety, how does that work? I don’t even understand that maybe.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Awesome, well, the thing is this is that castor oil works for every condition because castor oil when used as a castor oil pack, which for those who don’t know it, is basically a cotton compress. This is the one that we’ve created to make it really easy. You simply pour castor oil and you place it on your liver. We made that really easy to do and easy to comply.
When done as a castor oil pack, there are various mechanisms. Now, I love how you talked earlier on about cellular awakening and how you really focus cleaning out of the cells. The castor oil pack and why it’s a perfect marriage with cellular detox is because castor oil packs tend to work more on the extracellular space and things that are happening within the extracellular space or in the compartment outside of the cell.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Castor oil does five very important things. I love using the acronym FAITH to remember it. I’ll guide you through it because it’s just an easy way to remember.
F stands for function of digestion, of the digestion, absorption, and elimination. Castor oil, when you put it on your body, it will help you. You put it on that night, but when you’re eating your meals during the day, it will actually help you to improve the function of how you’re absorbing, how you’re digesting, improving digestive factors like stomach acid, digestive enzymes, helping you to absorb all those good nutrients, all the phytonutrients that are going to help with your hormones, help with anxiety, making sure that you’re getting all those things that you’re lacking.
It’s also going to help you eliminate. Elimination is such a key factor in hormonal problems and anxiety problems. I have a history of hormonal and anxiety problems. What I always noticed was that whenever I got constipated, my anxiety would kick up a notch. It would be because I would be backing up of toxic substances that literally need to come out of your body. Hormones, of course, hormones, the biggest issue is that these estrogens that come out through the stools. If you have excess estrogens and they’re just staying in the body and being recirculated, well, then you just get a hormonal messy soup.
Dr. Pompa:
Wow, interesting.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
That’s the first thing, function, F: function of the digestion, absorption, and elimination. A stands for antioxidant status. Castor oil is actually an incredible source when it is cold-pressed in a glass bottle, highest quality oil like the one that we have. It contains many phytonutrients, including well-known substances like glutathione, which is our, of course, you and I, probably our favorite master detoxification agent, that helps clean everything up.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
It contains high sources of vitamin E, other—the components of essential fats in castor oil are a combination of omega-6s like from linoleic acid, the same you get in sesame oil, also oleic acid, the same you’d get from olive oil, and very important end result of what you get when you take Omega-3s, which is basically the prostaglandins because castor oil’s molecular structure actually looks like a prostaglandin, the end result of what you get when you take your fish oil. You now don’t have to manufacture from the fish oil down to the prostaglandins with the actual castor oil pack.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, exactly, and I’m not a fan of fish oil because of it’s rancid. We do want the prostaglandins, so this is a bypass. That’s cool.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Yeah, it’s super cool. The cool thing with castor oil too is that I’m sure some people have in their minds right now, what are you—you’re telling me to put castor oil on this compress, on it, and then absorb it through my skin. How is this oil going to be able to do it? It does it because it’s a very—it’s the most unique of all vegetable oils. If you want to go on like a geek out on the science, biochemically, the main component of castor oil has an alcohol group on one of the carbons. This makes it able and the proper molecular weight to be the only oil that can go through all the layers of the skin and actually go straight directly into the lymphatic system in the dermis and the circulatory system.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, wow.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Really phenomenal, yeah. We’re only at the second letter of the word, FAITH, like, whoa. After that, all that goodness and nourishment that you get in your body that are antioxidants that we are so depleted in this day and age with all the stress we have, and all the toxicity in our environment, and lead in the air from the time they used lead gasoline. I could go on and go on.
Then, there’s always a byproduct. The body responds to all this—all these problems. It does one important mechanism of action that we see pervasive and we see throughout every single condition, which is inflammation, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
That silent killer that causes so many problems. Castor oil when you—in the castor oil pack, when you place it on your body, one of its main action is to help with balancing and regulating, not totally taking out inflammation because inflammation also is very healing, but it balances and regulates it. When that happens in the extracellular space, well, then your cells can breathe. They can take in all that goodness. They can eliminate what they need to eliminate out of the cell, move it to the extracellular space, and then move it out to the digestive tract or the water-soluble pathways and be eliminated out of the body. That’s a pretty cool mechanism of action.
When you wear the castor oil pack over your liver, you’re doing—an extra added bonus is that you’re actually helping the liver to detoxify and cleanse better because you’re reducing the inflammation directly in that area. While the liver, being so bombarded by having to cleanse and purify so many different chemicals, and hormones, and extra cholesterol, and all the things that we have going on in our body, when it starts to lose its function, it gets inflamed. That’s a way that we can preserve our youth and our energy, and feel better, and feel less weight around our center and all this good stuff that you get when you have less inflammation in your central core. Super cool.
Then you asked about anxiety. The letter H—oh, sorry, T, which is—stands for the reduction of tension and stress. The aspect of actually placing the compress on the body, what this does is—these compresses, you want them to be a very soft flannel material. This is a cotton sherpa. It’s organic of course because we don’t want to have—be processing or delivering toxins into the body.
This soft material and the way that it is displayed on the body, what it does is it stimulates and triggers the receptors on the skin as does the castor oil because of the texture of castor oil. For all those viewers and listeners who’ve ever played our touched castor oil, you know it’s a lot thicker than all the different types of oils. It’s just got a completely different consistency.
When on the body, it triggers those receptors. Those receptors message the ganglions or the networks that communicate to the central nervous system into the brain. It actually stimulates hormonal productions and neurotransmitter productions. One of my favorite hormones that it triggers is oxytocin. Oxytocin, being that hormone/neurotransmitter that balances out cortisol in your body and reduces stress, makes you feel good, makes you feel connected to Mother Nature, to earth, to everything spiritually as well, too.
They often say that castor oil packs is a way that we can get connected to our soul and our own guidance in terms of how to heal from a spiritual perspective as well, too, not just physical, such great stuff. There’s also demonstration that when you stimulate these receptors with soft material, you’re also stimulating—in that oil, you’re stimulating the dopamine production, which is also a great neurotransmitter that makes you feel well and makes you feel rewarded in life. Just a great way to end the day doing your castor oil pack in that evening point and time, going to sleep, having a great night’s sleep, and just really circling in to have a great day.
Then the final thing it does, which is already such a great long list of these foundational things that really help your body to set well, is that you become the host with the mostest. What I mean by host is not that you’re having parties all the time and everyone loves, but that’s also a good benefit because you’ll probably—you’ll feel better, have more energy. You’ll just feel less stressed, so you’ll be able to do those things. We host trillions of microbes on our skin and in our digestive tract. Castor oil has been shown to be incredibly effective to not only help to breakdown biofilm—this is research that’s done in periodontal medicine, great research studies done out of Brazil comparing it to conventional biofilm breakdown substances that are chemical. Castor oil is one of those natural substances that breaks down biofilm and helps to reset a good balance of good bacteria versus the bad bacteria in your body.
The fact that there aren’t too many substances that actually effectively breakdown biofilm in the gut—biofilm is one of those things for people out there, if you’ve been taking probiotics for a long time and you’re just like, I don’t know if it’s working. It maybe worked a little bit at the beginning but not so much now. Do I need to keep on taking it? Of course, you need to keep on taking probiotics because our guts are constantly changing, but more importantly, you need to be supporting and breaking down the biofilm that the bad bacteria create that is almost like their cocoon that they protect themselves so that you can’t repopulate with the good stuff. When you’re doing these packs, you actually help to remake that biofilm into healthy biofilm, and change the environment, and make it healthy.
That’s why I say for so many people who’ve struggled with their health, they feel that they’ve done patchwork and improvement in certain areas, but they’re missing some keys, well, it’s all about going back to that basic foundation, rebuilding our FAITH in our body’s ability that it can heal by, of course, F, improving the function of the digestion system and elimination, getting those good antioxidants. This is the same thing that I know you preach a lot, too. Lots of good antioxidants, balancing out that inflammation, reducing the tension and stress in the body, and improving our ability to be a great host and have good microbes.
When you add a tool like this into a daily—a nightly practice or daily, that really supportive through your body, I love to compare it to the parable that’s in the Bible about building a house on a rock versus building a house on sand. When you do castor oil, building a rock—you’re building your house, your temple on a rock that is solid. That no matter what wind comes, no matter storm may arise, you’ve built an incredible foundation versus building your temple, your house on sand that the minute a wind comes, the minute a storm occurs, you just don’t have the ability to be flexible and to be standing strong in your foundation.
Dr. Pompa:
You mentioned obviously applying it to liver. Let’s get into the how-to: how long do you have to do that? How much do you have to put on? Can it be used on other parts of the body? Let’s go through on all the how-tos, and how and where we use it, and when.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Love it. Again, what I did is—for me, one of the things and one of the challenges with castor oil in the beginning of my practice and even for myself because I was told to do castor oil packs for 10 years, I think 10 to 15 years, I refused to do them because the way that they were done in the past was messy, challenging, too many steps. You had to go find—I’m sure you remember, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
It was, find this, find that, go there. Who has time for that in our day and age?
Dr. Pompa:
My first experience with it was it unclogged breasts, not me, my wife. My experience, there’s a breast duct that’s clogged, castor oil. You do it with that. It was like, oh my gosh, it’s horrible.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
So messy. I knew more than anything in my clinical practice—I do a lot of cleansing and detox like you. What I saw was that if it wasn’t easy, people just wouldn’t comply. They just wouldn’t do it. It would just be that barrier. I realized myself, I was the perfect patient. I wasn’t doing it either because I was like, this is too much.
When I got really sick, I finally created a tool to make it easy to do. It was really what created a strong foundation in my health. Since doing castor oil packs, I feel more vibrant than I have at 25.
I had a fatty liver. I had PCOS. I have none of those signs. It’s not like I live a totally angelic life where I don’t drink or don’t do anything ever. I believe in a nice balance of discipline and indulgence.
Dr. Pompa:
Me, too.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Like living life but not going too crazy on either end. That because I feel and I see with my patients too because it’s really been that thing that changes the needle when they do these castor oil packs. I created this really easy tool, all in one, a little kit. It’s got all the components to make it easy to do. This is a project that is 10 to 12 years in the making now. This has been ten years.
This is Model 10 or 12 because I change a little bit of it every single year. It’s drastically different from the first model. This is definitely the easiest. All we get is great feedback from people about how easy and they can do it every night. They just love it.
One side is soft. That’s the side, as I said earlier, you want to put on your skin because that’s going to trigger all those good hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, the soft side on the body. The outside is a healthy polyurethane that’s made without any chemicals. It’s the healthiest thing that you can use, same kind of material that we use for reusable baby diapers that are organic, very healthy. This creates a barrier for the oil. That means easy to use and reusable.
Like anything, these packs have a life; it’s somewhere between two to three months. With consistent use, you want to renew it and get a new one. All you do is simply pour your first time two tablespoons of organic castor oil in a glass bottle, cold-pressed, hexane-free. You absolutely need to be looking for all these things because there is so much—
Dr. Pompa:
We’re going to provide a link for all this, which is good. Okay, go ahead.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Yeah, so there’s so many castor oils out on the market that are not cold-pressed or not hexane-free. Ours is actually the very first batch, which gives it all of those high levels of antioxidants like the glutathione, the vitamin E, all those things that you’re looking for. I pride myself in making sure it’s the best of the best of the quality. You’re really looking for that. That’s incredibly key.
Also, because castor oil is that one oil that acts as a carrier—people love their essential oils. Castor oil, best oil to use to bring the essential oil into the body. If it’s in plastic, which most on Amazon and everywhere else are in plastic, you’re also going to be carrying plastic into your body. It won’t become that—what you’re looking for. You really need good quality.
The first time you do the pack, you put two tablespoons of oil. Each time after that, only one, and less as you go, which also makes it more affordable because the old recommendations to do the pack was to use basically half a bottle on one shot, a real waste. It wasn’t needed.
You take the pack. I’m going to stand up here. You place it on your liver, which is underneath your right ribcage. You simply attach it, nice and simple.
We often recommend for people to do it at nighttime. The reason being is because, at night, it calms you down, improves your digestion. The liver tends to cleanse between the hours of 1:00 and 3:00 AM. We’re optimizing all of that functionality of the body.
You sleep great. You usually wake up in the morning and have a great bowel movement as well, for most cases. We want to encourage those natural cycles in people and have them honor them. That’s an easy way to do it.
I recommend nightly for people also knowing that people may not do it nightly. If we say nightly, then they might do it four or five times a week. Ideally, if you want to get that effective and especially improving things like your microbiome, you require at least a minimum of seven days in a row. The reason for that is that on seven days, castor oil also stimulates nitric oxide production, which is a natural anti-aging, but anti-inflammatory, but also super important for circulation. Nitric oxide is what helps to regulate that microbiome. It’s one of the reasons I love beats and different vegetables that have lots of nitric oxide.
Put it on the abdomen, on the liver is the ideal. Many women who have hormonal problems like say PCOS, or uterine fibroids, or ovarian cysts, they can also place it on their pelvic region, so right above—right around their hipbones. I say to do that one night there, one night on the liver because the source of the problem is still the liver because the hormones need to process. Do it locally, I’ve seen results in terms of reduction of size of cysts, fibroids. There’s a lot of eclectic use there.
A lot of people discuss how incredible it works for different masses of the body, cysts anywhere, or even stretch marks. Women post-birth, they can wear the castor oil pack to help with reduction of the stretch marks, or if they’ve had excessive weight gain and then lost, another way that you can help to get your skin back into normal areas because castor oil also works on scar tissue. A stretch mark is basically a scar tissue that hasn’t healed properly. You want to use that castor oil to heal it. That’s another place you can use.
Another area that’s really great is directly over the digestive system. I recommend this for patients when they have really bad digestion and they see a lot of undigested food in their stools. I tell them to do the packs during their most—their biggest meal of the day. Then that way, they can get a bit better digestion.
You can use it on musculoskeletal problems, anything from a joint pain in the hip or a sciatica. It’s exceptional for low back pain, or if you’re feeling tension in your adrenals, or if you’ve very stress, or you feel that you’ve got tension in your kidneys, or maybe your doctor has told you that you’re not processing well from your kidneys. Place a castor oil pack over your kidney.
This pack is exceptional over breast tissue as well, too. It’s actually formed perfectly in order to be able to cover the breast area. You can use that for ducts if there’s a clogged duct. If there’s a worry or concern, maybe a history in the family line of breast cancer or any issues with breast, heavy cystic breasts, you can use the castor oil pack there.
In naturopathic school, I actually started using them as a neck pack because I was so tensed and stressed. I would just use my castor oil like that as a pack. It just would feel really good and would reduce all the tension and stress in my neck.
Dr. Pompa:
What’s the minimum time you need for it to work and what’s the maximum time?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Great question. Minimum is about an hour; that’s all you need is a simple hour. Some people don’t want to wear it overnight, so they just wear it for an hour before they go to bed. Others love to wear it overnight. I do believe you do get a little bit more of a benefit if you wear it overnight just because you have that constant contact over the skin, but a little bit is better than nothing. At least that hour is golden.
Some women who are menopausal, a lot of hot flashes and night sweats, they don’t quite like wearing it at night at first because they feel it just increases their body temperature. For those people, I always say, really great if you wear it in the morning for about an hour. Then over time, they’ll notice their hot flashes start to diminish. Their night sweats are reducing. Then I say then move it towards the evening because then you’ll notice that you’ll get even more benefits.
You work with it as a tool that is really all-encompassing, no matter what the condition is. The only time you don’t use a castor oil pack is when you’re pregnant. Other than that, when you’re pregnant, and then if you’re trying to conceive, you just have to work on a little bit of a schedule where if you’re trying to conceive, you use a castor oil pack for fertility from the time that you bleed at the beginning of your period to about 15 days in. Then you stop. Then you start again only when you bleed. Then you stop again after 12 to 15 days, so we’re working after ovulation.
Dr. Pompa:
Wait, you’re saying around the woman’s cycle.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Dr. Pompa:
Say it one more time.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Yeah, if you’re working on fertility, trying to conceive, PCOS person, somewhere along those lines, you start wearing the pack when you’re bleeding. Once your period starts, you start doing your castor oil pack. Then count 12 to 15 days.
You might already be monitoring your ovulation or you can feel the mittelschmerz, which is that sensation that you get, a little contraction in the lower pelvic region. If you feel that, then you stop doing the pack, or if you know you get moody, or however you feel your ovulation, just stop the pack, but 12 to 15 days, around that area. Then go without the pack. The minute you start bleeding again, start it up again. That’s the easiest way to do it.
Dr. Pompa:
Got it.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
It’s so versatile. Then I even got to experimenting because what I had realized was that I said, it’s amazing. All these ancient practitioners, Cleopatra, Hippocrates, Galen, the father of humors, the black bile and all this cool stuff that he used to talk about that caused disease, I thought what’s really interesting is that the castor oil pack works all over the trunk area of the body. Would it potentially also work on the face aspect?
Dr. Pompa:
I was going to ask that. That was my next question.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
That’s cool. I’m reading your mind tonight. There was a lot of talk in terms of Cleopatra was said to be so beautiful because of castor oil. When I had so many different patients from so many different cultures, many of them would say about how they were using castor oil for beauty uses. I realized that the history of castor oil goes much deeper than just even Hippocrates and Galen, the traditional Chinese medical doctors to the emperors, Pliney the Elder, the doctor to the medicine man to the emperors of Rome, the Ayurveda tradition, all using it for health, but there was an entire area of the Mediterranean that was using it for beauty in terms of hair and in terms of face.
I started experimenting with actually doing a castor oil pack for the eyes. What we realized was this. Research demonstrated that when you wear an eye mask such as this, this is our little eye mask that we use, when you wear an eye mask to go to bed, you actually naturally increase your melatonin in your body. Again, it’s the same principle where the castor oil pack on the body, you’re stimulating those receptors. You’re building oxytocin and dopamine and all that goodness. When you do the eye mask, you actually start to build more melatonin.
What was an amazing clencher for me here was that I had always seen in a lot of research about how women as they age and what was a prognostic factor for a hormonal cancer later on was that all these women were having a major decline in melatonin over time. Many women can’t take melatonin; some can. I always recommend for them to take it if they can, but if they couldn’t, how were they to get and improve their melatonin? Some just didn’t want to take an extra supplement.
Then what I would do is I would have them do these castor oil packs, basically apply castor oil all over around the eye, because that helps with collagen production, it helps to reduce the wrinkling around the eye. It is incredible. It will help to actually improve eyebrow growth and eyelash growth. A lot of this effect is because of the nitric oxide producing capacity. Nitric oxide stimulates the circulation to the area.
As we age because of stress and tension in our neck muscles, all the circulation really diminishes in this area, so you reduce a lot of the nourishment and a lot of the blood flow. That makes us age faster. Castor oil, because of its improve of glutathione, works on age spots, melasma, for those who have hormonal issues. It really has so much—it’s honestly—
Dr. Pompa:
You answered one of the questions that I have is can you just put it on topically. It is thick, so when is the best time to do that?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Yeah, always at night. We have a lot of guidance about this in terms of the beauty aspect. You can either use castor oil as a castor oil face wash. It’s the same principle as oil pulling in the mouth, where we also recommend castor oil to oil pull. For those who don’t know about oil pulling, it’s basically a way to clean your oral cavity. Ancient traditions often used sesame oil and coconut oil, but you had to do it for 20 minutes. With castor oil, you only do it for one to two minutes.
Dr. Pompa:
You can swallow it?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
If you swallow it, then you’re going to be going to the bathroom a little bit later on. We don’t necessarily want you to swallow it because you are literally cleaning that oral cavity and exchanging the bad bacteria for the good bacteria. It helps incredibly the same way on the face.
You can do a face wash where you steam your face with a hot cloth. You apply castor oil, a little divot of castor oil to your palm. You mix it up in your hand and then you pat it gently all over your face. Then you take that same steamed cloth and then wipe it off. Your skin feels like a baby’s bottom.
There’s honestly no cream, no anything that will ever create that on your skin. It’s something for everyone to try. It really is phenomenal how it nourishes. What it does is for those who have acne, any type of a hormonal problem, or skin issue, it changes the bacteria that’s on our skin; therefore, creating less acne. Then, of course, it nourishes the skin as well too deeply. It helps with the anti-aging and all those changes in colors that you may be having on your skin as well, too.
Around the eyes, the reason why we want to put that eye mask is because, well, we want it to permeate very deeply into the skin because we really—this is a place that really shows the aging really rapidly. Just an incredible tool in that way. We’ve called it the original cleanse where people do that original castor oil pack on the liver like the ancients Hippocrates and such recommended, and the way that Cleopatra used it all over her eyes, and that we wear an eye mask to block out the light, sleep better, and also improve that melatonin naturally which also is an aid in anti-aging.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s awesome. What is your story? You got into this for a reason. Tell us a little bit about that.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Yeah, my entire life, I was suffering greatly with IBS. I started as a young child, where it was constant constipation and anxiety. Those were the two major factors that I was dealing with a lot. I suffered incredibly. My mother suffered as well from the same anxiety as well as constipation.
My father, on the other hand, was IBS. There was part genetic, part environmental, how I grew up, the foods that I was eating, many I was sensitive to. Along my lifetime, I never really realized that constipation was a problem because it was—or having too much diarrhea because it was what was happening in my family. I just thought it was normal.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you didn’t know.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
I thought it was normal. If you go every three days or every five days, no big deal. Even though you feel really anxious, it’s not a problem. I really wasn’t connected to my body and didn’t understand what was going on.
As I got older, my period came on very late. I started dealing with sugar problems. Of course, suddenly, here I am with PCOS on top of IBS. I’ve got this hormonal mix with problems going to the bathroom. I felt devasted because I really felt that I was trying everything.
The doctors that I went to go visit with IBS would be like, I’m sorry about your luck. There’s nothing you can do. I even didn’t get very good care necessarily in the naturopathic treatments that I’d gotten because I really—it was very just superficial things. It really wasn’t doing anything to work on the root cause. I didn’t discover my food sensitivities until I finally really pushed to get them tested.
I had seen a doctor with my PCOS. They told me that I probably wouldn’t be able to have babies. Because of my issues with food, it was like, good luck, Charlie. You’re just always going to be dealing with this stuff.
It was my instigator to go back to school and become a naturopathic doctor because I had—I was already working in the natural industry as a pharmaceutical representative for a natural homeopathic pharmaceutical company that I learned so much in Germany. I was learning and training and became their scientific adviser. I had such a great concept about the study of toxins in the human system. I knew there had to be a solution; I just hadn’t found it yet.
I went back to school. School, of course, I’m loving what I’m learning, but I’m stressed to the max. My IBS worsens even though I’m doing all the right things. I’m eating the right diet, the naturopathic diet; I’m taking all the right supplements; I’m exercising the way I’m told to do it, but everything was in excess. With the excessive stress, I just crashed.
I was diagnosed then with mono, chronic fatigue. I was like, how did I get here? I have been doing everything right, especially during naturopathic school. I’ve been doing everything right. Then I just realized that the biggest problem was that my foundation wasn’t solid.
I was reminded at that point and time that the one thing I didn’t try, because I was doing everything from IVs, colon hydrotherapy, the one thing I hadn’t tried, but the one thing that along my entire journey everyone was telling me to do from the time I was working for that company, from the naturopathic doctors I had seen to the in naturopathic school, every condition they were saying, and do a castor oil pack. Don’t forget to do a castor oil pack. They one thing that I didn’t do was the castor oil pack.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s funny.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
I created it. Then from there, I did it every day diligently. I made it my religion. I just started seeing the changes. I was able to get out of bed because I was so bedridden, I couldn’t even finish my—I was almost unable to finish my last semester of naturopathic college.
Yeah, I’ve gone through the journey of understanding that hormonal unbalancing, how unbalanced you feel with those hormonal problems, how you lose all faith in your body’s ability to even get better when you’re dealing with such digestive disorders. You realize that you’re not even able to nourish yourself properly and feel vibrant. I always felt just fatigued and foggy-brained. I just felt horrible. I’m sure that’s no different than what people are feeling out there.
This was the clencher. It’s not like I stopped taking supplements or stopped doing any of my other detoxes that I was doing. I still do those, but this allowed me to do those and them to work even better. I dropped 10, 15 pounds. I’m at the best weight of my life. I feel better than ever. It’s so wonderful.
The best thing about this is that now I’m sharing it with the world. The comments that we get, it’s a rarity to see anything where people are not loving it. Everyone’s like, what a change in my life. This is solidifying everything that I’m doing in my practice. Everything is working better. My doctor’s happy; everyone’s happy. I really feel that it’s the way that I’m helping to change the world one person, one castor oil pack at a time. Just getting them to do those grassroots, mystical medicine that had its roots back in the day that now is being supported by incredible science that is showing that castor oil has all these properties.
The research that’s come out in the past 20 years on castor oil is phenomenal from the fact that it stimulates nitric oxide, that it works as good as capsicum and other anti-inflammatories, the fact that in an old-age home, they compared it to laxatives and they found that it was as good as laxatives without any of the bad side effects of laxatives in terms of urgency, all this. Then the periodontal research that just came out in 2017, just so cool. They’re continuing in medicine to utilize castor oil in terms of a way to bring in medicines deeper into the body. It is a spectacular medicine. I truly firmly believe that—there’s a movie I always reference to, My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I remember.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Do you remember the dad and the Windex?
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
“Put Windex on it.” My patients all laugh at me because they’re all like, you’re like the father from the Big Fat Greek Wedding instead of—for you, it’s not Windex; for you, it’s castor oil, put castor oil on it.
Dr. Pompa:
I’m telling you, my grandmother, it’s like dang, she was right again. It’s like I go back. My father was the bricklayer who knew nothing about medicine but knew everything about medicine. Now, I’m looking back, it was my grandmother’s influence on him.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Yeah, and when I talk to patients, it’s amazing. Those of Caribbean descent, Mediterranean descent, Spanish descent, all the cultures that have a lot of indigenous, Native American, castor oil was everywhere.
Dr. Pompa:
That was mine, Italian descent. Obviously, in Italy, it must have been a thing.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
In Italy, there’s interesting about it because it—there’s some Italians who really don’t love castor oil because, in Fascist Italy, Mussolini was using castor oil as a torture tool. He was actually using castor oil because he would have people have such bad diarrhea that then they would actually give up the evidence. They would—
Dr. Pompa:
It shows you it was in the culture. Obviously, they were using it; he was just doing it this way.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Yeah, he knew about it. Then once I reformulate that mindset about castor oil, how it’s just really good for you, and you just need to know how to use it properly. It’s the same for the world right now. Pharmacists and in the medical—in conventional medical circles, in the hospitals, they used to actually use castor oil in OB/GYNs. All the OB/GYNs would use for labor. It’s not just one or two, there’s many orthopedic surgeons who are using the castor oils post hip replacement surgery.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, wow.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Because the healing is faster and it speeds up things. I just had a patient the other day come in and say, “Did you know that my hip surgeon just recommended for me to do a castor oil pack on my hip.” She goes, “I’ve already got it covered. My naturopath has been telling me and I’ve been doing them for years. I’ve got the pack and everything.”
Dr. Pompa:
All right, here’s what I’m going to do. You’ve convinced me. I love doing things, so I’m going to commit to doing it every day for a month. Oh, and my wife because she popped in, I’m going to commit her to it. I need a new one, both of us.
I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it for 30 days. I’m a very disciplined person. Then we’ll do another show in the future and I’m going to tell my experience.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Dr. Pompa:
I challenge anyone watching, do it with me. Why wouldn’t you? Look, grandma was right. I think modern science has caught up to why it works so well.
I’ve got to do it myself; otherwise, what am I doing? I have to live it to lead it. Ashley might join on this little venture for a month. She better actually because then we can—she can share her experience, too.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Amazing, and you’ll see the difference. Along the journey, then you start to learn all the other uses of castor oil. Really, it’s the thing I travel with the most. I made a travel-sized bottle. We have or cosmetic—this cosmetic kit that comes with the eye mask for the beauty. This one has a little travel size bottle, not that I’m traveling much right now, but it’s the most important thing for me because it’s just the—it can work for so many different things.
One other little quick—the recipe I’ll leave everyone with is a super save the day salve. All you do is mix castor oil with baking soda. It works on all types of skin problems, including mosquito bites, sunburns, ringworm, fungal toenails. It has an effect on eczema and psoriasis. It keeps on going, the benefits of it.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh my gosh, all right, well, we’ll have you on again. We’re going to do our little experiment for fun. I love doing things like this. Yeah, we have to do it.
Marisol, thank you. Gosh, what a wealth of—that was the easiest interview I ever had to do. You canned on it. You knew exactly what you had to cover for the people watching. No, I appreciate that. Thank you.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
My pleasure, you’re welcome
Dr. Pompa:
All right, thanks for being on. Stay tuned, folks. Challenge, right here. We’ll put the link to get it. Welcome, let’s do it 30 days.
Let’s do this. Let’s commit to this. All right, awesome, thank you.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
You’re welcome.
Ashley Smith:
That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 AM Eastern.
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