Water is one of the top keys to health, we know that. But are we drinking water correctly? Nicoya Hecht, who is the co-founder of Rising Springs water is joining me today. We are going to dig deep into how, perhaps, our recommended water requirements can be vastly over-exaggerated, and how we may be drinking too much water, and too much of the wrong water. Plus you will learn about the most special, naturally sourced pure mineral water in the world.
More about Nicoya Hecht:
Nicoya has committed her life to motherhood, the study of midwifery, philanthropy, and more recently, to developing sustainable brands. Nicoya’s journey as a mother gave her the patience and dedication needed to support other women during their own paths to motherhood. Nicoya help launch the Nicoya Peninsula Waterkeeper in Costa Rica and has served as board president for Sangham Foundation for 4 years, leading the organization to donate to charities supporting water conservation, children, and underserved communities.
Nicoya began in sustainable goods with Nectar Eco Boutique, sourcing natural fiber clothing for consumers in Ashland, Oregon. She has since spearheaded the brand development of Rising Springs, a packaged water company launched in 2015 that stewards a rare artesian spring source in Idaho.
Nicoya manages the brand aesthetic with a finely curated feel, from content creation to social media, influencer relationships, partnerships, public relations, and events. Born in Costa Rica, and living in Idaho, Hawaii, and Oregon throughout her life, Nicoya is dedicated to the mission of protecting the world’s water resources and improving water quality for all.
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Dr. Pompa:
I think most of you know that water is one of the keys for health, but you know what? We’ve been lied to a lot. How much water should we drink, eight glasses of eight ounces a day? There’s all kinds of theories and equations and how much water should we drink. My attitude has always been innate intelligence: listen to your body. However, with that said, you find that some people are thirsty all the time and some people not as much. Let me say that’s a cellular issue.
Okay, this episode, we’re going to answer that question, the myths. Also, I believe this is a water source. I always say the best water in the world comes from the earth itself; however, so much of it is now contaminated. This is a source that you’re going to be shocked about, something that I have tried and I was absolutely blown away. It has one ingredient that’s natural from the earth and I think is critical for a really good source. I think you’re going to be blown away by some of the myths about water and what you learn in this episode of Cell TV.
Ashley Smith:
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today, we welcome Nicoya Hecht, who is the co-founder of Rising Springs water. Today, we are going to dig deep into how perhaps our recommended water requirements can be vastly over-exaggerated and how we may be drinking too much water and too much of the wrong water. I love this topic and I know Dr. Pompa does, too. Let’s welcome Nicoya Hecht, and of course, Dr. Pompa to the show. Welcome both of you.
Nicoya Hecht:
Thank you so much for having me.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, well, Nicoya, I can’t wait to start with your story. We might be able to just do a whole show just on your story. This water, you all sent me the water. I literally, I fell in love with it. I just couldn’t wait to get more.
Then I talked to a friend of mine who actually went up and visited the spring. I really am convinced. There’s not many; I think you say two really healthy springs in North America, maybe there’s a few hidden ones. Gosh, you tapped into one of them. We’ll get to that story in a moment, can’t wait.
This is one of my favorite topics. Ashley just hit on it. I did a Facebook Live laughing about just these water recommendations: this much water, based on body weight. I’m like, how do you know that? The bottom line is innate intelligence seems to know it.
You’re right; when you’re drinking the right water, just maybe you do in fact need less. We’re going to talk about that, too. Let’s just unleash this with your story. How in the heck did you get into this and maybe just even natural health in general?
Nicoya Hecht:
I started as a homebirth midwife in my 20s. That began my journey into health and wellness from that point of view. Also, having my own children and looking at their health and wellness lead me on a new view of what the human body needs to thrive. Then from there, I went into non-profit water advocacy. My husband as well, he just retired from the board of the Water Keeper Alliance, which is the largest grass-roots water advocacy program in the world.
We did a lot of work in water rights, water advocacy, and non-profit work. In that time, somebody that knew of what we had done also knew of this spring that was coming up for sale. They were very passionate that the spring was not purchased by a large corporation that would not steward the springs and have the spring’s best interest in mind.
They actually reached out to us and asked us if we were interested. It was nothing that we had ever considered doing previously. We fell in love with the spring. It was actually bottled under the name Trinity. It was a water that we had known in the past. We knew of its properties and knew how valuable it was, so we had that connection already. Then we stepped in and thought, okay, well, maybe we could be part owners in this and do something in that way.
A very long story short, we ended up purchasing, the family, the entire land and the spring source. Really didn’t know what we wanted to do with it besides just steward it and make sure that it was respected and honored for really being one of the—a very rare, unique source in the United States and really in the world these days sadly due to all of our environmental contamination. We immediately took out the plastic bottling line because we knew we would never do that. We sat with it for about a year.
We studied it and looked into all the what were its properties, what were its benefits, why was it so valuable? Then at the end of the day, realized that it was something that we thought that people needed access to. How was the best way to create a way to access? Yes, we always welcome people to come to the source to fill their personal containers for free, but how would we be able to package it and get it to people that weren’t able to come to the source in the most thoughtful way possible?
Then we spent a long time just thinking on the packaging options and ended up with this five-liter box. We send two five-liter boxes to your doorstep. That’s how it began. Then, of course, there’s lots more we can talk about in all of the different facets of that story. That’s how we meet the source. We just as a family feel so honored and blessed to get to steward this horse.
Dr. Pompa:
One of the things you say is, hey, if you just drink one eight-ounce glass of water, this water a day, it transforms you. It’s like, well, thank God because I just can’t drink eight, eight-ounce glasses of water a day. Who says that’s right?
Nicoya Hecht:
What I’ve found because now, of course, I have so many discussions with people about water everywhere I go, even when I’m just dropping off my car to get fixed, and what do you do, and then we go into this long discussion because people are really confused out there about what should their intake be. What source should be—they be drinking from? Time and time again, these people say, I drink so much water and I’m still thirsty. I’m like, internally, that’s because you’re probably not drinking the right kind of water, but of course, I’m not—I wait for people to ask me. That is one of the stories that I hear over and over again.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, there’s so many misconceptions about water. Let’s talk before we get in even to that. Let’s talk a little bit about because you opened that door up, this source. Obviously, you all know a lot about water. What’s going on at this source?
One of the things is it’s two miles from the depths of the earth this water comes from. Okay, that protects it from all the environmental toxins, but what else is it? You said you studied this water; you looked at this water. What is it about this water that made you so attracted to it?
Nicoya Hecht:
You’re speaking to the deepness of it, 2.2 miles deep. It also is in the largest contiguous wilderness in the lower 48, so it’s protected by this wilderness area. It’s the 2.2 miles below the ground. It’s also under a dense batholith granite rock formation so that it’s protected in that way, and also immense pressure, which it rises naturally under its own pressure; we don’t pump it in any way.
The water itself fell—geologists believe it fell as rain or snow 16,000 years ago. We have those studies. It fell before any of the modern-day environmental and modern-day contaminates were created. It’s just so pure, made its way down into the aquifer, and has been protected down there for the 16,000 years.
Dr. Pompa:
Nicoya Hecht:
I know; it’s incredible. My husband likes to say it’s a chance to drink back time. You don’t get those chances anymore to come in contact with things that have been untouched for that long.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, totally, yeah. I say that about wines. You drink a 19, whatever, 80 wine; it’s like, brings you back to the 80s. You’re drinking something in history. This is 16,000 years. Go ahead; I interrupted you.
Nicoya Hecht:
No, that’s fine. Then as it makes its way to the service, it actually travels through two miles of quartz crystals. That’s where it picks up its silica. It’s got a high silica content. In three glasses, you can get your daily dose of silica, which is a—
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, explain to people why that’s important because there’s so many benefits.
Nicoya Hecht:
Many benefits and I think it’s really changing. The benefits that I always associated with silica before I started studying more is just hair, skin, and nails. It was the beauty mineral. Then it helps with bone density; it helps with joints. It’s in all of our connective tissue. It’s incredibly important for all of our structure.
You probably know more than I do on this, but I’ve read a lot about it for the detoxing properties and helping through moving heavy metals and in the chelating process. It is just this —it’s an amazing mineral. It’s incredible to have it in water because so much of what we get in that way, I myself try and get it in food, of course, but then you take supplements to try and get all the things you think you need. In my mind, it’s so much more effective when it’s in its natural form like living in water or living in food.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, I agree. Today, we’re hearing a lot about structure in water. People are doing different methods, electricity, etcetera, to water to structure it. This water in my mind would have to be naturally structured. Talk a little bit about that. What did you find? Did you look at the structure of it? Anything on that?
Nicoya Hecht:
The previous company looked at the structure. We’ve looked at some of that. We have yet to be—and especially given COVID this year, we were hoping to do a lot more testing and various testing, but a lot of the labs that we wanted to use are on pause right now. To speak to the structure, yes, when water rises in a vortex up a spring, it is naturally structured. That has a wealth of benefits from absorbing, the way our cells interact with it.
There’s Dr. Emoto’s photos. I don’t know if you’re familiar with them, but you can take the crystalline photos of the water, which is just amazing to me the way they look like snowflakes. You can see what a water that’s structured naturally and rises looks like compared to waters that are highly processed or filtered. Their beautiful structure starts breaking down and becoming distorted.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and that’s what I wanted you to say. If you look at [00:11:40], which is great, gets rid of the contaminates, but it loses some of this structure that we’re learning really plays into the absorption and even how it’s assimilated in the cell that you get from this natural source of water. Now, have you tested it? There’s been a lot of people like, hey, this is great amazing spring water, groundwater. Then they find that there’s high lead, or arsenic, or even aluminum because it comes through the ground. It depends on what parts of the ground. Have you looked at it from a contamination standpoint? I’m sure you have, but just to—
Nicoya Hecht:
We have. A few things, we have. We did tests with the University of Michigan. We took a lot of the—well, we took five top brands and some reverse osmosis sources and we tested them for modern-day contaminants down to parts per quadrillion. We didn’t need to test any of those down to parts per quadrillion because they were contaminated way before that with nitrosamines, with PFAS, with phthalates, just all of the things that are the result of us having non-stick pans, and using pesticides for agriculture, and having balloons, just all of this byproduct from our modern-day has made its way in.
Surprisingly and sadly, some of these sources that I actually didn’t think and that’s why I choose them to test alongside Rising Springs were—Embry Source besides Rising Springs was contaminated. We had nothing in the water down to parts per quadrillion. That’s the smallest particle that we’ve been able to test to with the mass spectrometer at University of Michigan. That’s just huge.
There was one other source that I’ve spoken to in the US that I thought was also the—also similarly free of those. Actually, Consumer Reports just came out tagging them for phthalates. I’m not sure if that is something to do with their spring source or the packaging. As far as I know, right now, we are the only source in the US that tests pure of modern-day contaminants down to parts per quadrillion.
Now, ours we have tested for. We have arsenic in the water. It’s below the FDA guidelines. Arsenic is in basically all of the water of the Pacific Northwest. It’s about not getting too much arsenic.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, if you eat broccoli, you’ve got arsenic; let’s be clear.
Nicoya Hecht:
Yeah, and so that’s one of the reasons why we suggest the three eight-ounce glasses a day as a guideline for that.
Dr. Pompa:
Okay, yeah, let’s talk about that. I’m against telling people how much water to drink. I think that there is in our space, I think that I absolutely I don’t want to say stand alone in this, but I stand in the minority in that I’m not a believer in just—people are just chugging water all day. People die from drinking too much water, at least in frat houses. That’s was something that actually did happen. They were hazing people. They drank water to the point where obviously you throw off your electrolyte balance. You can throw off your chemicals—I’m making it very simple—in your blood that literally are responsible for your health and living healthy by drinking too much water. You can throw off that imbalance.
The point is—your point—is if you get water like this, your body tells you I’m not thirsty anymore. What are some of your feedback with people who have had to drink all this water, always thirsty all the time? What’s the feedback on this water?
Nicoya Hecht:
One of the main ones is I drink less, and I feel more hydrated. I feel more satisfied. That time and time again we get. The other one we get is I didn’t think I liked water until I started drinking this. Now I actually want to drink it. I think that’s what we’ve lost touch with.
I know I had really lost with was listening to my body and its signals. I’m thirsty. I want to drink some water. Instead I was one of those people that was like measure it out. Oh, my gosh; I still have this much left today, and I don’t want to drink it.
We shouldn’t feel like we’re forcing water on our bodies. We should be responding to our body’s signals of it’s time to drink some water. I wake up and drink a glass of water in the morning. That feels great to me. I have my water next to me when I’m working or if I go out in the car. I drink when I’m thirsty. I actually haven’t counted how much I drink, but I drink a lot less than I used to be thinking I should drink, and I feel way better.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s interesting. Dehydration is really a cellular issue. When we look at the cellular issue, electrolytes, minerals, so many things play into that, cellular inflammation, etc. That was curious to me with the feedback on people who are big water drinkers. I feel like I need to drink so much water and how this water would really affect them.
I would say you get a lot of feedback on the water. What is the number one, maybe number two feedback that you get? You kind of said one was I drink less water. Are there others beyond that?
Nicoya Hecht:
We get a lot of I feel better. I just generally feel better. I have more energy, a lot of talking to the appearance, the skin, hair, and nails. I can see a difference.
Dr. Pompa:
Silica I would think had to make a noticeable difference. How soon does that take, weeks, months?
Nicoya Hecht:
Speaking to the silica for just a minute, like we spoke earlier, I love to see that my hair is growing fast and is thicker. What I really love to know that is also what’s happening on the inside. If I can see it on the outside, I know that my cartilage, my connective tissue, all of that is also getting the benefits. That’s what I love. I think it’s different for everybody.
I think that some people can feel a detox happen when they first start drinking Rising Springs. We’ve talked to people through that and suggested why don’t you start with a little bit less and just increase quantity as it feels good. We’ve really gotten people through that period of having a headache or maybe just not feeling so great but still feeling like the water resonated with them. I think three to six months is a great timeline to reach that in.
You really do have to pay attention because it takes a little while. You have to be tuned into what was I experiencing? What am I experiencing now? What am I noticing now? I think that’s why a lot of the feedback we get from people saying I really love to drink water and I used to not, to me it’s like I always get so happy. I’m like that’s your body telling you that that’s what it needs.
I think on that topic a lot of people drink water cold out of the fridge, which masks the taste, especially of impurities. I don’t think this is the most beneficial way. I think water is best at room temperature and/or they add lemon to it, which also masks the impurities. Your body doesn’t get a great sense of what it’s taking in because it’s covered up. You can drink water out of the fridge and it tastes to me dull and bland. That same water at room temperature you can taste the chlorine in it. You can taste the contaminates in it.
Dr. Pompa:
What’s the most amazing story you ever heard when people switch to this water? There’s got to be one.
Nicoya Hecht:
There’s a review on our site that I love that talks about the fountain of youth and magical unicorns and it just goes on and on. This person just had felt such an incredible magical shift. They were so blown away just switching. It was actually a person with chatting back and forth, they’re pretty health-minded, but they hadn’t thought a lot about water, which I’m sure you find as well.
We spend so much time in our food and the quality of eating organic and eating local and GMO-free and all the things and what we eat and so very little thought and time for many Americans is spent on the water we drink. Time and time again I meet docs and health practitioners who are just recommending filtered water and not much more. A lot of people that are on a health journey, if they haven’t dove into water themselves, they’re just basically drinking filtered water. When they’re so in tune with their body and they’re really doing all the best things and then they just switch their water source, I think they can feel a really huge affect on how they feel.
Dr. Pompa:
What’s your opinion on—there’s so much in our space, opinions about minerals in water. Some people add minerals. Some people say that most minerals, especially from a stream, pick up rock mineral, if you will, a non iodized mineral. When you eat plants it’s an ionized form that’s very absorbable [21:29]. Someone argued that even a rock mineral is absorbed if the body needs it. We shouldn’t necessarily get our minerals from water. You’ve obviously done a lot of homework here. What’s your opinion on this?
Nicoya Hecht:
I think there’s some minerals that are great to get from water. I don’t know the vast array of all minerals, but I think silica is a really good one to get.
Dr. Pompa:
I agree.
Nicoya Hecht:
I would think that many minerals would probably go along with that as being more beneficial if they’re naturally occurring than if they’re in a supplement form that you’re adding to your water, in which case I think a lot of times our body just doesn’t absorb that.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s true. People make the argument that a rock mineral versus an ionized mineral from a plant, your food, but I do agree with you. Some minerals are absolutely fine and perhaps the best source is water. I agree with you that silica is one of them for sure. What is the mineral content? I forget. I looked at it when I first got it. What are the highs and the lows of your water?
Nicoya Hecht:
The highest is actually the silica. I think it’s [22:50] milligrams per liter. Then there is some naturally occurring fluoride in there. There’s some calcium and potassium. It’s actually really high in silica is what it is.
There’s just a few trace minerals that really don’t add up to a whole lot. It’s not something that we really call out. Even if somebody was looking for that, we wouldn’t want them looking for that in our water because we just don’t have enough to make a difference.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, that’s what I love. I love that profile. It’s really heavy on the silica. That was one of the things that I was really taken by. I almost felt like it created a smoothness for sure in your water. The moment it goes in your mouth, you go there’s a taste. You start going what is that?
Nicoya Hecht:
I always feel like it’s absorbed right away in my mouth as well. I feel like a lot of water I drink and it just kind of goes to your stomach and sits. Rising Springs I feel like I can drink a full glass and there’s really very little in my stomach. I feel like it’s being absorbed. This is not scientific. This is only an observation. Sweet is the other thing that I get.
Dr. Pompa:
It tasted sweet. I tasted your water like a wine. I did. I tasted a little bit of sweet.
Nicoya Hecht:
It’s very interesting. We actually had a whiskey company reach out to us. We’re also partnering with a wine company because it is a great source to pair with spirits and with wines. It doesn’t take over the taste of either of those. It really compliments nicely.
Dr. Pompa:
I agree. Let’s deal with the obvious. If it was watching this, I’d be like okay, I want to try it. Your problem was you found this incredible source, but how do we get it to people. Then the other problem is how do we make that affordable?
Years ago people would be like who is going to pay money for water? Water is free. Then people were wrong about that. People are, in fact, paying money for water. People are buying a lot of bottled water.
I think we have people totally convinced this is far superior than the bottled water that you’re buying from the store. Let’s talk about the price. You all gave us an amazing deal for our viewers. Ashley is going to make sure the link is right here, that you can get it. Let’s talk about the price and let’s talk about how you made it affordable. Let’s just hit it.
Nicoya Hecht:
The hardest thing, which I’m sure everybody can imagine, is the weight of water. It’s the shipping. That’s another reason why we made the packaging so light. Initially we were really excited to go to glass. I think glass is what everybody thinks as being most environmental as well. It also is a great vessel just to have water in.
That was what we researched first. Then we really found out the carbon footprint for glass was so much heavier than it was for these other packaging alternatives. We went with a packaging alternative that would have a low carbon footprint, was safe for the consumer, and was lighter to ship. It was more cost effective for the consumer as well.
We wanted to just basically go source to door to cut out any of the distribution costs or the retail costs so the price wouldn’t jump up from there. What we provide is 10 liters at $30. Doing the math, that’s $3 a liter, which is total comparable pricing to the premium waters out there on the name brands.
Dr. Pompa:
How long does that last if you have two people in the home? What’s that [27:03]?
Nicoya Hecht:
I think two people in the home you could get two boxes every two weeks. That’s what we do. We either deliver once a month or we deliver every two weeks. We have people who really just use it. We have people who believe the best use is mix their green powder in or mix their tinctures in or use it as medicinal water. They will just get a couple boxes a month and that’s good for them. Then we have people who use it more and they need a little more.
Dr. Pompa:
You have different subscriptions, like you said. You have two weeks or a month. Then you can pick how much water you feel you need. I know a lot of people who have it.
Like you said, they incorporate it. If they’re doing this cooking, they still use their regular filtered water. They kind of incorporate it into their life that way. I know for my viewers you’re doing 20% off your first month, which is nice. People can actually try it. I appreciate that.
Nicoya Hecht:
We also do a cancel any time. I want people to like it. I want people to love it. I want it to resonate with them. There’s no point not giving that option.
We want people to be able to try the subscription. I think the subscription is so convenient because you really can depend on it arriving. I know everything is becoming auto shipped these days, but it’s like yes, let’s auto ship the essential things that we know we want.
Dr. Pompa:
If I was looking at the pitfalls of this, it’s added expense. I forget to ship it. Even though I love it and it’s making a difference, it’s one more thing I have to do. I think you solved that with the subscription. You’re right. I think you’ve got the price down to where you’re dealing with the shipping problem.
I guess you just have to sit back and say if I try this for a month, is it a value to me? I think when we look at why people get sick and how people get healthy, water is one of the big things, water, air. Every teacher out there talks about this. Do you believe it will make a big enough value for people in one month if they try it?
Nicoya Hecht:
I think if they’re listening to their bodies and they resonate with it in one month, yes. We meet people that know right away. They know right away from the first glass. The best thing to do, the fun thing I do sometimes is do the events, the three-day events. The first day people are running around trying to fill their swag bags of the supplements and the hats and the t-shirts and whatever they can get.
They’ll come by the water station and drink their water and we’ll have a short conversation. Then they’ll leave. By day three I have these people that feel like they found the Holy Grail. They’re like I have never felt so good at one of these events.
Can I buy boxes now? Can I leave with this? I can’t be without it. It’s always amazing because they’re in that kind of high stress environment at one of these huge indoor fluorescent light running around trying to gather all the information they feel that support of the water even more. I always just love those people at the end of three days who are just huge fans.
Dr. Pompa:
Exactly. I’m committed to it. I’m going to get more. I’m going to get on the program and continue to get it. For me it’s a value. My job isn’t to convince anyone that it’s a value to them. I’ve done enough homework on water to know it’s transformative for people’s health.
Nicoya Hecht:
Right, yes. The other question you had, which I think it interesting, is the price. How many people are picking up that $3 bottle of water a few times a week or more?
Dr. Pompa:
They don’t realize.
Nicoya Hecht:
You don’t think of or paying for a very expensive filtration machine, which there’s a number of issues with. One is do you know what you’re actually filtering out? Have you tested your water after you filter the water? How often are you cleaning and changing and keeping all those filters clean? When you add up the price of somebody who is being conscious about their water to begin with and what they’re doing, I don’t think there is a difference. It might even be much more to do it some of the other ways.
Dr. Pompa:
I’ve interviewed a couple times a guy named Cameron. His story is amazing. He literally became allergic to every food. He was drinking one water, and then he became allergic to that. He actually went 12 days without food or water, which ended up saving his life; long story, amazing story.
However, Cam has become the water expert—so am I. Spring water, when you find the right source, is the best water in the world. I tell people filter your water. I’m not against filtration. I hope everyone hears that.
However, myself and Cam would agree and my son Daniel because he has a whole water story, finding the right spring, we can’t duplicate it. Filter your water, please. Get the chemicals out, please. The best water in the world comes from the earth. Rising Springs, a lot of the springs that I’m sure have really good water are very surface-oriented. This one is 2.2 miles deep from a 16,000-year-old source. I don’t know. You convinced me.
Nicoya Hecht:
Well, good. All you have to do is drink a glass and it speaks for itself. Really, it does.
Dr. Pompa:
Exactly. I have to experience it for sure. Nicoya, thank you. Thanks for investing into this, number one. You didn’t have to do that. You thought this is a great cause. You didn’t know what you were getting into.
Now you’re trying to bring water to the world not just this way. I think you and your husband have obviously tried to bring water to the world many ways. When I went to Africa, one of the shocking things to me was the fact that we could solve so many problems with just water, sources of water. They would dig in and find a water source. Then the animals would come and contaminate it.
There’s so many water issues. How many can be solved so easily? You and your husband have obviously dedicated a lot of your life to that. Thank you. I hope people give it a try. I do. Awesome for being on. I appreciate it.
Nicoya Hecht:
Thank you so much for having me.
That’s it for this week. I hope you enjoyed today’s episode, which was brought to you by Fastonic Molecular Hydrogen. Please check it out at getfastonic.com. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern. We truly appreciate your support.