374: The 3 Legged Stool: The Autoimmune Answer

This is an episode for so many of you! Many of you know autoimmunity is when the body’s immune system attacks itself. So could the reason why you still have symptoms, why you're not getting better… could it be autoimmune?

From eczema, to celiac, type 1 and 2 diabetes, hashimotos, leaky gut, lupus, IBS… all autoimmune related, and all way too common these days.

In fact, autoimmunity is one of the fastest growing epidemics on the plant, and most people just live with it, or spend thousands on “solutions” that don’t help them improve, or even make them worse…

When you get to the cause, your body can heal, and I begin to explain that with my 3 Legged Stool analogy. Please share this episode with anyone who will benefit from this info.

More about Dr. Pompa

Dr. Daniel Pompa is a global health leader and innovator on a mission to educate practitioners and the public on the origins of inflammation-driven disease, cellular detoxification, fasting strategies, and diet variation principles. Although trained as a Chiropractor, his authority comes from the victory within his own battle, having overcome neurotoxic illness that was rooted in heavy metal poisoning.

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Dr. Pompa:
I want to give thanks to one of our sponsors, CytoDefend. Look, in a time like this, I think that our immune system and keeping our immune system up right now is more important than ever. I can also tell you that I pay attention to the things that keep my immune system on par and healthy. So glad that CytoDefend is one of our sponsors here on Cell TV. It’s a product that I use, my family uses.

Hopefully, you’ll check it out. By the way, you can check it out with the link right here below. If you want to try a free bottle, you can actually get a free bottle; just pay the shipping. I think you’ll reorder after that but check it out.

Ashley Smith:
If you’re listening to this podcast and want to access the amazing CytoDefend product Dr. Pompa just mentioned, please visit FreeImmunity.com. Again, that’s FreeInmunity.com.

Hi, everyone. This is an episode for so many of Dr. Pompa’s audience. You all know that autoimmunity is when the body’s immune system attacks itself. If you’re unsure why you still have symptoms, could it be autoimmune? From eczema to celiac, Type I and II Diabetes, Hashimoto’s, leaky gut, Lupus, IBS, all autoimmune related. In fact, autoimmunity is one of the fastest-growing epidemics on the planet. Most people just live with it or spend thousands on solutions that don’t help them improve or might even make them worse.

Dr. Pompa, welcome today. You have always said when you get to the cause, your body can heal. You have an amazing analogy that you call the three-legged stool. I want you to share more about that with our audience today. What is the three-legged stool? Let’ start with the name first of all. What does that even mean? Why is this so important?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, just a word on the autoimmune intro. So many people watching this, like me years and years ago, they just have bizarre symptoms. They’re not sleeping; they know their hormones are disrupted, anxiety, brain fog, don’t have energy for the day, need caffeine. Whatever it is, it’s most often, it’s your own body causing that mischief, hence the word autoimmune.

Most people, they might look at this name, and say, oh, this show is not for me; it’s autoimmune. No, it’s because most people don’t know they have it. The testing doesn’t show it because it’s not until you get the big thing in the test which is 20 years down the road. Then you get the diagnosis of Lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

The three-legged stool is—it is that analogy of why we have this explosion of people who have unexplainable illness are getting sick, can’t get well. What’s going on? How did I get here? Everybody human wants it to be that one thing. They definitely want the cause to be that and they want the answer to be that, too.

You know this. Every Tuesday we train our doctors. We have seminars. I teach a multitherapeutic approach to this multitherapeutic problem. It’s not one thing, but it’s this clever way. I always never want to take credit for it because God literally allowed me to go through certain things to discover it, but it’s putting these things together, and we’ll talk about that on this show, that is the magic. It’s the answer. It’s how I got my life back and thousands of others.

The three-legged stool gives life to that whole concept. It gives life to the why you got sick and it gives great explanation to how to get the heck out of this situation, the solution. With that said, I think most people—and that’s the question you asked, what is the three-legged stool. It’s the analogy. All the legs have to be there.

If they’re not, one of the legs isn’t there, it falls over, meaning that there’s three if we start with cause. There’s three main things that happen to why all of a sudden, you don’t feel well, can’t figure it out, or you get the diagnosis, whatever it is. It could be cancer; it could be other diagnoses. The fact is it’s not one thing that everyone is looking for; it’s typically three things that happen. When that happens, boom, that’s it.

When you look at cause, we look at absolutely this perfect storm of stressors that come together. It’s not just one stress; once again, it’s typically three stressors that come together, whether it be physical, chemical, or emotional, or two chemical, moldy home, heavy metal toxicity, this emotional thing that happened. Boom, perfect storm happens, triggers your gene of susceptibility. All of a sudden, what the heck happened to my life? Sounds familiar.

When we look at the stool, I actually drew it ahead of time just so I don’t have to bore everybody. There is my stool. There was a day where I didn’t draw the middle leg shorter so you could see it was actually three-dimensional, but my art has gotten better.

Let me start here, actually, in that little, short leg. I don’t know if you can read it, but it says stress; it really should say stressors. I drew it too short. Stressors, meaning that physical, chemical, or emotional that typically happens in threes. That’s that perfect storm. If you remember the movie, George Clooney. Did you actually see that movie?

Ashley Smith:
The Perfect Storm? Yes, a long time ago, but yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay, yeah, because it was an ‘80s movie. It was a great movie that really portrayed that well. It’s a real thing. The three storms come together, not two. If two storms merge, it’s a bad storm. When three storms come, it’s catastrophic. That’s exactly what happened in that movie.

That’s what happens. That three stressor comes together. What happens is you end up getting a gene that gets triggered. Once that happens, now, it’s tough because your body’s expressing an illness.

Now, the old days, we used to think, okay, you just had a thyroid condition because your mother did or father, but it’s not true. Those genes are triggered, but what triggers them? Stressors, physical, chemical, or emotional, but more specifically, it’s the perfect storm. The gene gets triggered.

Now, when you understand genetics, you can’t talk about—you can’t not talk about the microbiome, at least in today’s science, meaning, the bacteria in our gut actually interplay with our genes. We know that when certain bacteria are in too low of number or the diversity decreases with these bacteria, now we’re susceptible to getting genes turned on. Again, it’s a causative factor.

We know the gut today is playing a big role in autoimmune disease and all these conditions. I’ll make this argument in a little bit; the way we’re approaching the gut is all wrong. It’s not what you think. I’ll just leave it to that. I just want you to know this. The bacteria in the gut also play into the genes.

Now, I said this is why people are getting sick, but it’s also the answer. I’ll quickly and then I’ll let you ask questions, but the five R’s is my road map of how we fix and detox the cell. That is really the magic for turning off bad genes. If you look at Bruce Lipton’s work and he talks about the cell membrane which is R2, regenerating the cell membrane.

We don’t have to get into all of the R’s specifically today, but they all mean something at the cell. It’s what happens to so many people today that their membrane gets disrupted, the cell energy, which is R3 gets disrupted, inflammation of the cell membrane gets disrupted. That’s R4. Methylation gets disrupted which affects detox and genetics. That’s R5.

When we look at the DNA, we can’t not have a solution. The solution is these five Rs that I put together some years ago. The stressors, removing them is obviously part of the solution. The biggest one that most people do wrong, incorrectly, or don’t identify is the neurotoxic component. That’s where cellular detox comes in. If I just put CD for cellular detox, that is the answer for this leg of the stool.

Then the microbiome, the answer you would think might be, oh, all the gut work. I watched all the summits on the gut. It’s these bacteria. Take this and do that. It’s not so simple.

You’ll see that the answer is these ancient healing strategies that I teach: changing your diet, forcing change. Most people are stuck on the same diet that “worked” for them. Forcing dietary change, fasting, feasting, feast/famine cycling, and really a premise that is known in science called hormeses. I taught my last seminar on it. Hormeses means if we add a stress to the body, the innate intelligence, and in this case, the gut, we actually can create diversity and change the microbiome.

I’m just going to put ancient healing here. It’s too long. I should have just put AH or ancient healing as an abbreviation as these strategies that we use to actually change the microbiome. We specifically do detox at the cell. We approach the cell with a logic of what’s broken in the cell. This is what I call a multi—and I’ll do it this way. I can’t write like that. Okay, MTA, that’s the—what I abbreviate to what I teach, a multitherapeutic approach.

The approach means that you can’t just take certain supplements; you can’t just do things for your genetics; you can’t just run fancy tests. You can’t just detox with a sauna, a colonic, a foot bath, that 30-day cleans, whatever it is. I wish it were so easy, not true. Oh, and you can’t just take probiotics, not so easy. Most people are doing one or two of those approaches, but the fact is, putting it all together in this multitherapeutic approach addresses the three-legged stool: why you’re getting sick. Getting to the cause is the key.

Ashley Smith:
That’s important to know because a lot of people contact us. They want to address the hair loss, or the skin rash, or the leaky gut. They’re like, what can I take for that? What could I take to make my gut better? What could I take to make my skin clear up or make my hair grow back? There really is no one thing you can do; it’s a multitherapeutic.

Dr. Pompa:
That is such a great—because you every day talk to those people. They do; they have that one blink of light; they want the one solution. Again, if it were only so easy.

Most hair loss is hormone-related. Yes, it could be deficiency-related, but today, typically not; hormone-related, autoimmune-related most of the time. Again, without the diagnosis, just unknowing that your body’s own immune system is attacking the hair follicle or it could be your immune system attacking thyroid receptors, not diagnosed with “Hashimoto’s,” which is autoimmune, but yet it is autoimmune. It’s affecting the thyroid which affects the hair or the skin.

Typically, again, people aren’t going upstream far enough to realize, oh, it’s this. You said a lot of people call and I just want to fix my gut because they’re—today, there’s this massive attention, even different than five years ago; it’s the gut. I think one of the big mistakes, too, is they’re forgetting this: the brain. This is the first brain; the gut is called the second brain, but yet, this was ignored for a long time. Now, this almost has more attention. Now, everyone’s forgetting about this. This is ultimately what heals and runs your body every day.

When you’re looking at fixing the gut, most often, you will not fix the gut until you approach what’s going on in the brain. Neurotoxins, they make their way to nerve tissue, the brain being the most important of all. It’s where you house the innate intelligence in your body. That’s where healing is. Everything operates from here down, above, down, inside out. That’s where health comes from.

The approach in medicine has always been outside in where we’re going to give you something. I fear to say that the approach in functional medicine now is outside in instead of, wait a minute, the body can heal, but when the brain is poisoned, I will argue you’ll never fix your gut; you won’t. You won’t fix your—turn off your autoimmune; you won’t change your genes. All of that is impossible until you actually get this back up on board.

Most of the neurotoxins affect it, whether it be mold, whether it be heavy metals or even these infections that I talk so much about. They cross the blood-brain barrier. They drive inflammation and toxicity of the brain. Many people listening to this are going, why aren’t I better. It’s because your brain’s still neurotoxic. That’s a big part of my multitherapeutic approach.

Ashley Smith:
Absolutely, and you can’t just—you can’t heal things in order that you want. Your body, your innate intelligence, dictates what needs to be healed first. Sometimes it’s things you don’t even see. You might not feel like you’re necessarily getting results quick enough, but it could just be a lot of internal things happening before the external things get better.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, exactly. One of my phases in the detox that I teach is the brain phase. I always say we work to get to the brain phase. It’s years, not months.

Getting the neurotoxins, nerve toxins out of the brain is a system you learn. It’s different for everybody: the doses, the cycle, the cycle nights, the chelators, all of it. That’s obviously a lot of if you’ve been following me for years of what I teach. Most people do it wrong, unfortunately. That’s my passion.

Again, I’m not saying—look, the only reason I know it is because I’ve been through it. I can tell you in helping many people around the world, coaching them through their challenges, I can tell you Number One, they typically—if you’re someone listening that’s not feeling well yet, or still not lasting, you feel a little better, but you’re still not well, you still have an upstream cause somewhere. Most likely, it’s in the brain. Most likely, you didn’t do something long enough to matter or you didn’t identify it, a stressor that’s still there.

Ashley Smith:
These people listening who feel like their identifying with this, do they need a diagnosis? Do they need to take a bunch of tests to tell them that they’re—that this is the right approach or what is the first thing somebody should do to know that this is right for them?

Dr. Pompa:
That’s a great question because I think that testing can be a big pitfall. For example, people go, okay, you mentioned heavy metals. Let me do a heavy metal test. Look, we both know that we’ve been doing this long enough, you and I both, that there’s no perfect heavy metal test, meaning that most mercury is so—it goes right into the brain and the nerve tissue. We don’t see it even on a challenge test. That’s the test I do like for heavy metals where you challenge it out of the tissue and look at what’s in the urine. It’s not a blood test, it’s not a hair test, and it’s not just a urine test without a chelator; however, even with a chelator challenging it out, you still won’t show what’s here and what’s in the deep tissue, so no perfect test. There’s a pitfall there.

With mold, we can do things like visual contrast tests, which is a great beginning test. There’s a couple blood tests you can do, but not perfect. That’s the problem there. Infections, oh, there’s nothing. Then I think the other caution is everybody is running into the expensive tests of testing the microbiome because there’s so much attention there. It’s not very useful at all; I wish it were, but it’s not. Genetic tests—

Ashley Smith:
Those tests are so popular right now, these microbiome tests that they tell you what’s going on and what probiotics you might need. Why are you not such a fan of those?

Dr. Pompa:
Look, if it were so easy to fix the gut and the microbiome by probiotics—look, Ashley, you meet with more people than I do every day. How many out of ten are taking a probiotic?

Ashley Smith:
Probably ten, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I know, right, especially the ones that come to us. If that were the answer, then we wouldn’t have this epidemic every year of more and more gut problems. It’s not the answer. Again, I’m not saying it shouldn’t be part of the—your arsenal. We have a very unique way that we teach on what to do with probiotic, but it’s not the answer in itself. It just can’t be just that. What was the point that I was making before that, though; well, anyway.

Ashley Smith:
My guess, microbiome.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, the testing. The testing, ultimately, it hasn’t gotten us anywhere. Like you said, if anything, people wanted the test to be like take these bacteria and take these killers because you have too many of these bacteria. We’re not even clear on that because the killers, they’re realizing that actually, you need these guys. It’s the balance of them.

What is out of balance? What should this be? It’s nowhere near. I think the only thing we really got out of the gut testing is the fact that people that are very healthy seem to have a diverse, meaning all types of different bacteria, and people unhealthy not. That’s really about it.

Then the genetic testing I think is even more dangerous that people are doing because we wanted it to be—and I got caught up in it for a while. We wanted it to be, oh, here’s how we treat this person. We’re going to be able to customize our treatments and our diets based on the genetics. It is so far not true. MTHFR just in the last how many years, that’s the famous one.

Ashley Smith:
Everybody has that one.

Dr. Pompa:
People are, oh my God, I’m MTHFR positive, I’m MTHFR homozygous. Now we know just in the last few years there’s all these pathways around it. It virtually means nothing, honestly. I like to give it some credit, and all right, it gives us some clue. If we’re on a treasure hunt, it gives us some clues. That’s about it. Do we want to pay for clues I guess is the question? Not a fan. The reason I discuss this test is because they’re very in vogue right now.

Look, I think that there’s—testing has its place. I’m not saying it doesn’t. There’s a time to do it. You know what the best thing to answer your question now is a really good history. You know that I train my docs on that. If I look at these cases that other people weren’t able to help and what I did different is I really sat down with them, or at least virtually, I should say. I don’t sit down with people anymore.

I listen to them for an hour and a half, two hours. I got their story. I listen and I look upstream to the actual causes putting it together. The history, to my point, is better than any test. Then at least from the history, then we can make some decisions whether maybe a test is appropriate. If it’s going to change what I do, then I would say it’s appropriate.

Ashley Smith:
Yes, absolutely. Back to when someone is—they don’t have a diagnosis, but they just know something is off. They know something is wrong. They have not been diagnosed. Their gut is a mess. Their brain, they have brain fog. They have fatigue. Their hormones might not be functioning, weight loss resistance, all of this. What should be the first thing they do at this point?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s a good question. I think that if you’re the average American person, hey, change your diet. You can pick up my Cellular Healing Diet book for—which is some very basic things that everyone should do. Okay, start there. Now, most of our viewing audience, listening audience, has already done that. Would you agree?

Ashley Smith:
Yeah, that’s so true.

Dr. Pompa:
Not necessarily the starting place for them. It is different. Look, I think that the starting place, looking back to when you got sick is a really good place to start. Then I think working with a coach is critical. I think that once you get to that point, it’s very difficult to be thinking yourself.

Honestly, I always say if I got sick again, one of the things I would do different—I’ve answered this on interviews. What are one of the things you’d do different? I said hire a coach. My wife became my coach, meaning, oh my gosh, you’re making irrational decisions. You just did that.

She became my rational—and that’s never good. The point was is she was always thinking more rational than the doctor because when—it’s emotion; when you’re sick, you’re emotional. You think you have it figured out, and you think you know best, and you think, and you think, and you think. The fact is you can’t think yourself out.

Honestly, I think the only reason I got my life back is because God had mercy on me and he had a plan. My wife was right. God spoke to her, not audibly, but in her heart over and over again. I’m not only going to get your husband well, but he’s going to take a message to the world. That’s why I’m leading him out of this. It wasn’t even for me. Yeah, I think a coach is a valuable thing. Obviously, that’s what I’m passionate about.

Ashley Smith:
Right, because you could be dealing with viruses, mold, candida, all kinds of things. You just don’t know what to go—you can’t go after everything at once. There’s a system to how you have to approach the body. Yeah, a coach can definitely help with that.

What’s good to remember too about the perfect storm is you can have even siblings. One might be eating healthy, doing everything right. They’re the one who get that perfect storm. Maybe they’re just dealing with more stressors in their life.

The other sibling might have the same DNA, same genetics. They might not even eat as well. They might have some lifestyle habits, but they’re—you use the bucket analogy a lot, too. Their bucket just might not be as full.

I sometimes get clients go, why is my sister in a much better place and she doesn’t even eat as healthy as I do? She doesn’t do all the things that I’ve been doing. A lot of it is just—it’s that perfect storm. It’s just all of it.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and the bucket theory, it’s not my theory, but it’s been around for a long time. In utero, we’re exposed to certain toxins. When we’re born, we start getting our good ol’ vaccine schedules. Then maybe they let you live in a moldy house. Then you have emotional traumas. Then you start accumulating more heavy metals on top of what you got here in utero.

Then one day, boom, the bucket overflows. That’s Ashley’s point. Then what happens is the stressors accumulated. Then the gene got triggered, you see. I like to call it the stress bucket. Once that overflowed, then the gene gets triggered. Then the symptoms start.

Then people are down here for a while, sometimes starting with medications. I’m getting my view here. They’re down here chasing the symptoms with medications. Most people learn, okay, that’s not working or they’re getting more sick. Then they go to chasing it with natural things. A lot of people, probably more of our viewers, are in the natural world chasing it around.

Again, to answer your question. You asked a really good question, what would be the first thing that you would do. I said get a coach. Now, let me expand on that because I think the three big ones—and those of you who watch me for a while, I always talk about these three. Could it be beyond these three, yes, but the reason I get passionate about these three is 20 years coaching people, these are three that I see that are not only just missed, but they’re also mistreated.

Okay, so what are the three? Obviously, if I start with my own story in heavy metals. When I went online once I figured out that my brain was filled with heavy metals, then I started looking at the contradicting information on the Internet. By the way, it’s worse today than when I was doing it. That was back when the Internet just started. Anyway, but it was unbelievable.

Ashley Smith:
Yeah, even today there’s so much info out there that’s just false.

Dr. Pompa:
When it comes to detox, bad stuff doesn’t go away. Once there’s a bad thought in government, it doesn’t come out like low fat, low calorie. It will always be there. You’ll never ever change it. I just threw my pen. Oh, here it is. Anyway, sorry, I just went like that and lost my pen.

It just doesn’t go away, same in natural health. These philosophies don’t go away: corella, all these detox things. It’s like, they’re still out there. It’s hilarious to me.

If I didn’t go through what I went through, I wouldn’t have discovered where the actual truth lies. In heavy metal toxicity, a lot of bad, crazy stuff. The products out there that—and people will say, I’ve done that. You hear it now, Ashley. It’s like, oh, I’ve done that. What have you done? It’s like, oh God, it’s always the same.

Ashley Smith:
People say, oh, I did a two-month detox and I didn’t get better. We know that it takes a lot longer than two months to fix it.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, and people are, oh, I’ve done that. Meanwhile, they still have amalgam fillings putting mercury into their brains. It’s like, what? Anyways, that’s one pitfall. The other is mold. We’ve done a lot of shows on it because it’s deadly. Mold is one of those things that—listen, I’d be the first to say, small amounts of mold, I’d argue it’s good for you.

Ashley Smith:
In your shower, someone seeing a little mold in their shower, should they be freaking out?

Dr. Pompa:
No, right. Even walking into a moldy building if you’re healthy, arguably, hey, a little mold helps your microbiome. It’s actually healthy. That’s my attitude now. It’s like, hey, mold’s good for me.

Ashley Smith:
It’s not going to bioaccumulate for one hour in a building.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. Again, because everyone’s always like, well, mold’s everywhere. They’re right, but when you’re living in an amplified moldy building, it changes everything. We’re not as human—we’re meant to be around mold as humans. Arguably, it’s good for you, but we’re not meant to be in a building with one species mold being dominant like stachybotrys or another one. Then all of a sudden, it triggers the brain to protect itself. Now, you’re in this massive inflammatory state.

I would say mold is always missed in some respect because people go, I don’t see mold. It’s like, well, it’s because it’s behind your wall; of course you don’t. Then, of course, there’s a very specific strategy to get rid of it.

Then the last one is hidden infections. I would say this is the one that’s missed the most because these hidden infections most often are here. People had wisdom teeth or teeth extracted. They have something called a cavitation.

Look, the test you can take that you should is called a cone beam, C-O-N-E B-E-A-M. It’s a 3D scan of the jaw. You don’t see these things on x-ray. That’s why they’re missed by most dentists. Most dentists aren’t trained in identifying them on cone beam or they don’t even know about it. They definitely don’t know what to do to get this infection out safely or even post-surgery to get it out safely. Ashley, how many people do we see that are just so sick? Autoimmune won’t turn off because of one of these infections?

Ashley Smith:
Absolutely, yeah. A lot of dentists like you said are just not skilled at identifying them or they’ll tell them, oh, I did an x-ray. I didn’t see any infections. It really has to be a cone beam. There’s nothing else that identifies it.

Dr. Pompa:
Then their dentist will order them a cone beam. Then they take it to the dentist. He looks at it as a plain film or he doesn’t even know what’s he’s looking because you need special software. You definitely have to— “Episode 274,” I interviewed Dr. Gerry Curatola about cavitation. My wife, you’ll see her in the dental chair there and what we discovered. You’ll see her cone beam in that episode.

Again, what we do after this is critical because these infections are typically systemic. By the way, when we talk about people not being able to fix the gut, the oral microbiome is critical to the gut microbiome. You can’t fix this without addressing this. You could do all of these, the best therapies, treatments in the world for the gut, but if these pathogens are hiding in these caves, these infections—and by the way, they have no pain most often. You don’t know they’re in there.

Ashley Smith:
They’re hidden, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
You had them. As a matter of fact, tell your story very quickly.

Ashley Smith:
Yeah, I had four cavitations. I didn’t feel anything. I never noticed anything was wrong. I never felt puffy, or inflamed, or anything like that, but looking back, I had four wisdom teeth pulled when I was probably 19, 20 years old. At the time, I was really infected. I went on major antibiotics after my surgery back then.

I just knew that there was no way that they were healed properly. I just knew it, so I got a cone beam. Sure enough, I had four really deep cavitations. Went to a very skilled dentist and got them taken care of. The pathology report came back. You saw it. There was definitely some mold and candida.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, by the way, that’s it. We can take a pathology report and look at the different pathogens. As a matter of fact, I don’t even think we’ve had this conversation because this is actually recent that you just got that. How long ago was it now, two months?

Ashley Smith:
Two months, I think. Yeah, not that long ago.

Dr. Pompa:
Looking at your history that you could speak to a little bit, how do you feel that applied? You have your own passion of why you’re in this phase.

Ashley Smith:
Perfect example, I’ve always had gut issues, always. I could never figure—I’ve done all the fasting. I do lots of rotating of different diets. I eat gluten-free; I eat grain-free. It’s like what is—why is my gut always a mess?

I really think everything was just up here. I remember you saying once, you can’t heal the gut if you don’t address infections in your mouth. That’s when the light bulb went off. I was like, I know that’s it. I know that’s why I can take all of the gut supplements and nothing’s getting to my gut.

Dr. Pompa:
I literally haven’t even asked you this question yet because you and I are so busy. We’re always back and forth on a—

Ashley Smith:
I know; we don’t talk about ourselves. I know. My gut, even in the two months since I did an amazing infection protocol, your infection protocol after my surgery. Seriously, just in two months, my gut is so much better.

I’m just not getting the bloating. I just don’t feel the dysbiosis anymore. It really feels like I have done a lot of healing just in a couple of months of just clearing out. Clearly, it was all stemming from my mouth. It’s crazy.

Dr. Pompa:
You went to a really good guy. This surgery has to be done. Now, they do it with lasers. It’s pretty amazing what they do.

Ashley Smith:
It was in and out. It wasn’t terrible.

Dr. Pompa:
See, I was walking around New York after mine, honestly.

Ashley Smith:
Yeah, I didn’t take any medications. She just gave me a tiny local anesthetic. I was home within—I was home, back home within two hours. Yeah, it was easy. It wasn’t bad.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, but yet it’s so critical and missed. When we look at drivers of autoimmune, I would almost put infection at the top. Again, you didn’t know you had those. I didn’t know. Many people in the “alternative” health space, they never even were checked.

Then you have the opposite. It’s like dentists, they may do proper amalgam silver filling removal but yet know very little about how to do that process right. Caution, folks, make sure you go to someone who does this. Laser is one of the new treatments, but also there’s something called PRF where they take your own blood.

It’s a plasma-rich fiber where they put in there to actually make sure the bone heals again because in the old way of doing it, 50% of the time, you’d end up with a cavitation again and not knowing. Then most people are going, oh, I did that. They still have an infection driving their autoimmune, so big. Then post, you have to know what you’re doing post because these bacteria can go systemic. They want to survive. That’s a problem as well.

Ashley Smith:
Yeah, you can’t really treat an infection until you remove the source, right? You can’t just say, I think I have infections. Let’s do an infection protocol.

Dr. Pompa:
You just beat it back. You may go, yeah, but I do that. I address my parasites and I feel better. I just saw a path report this week. It had parasites in it. It’s like, no wonder you can’t get rid of them down here.

Candida even protects itself even around heavy metals. I could never get rid of my candida until I got my heavy metals down. Exactly, I think it’s very in vogue also in our space to do these pathogen protocols, but if you have one of these upstream sources, it’s just—I don’t want to say it’s a waste of time because sometimes you just have to knock back the infection, but it’s not going to be a lasting result is the point.

Ashley Smith:
Right, absolutely. We’ve had full episodes about this, but even breast implants, too. You can have a lot of fungus and mold in your breast implants and infections. It could just be a major source that is—

Dr. Pompa:
You bring up two—you just brought up one other big problem today. It’s not one of the three, but breast implants house all three of the things I just said, meaning they have hidden infection as another source beyond the mouth. By the way, if it’s here, now it’s going to be here because they can hide from the immune system. They have heavy metals. If you get your—the company that makes your implant, look at the ingredients. Heavy metals will be there. It’s bizarre, but it’s loaded with mercury, lead, arsenic, all of these bizarre heavy metals.

Then it also has mold. These things produce mold around them in the capsule. We’ve done several Cellular Healing TVs. If you’re someone sick wondering could this be it, watch those because don’t hear it from me; hear it from a woman who had breast implants and discovered it was literally killing her.

Ashley Smith:
A lot of the time, we see a quick turnaround when people—when women get their explants where they feel—they can sometimes feel better within a couple of days, even just post-surgery. They know that was the thing.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s remarkable. It’s like cavitations. Some people have that immediate response. In a chair, some people have. Likewise, with breast implants, some people on the recovery table are like, they start having their period again.

Ashley Smith:
It’s true.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s like these breakthroughs, not always, though. Sometimes it’s until we get down the road because they have so much bioaccumulated toxin. Until we get down the road with getting the toxins out of the deep tissue, until they get their life back, but sometimes when you just remove a source, get out of a moldy home, whatever it is, you just immediately take that step of like, oh my gosh, I’m reconnected to my body again.

By the way, this is I think the problem even with alternative healthcare today is that they’re not looking for cause. They’re doing all the expensive fancy tests, putting people on more supplements, but it’s like you don’t—we didn’t get our life back by taking supplements. Again, I’m not knocking supplements; I give them, for goodness sake. The point is it’s about the cause, isn’t it?

Ashley Smith:
Absolutely, and something to remember too, there are things you might make some progress. You might have the right kind of surgery or you might address—remove some sort of source. You might start to feel a little bit better, but detoxing—healing isn’t linear. You’re not going to just start feeling better and better and better. There’s definitely a zigzag as you reach your goal. Doing your multitherapeutic approach, you’re never going to create new issues by going through your healing protocols, but you might expose existing issues, things like candida and other things that have been hiding. You might uncover things as you’re healing along the way. Then you have to address those, too.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, yeah, and I think you’re right, though. It’s like when we look at all of the things people are doing to get their life back, I would say most people are saying, I changed my diet. I’m still not well. All right, okay, well, I always say that the perfect diet today, most peoples’ conditions, won’t get you well. You might not get well without a perfect diet and whatever we call “perfect diet” because I preach diet variation.

The point is that diet change, yes, important, but it’s not enough today. In the old days, it was like that’s how people would lose weight. That’s how people would help their X, Y, Z symptom or condition, but today it’s not enough because the level of neurotoxicity. When something else has happened in our environment—I would say two more things have happened in our environment that’s why this is the case.

Number One, okay, people aren’t getting to the cause. We just discussed that, but there’s some other complicating issues. EMFs today, the electromagnetic fields. This introduction is new to our body. Again, I believe our bodies one day will adapt to the level, but the point is that right now, it’s just that extra stressor. Now, again, think about what I said. Is EMF affecting you? Maybe not, but when your bucket is almost full or overflowing, now EMF becomes that, okay, it’s one more stress that your body should adapt to, but it’s not.

It’s the inability to adapt to stress that once your bucket is full that now becomes the issue. Once your bucket gets like this, now, you don’t even adapt to emotional stress anymore, even physical stress. When you start doing hard workouts, you’re wiped out for days or EMF. All of it’s stress to your cells that your body, if it adapts to, you get stronger. It’s better. If you don’t, you get weaker, and you end up more sick.

There’s more and more science around these infections, why so many people now are being affected by infections. We believe it is this EMF connection. Now, if you have silver fillings in or metal in your mouth, this is now an antenna to electromagnetic frequency. These infections can literally survive and hide there from your immune system that’s avoiding this thing. The EMF has made this infection problem worse. It’s made people just even one more step into the perfect storm.

There’s one more problem today: glyphosate. It’s a chemical being sprayed on our food supply that according to studies is allowing these neurotoxins that we’ve been speaking about to cross deeper into the brain. If you have infection, it becomes a bigger problem. Heavy metals, 2012 study, Stephanie Seneff, showed that glyphosate opens up the blood-brain barrier and these toxins go right into the brain. That’s why I said in the beginning if we don’t get the neurotoxins out, we don’t fix this; we don’t fix us.

EMF, glyphosate, and these hidden sources, this is why America, the world, is so sick. Oh, now we add another component of what’s going on today. At the risk of getting this shut down, if you’re someone who’s question getting the—I’m not going to say because I don’t want to get it shut down. We’ll just say a jab or something of that sort.

Ashley Smith:
We know what you mean, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Do your homework because we’re altering immunity; we’re altering the way the human body’s immune system works. When you violate that, I’m telling you, not yet—not me, but the experts are saying what’s going to happen a year from now could be catastrophic. Autoimmune could go to a level that could change humanity. That’s what’s disturbing.

Ashley Smith:
It is. It’s scary. We are so blessed to have you because we need this information now more than ever. Yeah, well, thank you so much, Dr. Pompa. This has just been really helpful. It’s always good to just go back to the just your core of just your amazing knowledge and what—where everything stems from that you do.

Dr. Pompa:
Awesome, well, no one brings me through the interview better than you because you know it.

Ashley Smith:
Yeah, I do, but I still love hearing about it. I learn something new every time. Thanks so much. Thank you, everybody, for joining. Have a good one.

Dr. Pompa:
Hey, I want to tell you about one of our sponsors, CytoDetox. Look, podcasts cost money. There’s a lot of production going around this, but we are grateful to have Cellular Detox as one of the sponsors. It’s so easy for me to talk about the product because myself and my family use it constantly as we practice what I preach. For over 15 years, I have talked about and taught doctors and the public about cellular detox.

I’ll tell you, Cyto was a breakthrough; Cyto was a breakthrough for us. It’s changed so many lives. We’re grateful that they sponsor Cellular Healing TV. It makes sense, doesn’t it? They should.

Ashley Smith:
If you’re listening to this podcast and want to access the amazing CytoDetox product Dr. Pompa just mentioned, please visit DetoxOffer.com. Again, that’s DetoxOffer.com.

That’s it for this week. The materials and content within this podcast are intended as general information only and are not to be considered as substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you would like to purchase some of the supplements mentioned on this show, please visit the site, AsSeenOnCHTV.com, and use the code CHTV15 for 15% off. Again, that’s AsSeenOnCHTV.com. Use the code CHTV15 for 15% off. As always, thanks for listening.