Transcript of Episode 39: Intermittent Fasting and Burst Training
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.
Warren: Good morning, everyone, Cellular Healing TV, Warren Phillips and Dr. Dan Pompa here. Sorry about the lighting issue with both of us. Slow internet connection here. No special high-speed internet options. We are at the Weston Lake, Las Vegas Hotel training. There will be over 100 individuals here, 60-something offices, learning our Cellular Healing strategies and protocols to transform lives. We have some really great guest speakers, New York Times bestselling author, Garrett Gunderson, will be here this weekend to kick off the show, Phil Kaplan, a health and wellness expert and world changer himself. A really, really great, great opportunity, feeling good, looking good, we’re ready to take the health and healing world by storm. I drop that little note about looking good because today we are continuing our anti-aging topics and the how-to’s of doing that with Dr. Dan Pompa. Dr. Pompa and David may show up. I sent him the link, but I’m not sure. He’s also here with us here in Las Vegas. Dr. Dan.
-Technical Issues- Warren: Okay. Sorry about that guys. Dr. Pompa’s going to have to reload here. I’ll eject him, and then he’ll come back online. I'll talk to you guys a bit while Dr. Pompa’s coming back on. Just to let him know. I ejected you. Doesn’t sound nice, does it? So hopefully, when he comes back on—alright, so the how-to’s of anti-aging, so we discussed last week what was burst training. And burst training is one of things that you might think, well, I want to do that for weight loss. So what is burst training? Burst training is short of high-intensity training. It’s also known burst, sometimes called high-intensity training. That’s my daughter in the background. She’s getting picked up by my sister-in-law who’s watching her during this event. But anyway, it’s short intervals of high-intensity training, and the high-intensity, if you do that on a regular basis—he’s saying he’s not allowed to join. Oh, gosh. I’m going to have to re-invite him. This is one of those mornings, guys. I’m going to tell him to come down to my room. To room, 200—there we go. So this is going to be an ad hoc kind of morning. Technology isn’t always the best here on cell TV, but—unless we’re not traveling, but we like to be live. We’re going to bring this health and wellness mission to the world. So thanks for holding on. Dr. Pompa will be down here in a minute. But I can share some of my experience with the one topic for anti-aging, which is burst training or high-intensity interval training. And really, what that does is during that high-intensity training—and there’s a ton of research on that, online on it. My personal trainer actually does that as well with me. He’s actually more than a trainer. He’s a coach. I have an agreement with him that he’s going to tell me and teach me everything he knows about functional training, high-intensity training. Like I could train—someone could train them on what I know about marketing, and health and wellness industry, and strategies to get your life back. So I hire him, and he teaches me some of the strategies he’s learned over the last 25 years, and some of these strategies aren’t as complex as you think, and they’re a lot of fun. A lot more fun than—even the resistance training. Some of this high-intensity training is as well. And I’m trying to think of the—they call it Tabata, is the term. I don’t know how to spell it necessarily, but it’s Tabata. I think it’s spelled likely how it sounds, and that’s these high-intensity burst interval trainings that you can do. So for instance, a typical workout for me, when I go in—and it’s an anti-aging workout. I have people, one of my staff, tells me every time they see me… each time I see you. I don’t think that’s happening lately it's been very consistent for a couple years, guys. I start with my warm up where I would just do some light jogging, some skipping, some side to side, ever a track at what I do. I skip backwards, okay? And then you would jog. So jog, skip, jog, skip backwards. Hopefully, you’re seeing live. And then I would jog again, and then I would do — I don’t know what these are exactly, but I would jump and come back. Spread my legs, and jump, and come back. Just do that, turn around, and do it the other way. Now, after I’ve warmed up, I would do some other functional movements too. We’ll be back live here in a second.
-Technical Issues- Warren: We’re live. So it’s not showing video right now. There we go. We’re back. Sorry about this. So in terms of something, it could be anything from a bike, a treadmill, and then a break, 30 seconds off, 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 4 minutes. And that will crush you, if you will, as far as a high-intensity workout. I use that at the end if there’s some resistance training or some other things to combat it with that high-intensity burst. And at the end of your growth hormone.
Dr. Pompa: I’ve never heard of the word.
Warren: Tabata, that’s more of a—Tabata is more of a personal trainer term. A CrossFit kinda term as well. I didn’t know it until I started—hired a coach to train me.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I just go high-intensity training. Yeah. We’re kind of making do here today so sorry about all the confusion. But yeah, the biggest thing—and I think we talked about it last week a little bit, is raising growth hormone, and how important raising growth hormone is. Of course, I guess you could just spend $1,500-$2,000 a month on growth hormone shots. And would you feel better? Your joints would feel better. You’d age slower. Your skin and hair would look better. All these things, actually—oh, there you are. All these things would, in fact, look better. Well, the problem is, I always say, is when you take hormones, there’s always a consequence because your body stops producing its own. So those who’ve been on growth hormone for long, bad things start to happen eventually. So it doesn’t work on the long-term, but it sure does work on the short-term. But obviously, we’re not recommending that. Last week, we talked about intermittent fasting, and how that just rockets growth hormones. Well, this type of high-intensity exercise also increases growth hormone. So that’s really one of the big reasons why it does work, in fact, for anti-aging. And of course, it works for weight loss as well because when you do this type of exercise, it sends your testosterone, your growth hormone, your anabolic type of hormones, in a rise. And the type of hormones that actually make you fatter and age you faster, like cortisol, etc., it drops those. So that’s why it works. And also, it actually makes you more hormone sensitive. And as you’ve heard me say, the key is becoming more hormone sensitive. Not just to growth hormone, testosterone, and other hormones, but, really, every hormone. So that’s thyroid hormone, your adrenal hormones. Those are the hormones that make you feel good so, really, every hormone. This type of training, you combine it with intermittent fasting, man, magic happens. Now look. I always say the bodybuilders have known these things for years. They would do high-intensity on an empty stomach, and what happens when you do high-intensity exercise on an empty stomach, your growth hormone really goes up even higher. So I don’t know if—remember Frank Zaino, he was actually Mr. America. We spent some time with him a couple weeks ago. And it was probably, I don’t know, 5, 6, 7, 8 at night, and he was going off to do high-intensity training on an empty stomach, and then go to bed. And his strategy is is he raises growth hormone before he sleeps. Now, I if I did too much high-intensity…
Warren: Chris Zaino, actually.
Dr. Pompa: Chris, I’m sorry. So when you do that before bed, it raises your growth hormone massively. But me, I couldn’t sleep right away. I would be up for another 2 hours, so I can’t do that one myself.
Warren: Neither can I.
Dr. Pompa: But it also happens in the morning, so I love to do this type of training on an empty stomach in the morning, and you do get that massive growth.
Warren: And that’s a 180° of what you’ve been told. In the market, it’s like, “Oh, man. You’re going to go work out. You better eat something before you go workout, or you better something before you go exercise. You better eat something before you go do labor during the day.” But when our parents were growing up—I used to yell at my dad. I’m like, “Dad, you don’t eat anything in the morning. I’m so mad at you. You’re going to be unhealthy.” Because I was listening to everything on TV—I don’t know. There was little pieces of cheese walking around on TV when I was kid. I forget. Those commercials about eating all the time, and that’s what they taught you. And I’m like, “Dad, you’re unhealthy. You drank a cup of coffee. You’re addicted to coffee,” because coffee was a bad thing when we were growing up too. Coffee and beer were bad. I’m not promoting beer, but I’m just saying, in that time—we’ve got to spice it up here. So, but my—I used to yell at him. And now, it’s funny. I’m eating like my dad did. He would get a cup of coffee. He ran his own company, and he’d work his tail off all day. He would come home and have a beer. Not that that’s a good idea. It’s not the first thing you want to put in your stomach, but then he would have dinner.
Dr. Pompa: Or the last thing.
Warren: Yeah, or the last thing.
Dr. Pompa: Anyway, yeah, so, yeah, but no, I mean, absolutely. I mean, these two things combined. I mean, the intermittent fasting and—so you exercise in the morning. You don’t eat. Now, again, if I do a very high-intensity exercise in the morning, you’re going to get hungrier sooner. So in other words, sometimes I can hold off to easily 2 or 3 o’clock. And I don’t even—when I don’t work out, I don’t even remember to eat. I mean, honestly, I’m not hungry at all. Again, I’ll probably go most of the day until dinner. But when you do exercise, if I’m really high-intensity, then around 12 or 1, I’m hungry. But then it’s good. Your body’s now—you emptied your glycogen tank and that’s where the magic is. When you do the high-intensity, you’re not burning fat when you’re doing this type of exercise. You’re simply burning stored sugar in the form of something called glycogen, which is stored in your muscles and in your liver. And what happens is, when you burn that glycogen out, now for the next 36 hours or so, your body’s replacing it with burned fat. So it raises up its growth hormone and anabolic hormones, and it burns fat. And through that fat burning, you’re obviously replacing the glycogen. So when you don’t eat right afterwards, actually, your body is in that massive fat burning zone and you replace your glycogen. Why? Because your body needs it, it’s always trying to survive. Fight or flight. So it wants to fill its tank again just in case you need it. So it starts that process of fat burning by raising up the hormones, really, just to replace the tank. So that’s really how it works, and I think the combination of intermittent fasting, the burst training, that’s where the magic is. You want to add one more thing in? Add cytosis in. If you haven’t read some of the articles that I wrote on my “Advanced Cellular Healing Diet”, which is cytosis adaptation of the ability to burn fat now, anti-aging ad. Listen. You’ve heard…
Warren: It’s brain anti-aging.
Dr. Pompa: We could talk anti-aging. There’s two things that matter most when it comes to aging slow. Control glucose and insulin. I’ve said it for years and years. See, every time glucose—I know. Let’s just my glucose is normal because I went to my doctor. Okay. Look. All day long, most Americans, non-diabetics, let’s talk, they have insulin and glucose spikes, then their down. Insulin and glucose spike, then they’re down. Their body has the ability to bring it back done. But every time you hit these spikes, you’re causing something called glycation. Did you ever hear the word “age spots?” When you start aging and you get the spots on you? Well, that’s happening throughout your body. That is glucose, raised glucose, oxidizing protein. Okay? And this form of collagen in your face, you see it, but it’s happening on the inside of you as well. So your organs start aging. They’re glycating. You ever have toast and then when you brown your toast in the toaster, that’s actually glycation. The sugar and the carbohydrate is getting oxidized, it starts that browning process.
Warren: That’s a good way to explain it.
Dr. Pompa: It really is sugar oxidizing proteins, and the most case that we see is protein collagen. So that is a breakdown of the protein. It’s an aging prematurely, and glycation ages you in your joints, your skin, everything that you care about. So we don’t want glycation. Well, how do we avoid it? We control glucose and insulin. The number one thing you can do to age slower. To not have aches and pains, to have constant energy. So whether I’m eating or not, when I’m not eating, my glucose is consistent all the way throughout the days. Typically in the 70’s, low 80’s, and it just doesn’t budge. Because, see, the best way to control glucose is to just let your body do its thing and feed from itself. So when it’s feeding from its fat stores, then you have a perfect glucose rise. The trouble is is when you’re eating carbohydrates, you’re up, you’re down, you’re up, you’re down. So when you force your body to be a fat burner, you’re controlling your glucose the most. So that’s another massive, massive key to anti-aging. So those three things combined are really the key. Now, there’s one more thing, and this is in the form of anti—when we talk about anti-aging, you’re never going to get away from caloric restriction as being a massive, massive known way to anti-age slower. If you take animals or humans, and you feed them less, they live longer. Now, here’s the problem, and we talked about this on last week’s show a little bit, so I don’t want to get into too much because we did hit it. But it’s worth repeating. You can’t just stop eating. You can’t just start pushing food away. Okay. It doesn’t work. Your body thinks its starving. It lowers its metabolic rate. You start gaining fat. It doesn’t work. So how do you eat less? How do the Okinawan people that have more centenarians than anywhere in the world eat less, because they do? They’re caloric intake in a day is much lower than most people. How do they do it? Hormone sensitivity, when you’re doing this intermittent fasting and you are, in fact, an efficient fat burner using the strategies we’ve been talking about. Why? Because your body’s feeding from its fat stores and its stored energy so that’s the key. If you’re not a fat burner, then guess what? You’re going to eat muscle. You’re going to raise glucose. You’re going to have cravings. You’re going to be trying to not eat, and you’re starving. It doesn’t work.
Warren: That’s a battle you’re not going to win.
Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, you have to fix the hormones. This is a cellular problem—back all the way up. So how do you fix the hormones? You have to fix the receptor to the hormones, which is on the cell. You see, it all comes down to the cell. You want to be a fat burner? You want to age slower? It all comes down to the cell. Efficient fat burners, hormone receptors that are very sensitive to the hormones, that’s the key. Now I promised you this on the show—we lost them. There you go. I promised to give you some supplement tricks as well. Look. I mean, this isn’t hard. The cellular core of supplements is where the magic is, methylation, right? You go through the 5R’s. Remove your sources folks, whether it’s glucose sources, whether it’s toxic sources. That’s R1. I just said that they key to aging slower is fix the receptors, fix the membrane. That’s it. It’s R2, this stuff, fantastic product. All your fats, all your fats, key to anti-aging, 180° opposite. Stay away from fats. We’re telling you to eat more fat. Yes, saturated fats, in particular, from grass-fed sources. That’s where there’s good saturated fats and cholesterol. Why are those important? They stabilize the cell membrane. They stabilize the hormone receptor. That’s how you age slower. R3, increasing cellular energy, key; you want to age slower, your brain to work better, every cell, energy’s the key. You need the gasoline in the cell for every function. R4, reduce inflammation. We know it’s the cause of all disease. So, again, we have some products. eNRG is for R3, fantastic product, E-N-R-G. All of these products comprise the core. You could find it on the website. You can read an article about every one of these on our website. R1, 2, 3, 4, they’re all there. Just put in the search bar, R1, R2, R3. You’ll find them. R4, we have two great products, EPIC and ROX, anti-aging formula. Of course, ROX has the resveratrol and other anti-oxidants that are known to turn on a gene called a sirtuin 1 gene. That is the life longevity gene. That’s what it’s known for. People that have that gene turned off they don’t live as long. They have problems. People that have it turned on, they live much longer. And R5, methylation—I want to draw a picture, Warren, so if you could run and get me a tablet with a pen, I ‘m going to show you something. Really, I’m just going to be honest with you. I just wanted this seat. So now I’ve got him out of here. That’s perfect. Now we’re back. Let’s see. Warren, I also need a nice cup of coffee. We’re going to send him away. No. I’m kidding. I really do want to draw you something. So what I’m going to draw you is actually something called—and we are on R5, methylation. But the only biological clock that we actually know of today is something called a telomere. Now I’m going to pick up one of Warren’s shoes. Pretty nasty here, but we’re going to show this.
Warren: Easy.
Dr. Pompa: On the end of that shoelace, you can actually see that really well. What is that little plastic thing and why is it there? Well, that little plastic coating that you see right there, that is in our bodies, a telomere. Why is it there? It’s there to protect us. If it wasn’t there, his shoelace would fray, right? It would go everywhere. Well, on every chromosome in our body…
Warren: So if I had one of these, I’d be set because there’s no end to it.
Dr. Pompa: Oh, that’s a good one.
Warren: So I could live forever with that one.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. That’s a good one.
Warren: It’s capped.
Dr. Pompa: Now you all have to understand my amazing abilities to draw.
Warren: That’s a telomere.
Dr. Pompa: That’s pretty good, actually, to be honest with you. It’s one of my better ones. Okay. There’s your chromosomes. Okay? All those cool chromosomes that hold our DNA. Well, at the end—I’m going to do it this way so you can see. At the end of each one of these chromosomes, we have this protective coating. Like on the shoelace. That’s your telomeres. Here’s the cool thing. When your upon conception, before you’re even out of the gate, you have—the way they measure this is you have 15,000 basis. So they measure the lines, which they call basis. Okay? Now, the bad news is is when these—when this gets down to about 5,000 basis—we’ll draw a line right here, okay, in measurement, you die. So this is the only biological clock known to man. So you start at 15,000 when you’re conceived, and at 5,000 you die. Here’s the bad news. Well, before you’re even out of the gate, okay, before you’re even born, you’re down to 10,000 because here’s why. Every time the cells divide, these get a little bit shorter. It’s a biological clock, literally. So that’s what’s meant to have a low –well, why before you’re born? Because so much cell division is going on in that per—in the development in utero. Because we’re born at about 10,000, we die at 5,000. The point I’m making is you better take care of your darn telomeres in between 10,000 and 5,000, right? Makes sense because that is really the biological clock. So what can we do to actually keep our telomeres? Well, obviously, we can’t regenerate them, and there’s a lot of drugs on the market, TA-65 and now others, that they’re said to actually re-lengthen these telomeres. But they’re finding that there’s massive consequences to that, messing with the biological clock. But look, there’s things we can do to protect them. Oh, guess what? We’re talking about fats. We know that good fats and all the fats that we believe are good, actually protect the telomeres, but also, methylation is known to protect those telomeres. And it’s probably this gene that I talked about. The sirtuin 1 gene probably has a lot to do with keeping those telomeres around. But methylation protects them. So as methyl groups drop in our body because of stress, whether it’s physical, chemical, or emotional, it typically has the greatest depleting effect of these methyl groups. Those telomeres get shorter, and shorter, and shorter, and then the closer to death we become. So keeping your methylation up, the product that we were involved in helping development is called MoRS, M-O-R-S. It’s part of the cellular core. So look. Obviously, the cell is the key to anti-aging. That helps. The cell is the key to aging slower, and protecting those telomeres is a cellular issue. Obviously, that’s the key. It’s our biological clock, but the 5R’s are the supplements that I’m on and off of all the time, different ones. And that’s really where the magic is.
Warren: Take this out of the way.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I guess I popped it up. I was sitting on it. Anyways, so you combine those things, honestly, with the right exercise, the intermittent fasting, and even the key to adaptation, I’ll tell ya, it’s a recipe to live longer, but more importantly, to live healthy longer. I mean, honestly, I mean, we should write more articles about it. That’s what we do. I mean, honestly, we’re telling you exactly what we do. I mean, look. There’s a lot of gimmicks out there, but the stuff that we talked about here in the last two shows, that’s no gimmick. That’s the stuff that really, really, really does work.
Warren: And it’s opposite of what that—everyone knows that guy that was in—on the airplanes, the growth hormone guy? We actually—I didn’t know him directly, but I knew that company and what they did. And they thought that that was the way to anti-age.
Dr. Pompa: They were giving people hormones.
Warren: Yeah. They were giving people hormones…
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Growth hormone, testosterone, etc.
Warren: And so they—the neat thing that you talked about is it’s a cellular issue. Anti-aging is a cellular issue versus we can give you strategies. Take glutamine post workout. Like 400 mg, 500 mg, up to a 1,000 mg will spike your growth hormone. That’s another strategy, but ultimately, the only way you’re truly going to anti-age is what Dr. Pompa shared with you. It’s not a magic pill, powder, lotion, or potion. It’s actually controlling your diet, doing the intermittent fasting, the burst training, are some of the major things you can do. And sometimes, you need an outside force through the R’s, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, to help heal the cell. Heal you at the core of who you are, which is your cell, and cell membrane, and receptors, in order to reverse your age. And that’s really opposite of what you hear. I want to anti-age. Let me shoot up growth hormones. Really, that’s going to lead you to a shorter death. You’re going to die earlier if you do that, which is sad. It really is. That’s the truth that’s being told out there, and it’s neat in this health and wellness movement that’s there’s so many people starting to grab onto this concept. But again, that’s why we do these shows. Not nearly enough people understand this true concept of anti-aging. And it takes work. It takes living your life the way God designed it to be, and it’s much different than what’s being taught out there, which is more of a gimmick to make money.
Dr. Pompa: Yeah. No doubt. You know I have a lot of clients that are very, very sick from around the world, and the thing that makes those clients well, ironically enough, is the very things that keep us well. The things that give them their life back are the part that we’re talking about—or the very practices that keep healthy people healthy and young people young. So again, it’s a strategy that really does work. And if I had to add one more thing—you’ve heard us talk about Asea. Asea is an—it really fits into all of the 5R’s. I mean, it really raises cellular energy massively, and I would absolutely add that. They even have a product RENU 28 that takes those age spots away when you have those spots on your face.
Warren: I looked at you. I’m like, I have more age spots than you, and I haven’t been using.
Dr. Pompa: Right, it worked. I use it every day, honestly. It comes in a tube. It’s called RENU 28. It really does work. I mean, those glycation spots, if you have them, are just simply discoloration of the face. It works, I mean, and it works on wrinkles, so—but it works because it’s redox. It’s oxidation. It takes away oxidation. So they have an internal product and an external product. I would have to say that would be in this category to talk…
Warren: Aging.
Dr. Pompa: No doubt about it. We’ve done past shows just on that. Remember, we had the brilliant physicist who stabilized these redox molecules, brilliant man, on the show. So I don’t know what episode that is, but his name is Dr. Samuelson. So if you search some of our past shows, you’ll see him. And the product is ASEA, A-S-E-A. I’m sure you can find it on our website. So that’s all my secrets now. I’ve given them all away, including the Asea, including the RENU that I use every day, but so that’s the show. And I hope you got a lot out of it. We’re doing this pre-seminar, but we still have a desire to make a difference in your lives and those who show up every Friday for the show. And we do it on the fly sometimes. It’s like here in Vegas, but our information, nonetheless, I believe is life changing and it’s real. That’s the most important thing, so thanks for tuning in.
Warren: It’s 180°. It’s 180°.
Dr. Pompa: It’s opposite of what you hear.
Warren: Even in Vegas, it’s like “what stays in Vegas”—what is the saying? “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”
Dr. Pompa: Stays in Vegas. Yeah.
Warren: Not true. Cellular Healing to you, what happens in Vegas is being told through the world through Cellular Healing TV because this is what we’re doing. We’re living our life the same as we would no matter where we go. There’s never an excuse to not do the right thing, and we enjoy it. We enjoy living life on purpose, and doing things that are real, and make some difference in people’s lives. Thanks so much for joining us today.
Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, yep, thanks guys.