40: Go Gluten Free, Why or Why Not?

Transcript of Episode 40: Go Gluten Free, Why or Why Not?

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: Welcome everyone, Cellular Healing TV, Episode 40. I don’t know if there’s some sort of celebration we should have.

David: Woo!

Warren: Well, David, you’ll celebrate regardless because that’s just your attitude on life.

David: Woo!

Warren: You celebrate everything, so 40 episodes. I remember we promised that we’re going to do this consistently over time until we had a huge following, and it’s growing, and we’re excited about it. We have a really great topic today. Gluten free, why or why not? Do we do it or don’t we do it? It’s a huge topic. The public wants to know. Dr. Pompa, I know that this is something that you’ve been doing for a long time. You’d even call it gluten free before gluten free—[feedback ]Hey look. I’m broadcasting—hey look. David’s all excited.

David: I can hear myself. Yes.

Warren: Yeah. You do.

Dr. Pompa: How does that happen?

Warren: Well, what happens is is when you plug in this plugin, what’ll happen is it’ll—once it starts live it goes. So you’d think I’d figure it out by now, but they make mistakes on Fox News, so I have a couple “Get Out of Jail Free” cards, at least every show. But Dan and I—well, Dr. Pompa, he did a topic—we did a grain free thing. So even before the gluten free craze even hit the market, the autism, gluten free, all of that, we were doing the grain free more so for health reasons, but it became very in vogue to go gluten free. And it’s one of those tough topics. People don’t know what to do. It’s like, well, sometimes I don’t really react to gluten, and should I get off of it anyway? There’s so many questions involved. I even know, David, as he came onboard with what we were doing, he was even eating gluten free. Yet, he still had a lot of symptoms. So Dr. Pompa, let’s tackle this topic today, Gluten free, why or why not? Should I do it or should I not?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Boy, I think there almost needs to be a little history in the sense that why all of a sudden, right? I mean, the three of us—well, Warren, you’re a little puppy, but I think even in your generation, did anyone eat gluten free? Was it talked about?

Warren: No, never. Nope. And I’m 40, so I guess I am a puppy.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah.

Warren: No. It didn’t even exist. I mean, even the peanut thing didn’t exist even ten years ago for me.

Dr. Pompa: I mean, David, you’re new into this arena.

David: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: I mean, would you ask the question, why? I mean, why? Why peanut allergies? Why gluten allergies? Why?

David: I’ve actually—you know what’s kind of interesting? My kids even brought this to me the other day. Dad, why all of a sudden—why did we talk about this? Why do you talk about this? Why can’t I just eat whatever I want?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, I think the answer to the question is two-fold. I think our kids have changed. Well, let me be more specific. Our kids’ guts have changed. Okay. So that’s one problem. Okay. The second problem is is that the grains have changed. I think that in this conversation, we always have to talk about that, right? Because I’m going to say this right at the top of the show that there’s bigger problems—or let’s just say it this way. There’s other problems with grains besides gluten. I think that’s where people go wrong. Gluten just happens to be a really toxic product, protein denatured, that creates a lot of immune problems, inflammation throughout the body. And I said that the other part of that question was that kids’ guts have changed. What do I mean by that? Well, they’re leaking. They have holes in them. When we grew up, our guts weren’t leaking. So I think we have to step back, and at some point in the show, one of you have to ask me, why is that? Why did that change? Well, let’s start with why grains changed. Well, yeah, you know there’s always a dog in the background. There’s always one there, and hopefully, someone has to deal with this dog. We’re going to do this. We’re going to do that. See, I’m near the door, and the darn dog has to go out. Oh, gosh.

Warren: One dog, one kid. Always one dog, one kid.

Dr. Pompa: I was doing a radio show yesterday, and all of a sudden, you hear like [growling], and in the back—Sorry. You know how my dogs fight, right, the two young ones? They just—they fight at night. They’re best friends, and they just ball up into a fur ball, and of course, that was going on in the middle of the show. And I’m trying to make a point. Gosh, I love these animals, but they cause me a lot of grief sometimes. Anyways, so if we go back, I think that Bill Davis did a really good job when he wrote the book “Wheat Belly.”

Warren: Yeah. He did.

Dr. Pompa: So I really want to give him credit for a lot of the history. I think there’s been some other people that have brought out even more of this history since then. But, needless to say, back in the 70's, there was a project. There was a big project to feed more of the population, and of course, back then grains we thought was the answer. And Norman—there’s a gentleman, Norman Borlaug, that actually won a Nobel Prize, and he changed wheat as we know it. And they hybridized it, and hybridization…

Warren: When did they hybridize the wheat?

Dr. Pompa: In the 70's.

Warren: In the 70's, I missed that. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: What they did was is they basically hit certain DNA with gamma rays, and they change it, and they’re able to get it to do different things, right? So it’s different today than GMO, so I don’t want you to confuse the two. It’s totally different. We’re not taking one gene and putting it in and inserting it from another plant species or something like that. It’s simply changing what is there.

Warren: Kinda like the Incredible Hulk. He had gamma radiation.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, Warren, and changing what is there, and now we got this muscular—well, it did the opposite. Well, kinda not. I mean, I guess we could look at today’s wheat as the Incredible Hulk, but it did get shorter. So it went from about 4-6 feet, which was typically called emmer or einkorn wheat. Those were the two wheats that we like…

Warren: Like the big bundles that you see in old-time movies, that sort of thing.

David: Then, by the way, in Europe, don’t they still use the emmer or einkorn wheat?

Dr. Pompa: Yes. They do. And by the way, I mean, that’s a good point, David. That’s why people when they have major gluten allergies or other allergies they go to Europe, and they go, “Why can I eat pasta here and bread? I don’t get reaction.” Because they’re still using a lot of the older style wheat which hasn’t been hybridized. It hasn’t been changed. More importantly, the protein gluten is still in those plants, but it hasn’t been changed. Well, why did Norman do this? Was he evil? Because I know that conspiracy theorist jumped on that bandwagon at one point, like the Bill Gates of tried to kill people. No. I think his motives were just as, honestly, earnest, and he really wanted to make a difference. And he did. I mean, frankly, he deserves his Nobel Prize. I mean, he really did feed more of the world, but the problem is is Norman unknowingly—I’ve got a dog and cat fight going on here now.

David: We can hear it.

Dr. Pompa: It’s unbelievable, so I’m just going to let it go. If you hear these noises, you’ll laugh because at least you’ll know what’s going on. So they created this new wheat, which was shorter. It’s called dwarf wheat. It’s like 2 feet tall. Bottom line is it harvests easier. It withstands drought easier because, obviously, some of the changes that were made. So it did feed more of the population. However, Norman unknowingly denatured some of these proteins, gluten being one of them, and now, all of a sudden, we are eating this protein. I think there’s at least 14 different strands that got denatured, these proteins. Now we eat this product, and our body doesn’t recognize these proteins, and it creates an immune reaction. Now, why can some people eat gluten? Listen. When I was sick, I could not eat gluten. Today I can eat gluten. I have no reaction whatsoever. What is the difference? Because, see, it’s not just bad gluten. It’s the fact that if you have a leaky gut—which by the way, most Americans do today. I mean, estimates of 90-some percent. That’s a big number. People that have leaky gut, most of them don’t know it. They’re reacting to foods. Feel bad after they eat. They still have leaky gut. Well, these proteins leaked across, leaky gut. And again, I may have used a word that some of you don’t understand, but I think our listening audience does. But imagine holes in a gut, to make it very simple. It’s a little more complicated than that because there’s these things called tight junctions that can stay open, and we’re meant to have the tight junctions, but they’re met to open and close. These proteins cross, our body looks at these proteins and says, foreigners, and it starts to create antibodies. And when it creates antibodies, then we end up having a major problem. So that’s when the inflammation starts. I’m going to need a plugin. So Simon, run up and get my plug under my desk. I’ve been running on this battery. I didn’t realize.

Warren: So let’s put that into context to people because you always do a really good job of that. Of your immune system attacking something that thinks that it’s foreign, and it winds up causing a lot of damage and inflammation in the body, which is the reason why a lot of folks get sick when it comes to the leaky gut and the gluten allergy. You’ll have a great analogy. Like a friendly fire in war that’s happening in your body. So like a—it’s like a good soldier crossing into its own territory, and it being recognized as a foreigner or foreign invader, and it winds up the second guys are…

Dr. Pompa: -inaudible- Warren: Yeah. See, you do a better job at that, Dr. Pompa. I don’t—you know what I mean?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, your body sees it as a foreign invader, and it creates an attack. It creates something against it, but here’s the thing. I mean, it gets more complicated, and I don’t want to go down that road.

Warren: Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Dr. Pompa: If your body’s equipped with another type of cell called a T regulatory cell. It makes the antibodies, and then these cells go, okay, this isn’t so bad, right? It’s not some bad nasty foreign invader. And it tells these guys to back off, and everything get balanced out. But the other problem with these dysbiosis or bad guts is some people lack these good—they lack certain bacteria that you need to make these cells called T regulatory cells. Now they don’t have enough of these, so they’re in this hyperimmunity. So it’s—really, it starts with this bad but, which is one of my legs of the stool of how people are getting sick today, right? I mean, if you haven’t read my Autoimmune Answers article, it really is more than autoimmune. By the way, most people watching this that don’t feel well have autoimmune. Read the article, Autoimmune Answers. I talk about this 3-legged stool. I talk about the gut, some of the techniques that we’re doing to fix the gut, but if you don’t fix the gut, you’re really never going to really feel well because things really can cross the gut, driving this inflammation in every cell in the body. You don’t function well. You don’t have cellular energy. You get brain fog, inflammation, joint pain. I mean, I could go down the list. You don’t sleep well.

David: Allergies, stuffed up all the time.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, right? You hear—this has become an epidemic hasn’t it?

David: Yeah. I mean, yes.

Warren: So what I’m gathering, Dr. Pompa—and I don’t know. I haven’t read little on the—I haven’t read “Wheat Belly.” I mean, what I learn typically is on shows like this and from being in seminars across the nations is where I get my information, but I haven’t read this stuff. So what I’m piecing together is that this gluten allergy is coming from this foreign wheat that’s now in our—and causing that leaky gut and the lack of bacteria, which is leading to this whole gluten intolerance. Is it because of this emmer wheat? Is that what your kinda saying? Not the emmer wheat. Because of this genetic altercation that it’s destroyed our guts, therefore, we’re leading to this major gluten allergy? These foreign…

Dr. Pompa: That’s the first part, right?

Warren: Okay.

Dr. Pompa: So we changed something—just like we did to dairy, by the way, right? We genetically bred cows to produce more milk, and in the process, created A1 casein. So now everyone thinks dairy’s the enemy. Well, I mean, 90% of the dairy in this country is the enemy. It’s not good. I mean, again, who’s it bad for? People that have leaky gut. The other percentages that don’t have a leaky gut, they can do dairy. And that protein is called BCM7. It’s a little bigger than gluten. So more people can do, actually, dairy often times than gluten and get away with it because it’s a little bigger molecule. However, it’s more toxic. It’s actually a little—it’s more poisonous than gluten.

Warren: So when did that happen in the dairy industry because the 70's kinda set up some of these things…

Dr. Pompa: I think it happened in the 90's more. It may have started before that, but that’s when it really became ambiguous and really spread through the culture. Everyone’s trying to keep up with the next dairy person, so they want these new cows, man, that put out ten-fold the milk, right? So who wouldn’t? But, again, there’s a consequence to that, right? And who’s getting hit the worst? People with leaky gut. So man has altered these proteins, or these plants, or these foods, just like meat. We say it’s not the meat that causes the disease. It’s what man has done to it, right? We feed cows grain, there’s a consequence. We change the cow’s genetics, there’s a consequence. We change the wheat, there’s a consequence. Now, look. I don’t know. In the 2000's, just to make this distinction, we started doing the GMO thing. Now that’s when we were taking one gene and putting it in and inserting it into a plant. Now this creates a whole new problem. Even more—even worse than these other things that we just spoke about, so let’s put that on the shelf a minute. Okay. The second problem that has occurred is why do so many people today have leaky gut, especially our children? Well, there’s a few things. Number one, the types of toxins that our kids are exposed to today, between the over vaccination—we didn’t get nearly the amount of vaccinations that our kids got today. Look. When you look at—and this is a topic that I talk a little bit about. When we look at the number of vaccinations and some of the things they’re putting in vaccinations today, it’s amazing that we haven’t wiped out the human race. I mean, really.

David: We modified it.

Dr. Pompa: Right, there was a gentleman—his name is slipping me right now, but he was a doctor that literally got just taken. I mean, he lost his career, his family. He was held up as the worst doctor on the planet. And this gentleman was just simply researching something…

Warren: Was it Wakefield?

Dr. Pompa: Yes. Thank you, Andrew Wakefield. My wife’s sitting here. She didn’t bail me out one bit on that. So anyways, the Andrew Wakefield literally showed that the viruses from the MMR, these retroviruses, were embedding in the guts of our children and creating massive inflammation, Crohn’s, colitis, and leading to autism. He was hung, and now, just recently, other studies have come out to say he was right. Okay. And worse yet, not one time did they say, “Well, look. Our studies showed exactly what Wakefield’s”—and these were independent studies. They weren’t driven by Wakefield or anyone else. Not one time did they say, “Oh, we are sorry.” Well, what happened just recently this summer is a leading—one of those leading scientist from the CDC stepped out, William Campbell, and he stepped out and said, “I falsified information to make Wakefield wrong.” He texted Wakefield apologizing, broken, saying that, “I don’t know why I did it. I am so sorry,” and then of course, everything came out. But what media station covered this? Zero. No. That’s not true. One African-American media station, I believe in Atlanta, David, covered the story, and you know why? Because it showed an almost 400% increase in black Americans that were vaccinated with autism and autism spectrum disorders. That’s what this other study showed, staggering numbers. Listen. Wakefield had done 19 other studies, published studies, showing that the vaccination leads to these inflammatory bowels, which is leading to autism and other unwanted symptoms, etc., and this man was hung only to realize that they fudged the numbers to make the man wrong. All the studies that your pediatricians are holding up saying, “That’s wrong. That’s wrong. That’s wrong,” were fudged numbers. Who knows about it? The pediatricians don’t know about it. The media doesn’t know about it, and unfortunately, this is true, this is no conspiracy. Warren, you know I don’t buy into the conspiracy crap that’s out there in the world.

Warren: No you don’t.

Dr. Pompa: I don’t buy it. This is real. This is real stuff. And it’s sad because we’re creating holes in our guts. So that’s one aspect. There’s another aspect to why we’re seeing so many kids and adults with leaky gut. This is a chemical developed by Monsanto. Monsanto is the company—you’ve heard me say it’s the most evil company, corporation in America. They developed the GMO seed, and they developed the chemical to spray on it called Roundup. Well, we’ve genetically altered crops to be Roundup readied. That means we can spray them with ten times the amount of this chemical. Why is that important? Because all of these weeds, hundreds of strains of weeds have developed that resist the spraying of the chemical glyphosate. Well, glyphosate is the chemical that’s in Roundup, just so you know. Well, Stephanie Seneff, she’s the leading senior scientist at MIT, and the last three years have released ground shaking, breaking evidence, research papers, showing that this glyphosate is causing holes, causing gaps, causing inflammation in the guts of children and adults. And yet, we haven’t heard one interview with this woman about it. Why? Because Monsanto is smart enough to be feeding the media, feeding these people, and they stay away from them, but this chemical is killing off our good bacteria in our gut. There’s two significant things that are happening. Number one, it’s driving holes in our gut. Number two, it’s destroying three amino acids that us and our children need to make brain chemicals so our brains work normal. When you destroy these, you don’t make serotonin, dopamine, happy chemicals, normal brain chemicals, thinking chemicals. You don’t make the chemicals because your destroying the bacteria that you need to make them. Now we have a world on psychotropic drugs, depressed, need over-the-counter drugs, street drugs, you name it. Our brains need to be stimulated now to even work because we’re disrupting these things. Listen. Every grain out there, if it’s not 100% organic, is sprayed with this glyphosate. So if you’re saying, “Well, I’m eating gluten free; I’m eating my brown rice; I’m doing all these other grains;” if they’re not organic, they're covered in glyphosate, which is disrupting and putting holes in your gut. So it’s a massive—and if you’re eating GMO, corn, soy, anything, if it’s not 100% organic, then it is GMO, and it’s sprayed with about ten times the amount of this chemical, and it drives leaky gut. If you’re eating BT corn, which is a genetically modified corn that is most of the corn that’s on the market, it in itself is shown to put holes in the gut, multiple problems here. So, I mean, I just opened up a can of worms. It’s not safe enough to eat gluten. Listen. One more point and then I’ll let you guys talk about it even more. Here’s the bigger problem. Everyone’s running to gluten free this, gluten free that. These products are filled with GMO things. These products are filled with not just GMO. They’re filled with things that are sprayed with glyphosate. They’re filled with super sugars, things that raise your glucose even more than regular sugar. I would be safe to say that 90% of the gluten free products on the market are bad for you for multiple reasons. So is gluten free good? Yes. Stay away from gluten, but grains in general right now are some evil things that drive inflammation. You have to be careful.

David: Well, there’s—Dr. Pompa, you bring up some very good points, and all you're bringing is—what you’re doing here is your raising awareness to what’s going on. I mean, think about this, we talked about that company Monsanto. I mean, aren’t they banned throughout the EU or for most of the EU?

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely and Monsanto’s trying to pay their way back in, and it’s worked for some degree. However, there’s other countries that say—look. They’re looking at the research. I mean, it’s no question this stuff is causing massive leaky gut, autoimmune, all kinds of different problems, and cancer, mammary tumors. Monsanto was doing studies that were three months and under for a dang reason. They had DuPont and their other friends running these studies showing that it’s fine. When, meanwhile, the study said, “Well, let’s take it to a year and see what happens.” Well, they all got cancer. They all developed—every one of the rats—you know what they criticized? The rats that they used, the same rats that they used, by the way. They say that these rats are more prone to tumors. 90% of the same rats are used in every study that is done on rats. So the point is is that how many studies do we need before we realize this? But yet, I see people interested in their health that say they eat healthy. They go to a restaurant and there’s corn in the ingredients, and they never ask the question. That corn right there, it doesn’t take much, folks, to start your leaky gut. It doesn’t take much to start knocking down your bacteria, and you wonder why now you don’t digest food well. You’re heading down the road. Don’t buy into it. It’s not—listen. I rarely eat grain, nor does Warren, nor do you, David, but if we do, we are very, very, very selective, obviously, about the grains we eat. You’ve got to ask the question. Corn, I make no exceptions. If it’s not 100% organic, I’m not touching it, and again, when we’re looking at what they’re doing with rice and all these other grains, they’re spraying it with glyphosate because it makes it easier to harvest. Monsanto came up with that one. So if your grains that you’re eating are not 100% organic, you’re getting nasty levels of glyphosate. If you are not feeling well and you’re watching this show, you need to take all grains out of your diet until you get healthy enough, and then you can start adding 100% organic, more ancient type grains that haven’t went through this hybridization in all of these changes. Things like millet, amaranth, quinoa, these are better types of grains, even buckwheats, and these are more ancient grains that have been changed less. So definitely evolve to there. But if you are not healthy, stay away from those to control glucose and, therefore, inflammation.

David: What I had also, if you’re going to use those, get organic as well because you don’t those kind of pesticides that are sprayed on there as well.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, be cautious of the gluten free.

Warren: My mind’s kinda spinning here. There’s so many questions I have, and I know that, just to make your point, when—one of the points I want to make to everyone watching today is if you feel bad asking those hard questions at restaurants—I was at a really nice restaurant the other day, and they had a really amazing corn dish. Like roasted corn with whatever sauce on it or whatever, and my daughter even said, we’ve trained her, “Is that GMO free corn?” The chef came out and said, “Yes. This is sourced locally. It’s GMO free. We don’t serve that here,” and my daughter’s saying, “Hey, look. That’s GMO free corn, daddy. We can eat that. That’s healthy for our bodies.” So you’re setting an example for your children or whoever’s around you, and someone has to stand for this stuff. The research is clear. The things Dr. Pompa is sharing are not conspiracy. This isn’t some off the radar, black hole, black movement—whatever you want to call it. This is truth and reality. This is MIT, Harvard-based studies showing that this stuff kills you, causes tumors, big old holes in your gut, autoimmune conditions. So we have to start standing for truth. That’s what Cellular Healing TV is all about is speaking truth, and making sure you’re sharing that truth with others. And people are going to come at you for that, but you have to be confident. You have to understand that they may not think like you, but at the same time, if we don’t stand for truth and these things, who will? So it’s just a really important point I wanted to make there.

David: And…

Dr. Pompa: Go ahead, David. I just wanted to say one thing. Let me tell you what the average American does. So they don’t do this, right? They’re still eating grains. They’re still getting exposed to these things that we’re talking about every day, day in, day out. They’re still doing their little bagel in the morning and whatever routine they have, and then they’re taking the next probiotic and fish oil. Oh, and they’re taking Vitamin D, and they feel really good about themselves because they’re taking their fish oil.

Warren: Had a customer walk in yesterday, Dan, same thing, Dr. Pompa, he came in and said, “Hey, do you have any fish oil?” That’s all he wanted to know about. I mean, that’s kind of—or a probiotic. Those are the two main questions we get in when they walk into our store. We have a live store, and the reason we do that is to hear those things to confirm America, most standard Americans, that’s what they think, and he starts going to all his symptoms, all these problems. Meredith was kind enough to say, “You don’t need a fish oil. You need detoxification. You need to change your diet and change your life.”

David: I just got it, Warren. You opening that store was because you get to change people’s lives on a local level right where you guys are located because the people come in with preconceived ideas of what they think that they need, and just what, boom, Meredith just did is opening up the awareness now of everything that we’re talking about here.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It helps you stay connected to how America’s thinking, and that’s really important for us because we have to be attached, connected to, how America’s thinking because we have to break that thinking. You remember, it’s always 180° opposite. We know that all these people are taking fish oil, and the fish oil is great when it’s in the fish, but when you remove it from the fish, now you’re missing all these amazing other fats, other protective things that keep these fragile fats, like fish oil, protected. And we’re taking something that’s typically bad for us. So we’re throwing our body further out of balance because it’s straight Omega-3, and if you do it long enough, you end up messing up your cells. It’s like, gosh. And then, oh, the probiotic thing? We’re talking about 7 to 10 strains, right, of thousands that are in our gut, thousands. And we’re destroying them with glyphosate and GMO things, and we’re thinking that this pill is replacing it. I mean, it’s absolutely absurd when you think about it on the surface. That’s why what we’re telling you is real. We’ve got to get back to fermented foods. These are bacteria that we can’t even borrow, put in pills. Fermented foods heal. That’s why Amasai, SueroGold, the cheese from Beyond Organic, I mean, this is throwback, man. I mean, this is the way it should be and used to be. There’s not many farms left on the planet that do it like this. There’s not many farms that don’t have dairy that doesn’t have A1 casein. Even organic still has the beta A1 casein in it. This is why it’s called Beyond Organic, obviously. Then there’s the fermented vegetables. And stay away. I don’t care if you’re doing all of those things. If you’re still eating all those things that we just—all those grains, you’re wiping out your bacteria. There’s no way to catch up. No way.

David: One thing that’s become really popular, and I’ve noticed this just in the area that I live in East Cobb is several restaurants here have—literally, they’re promoting themselves as farm-to-table. They only source from local organic farms. They even sort—they even tell you exactly the farm that they’re getting their meats from. The organic farms they’re getting their meats from locally, again. And one of the things that we’ve talked about, I remember the conversation, about a year ago. The only thing that is going to change this is, A, demanding labeling so that way we know it’s putting the awareness out there of Monsanto and if it’s GMO. And then secondly, consumers making the buying decisions and eating in restaurants only—and asking the questions sort of like Tula’s trained to ask, “Is this?” And it’s through asking these questions and people getting up and leaving and not eating someplace that is all of a sudden creating this trend; where I can think within a mile and a half of where I live three restaurants that are privately organic, locally sourced food, farm-to-table.

Dr. Pompa: I just got a great idea. We’ll call it the Tula Campaign or something better than that, right? And we put a video of Tula asking about corn or asking about what’s in it and this little girl who’s adorable, in video that we put out, asking. Because if we make in vogue to ask, and to ask, and to badger your waiters about where this came from, where they—if we made that in vogue, David, you’re right. That’s how you move the nation, right? That’s how you change it. Because then they respond, right? Just like that happened to gluten free, right? I mean, it became in vogue and everyone’s talking about gluten, and now it’s this in vogue cool thing to ask, and, right, everyone wants to be gluten free because it’s cool. Well, we need to make asking cool. And to have Tula do it, let’s let her lead the response. Warren, film that for us so we can…

Warren: Yeah. She’s 3 years old, and she has incredible vocabulary skills. Someone just told me that the other day. He’s like, “Man, your daughter can communicate at 3 years old.” That’s because she eats high fat. She doesn’t eat GMO. She doesn’t—I mean, I just feed her fat, so her brain—she eats tablespoons of butter. She’ll eat a whole thing of it.

David: She’s smart.

Warren: Yeah. So, I mean, but that’s on purpose. I have to make my daughter healthy.

David: Dr. Pompa, you have something huge. Warren, let’s talk after this.

Warren: Well, we’ll talk after, but I want to bring up a couple of really important points here, and I want to hit this. So there’s a culture out there that may not believe the whole gluten free, the organic thing, and they go into whole foods, and they think they’re healthy because they’re buying gluten free. They’re overweight. They’re low energy, and now they made a decision, well, I’m going to start shopping at wholefoods instead of Giant Eagle or wherever they’re shopping, or they’ll shop in the small little department within their grocery store. I’m going to start eating all organic. Well, to drive this point home and to put it in context of what most people watching this would understand is we don’t really trust—most Americans, right now, they’re not for the government necessarily. We believe the government is there, and it’s important, and we need it to pay our taxes, and do all those things, but there’s this public awareness that big business and industry doesn’t necessarily have our backs. Who do you think owns 99% of all of the organic foods that you’re consuming? Do you think it’s these small farm-to-table companies, or do you think it’s possibly Kellogg, or Pepsi, or Nestlé, or Coca-Cola. Well, that’s who owns that stuff. So do you think Coca-Cola has your back? Do you think that they’re worried about your health, or do you think they’re into driving sales?

Dr. Pompa: Sales.

David: Sales.

Warren: They’re into driving sales. So look up online—I just typed into Google right now, top organic food owners, and it took to me to cornucopia.org. Cornucopia, corn, ironically enough, and then U, the letter U, and then copia, C-O-P-I-A.org. Corn, the word corn, the letter U, and then copia, C-O-P-I-A, and on there, there’s an organizational structure that you’ll see the top 100 food processors in North America, and then you’ll see a lot of your organic brands that you’re buying. So to bring it back to David’s point, you are funding the very people that are marketing to your children sugar, corn syrup, that are killing our families, and you’re giving them their money. So it’s good to know where your—some of your top organic brands—and you want to buy these local artisanal organic food companies. That’s what we carry at our store. We support people like Honest Chips, who their child had autism, and they make these, for a snack for their kids, this coconut oil—not that you should eat a ton of starch because it raises glucose. However, they’re a healthy snack for most kids, and they’re cooked with coconut oil. So they’re full of healthy fats, and this is a healthy snack born out of suffering. A little small company out of Colorado who’s now made it into many wholefoods. But these are the people that you want to purchase from. You want to change the market with your dollars. And another important point, Dr. Pompa, I just want to drop this in your head, is why people are so addicted to grains, and they can’t break some of those grain habits, and what’s possibly in these grains, and why can’t they…

Dr. Pompa: Sugar.

Warren: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, grains are more addictive than sugar. They are because there’s multiple things. The gluten is more addictive than sugar, right, and other proteins. But like I said, it’s not just about the gluten. There’s lectins, and there’s phytates, and things that are just naturally in grains that we haven’t even altered. And when your gut’s leaking, those things leak across and cause issues, right? So there’s more to it than that. And of course, we keep discovering more. So, right, but they become addictive. Because of the hybridization that occurred in the 70's, they’re super sugars. So when you eat your whole wheat toast in the morning, it raises glucose the same as drinking a 12 ounce Pepsi. So I know when you—I know you’re eating your whole wheat bagel or your bowl of oatmeal, for that matter. Your glucose rise an hour or two hours later, it’s the same. Grains will drive up glucose, especially in those with inflamed cell membranes. So again, we take grains away to control glucose and insulin, to drive down inflammation. That’s the key to fixing hormones. That’s the key to fixing not feeling well. We need to control glucose and insulin. I say it again, and again, and again. Most healthy people, Warren, we’re surrounded by them, right? David, we’re all around all these healthy people. Not our doctors who we’re treating, but other folks. And we look at what they’re eating, and they’re driving up glucose all day long. And they think they’re doing it healthy. As a matter of fact, they’re buying organic foods, spending extra money, and driving up their glucose. They are because they’re still addicted to the glucose rise, and that’s what’s killing them, honestly.

Warren: So I’m going to share with you some of this organic industrial structure, but I want to kinda wrap up and make a clear point before I show you this figure. I think I’ll be able to share my screen, and really show you where your dollars are funding. But we opened this up with go gluten free. Why or why not? I think we’ve opened up a real topic here that goes beyond gluten. And the gluten is almost like you don’t under—you’re buying into the fake, the gluten free thing, that’s the fake, and missing out on the important things that are real that really crush your health. So the gluten free is pretty much just a—it’s a false pretense of being healthy. You think gluten free means I’m eating healthy, and you spend the extra money, you look at the labels. And you’re being lied to, and you’re being marketed to, so gluten free, why or why not? The answer is, what Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I mean, again, it is a false pretense just like the fish oil, right? If we take our fish oil, now we’re good. And they’re missing the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

Warren: Exactly.

Dr. Pompa: Aren’t they? They’re missing the 800 pound gorilla in the room, and that’s the fact that they’re not controlling glucose. They’re eating grains. Grains represents at least 50% of the caloric intake, their daily intake, which is glucose, glucose, glucose, equals inflammation, inflammation, inflammation, which equals disease, disease, disease, and symptom, symptom, symptom. So, I mean, that’s what’s happening in society. Get away from the grains. Drop the amount that you’re eating first and foremost, and then switch the grains to 100% organic. Please. Steer to the organic or the ancient type of grains. And those who are challenged, take the grains out of your diet the simplest way possible. Eat more meats, grass-fed meats, vegetables, organic, but again, if you’re going to eat organic, the grains are more important than even the vegetables. But please, steer towards organic as much as possible.

Warren: Okay. Let me see if I can pull up this screen share, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: And by the way, at least these companies—the reason why they have organic products now is because of there is a greater demand for organic. But now, listen. Don’t be fooled. They use organic just like the word natural. It can have the word organic on it, but that doesn’t mean—it has to have the word 100% organic.

David: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: Otherwise it has the word organic because there’s one ingredient that’s organic.

Warren: Oh, yeah, and here’s the other one Dr. Pompa. The same thing with GMO now, now that’s it’s becoming in vogue a bit, Tula’s talking about it, is they say it contains GMO free ingredients, contains. It’s not a 100% GMO free. So you think that it—oh, it has the GMO Project label on the front, but they’re allowed to make that label claim because they have one GMO free ingredient. The other ones are not certified. So you test them, they’re still tons of GMOs in them, like 25-35%.

David: They’re using a marketing sleight of hand, basically, to say that “contains GMO free.” It doesn’t mean it’s a 100% GMO free. It can be a couple different ingredients of GMO free but the rest are full of it, which means they’re full of it. Their marketing is full of it.

Warren: Yep. It is. So let me share you this organizational chart. I don’t if it’s going to work. I’ve never done this. It’s one reason I went—oh, look. We can see it. Do you see that?

David: No.

Dr. Pompa: Yes.

David: Here we go.

Warren: Do you see it?

David:| You’ve got to click on your icon so it stays up there.

Warren: Okay. I need to talk, so when I’m talking it’ll show up. So let me zoom in on here a little bit. Zoom in a little bit more, views, zoom, and some more. So I want you to see some of the ingredients that you’re buying. I was on an airplane the other day. LaraBar, General Mills, you thought it was small company. Cascadian Farms, all those chips and things that you’re buying. Muir Glen, another organic ones—products that you choose. And some of them, honestly, because there’s not many options, there’s an—I don’t buy these products, but at one time I bought a lot of Cascadian Farms. I found more local companies that I now buy my corn chips. I eat a little bit of corn chips, organic corn chips. So let’s look. MaraNatha, those are some of the ones that I bought in the past . Earthbound Farms, that’s another one that a lot of us use from White-Wave. These aren’t organic companies. These are spinoffs of big companies. So you go Naked Juice, the ones that you see in Starbucks. Naked Juices, they’re Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Green Mountain…

Dr. Pompa: Pure sugar with tons of grams per container, ridiculous amounts of sugar. Oh, but there’s no sugar added. Yeah. It’s the fruit juice.

Warren: And then like the Kettle Chips, Diamond Foods, big conglomerate food company. Let’s look around here. What else do we—Santa Cruz Organics from Smucker. The one’s that brought us Smucker jellies. Stonyfield Organics, Brown Cow, Happy Family. All these companies are major food producers, but they bought out a lot of these organic companies. Green Mountain Coffee is really old coffee by the time it gets to you, but ….

David: Oh, wow. I didn’t know that Dannon—I didn’t realize that Dannon owned Brown Cow and Stonyfield.

Warren: Is there a Pompa? Oh, Dannon. I thought you meant Dan Pompa. Is that a play on words?

David: Danone.

Warren: But Earthbound Organics, Back to Nature, Draper Valley Farms, all these things are owned by big conglomerates, and we’re just one of—Plum Organics, that’s my daughter’s—I bought some of their baby food in the past. So kinda know where your dollars are at and try to invest—when you’re at these stores, if you’re truly in the movement—M&M owns Seeds of Change. So these companies don’t have your best interest in mind. They have, not quality, but they’re actually looking for profits and no fault of their own. That’s just how businesses work. They’re not looking at that. So I just wanted to show you…

David: But you know what? It is showing a trend. I’m going to look at the positive side here. It is showing a trend, and when we vote with our dollars, these companies will make better decisions based upon how we’re spending. They are the big guys. They are going to beat the mom and pop of today. They’re going to throw a lot of money at them when they get big enough, and they’re going to buy them. The thing is, as long as we’re voting with how we choose to spend, they will give us what the consumers are demanding because it does come down to money, and they want more money, and they’re going to do more organic, 100% organic, if that’s what the consumers are demanding.

Dr. Pompa: I agree, David. It’s just seeing all those companies. They did that for a reason because they’re looking at where dollars are being spent, and they want to capture the market, right? So I mean, it’s a good trend. I mean, five years ago we wouldn’t have seen that. It would’ve been a fraction of what you saw there. So the fact is is the demand is going up because health is dropping, but be cautious because those companies will—they’re very good at marketing. They will put those words on the labels, and it will look healthy because GMO now will become in vogue just like gluten. Gluten free, I mean, come on. I mean, everyone’s buying gluten free. Low-fat products still sell next to something that doesn’t say low-fat. So be aware. David, you’re looking like the Supreme Court’s Justice today. It’s the black robe look, and…

David: I’m wearing my—I’m wearing a—it’s a black suit. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It looks like you’re sitting there in a black robe, and the black background, and you’re going to like—the gavel’s going…

David: I’m in my office chair. I actually happen to be in my video studio this morning. I never switched, but I’m in my video studio right now.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I can tell. Well, this has been a great topic. And it’s just—it’s a topic that when I speak to the Natural Health Community, when I have a lecture in front of those folks, I get more passionate about because I end up yelling at them. I end up getting angry because I know that they’re all taking their supplements and doing all the other things, but they’re running out and they’re not even asking the question of whether that corn is GMO or not. They’re not even asking the question. They’re raising up their darn glucose, and they’re doing their little rituals that they think are healthy, and they’re driving up glucose. Again, I think that people are missing the 800 pound gorilla in the room. And we talked about a lot of 800 pound gorillas in the room. We talked about a lot of 180° concepts here today. And it’s hard to go against the grain. It’s hard to not—go against the grain.

Warren: Yeah. There we go.

David: Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: I like that. Yeah. Go against the grain. I like that. The sheep, oh, man. I’m constantly telling my kids, you want to be successful today. Don’t be afraid to go the other direction. Don’t be afraid—when the herd is running this way, they’re going for a cliff, man, they’re going for a cliff. The herd invariably goes for the cliffs. Take the other way. Take the left. Take the right. So if they’re making a right, make a left. Go 180°.

Warren: Alright, appreciate it. Episode 40, celebrate it today. Share this with your friends, CellularHealing.tv. I almost messed it up but CellularHealing.tv. We’ll see you next week. Thanks, guys. You make us successful by viewing and sharing with others.

Dr. Pompa: Bye.

David: Bye, everyone.