Transcript of Episode 49: Diet Variation for Weight Loss
With Dr. Daniel Pompa and Warren Phillips.
Hello, everybody. Good morning. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV, episode 49. A really powerful show today. Dr. Pompa stumbled upon something that I believe is really going to help a lot of people today. We're going to discuss diet variation, which is a new term, we believe, and coined. It may be out there somewhere, but I haven't found it.
Diet variation for weight loss and fat burning. It's a great strategy. It's actually historic, in how individuals in the past used to go through times of fasting and eating in surplus. Dr. Pompa, this is a hot topic. You've tested it, not only on animals, but on some of your clients, to get some great health and weight loss breakthroughs. Let's shoot the show today. David Asarnow is in the house with us, as well, as our co-host. Dr. Pompa, what do you think about this topic?
Dr. Pompa:
Love this topic. I have to admit, I did just stumble upon this. I'll tell you that story, but this is—actually, if you watch the end of the year show, or I guess, the beginning of the year show—I don't remember what episode it was. Maybe 46. Can't remember. We don't remember these episodes, but I basically recapped what I believe were the five exciting shows, right, of last year. If you haven't watched it, watch it. This is one of them. I just didn't get into details. I did say that there'd be a future show, so here we are. Kept up with my promise.
Diet variation—what is it, and why does it work so good for, not just weight loss, although that is how I really discovered this works. It really works just for all-around health, because my patients are like, “Oh my gosh, my energy levels are so much better.” They go through a litany of different things that have changed. Now, here's the interesting thing. This is how it came about. Through ketosis, and many of you read some of my keto articles (Part 1 and Part 2) and how to use this diet as a tool. It's not necessarily a diet someone can stay on forever, although some people genetically can't. In that, we have my 5-1-1 rule, which is a way of doing one day of fasting in a week and then one day where you actually carb load. It worked. It kept the body out of thinking it was starving and it mixed it up. We know that it works. That has been used before. Other people have tried different combinations.
Then we even have intermittent fasting. We talk a lot about that. Here's what happens, though. I get these people, and they get into ketosis. I guarantee you, people watching this said, “Dr. Pompa, I tried to get into ketosis. I read all your articles. I watched your shows. Yet, I was unable to get my keto numbers between .5 and 5.” By the way, that is nutritional ketosis. Those watching have no idea what I'm talking about, ketosis. I apologize. We do have articles on that, but I'll say it this way very simply. It's when we shift your cells over to really relying mostly on fat for energy. Most cells in the body, they can use glucose, they can use fat. They can use glucose, fat. When you go into keto adaptation, you burn fat for energy. Ketones are the byproduct of that, and they fall in a blood range of .5 to 5. That is called nutritional ketosis.
Healthy ketosis.
Dr. Pompa:
What's that? Nutritional ketosis.
Yeah, but it's healthy. There's a negative out there on ketosis because of insulin resistance, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Diabetics can literally not produce any insulin. Therefore, they would go into diabetic ketosis, where that number would be even up to 50.
Very dangerous.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, scary situation. This is nutritional ketosis. You fall in that range. This means, now, that you're utilizing more fat for energy. Why is that important? Fat burns so clean we can down regulate cellular inflammation. Read the articles in the nutshell so you can follow this conversation. That's what it's about.
Okay, so here's what happens. The healthy, normal, average person should, within two weeks to four weeks, adapt, and their numbers should become between .5 and 5. That means now you're this fat burning, efficient machine, right? People lose weight. One of the first things that happens is the brain works better. All of a sudden, the brain loves these ketones, and the brain starts functioning better. Look, it's been around since the 1920's as a tool to fix the brain. It works, right?
Here's the interesting thing. We have people who don't go into ketosis. Why is this? We know that certain toxic conditions don't go into ketosis. Certain hormone conditions struggle to get in. After literally four months, and some patients, even five months of trying, zero weight loss, still not getting into ketosis, every once in a while, a little number will go up. I would say, “Okay, let's go back to the regular Cellular Healing Diet,” okay? We will just see what happens.
We put them back on a regular Cellular Healing Diet. By the way, the diet that they were on before I put them into keto adaptation and they weren't losing weight and they weren't having results, obviously one of the reasons why I shifted their diet in the first place, I put them back on that diet. It didn't cause weight loss. Now, all of a sudden, they report to me, “I've lost ten pounds. That's the same diet as we were on before. What changed?” I don't know. Keep eating higher, healthy carbohydrates, more vegetables, berries. Let's see what happens. Sure enough, they do lose the ten pounds, but then the weight loss stops again. Of course, I think to myself, “Let's go back into ketosis. See what happens.” Put them back into ketosis. Lo and behold, they start losing fat again, and they end up getting in ketosis the second time around. Why is this happening? Okay, that is what we call diet variation, meaning that we changed up the diet. This became something that—
I do have a question, though. It was a good time to pause.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. You've spurred a few questions on me. When you were explaining this to me, I actually spent the weekend with Dr. Pompa, I think I did the show live from—did we do the show live from your house on Friday? We did, the Cellular Healing episode 48. The question is, to me, someone is in weight loss resistance, and they've tried the ketogenic diet, your 5-1-1 rule, your 2-2-2 rule. They're doing everything right. They just can't get into ketosis. Then, when they make that switch, eating more healthy carbs, right? Do you have a scientific reason why that eating—healthy carbs. We're not saying carb load eating pasta, rice, all this. You're actually just saying, eat more of a higher, healthy carb diet. Berries, nuts and seeds. What other types of foods, when you break into that, obviously, I want to know that too, to shock the body of whatever it's doing, to get them to go back into ketosis once they try that variation in their diet. Does that make sense, Dr. Pompa?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. When we look at ancient diets, they started, of course, in the wintertime. They were eating large amounts of fat, animals, etc., and they really relied on that. They didn't have vegetables. They couldn't go shopping in grocery store.
They didn't have Whole Foods back then?
Dr. Pompa:
They had Kroger's, if you remember Kroger's.
Oh yeah, that's true, with Fred Flintstone. Yeah. Flintstones, meet the Flintstones—
Dr. Pompa:
Anyways, so they would eat mostly that. Then, what happen come spring? Of course, they were so sick of buffalo, elk, and other meats, right, deer, that they gravitated to the nuts, seeds, and vegetables that were around; a higher carbohydrate diet. Really, in today's terms, let's not kid ourselves here; let's not call it a high carbohydrate diet. In our terms, from ketosis, yeah, it was a higher carbohydrate diet. It was healthy carbs, but what would happen then is obviously, there was a massive diet variation.
Really, my theory of why this works is because again, it's this adaptation, innate, inborn intelligence, this survival mechanism that when we have times of fasting and famine. When we have times of this type of diet switching over to this type of diet. The body instinctively, intuitively, has to make those changes. It does it by switching hormones. It does it by raising growth hormone. It does it by making the switches in the body. Oftentimes, people are stuck. It makes this massive survival shift. I believe that it triggers something in the body to start that fat burning again, just like the 5-1-1 rule. We can eat 20, 30, 40, 50 grams of carbs a day, and all of a sudden one day, we load up with 200, 300 carbs, and the next day, we're leaner. Something hormonally shifts. Something tells that innate intelligence, “We're okay now. Let's burn fat like crazy.” Same thing happens. You're on this diet where you're just fat, fat, fat, fat, fat. The body somehow thinks it's in a starvation mode, something hormonally it's doing to survive. Then, all of a sudden, here comes the plenty. All of a sudden, now, this is,” Let's burn, let's burn, let's burn, and it shifts on all these metabolic hormones.
It is this diet variation that really is key. What does that tell us? It tells us that first of all, I've been one to say, “Look, you can't pinpoint one diet on everybody, right?” Genetically, we're all a little different. We'll utilize the Cellular Healing Diet, high fats, in someone who is cellular intermittent fasting. We need to fix the membrane. It's a diet that some people will stay on their whole life. It's a diet that we put people on until we fix cellular inflammation. That can vary per person. There's certain things that transcend all cultures dietarily, but not every diet is for everybody. It tells us this. These people that say, “Hey, look, the vegan diet is the way to go,” and they're on this vegan diet their whole life—
That's a good point.
Dr. Pompa:
Right, yeah. This variation in diet instinctively, intuitively, survival. It is good for the body.
You know what's interesting? You're talking about this, and what comes to me is that in working out, if you do the same workouts all the time, they stop working. You've got to do the high intensity training. You need to up, down, up, down. You need to change things up. To me, it sounds like this is along the same lines very much so.
Dr. Pompa:
It is, David. The body knows. We have to break it out of what we call homeostasis, where the body just gets stagnant, almost stuck, if you will. Then we come in with a different workout, and whoa, you get sore the next day. You feel like wow, what an amazing—I used to say when I would work out in different gyms, I would always get a better workout, just because the angles of those machines were a little different. Things were a little different. That little variation in exercise made the workout that much more intense. This is true, also, for diet.
This is a huge—something we really haven't discussed. I think it's a way to combat those people who say, “Do this diet. Paleo all the way. Only Paleo. Paleo. Only CrossFit.” Then again, they do a lot of variation in CrossFit, so maybe that one's not the best example. You have a vegan come and it's like, “Dan, my life was transformed eating vegan.” Of course. You did a diet variation. You got a massive benefit. Some of your clients, Dr. Pompa, who were vegan their whole life are now sick, because there's a downside to eating vegan or being vegetarian. There's also a positive to eating raw or vegan or going vegetarian for a season in your life, because you might've been in that foraging time when there wasn't any meat, and you're just living on herbs and vegetables for a season. Long term, that can break the mindset. That's not how humans lived. They did diet variation, especially for certain genetic types.
Maybe that might not be across the board, but I know for someone European like me, we're still from that tribal nature folks. Seasonal eating and things like that. That's really, really an important way to explain that. Someone's like, “Hey, yeah. Vegan's great, but you may want to do some diet variation, because that's what our bodies are designed for.” It works with the naysayers, too. “Don't eat vegan.” Maybe not.
Dr. Pompa:
It is true. People get stuck on, let's say, a vegetarian or vegan diet because what do they do? They go, yeah, well they were eating this horrific grain-fed meat diet, so they take meat out of their diet, variation, and they go vegan or vegetarian. Of course they get this, “Oh my god, I feel so much better. I lost weight. That's great.” Then they stay there because it worked. Now they end up with other deficiencies, perhaps.
Or the opposite. Let's bash the meatitarians, the people who just eat meat, meat, meat all the time, and their genetics aren't for that. Maybe Eskimos' are, high fat and meat.
Actually, a long time ago—
Native Americans. I don't know if that's—yeah, Eskimos. That's proper, isn't it?
I have no idea.
If I offended anyone, I'm sorry. I just, I'm trying to have a great conversation here. Don't want to offend anyone. I just know that people who live north, there's not a lot of vegetables. Let's be honest, right? My wife's from Canada.
One of the things we spoke about on an episode last year was exactly this topic. If you look at the genetics of where we're from, the foods that were available, why, up in the north, in the Nordic areas, do they eat a lot of high fat fish, high fat foods? Why? The lack of sun. A lot of this ties back to things that we've talked about in previous episodes.
Dr. Pompa:
David, when we look at where people are from, that definitely will gravitate people to the diet they're genetically better from. Some people do way better with higher fat diets. Again, we can use a vegetarian diet, for example, as a tool to simplify eating for cancer patients, but do you stay there? I argue no, unless it's really your genetic diet. I believe no matter what, diet variation helps. Again, our genetics are just tuned to that, for seasonal eating. I had a conversation with my vet randomly. It was just this random thing that she was looking at our dog, and she was saying she has a diet called the Wild Dog Diet. It's based on this principle. She said, “Animals are meant to eat seasonally. They are meant to have this variation in their diets. There are times where they're eating more vegetables, roots, etc., and there's times where the meat is plenty. She said, when animals don't get this variation in their diet, it creates health problems. It's a seasonal way of eating.
Of course, it's the same with humans. Of course it is. I started reading about this in the animal kingdom, and I found that it is, in fact, true. I was in Wyoming, and I was able to look at the history there and realize that this seasonal eating is a survival mechanism. Even the Eskimos, even the people who live up north, there still is massive variation in their diet. I would argue that they're always going to do better on higher fat, even a higher protein diet, but even their protein amounts go up and down. Again, I know that there's truth to this.
Again, we make the argument that certain diets are going to be better for—I'm definitely better on a high fat diet. Moderate protein, low carb diet. That works for my genetics. When I vary it around—so in the summertime, you all know I go into ketosis. I thrive on that diet. I can ride and exercise for hours and hours and hours. What I've done now is I've forced more vegetables and more things—and by the way, I don't even love vegetables. I gravitate to the meat on my plate, trust me, and butters and cheeses and things. I'm still eating those things, because I do so well on fat, but now I've introduced more—I'm eating more lentils in my diet, I'm eating more quinoa in my diet, brown rice, things like that. Of course, I'm eating more vegetables. I forced my carbohydrate intake up. I'm just varying my diet, once again, in the summertime, when I go back into a ketonic state.
Again, I'm still on a diet that really works for me, but obviously, the variation has been magical. Warren, I said to you before, we all know, I'm not a big guy, right, genetically? I'm very small boned. I say this not to brag or boast, I say this to prove a point. The other day when I actually had a spotter in the gym, I put up 80 pound dumbbells on an incline press. That's a lot for a little guy, especially for someone—literally, I can press way more than my body weight. Again, I had a shift when I went into ketosis, but then I went into this diet, and I saw this amazing strength gain. It just shows me, the proof is that my body adapted very well, but I know this. It will stagnate. It will plateau. Then when I shift it again, good things are going to happen again. Really, really neat topic. It really is.
Yeah, and I think it's true. I think you just proved your point why that's the case. You're looking back in history, you're looking at your genetics, and you're seeing, “Hey, this is historically what worked for people. This is how their lives are lived. Their bodies adapted, they put on more muscle, they put on more fat at certain times during their seasonal cycle. I think bodybuilders innately did that. Bodybuilders, to just say personal fitness people that are really focused on that. I know a lot of times, some of the personal trainers that I work with and we work with—can you please turn that off? What they do is they usually eat more for a season. They say, “Man, I start eating. I'm eating essentially a zero-sugar diet.” They get really lean, but they start getting weak, right? At first, they see a good benefit. They lean down. Then after they're on it for a while, they say, “I'm just getting weak. I've got to go back and put in some healthy carbs.” Most of these guys are eating unhealthy rices and things like that. However, they just blow up, and they put on a ton of muscle, and they store that muscle. Then they'll go on a cleaner diet, lean out again. In those carb phases when they put on weight, they're actually able to lift a lot more and they get a lot stronger. I just see that in the gym when I'm just talking with these guys.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Here's one of the little animals that diet. Isn't she so cute? She's just so adorable. Now Warren's going to run and get Tula, you're going to run and get your cats. We're going to do all this.
My wife was just in to the office here, but no Tula. She's in school.
Dr. Pompa:
Alright, you've got to go home.
My cats aren't in my office right now.
Dr. Pompa:
Pretty soon, you're going to hear snarling and all this animal noise. The little girl there goes after Frendle, who's a little older and gets perturbed. She pulls his beard and starts snarling.
The Wild Dog Diet. Works in dogs, works in humans.
Dr. Pompa:
That's right, the Wild Dog Diet. We talked about animals, gosh darn it; we've got to bring one on the show. Yeah, so my wife will love that, too. She'll want everyone to watch just because her dog. She calls that one her dog, by the way. Anyways, where the heck was I? I see the dog—
I was talking about the fitness trainers and how they do that as well.
Dr. Pompa:
It's neat though, because I would've thought before I would go into these ketonic states—didn't I tell you that that was going to happen? Sure enough, it's happening.
You knew it.
Dr. Pompa:
Before I go into these ketonic states, before I did that, went into ketosis, if I went on as high of a carbohydrate diet as I'm eating now—and again, I'm eating healthy carbs. Folks, we're not telling you to go out and eat pizza. We're not telling you to eat toxic food, okay? We're saying vary your diet within healthy foods, right? If I did that before, I would've absolutely gotten way more fat. My energy would've dropped. This time, it was a different shift, and I believe it was because of it I came off that keto type of diet.
I think you can vary your diet in a week's time, and I do that. There's days, like I said, I don't typically eat until 2:00 in the afternoon. That's my first meal. I fast through the night. That's intermittent fasting daily. Then there's some days I just go through and I just don't eat until dinner. I did that yesterday. I did, basically, a 24-hour fast. Sometimes, you can just go the whole day, even more than a 24 hour, until the next day. That's diet variation. It really is. You're fooling your body. Then, once a week, I eat even more carbs. Right now that's not as fun, because I'm not into ketosis. That's more fun when you're actually knocking your carbohydrate down to 20, 30, 40 grams a day, and then all of a sudden, you eat 200? You want to talk about variation?
The point is that we can do variation for three or four months, we can do variation within a week. I think that makes it fun, but it works. It works. I guess the message is, is if you've been stuck in this same diet, it may in fact have worked for you or even working for you, I still encourage you to shift it up with other foods. How much fat you're getting, how much protein. It is a neat thing to do. Watch it work. It works. You should hear the results. It's really fun. I know that there's so many people out there that have, some of them have even gone into ketosis. This is another client that I had. Got into ketosis and still wasn't losing weight. Meanwhile, it looked like she should be. She keto adapted, a fat burner, and yet the pounds weren't moving. Took her out of ketosis, put her on—like I said, I had her juicing green juices, right? The good stuff. We had her blending. Vegetables, salads, things like that. Eating more berries, pushed it up. Lo and behold, she felt better. Weight loss, minimal, but she actually dropped some pounds. Felt better, and then moved her back into ketosis. Now she loses weight. It's neat to watch, it really is.
It's hormone manipulation. Really what you said, Dan, is you're manipulating hormones, you're shocking your body into changing its hormones up. Weight loss is a hormone issue. Energy is a hormone issue. Your thyroid puts out hormones for energy. Your adrenal glands—it's all hormone manipulation.
I had an important point that you said there, Dan. I wanted to mention that. Hormone manipulation—oh, the other side of this, too. You said you started juicing and grinding up all the lettuce and fruits and vegetables and whatever else that you had. The berries—not oranges and bananas, but bad, bad. It'll drive up your insulin glucose badly, but it's a digestion issue too. Essentially, there's so many hormones that are released through your gut, if you do a juice fast, for instance, maybe there was some gut healing that needed to take place. Maybe your body was wasting so much energy, it really didn't have enough energy to break down all those heavy proteins and stuff in your body, and you just juiced for a week, and it rested the gut and the gut got healthier. Maybe it was s nutrient depletion issue. There's some of the gut things in there, and there's some—another tip I would say is do some juicing, three, four days, Dr. Pompa. In that situation, it could've been a gut issue.
Dr. Pompa:
It's funny you said that, because a lot of the clients I work with, they'll say, “I don't do well on a high fat diet.” It's because their gallbladder, it's called hepatic, meaning liver; biliary, bile; sludge, meaning toxic, right? Hepatic biliary sludge builds up, because their detox pathways are backed up. The show before this one, we talked about that process that we use in detoxification, right? Making the cell up here causing the toxins to leave the cell and make their way to the liver. Oftentimes, we have to move it from the liver out of the body, right? What happens is their liver and their gallbladder get so sludged up, no wonder you can't digest fat.
Meanwhile, it's the very thing that you need the most. These patients are fat—they need it so much for the brain and their cell membrane, and they can't eat it. Oftentimes, people gravitate to the wrong diet, because like you said, Warren, they have a digestive issue. They have a liver issue, a gallbladder issue. Then we fix that. We help that purge out. Then we start bringing in, and we ramp them up on a higher fat diet. In the meantime, sometimes we have to put them on more vegetables and things like that.
This is a massive 180° topic, Dr. Pompa. I'll cite two examples that we just did. We were sitting in that hotel, and this lady, this young professional, saying, “I want the skinny, low fat latte,” or “the soy latte.” When they get, “Do you want whole milk?” “No, I want the soy.” “I want the low fat.”
Dr. Pompa:
She actually said gluten free, sugar free, and it was the fat free. Gluten-free, sugar-free, fat-free latte. I'm like, oh my god!
This is an educated—you could tell, a high-end professional. Getting it done in the world. Making a difference. Man, just doing it 180° wrong.
It's marketing and it's what's going on out there in the mainstream media.
Definitely. That's what we're doing right now. We're marketing for truth.
They're marketing for their—they're not marketing for health. People think that they're doing the right thing. By the way, I'm listening to all this, and I'm coming from the outside. If I was not sitting on every show with you guys and I wasn't entrenched in your world, I'd say, “Oh my gosh. Where do I go first? What do I do?” One of the things that this brings to mind, and the importance of having a coach, and having a health coach with you to help you along the way. You brought up some really good points here, that why some things work for some people. Where do I begin? If someone is looking for a coach, what would you tell them?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, we have—obviously, I've trained—and I say we because all of us have helped these doctors in a different way, but doctors all around the country. I think we have 60 doctors, approximately, trained around the country that understand cellular healing and cellular detox. We just did the pain summit, and we have thousands of people commenting and watching it. I talked about cellular healing and cellular detox. We got more positive comments than anybody, just because nobody's about this. I just read three or four more testimonies this morning. Yeah, nobody is talking about it, but unfortunately, that's where the truth lies. Yeah, getting coaching from someone who understands these topics is huge. You do need a coach, David. A lot of people that—my dog just almost wiped this—
I know, we see your screen going like this—
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Rolling around on the ground, you know? These dogs follow me everywhere, man. It's life with them. They're always going to be here. You see me on these shows. If I'm here, pretty much there's a dog somewhere in eyeshot.
Or two, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, or two. Right, exactly. If we get a cat in here, then we're in big trouble, because the dog and the cat will go at it. In a good way, they wrestle. Yeah, you do need coaching David, because like you said, a lot of people—this cellular healing, this cellular detox, we use specific types of chelators within that detoxification system that we talked about last week. It works. Cellular detox works. It's really the only thing that actually works. It's taken us years to really develop this system and how we use specific chelators, whether it's biotoxins, heavy metals, molds, Lyme Disease, is really what you need a practitioner for, and a coach. Even some of this diet stuff and coaching you through that. I believe everyone needs a coach.
I have three.
Dr. Pompa:
Coach for your tennis game or a golf game. How much more important for your health. It's obviously vital, in my mind.
You're my health coach, Dr. Pompa, which is nice. For all you, be jealous. Dr. Pompa is writing up my New Year health plan. We've been working on it. Actually, I have it right down here in a folder. Some testing we're doing and some diet variation strategies, some detox, that new detox system we talked about last week on the show, episode 48. I'm going to be doing that more consistently. Not just sporadically, but on a scheduled basis. If it's not written down, it's not real, guys. You really need to, if you're going to do some of these things, put it down on paper what you're going to do, when you're going to eat. Create that schedule. Make it real in your life. It'll make a massive difference. This is a great topic, Dr. Pompa.
Last night, I was out to dinner. Again, I know we need to end. It's 10:30, but just think it was important. I'm out with a middle-aged couple, 55 to 57, something like that, her and her husband. They're our neighbors. They were talking about, his mom and dad are so fearful of heart disease. They have this cardiologist doctor that has put so much fear into them, they said they're literally brainwashed. Low fat and not eating anything. They barely eat, they're frail—his mom is weak. She has no energy. She's 100 pounds, but she's so scared. They take their cholesterol pill, their statin drug, religiously. They believe that that's going to keep them alive and away from heart disease.
These folks don't eat a clean diet, but they're wise people. She should be eating a stick of butter, a stick of real butter, like our great grandparents did. We try to explain to her that her mom and dad ate a high fat diet, and they were healthy and never had heart disease and died a natural death. What are you doing? You're sick and miserable, taking your statin drug, eating a calorie-restrictive diet, eating bad carbs, low fat, and bad margarine. They're sick. It's an epidemic. For us, it might seem normal. Of course you'd eat this way. The science says so. The world is fearful and scared, because it does drive those drug sales.
Dr. Pompa:
Listen to those experts. They will set aside common sense and things that they know, right? The experts are telling them to take these medication, the experts are telling them that if they don't, they'll die. The experts don't even believe in cause and effect. How do I know that? At some of the top cardiology units in hospitals around the country—Phil and I had this conversation yesterday, there's McDonalds and fast food, literally, right in the same building.
Look, if the experts realized cause and effect, they would absolutely have a problem with that, but they don't. They really believe it's just down to bad luck and genetics, simply bad luck. You've got heart disease, heart attack in genetics, but these pills will keep you alive. We could go on a whole other subject. I'll get fired up and very angry, because people are, they're starving their brain of the very thing that makes it work. Cholesterol. Fat, right? Oh, boy. That's a whole other show, looking at what the experts say, and who are the experts.
Now you've got me craving an avocado. Good fat.
Everyone should get off the show right now, go get an avocado—go to your local grocery store. Avocados are easy to find. Get yourself a big avocado. Maybe put an egg in it. Stick it in the oven, and have yourself an avocado-egg breakfast, or intermittent fasting mid after day lunch.
Dr. Pompa:
That was my health tip.
Dr. Pompa:
Vary your diet. Go 180°, man. 180° opposite of what everyone else is saying, that's for sure.
Share truth. Be bold.
Dr. Pompa:
Everyone's making a right, make a left. I tell my kids all the time. It's typically the right way.
Thanks, Dr. Pompa. Thanks, David. Have a great week, everyone.
Thanks, Dr. Pompa. Thanks, Warren. Bye-bye.