Transcript of Episode 50: The Glyphosate Threat – It's Not Just the Gluten
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.
Alright, we are live. I don't know if you heard that cheer in the background. There's a reason for that, and there's a reason for the party hats and the balloons in the back. It's not to celebrate my sexy, rustic voice, because I have a little bit of a voice issue with a cold that I have right now. I feel fine, but I lost my voice. More importantly, we did 50 episodes of Cellular Healing TV. You're a part of that, those of you watching right now, and of course, Dr. Pompa and David and the time you put in together; you listening, Dr. Pompa researching, us using the technology to reach the world with this message of remove the interference and the body will do the healing.
Heal the cell, get well. Lose weight, feel great. Some of our slogans from the past 50 episodes, and life transforming information that I honestly feel blessed to be able to share. I was sharing with Phil Kaplan last night, Dr. Pompa, about—I just feel like because I got my life back, because the healing strategies that were brought to us are not given to everyone, so I have this—not only a responsibility, but more of a delight because of the thankfulness in my heart that I got my life back, that I get to share it with others, and share that truth. You're the reason, Dr. Pompa.
As we celebrate 50 shows, you're the reason I got my life back. You're the reason so many people watching today got their life back. I get to be a part of that, and so does David, with his beautiful party hat. I just want to say congratulations. Cellular Healing TV, Dr. Pompa, David, the guests that have been on the show over the past 50 episodes, thank you so much for being a part of Cellular Healing TV. We're going to continue to share this message of truth with the world. Dr. Pompa, we have an amazing topic today. We wrote an article on It is getting shared all over the internet in a viral way, this message of glyphosate. It's not something that you've heard before about glyphosate, but glyphosate is now being used in such a way that it's actually poisoning us even more. I want to use this Cellular Healing TV show to not only get people to read that article, but to share this message with the world, Dr. Pompa.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, in the article I said that here's the top ten symptoms of this chemical. So many people have some of these signs and symptoms that they're being affected by this chemical. The title of the article was, “It's Not Just About Gluten,” which is something that I've said for a long time, right? The whole gluten thing is really, it's 180° topic in that. It's very in vogue. If you go to the store and you buy gluten free products, nine times out of ten, they're bad for you. Matter of fact, they raise glucose more than regular old products. I said in the article, “Look, gluten is a denatured protein.”
The question we always have to ask is this, “Why does gluten not bother some people but yet others?” Here's the other question, “Why in the last five years, especially, maybe ten, all of a sudden, is gluten such a big problem?” Remember, it's been around since the 1970's when we hybridized wheat and this protein got denatured. Why all of a sudden now is it that all these people are having problems with gluten? There's a reason for that? The reason is this chemical called Glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in an herbicide called Roundup. Many of you are familiar with it, because you spray your driveways or sidewalks with it. Maybe in your garden. Hopefully not. This is a chemical that's been criticized in the past by many. Monsanto's the company who makes it. Matter of fact, they've done a great job of selling more chemical. When they develop GMO, genetically modified plants, organisms, etc., they develop these plants to be able to handle more of this chemical. Pretty smart idea.
Let's see. We can beat the weeds because if we spray more of our chemical, we can actually kill the plant and affect the plant, but if we genetically modify the plant, the crop, in others words, to take more glyphosate, we're going to sell more chemical and we're going to solve some weed problems. The problem with this is we're being exposed to levels of glyphosate in GMO crops that we've never been exposed to. Here's the other problem. The technique introduced in the late 90's that really has come more in vogue, because this technique, using glyphosate, spraying it on grain—it could be any grain. As a matter of fact, if it's non-organic, it's probably been sprayed with glyphosate right before harvest. The process is called desiccation.
What desiccation really means is to dehydrate. They spray this chemical right before harvest, saturating the plant. Why do they do that? It makes it number one, easier to harvest, and number two, it actually increases the amount of seed. It actually increases the harvest, makes it easier to harvest, so profits go up. The problem is this—so does our glyphosate levels in our body. The amount of glyphosate right before harvest is pulled into these plants, and then we're ingesting this. They bottom line is if you're eating non-organic or just conventional grain of any type, you're putting yourself at great risk.
Here's why this is worse than gluten. This is the point, and I'll let you ask me some questions. Glyphosate has been shown to do some nasty stuff in the body. Three big ones, and we'll talk about all three. One is it puts holes in our gut. Now, when you have holes in your gut, it allows the gluten to cross over the gut. Now your body, for your own immune system, forms antibodies against this foreign protein. When I was sick, I couldn't eat gluten for the life of me. It would send me into inflammation. Today, I can eat gluten and it doesn't affect me. Why? I don't have holes in my gut. My gut is not leaking. Point is, it's estimated 90 some percent of Americans have leaky gut of some sort and don't even know it. When the leaky gut is bad enough, these proteins and gluten cross, and that's it. Look, gluten's not good, but when you have leaky gut, now you become massively inflamed from this foreign protein. Glyphosate is the real problem.
David, I'm going to ask little questions today, because I don't have my voice. I don't want to lose it again like I did yesterday. One of the questions I have, Dr. Pompa, and I know that some of the viewers have—they're not just using glyphosate to spray down the weeds between the rows of corn or the cabbage or for the non-organic grains, so they don't have to weed that or till it or—just spray the chemical. They're really spraying it directly on the grain for more of a harvesting issue. It's not the old strategy of using it to knock down weeds in your corn rows. It's a different strategy. How long have they been doing this, is the first question. Question one, just really hit that point hard. Then two, when did they start this silly—I know why they did it. To sell more of their number one chemical. When did they start this—really, a travesty?
Dr. Pompa:
It did start in the late 90's. Again, this really caught on with farmers, saying, “Hey look, you can really increase your profits.” You can't blame them. You have to understand, Monsanto, the company who makes it, their defense is that this stuff is safe. If you convince yourself and convince others that it's safe, then why wouldn't you increase your profits? I'm not even going after, here, the farmers that are doing it. They're told it's safe. What research has shown is—and again, there's three things we can talk about here. One, it disrupts a pathway in your gut called a shikimate pathway. That pathway is how your body makes certain bacteria in your gut, makes certain amino acids that you need to make brain chemicals, such as serotonin, dopamine, and really, all these neurotransmitters that our brain needs. We understand there's this connection between our gut and our brain. When people get a messed up gut, they get depressed, etc., etc. We've learned a lot in the last year.
Monsanto's defense is, “Humans don't have this pathway, this shikimate pathway.” They're right. We don't. However, our bacteria in our gut do. It's killing these bacteria, obviously, causing holes in our gut and dysbiosis, but it's killing these bacteria that we need to make these brain chemicals. Now we know that glyphosate is being linked to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and even type 2 diabetes. All of these things where we need these brain chemicals. Depression. You look at the graphs, as glyphosate use goes up, so are these conditions. These conditions are expanding rapidly. Faster than cancer. Faster than heart disease. According to Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, she feels glyphosate is at the root of these conditions' causation. We know it's causing holes in the gut, we know it's causing food intolerance, we know it's causing autoimmune, because that's the leaky gut, is linked to autoimmune. We know it's causing neurodegenerative diseases, brain problems, right?
R1, Remove the Cause. What I'm thinking right now, because I know our audience and I know this field a little bit—leaky gut has become in vogue. I must have leaky gut. Everyone, they're taking the test. They're doing the food elimination diet more so than they're getting on organic grains, right? They're doing all this testing and food elimination. I know that some of the clients and health participants you work with, Dr. Pompa, can only eat a few different things that our bodies don't react to any longer. They've really limited their diet. Not diet variation, but diet—like that last article you wrote, how healthy that diet is. They can't even do diet variation. The cause could be glyphosate versus just needing to switch their diet up as much.
Dr. Pompa:
I had a client yesterday. Obviously, this person was in a moldy homes and it caused massive problems with leaky gut. Really, any toxin can drive it. However, I would say as a whole, this is the number one. This is number one driving so much of the leaky gut. It's caused an epidemic of people, Warren, you said it, that—I have clients who can eat four foods. They have to rotate, because when they eat those four foods too long, their body's making antibodies against those foods. Then they have to switch over to another four foods. It's this game of going back and fourth. Imagine there's holes in the gut, and these food proteins are crossing over, and the body makes antibodies. This is the new epidemic. This is the new problem. Of course, they end up with autoimmune. They end up with all kinds of other problems because of this problem.
This is serious. Here's the irritating point to me, is that we're hearing all about gluten, gluten, gluten and all this stuff, but who's talking about glyphosate? Who's talking about the upstream cause of why gluten's a problem? Who's talking about, really, the massive epidemic? Why? We know this. The science is there. Just in the last three or four years, we have not just Seneff's work, but others who have realized that this is a massive problem. We innocently go, our children, us, and we're eating, whether it's bread, rice, whatever grain it is.
Look, I have a problem with too much grain, anyway. It's causing increased glucose, increased inflammation. When you look at this problem, the most dangerous food, really, on the planet is grain. I would say it this way, non-organic grain. Look, it's hybridized, it's GMO, and now it's sprayed with loads of this chemical. Gosh, it's unbelievable, and it's obsequious in our food supply. It's in everything.
Dr. Pompa, what are the things—you have a chart in your most recent article that you put out there. It's really telling. It talks about the hospital discharge diagnosis of celiac's disease, and it shows an upward tick that literally matches the celiac incidents on a year over year basis, where the amount of celiac correlates almost directly to glyphosate being applied to wheat. This is unbelievable. You talk about the data. You talk about the statistics. Then, you have correlations like this. How can this not get in the mainstream media?
Dr. Pompa:
Exactly. When you look at the correlation alone, it raises eyebrows in question, with celiac disease, with diabetes. You look. You can run those correlation studies on so many different diseases.
You have autism. You've got the charts here. Senile dementia. Everything that you're talking about and the increases are correlated with the increase or the amount of glyphosate.
Dr. Pompa:
People could argue, hey, well that could be a coincidence. Maybe. Maybe, but when you look at the studies, then you say, “I don't believe it's a coincidence.” The rise in the use of this chemical to the massive amounts that it is correlating with all these conditions. I guess the message of this show is R1. It's you have to remove this source from you and your family's diet. If you're going to eat grain, if you're healthy enough to eat grain, and I always like to say it that way—look, I'm always saying eat these more ancient types of grain that haven't been hybridized and changed and proteins denatured. For goodness sakes, eat 100% organic grain in your diet. Look, can you go out to dinner, and you have a little bit of exposure to this? Your body can deal with it. It's when it's day in, day out, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you're going to put holes in your gut. I think genetically, what is our tolerance level? I think everyone's is different. When you get to a point where every day you're exposing this chemical, how does your body deal with it? You're going to disrupt your gut bacteria. You're affecting this brain and you're affecting your gut and you're affecting your immune system. This is a big problem. I'm not saying you have to be this police on every bit of thing—you're going to get exposed to some degree, but for goodness sakes, if all you did at home when you ate was ate 100% organic grain, you're going to avoid this problem, I believe. Gosh, put 100% organic grains in your home.
I'm often asked this question. What do we do about the exposure, now? It does. Especially people who are already challenged, this stuff bioaccumulates in your fat cells, in and around your body. Arguably, that can be a problem, too. I think again, when we talk about true cellular detox and our method of detox, it should be something that we do often because of these exposures that you can't avoid. Obviously, you can't avoid all of it, even though you're doing the best job you can.
Dr. Pompa:
Warren's usually chatty.
-Cross talk-
Dr. Pompa:
We give him grace today. There's no doubt about it.
I always have a lot to talk about.
One of the things that you—
Dr. Pompa:
The voice and beard, David. Warren's turning a sexy corner, man.
Actually, my wife said to me yesterday—and we can do this, we do this. We tell stories. We're just live and real on our show. Two things she said. One is, “I'm attracted to you with that sexy voice.” The other thing she said, “It's so much more peaceful in our home right now because you're whispering.”
Dr. Pompa:
You have that octave to your voice that someone could be on the other side of a crowded lobby and say, “Is Warren here?” He has a voice to pierce walls.
When we had a conference call last night, Dr. Pompa, I didn't recognize Warren's voice. If I didn't know it was Warren, I wouldn't have known it was him.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that's right. That's funny. I said there was a couple things other than this chemical does, right? We're talking about true cellular detox. This chemical has been shown to shut down this P450 detoxification pathway of the liver.
P450, I remember that one.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, right. It's just one of the main detox pathways of the liver, right? How your body gets rid of chemicals, right? It disrupts this pathway. What does that mean? What happens is in these top ten symptoms, and you all can read them there, if you pull up the article, to our audience, because it shuts down this detox pathway, that's why it creates a lot of those symptoms, these top ten symptoms of glyphosate exposure. It's shutting down the detox pathway. Therefore, now it's affecting cellular energy. Think of the 5R's. It's affecting the cell membrane. It's affecting the methylation pathways. It starts to shut down all the detox pathways. You start bioaccumulating not just glyphosate, but other chemicals and heavy metals. This is the tragic reality of what's happening. When we look at autistic children and people that are very sick and challenged, these pathways are shut down.
Look, I'm not saying glyphosate is the only cause. We know it does shut down the pathway, but then you expose people to the amount of fillings that are in your mouth all day, leaching mercury 24/7. When they drink hot foods, the levels go up, into their brain, into their gut. These are the people who are getting this exposure, that exposure, or that add another stressful event emotionally.
Had a car accident or a slip and fall. That could be the one thing.
That's right.
Dr. Pompa:
I have these clients that have all these challenges. David, it's this perfect storm. It's the stressors that come in, typically in threes, and then shut down the body, shut down the detox pathways. Now the time bomb is ticking. Now it's a matter of time before the bucket overflows. That's what happens. We love to give our little things here, but this is something that we've done in the past. Let's see if I can do it. Warren loves to draw, but we'll give him a break today. You all can't see that. I'm going to use a stinky marker. That's how much I love you guys.
What are you drawing? Maybe I know how to do it.
Dr. Pompa:
There's the bucket. We'll just do it this way.
The bucket, okay.
Dr. Pompa:
As we come through life in utero, right, in Momma's belly, we start accumulating—we get a blessing from Mom of toxins, right? My kids got my wife's lead. There's no doubt that when we saw certain things happening—our kids didn't get vaccinations, but let's say they come out and do. Then we add even another toxic burden. My kids got my wife's lead. Before they even got out of the womb, that was there first.
Then they come out into life, and they start getting other exposures. You get amalgam fillings in as a teenager. You get the hepatitis B vaccine as a teenager. All of a sudden, perhaps, you get two amalgams out or you live in a moldy home. Then the bucket overflows. Of course now all the glyphosate exposures are in here shutting down the detox pathway. Imagine this. Imagine a pipe down here at the bottom. We'll call this your detox pathway, alright? You've got toxins coming in and you've got things going out. What happens when this gets overwhelmed? What happens when that detox pathway gets overwhelmed? All of a sudden, we start—can you see that now? Okay. Now all of a sudden, when this detox pathway gets overwhelmed, the accumulation starts happening even faster. When the bucket overflows, this is when the symptoms start, right? This is when people go, “Oh my goodness, I don't know.” What do most people do at this point? They end up on medication, right? They end up taking certain medication to deal with certain symptoms.
What I've been hearing about a lot lately, Dr. Pompa, is a lot of people go to a doctor and like, “We'll just irradiate, and we'll kill off your thyroid. That will solve your symptoms.”
Dr. Pompa:
I guess the question is this. This is one of the big problems even in alternative medicine, right? Do the supplements, do the medications, empty the bucket? The answer is no. Typically, they're just dealing with symptoms, right, instead of actually saying, “Okay, let's empty the bucket out.” To empty the bucket, you have to stop the sources in, and you have to minimize it, you can't stop it completely, and you have to open up the pathways out. That's R1. We want to assist in the detoxification of that bucket.
Imagine you have 50, 70 trillion cells, or we should say little buckets, in your body. Those things need empty. That's how you get well. If you don't fix the cell, you don't get well. If you don't detox the cell, you don't get well. The 5R's really is about fixing that cell so the cell can start to function and unload these toxins, down regulate inflammation.
Remove the cause.
Dr. Pompa:
Right, exactly. In the past show, we talked about, “Great, we unload the cell, but where does that go? It goes to your liver.” We have some techniques that we do to get it from the liver into the gut, where we catch it with something that brings it out of the body. We talk about that all the time, so let me just remind our audience and new people. I'm not going to use that stinky marker, so I'm going to get up close. Imagine this as being the cell, up here, okay? There's a little bucket that's getting overloaded, because this cell membrane is inflamed. Toxins are building up in the cell, affecting how the cell works. Keep it simple. We start to get the cell healthy, it'll bring its toxins, it'll bring it to the liver. Let's bring it to the liver. Oh, boy, you can't see that, can you?
Yeah, we can see it.
Dr. Pompa:
Alright, good. Okay. Let's just bring it next to the liver. That's a liver. It looks like your liver, right, didn't it? The liver then has to deal with these toxins. Let's say it's successful and we give it support to do so. Then it dumps it in the gut. If I draw a little snake down here—that's the intestines right? Then we have to bind up these toxins here to make sure they go out of the body. We have two problems—three. If we don't get the toxins from here to here, we're dead in the water. We need things to do that. That's part of our detoxification protocol. Then if they get stuck up here, then we have another problem. Oftentimes, we have to do things to get them out of here. Then what happens when it dumps into the gut, most of the toxins are reabsorbed, because the body brings it back around to the liver, unless we find it in the gut and bring it out of the body. That system is what we use, and we've used for years. Again, that's the answer as far as the detoxification side goes. You have to minimize your sources, folks. You've got to get this stuff out of your diet.
We were talking about the bucket, man. Let's see what Tuula has to say.
Hey, Tuula!
Tuula, she eats an all organic, high fat diet for her brain. She's three—how old is Tuula? Just a little over three.
Tuula, how old are you?
Stand up so we can see you. Tuula, tell everybody really loud. Do you eat bread and sugars? No. Why don't we eat bread and sugars?
It's not good for your body, is it? You can control yourselves. Children don't have willpower or good habits coming right out of the womb, right? They need to be trained and create good habits. We're doing that for her now. Then someday, she's going to have to create her own good habits of not eating the things that are going to lead to disease and dysfunction and suffering. We're helping to create those good habits in our lives. It's the same thing with everyone watching today, is that, “I can't break bread.” If you listen to any research or science, the law of habits will tell you that in 21 days, you can create a new habit and transform your life in that.
You are the outcome of your habits in your life. If you have a lot of good habits, you create a habit of exercise, your brain doesn't even think about it. You exercise every day or every other day, you exercise on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you don't have unhealthy, non-organic grains and you have T1, a lot of ancient grains and sprouted grains and that's what you feed your family, you create that habit in your life, maybe that's the only habit you create. It's January. You'll transform your life. Create those good habits. Those of you thinking, “I can't break bread,” yes you can break bread, and you can also break the habit of eating these unhealthy, unorganic grains in your life. There you go.
Dr. Pompa:
Just to bring this back full circle, as far as—look, it's not that hard. If you do true cellular detox, just as I described—and by the way, Warren, what episode was that where I did it on the big board with much more clarity?
It was three episodes ago. It was 48, I believe.
Dr. Pompa:
Alright, so look back on that. Give them the title here, if you can look back. Watch that episode. You'll see that. That's true cellular detox. Again, a footbath, magnets on the feet, colon cleanses—a colon cleanse is not getting up to the cell, right? It's down in the one pathway. A liver cleanse. You're still not up to the cell. Then what about, what are you doing in the gut? True cellular detox is that whole system, starting at the cell, all the way through the body. The 5R's is really a roadmap to how you fix the cell. If you fix the cell, the cell will work. It'll rid itself of toxins. By the way, it takes years as these cells regenerate and replace themselves. This is a process that takes a long time.
Stop putting the stuff in your body. Get the crap out of your mouth, right, whether it's root canals, whether it's amalgam fillings, whether you're in a moldy home, whether—a lot of folks out there look at, “I've got this virus,” whether it's cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Candida, fungus, parasites—well guess what? I had all of those things, every one of them, when I was sick. The point is that they're opportunistic. It's till too far downstream. I'm not telling you don't get rid of parasites. I'm not telling you don't try to knock down Candida, but you'll never get it all the way to where it doesn't affect your health until you go upstream and get rid of the sources.
True cellular detox is the answer. Again, cleaning up your life is the answer. It really is. You start there. Making good habits, like Warren's saying. Don't put stuff in the bucket, and open up the pathway to dump the bucket and every cell in your body. Keeping your liver and your gut, moving it out. That's the system. Go watch the episode. That's, I think, my criticism of even alternative doctors, is that they're giving people a lot of supplements, a lot of things, and really less side effects than a medication, but really, are they going upstream and really getting to what is causing people to get sick? Glyphosate's part of that. You can watch our past shows on heavy metals, moldy homes. We've looked at many different types of toxins in many of these shows that can be the reason why you don't feel well that you have to get out.
You go upstream and you remove the source, and you open up your detox pathways. Then you can start working down the process.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, David. I want to make a point, too, is that that's the process that we do. Just by making the cell healthy, it will start to detox. Catching it in the gut in our process so it doesn't reabsorb back to the liver, right? That's the mistake so many people make. That's all great, but depending on what toxins you have—and you know, oftentimes look, if someone's majorly challenged out there, this is why we're training doctors all around the country. You're going to need to coach to figure out even what specific toxin you have. How we bind heavy metals with true chelators is different than how our body's just going to get rid of glyphosate by raising glutathione. You need, oftentimes, specific chelators to grab this stuff and pull it out. Within that system I just showed you, we use that system whether someone has a biotoxin, whether it's Lyme, mold. However, we also use specific agents to help rid certain types of toxins. Again, most of those agents you need to utilize with a practitioner who knows how to use them. It's not just the general public using some of those types of agents. Word of caution there.
What I just showed you in episode 48 or whichever episode it was, maybe it was 47, 48, that is a general process that everybody can really do with our system. Specific toxins, things like heavy metals, you definitely most likely need a coach to make sure you're using these agents correctly.
Awesome, guys. What a great show. Oh, there's my hat again.
Yay hat. Should I wear a grain, Dr. Pompa? Does that look like a grain? Does that look like corn?
Dr. Pompa:
I'm not technical enough to put those types of hats on, but I can do this, because I do live in Park City, Utah. Once again, I waited until the end before I would expose the real deal. I talk about true cellular detox, right? Now I'm going to talk about true hats, okay? You guys have phony hats. This is the real deal. This is true cellular detox. This is detoxing the cell.
All-natural hat.
It's organic corn.
The way that one of your past shows on how to make your eats healthy for your pets, and how pets eat that variation as well.
Dr. Pompa:
That's right.
Congratulations. Thanks so much, guys, for all your dedication over the last 50 episodes. Looking forward to 100 more with you guys, as we get to share this message, as we continue to grow, and new information comes through our practitioners to the Cellular Healing TV community. Thanks so much. Have a great, awesome weekend, and implement some new habits in your life. God bless.