53: Regenerating the Cell Membrane for True Cellular Detox

Transcript of Episode 53: Regenerating the Cell Membrane for True Cellular Detox

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and Warren Phillips.

Welcome, everybody. Cellular Healing TV Episode 53. I’m all excited coming out of my chair. I’m here with Dr. Daniel Pompa, our health expert. On these shows, I’m the co-host. David Asarnow is not here with us today. He’s actually speaking live at a seminar. We are live; I’m live from my office, here in Pittsburgh, and Dr. Pompa is live from California. He’s out there working with some of our doctors, and he actually just had an amazing meeting with one of the most famous health practitioners and professionals in the world, Jordan Rubin. Many of you probably know him. Founder of—New York Times bestselling author of The Maker’s Diet, it’s probably what he’s known most for, Dr. Pompa, and also, Beyond Organic; then his amazing business that he grew, Garden of Life, which sits on every shelf in Whole Foods and health food store, literally, in the world.

This guy is a world-changer. Had a great story, too, just like us, Dr. Pompa, from death to life. One of the things that he really focused on, again, is cellular healing. Whether he called it that or not, and he didn’t at the time, but he had a diet when he got his life back of really healthy fats, grass-fed meats, he did raw milk. Really, Dr. Pompa, what that did is heal the cell membrane, reduce inflammation. A lot of the 5R’s that you’ve created to make this system, where we wanted to focus today, a lot of the feedback is this idea of fats; good fats, bad fats, and roll that into your R2, which is restoring the cell membrane, which is made of fats, a lipid bi-layer. We do have a lot of great articles on that, but let’s get into some of the specifics on good fats, bad fats, as well today, Dr. Pompa, for our listeners.

Dr. Pompa:
I always say that first of all, there’s a massive 180° Solution concept here, isn’t there?  We’ve done past shows on this, so I don’t want to hit on it too much, but a lot of the fats—ironically enough, Warren, I did an interview with a guy on the street last night. He was a very funny guy. I couldn’t help myself.

Did you get that on camera?

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah, of course. I just had to ask him, because he was saying certain things, so I had to run with the 180° concept. We’ll see. If someone actually—there’s pillows going out. If someone actually—

There’s birds and they might be talking. Just so we know, we are live. Dr. Pompa is three hours different. It’s 7 o'clock; he got up at 6 o'clock to  be on the show, cause we do these shows live;  That’s what makes them so much fun, it’s like reality TV here.

Dr. Pompa:
Look at this. I think he’s just going to slide one right under me there. Anyway, it was great. His name was Frankie Vaughn.

Great name right there. Frankie Vaughn, ehh.

Dr. Pompa:
He was kind of messing with everyone on the boardwalk and making a joke, literally, a comedy routine with everybody right there on the boardwalk. You should have seen him and Simon going. Anyway, I had to ask him the question about what he thought a good diet was. I just knew it would be comic. It was good, but the point is this: of course cholesterol is absolutely bad. Thank God his cholesterol was—

Normal, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
It was a little high. It was 170. I’m telling him it was too low. Finally, he would say, “Yeah, but they say —”  Then I went, “Yeah, but Frankie, who are ‘they’?”  He’s like, “I don’t know. That’s actually a really good question.”  I said, “Could they be wrong?”  He’s like—he paused. He said, “Yeah, they could be wrong. In fact, they were wrong a lot.”  I was like, well there you go. Anyways, I got him moving in another direction. It was pretty funny.

That’s great.

Dr. Pompa:
Saturated fat and cholesterol. Two of the big misnomers; even Frankie Vaughn—

Yeah, Frankie Vaughn. There could be some Frankie Vaughns listening to this podcast. We’re over 12,000; we’re doing like 600, 700 downloads a day now Dr. Pompa. We’ve got 13 five star ratings on this show, just to encourage you. Getting up early and doing this is huge because there are a lot of Frankie Vaughns out there who believe that cholesterol is the gold standard, and they’re literally dying of heart attacks with normal cholesterol.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah—his was 170 for goodness sake. That’s the fear that they’ve put into us. Of course, Frankie, kind of lean. He looked like a healthy guy. He was there on his bike and all. I was promoting him as somebody who cares about his health and obviously bought into the whole concept that fat’s bad, or at least that saturated fat and cholesterol you thought definitely were bad. In the end, he did say that they could, in fact, be wrong. Interesting interview. Saturated fat and cholesterol just happen to be, we’ve had this on other shows, the two fats that really stabilize the cell membrane, and more importantly, not just some memory but the hormone receptors that sit on the cell membrane.

When we look at what’s going wrong, why people don’t feel well hormonally, thyroid, diabetes, all the top conditions. Let’s face it, these are hormone issues. Again, it’s not the matter of a lack of hormones as much as it is the receptor to the hormone on the cell. Hormones can’t get their message in the cell, so you don’t feel well. Saturated fat and cholesterol stabilize those receptors. They ride on a lipid raft. It’s a raft made of fat. Those fats are critical in stabilizing that. The key, as it turns out, to fixing these crazy conditions, these hormonal conditions, weight loss resistance, thyroid issues is these fats.

Then we can take it even further because everyone out there’s taking fish oil. Here’s another 180° concept. Everybody’s taking fish oil, and yet studies show that you can go into omega-3 dominance by taking too much fish oil. There’s other consequences to that. Where does the truth lie?  That’s the thing when it comes to fat, I believe we have more of a 180° truce, or 180° Solution concepts here than anywhere.

You said that, true. What I was thinking, Dr. Pompa, just to tag onto that intro there is—okay, so there is an opposite with that. With good healthy fat, you reduce cellular inflammation. You restore the cell membrane. If you eat bad fat, you increase cellular inflammation, you increase cellular toxicity, you increase—or decrease cellular fluidity, which is the things of—good things going out of the cell—I mean, good things going into the cell, bad things coming out of the cell. With good fats, you increase cellular fluidity where good things can come in and bad things can come out so that, essentially, your cell is an enclosed container and its cooking fats and ATP for energy and doing its thing, and it has an exhaust. It’s getting smoky.

If the cell membrane can’t have a pipe that pops that toxins out, you’re going to get a sick cell. That leads to all kinds of nasty things, including cancer. Let’s hit into that topic. What are some of the bad fats and how can you make good fats bad. We talk about that in our Cellular Healing Diet System. We’ve sold thousands—well, actually, tens of thousands of copies of. We actually have a new website. If I can remember it by the end of the show, we can offer a free Cellular Healing Diet eBook program for free, and I can give that website out here later. I’m offering one of the—you have a diabetes summit coming up that you’re doing with Mark Sisson, Mike Adams, Susan Cohen, Furman. What’s his name?  Your buddy Furman is with you on this summit as well?

Dr. Pompa:
Yes Furman, what a good guy. He’s a super guy.

He’s a pioneer. Also, you can go to our website DrPompa.com, and register for that summit. Anyway, as part of that summit, they’re going to give away that free Cellular Healing Diet eBook. I can offer that to our listeners as well, not just for being on the summit.

Let’s go into some of those facts. One of the things that would tag into what we’ve been talking about over the last several weeks is we don’t really think about this, and we’ve never talked about it, as a matter of fact, is that when you’re using these bad fats like canola oil and, even worse, corn oil, not only is it bad for the cell membrane from a rancid, nasty indigestible, unrecognizable fat for the cell, massively inflammatory. Now I add the component of GMOs and pesticides to that product. Now you not only have—you have a super toxin that’s introducing in your body. I like to call that a super toxin, Dr. Pompa. Can we call it that?  It’s going to be nasty.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. No, I like that. I think it’s Page 19 or something in the book. It may be different in the ebook, so I apologize for that. There is a page in the book that Warren mentioned that goes over all the good fats. Hold on. Let me back up. The danger is making a good fat bad. We take something like olive oil. We start heating it above a certain temperature, 300° F, 400° F; it depends on the olive oil. Than all of a sudden, we’ve made a good fat bad. Now it’s rancid. It might as well be hydrolyzed. It might as well be hydrogenated. We change the structure. Now it becomes inflammatory. These fats, they make their way into the cell membrane. We already said how important that is.

They make their way—they drive inflammation. Now, it’s driving hormone problems because it’s wanting the function of the receptor. You’re right. R1 is to remove the source. These bad fats are the source. It’s what a lot of people are making these good fats bad. Now the nice thing about saturated fat and cholesterol, they’re very stable. It’s a saturated fat. Now, the polyunsaturated fats, we’re not going to get into the science of it, but it’s all about how many hydrogen—or double bonds it has. Whether they call is saturated or poly. These things are very fragile. By the way, fish oil is a polyunsaturated fat, so what does that tell you?  It’s a good fat. Let me say that. I’m not against fish oil, but I like fish oil when it’s in fish.

When you pull away from these other antioxidants and fats that are naturally in the fish, now we have something that can go rancid and very, very bad, very quickly. Even as it sits in your cupboard or your refrigerator, it can go bad. We have to be careful pulling these very fragile polyunsaturated fats away because they go rancid very easy. Here’s another one: vegetable oils are polyunsaturated fat. I’m all for vegetable oil, love it, very healthy when it’s in vegetables. However, when we put it in a bottle and just in the processing alone, it is a nasty, nasty, nasty oil that drives inflammation, aka, canola oil. Go down the list. Most of the time it just says vegetable oil. Of course we know partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, they’re even worse, right?

Yeah, they’re pretty much not on the market.

Dr. Pompa:
They all drive inflammation. Vegetable oils turn everything that we eat, and I’ll make it even worse, Warren. Corn oil is a vegetable oil. Soybean oil, guess what we have there?  Now we have—that’s the super—what you said, the super tox. They’re GMOs. They contain glyphosate, which is the chemical we’ve done shows on. Read the article. It’s not just gluten—read the article. That’s so important. These fats drive massive problems in your gut, in your cell membrane, hormone problems. You’ve got to get rid of those. You’ve got to get rid of these fats. Don’t make these bad fats—I’m going to have to maybe find a plug here. Don’t make these good fats bad.

In there, in the book, it talks about which fats can take heat and which ones can’t. This is very important. I’m going to say something—probably it’ll seem a little weird and opposite, but it’s not. Refined oils are better to cook with than non-refined oils. Wait that seems a little more unhealthy. No, all refined means is they strain it. They put it through a straining capacity and they take out all the really good stuff, actually, the phenyls and the things that are really good for our health. They filter those out, but it’s those things that are so good, turn rancid. The refined are actually better to cook with and eat.

Yeah because they don’t—do you need to get a plug? I can talk for a minute on that, Dr. Pompa, if you can go get that. There’s two concepts here. This is one topic that I’ve been with you on for 10 years now, at least, when we discussed the area of bad fats. I actually helped you write portions of that book over the years and researched all of this. One of the neat things that you see is a 180° Solution concept with fish oil is.  If you talk to Frankie Vaughn, what was his name?  If we were talking to Frankie Vaughn, he would say, “But also, I’m taking a fish oil.”

Getting back to that refining process, it could turn a good fat bad even in the refining process. I don’t want to throw confusion out there, but we’ll get into that in a bit. Certain oils can take the heat in the refining process or in the filtration process and not turn bad. When it comes to fish oils, they’re not all created equal. How they were processed—you can take a very delicate—fish oil is very delicate. It’s very destabilized very quickly and turn bad if it’s not processed correctly, if you buy the Costco fish oils and fish oils from Walmart.

There’s been this New York—there’s that new article that’s going all over Facebook and on the internet about how all of these Walmart brands—stuff even at a GNC are—the products aren’t what they say they are. They’re supposed to contain an herb and all it contains is rice powder. There’s that side of it. That’s that world. If you’re not buying fish oils off a professional line such as Systemic Formulas, Pure, some of these great companies that source their stuff. It’s twice as expensive, but it’s not going to make you sick, so it’s a 180° Solution concept where if you buy—you think you’re taking a fish oil that’s good for your health, but really it’s irritating and causing cellular inflammation. That’s huge.

Then when it comes to the vegetable oils, things like sunflower oil, you find out—I don’t know what the exact name of it that you do, Dr. Pompa, like the refined—not refined—sunflower oil?  There’s a word for that. That’s a very stable oil that is great for cooking. Grapeseed oil is another one that’s good for cooking. It can take the refining process and when you’re cooking it, it’s not smoking, it can take higher heat, and then those things that are filtered out, as Dr. Pompa mentioned, aren’t going to cause, during the heating process, that oil to become bad. That’s a 180° concept that I wanted to share with you guys.

Still today, individuals in this world—and not many of you watching this, but this isn’t just for a health nuts. This is for the world to bring these real answers to. They think that the non-natural butters that are made of vegetable oil, butters. They feel that it’s better. We’ve talked about that two shows, I believe, with David’s grandmother who is 91 years old who only eats the tub of butter. She’s still from that generation, my parents’ generation. They’re the cholesterol generation. They’re the ones that are still eating butter, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter and think that that’s healthy. Then you also go into their cabinet. I’ve been to some of the—and stayed at condos of friends and I’d look in their cupboard because I’m a cupboard snoop. Not only do I see medications, I also see fish oils. I also see I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter spray in the refrigerator. I can see I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter-type spreads. It’s pretty maddening.

I am doing this show live by myself right now. Dr. Pompa is getting his battery charged, so he’ll be on in a few minutes. Let’s look at some other things, some good fats. Let me pull up some of my good fats that we discussed. We talked a little bit about bad fats that you want to avoid. Let’s talk about some of the good fats. I know we’ve discussed them before in the past, but we’re releasing a new article on this. Meredith has been working with Dr. Pompa researching all these different fats, and even adding some things that may or may not even be in the Cellular Healing Diet book that we’re going to add in the future.

Obviously, coconut oil, an amazing good fat. It has medium chain triglycerides in it, which is very great for fat metabolism and fat burning. That’s the MCT oil, medium chain triglycerides. There’s actually an oil extracted from coconut oil and/or palm oil that I take every morning. I put it into my coffee. I buy the stuff out of my store because it comes in a glass container and its base is coconut oil, not palm oil when they do the extraction of the MCT. The good thing about that is it doesn’t upset your stomach. The palm oil one mix. There’s MCT oil. I’m just going through some good fats, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
I’m back.

Warren:Okay, good. Obviously grass-fed butter, the olive oil, all amazing fats for your body. Then we have the fermented cod liver oil and butter oil that we also carry at our store that’s super—instead of super toxic, it’s super healthy.

Dr. Pompa:
Can I say something? One of the things that I always do with clients is I teach them how to rotate fats. I always short them out on this stuff, because I want to target and bring them back to a normal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6. Some of the clients that I get, they’re heavy on the fish oils. They’ve been taking omega-3. We want to bring them back. Then the average person that’s not concerned about their health, they’re way over here in the omega-6 dominance. They’re eating grain—can you all hear me?  It’s a little noisy in here, but I had to plug in. Then we have omega-6 because of the grain-fed meats and all the different things. All the corn-fed meat, I should say, and also all the other crap they’re eating.

That’s a good point there. Going back to glyphosate discussion with corn. We’re able to eat grain-fed meat—the other reason to stay away from grain-fed now, or corn-fed, is that the glyphosate and the bio concentration of glyphosate and GMOs and that meat and what’s it’s doing at this point or level. Wow. You have an even bigger reason not to eat that stuff.

Dr. Pompa:
That stuff's bad, right? It throws you out of a mega balance. Regardless of which way they are, this way or that way, we put them on Vista, and it's driving the ratio that's driving the cell membrane. I have to say, when you see me draw the circles, when you see all the circles I draw, I can't help but draw circles, but it's this membrane that really is important. I just want to draw a circle. This is that hypothyroid and the hormone receptors. These fats, when this gets inflamed, now you can't get the bad stuff out of the cell, and this cell becomes very toxic. You can't get the good stuff in, either This is what's really key here.

As we inflame that membrane, guess what? We lose that detoxability. One of the things that we have to do that's really important is we have to fix the membrane in order to even detox the cell. It's one of the 5R's, right? It's R2, and it's important in detox. It's important in hormones. It's important in even changing the DNA. We know that when this membrane's inflamed, you start triggering all your bad genes.

That's three huge things. If you're out there and can't get your health back, this could be the reason right here. You can't do detoxification without fixing that membrane. Every one of the 5R's are important in detoxification. That's true cellular detox. You've got to fix the cell to get well and detox.

It's very, very important that we get into that ratio. I start them on Vista, and then one, I like to rotate all those fats in that you mentioned. There's benefit; the CVO oil, the extracted butter oils. These are all really different fats but very important fats with different purposes. I like to teach people to rotate these fats; Vista for a while, CVO oil for a while, extracted butter oil. Really, there's magic in all of those fats.

Yeah, I took my CVO this morning, which is a systemic product. I took that this morning. I also took some methalation stuff because you told me to do that, plus some other things that I'm taking. This afternoon, I'll have a big – instead of eating, I probably won't eat until 2 o'clock.

Yesterday, I didn't eat at all, Dr. Pompa, until dinner, and I worked out just for that hormone following some of the stuff we've been learning together on this show. I do what Dr. Pompa says; it always works out. That's how I got my life back. He told me, “Do what I tell you to do to get your life back.” I still follow that advice today. I'll do the X-Factor butter oil this afternoon for some more fats, and I did MCT in my coffee this morning. I’m a fatty. I’m getting along probably 8% body fat.

Dr. Pompa:
I think you bring up anther good fat there. What is MCT oil? Well, coconut oil has something in it called medium chain triglycerides, MCT oil. These are fast burners. People that have trouble digesting fat, they bypass that. They absorb right through your intestines. Be careful; you take too much at once, you can get the bloat. It's happened to me. You just don't absorb it fast enough, and it makes its way down too far. It will create diarrhea, I promise you.

MCT oil or coconut oil are these medium chain triglycerides that actually help you burn fat. It really makes you a more efficient fat burner. Years ago, they were giving these—because they're saturated fats, these medium chain triglycerides, these saturated fats, they were giving coconut oil to their cows, and they thought they were going to get their cows to gain weight. The opposite happened. The cows actually lost weight because of the medium chain triglycerides that were in with these saturated fats.

That's hilarious.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly.

The literature says fat makes you fat, not the literature, but the world says, they say fat makes you fat, so they give it to cows. Of course, that doesn't work on humans because that wasn't a proper subject.

Dr. Pompa:
Here's a product like coconut oil, has saturated fat in these medium chain triglycerides, basically pure fat. Surely this will make them fat. No, it didn't. They lost weight.


Dr. Pompa:
They're good for the thyroid. Some people even rub coconut oil right on the thyroid, or MCT oil, and it helps. Obviously, again, it's not the one fat. You want to rotate it in with some of these other fats. Look, high fat, at one point, is what heals the membrane. Some people can't break down fat, Warren. You have to give them things like bile salts or ox bile salts at about 250 to 500mg with every fatty meal, or things like lipase or digestive enzyme that has lipase and other types of enzymes that break fats down.

Yeah, lipase is key. It helps me when I was really sick. I had to take lipase. I couldn't break down fats, and we know we need fats for my cells to heal. The fat made me sick, so I took it with lipase and ox bile. I think we carry that. I don't know what company that's from, but I used to take it in the lipase, and it made all the difference.

Dr. Pompa:
It does. In some people, you have to—it's diet variation. You can't start them on the fats maybe until you get that liver, gallbladder purged out because they're just not able to release enough bile. When they do, the bile's filled with toxins. Utilizing that with our True Cellular Detox System where we're getting the cell up here to move the toxins out. They end up going to the liver, but people get bound up here. We got to get them out of the liver into the gut where we have the bnd going out of the body, the toxic biocomplex.

A lot of people who can't break down fat, they're stuck right here in the liver. You got to focus on that liver. Products like LS, Xeneplex is basically a coffee enema and a suppository, and that pushes the liver. Coffee enema can push the liver. We have a lot of different products that help push that bile, the toxin out, so then it makes it more easy to break down the fats.

A product called Glytamins is a suppository because sometimes we have to bypass the gut in order to get that liver moving. Listen, that's why coffee enemas – people with cancer and other things have used them for years. In itself, all it does is get the liver moving. It's just one walkway of many. That's why you have to use it within that system we call True Cellular Detox. You have to move it from the cell. You have to move it out of the body and really, it's that system that we use with everybody that works.

I just did it over the last—

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you just did it. If we're detoxing heavy metals, if we're detoxing biotoxins, mold, we do it within that system of moving the toxins from the cell to the liver to the gut out of the body, that system, and then we use specific chelators or detox products within that system. It works.

I got a detox headache from it two days in a row. I overdid it. I did two Xeneplex, not one, because yeah, you can handle it, Warren. I was doing heavy metals. I was using our real chelators, DMSA, and during that, I was also doing the Glytamins with Xeneplex. I did it together, but of course, I made sure I took four of the Bind a half-hour before I did that according to our system, and I also did the infrared sauna that we use from—what is—I can't think of his name right now, our buddy that came up with the technology.


Dr. Pompa:
Let's just talk about that. This is my favorite subject. R1, if you don't remove the source, you never get well. If you still have silver fillings in your mouth out there, that's a problem. You're never going to get well. Also, toxins bio-accumulate in your deep tissue. That system that you just said you did is key. People think they're going to detox their heavy metals by getting in a sauna. Does it detox your heavy metals? Yeah, but it's one pathway. You have to use infared within the system that we describe.

Once again, here's the cell. Products like GCEL, and MoRS, and really all the 5R's, the whole cellular core works here in getting cell function moving, and it brings it out here. Then we have a specific chelator. We've just been calling it the cellular detox drops (CytoDetox) because that's what people call them, but it's a new chelator that's been really introduced in the last year that's exciting for us. A chelator hasn't been introduced really since the 1930's that worked, so we're excited about that.

Anyway, so we move the toxins out. We bring them to the liver right here. There's a little gallbladder right here. But here's the thing. It's like if they get stuck here, you're in trouble. You're going to develop symptoms. The Xeneplex and the Glytamins that you were using, that moves it from here, or a product like Ls by Systemic, and then we bring it to the gut where here's where bind works.

Bind sits down here in these intestines and catches it to move it out of the body so you don't re-absorb it back into the liver. This system works. Where does the infrared sauna work? Well, it's just opening up another detox pathway. That's all it does. We want to keep those pathways open to move it out of the skin. That's really important to have those pathways. Maybe we give it some kidney support over here. This system is what gets people well, and you were using DMSA, which is a true chelator that helps clear out around here and bring it through kidneys and into the gut.

It works. That's the system that we do. You have to—whatever detox you're doing, just like Warren did, you have to do it within that True Cellular Detox System.

Here's my visual. I’m a visual guy, so I'm visualizing a little guy in a tractor pulling a little cart behind him like my grandfather used to—his is probably where this is coming from, going into the cell—picking up some toxins from using products that contain ingredients like GCEL has, the glutathione, the inositol cysteine, the things that drive detoxification at the cellular level. I’m a visual guy, so I'm visualizing a little guy in a tractor pulling a little cart behind him like my grandfather used to—his is probably where this is coming from, going into the cell—picking up some toxins from using products that contain ingredients like GCEL has, the glutathione, the inositol cysteine, the things that drive detoxification at the cellular level. That's what we mean by GCEL; it's the ingredients in there. Do drive up your body's natural detoxification.

That's the little truck, my grandfather driving his tractor going in there with his little cart, picking up the grass or whatever, which are the toxins. And he takes it down to the liver where it gets bound to bile. He throws it on the pile, which is this big, primordial, soup-looking, toxic fat. And it gets all bound up in the liver, and it's being processed and broken down, and it's doing its thing.

Then he picks it back up again. When you take something like Xeneplex—usually it's a toxic waste dump, essentially, but if you take the Xeneplex, it's going to dump. It's going to release that bile. Or if you eat a bunch of fats, it'll release that toxic bowel complex and down the drain it goes. But if we don't have something to catch it, then you're just going to re-absorb that in that intestine and it goes where when it comes through your intestine? That's where your nutrients flow. It goes right into your blood. If you don't have something to catch it, you cause that retoxification and inflammation. That's why I got a little bit of a headache, Dr. Pompa. I was detoxing. I didn't catch it all, but I caught a lot of it. Some of that re-circulation caused some inflammation and a little bit of a headache.

Dr. Pompa:
That's why you get the sauna going, you open up that pathway. You keep the liver moving so it doesn't back up there. You can see there's a lot of pitfalls. But it starts at the cell, and obviously we want to move it out of the body.

My grandfather's tractor, that's where it starts.

Dr. Pompa:
Here's the thing; when you're dealing with things like heavy metals, Warren, they're so heavy; hence the word. Your body's detox pathways just can't handle them. That's why we have to utilize that system with a true chelator when you're dealing with heavy metals. You're not going to grab those with your body's detox pathways. That's why we use it with this hydrolyzed DMSA, something that really binds to the metals. If you try to do that, this system, and detox metals, infrared saunas without a true chelator, you're going to be in trouble. You have to utilize the true chelators. You have to know how to take them.

There's an article. Of course, I'll send it to everyone there right now if you're getting excited about detoxing metals. It's called “When a Detox Is Dangerous.” Read it; there's three parts (Part one, part two and part three). Use true chelators within that system and how to do it right. Lot of pitfalls, be very careful. But that system, True Cellular Detox, is the magic.

And so for our listeners that've been waiting for that free ebook web address, I'm going to give that, but also if you go to DrPompa.com and type in the search engine—when Dr. Pompa says an article, “When Detox Is Dangerous,” go to DrPompa.com and then there's a search bar, and you type in, “When Detox Is Dangerous,” or you can go articles, and it'll—there's a drop-down there, right, Dr. Pompa, where they can go and look at all our articles? But if you just want to search them, that's the way to do it.

I'm actually going to use this tool, Dr. Pompa, to put in the picture of—you'll be able to see it here in a second. Just hang with me here, but I'm going to put up the sample text of the website here in a second. But the name of the website, for those listening, is freedietebook.com. That's an easy one to remember. It's a great URL. Glad we got it. Free Diet eBook. Did I say book? Sorry, freedietebook.com, and I'll put it up here in the text here in a minute for everyone to see it, as well, for those watching live and the replay.

Dr. Pompa:
Above your head, it says, “Imple Text.”

I'm going to get rid of that. Now I'm going to put in—

Dr. Pompa:
Ah, there it is, sample text. Imple text is still floating, though.

Watch this. There, freedietebook.com. I got stuff hanging all over my head right now. It's probably following me. Yeah, there it is.

Dr. Pompa:
You better be careful right there. Isn't it great how technology works?

freedietebook.com, right over my eyes there. There you go. There it is.

Dr. Pompa:
Frankie Vaughn said there's two things that—there it is.

I'm going to trash that. There we go; no more problems.

Dr. Pompa:
Anyways, Frankie Vaughn said last night there's two things that he just can't understand and freaked him out. It's the birth of a human and how we can send things via the internet. I was like, “Ah, I agree with all that.” I look at how you have these things floating around your head, going, “How does this happen?”

I love Google Hangouts. You can do fun things and make people laugh and make people laugh. Frankie Vaughn, this one's for you; ‘freedietebook' floating over my head, probably confuse you.

Dr. Pompa:
I saw another—Dino Simco, and that's who introduced me to Frankie, and I haven't seen this guy in 30 years, all the way back in high school. It was quite a trip.

He looked like he was straight out of Vegas, man. I saw a picture on Facebook.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it's funny, very funny. But anyways, it was good to see them. We better wrap this show up. It's getting more noisy in this lobby.

I appreciate you taking the time, and it was valuable, valuable training, once again. I mean, it's simple. The 5R's are the road map, Dr. Pompa. We hit on them. We talk about them a lot in different ways, using different strategies within the 5R's to give people's lives back and to take real solutions to the world. So tell the Frankie Vaughns out there thank you for watching and listening to this podcast. If you haven't, find us on iTunes. Type in Cellular Healing TV and subscribe, give us a good rating so that we can get this message out there more. We want to be the top of the list.

And also Frankie Vaughn, to flip you out, I'm having a home birth, buddy, and I'm going to deliver that baby; at least, that's my heart, if my wife'll allow me to. But we're excited, Frankie Vaughn, to do a home birth, and I hope it freaks you out.

Dr. Pompa:
He'll send the pictures out via the internet.

And then I'll send them out to the internet so that it can really mess with you. So thanks again, everyone. Have a great rest of your Friday, and have an amazing, healthy, and incredible weekend. God bless. Take care, guys. Thanks, Dr. P.