59: Detox Myths

Transcript of Episode 59: Detox Myths

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Welcome, everyone. David showed up right on time. Warren Philips here. Cellular Healing TV, episode, I believe, 59, looking down on the right hand screen. Welcome to the show, guys. Wonderful, wonderful topic last week. I wasn't here for it, but I heard great feedback. One of those things were questions about the myths about true cellular detoxification.

Dr. Pompa shared, last week, the five things that he does every day to anti age, to have more energy. One of those was true cellular detoxification. We got the great feedback from you guys about—well, they're actually asking question like, “What is a colon cleanse?” What we talked about is still happening. We need to clarify those myths, because detoxification, as you know, and some of the articles you've read on our website, detox can be very dangerous.

We were just at a seminar with 2,500 health experts. We got to hear people like Alex Jones speak from stages and some other—Jeffrey Hayes. Some really on point health experts. Even some of the things we've interacted with—and I talked to probably at least 100 doctors, Dr. Pompa, when I was there. They really don't understand, even natural health practitioners, what is true cellular detox? What is true detoxification? No wonder even our listening audience, which I feel is very educated, may understand and have some of those misunderstandings about what detoxification is. Let's tackle some of those things today. I'm actually doing a detox right now, so I can even share what I'm doing, Dr. Pompa and David.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt about it, people don't understand detox. I would say the majority of people—if you ask, was there were 4,000 doctors in the room. I don't know that, unless they watched our shows, what real detox is. If you ask most of them, they would absolutely refer to some type of colon cleanse or some type of herbal thing, right? “Oh, I've done a cleanse.” That's what everyone's saying. Of course, they're drinking their mixed up little shake, or whatever it is that they—

That they got from one of the sales reps from a supplement company.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, Whole Foods, and it's the ten-day cleanse, it's this cleanse. Whatever it is, that's what typically they're doing. It's the standard stuff. It's milk thistle, dandelion root. Then all the poopers, is what I call them; the things that make you go. That's a cleanse, to people.

One thing, Warren, that I find myself saying over and over and over again is look, you can do all of that—and some of it's not even that bad. It could open up detox pathways, but it's not true cell detox. We say true cellular detox. What do I mean by that? I think there's still confusion. Look, every day, every cell in your body makes energy. Would everyone agree with that? We'd be dead. Makes something called ATP.

Think of it this way, folks. Every time you make energy, I don't care if it's in your cell or in your fireplace, there's a smoke, there's a waste, there's a byproduct of that energy. When your cells make energy, that byproduct has to be dealt with. God knew what he was doing. The cells have all these different pathways to deal with that lethal toxin. The problem is this, is that these pathways are stressed and strained. Everyone's downstream, dealing with colon cleanses, this and that, but what about the cell? Every day you're making energy, you're retoxifying if the cell doesn't have the ability to remove that waste that is created by the energy.

The example is you're burning a fire in your home without the damper open. That's what's happening when you're—look at the 5R's. We talk about, of course, removing the source, which that's multiple things there in your life or even in and around the cell, which we're going to talk about. R2 is regenerating the cell membrane. When that membrane is not fluid, meaning it can't get the good stuff in the bad stuff out, that's a toxic cell. That's a major problem. That membrane is the lifeblood of the cell. It even turns the good genes on and the bad ones off. That membrane is critical. That's why it's R2. You can't fix a sick person without fixing the membrane. You can't fix a hormone problem without dealing with that. That's the point, isn't it? We can't do anything. We can't fix thyroid. We can't fix diabetes. We can't do anything. The body has the ability to do it, but what we have to do is fix the membrane. That's what we're responsible for. The body does the rest.

It's interesting, Dr. Pompa, with you talking about this, I happened to be out at dinner the other night. Someone who's actually a friend of mine in their 40's was talking about, they've had some health challenges. She was describing what it was, and there happened to be a healthcare practitioner at the dinner table. I started asking root cause type questions, to understand. It's funny, I got cut off because I wasn't a practitioner, saying, “That's adrenal fatigue, and this is what you need to do.” It's not my position. I'm there asking questions as a friend, and I wasn't going to get—although I will have a side conversation.

One of the things that I—you talk about cleanses, and you talk about—still, the challenge that most people do, they take herbs, and they take—just like doctors prescribe medication, most people just go to the supplement store and start, oh, the herb's going to help me here, without thinking about the real root cause and getting to that cellular detox.

Dr. Pompa:
David, you're right. That article that went out last week, it was about sleep and anxiety. What a response to an article. Why? Most of America's out there having anxiety problems and sleep problems. What have they done? They have done everything you just said, David. They've most likely probably started with meds. Then, when they got worse from that eventually—of course it works in the beginning, then they move to natural things, and they move to their natural doctor and they started that route. They're still sick.

I gave away, in the article, to help, but I couldn't have made the point more strong that look, it's all crutches until you get upstream. That's a brain issue. That's a toxic brain, and we'll talk about that on the show. That's really, I think, the majority of the problem, is when you get up, and how do you actually detox a brain? If we remove the interference, the body can do the healing, not the doctor. That's what we have to do at the cell. The membrane, as we go through the 5R's very quickly, is critical to detoxing the cell.

R3, cellular energy. Restoring cellular energy, what does that have to do with detox, Dr. Pompa? Everything, because without energy, you can't do anything in the cell. You can't up regulate the detox pathways that that cell has in place to get rid of the smoke from the fire burning in your house. You can't do anything. You can't open and close these little things in the cell membrane that function on a constant basis that lets this stuff in and out. Energy is key to the cell. You have to restore it. Otherwise, detox becomes impossible. R4 is, if you don't reduce the inflammation and the oxidative stress—come on, that's what's creating the membrane to shut down. Remember, all these 5R's work interchangeably. That inflammation in itself is like glue in your carburetor or your carburetor being all junked up. It's just not going to let anything work.

Of course, re-establishing methylation. Methylation is a pathway that so many people have messed up. Of course, the MTHFR thing is very popular right now.

It's huge. I don't even get it.

Dr. Pompa:
We could do a whole show on that. Someone write it down, because I've got a lot of pet peeves here. There's a lot of 180° myths.

A lot of fear, too. I talked to a lady on the phone the other day—I couldn't help myself Dr. Pompa. She was on the line. She's from another country, and she's talking to Erin. Usually Meredith handles that, as our nutrition expert at the office. I overheard some things and I'm like, “Give me the phone. Give me the phone. I'm going to talk to this lady.” I know, you get mad at me, but she needed help, and I had to go right in.

Dr. Pompa:
No, it's true. People say, “I have the MTHFR Double Genome homozygous gene.” It's like, “Yeah, so what? You and how many others that aren't sick? Give me a break, already. We got all excited because we understand these SNPs, but we have no clue of the complexity.

I set her straight.

Dr. Pompa:
What's that?

I said, I set her straight. I gave her some good advice. It was good. Guess what? Not one of our myths, but what she was doing from her medical doctor, natural health medical doctor, 250 mg of DMSA every three days, and she's massively still sick.

Dr. Pompa:
We'll get to that point, because that's a horrific thing. People take these true chelators sporadically like that, or once a day, twice a day. Recipe for disaster. Finishing that up, the methylation pathway—as methylation drops due to stressors, physical, chemical, emotional—read our R5 article or any of these article, R1 through R5. What happens is pathways drop, which is the first defense against toxins, inflammation. You see, it's the 5R's that have cellular detox and healing, meaning you can't do well until you fix the cell. You can't detox until you fix the cell. That true cellular detox is based around the 5R's.

Now, let's talk a little bit about R1. R1 is removing the source. I guess I'll make this point right off the bat, and we can leave it on go on to where people's interest lies. If you have silver fillings in your mouth, if you're living in a moldy home, if you're utilizing soap that has triclosan, all the creams that are loading you up daily, stop. You have to minimize that incoming source to the stream. Those are factories upstream, just dumping toxins into the stream. It's very difficult to get fish to live downstream. Everyone's taking their probiotics and their fish oil an doing their thing down here, and then they're every once in awhile doing a colon cleanse. “Oh, I'm starting my year with a cleanse.” Oh my god, it's like throwing a cup of water on a forest fire. When really, they need to stop what's coming into the stream and then do true cellular detox.

Okay, so we know we need to deal with these massive toxins. If you know you have several fillings in, do something about it.

By the way, let's just say, there is a process now. You can't just take out your silver fillings, because sometimes the dumping then, of the heavy metals, causes more problems if they don't do it right.

Dr. Pompa:
That's right. It takes at least a month to eight weeks of prep work before we just go—then you have to go to the right dentist before you start drilling into those fillings. Then, four days after the last one comes out, you have to start the right, the correct, detox. Otherwise, you will get more sick, because they're out, and the body starts mobilizing metals and heavy metals.

Yeah, so when we're dealing with removing the source now from the body, I just explained that you have to fix the cell. You have to prepare these downstream detox pathways, the liver, the kidneys, the gut. This is critical as well. The cell, prepare, the downstream detox, prepare, Now we're ready to go. I'll throw this out there, and then let's talk about—because I know that people want to hear about these different types of cleanses and where they would fit in.

We get this prep work prepared first, getting the cell function up, getting these downstream detox pathways up. Now, we're ready to go. Okay, so we're already into this a month or two. This wasn't a ten-day cleanse. This wasn't the colon cleanse. We've just now got things ready to start going here. Now, we can start pushing up glutathione levels in the cell, stronger and harder. Now, we can start utilizing specific detox agents for what we think the person really has bioaccumulated. Let's talk about some of these big ones that shut down detox pathways.

Look, we're all exposed to PCBs. We're all exposed to plastics and phthalates and—what other toxins are people familiar with out there? The list goes—

Glyphosate. That's all over the news.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. Now, here's the thing. Our body have pathways at the cell and downstream to get rid of these things. What happens? Why do some people shut down, and now we start accumulating all the toxins? The BPA from our makeup, our cream, and now we become this toxic, hormonal nightmare? Things like heavy metals do stockpile in the body, in particular, in the brain. Eventually, the detox pathways shut down, and now we start accumulating all the toxins we're exposed to on a daily basis. Folks, there's too many to count. You live in a moldy home or work in a moldy building. We could talk about stories about patients, people we know and love, who have gotten very, very sick. They already had this stress of silver fillings putting mercury in to their brain day in, day out. Vaccinations, all these—heavy metals from that, from aluminum to mercury that's still in the vaccinations.

Then, we have this perfect storm. We get that last stressor. Detox pathways shut down. Now, we are starting bioaccumulate things. Mold is a massive one. The Bible, Leviticus 14, talks about it. It's that dangerous. It's what I call one of the big boys. It can shut everything down, and now you're accumulating everything. Lyme disease, some of these infections, these are big boys. Heavy metals, mold, Lyme, and other infections are big boys that can shut off these detox pathways. Now we start accumulating all the small guys. Stressors can shut down the cell function. Now, all of a sudden, the cell starts getting toxic, and we start turning on hypothyroid genes. We start turning on Hashimoto's, autoimmune, diabetes. We start turning on those genes, and we think that we just got those conditions because our parents id. No, your cell became toxic and the genes turned on. That's how we get sick, but that's also how we get well.

That's a sign.

Dr. Pompa:
Right. Again, when we look at a colon cleanse, where does that fit in? Can it be helpful? Absolutely. It can get things moving out of the colon, but it's doing nothing for what's up here at the cell. Doing nothing for really what's in the liver. It's doing nothing for the silver fillings in your house or the moldy home you're living in.

Yeah, it's one of the questions we got, on of our five top questions, is colonic a detox? Is that a detox? Can I do that colonic once a month and lose weight? That's the basic thing. They're not talking about the cell membrane at all. They're not talking about eating healthy fats. They don't understand that that's true detoxification.

They're thinking, “Warren, I'm sick. I need to detox.” What do I do? Colon cleanse is one of them. The liposomal glutathione, which glutathione is pretty hot in the supplement world, still. The Chlorella Detox. Obviously, the footbath keeps in that top five of questions we get, and sweating. Just a far infrared sauna, which does have some benefit. Those are some of the—and here's the really sad part, Dr. Pompa, that we here. Quote me on the show here. Actually, you don't need to click on me all the time, but sometimes, I leave it on me and I'm actually talking. I don't have it for the voice-activated. I actually click and see what speaker's on. I do have my Easter pink shirt on, so I'd like to show that off today. If my daughter comes here in the next few minutes, I'm watching here, so just warn you. Her TV show that I don't let her watch is on right now. She got a special treat, because Daddy was doing Cellular Healing TV, teaching people how to be healthy.

Here's the really sad reality. Folks don't understand that what Dr. Pompa said: It's the upstream side of toxins coming into their body. I can't believe it. I hate to say it, most natural health practitioners, I would say 50% to 75%—I told you, you may come in. You can come say, “Hi!” Be really quiet. Come here.

What they believe is I can just detox and I'll get feeling better. They don't mention, not once, about changing what they eat, changing the stuff they're putting on their skin, so many different things. They're just not talking about it. They're just like, I'll take—say the new product, Dr. Pompa, CytoDetox Drops, and I'll live my life the same. I'll just live it the same way, and I'll use detoxification as a crutch.

Not to make fun of Catholics. I am one. I was raised Catholic. It's like, I'll go out there and sin as much as I want, and then I'll go to the—faith doesn't really believe that, but that's what some people in that faith believe, is I'll go and repent and everything will be okay. That's where we're landing right now with detoxification with folks out there.

That's right. Hi, Tula.

Hi. Now we have to be quiet and listen to Dr. Pompa teach people how to get healthy, okay?

Dr. Pompa:
Alright, here's what I'm going to do.


Dr. Pompa:
I have drawn this more times than I can count. If you're sick of it, that means you're not doing it. Okay, so alright. This is your cell. This is what you have to fix to get well. I like that. This is your brain on drugs, right? Actually, this is your brain, over here. Trust me, it's on worse things than drugs. It's on all kinds of toxins.

Okay, so this—can you see that well, guys? Can you see?


Dr. Pompa:
Great. Here's your liver. Here's your gut. Here's your kidneys. This time, I actually labeled it, so you didn't have to rely on my amazing drawings. I'm sure we could probably do a better job, but this is what you have. Okay, the 5R's, folks, applies up here. This is all your cellular function. I said that if this membrane is interfering, which is R2 and R5, you can't get the good things in, and you can't the bad things out. The toxins build up, start turning on the DNA, your bad genes, and your good stuff gets turned off. This is where the magic lies. 5R's. True cellular detox healing key, right here.

Let's say that we start to get this thing functioning well. Then we start to take something like GCEL, so this is where GCEL would—and that's a product that years of creating up regulates intracellular glutathione. Warren mentioned glutathione, that' something that you would take. IV, Warren? We inject a lot of glutathione in our body in our day, right?

The glutathione doesn't get into the cell when you inject it. It doesn't get in the brain, but it's helpful, often times, because it does help with some of this outer information. It's temporary. We need to raise intra, in the cell, glutathione. That's what GCEL does. Let's say we start up regulating that. We start up regulation methylation pathways. We start improving this membrane. Now, the cell starts to detox, and toxins start making their way to what? The liver and the kidneys. Mostly to the liver, but that is a detox pathway. Skin, I'm going to put skin over here. I don't know how to draw that, but skin is over here also.

From the cell, we get all this movement out of the body, right?

Is that why people like me stink when I detox, at times?

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. That's why people get different rashes and things. Certain things move out through the skin. This is where an infrared sauna would help, right? Somewhere in here, too, is lymph. I don't know if you know this, folks, but your lymph is a pathway that, right underneath your skin, helps things clean the blood and move out of the body.

It ultimately dumps some thick toxins in the gut, etc. We'll talk about that in a minute, okay? These are the pathways that we want. Things like infrared saunas will help the skin, the lymph, and that will help that. Some people are trying to detox heavy metals, and they're not really considering what's going on here or, we're going to get to the brain, what's going on up here. It's a down stream thing that can assist heavy metals and other toxins to come out of these detox pathways, but in and of itself, it's not true cellular detox. I think you're getting the point.

Okay, now let's deal with the liver. As we improve the cell, most of the toxins go there to the liver. People do coffee enemas. People do a lot of liver cleanses. You can see them on the store at Whole Foods. Again, that's dealing only here. It's not dealing here. Once again, not true cellular, and it's not dealing down here.

Once we get toxins moving out of the liver, most of those make their way to the gut. This is where your colon cleanse would come in. If you're at home, right, colon cleanse, if you want to know where that is. That's where your colon cleanse would come in, or your colonic. Great, we empty out the gut, but that's not dealing with this being toxic. That's not dealing with this being toxic. The key is what puts it all together. I'm going to say one more thing. The most important thing, and I talked about the anxiety and sleep article last week, the brain. This is where all of the toxins that really create the hormonal imbalances, the sleep problems, the fatigue, the hormones, the brain fog, this is where, ultimately, you have to clear. We don't go after this, the toxins here, until we get this going, until we get this stabilized. It takes a few months, three or four months, to clear out this and get this moving.

Then we start brain detox. That's where the magic is. That's where we have to utilize things that cross into the brain. Fat solubles. The new CytoDetox drops, Warren. They cross the blood-brain barrier. That's important.

They support the brain, man.

Dr. Pompa:
Once we go after this, then we start moving them to the liver. Then you can do things that dump the liver. Then maybe a coffee enema's going to help the liver, or some products like L, Ls. Then we move it to the gut. By the way, that's where BIND—part of the Intracellular Detox System is BIND—my pen stopped writing. BIND helps grab it in the gut as a catcher's mitt and remove it out of the body so you don't auto intoxicate it back to your liver. That's called autointoxication, where you take it from the gut, move it back to your liver, and then it ends up circulating back into here and ends up back in your brain, worse yet.

The toxins that were down here, in your liver and through your body, end up auto intoxicating, get sent back into circulation, and end up crossing back into your brain. You end up worse. This is true cellular detox. I think that we have many tools that we utilize there. Far infrared sauna, great tool. Lymph brushing, great tool. Colonic could be a great tool.

What's a lymph brush?

Dr. Pompa:
A lymph brush is, you just do this—online, if you google lymph brushing, it's a way to keep your lymphatics draining. Rebounding—very lightly keeps lymph draining. They have different things to help lymph. Again, it's just keeping a pathway open. Sitting in a sauna keeps that pathway open while we're moving those toxins from the cell and out of the body. More importantly, from these cells. That's where we use specific detox agents.

Now, listen. If we feel that one of the big boys, like mold, is upon you, then, of course, we have a specific detox system for that. Removing a biotoxin is different than how we remove a heavy metal. We've used many tools in this area, but one of the new ones that everyone's talking about is the new CytoDetox drops. We were calling them detox drops before, just in general, but cyto means cell. These cross not only the gut and get into the body, but they actually get into the cell. Very key. Now we're actually using something—and Warren, I'll let you draw a little picture of how this stuff works.

Then it also crosses the brain and gets rid of the toxins here. It has to be used within that system. You see what I'm saying? It's not as simple as just taking this one thing. We have a system which is true cellular detox. Warren, that's how we got our life back.

It is.

Dr. Pompa:
That's how thousands of people got their lives back. This system doesn't cure anything. It removes the interference. The body does the healing.

The body, it's nuts what the—be careful, sweet pea, don't fall down. The body's absolutely incredible. The more you look into it, with energy and the sensitivities to, say, EMS, and just the frequency stuff—all the energy stuff, I used to boohoo almost. It is so complex. You're getting into quantum physics when it comes about the body.

There's a study that I've read in this new book called, “The Healing Code,” Dr. Pompa, that the famous dentist that was on Oprah gave to me. Shoot. Go see mommy. Go say hi. Tell her I said hi. I know you want to be on TV, yep. It's called “The Healing Code,” but essentially, the different stressors is what causes all disease. He had a wife that was depressed, and there's this “Healing Code.” I'm not into the exact thing, but it comes down to stress. What he found, it might even be part of Bruce Lipton's work, is that if you took cells out of your body and stressed somebody, those cells would respond in the next room. They tested it up to 50 miles away, that when you get a stressor in your life, your cells, somehow, that are from your body, actually—

From your body.

Yeah, from your body. Go see mommy. This is so complex, and we think that we're going to fix this without making major changes and doing things and supporting the body where it needs to be supported. When we take these products, there's no magic pill. It's supporting the very system that God created to heal the body. When you take CytoDetox drops, it's a natural detoxifier, zeolite, that is able to go into the cell and support the body's natural ability to remove toxins. It's that simple. The product isn't the magic. It's how the body utilizes the product to support what God has already created—even in this book, it said it—in his image, in his likeness. It's incredible. That's where we need to head, and I think we need to do a whole show on that, Dr. Pompa, coming up, because I know that we're short on time here. We only have a couple minutes left in the show. Super excited about getting these new tools in people's hands.

The FDA, and hey, I'm not going to bash the FDA. I'm done bashing things. We're about educating on truth. Studies, research—when we talk about vaccines, this isn't our opinion, it's truth. When we talk about heavy metals turning bad genes on, and when we talk about methylation turning bad genes off, that's in the literature. Those are Harvard studies. These aren't studies done by pharmaceutical companies, so the things that we share with you is just truth. The truth is that one of our best tools that you're able to utilize, a true detoxification agent which essentially is a crab that grabs onto heavy metals in your body, DMSA, is being shut down. One of our last sources of it that we're able to get approved as a supplement is no longer available. We thank god that we have other support protocols that we're able to use, like GCEL and BIND and the new CytoDetox product. We thank god that we prayed for that. Dr. Pompa did, really, because he's the one that really, really works with these really sick patients and needs these tools. I'm just here to facilitate.

Dr. Pompa:
Years ago, we were brought zeolite, liquid zeolite. We tested it, and it really didn't do anything. It bound in the gut, it did. That's why people actually said man, I love this product. It is. Zeolite has been used for hundreds and hundreds of years in the environment. We can bind anything with this stuff in the environment. The molecule is too big to cross even the gut, so that liquid—they said, “Oh, we've got it.” This one crosses them in and gets into the cell. It didn't. It was a year ago that we started working with a clinoptilolite molecule, which is a zeolite model. Not only did he get it to cross the gut. It works, this thing works.

Again, it works more natural with your body and its detox pathways. That's right. Matter of a fact, it indirectly raises up the body's own detoxification pathways, so it's pretty cool how it works. The bottom line is this. You have to use it within the system. That's what we're trying to get people to understand, is it's not so simple as taking a footbath.

Another myth, Warren, that is a pet peeve of mine—you're going to remove heavy metals in two or three months. Look, it took 20, 30 years before people get sick from the metals that they accumulated to the time they were in utero, getting mom's metals from her silver fillings, the lead from her bones, and all of her exposures. Years of vaccinations. Years of accumulating them, because the detox pathways are slowly shutting down.

Then now, all of a sudden, you go in to your practitioner, and they give you cilantra or they give you Chlorella. Those are on the detox myths, by the way, because they don't do much at all. If anything, I would say cilantra has the ability to make things much, much worse—

I talked to a doctor about that. He's like, I'm doing cilantra, and he's like, “Yeah, did make me sick. I quit doing that.” He was saying that's a true due classification name.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, chlorella's a good super food, maybe good for other things, but you don't have to remove heavy metals. It's not this heavy metal magic, so save the market. These things really aren't getting the metals out of the body. Nor was zeolite back then. It's only because it was hydrolized, and now it can cross in. It's a myth that you're going to get these heavy metals, that are bioaccumulated over years, out of the body in a few months. We teach our doctors to teach people this true cellular process, how to clear the body and then how to go after it here. This is what got our life back. When I got the heavy metals out of my pituitary, let me raise this tissue back up—you can look in the center of that brain. See that right there? That's the pituitary gland that controls your thyroid that controls your adrenals.

Everyone's down here trying to treat, and that was David's point, the adrenals and the thyroid, and really, the problem is oftentimes up here in the pituitary hypothalamus that controls them. That's the control tower, and it's loaded up with heavy metals because you've had silver fillings in your mouth for years, and all the vaccinations. That has ethyl mercury that crosses in and aluminum that crosses in, and that's where it ends up, according to studies. Instead of trying to fix your downstream hormone issue, you've got to fix this. It takes us a while to get to there, and then we go after it.

That was another myth. Warren, what are some of the other myths that we have that were sent in?

We did the sweating. The liposomal glutathione. You addressed that already, Dr. Pompa, when you were talking about raising glutathione itself, but I think a myth there, as well—because I talked to someone about that. I'm doing liposomal glutathione every day. I'm doing IV glutathione. Very popular. We did it. We took the liposomal stuff, and we realized that as we did more research, that there's some flaws with overusing a liposomal glutathione, and there's some flaws with doing IV glutathione. I'd like you to share on those myths, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
The liposomal, there are some studies that some of it gets across the gut better. They surround it by a little fat molecule, and that's what it is. It gets across the gut, great, but it doesn't get into the cell still and it doesn't get into the brain still. An IV, forget about the liposomal when you go straight into the brain with the glutathione. It still doesn't get into the brain. It still doesn't get into the brain. It's limited in its usage. Also, utilizing—people up regulate glutathione. If we use GCEL without BIND, especially in the beginning, we would create a lot of autointoxication. We have to use, really, these detox agents that are real. Then we have to use them within this system of true cellar detox.

One of the other major things wrong that you've shared with me in the past, Dr. Pompa, is if we're operating and regulating all this glutathione in the body and giving the body and giving the body all this glutathione, what happens when that glutathione gets utilized in the body? What's the byproducts and the pathways that it's stressing out because you're not supporting other—there's like, four different pathways?

Methylation, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That's true. R5 is re-establishing methylation, because glutathione and methylation run parallel. It's very difficult to do one without the other.

You're driving glutathione all day and you're depleting your methylation, or, aren't we oxidizing the glutathione and creating oxidized glutathione toxicity?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, because when glutathione is used, let's just call it—instead of oxidized, let's say it's used, it has to be brought back to a usable form, which is a reduced form. That process alone needs supported. Otherwise, you require the cell to keep making glutathione or you can help re-establish it into a usable form again. GCEL really addresses that. Again, using GCEL, if you have heavy metal issues—without a detoxification agent that grabs heavy metals, glutathione doesn't do a great job of removing heavy metals from the body. They're simply too heavy. They're too hard. It does better at other types of toxins.

Again, then you deal with what's happening in the liver. It has to be addressed, and what's happening in the gut. It has to be brought out of the body and not re-absorbed, and most people have leaky gut, which complicates it even further. True detox—most people listening to this, you need a practitioner. Warren, that's why, and David now, that's why we've committed part of our life to educating doctors around the country with this concept. It's not about the next thyroid adrenal product, whether it's natural or medication. Removing the interference, the body has the ability to heal, but that's what this whole process that we just explained really is. They myths in detox are great, from Chlorella to cilantra, just heavy metals in general, colon cleanses, glutathione. Go down the list. Far infrared saunas, that they're just going to remove heavy metals from the cell, the brain. No. It opens up a pathway.

We're hitting a lot of myths within this topic. Did we miss any? I probably missed a few.

We need to wrap it up. I want to make one comment and you can close the show, is there's a rising need out there, within the world. They want to know the truth. I'm talking to a producer today, Dr. Pompa, that you introduced me to, about doing a show with you. His heart is this. There's locally, nationally, within MLMs, multi-level marketing companies, they're pushing detoxification hard. I would say not on purpose, and I wouldn't even say pharmaceutical companies are doing it on purpose. At least most of them. They really believe that they're helping people. At least the salesmen are.

I think many of these TV show hosts and infomercials, I think they believe they're helping people, at least somewhat, but what they're really offering them isn't truth. They're offering them the quick fix detox. I know them out there. I don't want to list them. I don't want to name bash, but they're out there, and they're not bringing the truth.

What this producer wants is look, people are hungry now. They've done all this big cleanse craze. They've done the big detox craze, and they're still sick. Maybe a colon cleanse, 15 years ago, 20 years ago, Dr. Pompa, got some major benefit. Weight loss, because they were impacted, got some stuff moving so the lymphatic would start draining again. Maybe that was working back then, but it's not working today. People are getting sicker and sicker. The infomercials, the multi-level marketing companies that are pushing these detoxification products and pushing products, much like a pharmaceutical company pushes drugs through TV and giving you that great lifestyle, and then can literally get you so emotionally bought in you don't really all of the side effects, that's happening in the natural health world.

What we want to tell you is that it's hard, it takes work, and it takes education. This producer wants to bring that truth to the world, because it is now becoming more acceptable that these things aren't working. Dr. Pompa, that was something I wanted to share with the viewers. You can wrap up the show.

Dr. Pompa:
One of the five things that I do every day—all the time, I should say, consistently, that helps me function at 50 years old and abundant health, live healthy longer, was these periodic cleanses that we do. I just finished one up yesterday, Warren. You're on one now.

I am. I'm still asking you—here's the funny part. I hang out with natural health practitioners. I just talked to 2,000 of them over the weekend. Actually, a couple hundred out of the 2,000 that were in the room. I still forget how to do it. That's why, when we remind you of these things, I'm forgetting. I'm like, “Dan, do I take the carbon first and then the Glytamins and Xeneplex , or is it the opposite? Is that carbon going to bind up with the electrolytes? He's like, yeah, so I still forget. That's why you need a practitioner.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt. Like I said, I just got off. I did five days of just cleansing. I used the CytoDetox drops with GCEL, BIND. I did basically what I was teaching you to do, everything. I do it periodically. Why? We can't avoid it all, folks. We live in a very toxic environment, from the foods that we eat, from the air that we breathe and the things we put on our body. I do a great job, and so do you and David, of keeping these things out of our life. Regardless, we're exposed to it. True cellular detox was one of the five things that I do, and it is absolutely how we anti-age fully.

I just want to go over what I'm doing to see if I'm doing it right. I almost made a mistake, so let's just tell the audience what I'm doing, and you can tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I'm doing right. I'm on DMSA right now. I've been doing DMSA, for the viewers, probably for the last eight years.

Dr. Pompa:
How often are you taking it?

I'm taking it every four hours. I did miss last night, on the second day, and because I've been chelating or using DMSA for a long time, probably not going to mess me up too much. That was a big no-no. I fell asleep without taking my DMSA last night. I woke up at 5:00 am, took my 5:00 am dose, but I missed my 1:00 am dose. I had an eight-hour window where I didn't take DMSA. That's bad, especially when you're first starting, because you can circulate metals. With me, since my body burns pretty low, I'm more going after the brain phase at this part, which Dr. Pompa talked about. I'm in the brain phase of my DMSA cycling, so I'm adding lipoic acid and DMSA and I'm taking it every four hours.

Dr. Pompa:
Alpha lipoic acid‘s fat soluble, so it crosses into the brain, but it has to be taken every four hours, because it's in and out of the body too quickly, and metal can re-circulate.

I just did some testing, and it showed that I still have hypothalamus pituitary issues, which is affecting my sleep, my hormone levels. I'm still working through this stuff. I am a healthy person in progress. You could say look at me. It's like, “Warren, you've got muscle, your shoulders. You look healthy.” Uh-uh. I'm a 58-year-old. I have a long way to go, and I'm working this with this audience. I'm not saying, “Hey, I got it all. I'm the man. Be like me.” No, I'm saying, “Get in the trenches with us. Let's get our lives back. Let's get healthy, and let's go out there and make a difference.

I'm taking the get the brain phase, the drip it out, the lipoic acid, go up there and grab onto some of the metals. You don't want to take that by itself, because it can cause some damage. You need that DMSA to grab on, so then I'm doing the cellular detox drops. I'm doing ten drops, four times a day right now. Ten in the morning, ten in the afternoon. Ten late afternoon, and ten before bed. The typical dose for that, I guess, is to start 10:00 in the morning, 10:00 at night. Because I'm taking DMSA and lipoic acid, I thought I'd ramp things up a little bit more, support the body a little more in the detoxification area. Zeolites are shown to bind all kinds of different toxins, so I'm just giving my body a chance to help remove some of those other things. I'm jamming that in there as well.

I'm taking some GCEL also, Dr. Pompa, to up regulate glutathione. I'm taking MORS at least an hour from DMSA. Just so you know, I take all this stuff an hour away from DMSA at least. I'm up regulating with some MORS. I'm taking some healthy fats, Dr. Pompa, as well, with my morning coffee. I do MCT oil and the coffee with heavy cream. Then I added in CDO and then I did the—what's that one by Systemic? MPR? Just to add the fats going up.

I'm taking some Gf Thyroid because some show or something you told me in the past, when you take Gf Thyroid, there might be the chance that your body kicks some of that mercury off of my thyroid, so I'm doing that, again, at least an hour away. What else am I doing? I'm going to do the—just like we talked about this morning, prior to the call, I'm going to take four carbon right now.

Dr. Pompa:
That's the BIND.

The BIND, yep. It's just not just carbon, by the way. Not all carbon ones are created equal, and Dr. Shane Hurst did a great job formulating that. A product near and dear to my heart. I'm the one who actually sourced that carbon for them. I'm taking four of those. Then for me, my gut's slow still, so probably for me, 45 minutes later, I will take the Xeneplex and I'm going to add a Glytamins in there, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
What that does, that imitates a coffee enema. That pushes it out of the liver. If we put it up here, why Warren's taking that is he said his gut's slow, but really, his liver's a little slow. That moves it from the liver to the gut, where the BIND sits and grabs it. Warren needs assistance here, just to get that moving. If it stops up in the liver, then we've got a new problem. It starts backing up here. He's pushing it from here, catching it with the catcher's mitt, the BIND, to remove it from the body.

Glytamins works at the level of the gallbladder, if you see that little gallbladder there. That helps push it out of the gallbladder as well. I would add some LS, the LS product from Systemic, just to help that liver, too. That's a sticking point for you. Yeah, that's exactly right, Warren. You're supporting the 5R's. You're supporting the cell. You're supporting the liver, the downstream detox pathways. You're catching it in the gut, supporting that. Yeah, you're doing all those things. You're doing it right. Most importantly, you're going after it with fat soluble, the ALA, taking it correctly. You have DMSA keeping it from recirculating. Of course, with the new CytoDetox drops, that's crossing the brain as well and the cell. You're going after it, and you've got everything supported. You're doing it right, man. There you go. There's our show.

Just so everybody knows, I've been doing this, eating healthy fats, for nine, ten years now. Yeah, ten years, I've been eating a healthy diet and doing the 5R's of cellular healing detox, taking the MORS and all those other products. Right now, I'm really just focusing on a detox phase. Just to let you know, don't just jump into this detox. Do what Dr. Pompa said for three months. Really support—

Dr. Pompa:
How many days will you do that cycle that you just described?

I'm going to do it just four days. I believe that that's about all my body can handle. Some people can push it onto seven, a really healthy person. Again, I'm on this journey with you guys, so four's about all I can do.

Dr. Pompa:
Here's another little tip. Stay on the CytoDetox drops just a couple days after at a lower dose, maybe ten drops twice a day, and just clear out a little bit. I've learned that with clients. You can stay on those just a few days more at a lower dose, and just clear out. Then, the key is taking a week, ten days, two weeks off and doing it. I say do that twice a month, if you're in the heart of it. Do it once a month, if you're further downstream. Detox always has to be cycled, just like a woman's cycle. It's a detox cycle. That's what a cycle is, and it's always cycling. Everything in nature and detox is cycle, so we need to emulate that.

Awesome show, guys. We went long, but it was a great topic. It turned into something really powerful for everyone. I appreciate you sticking with us. Had a lot of viewers today. God Bless. Happy Easter. Wear your pink. Be proud. If you're Jewish, Happy Passover, right David?

Chag same'ach.

There you go. There's our Jewish brother. Thanks so much. That's not good. Now he has to have a drink. Alright, blessings, guys. Have a great Easter. We love you.

Dr. Pompa:
