Transcript of Episode 61: Ancient Healing Strategies
With Dr. Daniel Pompa and Warren Phillips.
Alright, we're live. Once again, on Cellular Healing TV, episode 61. I'm Warren Phillips, here as co-host.
Dr. Pompa:
I'm in his space. I'm in his space.
We haven't done a show in a while. I've been busy.
Dr. Pompa:
It's true! Yeah, Warren hasn't been there.
I'm really excited to be back. We're getting great feedback on Phil Kaplan being on the show, co-hosting with Dr. Pompa. Thank you. Phil's going to be on with us more. We're definitely integrating some of his strategies and solutions in with Cellular Healing TV. We want to bring it to the world. Speaking of which, we're on top of the world right now. We're on the 66th floor at the Westin.
Dr. Pompa:
Show them.
We have a training with our doctors, so there's the downtown—well, it's a side of downtown Atlanta. It's over there. We like to show you where we're at when we're training.
Dr. Pompa:
You can see the stadium there or somewhere. Oh, it's blocking it. You could see the stadium.
Anyway, we take you with us wherever we go. We do have an event here where we're training our platinum physicians, so we do have a network of doctors, if you need to be coached, just so you know. You can write us through Go to our website. Now we can hook you up with one of our trained practitioners.
Dr. Pompa:
This topic is actually something I'm always reminding our doctors what we do and why it's so different.
It is different.
Dr. Pompa:
Functional medicine has gotten very popular. Functional medicine. Functional medicine. People always say to me, “What do you do?” There's always this great pause, because I never know quite how to explain it. I end up coming out with, when I'm speaking to other practitioners, “I guess it's functional medicine.” Immediately I say, “Yeah, but it's—” it's just I hate saying that word. You can tell that I'm pausing, because I—
One, it's not medicine, because we're not practicing—and two, it has a bad name. It's the this for that. It's like, here's functional medicine. It's not that well known right now, but it is getting some legs, and it does help people. It's running some blood work—
Dr. Pompa:
Some people use the word “functional nutrition,” which I would say that's a little more appropriate, right? That's not what's more known. Functional medicine is what's caught on. I hate the word, because I feel like we do some things that are so much greater, better. To me, functional medicine is giving people more vitamins and minerals. Homeopathy, whatever it is. Whatever you're doing.
It all has value, but it's not really—
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it all has value. I'm not saying it doesn't.
—our core concept.
Dr. Pompa:
Right, but our core concept obviously does pull back to the cell. This show talks about ancient healing strategies. Now, ancient healing strategies is a part of how we got our lives back.
Yeah, God put this on your heart.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. We had to fix the cell to get well. Ancient healing strategies, things that really work with the body's innate intelligence, the intelligence that God put there, that have been around for thousands of years, that I find very few practitioners actually do. Very few.
My history, actually, in this, obviously starts with our own interest. Even before I got sick, I had a great interest in this type of healing. With the philosophy that hey, if we just remove the interference, the body can do the healing. Our detox, that surrounds what we do at the cellular level. It surrounds, really, everything that God has shown us with that philosophy in healing. A lot of it came back when I had an interest in fasting.
Actually, it started when you were a kid and your mom told you God made dirt and dirt won't hurt. We'll explain why that's important later in the show.
Dr. Pompa:
That's true. I played in dirt. When you just said that, I immediately went back and I started visualizing places where I played in the dirt. Yeah, I could see it there in my backyard. I could see—
There's truth inside of that statement.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt. Actually, ironically enough, this is a little funny story—
I'm getting you off on a trail.
Dr. Pompa:
I like this, though. I don't mind it. I decided to sell dirt. This is a true story. My idea was, let's go around and we'll get all the cans we can. The old coke cans that were in the neighborhood. We had this, what I convinced everybody was really good dirt. Actually, I think it was. It was this really soft, amazing dirt. I thought that this dirt would grow people's vegetables better. I thought we could sell the dirt. Literally I had all of the kids in the neighborhood, we were filling up cans of dirt. We had hundreds. We put them in our little red wagons and hooked them up to our bikes, and we went door-to-door selling dirt.
Of course people bought it, right? They didn't buy it because they thought that they wanted dirt. They bought it because they felt bad for us.
Right, right. Quarter a can.
Dr. Pompa:
I literally thought I was going to go into the dirt business. I'm thinking, if these people bought it, then of course, we can go beyond that. If I'd have known Warren back then, we would've been in the dirt business.
We would've been. It's a good business. It is. We could have sod farms. It'd be all-organic, though
Dr. Pompa:
Fast forward, though. The dirt is healing. We're partly in the dirt business, giving people microorganisms, which is a 180°. The bacteria that was in that dirt, which I didn't know, I should've told them to eat it. If I could've convinced them to eat it, I would've changed lives even then.
Back in the day, Jordan, one of his number one products was soil organisms.
Dr. Pompa:
Dirt, yeah.
It transformed people's guts. Let's get back to your ancient healing strategies. Fasting. Way back, the days of water fasting.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, water fasting. I took an interest in water fasting. I don't recall how I got there, but it is an ancient healing. Animals do it instinctively. I was very into, the body knows what to do. Still am. It's still what I preach and teach. The body does know what to do. I'm always reminding my clients that oftentimes, we just have to step out of the way.
Warren, I have some really difficult clients and cases. You learn in it. Through the years, I've learned that when somebody's body is starting to shut down—and it just so happens I have three cases right now that I'm dealing with this on. They come in droves, where you get the really, really hard ones. I watched something happen in these cases every time. We get to the point that they literally, and this is always hard to believe, but they can't eat one bite food. They definitely can't take a supplement, they can't take medication, and their body reacts. Imagine this.
It'd be scary.
Dr. Pompa:
One of my recent clients who may be watching, he literally went 12 days, because every time he even tried water—he went 3 days without water. He would drink water and he would react. One thing I've learned in this time is to tell the person, “Listen to the body. Don't eat.” The scary part for them is, and it's always the same, is they think they're dying. They think that they're starving to death. Men get down to, typically, 90 to 100 pounds, depending on their bone size, and women get down to 80 pounds. That's typically where I see them level off. People watching this are going, “Oh my gosh, how possible could that be good?”
This is in really, really challenged—
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, but you learn in it. I'll bring the point around to everyone watching. The point is, is the body instinctively knew what to do. That was to fast, to go without food and just drink water. They always say the same thing. “How do I know when to stop?” By the way, when they're in this mode, they actually feel good. It's when they start to add stuff that they really start to react. I say, “You'll know.”
You know what is crazy, is that fasting, water fasting, has been around—it's obviously a spiritual thing, but it's been around thousands and thousands of years. Ancient Chinese. Before Christ, all that fasting. Biblical times. Fasting's so important spiritually and for health reasons, and we just—”God doesn't know. We'll fix it better with a pill.” They throw it out and throw out all the ancient wisdom, and the body knows.
Dr. Pompa:
Listen, animals do it instinctively. When an animal gets hurt or they get sick, they don't eat. They can go days and days and days. I always tell the story about—years ago, I had a client that fasted for over 26—it was almost 27 days. I would say 26 1/2.
She was medically supervising this, by the way, for this particular client.
Dr. Pompa:
You have to watch your electrolytes. Electrolytes are the only thing that have to be monitored. If your sodium potassium levels drop to a certain point, then you have to give electrolytes during the fast. A little bit of salt water, typically, can keep someone going.
People can fast, obviously Biblical, 40 days or more. I've seen 60 some days people fast, for multiple—tumors and things. The body goes through a healing process that's remarkable. This one woman that I spoke of, her tongue, of course, turned white, which we see happen with people on four-day fasts.
Oh, it happens to me on a four-day fast. The fungus coming out.
Dr. Pompa:
Hers went from white to green to black. Black was coming out of her ears. Hairy black. I'm not kidding. Her armpits. Things were just purging. She stunk so bad her family had to quarantine her in her separate room and blow fans, creating negative air pressure in the room. That's how bad. She came out of it healed. That's an amazing thing.
My wife, a lot of you watching this don't know this, but she fasted 13 days on just water. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer. We chose to do that. Of course, she came out of that with no cervical cancer. They said, “You can do what you want, but you're going to need to do this.” Of course, we didn't need to do this.
What a miracle.
Dr. Pompa:
That was before we knew my wife had lead issues. That was before my wife had methylation issues. Read our R5 article. That's that story.
Coincidence, miracle, or did the fasting work?
Dr. Pompa:
That was when I was just learning about fasting. I said, “You've got to fast.” I was reading her all these things about fasting. Anyways, remarkable things happen when people go without food. These clients, they always ask me this question, just like the gal who fasted for 26 days. “How do I know when I should eat again?” I said, “Your body will tell you.” “How?” “You'll get hungry.” “I'm hungry now.” It's like, “No, no, no. There's a difference of appetite, and there's a difference of hunger.” If you smell food and you salivate, that's appetite. Hunger is a deep, deep, deep feeling, and it's very, very different. Your body goes into a protein-sparing mode around three or four days; typically, right around three days.
Then what happens is, that's when the magic starts. Your body will literally, and this is always about survival, will burn out the toxic tissue in your body before it will go after its protein, because it knows it wants to hold onto that little bit of muscle that it needs to stay erect to stay living, its heart, etcetera. It goes into this protein. That's why I like four-day fasts, right? I don't like three days, because you don't enter that healing moment until after that three days. The body does these amazing things during that time, and it will burn out all of this. That's why you see all the black tongues and all this stuff happening.
It's really an amazing thing to watch someone heal during this time. These people, after 12 days, hunger came in, and he started to eat. Magically, he could start to ingest foods and even take supplements. We see this occur, and it's really neat to watch. I've watched it enough that I'm confident when I have to tell somebody to, “Okay, just don't eat.” Of course, you don't go that route at first. It evolves into that.
Plus you said to me, Dan—Dr. Pompa, sorry.
Dr. Pompa:
Dan. Most people, you wouldn't recommend doing this on their own. No, I mean, look, that's why we do, typically, four-day fasts and things like that. Everybody can fast those periods of time. Long periods, you do have to watch the electrolytes, and you should do it with a doctor. We've trained doctors in these types of things around the country for various reasons. This is one of the things we call ancient healing, and it's part of what we do. It's part of how we fix the cell. Utilizing that innate intelligence. Getting out of the way. The body has an amazing, amazing ability to heal. I think water fasting is the extreme example, and we'll talk about some other things that I think most of our viewers will be interested in. It is that extreme.
There's some people who do better, oftentimes, with what we call intermittent fasting, where we bring the calories down between 500 and 800. I think for most people, that's a way to get some benefits out of fasting, where you have this growth hormone rise, protein-sparing mode, without water fasting. I think that water fasts are very appropriate. Like I said, in these cases, the body was telling them don't eat, don't eat. We utilize intermittent fasting, which we get, just to summarize.
There's articles written on intermittent fasting. I talk about block intermittent fasting, when we take someone for four days to fourteen days, bringing their caloric intake down to somewhere between 500 and 800, maximum 1000, in a day. We're doing it with ancient healing again. Beef stock fasts, right? Whey water. Those are two things that have been around for thousands and thousands of years, just like water fasting, where we put people on just beef stock. That actually controls the electrolytes. That's why it's easier. It has minerals. It has things. Beef stock has type 2 collagen. It offers different types of healing. When you do that, you starved out all the bacteria in the gut, good and bad. Then when you come out of that fast, you reinoculate. Now you can fix the dysbiosis.
You start eating dirt then?
Dr. Pompa:
That's when you start eating dirt or bacteria.
Or dirt like products. I think one of them is Prescript-Assist.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. I was going to reach behind me and grab it, but that was in my room. Our rooms look alike.
I think—
Dr. Pompa:
Did you get it? No. Anyways. There is a dirt product that we have called Prescript-Assist. Yeah, then we bring in different bacteria, but also, fermented foods, after this fast. After you starve down all the bacteria after a beef stock fast, then it's important to reinoculate. We come in with these dirt pills, cans of dirt. We come in with different, even regular probiotics, but also, fermented foods, where you get trillions of very unique bacteria.
Right, so whatever's in the soil with the organic cabbage that's out there, you don't wash it. You keep that on there and you ferment that. You grind it up, put in some SueroGold or follow a fermentation strategy. You can buy fermentation kits online, and all those little good bugs that happen to be in the ground are now on your cabbage. Now they grow in your little fermentation
Dr. Pompa:
It's funny, because when I buy organic vegetables, I don't wash them.
Except if, this new company's—it's organic, and they're using some—I don't know what company that was, but there's always the Facebook media. Driscoll organic. Find out yourself. I'm not throwing Driscoll under the bus, because I don't know, but now they're saying—they say.
Dr. Pompa:
They say. Does washing even help it? The things are inside the plant, and what you're washing off, typically, is the good bacteria, which you need.
Fermented strawberries. Oh, that's wine, so we can't do that.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, don't do that. Fermentation brings in these neat bacteria. Again, it's ancient healing.
It preserves the fermentation.
Dr. Pompa:
That's what I was going to say. Refrigeration ended fermentation.
Yeah, that's the issue. We forget where we came from. What we're designed to do. Ancient healing is really eating normal 150 years ago.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I believe that with that, refrigeration's been really nice, but out went fermentation, which we needed to keep products fresh. That's why they fermented it, is because the bacteria that would build up there would keep it from the bad guys. The good guys would explode.
Just like on your hands.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. Good analogy, yeah. All these good guys would build up during fermentation, and then the bad guys wouldn't cause the food to become bad. Warren, that's a great analogy. All the schools and churches that use the antibacterial soaps, you're doing the same thing. You're wiping out your goods and now you're the one that's susceptible. When you're around it and you have all these good microbes you're not killing with antibacterial soaps and antibacterial things, that microbiome protects you. This is your first line of protection. The bacteria here, and of course, the bacteria in here. This is our line of protection.
Actually bacteria—not just bacteria, but fungus and something called bacteriophage which is almost like a bacteria. By the way, sometimes we put in those bacteriophage, which, this is new research. We're developing more and more of these phage. These guys act like a virus. They go into the bad guys, whether it's salmonella, E. coli, or any of these bad guys, and they inject their DNA. They tow off the bad guys. What this does is allows your good guys to take over. These phage can get into biofilm, so people who have nasty, toxic biofilm that seem—they can never get rid of Candida, can never fix their gut—these phage can go in and enter into these bad guys, kill them off enough that the good guys can explode. Phage do not kill the good microorganisms. They kill the bad guys. They're very specific. Their target is bad guys. You should see them. They're like little spiders.
Yeah, little spaceship-looking things, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, little spaceship-looking things under an electronic microscope. These things are amazing. They come in and they attach. They have a probe that goes down in and injects into the pathogen, and it kills it. Now our good guys go—so we've learned so much about the microbiome.
Systemic—Shane created one.
Dr. Pompa:
Ec is the product. Capital Ec. Very specific for E. coli.
TerraFirma has a phage in it, too.
Dr. Pompa:
Yes, it does.
So does AdaptGen.
Dr. Pompa:
Yep, so these guys, we utilize them to go in and wipe out. Now our reinoculation can take over. The point is, it is ancient healing.
It seems complicated, but—
Dr. Pompa:
It's not. It's not.
It's nature.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. We fix the gut. Today, the gut is getting destroyed. We don't ferment things anymore, so we're not getting the good guys.
The good guys that fight the bad guys.
Dr. Pompa:
We're killing the good guys.
With antibiotics.
Dr. Pompa:
Antibiotics. Over antibiotics, over-medication, and over antibacterial everything. The biggest one of all is glyphosate. It's sprayed on everything that our families are eating, unless you're eating 100% organic. Every grain that's conventional and non-organic is sprayed with this stuff. Massive amounts. It's putting holes in the gut, causing dysbiosis. Here's the big thing. It's killing off bacteria that we need to make neurotransmitters for our brain. It affects this and it affects this brain.
Oh, what's our solution? More and more antidepressants. More and more psychotropic drugs trying to deal with anxiety. We have kids on these things. Kids are taking Adderall. It's exploding. This is a nightmare. Ancient healing is the key. How do we fix it? Once your gut's destroyed, this is not right. We bring them through these fasts. Sometimes, series of fasts, Warren, where we do this twice a month. Four days, maybe twice a month. Maybe ten days once a month. Whatever it is. It's typically applied specifically for the condition that we're looking at. Again, we're here training doctors on this stuff, and how to do these ancient healings.
You're probably getting excited, because sometimes you're on the business side of things and you forget how amazing it is what we teach these doctors to do.
Yeah, it is amazing. Everything that Dr. Pompa's sharing with you is stuff that you've told me to do. I've had massive results in my health and my life. Some of the new protocols—I have goals every year in my health. Guys, one of the biggest—
Dr. Pompa:
You've kicked butt this year.
Yeah, I kicked butt. Still, I have my weaknesses with managing stress, because I love to do—
Dr. Pompa:
That's the last frontier.
Yeah, that's the last frontier for me. The health thing—last year I had some goals. Every year, I'm setting this health goals, and the reason why is Jon Butcher's program, which we'll send an email out promoting Jon Butcher's program here in May. Stay tuned in May and I'm going to share this with you. What I found in there is your health is the key category that, it affects every area of your happiness and your life. That's why I've been focusing there on some of these strategies. Mainly, the big one that got me last year, in 2014, was the block fast and intermittent fasting. The four-day fasting, the bone broth fasting—which is, I went viral on YouTube with that video with my daughter.
Dr. Pompa:
How to make the bone broth.
How to make the bone broth fast. I shared that with our audience, and it's been really powerful for me. It's going to be powerful for you. You have to apply these ancient healing strategies. It's simple, and it doesn't cost you much. It's amazing. We actually did it before. Joe McCullough does a great job. He has a great following, and he's doing a lot for wellness and the mission. He released it probably five years ago, but we recently, in 2014—so all these article are out there under intermittent fast. The reason I said that is we released it right before he did. We beat McCullough to the punch when it got hot in topics. First time, probably the only time, we'll beat Dr. Joe to the punch.
Go to our website. Type in “intermittent fasting.” At the top right hand corner, there's a search tool that says “search.” The little magnifying glass. Type in, “intermittent fasting,” “bone broth fasting.” You'll see some of these articles and some of the systems that we've used and, again, Dr. Pompa even uses with his most challenged patients.
Dr. Pompa:
The other thing we've utilized is whey water. Whey water has been used for thousands of years.
We've got to thank Jordan for that.
Dr. Pompa:
Its nickname is healing water. Hippocrates nicknamed, father of medicine nicknamed whey water. It's not whey protein, for those watching. It's this gold liquid that comes off when they make cheese. Beyond Organic's whey water is the one we use. You can tell them how to utilize that.
It's actually in most of the articles on how to find that product. Whey water is a perfect ratio of sodium potassium that matches the ratio at the cell. Again, you've got to get well, you've got to fix the cell. What it does is it keeps—again, people can do long whey water fast because again, it balances the electrolytes. Stock fasting, whey water fasting, typically four, ten days. These types of fasts are easy to do. The first couple days are rough, and then your hunger goes away. Just like water fast, people, after three days, aren't hungry, typically after two days on these types of fasts people aren't hungry.
Water fasting, stock fasting, whey water fasting, for most people, without supervision—
Stock's bone broth.
Dr. Pompa:
Bone broth and stock fasting—
Same, same.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and the whey water. Then, there is something called intermittent fasting daily. Intermittent fasting daily. Intermittent fasting is a block type of fast, which we just talked about. Days. What about if we did it every day? We do. It's one of the things that I do all the time, is that I go 16, 18 hours without eating. There's nothing new under the sun. This has been around—let's say in Europe, they're still doing this. Very few people eat breakfast. I know in this country, it's the 180°, is that breakfast should be the biggest meal and most important meal of the day. We're not with the way the rest of the world goes, by the way. We don't eat breakfast. We'll have just some regular coffee in the morning. Maybe hot tea.
With MCT oil and butter. Sometimes I do.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, just a little bit of that stuff. It doesn't break the fast. It's not enough.
I use that X-Factor butter stuff too, that you have.
Dr. Pompa:
Which one? Right, the X-Factor butter. I eat X-Factor butter every day, by the way. I love it. It's part of my first meal. Then I eat around maybe, 2:00, 3:00 in the afternoon as my first meal. Like you said, 16 to 18 hours.
Coffee with maybe some fats. Then eat around 2:00 to 3:00.
Dr. Pompa:
Yes. Then what I eat at 2:00 to 3:00 is, I typically just have a very light meal. Protein, X-Factor butter, maybe I'll do some whey protein. Again, if you have whey water, you can do that as part of that meal. The Amasai would be part of that meal. Very, very light meal. Sometimes, I'll put some seeds in a little thing and eat it, but a very small meal of fat and protein is basically what I'm eating.
Matter of fact, on last week's show, we talked about the ten things, ideas. Any of those ten would be appropriate for this meal. We did ten ideas, so watch last week's show. Then I eat a big dinner. That's key. You have to eat a massive dinner. Again, you can't cut calories by pushing food away. You have to cut calories by not being hungry, and that's a hormonal strategy. Once you become a very efficient fat burner, which we always teach our clients how to become, then you can go longer periods without food. You don't eat your muscle. Matter of fact, growth hormone goes up. You maintain your muscle. Your body feeds from its own fat.
One thing I always say, Warren. If you want to age slow, control what?
Insulin and glucose.
Dr. Pompa:
You got it.
Dr. Pompa:
Insulin and glucose. You control that the best, not by eating. You control it best by not eating. When your body's burning fat, your glucose levels are perfect. Growth hormone, through the roof. It's the best way to anti-age. Look at all of the research on anti-aging. There's really only one thing that really holds true under pressure. Under scientific scrutiny, I should say. That is diminished caloric intake.
Wait a minute. That doesn't work, because if you just push food away, you keep getting less and less and less and less, and you ruin your metabolism. Doesn't work to just say, “I'm not going to eat anymore.” Doesn't work. You have to be able to eat to full. The key is being very hormone sensitive at the cell, being a very efficient fat burner, hormonally. Now, when you don't eat, you're burning fat. Then you have to gorge at night. That's my point, because if you don't, your body will think it's starving. It'll start lowering its metabolism to stay alive. Right, then you have to eat less and less and less and less, and you literally get skinny-fat.
You can't cut calories unless you become this efficient fat burner. Doing it through these strategies that we're talking about is one of the ways to become an efficient fat burner. Fixing the cell, the 5R's, all of that's part of it. The key is, you become an efficient fat burner. I forget to eat sometimes, because my body's eating. It's eating at night. It's eating when I'm not eating. It's eating the fat and controlling glucose.
Then, eat a massive dinner, because if the body ever thinks it's starving—here's what happens. People think, “This is working, so I'm going to eat even less.”
Right, I'm going to lose more weight.
Dr. Pompa:
Nope, doesn't work. You have to eat the massive, gorging dinner, just like the Romans did.
It's so sad that calorie restriction is the way to lose weight. I hear that from educated people. I sent them the science, and they still calorie restrict. I don't believe it. They believe that that's in.
Dr. Pompa:
There's a reason.
All the shows that do it—”The Biggest Loser”—looter.
Dr. Pompa:
Looter. They're looters. They are stealing our lives, because these people get sick. They get hurt. They have to sign waivers. What they do to these people's bodies is just ridiculous.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, people would watch that show and say, “Yeah, but it works. Caloric restriction works.”
Look at their story later, most of the time. It's sad.
Dr. Pompa:
Here's the thing. It only works for a shot period of time, right? Then you just can't keep the madness going. You're going to break.
We should change the show.
Dr. Pompa:
You're exercising. You're burning calories, and you're eating less. Burning calories, eating less. Of course your body will start to feed from itself, but what does it do? It wants to survive, so it's lowering its metabolism, lowering its metabolism. You see they get stuck at a certain weight. They don't ever look like us in the end. They get stuck, and then they give in, because their body's instinct of survival says, “Eat! Eat, eat, eat!” It's not fixed. That's the point. What happens? Then they blow back up, and they ruin their metabolisms.
And their hormones, and their health. They may have lost weight, but they have a bigger chance of a heart attack now than before.
Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. Look, the key to living longer is eating less. How do you eat less without caloric restriction? You have to fix the hormones. You have to fix the cell. You have to become—
You've got to do step one before step two.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. The old adage of eating six meals a day. Look, does it work? Yeah. It's just like caloric restriction. It works because people will maintain their muscle and not eat their muscle, so it keeps their metabolism up just enough that they can lose some weight. You want to age fast? Eat six meals a day. You're going to age faster. Every time you eat, you're firing up the cells' mitochondria. You're making energy. Your body has to deal with it.
Has to go through digestion.
Dr. Pompa:
Your telomeres are going—that's the biological clock that ages you. You're aging fast. That's the bottom line. That's the problem. The less you eat, the longer you live. You can't eat less pushing food away. You have to eat less because literally, your body knows how to burn fat so efficiently that it burns your fat, maintains your glucose levels. You don't get hungry, because my body's eating. It's not telling me to eat. When people—and this is key. When people, and this is most Americans, at the cellular level, they do not have the hormonal ability to become an efficient fat burner. What happens? They have to rely on sugar for energy.
Therefore, your body has two choices. Eat its muscle, which it doesn't want to do, because it knows it needs it for fight or flight survival, or give you a craving you can't resist. Which one does it do? Eventually, it gives you the craving you can't resist. All the diet failures you've had? It's not your fault. It's a hormonal, instinctive, surviving capability, and your body will eventually break down and make you eat the bread or pasta. It's typically not the candy bar. It's the bread or pasta. That is why people fail.
It's so funny. People say to me, “Warren, I could never stop eating bread. I love bread.” Your hormones tell you that you love bread, and your dopamine receptors tell you that you love bread, but really, it's not the best choice, obviously.
Dr. Pompa:
If you've failed on diets in the past, if you still have carb cravings, bread cravings, all those cravings, your cell is not right.
That's a good way. You don't need to do the test.
Dr. Pompa:
It's showing that you, hormonally, are not efficient at burning fat at the cellular level. That's a hormone issue. We are very efficient at hearing our hormones. Our cells hear our hormones. Hormones like Leptin, that tell your brain to burn its fat for energy. Hormones like insulin, that tell your cells to burn fat for energy and not store fat. We're very efficient, and our cells are very sensitive to the hormones. The reputation—the epidemic, I should say—look at this cute little piece of paper—
While you're drawing this, I think we should create a new show.
Dr. Pompa:
What's the show?
The show should be, not “The Biggest Loser.” When we do have a TV show, we'll call it—what do you call it? “The Biggest Healthy.” I don't know. Let's get people healthy and not just think about weight loss.
Dr. Pompa:
Here's your cell. Then, this is inflammation. This is what most Americans have. They're taking all sorts of vitamins, minerals—
Ignore the Westin logo, because that's not part of the cell.
Dr. Pompa:
We're allowed to help them. Okay, so anyways, this inflammation blunts these receptors. I'll put the receptors on both sides. These receptors here, these are the hormone receptors that need to speak to insulin, Leptin, and let me throw another fat hormone out there. I just mentioned three. There's insulin, which we know that if insulin's out here, elevated, you're going to store fat. Thyroid hormone. If that's not connected to these receptors, because, see, they're blunted, over here, they're going to have trouble getting their message in, you gain weight, and it doesn't matter what you eat. Leptin's the hormone that tells your brain to burn fat for energy. If that can't connect to these receptors, you gain weight. It does not matter how much you eat or how less you eat, how much you exercise, you're still going to keep that fat roll in all the wrong places.
How do we do it? We have to get your cell hearing these hormones. When we get your cell sensitive, now you become an efficient fat burner. Now you go, “Oh, I didn't eat?” Your body is eating. It's eating the fat.
I hear you now.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. See that? He can hear me. Here's the modern medicine, Warren. What do we do today? We give more hormones. Let's give more thyroid. Let's give more insulin. Let's give more estrogen, testosterone, all these hormones. That works for a little bit.
Now you're screaming at me.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, now you're shouting at it.
You're hurting my ears.
Dr. Pompa:
You're throwing more hormones at it, but what happens? You become more deaf.
My daughter wasn't listening to me.
Dr. Pompa:
Your cells—exactly. Your cells become more deaf to the hormones. Doesn't hear it. Blocked off. It's not the answer. Short term. Eating more often, like six times a day? Short term. Reducing calories? “Not going to eat any more. I'm going to make it. I'm going to do it. I'm disciplined now, boy.” That'll work for a month, maybe.
80's Protestant work ethic.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, if you're really disciplined and work for a month. No, it's here. The cell. The cell's the answer.
Anyways, ancient healing strategies, fasting, intermittent fasting, and fasting daily, pushes your hormones up, by the way. Growth hormone. Testosterone. Makes you more hormone sensitive. It's some of the strategies that we use. Diet variation is one of our ancient healing strategies, and please—
Got an article on that, too.
Dr. Pompa:
We're running out of time here, but read the article on diet variation. It's as simple as this. I believe our ancestors, we can learn a lot. They went times where—diet changed with the seasons. In the wintertime, they were forced to survive on meats and fats. They could store it. It was something they were able to store and hunt.
Fermented foods.
Dr. Pompa:
Fermented foods. They didn't have all the vegetables and the fruits and the nuts and the seeds that came up in the spring. By springtime, they were so sick of the meats and the fats and all those other low-carb—
I'm sure they stole some nuts from squirrels. They'd sit in the woods, and they'd watch where the squirrel would put the nuts, and then they'd steal the—
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, maybe. Small amounts, though, small amounts. Even the amount of fermented vegetables that they had stored up. Sickening.
Did you ever watch “Ice Age,” where they're chasing the squirrel with the one nut?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely.
That's what I would do. I'd go after that—
Dr. Pompa:
That one nut, yeah. That one carbohydrate! What happens, then, in the spring? There come the fruits and vegetables.
Here comes the mushrooms.
Dr. Pompa:
Diet varying. Now, all of a sudden, they went from an extremely low carbohydrate diet to a higher carbohydrate diet.
Dr. Pompa:
I was going to say. In today's standards, that will still be a low carb diet. They call low carb diets 200 grams of carbohydrates a day a low carb diet. To us, that's a higher carb diet. Standards of when you look at studies on low carb diets—200 grams of carbohydrates. I don't get that on my high carb days.
Anyways, they moved to a higher carbohydrate diet. There's massive benefit in this. Then they shift back. The shifting diet variation, I believe, works. We do that when we put people into ketosis. Another ancient healing strategy. Ketosis has been around, again, for thousands of years. Ancient cultures. Even in the 1920's, they used it medically, to fix brains.
What is ketosis? Dropping your carbs down to at least below 50 grams a day. Articles on ketosis, two articles that I wrote. What happens is magic. The cell can only use two things for energy, sugar or fat. When it uses fat, fat burns so clean. It's like natural gas burning on your stove. Do you see smoke? No. Burn wood, you need a chimney and a fireplace, because there's so much smoke. That's sugar. Sugar's the wood. The fat is the natural gas. Clean burning.
When we put people into ketosis, the cell membrane heals. Back to making your hormones sensitive. Ketosis can do that. It can help fix this membrane, because you're burning a cleaner energy in the cell. When you do that, what happens is you're not driving inflammation.
Warren, if you and I did eat sugar, our cells, they can handle it, and they don't create the inflammation. Our body's designed to burn the smoke, and we have good chimneys. We have a way to get rid of it.
Yeah, if we didn't have good chimneys, we would be staining our walls with black soot. We wouldn't be able to breathe, and we would have a bad day.
Dr. Pompa:
Many people, they don't have good chimneys in the United States. What happens is, they burn glucose and they make a lot of mess. Then they get a lot more inflammation. If we can get them to burn natural gas, right, fat for energy, shift them over—because when you go into a ketosis state, your body now is burning mostly fat for energy, and burning a cleaner fuel. Now we're able to decrease the inflammation in the cell long enough to help all our other nutrients and supplements and things we're giving to actually work. I call it an advanced cellular healing diet for that reason.
We know also, ketones is the byproduct of breaking fat down. The brain heals with ketones. That's why, in the 1920's, they did it for seizures and, really, all types of brain conditions. Ketones fix this. You know it takes about two or three weeks to get into that, your cells to where it is this fat burning machine. It takes about two or three weeks to adapt. We call it keto-adaptation. You know when you adapt, because the first thing that changes is people's memory.
Yeah, I can memorize—and I'm about ready to go into ketosis again, I think, when I get back from this seminar. I did the opposite of most people, because I like to use it for cycling.
Most people go into ketosis over the winter.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. I flipped it. I went into a—still low carb diet. I would call it my regular cellular healing diet, is what I'm eating currently. Then, in about a month, I'm going to go into ketosis again for three months. That variation is amazing. I really came to this discovery, if you will, and started talking about diet variation, because I had people who aren't able to go into that ketosis. Four months, and they're still not in.
I said, “Okay, let's go back to the Cellular Healing Diet. Lower carb diet, but much higher than ketosis. Maybe 100 grams to 200 grams of carbohydrates a day. That diet is where they started. Now, all of a sudden, they go onto that diet, and they lose some weight. It doesn't continue, but they lose weight, and they go, “Oh my gosh, I feel better.” I say, “Great, because we're not going to stay here. The same thing's going to happen. You're going to get stuck. Then we bring them back into ketosis and magic happens. All of a sudden, they get right in, at three weeks, into ketosis. What happened? I don't know. Diet variation. Adaptation occurred. Something hormonally happened.
A different type of stress.
Dr. Pompa:
Something hormonally happened. Right. We stressed the body differently. Adaptation occurred. Stressed the body differently. Adaptation occurred. Something magical happened, to where diet variation, I believe, is another ancient healing tool that we love to talk about.
This is an awesome show. It's created some good questions that you have. You can always write us on our Facebook fan page. We have one—Revelation Health. We have Dr. Pompa's fan page. We have people that monitor that weekly. Also, you can reach out to us by writing on these articles that we have. The ketogentic diet articles, search that. Then, write comments. We monitor that daily. It gives us a message right away and lets us know that you're reaching out to us. We can definitely have a conversation with you online.
Dr. Pompa:
This would be a great article.
Cellular Healing TV, episode 61.
Dr. Pompa:
This would be a good article, here. Ancient healing strategies. Yeah, very good.
Alright, appreciate you guys. Have a great rest of your weekend or your start of your weekend, on a Friday.
Dr. Pompa:
Remember this. This is the key. Listen. Be a three percenter. Remember, those are the people that change the world. To do it, you've got to go 180°.
Go 180°, guys.
Dr. Pompa:
Go 180°. Be a 3%er.
Live opposite. Get it done. Blessings. Take care. Have a great weekend. Bye-bye.